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🧵 cris 3D general.

Anonymous No. 993271

New cris general.

Anonymous No. 993273

I'm so tired of seeing his bullshit I hope he fucking dies

Anonymous No. 993297


Anonymous No. 993335

you're simply jelly of cris mastering multiple skills.

Anonymous No. 993355

I jej'd

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Anonymous No. 993357

I need to finish this 3D model, but I'm happy it looks good.

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Anonymous No. 993368

Anonymous No. 993371

that doesn't look Cirs levels of terrible, good job, now improve the face, which is good, so double down on it, and stop baking the reflections on the hair

Anonymous No. 993372

I will use a flat shader.

Doing the whole autismo of setting up a more complex shader is not worthwhile when I can bake everything in the texture like if it were a 2D paint.

Much simpler to make.

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Anonymous No. 993419

today progress.

Anonymous No. 993427


Anonymous No. 993514

I like this better than >>993368
Cool modeling anon! I'd put her in my RPG party.

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Anonymous No. 993527

Your reign has come to an end Cris. I have come to usurp you.

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Anonymous No. 993554

more work today.

Anonymous No. 993673

you've been posting progress for years when are you posting something finished

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Anonymous No. 993703


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Anonymous No. 993771

I give up on gamedev.

Gotta do 3D renders or some shit for fun.

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Anonymous No. 993877

I'm back bitches.

Got something today.


Anonymous No. 993879

I thought you gave up on kaliina?

Anonymous No. 993939

what's the release date?

Anonymous No. 993952

My issue with kaliina is that I need to find the rest of the game.

Kaliina has solid combat, but I need to find the other modes.


Anonymous No. 994019

>but I need to find the other modes.
I suggest you limit your scope. Finish it as it is and just polish it then maybe later update it. Or make a sequel.

Anonymous No. 994044

Holy shit is this a spiritual successor to Chutes and Ladders?

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Anonymous No. 994423

I think I've mastered this style now.

Anonymous No. 994426

face elbows tummy needs some work, mostly the nose/mouth area on face. Hair and clothes actually is pretty good though. Just release a game already doofus.

Anonymous No. 994445

just how many schizo voices do you have in your head, cris?
what happened to your accompanamiento psicologico?
stoped your meds already?

Anonymous No. 994454

Nevertheless, he works on stuff and shares it, I actually respect him over the 70% of 'We're gonna lose our jobs', 'Blender is too hard', doomers over here.

Anonymous No. 994462

It's 15 years of a person's life down the drain for this >>993771 Have some respect for people.

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Anonymous No. 994463

19 years.

20 years will be in april 2025.

Anonymous No. 994497


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Anonymous No. 994500

43 melodies composed so far.
Need to reach 500.

Anonymous No. 994501

You're like the equivalent of those enlightenment age, but in current year and with profound mental retardation and 0 skill, could be worse though, at least you're being creative

Anonymous No. 994502

I only need to practice more.

Anonymous No. 994513

just 20 moar years, you got this

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Anonymous No. 994736

Reading on the divine proportion, chuds.

It seems that the universe is fractal, and our minds are simply a smaller fractal version of the one that generated the universe.

As such, we're simply fractal versions of the circle symbol that unites the entire universe, and we simply imitate genesis, to generate a smaller universe where we replicate the act of creation by God.


Videogames are nothing more but the imitation of the creation of genesis.
Gamedev is literally the closest we have invented to imitating the divine.

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Anonymous No. 995158

Found a book about mechanical devices and robots from 9th century.

Anonymous No. 995227

new melody chuds.

I'm improooving.


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Anonymous No. 995299

After a week of reading sacred geometry books.

I started to experiment with freezing water under sacred geometry.

Holy shit.
Magic is real.

Anonymous No. 995320


Anonymous No. 995456

what happened to the schizo who was competing with cris?

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Anonymous No. 995484

Hopefully today my harmony knowledge goes from poor to being able to imitate most music.

Anonymous No. 995692

meds withdrawal is real.
once you stop, you end up worse.

Anonymous No. 995701

Cris, you need to add Fanta to your "sacred geometry" there.

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Anonymous No. 995749

learning blockbench.

Anonymous No. 995848

retardo da vinci

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Anonymous No. 995851

I'd hardly call it a competition. Cris can't defeat me in open combat so he hides in his containment thread after talking shit.

Anonymous No. 995852

The only geometry that is sacred is good topology and bezier curves.

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Anonymous No. 995891

Starting to learn to use reference.

Anonymous No. 995898

everything you say makes you sound like an alien who just arrived on earth a few years ago and is treating artistic development as a loose arrangement of tasks that he has to report to his manager on his dailies and he is just making shit up so they don't catch on to the fact that he's only putting in a couple of hours of work a week and hasn't accomplished anything of relevance

Anonymous No. 995899

I'm training my skills.

Anonymous No. 995900

evidently you aren't

Anonymous No. 995901

I just need in a few days to do a work to practice seriously what I am practicing now.

Anonymous No. 995902

>replied within two minutes

Anonymous No. 995903

I'm having a lunch on my pc.

Anonymous No. 995905

Only now after a decade? I mean, I guess better late than never.


Anonymous No. 995932

It isn't just about using reference, Cris. It's about using the right kind of reference. The focal length of an image can completely change the proportions of something closer since it gets distorted. Same goes for lighting obscuring or overshadowing certain forms. Also if you use unreliable reference like someone elses drawing or Ai generated images you get anatomical inconsistincies.

Anonymous No. 995933

I'm still constructing the drawing as if I were drawing from imagination, thought.

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Anonymous No. 995984

need to test if chord progressions can produce similar results to sacred geometry.

Anonymous No. 996030

No, it's just new age nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 996031

Testing a new method of using a double pass with charactergen and

This is good for reference planes when modelling.


Anonymous No. 996037

do you ever get tired of being so fucking retarded? do you have moments of clarity where you realize how pathetic you are? do you even understand why you get the abuse you get here? do you think this is just friendly banter? why do you do it? why do you keep doing it?

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Anonymous No. 996038

because I'm used to people mocking me since I was in kindergaten.

My brain simply forgets 5 minutes later when someone insult or mock me.

Anonymous No. 996040

Cris, other people's opinions matter to an extent but the fact remains that you waste a lot of time and energy to produce stuff that is useless and somewhat disturbing.

Anonymous No. 996042

and why do people seem to be bothered with me wasting my time?

Anonymous No. 996043

In part because of empathy, in part because as I said, the stuff that you post is disturbing and it suggests that you may be attracted to minors.

Anonymous No. 996044

I'm not a normal person, retard.

may as well ask why a blind person would draw diferent shit to normies.

Anonymous No. 996045

Why are you mocking me?

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Anonymous No. 996046






nigga, you're talking shit pretending I'm like 15 and gonna be angry over 4chan comments.

Anonymous No. 996050

But you are angry. Because you have a lot of demons in you, Cris. When you publicly post crude drawn pictures of minors, that's a call for help. You're saying: "Please somebody help me get rid of my demons." Only Jesus can do that for you.

Anonymous No. 996051

nigga, I'm too old for faggots trash talking me every shit I post.

leave me alone.

Anonymous No. 996064

He is immune to all insults or injury; he has embraced his retardation as a superpower. Surely, he is an inspiration to us all.

Anonymous No. 996065


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Anonymous No. 996075





Anonymous No. 996078

How did you not know you could put another image into a blender texture?

Anonymous No. 996079

I never used blender texturing system.

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Anonymous No. 996081

bros, what the fuck.

blender is amazing.

I learned to texture using blender.

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Anonymous No. 996115

figured out stencil texturing.

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Anonymous No. 996116

I seriously don't enjoy drawing but don't want to use le goyslop asset store and dont have money to hire a real artist and AI is too unpredictable to be usefull.

Anonymous No. 996134

after 5 non stop days of composing a shit ton, I feel I've improved a fucking shit ton.


Anonymous No. 996197

Wow, this is actually a disturbing new level of AI slop.
Well done.

Anonymous No. 996204

Learning now vocabulary of motions.

hops, wall jumps, wall flips, swing jumps, flips, butterfly wheels, landing rolls, handrail crosses, normal jumps, long jumps, swing grabs, long jump rolls, rolls, vaults, precision jumps, balance cat jumps.

So far I learned these types of jumps.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 996205

Cris I genuinely think you are living proof that giving third worlders Internet access was a mistake.

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Anonymous No. 996222

I think I understood kicks.

Taekwondo kicks seem to be clean and fast and usually aim for the head.
Karate kicks seem to aim to the core and are more about flexing your knee then doing a whip strike.
Shaolin kicks seems to use their arm as support, similar to a roundkick with the arm in tekwondo.
Muay tai kicks seems more like roundkicks all around and seems to be more about raw strenght.
Sambo and Jujitsu seems to be more about using your arm as grabbing pivot to cause more damage to the oponent.
Krav maga seems to be more about kicking the balls, lol.

So far the main kicks seem to be front kick, side kick, back kick, roundkick, crescent kick, round hook, hook, push kick, knee, leg kick, swipe, jump kick, flash kicks, butterfly kicks, tornado kicks, split kicks, double and triple kicks.

But it seems the core kicks are front kick, leg kick, roundkick, back kick, round hook, push kick, knee, meanwhile the others are exibhition kicks.

Anonymous No. 996253

Finished learning punches.

So far there are.

Jab, hook, high jab, mid jab, cross block, long block, uppercut, back punch, mountain punch, kung fu jab, slip, cross, parry, low parry, slip hook, monk punch, hammer punch, knife punch, palm punch, shining shoes.

I know have a complete vocabulary of punches and kicks for my games.

Gotta now learn throws and submissions.

Anonymous No. 996255

flips are:

roll, flip, cartwheel, springs, butterfly kicks, 360 flip, 720 flip, side roll, back roll, kipup, bronto, armadas, 180 grab, 360 grab, suicide drop, side flip.

Anonymous No. 996264

Throws are leg throw, back throw, roll throw, knee throw, head choke throw.

Chokes are arm lock, leg lock, triangle choke, back choke.

Anonymous No. 996288

I'm curious as to what's his trauma with "chuds"

Anonymous No. 996289

>Muay tai kicks
one thing about them is that they use the lower leg bone as some kind of stick to hit with

Anonymous No. 996290

actually is interesting because muay tai tends to focus on using their knee as major contact point instead of their feet.

What I didn't knew was basically that the same single kick is given totally diferent focus in muaytai vs taekwondo vs karate.

Same with punches.
Boxing jabs look diferent from TKD vs the ones in karate.

It's kind of neat to know this and see some movie fight scenes.

Anonymous No. 996291

It's a fun word to use.

Anonymous No. 996293

Cris, the word "chuds" is strongly associated with the LGBTQIAP+ community in the sense that they're the only one who don't think it's cringe.
Cris, are you or do you aspire to be a member of such community?

Anonymous No. 996294

is a meme that not longer means the original sjw shit.

it just means a guy with the chud face that lurks too much pol.

Anonymous No. 996297

It's never been a meme and to me it just means "fuck jannies".

Anonymous No. 996298

is a meme on some boards like int.

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Anonymous No. 996299


Anonymous No. 996300

open your heart, cris, what happened between you and /pol/, don't you learn that we're all supposed to be brothers here, did you fall victim to the jewish D&C?

Anonymous No. 996301


I'm not a retarded pol idiot that believes in le nazi propaganda.
I just find pol memes funny.

Anonymous No. 996303

I don't lurk /pol/ anymore, but it is obvious that we need to remove the jewish banking mafia from the world's influence
that, if you think about it, makes us all brothers

Anonymous No. 996304

I used to be a chud during 2015, then I grew up from that shit.

Anonymous No. 996306

but anon, we're telling you, you're our borther, you're not our enemy, our enemy is the jewish banking mafia

Anonymous No. 996307

I'm just saying I not longer care about internet drama.

I just want to keep grinding my gamedev skills.

Anonymous No. 996308

>I just want to keep grinding my gamedev skills.
that's noble, just... you know why taunt us when you really aren't our enemy?

Anonymous No. 996309

because is fun to use chud memes.

Anonymous No. 996310

that's what the jews want, ;_;

Anonymous No. 996311

evil will be punished eventually.

It's not my personal fight.

Anonymous No. 996313

that's good enough for me

Anonymous No. 996315

Jesus will win eventually.
You gotta be patient.

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Anonymous No. 996316

Finished studying HEMA and Iado and fencing.

There's these types of sword attacks.

Slashes, cuts, touches, lunges, stabs and ripostes.

There's an upper motion, a side hook motion, a mid cut and the bottom leg cuts.

There's also parries, which are mid parries, upper parries and circular parry.
There's also upper block, leg block and mid block.

That's more or less what I understood from swords, katanas and sabres.

Anonymous No. 996317

jej, fuck you, they will enslave everyone, that's literally their plan

Anonymous No. 996318

they can't overcome the power of the creator.

Anonymous No. 996319

how ironic, that life for us and our family will be living hell, but everything is fine, for us just when we die, how convenient for the evil people in power, just die bro, everything is gucci after that let evil fuck you up

Anonymous No. 996320

suffering is just an illusion of the matrix.

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Anonymous No. 996333

Decided to record a reference video instead of having to animate this shit on blender.

I stay thinking because I was like trying to remmember which were the moves.

Could only got to basic punches, basic kicks, stances and guards and slashes.

Not autistic enough to try to do shit like more advanced moves.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 996345

This is sad.

Anonymous No. 996346

learn to have some fun anon.

Anonymous No. 996347

Are you pregnant? You should be careful not to injure the baby.

Anonymous No. 996348

just a bit out of shape, lmao.

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Anonymous No. 996349

You’re just jealous of his muscles. FYGOON BEWARE

Anonymous No. 996350

Also, do you have a law down there in Venezuela for driving scooters without an helmet, or you just don't bother and just do it?

Anonymous No. 996351

there are some laws that people dont give a shit.

Still a lot of people drive bikes with helmets.

Anonymous No. 996352


the chair nerd No. 996420

Jamundí is on fire. How's everything at home Cris?

Anonymous No. 996422

dunno, lol.

Anonymous No. 996457

you look like someone who has a job

Anonymous No. 996463

Why would you show your face to these degenerates? They now have some heavy artillery against you.

Anonymous No. 996464

>newfag doesnt know all the memes hilo latino made from my photos
nigga, hilo latino has my face since 2015.

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Anonymous No. 996466

Sickest burn. This would hurt my feelings.

Anonymous No. 996467

>hilo latino
I don't know who that is.

Anonymous No. 996468

the hispanic general on /int/

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Anonymous No. 996469

Cris your tyranny of this board will come to an end. Your crimes have gone on unpunished for too long.

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Anonymous No. 996498


Anonymous No. 996520

picking back up look alive, hopefully i havent completely forgotten what i learned in the first 3 chapters

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Anonymous No. 996537

I started to learn rendering chuds.

Gotta improve a lot now, timanthas.

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Anonymous No. 996658

getting better with my pixel art skills, plebs.

Anonymous No. 996661

Thou must learn how to light before thou learns to render.

Anonymous No. 996695

this is an improvement

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Anonymous No. 996715

give it 5 years
he'll start a thread on /ic/ saying "I have mastered lighting and shading, hawktuas blingy blingys!" with a crude picture of a red sphere being lit from the top left corner and casting a shadow in the void that he copied in 10m from lesson 1 in some random painting tutorial

Anonymous No. 996724

What the fuck is a hawktuas

Anonymous No. 996744


Anonymous No. 996789

wtf he read me like a book

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types of breast.png

Anonymous No. 996790

Spent the entire day looking at beast and discovered that actually there's types of breast shapes, nipples and aureolas.

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Anonymous No. 996819

worked on racial faces now.

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I kneel.webm

Anonymous No. 996820

>Spent the entire day looking at beast and discovered that actually there's types of breast shapes, nipples and aureolas.

Anonymous No. 996822

silvia saint's tits have made me appreciate the shape of her tits and disregard and trash every other shape of tit

Anonymous No. 996826

>It's like that one time when Leibniz and Newton discovered calculus at the same time. Some ideas are just in the human zeitgeist ready to be discovered by people, independently of one another.

Anonymous No. 996827

asian hair is like a straight line.
european hair is curly.
indian and central asian hair is like a S or slow sine curve.
black hair and polynesian is like an afro.
mexican and polynesian hair is like an S but much faster sine wave.
persian and middle east hair is like half straight but curly on the lower half.

European eyes are circular.
Asian eyes are almond shape.
Japanese and latino eyes are romboid.

Europeans have an L type of nose.
Black girls, latino girls, SEA girls, polynesian girls have an C type of nose.
Asian girls have a dot type of nose.

German and slavic girls have blue hair and blonde hair.
Finish girls have silver blonde hair with blue eyes.
Irish girls have skin dots and green eyes and red hair.
Latino girls have honey eyes.
Persian and arab girls have green eyes.
Indian, black girls have dark brown eyes.
Asian and dravidian girls have black eyes.

Dravidian girls have dark grey skin.
Western african girls have chocolate or black skin.
Eastern africans have lighter chocolate skin.
European girls have pink skin.
Mediterranean girls have olive skin.
Asian girls have porcelain color skin.
Latina girls have brown beige skin.
Non dalit indian girls have brown light skin.
SEA girls have light brown skin.

Anonymous No. 996830

>skin dots
those are called freckles

Anonymous No. 996855

how do you do that, do you have a tutorial?

Anonymous No. 996856

look up stencil brush on youtube.

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Anonymous No. 996881

took me the entire day to prompt this.

Anonymous No. 996888


Anonymous No. 996895

>starting to learn
you've already got 10 years+ of """""""learning""", faggot

Anonymous No. 996897

You only JUST discovered that? I learned it as soon as I discovered porn.

Anonymous No. 996900

this is actually kinda neat work cris.
definitely already better than 90% of /3/

Anonymous No. 996906

is very diferent to watch randomly something versus actually study and put effort into understanding.

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the chair nerd No. 996907

Missed a spot cris.

Anonymous No. 996908

I know about the burka thing.

but drawing all the muslims girls under a burka is kind of boring.

Anonymous No. 996921

it's too late now, I reported your post to the spirit of Bin Laden

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Anonymous No. 996955

Took me 2 days to make my own anime girl racial chart map.


Now my anime girls can be racially acurate.

Anonymous No. 996958

public display of autism like this should be punishable by law, even more so in shithole colombia.

Anonymous No. 996960

>cris's racially diverse loli harem

uoohh i kneel...

also rolling for loli #18. lets goo

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Anonymous No. 996990

Imagine if AI actually didnt suck.

Anonymous No. 996995

rolling (higher numbers roll over, let's see)

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Anonymous No. 997049

>racial chart
where did you get your info from? genuinely curious
because this >>996827 reads like a compilation of racist stereotypes
same for the tits chart. also did you find their ethnicities related to their breast shape in any way?

Anonymous No. 997050

do you know you can google a country women in google images?

Anonymous No. 997052

that's your sample? a simple google images search???

Anonymous No. 997053

I'm not making a scientific study for a journal, retard.

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Anonymous No. 997055

that's still overtly simplistic you dumb sperg
no wonder people here keep making fun of you
so I gather their breasts are whatever and you just spent the entire day watching porn. thanks for nothing you congolombian sperg

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Anonymous No. 997056

you're a retarded imbecile that is angry I want to improve in my anatomy skills.

And yes, I didn't claim to make a scientific analisis of world phenotypes like if I was making an encyclopedia.

And yes, a country can have a huge variety of phenotypes.

Retarded autist.

Anonymous No. 997057

Im not angry I pity you. even when you put some effort into things you still fail miserably

Anonymous No. 997058

I am not gonna make an autismo encyclopedia of phenotypes.


Anonymous No. 997059

you dont need to sign your own posts cris

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Anonymous No. 997060

I'm like tired because I need to take my nap, and this nigga is talking shit to my chart because he's not happy with it.

However this nigga wont make a better chart.

Nigga can only talk shit but wont make something better I can use.

Anonymous No. 997062

no, im not doing your job for you, you lazy cunt
and I didnt even mention your chart, your stupid info-gathering methods are just plain retarded

Anonymous No. 997063

nigga only talk shit the retard.

Anonymous No. 997064

learn proper english, turd worlder. maybe just then you would be able to search for the stuff you actually want instead of using jewgle images

Anonymous No. 997065

this nigga is emotionally angry.

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Anonymous No. 997076

Stand aside.
Cris. You are a worthy opponent. Stop hiding and face me. This board isn't big enough for the two of us.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 997097

Took the entire day to make a breast racial chart.


Anonymous No. 997105

cleopatra is a race?
>T0T in captcha

Anonymous No. 997106

when I googled egypt women, a lot of pictures were of cleopatra.

Anonymous No. 997119

What could you possibly gain from directly challenging the king of retards? Do you really want to be a bigger retard? Stop it.

Anonymous No. 997125


Anonymous No. 997150

Why are you prompting children, cris?

Anonymous No. 997152

because I didn't have by then the ass and breast tags to prompt adult women.

Anonymous No. 997154

now learn how giving them piercings affects them

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Anonymous No. 997159

I want power and infamy. Everyone on this board knows Cris. Even if they hate him and make fun of him it doesn't matter. He is a household name on /3/. I want to rule in hell if I must serve in heaven.

Anonymous No. 997160

You are nobody, Cris is the goat

Anonymous No. 997161

have you tried to make some OC instead of like being angry for dumb reasons?

Anonymous No. 997174

incredible that one man can spend so much time working in 3d and game design and somehow only show minimal improvement. what has it been? like 6 years of him posting here?

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Anonymous No. 997177

Correct. That is why he must be conquered and made to bend the knee. No king's reign lasts forever.
Yes his empire has been one of stagnation. It is time /3/ got a worthy ruler.
I smell Crissergy in this post. Cris is that you? Have you finally decided to stand down and give up your throne? I am not angry. I am simply taking what is rightfully mine. I am no more angry than the Spaniards were when they conquered our ancestors. Yes I too hail from down south. You know, your country and mine were once one. The great Colombia it was called. As for OCs... An excellent suggestion Cris. I will create an army of OCs to invade your board, only the C will not stand for character.

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Anonymous No. 997178

I'm honestly too busy thinking about my autistic ideas and projects to worry about 4chan drama bro.

Anonymous No. 997179

Unironically, Cris is the most prolific poster of /3/
He earned his title

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waifus races.png

Anonymous No. 997189

ok, spent the entire day crafting the most realistic ass prompts based on IRL races.

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Anonymous No. 997232

Here is my OC. Original Creature.

Anonymous No. 997233

Cris-chan will never, not on even on the strongest meds

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bang chart.png

Anonymous No. 997248

After an entire day of looking at women haircuts on photos and IRL.

This is literally the entire list of IRL bangs I fucking saw over and over.

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anime gal about t....png

Anonymous No. 997254

what about braided bangs?
plus looking at hair as if it were hat three-parted thing shown on games (bangs-back-tails) isnt the best of ideas but Im not hairdresser so...

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Anonymous No. 997255

never saw them IRL.

braids are usually as braid ponytails, french braid ponytails, twin braids, one ups, and bun with braids.

Anonymous No. 997257

side braids and braid tiaras/crowns also look half decent

Anonymous No. 997258

I'm only learning haircuts.

I eventually realized there's IRL haircuts and anime haircuts.

the key thing is to learn to memorize them for when I need to draw stuff from imagination.

Anonymous No. 997259

they are inspired by the real thing, women had puffy hair (because of toxic hairsprays) during the time GiTS was being serialized
unless you want to do some Yugioh tier shit
>for when I need to draw stuff from imagination
dont you mean prompting?

Anonymous No. 997260

learning to name stuff helps with drawing from imagination.

Anonymous No. 997275

Are you gonna use Redot when it starts making changes, Cris?

Anonymous No. 997277

I don't care about twitter drama.

Anonymous No. 997286

I asked if you would use it when they started making changes.

Anonymous No. 997302

does the drama has any effect on the quality of the engine?

because If It doesnt, then there's not reason to drop godot.

Anonymous No. 997323

>expecting a fork from reactionary rightoids that don't know anything about coding and only want to seethe about trannies to go anywhere

Anonymous No. 997344

Yeah it does actually, because the reason for this fork is that Godot has consistently turned down bug fixes, improvements, features, and community-preferred alterations because the godot organization is not interested in making a solid game engine. They're going to start making changes. Their roadmap that they outlined about 4 hours ago discussed the first steps as primarily bug fixes, then more language support. And that they won't be taking any money at present. See you in a few months regardless of if the promises hold up.

Anonymous No. 997345

The most likely outcome is it makes original Godot better by making them question and reconsider their shit a bit. Those forks we've seen are not serious so far.

Anonymous No. 997346

You seem to consider I cant use more than one engine, for no particular reason.

I'm not an engine cultist and I have used other engines like unity, game maker, rpg maker, mugen, fighter maker, gdevelop and libgdx.

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gravity shrug.gif

Anonymous No. 997351

>Why should I stop using Godot?
>Because it will have features that Godot doesn't.
>Ah but you see, I can use a different engine.

Anonymous No. 997353

if godot haters make a better engine, I will simply use it.

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Anonymous No. 997354

Ok thank you, that satisfies my initial question.

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face chart.png

Anonymous No. 997374

this actually took me 4 days to make, lmao.

Anonymous No. 997377

a waste of time

Anonymous No. 997395

I don't think improving my character design skills to be a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 997431

you're making generic ass A1 style kusoge, this ain't improving shit.

Anonymous No. 997446

Generating images with AI isn't doing shit man. Anyone can do that. When you actually draw something that will be a different story.

Anonymous No. 997455


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dress code.png

Anonymous No. 997487

feel free to cope watever.

I don't give a shit about cope.

Here, I now memorized most dress codes from IRL and videogames.

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Anonymous No. 997493

now, shoe types.

Anonymous No. 997499

how do I avoid stagnating like this?

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Anonymous No. 997500

now, camo strippes.

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Anonymous No. 997516

now dresses.

Anonymous No. 997525

why did you skip to dresses? where's my ethnically diverse armpit hair chart?
it reminds me of the "lasagna" camo the italians had during ww2, lol

Anonymous No. 997532

need to do costumes now.

I honestly had literally no clue how many types of neckwear existed.

You got literally types of chockers, bows, neckties, ascots, ties, those japanese big pearls, the ones priests use, neckerchiefs, sailor collars, the ones that are fluffy and long, pendant, amulets, necklaces, capelets, those pilgrim sailor collars, animal on should, scarfs.

man, this shit is autistic as fuck.

Anonymous No. 997534

the names you keep giving them sound like prompts. have you actually tried picking up a book about fashion like "Fashionpedia"?

Anonymous No. 997535

I'm reading the danbooru wiki.

Anonymous No. 997536

oh so they were actually tags, interesting
say, I actually wanted to do some anatomical researches of my own, any models you can recommend? Id rather not go in blind

Anonymous No. 997537

most XL models can do anatomy just fine.

Anonymous No. 997538

I forgot to mention.

pony mixes are usually what the animefags currently use at the hentai boards.

Anonymous No. 997539

Im doing this by hand. i actually meant actresses/ e-thots you used for reference while making these charts.

Anonymous No. 997540

well, I just google the name of a country and stuff like breast porn or ass porn.

Anonymous No. 997543

straight and to the point. feel free to share anyone who caught your attention
thanks anyways

Anonymous No. 997544

you could look up models or porn stars or tv actresses from countries if you want to see very hot women.

Anonymous No. 997546

yes but it's harder to look them up if you dont speak their language/arent familiar with their e-thots.
and your charts made me think you might have found a workaround

Anonymous No. 997549

I just spend a few minutes looking at naked women using google and the word porn + country.

What I did was to look up if there was flat asses or medium asses.
I usually put not attention to the giant asses or breast.
There's usually a well known meme that black women has big ass and breasts, europeans have middle ass and breast and asian have smaller.
It's a meme, but I still was thinking of that meme when making my chart.

Breast size and ass size is mostly useless because there's too much variation inside each race to be a worthy metric.

It's more important to put attention to nipples and aerolaes, since they don't change as much as the size of breast.

Anonymous No. 997550

thanks for the tips!
>It's a meme, but I still was thinking of that meme when making my chart.
yup, stereotypes are a thing for a reason
>It's more important to put attention to nipples and aerolaes, since they don't change as much
that hack Proko lied to me
well, thanks again. Ill be on my way then

Anonymous No. 997551

my biggest advice would be to approach this less as some art guy and more like a scientist studying anatomy.

Anonymous No. 997611

I have became much stronger on my AI skill.

Anonymous No. 997676

rolling for #14

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Anonymous No. 997771

Top Kek.

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Anonymous No. 997839

I have reached levels of SOVL I imagined weren't possible.

Anonymous No. 997845

It's legit good, just stopped overcomplicating the backgrounds Cris, less is more

Anonymous No. 997847

It was meant to practice all I studied these last 2-3 weeks.

Anonymous No. 997856

now get the slop machine to replicate this and you´ll be able to finish a game in 20 more years

Anonymous No. 997857

AI slop can't develop original ideas.

Anonymous No. 997860

this is good enuff, gj cris, yes I wanna fugg her

Anonymous No. 997879

why did you frame it?
it detracts from the story you are trying to tell with that pic
Im not even gonna ask why she is whiter than milk in the middle of the jungle, I know your type

Anonymous No. 997880

because I wanted to put most of what I know about framing and ornaments.

>every latino is brown
there has been european inmigration to latinoamerica for 500 years anon.

It was very popular to come here during the 19 century and as WW2 refugees from germany or the ottoman empire after WW1.

There's also plenty of ukranians right now as inmigrants on some areas like argentine.

Anonymous No. 997881

Im just pulling your leg. it seems like race mixing is a pretty common fetish. case in point this thread currently on /v/ filled with Timmys >>>/v/691352868

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Anonymous No. 997883

have you realized race mixing is super common during history?

women used to be traded like goods to become sex slaves, or prostitutes or as mail braids for most of history.

people had no concept of race being an offspring thing like we do.

people back then used to think a white women having a black baby was because of spirits or curses.

Anonymous No. 997902

Don't feed the stormfags cris.

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Anonymous No. 998120

got their costume reference done.

Anonymous No. 998141

just now back from a 3 day?

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Anonymous No. 998176

I have found that human proportions can be drawn using the diagonals of a square.



>just now back from a 3 day?

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Anonymous No. 998193

I do feel my design skills have literally improved a lot.

Anonymous No. 998194

They haven't, sadly.

Anonymous No. 998225

she reminds me of the stereotypical freedom fighter that gets raped near the mid-end of the series
that was your intention with her design?

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Anonymous No. 998233

make a fighter.

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Anonymous No. 998244

the issue is now, how do I animate this.

Anonymous No. 998253

dude you have 10 years experience you either already know how to animate it or you never will know how.

Anonymous No. 998254

the issue is making professional quality at cheap cost.

Anonymous No. 998257

You haven't been able to attain professional quality at all so far. Try that first. Aim for something attainable.

Anonymous No. 998288

the issue is the cost of production.

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Anonymous No. 998289

>cost of production.
here´s your solution

Anonymous No. 998290

cost of production is not just a money issue.

Anonymous No. 998352

No it's not, plenty of people are able to produce high-quality assets for free in a short timescale. You just give up before trying to do that and make mediocre nonsense and say "I'm much stronger now, chuds."

Anonymous No. 998353

those artists have years upon years of proper art training and experience in gaming studios.

Anonymous No. 998356

No, they don't.

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Anonymous No. 998357

except a gaming artist can't into writing, code, music, animation and sound effects and level design, character design, weapon designs, GUI and juice.

Anonymous No. 998364

>professional quality
>will make lots of money and BTFO AAA studios

the holy trinity of Cris workflow

Anonymous No. 998365

>...and juice


Anonymous No. 998380

cris thinking simple sculpting a mesh, retopology, baking and texturing will drain money out of his bank make him bankrupt kek

Anonymous No. 998383

It's not a money issue but one of effort and time to make.

Anonymous No. 998385

>effort and time
yes cris, that's what all good and even mediocre, passable things require

Anonymous No. 998386

my goal is to develop the IKEA of 3D art.

a very cheap and reliable style for indie games.

Anonymous No. 998390

Cris, the jannies here use you as distraction from their botched transition.

Anonymous No. 998428

Cris indie devs outdo you literally every day on steam. Stop being delusional.

Anonymous No. 998429

I want to reach the quality of SOTN.

Anonymous No. 998583

Cool new flavor.

Anonymous No. 998641

Great! You should have been able to by now. It's been a decade. Just do it.

Anonymous No. 998648

He lives in Venezuela, 5 dollars a month is the basics there. I can't blame him for trying other things.

We are all going to make it Cris

Anonymous No. 998663

I like to level up.

Right now I feel I have much better ideas over what weapons my characters are gonna use.

Today and tomorrow will finish the videos about history of warfare, so I have much much better ideas over what tactics and tools my enemies will have.

Anonymous No. 998666

So you're doing ANYTHING except making your game, got it. 10 years of nothing.

Anonymous No. 998669

I'm right now studying history of warfare.

Anonymous No. 998670

Yeah, doing anything except what you set out to do 10 years ago. Wasting time when you could have - genuinely - been living in the lap of luxury by being an indie dev.

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Anonymous No. 998671

Man, honestly watching a course on european warfare between 7-17 century was extremelly cool to get new ideas for my enemies.

Like the types of weapons they have, all really amazing new ideas.

Now I want to make my dificulty curve to be centered around each major warfare era.

>Prehistory (mostly fist and kicks, stones, javalins, bows, maces)
>Ancient era (mostly greek phalanx, egyptian charriots, jew slingshots, chinese monks)
>Medieval era (armored knights, vikings using rounded shield with swords, warhammers, boxers, grapplers)
>Late Medieval (spanish tercios, carcacolas, landsknetch, gerndarmies, muskets, pikes)
>Napoleonic era (bayonets, early machine guns, canons)
>XX century (WWI and WW2)
>Final boss (Late XX century and XXI drone stuff)

This should be a nice dificulty spike for my arcade setting.

Anonymous No. 998672

But you'll never actually make a game lmao, you keep making excuses and doing "research" and optimizing "workflow" when the optimal approach is to just do it instead of faffing about like this. lol

Anonymous No. 998673

I don't want to make a game.

I want to reach the level of SOTN.

Anonymous No. 998675

i cant these theads are so fucking depressing i should start hiding them

Anonymous No. 998703


Anonymous No. 998719

Can I get a qrd on cris, is he just a retarded delusional dude who learns glacially slowly and spams his slop everywhere?

Anonymous No. 998720

Basically, yeah.

Anonymous No. 998754

Stfu schizo, Cris is the Venezuelan Goat and you know it

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Anonymous No. 998828

Yes. He's utterly retarded, so much that he's not aware of his retardation most of the time. He's lucid when on meds though, kind of. I'm assuming that when he "gives up" he's on meds.

Anonymous No. 998830

thus a new Chris Chan emerges

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race bikini chart.jpg

Anonymous No. 999121

I think I honestly have a new VN 2D workflow and the results are quite good.

Not a masterpiece, but the results are fast and reliable to make.

What I need after this is to try to see if I can use the ideas of making an asset pack with the concept of layered animation.

Anonymous No. 999123

Cris, why do you models have a dental abscess?

Anonymous No. 999124

It's called the cheek of 90's animes like slayers.

Anonymous No. 999126

It's so demoralizing, Cris.

Anonymous No. 999162

now you have to make progress on how to not have a shit pulse when it comes to drawing lines

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Anonymous No. 999163

I honestly don't give a shit.

It doesn't matter how much effort I put or what I do, anons will always complain about something.

I have given up being good at art and I not longer give a shit.

It's literally a waste of time to even try to improve.

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Anonymous No. 999165

Don't listen to them Cris. These assholes never bother posting their own work when they talk shit.
>It's literally a waste of time to even try to improve.
It's not. You can do it you just need to practice the correct way. You should take some courses on design theory and gesture.

Anonymous No. 999168

It's been 10 years he is not getting better you retard, learn to spot autist art

Anonymous No. 999169

I don't give a shit.

I have give up on everything.
I only care about reaching my goal.

Anything else, I don't give a shit.

Anonymous No. 999170

Cris, let me explain to you what's really going on here. You fell victim of the typical jannie gaslighting where they tell you something like: "you must make your own base models and study anatomy or you're not a real artist".
In reality few people are talented enough to make good base models but the jannie's purpose is to frustrate you and then come in and tell you: "it would be easier if you became a woman".
So in the end they can sell you they home made cow juice and ZBrush licenses. And that's all there is to it.

Anonymous No. 999171

What is your goal Cris?
He is stubborn and refuses to do the right work because he has learned to ignore all criticism due to the majority of it just being people mocking and bullying him. It's just like with Chris Chan. Bullies just bring out the worst in them instead of being kind and supportive and leading to them actually being able to improve. It's easy to mock someone with a disability but it's pathetic and most of you are shit artists too despite not being autists.

Anonymous No. 999173

I don't care about those retards.

they're mostly a nuisance to me.

my life goal is to have fan art projects, like how touhou is mostly fan art stuff.

also I want to reach SOTN level.

Anonymous No. 999174

just pointed out the flaws so you can up your game, but whatevs man, you obviously put a lot of effort in your art and take pride on it, so why not at the very least improve the weaknesses?

Anonymous No. 999175

I can't understand what you fags mean by that.

I literally even now trace photos to even have triple cheked the proportions.

my current meta is to trace AI and photos instead of rellying on my sketches, as a triple check.

Anonymous No. 999176

I mean your strokes or whatever they're called are very bad and ruin your art and that if you improved those your art would look much better

I'll give you an extra tip on how I made my representation of humans much better, I drew the dude, it looked mid, readjusted the proportions using Keanu Reeves face, and it looked fucking amazing after that, so in your case you can practice the same with animu faces as reference, they most likely rarely follow actual human proportions

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Anonymous No. 999177

waste of time when I use 3D or pixel art for my assets.

a concept art chart is not an illustration.

Do you even know what is the diference between sketches, exploratory concept art and illustrations?

Anonymous No. 999180

The difference between sketches, exploratory concept art and illustrations is that if they're made by you they tend to look like shit.

Anonymous No. 999182

I'm just trying to help you, but sure, you sure know your thing when it comes to this shit, don't you? lmfao

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July 25.png

Anonymous No. 999183

yes, is called a style.


Anon, I've spent more than a decade reading art books and watching youtube art tutorials and cgpeers courses.

pretty sure the average anon trying to help me, has read less books and studied less courses than me.

My goal has never been an illustrator, so is pointless for me to become one.

Anonymous No. 999185


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May 07.png

Anonymous No. 999186

don't care.

Anonymous No. 999188

When you'll become a woman you're going to have to lie to yourself a lot to stay alive and believe you can "pass", so I guess it's a good thing you're making practice.

Anonymous No. 999189

I honestly don't give a shit.

Anonymous No. 999190

Jesus cares about you, Cris. Renounce your lust for pornography. Also because your pornography looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 999258


Anonymous No. 999274

AI is a horrible reference Cris. The anatomy is always wrong.

Anonymous No. 999275

If you don't care why post here at all? Why not just keep it to yourself? Seems like you do care otherwise you wouldn't be so obsessed with the attention you get here.

Anonymous No. 999276

I care about improving.

I don't care about your views of how art should be.

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using midjournet ....jpg

Anonymous No. 999309

ohhh I get it now

Anonymous No. 999313

I think I'm going to make a tutorial about this method

Anonymous No. 999315

Well you aren't going to improve if you don't listen to criticism.

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Anonymous No. 999316

My style has reached maturity.

You need to prove you can finish a full animated character in less than 3 hours from scratch or me to consider your opinion worth something useful.

Anonymous No. 999317

Hey cris, would you be interested in making tutorials about some of your processes and workflows?

Anonymous No. 999322


I recorded a playlist of me making an animation in my pixel art style from scratch.

Anonymous No. 999378

is that really you?

Anonymous No. 999386

yes, is my channel.