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🧵 Where to start to make character models?

Anonymous No. 994325

Hello /3/!
I'm trying to start 3D modelling characters, either male or female, and I've been wondering if any anons here have any good resources that teach this the best?

Also what software to use? I'm mostly experienced with Blender, so unless there's any specific or narrowed down reason to change (such as a software that'll take you one step closer to mastery), I'm willing to hear it.

Oh, and my style is really just regular human model, just realistic, though I'm assuming this won't matter once I master a normal human, then I can just explore different styles eventually.

Anonymous No. 994328

just model

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Anonymous No. 994332

set up image planes like this and extrude faces out of a box that keep the shape

Anonymous No. 994344


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Anonymous No. 994348

Get Daz or Makehuman.

Anonymous No. 994350

that's a really unappealing design

Anonymous No. 994353

You're brown

Anonymous No. 994363

There is a LOT to unpack in that image.

Anonymous No. 994381

Am I supposed to feel like this is racist?

Anonymous No. 994397

I'm going to kill myself.
how the FUCK do you make a face?

Anonymous No. 994398

Are you rrom Africa btw? You sculpt fucking heads a 100 times using references.

Anonymous No. 994401

I literally didn't know, that's why I made the thread you black elephant nigger giraffe monkey

Anonymous No. 994402

wAit, should i sculpt the rest of the body then?

Anonymous No. 994403

it's a personal preference
sculpting is way faster but you gotta retopo
box modelling nearly builds good topo into the base mesh but it's slow.
Do any part in any order. All that matters is if you get the best results that way.

Anonymous No. 994404

Ah I see, thank you!
Is there anything to worry about when it comes to retopo? I see it being discussed a lot around here, so maybe there's something I should know

Anonymous No. 994405

First time ever sculpting, here's the results.
Obviously it sucks lmfao, it's supposed to be a woman too.
I'll get more reference pics, study anatomy, practice older faces, etc. If there's any tips, much appreciated.

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Anonymous No. 994406

forgot to post pic, fml here it is.

obviously i gave up halfway through, but yea...

Anonymous No. 994407

Troll thread, DNI lmao

Anonymous No. 994408

im not trolling :(
why are you mean nigga? :(

Anonymous No. 994414

It's just very tedious. There are tools to do it for you to greater or lesser degrees. When I box model I am constantly redoing the topo ad I make it with very down to the vertex drawing new edges. When I sculpt I hit the zremesher(or w/e it is) and I just take a deep breath and accept the results as they are.
It depends on so much. You'll have to experiment with the different workflows

Anonymous No. 994415

aside from what gets shouted over and over
>use a reference
When at the early stage of a sculpt your goal is to get the most general shape correct before moving on to finer details.
To begin use the move brush with a pretty big radius to get your base mesh into the right shape. Then switch to normal brushes, add some details(very broad details use big radiuses). Then switch back to using the move tool. You first "layer" of detail you'll be alternating between using the move tool and use fat normal brushes.

Anonymous No. 994443

^^ please never ever do what this guy does by using zrenesher. Always manual retopo, every single time. Turn it into your habit. It's additional 30 minutes you have to spend to. Treat your assets not like shit.
>t. intermediate character artist of 3 years

Anonymous No. 994455

I see, thanks!

>use a reference
Should I be using a reference like anon mentioned here >>994332 or should I just look at images for reference e.g. using PureRef program?

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Anonymous No. 994482

I will kill myself

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Anonymous No. 994483

how the fuck do you fix these retarded lips

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Anonymous No. 994485

Close your eyes
Relax the muscles in your shoulders, back, stomach, and face.
Take deep breaths.
Inhale for 4 seconds
Exhale for 8 seconds
Let stray thoughts come, acknowledge them, and dismiss them
Embrace quiet mind
Then press zRemesher, and accept the world as it is.

Anonymous No. 994486

It's another "depends"
When I box model I am essentially tracing image planes with my 3d model. When I'm sculpting I don't find image planes as useful, and I just have references up on my other screen of details I want to get right. Like I would if I were sculpting clay.
zBrush has a kind of image plane feature but I don't like it. If pureref or any of the other image overlay programs work for you use them.

Anonymous No. 994487

You two faggots are fighting about retopology, meanwhile I'm debating whether to continue living or killing myself after being unable to create a base to begin with.

But it's not the base that's bothering me. I can always sculpt tomorrow and get better and better each day. It is the fact that it is all useless and worth nothing. I have so many skills (but not enough mastery to make money, go figure!) and no matter how much better I get, life is only going to become more miserable and the journey to enlightenment is surely going well but it's certainly extremely painful and lonely.

I can't take it anymore. I have TRIED all of your advice. You can't give me an advice I haven't taken. I have been on nofap and noporn for 21903 days, I have done all it takes to cultivate a mindful attitude, I've fixed a lot of physical and mental issues, recovered from many things, yet the journey itself towards life is incredibly degenerate. I cannot socialize, not because of skill issue but because of lack of humans around me. Even when there is a "human" out there, they really aren't human. They are just cunts waiting to argue with me to prove their point about some bullshit. I can't even talk to people anymore without them being mean asshole prick pieces of shit trying to fit their nihilistic normie fag cunt liberal agenda. I hate everything about life and I wish I can unite with God when I finally break out of this cycle so I can start torturing people around me for pleasure. Or perhaps that is the reason I incarnated, so I can torture people while alive. Fucking hate everything, I'm gonna kill myself.

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Anonymous No. 994491


Anonymous No. 994492

Go do something better retard

Anonymous No. 994494

encouraging anons to reach their goals is never a bad use of one's time

Anonymous No. 994495

You weren't born to make art and that's okay.

Anonymous No. 994496

> I have been on nofap and noporn for 21903 days
Maybe that's why you're so miserable.
> I cannot socialize, not because of skill issue but because of lack of humans around me.
I can't leave appartment for half a year already and yet I'm having fun and positive outlook of life.
Do projects, take notes, fap regularly, watch anime, play vidya, it will all fix you.

Anonymous No. 994498

>get anatomy for sculptors
>get comfortable with sculpting anatomy
>learn how topology works from examples and trying ít out yourself by rigging your own models

Anonymous No. 994511

You havent been asking for career advice. Have you seen how much shitty CG there is out there? Being good has nothing to do with getting a job. It matters if you want to be an independent content creator, but every 2bit marketing studio wants a guy who can animate spheres on deck.

Anonymous No. 995080

>Find MH, try to get some clothes done.
>Blender addons are buggy as hell.
>Pipeline breaks symmetry.
>Go to their forums, ask how to solve.
>They link to some other addon which doesn't work outside of 2.8x
>Ask how they do the whole new topology + same UV mapping.
>They say it is like making clothes, but that results in terrible rigs.
>Ask about the possibility of addons being updated or something.
>Dev cries about being all alone in the project, shifting focus from standalone to the full blender addon.
>Shit is broken, laggy and unreliable as an addon.

Anonymous No. 995088

Follow a tutorial retard, also you went too high poly way too quickly

Anonymous No. 995091

you get what you pay for

Anonymous No. 995255

This is my face when playing pregmod for 5 hours

Anonymous No. 995312

unironically watch Nikos videos/streams Speedchar/live. Practice daily, even a 30 second process of opening the program and saving it lol, just anything to condition your brain to opening the program every single day. The rest will happen naturally as you decide to stick with it, if you're expecting to do 3d porn level ready models within months to a few short years then you're better off grinding out whatever your real job is, and paying for models. And no, you don't need reference images, you can sculpt from your memory and imagination, but references will help you early on, and later if you want to be a brainlet forever.
Common methods produce common results.

Anonymous No. 995336

Any good tutorials for poly modeling a character? I know its an old technique but I'm interested in how its done

Anonymous No. 995342

yeah you line up a reference image or two and trace it you dumb fuck. You need a tutorial on how to turn on your computer as well?

Anonymous No. 995874

Jeez, you need to relax man. You already admitted to making progress, just keep at it and eventually you will be able to turn it into a job. But you need to fix your mental first.
For what it's worth all art is suffering for someone with great aspirations or perfectionism, but don't give up and you will get there.

Anonymous No. 997866

new course from CG Boost just dropped, probably your best bet for blender at least

Anonymous No. 998543

Sounds interesting!