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๐Ÿงต Character using one shared mesh?

Anonymous No. 994246

Would it be feasible for a customizable character to use one shared mesh and just interpolate between male/female with shape keys?
My reasoning for this is to avoid having to make two versions of every piece of apparel, body texture, etc.
I think I might run into issues with animations but that's probably doable via IK and adjusting skeletal proportions additively.
Are there any base meshes that do this already so i can start prototyping clothes/customization?

Anonymous No. 994247

Also, pic related is from Beyond Good and Evil 2. I know it's just showing off the sculpts but it gets the idea across.

Anonymous No. 994255

>probably doable
Welcome to Dunning-Kruger

Anonymous No. 994257

Can you elaborate, or are you just going to throw buzzwords around?

If you wanted to re-use animations between male and female characters, there's going to be a difference in propotions. For example, females are going to have wider hips and narrower shoulders. You could have an additive animation that translate the shoulder/hip bones to make them narrower/wider. But then your feet and hands wouldn't line up with their original animations anymore. So, then you'd use in-engine inverse kinematics to fudge the hands and feet back to their proper positions.

Anonymous No. 994258

It's possible but your models will look Californian and diverse. There's a reason why even the most gender abolitionist game developers still resort to body type A/B workflows.
You'll be making 3D art that looks like pokemon go after that update.

Anonymous No. 994259

Yeah that's one of my main concerns. Since women tend to have more topology on the tits, it'll mean apparel will either stretch in an unsightly way on women or scrunch up on males due to the flat chest. Maybe the best approach is figuring out an efficent way to adapt apparel for both genders?

Anonymous No. 994311

>would it be feasible to do X?
>posts a video of X being done

Anonymous No. 994315

It is possible but inadvisable. Males and females have too different aspect ratios in their skeletal structure
so to depict a masculine male and a feminine female you will need two significantly different skeletons.
Different shoulder width, different width hip to how tall they are, different angled spine and coccyx, different length finger ratios
smaller feet and hands to overall height ratio and if you are realistic more flared elbow to accommodate the hips.
From the side view a female really need a lifted ass and leaned back thorax to balance the mass on her butt and breast to look proper feminine.
A male with such a skeletal structure will tend to look like a gay cartoon, so your best bet is to use a more male skeleton and have a more butch lady.

If you are willing to compromise and use a unisex skeleton that is somewhat halfway between masculine and feminine you could hit a sweetspot where
you could successfully depict people that look ordinary and being of either sex.

GTAO is a fine attempt, there you have this every day looking male protagonist and a unusually athletic looking female sharing the same skeleton.
This is done just to make them interchangeable in cutscenes where devs don't know if a male or female character will appear.
Outside of cutscenes they still have different animation sets as they need to move very differently to look the part.

Rockstar too abandoned this tho and in RDR2 they went for different shaped male and female skeletons.

Anonymous No. 994337

Those are sculpts, not in-engine geometry.

Anonymous No. 995758

Isn't DAZ3D already doing that?

Anonymous No. 995759

daz is the IMVU of 3d and learning/using it is a waste of time, unless you're happy with the idea of cookie-cutter mediocrity.

Anonymous No. 995772

And? It is still doing exactly what OP is asking.

Anonymous No. 995776

If we're talking about Genesis, I thought DAZ3D used separate male and female bases?

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Anonymous No. 995777

Oh wow, seems to be a new feature for Genesis 9, thanks for the heads up anon. Might be good enough to use as a placeholder and prototype my game with.

Anonymous No. 995778

they did it with the first Genesis and doing it again now with G9 (the face is fine but the body doesn't look right as male or female) but who knows today it might be gender ideology.

Anonymous No. 995779

It probably is gender ideology. I feel like if the topology is fine you can make either extreme of the blend just as feminine or as masculine as it needs to be. Maybe the missing secret sauce is also altering bone proportions?

Anonymous No. 995782

I haven't been on /3/ for years.
Nobody on this fucking board has learned a goddamn thing and they're still spamming the same bullshit acting as experts when they have yet to achieve mediocrity.

You are barely a fetus when it comes to 3D because not only do most characters share one mesh, this is the way it has been done for DECADES.

You're like on dial-up trying to talk to us about the "theoretical" possibility of being able to talk on your phone while driving.

You literally posted a video from a triple A company using the same mesh not only for human characters but also anthropomorphic characters as, and you're wondering if it's "feasible"?


This is like technology from the early 2000's ffs.

Here's my advice to you: leave this board, never come back, and just learn what you can from YT videos.

Anonymous No. 995784

Thanks for bumping the thread.

Anonymous No. 995866

Man, this game ain't never comin out.

Anonymous No. 995897

where is benis and bagina mesh

Anonymous No. 995907

I'd probably just have a hole on the base mesh and have benis and baginer meshes get stitched on via normal transfer.

Anonymous No. 995911

it also does feel limited for big breasts

Anonymous No. 995912

Yeah the polygondensity is gonna way too high for flat male pecs if they are going to be dense enough for big breasts. I wonder if one could just swap out the pecs/breast area with denser versions when needed...

Anonymous No. 995914

i guess if you do loops around the pecks then you could add more density the bigger the breasts? but then that might be unoptimized for males, also doesnt work for fat fucks they need extra topology around fat deposits

Anonymous No. 995915

What if the answer is tessellation in-engine... Crysis 2 style...

Anonymous No. 995922

Unfortunately for you OP obviously knows more about this task than you do.

Anonymous No. 998235

Kinda meh quality, but its a good proof of concept.

Anonymous No. 998333

The most dunning-kruger post I've seen on this board, maybe ever.

Anonymous No. 998569

Sounds interesting