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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994536

It's impressive that an indie studio has such good piracy protection

Anonymous No. 994543

I can crack it, sir.

Anonymous No. 994662

is it like denuvo?

Anonymous No. 994669

Would be nice if you could repeat trial again after 30 days, I just said fuck it and bought it for 900$ usd.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 994697

It doesn't. It already got cracked and I have it.

Anonymous No. 994873

Oh you sweet child of summer they've released 30 versions since then

Anonymous No. 994879

poast it sir

Anonymous No. 994987

You don't.

Anonymous No. 995007

is version 1.4.15 worth learning still?

Anonymous No. 995020

What dis?

I came onto the board, hoping for something to block in shapes fast and loose, for environmental shit. Is this like a sign from heaven or some shit?

I need something that will keep itself simple and light weight, take care of topology while I just hew shit up.

Anonymous No. 995106

did anyone here try dune 3d?

Anonymous No. 995178

it looks like a basic CAD, what were you hoping for?

Anonymous No. 995232

Not really on version 40 now.

Anonymous No. 995285

yeah i figured
i was looking for a cad program that's as friendly as plasticity, but uses parametric modeling
didn't turn out to be what i wanted

Anonymous No. 995319

It's pretty friendly just got to understand subd workflow otherwise you'll be doomed to make terrible models

Anonymous No. 995322

install vmware
make a snapshot
install trial
use for 30 days
revert to snapshot
rinse repeat

Anonymous No. 995325

just use revo uninstall pro

Anonymous No. 995346

Can't do that if trial has expired

Anonymous No. 995444

did you try?

Anonymous No. 995549


plasticity is the best money I've ever spent on 3d modeling software

imagine being a poverty fag headslamming for hours trying to figure out how to pirate this software, lmao. This isn't adobe slop, this is great innovative independent software.

Anonymous No. 995555

No, not really, it uses the same library of others CADs programs and it's an Electron app.

Anonymous No. 995564

whats good about it what differentiates it from other software

Anonymous No. 995568

Buttons with tooltips
>fusion 360 enjoer

Anonymous No. 995664

Prove it.

Anonymous No. 995669

cad modeller with less autistic ui/ux.
it's worth a demo if you're a hardsurface artist.

Anonymous No. 995928

I find it pretty good

Anonymous No. 996383

Fusion 360 is on par but this has its merits

Anonymous No. 996387

I had to work with Fus*on for a while, anything Autodesk is fucking hell to work with. Plasticity is a godsend for artists in comparison. I don't know how good it is for manufacturing, but at least it's great to get the perfect surfaces you can't have with polygonal modelling.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 996392

>transgender artist filtered by chud software

Anonymous No. 997164

try moi3d

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 997206

the pirates are keeping up eventually. Remember no software is safe

Anonymous No. 998368

very safe

Anonymous No. 998370

Keeping up where?

Anonymous No. 998573

Yeah, pretty cool.

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Anonymous No. 999056

Chinks have the software cracked already. As I said, no software is save, troonies.

Anonymous No. 999061

poast it here mate

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 999065

>he doesn't have chinese friends to get the package for him
China's internet is like this, you buy a 20 cent package off their marketplace and then apply it to the baidu downloader which will download the software onto your computer.

But sure, I may poast it after my female friend gets the package for me.

Anonymous No. 999135


Anonymous No. 999773

why China silo themselves, why won't they let us sign up?

Anonymous No. 999774

This is the site, if anyone can figure out how to register and download.

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Anonymous No. 999777

Registration seems straight forward, but there's this stupid captcha that sends an email with a verification code, and of course the email from china never arrived.

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Anonymous No. 999779

Oh, it arrived. Too late for the 60s though, but it came faster on the second try. Unfortunately
>No permission to download!
I guess pic related has something to do with that.

Anonymous No. 999795

Managed to download from this site
Executed a dubious .exe inside a virtual machine. It installed, but the crack doesn't seem to be included in the rar file lmao.

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Anonymous No. 999796

Actually, there is a crack built in. It injects something during installation, and replaces the desktop shortcut. It just doesn't work lol. At first, it failed because I had internet disabled, but even after I enabled it, and it downloaded something from github, it still failed to activate.

Anonymous No. 999797

Anyway, here's a mediafire link with the archive just as I downloaded from the chinese. Maybe it will work for one of you guys. I suggest trying it in a computer you wouldn't mind getting infected. It apparently needs internet access, at least during installation. I don't know if it needs it for activation or not.

Anonymous No. 999807

Pay wall.

Do you guys not see the irony? Just buy the software

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 999818

We will never give up, 3chuds. We WILL get plasticity, as nothing is beyond our reach. Searching now! Trying to get smth off the chinamen.

Anonymous No. 1001393

pays to priate software, I'm at a loss.

I don't know about you guys, but i've got a fool proof plan. I'll go onto Plascity website and buy the product it's fool proof.

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Anonymous No. 1002635

>anon, i heard you liked cad?

Anonymous No. 1002642

There's a not a crack there, sir.

Anonymous No. 1002643

I just checked it and it's the default installer
$ sha256sum Plasticity-24.2.4.Setup-1.exe
df6d9ae38723176957d4130238d9a00d9ff30163cfc0a6cd74bd526863d605f6 Plasticity-24.2.4.Setup-1.exe
$ sha256sum Plasticity-24.2.4.Setup.exe
df6d9ae38723176957d4130238d9a00d9ff30163cfc0a6cd74bd526863d605f6 Plasticity-24.2.4.Setup.exe

Anonymous No. 1002807



Anonymous No. 1003171

So, is this on CGPeers or not? Only program I actually would still consider touching, but no cash.

Anonymous No. 1003174

I can crack it, but I'm not doing it for free-

Anonymous No. 1003178

I can earnestly pray for you as a reward. An atheist's prayer is probably like a four-leafed clover or some shit.

Anonymous No. 1003212

Oh, I'm sorry did you not login recently.

Pay for access chump.

Anonymous No. 1003219

I forgot that was even a req, man. My PC got fucked for a while and I used the laptop. Then, when I got the parts and fixed it, I didn't use torrents for a while. Then boom, got fucked

What I ask from you is a screen, I only want this one program (if I like it and I try the demo, I'll just get asshurt after it expires). If it's there, I'll get that account. Otherwise, I have no use of cgpeers, anymore.

Anonymous No. 1003222

PS nvm, recalled you can check. Doesn't have it. Oh well, such is life of a linuxfag.