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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994430

Porn animator bros...

AI is gonna take our jobs....

Anonymous No. 994436

Good. Please suffer and die, thanks.

Anonymous No. 994438

i'll be fine. i have a day job

Anonymous No. 994450

Based, porn artists only produce slop and slop will always get automatized. Coomers dont care about art they just want to goon

Anonymous No. 994451

There are some really good 3d porn artists as well as some really good live-2d porn artists, but I will only ever share them to my besties

Anonymous No. 994453

I for one, am glad. There's nothing more deplorable than 3d porn.
Not that I'm some fucking puritain, but that 90% of porn "animators" are absolute fucking TRASH. They're so bad. Yet you have retards who think some dogmeat model linear-interpolated humping claire redfield is god's gift to mankind. None of them realize that they can get to the level of their "gods" in a weekend.
Bonus points to the severely autistic who decide to do their own models and animations outside of what's on smutbase, and it's every 3d sin known to man, a single camera zipping between positions, stiff models with pose-to-pose interpolation, and absolutely horrid models. I respect that they're going against the grain the same as any "outsider artist", but it's still trash at the end of the day.

I really can't stress hard enough how much I hate 3d porn, or rather the animators. The entire genre needs to be nuked and rebuilt from the ground up.
These coombrain retards have no standards and lap up any nude polygon that graces their screens. It's time to stop.
If AI makes it happen, fuckin great.

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Anonymous No. 994469

These threads always read like endless butthurt ranting of those who did some half-assed attempts at cashing in on the 3d porn fad but never got anywhere while swearing at the 10 people who got somehow lucky making big bank doing 5 frame animations of a crude dog dick.

Anonymous No. 994471

Oh gosh that’s horrible. Which ones? Which ones, so I can avoid them?

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Anonymous No. 994478


Anonymous No. 994493

Would you get sad about marvelslop artists getting automated?

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Anonymous No. 994529

>Normie shit only
Looks like the loli foot fart porn market is still safe for now.

Anonymous No. 994545

Even image generation struggles with niche fetish content. It'll be several years until these things are going to do something like animated vore, not to mention if it involves giants or shrinking content, considering how bad AI is at handling extremely small characters even in stills, unless you do a ton of inpainting. But yes, if you do vanilla, whether it's furry or not, you'll soon be directly competing with AI content.

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Anonymous No. 994571

>These threads always read like endless butthurt ranting of those who did some half-assed attempts at cashing in on the 3d porn fad
Never actually released an animation, but I was about 70% finished with one before other work came along and this got put perpetually on the back-burner.
This and some other things were done 100% out of spite because I was so pissed at how low people's standards were with 3d porn. Both the animators and the viewers. I figured if I made some actually quality shit with actual know-how beyond a tutorial on YT, maybe it'd be like crack to the coomers and their standards would rise, force the shitty animators to do better, and as a result I'd get better shit to fap to. That was the goal anyway. If I ended up making some $$$ along the way, that was a bonus. Also was meant as an excuse to buckle down and learn character animation.

Here's a clip/pose from what I was working on. We're talking about porn here, so it's obviously NSFW. The Vex model is some regular shit, but I made the Shadow one.
There were a few more positions, but I never got around to polishing them or stringing them together. I hated boring as fuck porn animations that were just a single shitty loop in silence, so I was planning on a little narrative for my anims.
This one had the shadow pestering Vex to fuck in a bunch of different situations, before plopping his dick on her head while she was reading (cue pissed-off book slam). Various fucking ensues: missionary, on side with the leg up, tentacle fucking like pic related (modeled/rigged the shadow's fingers to turn into tentacles for it), then finally fucking on the head (his dick can move all over the body). The finale was going to be a cumshot that shot her in the air like a rocket super high, topping out sillouhetted in front of the moon and coming back down, kinda like something off Looney Tunes. All the while she's disinterested.

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Anonymous No. 994577

> low standards this
> low standards that
> ai will replace slopfags hurrr
Why do you even care. Good 3d porn is extraordinarily highly rated in coomersphere and that's not going to change anytime soon. Picrelated is what happens when you do 3d porn AND you're actually good at it.

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Anonymous No. 994579

Picrelated is what happens when you can prompt ai to make you customized coomer fantasy porn with any character you want or even insert you fucking them

Anonymous No. 994581

Don't post pictures of yourself

Anonymous No. 994594

Bait thread DNI