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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 993285

is it a good idea to use ai slop as reference for modeling and texture painting?
>muh bad anatomy
controlnet fixes that

Anonymous No. 993286

>desaturated teal in swatch
>nowhere in character
kill yourself ai pajeet

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Anonymous No. 993292

It's there.

Anonymous No. 993300

>controlnet fixes that
The fact you think so, means that you don't know anatomy in the first place.

Anonymous No. 993312

Yes it does, just use canny

Anonymous No. 993319


Anonymous No. 993340

My issue with AI is that is hard to control and most modern models are so incestous they can't generate random ideas to use as concept art.

But I think using AI as reference can be good.
I used those 3D generators to generate a mesh I later retopoed by hand.

So, yes, I think 3D references is a good idea for AI.

Anonymous No. 993341

>the same shitty threads

Anonymous No. 993342

I can’t believe you remake the same argument and still fail to mention the flaws. The colors are incorrect, legs don’t line up, feet are incorrect, hair doesn’t match the size, hands can’t be modeled, etc. Once again you prove AI can’t create reference points or concepts.

Anonymous No. 993345

Kinda hard to trace it with this baggy t-shirt.
Can you ask AI to take it off and post here, lets check how it deals with refinements.

Anonymous No. 993386

>he colors are incorrect, legs don’t line up, feet are incorrect, hair doesn’t match the size, hands can’t be modeled, etc.
that's because controlnet wasn't avaliable at the time of generation for flux dev

Anonymous No. 993387

t. butt blasted ""artist""

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Anonymous No. 993395

We're having this thread again?
AI generated references are good and a good idea. Bing is totally fucked now but for a little while I was able to generate over 100 model sheets for plane body types as well as anthros because I am an enormous faggot.
Another thing Ive been using it for is to make little bullshit textures.
Pic related. How long would this take you to make? If you did make it would it be this realistic? This took 30 seconds with the bing image creator and then like a minute or so to cut it out of the background w/e. Am I going to get crucified because I'm using an AI generated icon?
AI can make piles and piles of bullshit really fast really easily. I like to say it isn't an "automatic Artist" it's and "Automatic Art Studio". No need for an army of artisans who arent involved in the creative process anyways drawing you little glyphs for health packs.

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Anonymous No. 993396

Just to shit down the throat of whoever is replying to me right now I mad this right here from scratch. It didnt take me hours and hours, but it was work. It took time. If I wanted to make it look better I could but it would be more work and take more time.

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OIG - 2023-10-28T....jpg

Anonymous No. 993397

As far as I know no one's managed to train or make some kind of controlnet to make model sheets. It would be a game changer if they did. When I made mine I had to wade through a sea of bad examples of otherwise great designs that just werent lined up or in the right pose. It's like having an incompetent concept artist you have to keep sending back to the eisel because he doesnt get your instructions. On the other hand he finishes his work in a few seconds.

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Anonymous No. 993407

Your AI can't make something that doesn't exist, remember the bacon deer with 1 million wings, here it is I MADE IT. No AI can ever create such nonsense in a perfect solution.

Anonymous No. 993409

OK. Now paint me 500 different cupboard handles

Anonymous No. 993412

You literally can just buy them, all 500 just look at google and see.

Anonymous No. 993414

Then it'll be the same handles everyone else is using. I need 500 cabinet handles that are not in any other game. I will also need 30 cigarette carton logos. And 900 different tillable brick facades.

Anonymous No. 993415

>Moving goal post
It’s over faker, even AI can’t produce all those images without days of nonstop processing. Actually the AI will produce more of the same door and tillable because AI doesn’t care about your feelings in the matter.

Thus providing AI can not produce what you want. Humans can do it even with more restrictions you always lose to human mind.

Anonymous No. 993422

You have made 0 cabinet handles, but complained a whole bunch. That's the argument for AI.

Anonymous No. 993425

AI can’t make your stinking handlers. Only a human can do it, the AI will just repeat the same photo because AI can not be creative. You are saying something that doesn’t exist in AI.

More importantly you can’t even comprehend the difference between handle. The rules are to be different but never stated how to build it. Those handles can be created by hand crafted numbered 500 and then add small pieces or small changes to fix the categories of your rules.

Not once did you even notice your mistake a human mistake.

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Anonymous No. 993447

You are not making any handles. You have made 0. You keep saying AI can't do it. You aren't doing it. You can't do it. If you could and it was easy you would have done it to make me look stupid. I told the bing image creator to do it and it did it. Are these shit? Are the unuseable? We can't compare them to your because you used your free will to choose to not do it. Would you notice these on random furniture in a game? If they were on a background piece out focus? Are these, at least, not a valid jumping off point for more manual work on your part to make them better?
That's the point. I dont have to go on some forum full of assholes who talk shit but never do shit and beg them for help. I can just type the thing and it poops out a picture and maybe it's shit or not exactly what I want but it did it.

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Anonymous No. 993465

tried it, its meh

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Anonymous No. 993466

I really dont think using an Ai ref is better than normally getting one or making it—I would even say worse.

I personally feel that the expression you can make with your own reference is better than what an Ai ref can do. When you make your own ref, you make a character for your story's specific needs and shape your character around that. With Ai, you're making a character that has stereotypical traits—Ingrid, bikini, MML style.

It's really not that bad if you use Ai to ref your 3d models—it ""works"". You just gotta understand that you're cheating yourself out of the ability to draw, creativity, and growth in your core skills. I think it's a crutch, but I also understand because I also suck ass with those core skills.

Anonymous No. 993467

keep working at it, we're all gonna make it brah

Anonymous No. 993468

Bruh, Bing broke your rules. Anon proved you wrong. The image you posted has 10 similarities and each aren’t unique enough to justify your opinion. Infact, I will add my own way to beat your dumb argument by just coloring the same handle base 500 or more times. Your stupid machine can’t comprehend colors and either can you. Just give up, AI isn’t it.

Anonymous No. 993482

But that's literally what most people use AI for. Generating stuff that doesn't exist or doesn't make any sense, for lulz.

Anonymous No. 993488

The only bad thing about this is static facial expression. If it was jumping between multiple face expression textures it would be way more live and nice.

Anonymous No. 993511

>oH NO YOU SEE akshually it's wrong becuz uh you said that uh uh uh uh
I can just keep hitting generate over and over again. Make more stupid excuses.

Anonymous No. 993515

You can only generate until either a corporate company banneds you for abusing the system or until you lose money on your private AI machine because no matter what it still needs electricity to work.

The odds of getting unique handles that follow your instructions are less than 0.01% because again the machine doesn’t care about your feelings.

Anonymous No. 993520

You’re the one with the stupid excuses. You are proven wrong and you think that pressing the same button will generate different outcomes? A machine can’t learn to alter the handle into something brand new, the thing just a huge copycat machine. There’s no photoshop philosophy either, no LLM can learn photoshop.

Anonymous No. 993537

I havent been proven wrong. You still cant even make 1 handle.
This machine imperfectly fulfilling my wishes has produced more handles than you have. You still won't. you'll still make 0. you wont think it's worth your time. you're concerned that if you tried it'll get shit on. It doesn't matter, because it is I who do not care about YOUR feelings. I care about getting the product I want. You will NEVER do it. You'll never even try. Half assed AI generated slop is infinitely preferable to haranguing you endlessly just to get excuses back.
Every single reply to me trying to be smug about the AI handles which does not include their own handles is proving ME correct not YOU.

Anonymous No. 993539

bruh doesn't even know how to do minor edit work to textures lmao

Anonymous No. 993541

holy shit holy shit what the fuck.
You can do minor edit work on the slop too.
In fact. I already said this
>Are these, at least, not a valid jumping off point for more manual work on your part to make them better?
You're trying. straining. to find any excuse
Like apparently painting a door handle is the most strenuous artistic task ever conceived. I'm trying to make the case that AI can pump out endless supplies of inconsequential shit. The visual noise in between focal points. Like the fucking handles on a drawer or some shit and you're acting like this is a monumental task only a human with a real soul and a spark of the divine can accomplish.

Anonymous No. 993543

Honestly modelers steal character concepts from 2d illustrators and texture artists steal textures from photographs. There should be nothing wrong with using AI, it is unironically more ethical.

Anonymous No. 993548

why would you ever need more than like 3 door handles in a game ever? why do you need hundreds?

That's such a weird thing to even need. like what are you doing? making a museum about door handles?

Like, if I really need stuff like this I'd just go outside with my nice tripod camera and, y'know, go take photos. Not only would you get what exactly what you need, you also get to go outside and have a nice day.

I don't get why you want to make things more lifeless. It's weird.

Anonymous No. 993550

Bing has literally proven you wrong, you posted that picture, it’s your post. No one wants to do your dumb little job. Photoshop can literally do it better by just asking Adobe version’s of their AI to do it in different colors. Bing, Google, OpenAI and others junk because there’s nothing to control over photoshop.

Why did you ever think anything is better than photoshop.

Anonymous No. 993615

Other anon, but

> The odds of getting unique handles that follow your instructions are less than 0.01% because again the machine doesn’t care about your feelings.
I've already seen multiple AI systems that allow you to select region of generated image and query to change it in a specified way, for example change some of cloth, change facial expression, change some of the decorations on the scene, etc. One of those is Midjourney, others don't remember (maybe also the one built-in into photoshop?).
Wanting fantastic designs that are nowhere to be found in real world is nothing weird.

I'm personally not using AI for anything yet, but I notice it becomes better and more flexible and usable as a complementary tool.

Anonymous No. 993649

You can't prompt as accurately as you can think of an idea, so prompting is wasting time if you have the skills, and if you don't have the skills you won't know what you want. Case in point is the retard who thinks having hundreds of shitty doorknobs and struggling to make them useful, is better than having hundreds of decent doorknobs or having far fewer and knowing exactly what they're for. At every step it's a big waste of time.

I think hobbyists like this come here because they know it's bullshit, but they think they'll learn something if they keep screaming about it and shoving this garbage in our faces. We all know this doesn't work, because Cris has been shitting up English speaking sites for at least 10 years and he hasn't gotten better at English, 3D, and his drawings - which were not bad - have actually gotten worse. There is no shortcut.

Anonymous No. 993661

>what megaman legends 3 could have been...

Anonymous No. 993668

That looks like shit, are you kidding me? I get Modern Gamers love their exagerrated jiggle physics but those are just water balloons filled with jello

Anonymous No. 994757

harsh but fair

Anonymous No. 994811

>controlnet fixes that
Controlnet uses a reference, if you have the reference why generate the AI image based on that reference?
Either way, it seems like a good idea, but get an image like that one would be a hassle, which LoRA or prompt you used?

Anonymous No. 994814

Yes sister, that's definitely a bad design and physics, he should use a transgender woman of colour like you as a reference for what a real woman looks like.

Anonymous No. 994846

Cute grill.

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sonic cringe.gif

Anonymous No. 994847

>Just get references of children
Yeah ok pedo

Anonymous No. 995006

My parents bought me a yearbook for my elementary, middle, and high school, that covers all the bases.

Anonymous No. 995055

How different would it be if people had to credit the artists they trained their AI on?

Anonymous No. 995058

It will override the image and make it look all watermark like. They stole from millions in many nations and people who are dead.

Anonymous No. 995067

There are some openpose sheets and LORAs, but the training data will fight you tooth and nail to avoid a character looking to the side, and my hardware is too slow to fine tune the process without ragequitting

Anonymous No. 995087

just go to the non-h section of the panda and use one of the million production material artbooks

Anonymous No. 995089

after some experimation the best method is a charcter desing concept lora with canny controlnet

Anonymous No. 995097

who stole? Microsoft outright owns all of their training data, and by their right of ownership made thing image creator available to be used for free in a limited fashion. Plus there are all of the public domain images and the many millions of images put out for public consumption in advertisements or private people uploading images onto image websites whose ToS explicitely states that they gain ownership of your images when you upload them.
This handicapped argument that AI is stealing is automatically undermined by the might of giant corporations who payed the money or signed the paper that magically makes it not stealing.
YOU clicked "agree"

Anonymous No. 995099

Then why can it export Disney related data. No one owns Disney cartoons. The only source is from Disney themselves and fans. Clear sign of stealing.

Anonymous No. 995117

AI sucks at anatomy in general, even newer checkpoints cannot get proper torso/arm proportions.
OP was talking about using controlnet AI for references in general, you are the only one speaking of kids while posting sonic images, pervert.

Anonymous No. 998488

Eh, maybe not ideal