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🧵 Untitled Thread

Low Poly No. 992953

Use this as a place to help rebuild after the great purge /3/

I autisically save everything so hopefully I can help give back to a board that I love on this god-forsaken Mongolian basket weaving site

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Anonymous No. 992957

I saved some of the lowpoly wafiu stuff so here is at least a pic of that. If someone wants to try to rebuild that as well, use this thread for whatever.

last one >>
( i legit don't know how to link things so fuck it)

Mecha No. 992970



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Anonymous No. 993019

That could be handy for my low-poly HK416 attempt

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Anonymous No. 993023

Anonymous No. 993043

Did you save any of the material nodes on the thread that was complaining about the new eevee?

Anonymous No. 993046


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Anonymous No. 993048

do people want more of these? i have a lot

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Anonymous No. 993093

Yeah go for it.

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Anonymous No. 993094

Anonymous No. 993127

Did you draw or bake the texture?
Is it generally easier to draw from 0 or bake / edit for this sort of style?

Anonymous No. 993154


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Anonymous No. 993156

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Anonymous No. 993163

>1.8k tri basemesh

Anonymous No. 993190

what a gem that was

Anonymous No. 993375

what the fuck, the texturing on her is amazing.

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Anonymous No. 993481

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Anonymous No. 993551

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Anonymous No. 993569

reposting my goober Strega because I can.

Anonymous No. 993622

any example for a guy character?

Anonymous No. 993626

so japanese low poly is just planes, cubes and cylinders with 4-6 edges.

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Anonymous No. 993671

how do i get gud?

Anonymous No. 993696

How many polys is considered low poly? I keep trending toward 700-ish tris whenever I model a person (I'm pretty new to modeling fyi)
I know that some n64 games were around that # of tris for the main character but idk if that counts if you did that for even minor characters, it seems more like gc tier or something

Anonymous No. 993754


Anonymous No. 993755

Anyone know of any artists with similar work to this one? (I forgot this artist’s name Priichuu or something)

Anonymous No. 993775

No definitive answer to that, each case depends on the complexity of what you're trying to model and what kinda look you're trying to go for. N64 mario and a character from MGS Peace Walker are both considered low poly, but the later has at least twice the tris.

If you're trying to replicate the visuals of a particular game / era, go download some of its models and aim for similar number of polys. Otherwise just find something similar to what you're tryng to make, keep whatever details you can to the textures, cut the geometry that doesnt affect the silhouette and you should be good.

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Anonymous No. 993779

>the great purge /3/
Wait, what the fuck happened? I stopped browsing last year when that one retard spammed the catalog and basically killed a ton of good reference threads.

Contributing to low poly greatness.

Anonymous No. 993787

Mods somehow fucked up and wiped about 19 boards, /3/ included.

Anonymous No. 993814

the different resolution on the eyelids compared to the eyes makes me mad
actually the differing resolution all over the model is kind of aids

Skvll !!+wHP/bHIpmB No. 993818

Would you mind showing the UVs? I'm curious about how you've unwrapped her.

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Anonymous No. 993819

Anonymous No. 993821

PS1 range from 240 Tris for Lara 1 to nearly 800 Tris for Crash ('cheated' via untextured poly) with Spyro being at 430 or something - so that's your "bottom" limit. Where you place the upper limit is up to personal preference and is guaranteed to spark a fight.
Just pick whatever "old" console you consider to have the sweet spot in model quality vs polycount, and use that as (you)r range.

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Anonymous No. 993835

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Anonymous No. 993836

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Anonymous No. 993838

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Anonymous No. 993839

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Anonymous No. 993840

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Anonymous No. 993841

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Anonymous No. 993842

Anonymous No. 993864

woah who's the artist

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Anonymous No. 993873

I have officially leveled up from "cannot model at all" to "as good as cris" in about a week. Hopefully next week I'll be competent. :)

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Anonymous No. 993875


Anonymous No. 993906

Cris on suicide watch

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Anonymous No. 993916

Some quick touch ups and I think it's actually reasonably presentable now :) I will improve from here

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Anonymous No. 993917


Anonymous No. 993997


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Anonymous No. 994119

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Anonymous No. 994143

anyone know how this vertice modelling method works? I've never really seen anyone use it for low poly. not sure if there's a specific name for the workflow

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Revised Model.webm

Anonymous No. 994144

My new topo any good? I feel that the textures being scuffed as hell made me seem more ngmi than I otherwise intend to present myself.

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Anonymous No. 994145

another vid from hoolopee. I wish one of the experts at low poly like heinn here >>993840
or this guy would release an actual course or at least a full length video on their character workflow
I've got no fucking clue how the people doing shit like 256fes or this work their magic
texturing is a bit of a mystery too; I know how to do it technically, but I'm never sure what order to texture things. start with base color, add detail, then fake the shadow and light? no clue

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Anonymous No. 994201

trying to do the 256fes thing, fuck me this is painful even with a reference. dropping this shit

Anonymous No. 994221

this webm is great
where di d you get it?

Anonymous No. 994223

yeah it looks pretty good.

Anonymous No. 994242

Sculpt it then retopo to low poly, chuddy.

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Anonymous No. 994249

hoolopee twitter

sounds retarded and I doubt even something like quad remesher would get me to 256 tris and still look good

Anonymous No. 994252


damn, goes to show it's all about the texture work

Anonymous No. 994254

>hoolopee twitter

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Anonymous No. 994256

yeah. I'm unironically giving up on this style, can't texture for shit and that's the most important part

Anonymous No. 994264

>quad remesher
You retopo it manually. It will always work.

Anonymous No. 994266

would rather smash my dick with a hammer than do manual retopo

Anonymous No. 994270

>troons do not want to retopo their own 250 polys anime girls
damn you are all lazy. there are people retopoing 200k characters. also part of a properly topoed mesh are correct edgeloops and placement which your AI cannot do. your animations will look like shit. nothing beats manual retopo for best optimization.

Anonymous No. 994279

Bro most of it is literally just putting highlights on object edges, it's really easy shit to do.

Anonymous No. 994280

Quad Remesher isn't an AI dingus, it's a port of Zremesher to multiple different applications by the original developer. You can also use materials to guide it's flow so that it puts the edge loops where you want them to go among other things.

It's still really not necessary for this kind of thing though. you'd be way better off with Retopoflow or any of the other tools that make manual retopo a breeze.
Why would you even need to sculpt and retopo for a low poly mesh in the first place?

Anonymous No. 994286

Do it anon, it's challenging for a reason, a lot of Anons here think that low poly is shit and easy, but it's not and definitely you can learn a lot making those restrictive challenges

Anonymous No. 994287

Hey apple faggot glad to see you back
Nice textures

Anonymous No. 994288

Even with guides, it's shit. I used le zremesher when I was a noob but then just put it off and manually retopo every single mesh I make because it's simply superior with 100% control and efficiency. Your models will look visually better when you place down the topology yourself.

Sculpting the high poly will give you a secure guide to retopology on

Anonymous No. 994289

Lear to render properly your models

Anonymous No. 994290

+ normal maps baking

Anonymous No. 994292

Low poly + pixel art if I can make pixel art, yes or no?

I like this

Anonymous No. 994304

Yeah, low poly is quite easy so go for it.

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Anonymous No. 994334

Practiced by making a mech. Not sure that I like the design overall but good that I was able to finish this in only an hour.

Thanks bruder

Anonymous No. 994345

fast improvement, keep practicing

Anonymous No. 994361

how do you paint texture at 30sec?

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Anonymous No. 994362

Another test

Thanks :)

Anonymous No. 994371

Looks nice

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Anonymous No. 994376

Low poly of an old OC

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Anonymous No. 994377


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ashbie squirrel.png

Anonymous No. 994459

looks cool

Anonymous No. 994519

I was considering doing low poly for a VN like game and cutting pose to pose keyframes (like phoenix wright). Then I looked at the credits list and the game had 40+ animators. So it seems even if I were to do 6-8 characters and each with a set of 15-20 expressions, it seems like it's something you'd need a crapton of people for.

Anonymous No. 994524

depends on how much work you´re going to put in the models mostly, what you´re planning doesn´t sound like something you´d need more than a single person for

Anonymous No. 994525

I guess best thing I can do is just try making one character/background and see how long it takes. I dig story games but I wanted to try to do something a little more than standard rpgmaker, and instead something more like crow country/coffin in terms of the small stage floating in a black void.

Anonymous No. 994557

What's wrong with her face?
The model looks good, but her/his face looks really off

Anonymous No. 994568

you have to go back

Anonymous No. 994574

The gender is unknown at this time, chud.

Anonymous No. 994596

Don't pay attention to this guy's stuff he made meme models so he could get traction to sell NFTs

Anonymous No. 994603

Because I don't know what the fuck is that, maybe it's supposed to be a troon? That's why I asked

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fe queen.png

Anonymous No. 994618

I love making beautiful women

Anonymous No. 994620

Pretty sure real low poly models had varying texel density too

Anonymous No. 994626

they do, but this one is a pretty awful example

Anonymous No. 994649

Do a girl with giant tits

Anonymous No. 994650

Yeah you didn't really notice it in old games cause everything is rendered at a low resolution.

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mecha test 2.webm

Anonymous No. 994672

Just kind of phoned this one in at the last minute because I took so long (irl stuff got in the way) so I'm gonna keep practicing with probably some organic stuff next


Anonymous No. 994677

wish i knew how to handpaint

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quad remesher test.png

Anonymous No. 994678

I know I originally disagreed with you, but I bought quad remesher and the sculpt into low poly thing actually seems to work quite well
this is an extreme case since a limit of 256 tris for the 256fes challenge thing is very strict, but still, not bad for just pressing a button. pretty sure I can vertex paint to tell it where to keep detail as well
I'll look into doing it manually too

Anonymous No. 994683

2d wins again

Anonymous No. 994696

So how are you doing now that the NFT market is dead and your chibis aren't as popular as you hoped?

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Anonymous No. 994784

Made a generic big guy the simplest way I could: just separate blocks for the chest, waist/hips, upper arms, lower arms, upper legs, lower legs, hands, feet, neck, and head. Anywhere that would move so that I can use it as a test model for rigging without worrying as much for anything else. I'm not sure I like it in the end but hey, it looks like a big guy. Annoyed that it ended up being 1k tri though, lmao.

Anonymous No. 994786

he's a big guy

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Anonymous No. 994791


Anonymous No. 994819

You can clean a lot of polys that don't change the shape so much. Easily you can cut half of the polys on that 3d model

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Anonymous No. 994868

You're absolutely right. Got it down to like 600 here, and I'm chalking the extras up to me not splitting the hands and keeping a few extra. Also finally learned that alt+m1 is a shortcut to select a loop, which is so much better than the autistic way I had been doing it before (m1, then ctrl+m1 on the other side, then ctrl+m1 on the one nearest the first that it didn't select, and having to make sure its shortest path wasn't dumb, lol)
the ability to slam your head into a wall and just do things is so much more useful to learning blender than I ever expected

Anonymous No. 994869

down to 528 after fixing the feet and hands but not apparent enough diff to post

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overcoat girl.png

Anonymous No. 994876

and finishing off the night with a character design early version that I'm going to get my wife to help me make the texture for. Obviously modified from my earlier female model. Heard using bases was common, so...

Anonymous No. 994921

Nice, it looks more clean now

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overcoat girl2.png

Anonymous No. 994943

cleaned up and added the arms that I uh forgot lmao, just need to uv map now I think

Thanks :)

Anonymous No. 994944

>the arms
oh if it wasn't clear she's meant to have her arms in the jacket and NOT the sleeves, hence why I forgot them before and why they look so flaccid. Not sure if the model itself suggests that, I figure once animated it'd be more obvious.

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Anonymous No. 994949

found a decent blogpost on artstation that goes over a low poly workflow for pic related. it's not 256fes, but still low enough to be PS
also the only one I've seen that uses a sculpt first and then retopos over it, not something I usually see for low poly

Anonymous No. 994954

That's some really good stuff. I suspect the reason he sculpts then retopos despite it being low poly is primarily because of the more exotic angles being somewhat abstract to rough out using just extruding and moving - it helps give it that sharp and angled look he's so proud of. Good stuff.

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Anonymous No. 995004

I keep trying to abuse triplanar mapping / PBR. also figured out how to bake ambient occlusion
I used the mirror modifier to mirror the UVs and get more space, but it looked silly having the same rust patterns being equal on both sides, and the stretched AO looked awful so I had to use Smart UV Project, making even less space for the texture
need to find a way to do the edge wear thing so it's not just rust all over the place with no rhyme or reason
tried following this but it didn't work and he didn't even explain how to set it up with textures
also all of this would probably be x5 easier in Substance Painter huh

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Screenshot (726).png

Anonymous No. 995008

sorta figured it out but it looks like shit

Anonymous No. 995013

No, it doesn't, maybe with the texture it can be more noticeable

Anonymous No. 995014

I just finished making a uv for it so I guess we'll see how it goes once the texture is ready.

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Screenshot (734).png

Anonymous No. 995017

straight up just do not understand how to texture like this
I've seen some devs have perfectly straight UV islands like Vagrant Story, but very little idea of how they did it without everything being stretched to shit
if I had to guess, the UVs were exported from here and painted in whatever using a pixel art approach so everything would be straight, but idk much more than that

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Screenshot (736).png

Anonymous No. 995021


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Anonymous No. 995025

give this a try

Anonymous No. 995027

the low res isn't the issue, that's part of the style, it's just that it's an uneven mess on the mesh itself even if I straighten the UV

Anonymous No. 995030

i didn´t mean the resolution, but to use the color grid to preview the stretching and density

Anonymous No. 995098

>only having half of a texture and mirroring it via UV

Anonymous No. 995100

Cops don't deserve more than half face

Anonymous No. 995104

...this is just... the thing everyone does? don't waste space on full unique sides, just add assymetrical details with decal polygons or modelled sections. We do this even in modern games.

Anonymous No. 995112

uh oh leftard melty

Anonymous No. 995116

90% of people who jerk off low poly games have never touched 3d or gamedev software

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tf2 leaked textures.png

Anonymous No. 995135

most people don't do that actually, as the storage saved isn't worth the effort of optimizing the UVs. Picrel; they had already stopped doing this as early as the seventh gen, probably earlier.

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1280x960 finished.png

Anonymous No. 995188

tried making a low poly environment, kinda hellish and not fun at all really. high res shot just you can see the detail

Anonymous No. 995201

Bit hellish but I find it comfy and melancholic, sort of Morrowind vibes

Anonymous No. 995206

Not hellish at all, I would definitely live there, I love the aesthetics btw

Anonymous No. 995210

Maybe this is just to support alternative (possibly modded) skins, with stuff like pirate eye patch, monocle, etc.

Anonymous No. 995215

That particular example was from a source leak, and they never included a feature like that in that particular game. It's just common practice now.

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Anonymous No. 995229

Kind of a case by case scenario, in dota for example a lot of guys are fully mirrored and the faces have a bit more texel density, but they'd never be seen on screen as much as a tf2 character

Anonymous No. 995267

>as the storage saved isn't worth the effort of optimizing the UVs.

More like the extra dev time isn't worth the money.

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Anonymous No. 995306

I suppose in a roundabout way both say the same thing.

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Anonymous No. 995607

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Anonymous No. 995611

Anonymous No. 995612

how does this work

Anonymous No. 995615

renderbaking detail from a high poly mesh. you'd be amazed how little geometry you can get away with and it still look good.

Anonymous No. 995620

looks like ai generated garbage

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Anonymous No. 995823

Anonymous No. 995887


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Anonymous No. 995941

I've tried low poly.
Any retard guides for rigging and weight painting? Clothes clips through body. Accessoires are bending when I pose the character. I have to weight paint everything after I autorigpro?

Anonymous No. 996029

Really cute model
It looks weird, looks like a blob with AI projected on top.
If it's not ai you should try to work on the shape first

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Anonymous No. 996312

brb gonna kms

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Anonymous No. 996543

took a break, came back to it and realized I kinda hate this stuff
only took about 30 minutes but that probably shows. I feel like texture filtering hides a lot of texture shoddiness. that on top of modern lighting is probably my best bet, might be able to emulate a Max Payne or late 90s early 00s PC game look

could likely drastically lower the triangle count with the hands, removing the individual fingers and nails
with the teeth yo could use a plane with maybe 3-4 edges to curve it and then just put the teeth in as a texture on said plane. good job overall though

Anonymous No. 996548

I found a Japan only book about modeling in the 2000s yes it has low poly. But i wont share it with you guys because you're rude to me

Anonymous No. 996549

will you please show it to me I've never been rude to you (unless you're cris)

Anonymous No. 996559

are you the guy who asked how much a commission for this character would be on the vrchat subreddit?

Anonymous No. 996574

eh? fuck no, I don't use vrchat. my friend forced me to play it once and it was the most autistic piece of shit I ever endured

Anonymous No. 996593

funny you mention poly count, the original model i was copying for practice was 1386 and i still dont know where the fuck those 200 tris are supposed to be

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Clerk Automatons.webm

Anonymous No. 996794

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Anonymous No. 996866

......he uses midjourney AI for the texturing

Anonymous No. 996868

I actually really like this workflow, been photobashing shit for years anyways now I can just do it vaguely more efficiently and nobody will know unless you tell them

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 996902

what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 997114


On the subject- a technical spec in the way the dreamcast's 3d architecture was designed made mirrorable (single or both axis) texture maps, and consequently: UV maps and the poly models themselves- All revolving around the way dreamcast happened to leverage that type of artwork, giving the devs in exchange better performance and faster development speed. It was probably interesting to be a dev at that time, to be put in a corner and having dreamcast come up to you, shoves you, spits at you and says in a cave man voice "you. make. art. like this now. me mirror. me mirror for you now. you make mirror art now.." with mirroring textures a big part of the pipeline for artists across the whole team. The results of that technical specification, giving a developer performance/convenience benefits in exchange for free mirror-centric art. a cool perspective to think about

Anonymous No. 997115

>The Dreamcast's 3D processor has a mode that can mirror textures. It's not on an arbitrary location, but whenever the texture repeats. This can be done on one or both axis of the texture. It is exactly equivalent to the following in OpenGL:

So if this is your entire texture:

Instead of repeating it and getting

It will mirror it each time it repeats and you can get

Anonymous No. 997229

Are there any free/lightweight programs that can be used to animate low poly stuff other than Blender? [spoiler]I'm still using a Windows 8 computer so I can't use the new version with updated UI[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 997230

too busy learning blender animation myself to look into it now, but apparently this thing is fully free now?you could always try torrenting it anyways

Anonymous No. 997247

looks interesting and has really low system requirements, thanks anon!

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Anonymous No. 997582

back again and finally worked on a new model, made another dino like >>994362 but I think with a bit better topo. I think... practicing again after all.

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Anonymous No. 997584

The artist (@priichu) has some other more masculine but mostly androgynous models
Some refs I've grouped with Priichu:

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Anonymous No. 997618

fuck it, i give up. I´ll give it a proper rig then try to redo it again

Anonymous No. 997620

Animation is a bit robotic
In my experience, this can be easily fixed by slightly moving each and every bone from frame to frame, even if slightly so

Anonymous No. 997825

Artist? Have any more? Wireframe? Love this style.

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Anonymous No. 997861

google exists

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scientist girl.png

Anonymous No. 998157

made a much lower poly model. Not sure how I feel about it... Idk. I'll sleep on it.

Anonymous No. 998554

Cool, thanks man

Anonymous No. 998623


Anonymous No. 998706

aI iS bAd, I hAtE Ai,
grow up cuck it's a tool, if you chose not to use it you can only blame yourself for falling behind.
This is a cool workflow

Anonymous No. 998757

why are you aifags always so touchy?

Anonymous No. 998785

they recognize deep down they will never be an artist or feel the joy of true creation, getting called out by real artists genuinely feels like being splashed with cold water, triggers the fuck out of their impostor syndrome

Anonymous No. 998810

You are the tool, ai is the artist
Get it right.

Anonymous No. 998812

>grow up cuck
insane projection

Anonymous No. 998942

how do you create animated texture like with the eyes here?