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🧵 New golden age of indie animation

Anonymous No. 994832

Why aren't you creating your own 3D animated webseries? Glitch is selling endless amounts of merch and making shitloads in ad revenue. You could potentially create the next Amazing Digital Circus.

Anonymous No. 994833

What a prostituted word.

Anonymous No. 994837

They hired a team, it took 4 years to finish their murder drones series and other stuff. No you can’t do something similar without money and people.

Anonymous No. 994840

You do realize that they spent years making parodies to get any money, and the entire time they were getting grants from the Aus government to even make that?

Anonymous No. 994842

i would rather my work languish in obscurity than become lil timmy's first r34 experience, which a lot of this shit is

Anonymous No. 994853


Anonymous No. 994878

along with what everyone else said, you also have to do the sound effects and music

I've seen a single man (+ voice actors + additional writer) try to make his own web series, and they're around 10 minute episodes every 7 months, so it's not impossible, but as expected, it doesn't look as polished as an entire team of artists like Glitch is

Anonymous No. 994883

I'm guessing the showrunners are taking all the money cause the place I work at picked up a bunch of their animators a few months ago. We also pay like crap so glitch must be even worse

Anonymous No. 994886

You obviously start with a pilot episode and slowly build your studio as you gain traction. But I guess it's better to give up and never try at all, according to you guys.

Anonymous No. 994892

What part of teamwork and government handout don’t you understand. Even the most skilled blender user can only earn a few hundred dollars a month to do work on a small video project.

Anonymous No. 994893

>completely ignoring my second part of the post where a man did make his own web series mostly by himself, even if it's slow and not quite as polished

Anonymous No. 994897

>Just give up and never try bro
Alright thanks.

Anonymous No. 994899

You've got to be trolling at this point. How do you get "give up and never try" from

>I've seen a single man (+ voice actors + additional writer) try to make his own web series, and they're around 10 minute episodes every 7 months, so it's not impossible

Anonymous No. 994900

Not those anons but you're going outright LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU at their very adequate response, you're just ignoring it because it doesn't align with your wishes, you'd do well to understand that hopes and dreams aren't enough to get a project done, determination is a noble thing but your greatest enemy is burnout and when you have to do every single thing by yourself it hangs over your head like an artist's Damocles' sword.
Let's see you "not giving up and trying" as a one man project doer, let me know how that works out for you. It's not impossible, but either of two outcomes will happen:
1) you do manage to make entire animated episodes all by yourself but it will take you months upon months for each;
2) you will give up halfway through due to the sheer amount of commitment you have to put into the project on both a mental and effort level. Humans aren't meant to take that kind of workload alone.

So don't be stupid, team up with other people to share the workload with, if you join forces with even just one more guy that's going to be 50% less work you have to do and a 50% higher likelihood of you seeing your project through. I'm telling you all this as a wannabe indie game dev who teamed up with a coder, and let me tell you, it has made working on our project that much more tolerable, we complement each other's deficiencies and that will do wonders to your mental wellbeing, which is as important as your physical one when undertaking such high commitment projects, much, much less stressful

Anonymous No. 994912

i agree
i fucking hate how much the whole concept of "indie" in general has been overhyped and overestimated by people nowadays
if indie is so easy why isn't there a million more hazbin hotels and a thousand more scrimblo bimbo mascot shows?

Anonymous No. 994923

just asking.
How many of them use blender?

Anonymous No. 994926

Only if by that you meana small 30 second to 1 minute long shorts, or art/comic form. You do not try to make a god damn 20 minute long pilot that will take your 3 years by yourself. It's how CHKNT NGT did it and became a full tv show (but even then it was funded by a mega corp to make the shorts on youtube for 5 years).

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Anonymous No. 994934

None of the indie series I like get decent views and all of the ones I hate get millions of views so I wouldn't be successful since my tastes don't align with the mainstream.

Anonymous No. 994938

I mean... is not that easy tho. but ppl could try to make a proyect together

Anonymous No. 994982

you need popularity in the first place to do that anon
ive seen loads of animations that are expertly animated and took many hours of manwork to pull off
yet they only net like under 10K views on youtube
glitch productions had smg4's entire super mario 64 blooper fanbase as backing, how would I get an amazing animation to content farm levels of popularity without a backing like that

Anonymous No. 994985

I think the best approach would be to start out with parody and satire, like Aamon Animations and Surreal entertainment. That usually goes viral.

Anonymous No. 995003

Or, make something, pay some popular streamer to stream your product

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Anonymous No. 995005

stfu twitterfag, if you want to know the actual amount of work that goes into 3D animation, look no further than Dead Sound. This man does most, if not all, of the work on his projects. He still, to this day, has not hired a single male VA. Only recently has he started using custom music he commissioned.

Stop acting like 3D animation is easy, it isn't. It takes so much work to get a good result, especially on your own. Dead Sound takes months between uploads and each video is better than the last (okay Locked Doors is not better than The Last Tyrant, but shut it).

Anonymous No. 995018

How's it going for you?

Anonymous No. 995183

Non. Blender is a meme

Anonymous No. 995269

You're missing the part where these people all have millionaire parents.

Anonymous No. 995272

Citation needed.

Anonymous No. 995288

Because I don't want to make entertainment for retarded theater kids.

Anonymous No. 995298

>Even the most skilled blender user can only earn a few hundred dollars a month to do work on a small video project.
That hurt bro. Why ya gotta do a fella like that?

Anonymous No. 996090

>I've seen a single man (+ voice actors + additional writer) try to make his own web series, and they're around 10 minute episodes every 7 months, so it's not impossible, but as expected, it doesn't look as polished as an entire team of artists like Glitch is
How does something like this pivot into a self-sustaining operation?
What would happen if you broke woke/pozzed taboos and served that market, which afaict isn't currently catered to?

Anonymous No. 996158

thanks for introducing me to this guy, he is unfathomably based and inspirational

Anonymous No. 996165

A friend of mine works for an indie animation studio, it's not really simple and easy as you think
Takes months to make something good.

Anonymous No. 996211

I'm working on one tho, although I don't know how well it will go with 10k visits and loyal followers I'll settle for :c

Anonymous No. 996238

glad to be of assistance, cannot wait to see what you create

Anonymous No. 996262

Fuck, it's shit like this that really puts that chasm of "whatever the fuck it is honest to goodness artists have" compared to people like me into perspective.
Like I like to call myself an artist, but I feel like a fuckin poser when I see some of the thought processes and stuff that guy's going through for a project, and even the preproduction assets.
It's both humbling and disheartening to say the least.
Hope the dude makes it as a big time art director or something somewhere if he goes that route. He's got the chops for it.

Anonymous No. 996323

Dude, don't feel bad; he's been doing 3D animation for nearly a decade and went to art school. Trust me, if you do it for as long as him, you'll be like him.

For example, compare Redone (2017) to Rise of the Decayed (2024). Those two films are done using similar methods and are seven years apart. It takes time, you'll get like him.

On the topic of him making it big, I agree. I want this man to be the art director for a show or movie.

Anonymous No. 996344

>he's been doing 3D animation for nearly a decade and went to art school.
So have I anon, so have I. Maybe not art school, but I majored in something art related, and I've been doing 3d seriously since 2013 (and fucked around with it before then as well).
I'm not saying my shit is bad, but that dude's on another level. Some people are just built different.

Anonymous No. 996550

Free labor and third worlders

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Anonymous No. 997376

They got a deal with Netflix

Anonymous No. 997378

I bet you could do it now with ai

Anonymous No. 997379

Where can I find some info on this? I'm trying to make my own story and wondering if I'm being naive.

Anonymous No. 997380

I can always guess when a show will be popular even when it's going to be a fad. Although I couldn't stomach the skibidi when it was already popular and couldn't be bothered to watch the amazing circus.

Anonymous No. 997392

Life, info about grants? It really depends what country you're from.

Anonymous No. 997680

>Even the most skilled blender user can only earn a few hundred dollars a month to do work on a small video project.
??? this is incorrect

Anonymous No. 998536

Cool idea! Sounds fun.