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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 993521

How would you translate this style to 3D?

Anonymous No. 993524

Tried modeling or sculpting it?

Anonymous No. 993532

bsic cell shaded shader + highlight + baked AO and shadow or contolling shadows with custom normals

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Anonymous No. 993538

from my perspective the most important element is capturing the proportions. Without a side view you must editorialize, but it's not impossible.

Anonymous No. 993542

I think another big part of this is likely going to be painting into the diffuse/albedo, or making adjustments in other texture maps to get the rougher painted look.
You could likely make the shader itself do the oil-painted look too, if you'd prefer to not do alot of hand-crafted work. I remember seeing someone on artstation show how to do this but I forget the exact node graph for it.

Anonymous No. 993627

that sounds really interesting, if you manage to find it again, please link it

Anonymous No. 993628

>Fat anime girls
that's the shit that rushzilla does, he has twitch and all that

Anonymous No. 993629

Or you could learn how to scripture a human being with muscle. You know like a real artist.

Anonymous No. 993642

This has nothing to do with sculpting, it's about the shader you'd use after sculpting...

Anonymous No. 993643

No one uses shaders to trick the audience into believing someone is buff. Just sculpt like normal artists and stop with the nonsense tricks.

Anonymous No. 993655

Are you retarded or something? Who said the shader is to make the model look buff, whatever that means, do you even know what a shader is? Why are you here?

Anonymous No. 993662

What about you, everyone in 3D knows shaders are the lights that calculates the material and turn it as the creator intended. What you’re saying is nonsense in terms of UV editing.

Anonymous No. 993663

I'm pretty sure it's a bot, what he's writing makes no sense

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Anonymous No. 993676

>How would you translate this style to 3D?
I wouldn't, amen.

Anonymous No. 993695

>Using blender
>Using node
You two are the idiots here, shaders aren’t designed to be character specific. What you are doing is the opposite of what you want.

Anonymous No. 993725

We're not talking about making the character, modeling is the easy part, we're talking on how to replicate or at least translate this style in 3D, hence why the discussion is about making a shader.

Anonymous No. 993757

thanks i was about to jack off to this

Anonymous No. 993760

>fatty breasts and face
>fukken shredded 3%bf Ms Olympia abs brah
>fatty ass and legs
is this le anatomy I hear so much about?

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Anonymous No. 993826

it's a drawing, it doesn't need to be realistic, just appealing

Anonymous No. 994022

So is anyone gonna actually model this bitch or are we all just taking turns adding our two cents to a question that's already been answered?

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Anonymous No. 994047

>How would you translate this style to 3D?
I don't know, bro, gotta start somewhere, though.

Valid. A half-baked WIP is all I have to offer until I give this more passes.

Anonymous No. 994056

go back to school kid, you are not knowledgeable enough to be sharing your opinions

Anonymous No. 994080

mhmm good. i see it.

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Anonymous No. 994118



If I really want to emulate anime / 2.5D, I'll probably just settle on a toon shader matcap and hand-paint the rest after I tighten up the anatomy and give the hair attention.

If not and I want a more glossy / figurine style, I'll just play with the lighting and post processing.

Anonymous No. 994177

>jerk off

Anonymous No. 994180

>oh no! why cant i get any work done?!

Anonymous No. 994181

hmm yes and i like that you corrected some of the proportions too. imo thats the most important feature. everything's relative position, orientation, and scale.

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Anonymous No. 994271

>How would you translate this style to 3D?
Something like this, probably.

>hmm yes and i like that you corrected some of the proportions too. imo thats the most important feature. everything's relative position, orientation, and scale.
Thanks! Yeah, as nice as the red lines are here, >>993538, anatomically, the original image just doesn't make sense when translating to 3D. Her left arm, for instance, is like 50% longer than her right arm. If she were to drop her right arm from that position, it would be much shorter than the other.

We have to keep little things like this in mind when translating stylized, heavily exaggerated 2d art into 3d.

I'll probably still give the hair one more pass to unify it all but so far, I'm satisfied. Fun practice!

Anonymous No. 994318

Yeah the way 2d artists can cheat 3d space makes dynamic (aka cool looking) references very hard to use. I usually like to draw my own image planes based on some art that I like, and maybe just have the original art available while I'm modelling to get a look at something I couldn't draw as well.
Very good for 2 days of work. Is she all fucked up on the other side or can we see a turn around?

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Anonymous No. 994320

>Yeah the way 2d artists can cheat 3d space makes dynamic (aka cool looking) references very hard to use.

>I usually like to draw my own image planes based on some art that I like, and maybe just have the original art available while I'm modelling to get a look at something I couldn't draw as well.
I've seen many use overlays to lie a reference image directly on top during a sculpt but I've never found that to be particularly useful outside of sculpting for likeness.

>Very good for 2 days of work. Is she all fucked up on the other side or can we see a turn around?
Thanks! She's not dreadful on the back-end but I definitely sculpted for still images.

Anonymous No. 995038

out of all my time lurking this place this might be the first time i see someone post their work in order to help a thread >>994047 >>994271

Anonymous No. 995459

Honestly this demonstrates how fucking difficult it is to replicate 2d into 3d, it would be better if you tried to make it appealing in 3d and used that pictures purely as a concept

Anonymous No. 995468

yeah you cant beat properly proportioned image planes. All of the guess work is eliminated. I like to brag about drawing my own, but really I just do rough sketches, focus on important details, and religiously verify every single peak and valley is lined up on the front and side. I'm the modeller and I'm the concept artist. So I know what bumps and scratches on my sketch are real details or just mistakes. It's very attainable. Everyone should at least be trying.

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buff girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 995656

gotta enjoy cromwellb's work
tried getting that body type in daz

Anonymous No. 996460

you call that fat? those are called hips.

Anonymous No. 998469

Probably use 3D modeling

Anonymous No. 998475


Anonymous No. 998478

why is this not bumping

Anonymous No. 998626

probably got autosaged by a mod because its softcore porn lel

Anonymous No. 999136

Rare mod W
Fuck cumbrains

Anonymous No. 999206

anon, this woman is MADE to bare children, man, many children. she is made of sex.
I'm sorry but if you're not willing to bed a woman with proportions like this, i diagnose you with stage 10 terminal faggotry

Anonymous No. 999207
