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Circle Jerk - Copium galore No. 993334

While gen ai is already capable of creating high res models, textures and whole scenes, yall still clicking subdivide and sharing ur garbage on this barely alive forum. What strain of cope is it? Accept your fate, breathe out with relief and maybe go do something actually worthwhile, instead of committing to memory some soon to be absolete program's UI.

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Anonymous No. 993336

>some soon to be (obsolete) program's UI.

Art skills is not about UI's, it's about knowing exactly what you want and how to get there.
If AI enables us to conjure up anything we can vividly envision the ones who will be best at this activity is still us artists.
We'll just transfer from creating a handful of assets to populating entire worlds with a coherent artistic vision.

Generative AI if fully realized will only be a mirror of just how hollow your inner universe really is anon.
Artists are gonna art no matter what that creative spark that is lit inside of us don't go away with AI.
So have fun generating your private slop for an audience of one.

The one who's coping is you who is still deterred from ever being one of us.

Anonymous No. 993337


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Anonymous No. 993338

2D art after 3 years can't be used for anything but porn.

I had basically go back to using google and pinterest and look up photos catalogues, because AI has become so incestous It can't even be used to generate reference to design a waifu.

A random prompt will generate the same waifu 100% of the times.

So this shit is useless even as an idea generator.
And It still can't be used to make group scenes or characters interacting.

t. ex-AI fag.

Anonymous No. 993350

Cris, just so you know the reason you can fap to stick figure drawings is because you suffer from prosopagnosia and halopecia. Normal people require quite good art to be able to fap to it.

Anonymous No. 993373

I liked AI more when it was bad because the vague weird shapes and oddness of it could atleast give ideas. It's all too fucking stale now and SDXL only made that problem even worse.

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Anonymous No. 993432

Hey why are you stealing my thread idea? Get your own thread ideas anon!

Anonymous No. 993476

>Taking a bite of the 8/8 gr8 b8, m8
Why play a game when you can download a 100% save and say you beat it? Why watch a movie when you can just skip to the end credits?
There's a lot more that people get out of creating something than just shitting out an end product. Most artists don't really give a fuck about the end result in terms of something being "done", the actual process of creating that thing is infinitely more fulfilling than beaming its photons into their retinas. Once it's done, an artist doesn't get anything out of it. It's a piece of them that's put out into the world, no longer part of them.

Retarded content consoomers like yourself just see the end result and think that's what making art is about, shitting out pretty things to look at, when it's the actual process of making something is what artists enjoy. It's something intrinsically human. People like you, who's greatest creative accomplishment is the giant turd you forgot to flush down the toilet, you people are less than human. You're the people being replaced by "AI" (as retarded a marketing term that is). Whether or not some generator can do something is pointless. A shortcut to the bottom isn't what artists are looking for.

That being said, image gen is pretty nifty for concepting, and light texture creation, but I agree with the other anon that it's got too cocked up with bullshit to be especially useful. Pretty useful for porn though.
3d is hardly what I'd call "high res models, textures and whole scenes" best it can do right now is mushy play-doh models. Even then, it's not like average people would know how to do shit with those anyway. Remember Microsoft's retarded "3d objects" folder and 3d paint? People don't give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 993631

>Generative AI if fully realized will only be a mirror of just how hollow your inner universe really is anon
Sounds like just wishiful thinking, no need to be scared anon

Anonymous No. 993634

Talk to a LLM and it's usefulness to you will be gated by how curious/insightful questions and follow up questions you are capable of stating.
There is a synergy that happens at the prompt that is as dependent on you the user being an interesting individual as the quality of the generator itself.
If you lack the mental/spatial vocabulary to express yourself fluidly what you can generate will be highly directionless and random.

People will not spend time paying attention to the mental slop generated by feeble minds, you will traverse the worlds crafted by the artisans of that new craft.
Because it is spatial visual art, the ones that understand that language the best are the same people who could craft that output it was trained on in the first place.
Being able to prompt generative AI to craft something interesting will follow a bell-curve just like anything else.
Those that are able to have a interesting back and forth discussion with the AI refining what it makes til it assumes specific output are the ones that will gain prominence.

You give artists a 'hyper bursh' that is so good it invalidates all art that came before it it also raises the bar for what will counts as relevant art going forward by the same magnitude.

It's like playing Pen & Paper RPG with your mates, if your DM doesn't have sharp wits and is able to think on his feet outpacing or matching your deductive reasoning around situations
you're not gonna wanna play with him for very long. Such worlds where any scenario/location you can imagine is available is still gated by the quality and coherence of ones imagination.

Anonymous No. 993947

>ai is already capable of creating high res models, textures and whole scenes
Link? I've only ever used Luma's Genie

Anonymous No. 994057

not reading ur post and also that image looks like shit kill yourself

Anonymous No. 998466

Chill out, dude.

Anonymous No. 998598
