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🧵 /Dailyanimationthread/

Anonymous No. 994115

Beeple did it so I am gonna give it a go, in fact I think I'll up the difficulty and make em animation loops.

Anonymous No. 994193

This is really good, I've been thinking about doing stuff like this myself but I haven't had much time for 3D stuff lately. Keep up the good work. Beeple is inspirational.

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Anonymous No. 994213

Day 2

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Anonymous No. 994324

Day 3

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Anonymous No. 994435

Day 4

Anonymous No. 994442

anyone else thought this looks like uohh ToT emoji?

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Anonymous No. 994537

Day 5

Anonymous No. 994539

>animation loops.
Good projects but they don't really loop
Loop means it's seamless from the end to the beginning
What you have is just animated

Anonymous No. 994551

Well some of them kinda do.

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Anonymous No. 994658

Day 6

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Anonymous No. 994747

Day 7

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Anonymous No. 994854

Day 8

Anonymous No. 994927

anyone have links paid/free to some good animations tutorials? I wanted to get into animation after trying sculpting for a bit and the only reference i have for animation is the donut tutorial section which wasnt very helpful.

Anonymous No. 994931

let's upgrade it, luma mask, glow, hue animation, small 2d layer animation (can combine with luma mask)
oh and obviously, take advantage of 32 bit float / "hdr" workflow, specially when it comes to glows and blurs, ah ye, remember the blurs, and the faded masks, etc

Anonymous No. 994932

how could I forget, fractal noise mixed with luma mask, color mask and glow, maybe you can explore the lens blurs with the glows, etc, that shit could be good, but I never walked that path

Anonymous No. 994940

be inspired

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Anonymous No. 994946

Yes yes!
Btw Day 9

Anonymous No. 994947

What kind of animation? Whats in this thread is basically just plugging and chugging vector math and fun with the time/frame node. Tho my next stuff will be actual simulations.

Anonymous No. 994994


Anonymous No. 995016

for 2d animation introduction, the bouncing ball is a classic, an ok second practice is a walking cycle which you can combine with something else

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Anonymous No. 995045

day 10

Anonymous No. 995103

I don’t care what anybody says. Curry’s are smart as shit and have taught me so many things in 3D. /pol/ can suck my bawls.

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Anonymous No. 995130

Day 11

Anonymous No. 995151

actual beast

Anonymous No. 995155

have you taken the easing pill yet anon? I wonder

Anonymous No. 995196

>easing pill
Explain yourself. If you are criticizing my work then I welcome it but I am kind of retarded and don't understand what you mean.

Anonymous No. 995200

easing, it's an animation concept, look it up, it's basically acceleration/deceleration for keyframes, it makes everything look cool, you probably already use it, but if not, look it up, it's a very cool trick, every animation worth its salt uses this

Anonymous No. 995205

Oh wow no I actually haven’t been using it at all anon. Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 995220

Day 12

Anonymous No. 995222

props to the dedication op

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Anonymous No. 995302

Day 13

Anonymous No. 995304

I want to be the Malygris of this board.

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Anonymous No. 995358

day 14 1/4

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Anonymous No. 995359

day 14 1/2

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Anonymous No. 995360

day 14 3/4

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Anonymous No. 995361

day 14 4/4

Anonymous No. 995401

youve been fucking called out Arizona.

Anonymous No. 995403

don't be too harsh on arizona, it's one of America's containment states. you may not like it, but you're better off for it.

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Anonymous No. 995407

Actual Day 14

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Anonymous No. 995518

Day 15

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Anonymous No. 995635

Day 16

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Anonymous No. 995752

Well it's been a good run but I waited till the last minute and kept getting weird AOV errors so I didn't make the render in time. I made it 16 days but I'll post this one just as an extra.
>Why is Pyro so hard to shade?

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Anonymous No. 995753

Well done. Better made than many of mine.

Anonymous No. 995808

I wonder who type this

the chair nerd No. 995809

I can smell the poo from here you dirty pajeet.

Anonymous No. 995822

I am very hurt by that Peter.

Anonymous No. 997685

What program? These are pretty cool

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Anonymous No. 997697

Most of them were made just fiddling with vector math and the time attribute in Blender shader editor and rendered with Eevee. The more complex simulations were made with Houdini and rendered with Karma.

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Anonymous No. 998169

you ever tried TouchDesigner?

Anonymous No. 998557

Cool idea! Good luck!

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Anonymous No. 998716

here's an actual thing "I" made in TD.
(couldn't make the file under 4MB or it would look like shit)
The lines are displaced by a b/w noise, but you can use different things like an audio spectrum analyzer or straight up raw audio signal, or an image (like pic related) or video. Basically, what's brightest goes up, what's darkest goes down, and alpha is 0 (the middle). The setting changing in the video is blur applied to the displacement noise

Anonymous No. 998800

This is my first time even hearing about it.

Anonymous No. 998840

you should check it out. lots of integration out of the box (ableton/Reaper, UE5, kinect/azure/orbbec), you can use GLSL shaders, can send and receive NDI, output to a projector. It's a really nice software. tons of tutorials for all levels (I'm tempted to make a beginner crash-course. lots of beginner tutorials, but it's always a specific thing.) You should check out bileam tschepe (elekktronaut), PPPANIK, and
The Interactive & Immersive HQ if you wanna learn more. This does LOTS of things

Anonymous No. 998926

So is it a texture generator like designer?

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Anonymous No. 998939

I dunno what you mean by that. TouchDesigner is really a node-based language. The main commercial purpose of TouchDesigner is to make interactive visuals, mostly for live events, but also for websites or video effects and loops (like for a music video). It can also handle DMX (lighting) and MIDI signals. it can handle 3D animated objects too like in >>998169. you can also extrude from an image too (It's nice to make spinning logos quick). it also does a bunch of things I dunno about cause it's much more advanced.

pic related is a moving grid of images fed into feedbacks with a transform to give it more than just a trailing effect. the "grid" node is its own level. It's spitting out both individual grids, and a composite of the two, which you can change what effect the composite goes through. the movement is animated with an LFO, and you can choose the wave (sine, gaussian, ramp, etc)

the different color of nodes represent the functions. CHOPs (green) handle signals, TOPs (purple) handle 2D, COMPs (black) 3D objects, 2D UIs and misc time stuff, SOPs for 3D points and polygons, MATs for shaders and materiels, DATs for ascii plain text and cells
free version lets you do almost everything, but you're locked under 1280x1280 and other things you shouldnt worry about like multi-desktop sharing.