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Glazed Butthole 3.png

🧵 almost there

Anonymous No. 994131

look at my donut. i sold my old car and invested in a gayming computer with shitty RGB lights i can't turn off (tech illiterate)

So... how much longer until i'm making looped WEBMs of furry porn and charging a thousand dollars per character commission?

it gets better... right? i feel like a baby just learning to crawl.

Anonymous No. 994137

I can't tell if this is parody or not because some people genuinely are like this

Anonymous No. 994141

>how much longer
5 to 10 years of daily practice (meaning 90% of your work will be DeviantArt beginner tier shit in the meantime), but yeah if you don't give up it's doable.

Anonymous No. 994446

>(tech illiterate)
honestly blender and donut guru will suit you well

Anonymous No. 994572

I was only able to start learning blender after I fucked off from the doughnut tutorials

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Anonymous No. 995819

It is very cool, Bateman. But that's nothing.

Anonymous No. 995870

why do people drag on donut? it seems like a good way to learn some of the basic tools.

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Anonymous No. 996600

the donut devil tricked an entire generation into believing the blender delusion. sad!

Anonymous No. 996621

i admit that I did do the donut tutorial. was super happy with how it was coming along. but it was starting to look weird when i added the icing. started looking like i was polishing a turd. I lost interest and dropped. Recently though I got into modding and it has me interested in making clothes and texture painting.

Anonymous No. 996629

Well... I could glaze your donut if you don't mind...

Anonymous No. 996631

The donut tutorial is a meme for a reason... It's literal shit and sets you up for failure

Anonymous No. 998514

Nice donut dude

Anonymous No. 999236

Not OP but what should I start with?

Anonymous No. 999249

learning anatomy

Anonymous No. 999304

Start with hard surface basics. It's easier to understand than organic modeling. Once you get decent at that and have made a few guns, swords, robots, buildings, cars etc. then you can move into organic characters where you should then learn Anatomy like that other anon said. It's been a long ass time since I first learned hard surface so I can't recommend any courses but for anatomy I remember "Scott Eaton Artistic Anatomy for Digital Artists 2013" course to be what clicked for me if you can find it on torrent sites.

Anonymous No. 1000190

don't listen to these permabegs, they mad because bad

Anonymous No. 1002111

I’m in the same position, but I after three hours my doughnut abstracted into some kind of eldritch mess and I give up. I don’t actually fucking care about a doughnut anyway so I started immediately working on a character model because that’s what I wanted and I have the motivation to actually do it, but now I’m at a point where I’m lost and I’m worried that if I go any further I’m going to ruin it completely

Anonymous No. 1002234

>started immediately working on a character model
ngmi. that's like wright brothers trying to build a space rocket

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Anonymous No. 1003928

fuck that other anon.

starting with something that grabs you is as good as any other. what ever gets you googling and scrolling stack exchange and trial-and-erroring your way through. an important thing to remember is that if you can't recreate it, it's not worth being made, so never fear scraping something because it becomes unworkable. think of it as an opportunity to hone your beginning process more. whether it's a donut or your oc or what ever, if you belev you can achev (not to sound too cliche)

Anonymous No. 1003933

>I’m worried that if I go any further I’m going to ruin it completely
just hit "save incremental" every like 5 minutes and load an older save if u feel like u've fucked it fren
that and go into your preferences and under "System" crank "Undo Steps" to 256 to let you ctrl+Z a shitload

Anonymous No. 1005032

the point of the donut tutorial is not that the donut looks incredible and people are now 3d wizards, its for showing process and features of blender (and more broadly, considerations of 3d) to complete beginners. you barrel through a lot of handholding very quickly to see what you might like.

Anonymous No. 1006218

>crank "Undo Steps" to 256 to let you ctrl+Z a shitload
I set it to 32768 just to be sure