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🧵 PS2-Era Graphics

Anonymous No. 995160

Im working on developing some games in my spare time and I’d really like to target the fidelity of ps2-ps3 style games, mostly for stylistic purposes (but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)

Specifically, I’m really interested in how characters like pic related were modeled and textured to look semi-realistic and expressive (especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)

Feel free to post low-poly or just your favorite models/textures from the games of the good old era of games

Anonymous No. 995161

Dual UV sets in conjunction with camera mapping.

Model your character, rig and unwrap your UV to a UV set 'UV1'. Now pose your character infront of a camera to an angle you wanna texture from.

Render out your character model with a camera mapped projection UV set UV2' and use as a template to paint ontop of in your paint editor of choice.

Assign the result as a texture for UV2 and bake the result down to UV1.

Now change the view to cover dead angles that are still untextured or areas that has too much stretch due to the projection
and keep render new templates and repeat. Bake and combine down to your UV1 texture til you've covered your entire model.

Advantage of texturing like this is that you get pixel perfect placement of all your details and the end result will look exactly as you painted it.

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Anonymous No. 995238

>not good at texturing
oh no

Anonymous No. 995252

Wizard shit

Anonymous No. 995259

I'm a work in progress lol. I'm getting better at texturing but I'm pretty slow at it and it never comes out exactly as I'd like

Also that's a sick model

Anonymous No. 995289

Japanese fighting games from the PS2 era have beautiful character models. That is all.

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Anonymous No. 995345

So I was able to find the actual in-game model for this character. The model is pretty low poly but I'm having alittle trouble understanding it.

For example, how would they get the split that happens on the front of the shirt, about where the nipples should be? Everything else around it seems to be a loop cut, which makes sense but I dont understand how they would have done that without using like the knife tool. Is this all from edge modeling or am I just an idiot?

Anonymous No. 995350

they didnt make it split. they combined a row of edges between nipples. it gives that part a slightly crisper crease and importsntly its also a clever way to lower your poly count.

Anonymous No. 995352

>Is this all from edge modeling or am I just an idiot?

Geometry is just geometry, who knows how the modeller that built that one preferred to work but any and all methods that you can use to generate useful geometry is valid, you have a knife tool and it makes sense to use it; use it.

Anonymous No. 995354


Thank you! I appreciate the help. I'm trying to take modeling seriously so I probably get too into the weeds and worry about random stuff I shouldn't

Again, thanks! And sorry for the probably simple questions

Anonymous No. 996274

>apologizing to chuds on 4chan instead of leaving the thread forever
You are too white for this board

Anonymous No. 996322

Change towards increased compassion gotta start somewhere, and those posts weren't delivered in any chuddy tone, they where helpful.

Why is it that being anon should require one to be a dick all the time?
Even if no one else know who the asshole behind some unnecessary angry post is the author know.
Embrace voluntary politeness and discover the inner love for your fellow tr/3/pot beings.

We can still grow the love within ourselves as tho selecting the scale-tool in our software of choice
press ctrl-i to invert select all our love instead of hatred and just crank that motherfucker skyhigh.

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Anonymous No. 996779

I wanted to ask about something a bit more complex in regards to this. I've wanted to know how to do water/river/beachfront texture work using mainly diffuse and maybe some gloss? There are plenty of examples in the PS2 library, but it seems like every dev had a slightly different way of handling it. does anyone have a general workflow for this?

screenshot from

Anonymous No. 998055

>developing some games in my spare time
>(but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)
How feasible is this? make a 3d game with ps2 style graphics seems like a task too big for one guy.

Anonymous No. 998073

I'm thinking sofimage xsi or the autodesk implementation of it have what you are looking for. Renders come out on the gray side, desaturated colors and such. Maybe use VMware to install W7 and either version of the program, when the trial ends you can alwaysnuke the vm and reinstall it or just clone a base vm with windows only before installingany trials.

Anonymous No. 998080

It is *feasible*.
Although if you want it to not be half-assed nor released after the Heat Death of the universe, it would probably be better to find a code monkey while you focus on modelling.
PS2-style graphics are in high demand among amateurs, shouldn't be too hard to find one.

Anonymous No. 998093

I actually recently started looking into that. I think I could do everything in modern software but I found out sofimage is how this exact model was made in the first place. Either way, it'll be interesting to see

Anonymous No. 998094

OP here. I'm sure its highly improbable but not impossible. I'm not so delusional to think I can do everything in a reasonable time period. I'm also not looking this to be a career. Its more of a experiment for myself at the end of the day

This is sort of what I was thinking as well. I can code but at this point the modeling (and drawing) is more fun for me so a code monkey is probably in the future if I really get serious about this stuff. We'll see

Anonymous No. 998098

Why use old software? It can't make that big of a difference, does it?

Anonymous No. 998143

OP here. For me, mostly to just look into it. I figured, at least from an educational perspective, it would help see the limitations of the era first hand, as opposed to just hearing about it. And then in doing so, it'll help me to maybe find ways to optimize my own work in the more modern software.

Ultimately, I will just use blender/maya/zbrush anyway but I dont think it could hurt to spend alittle time in it.

So no, ultimately it wont make a big difference, but I just think it would be interesting.

Anonymous No. 998206

What's the secret to actually learning shit like this? There's not that many resources on Youtube compared to pretty much everything else about 3D

Anonymous No. 998207

Well first you draw how the character looks, shocking yes for many 3D artists but it’s easier to follow your character style than remembering.

Slowly build the character in the worst way possible because why not, the world isn’t going to peek. Fix the problems and you’ll be ready for rigging or material.

The material needs advanced design skills, this is unavoidable. Many would give up and stay a modeling career and help the technical team. Corporate will always judge your talent on how you drew your character UV so at least know a little.

Rigging is another place people would give up because of rules. It matters not what program or software you use, rigging a character takes skill to help the animation team. You kinda expected to learn python. When your done with rigging, animation should start.

Animation, production, promotion, etc. that’s outside of your question so I’ll leave it as that. The only thing you can do is learn at this point.

Anonymous No. 998263

Yeah anon likely meant how to texture it, not about the rigging and other technical stuff. I'm trying to texture low poly characters in substance painter aswell and they look like shit because I can't fucking get how they painted such realistic looks by hand onto a low poly mesh.

All tutorials are for high poly, AAA PBR stuff which honestly looks easier to do than low poly. The first has higher poly characters and more details for support.

Anonymous No. 998267

Substance won’t help, it’s not a design program, no matter what Adobe keeps saying about it. You really do need to learn how to draw, UV professionally and learn lighting.

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Anonymous No. 998280

I made this a long time ago in Unity. Animated waves.
The sand is a tillable texture.
There's a darker sand layer meant to represent sand underwater too
The sea layer is an animated tillable texture and has an opacity texture near the shore so it's see through.
The waves are 2 planes that scale back and forth

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Anonymous No. 998281


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bandicam 2024-10-....webm

Anonymous No. 998282

Here's a video but 3dsmax fucks the transparency

Anonymous No. 998320

That ocean effect seemed kinda mind boggling to me at first but I think it is just a pre-rendered animation. Then they used vertex colors to make it shift colors and go transparent at the beach. Then the beach foam is done like that anon said.

But anyways, I think this animated ocean texture is quite effective because it omits highlights and specular lighting.

Anonymous No. 998359

But wasn't the look of the era a product of the limitations of the consoles and not the limitations of the tools the devs used?

Anonymous No. 998450


Hey, Thanks for these! it helps to understand things a bit better. Though, I do feel it would be better to use a texture scroll effect with a sine or something instead of bones? that's the old-head in me talking though.

Anonymous No. 998586

Sounds like a cool project!

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Anonymous No. 998851

How would I go about texturing this in that old school PS2 style?

Anonymous No. 998920

There’s no secret sauce to it. You just gotta unwrap your UVs, paint them in photoshop, and use your editing skills to add dirt, grime, and other details from photo sources. The only people who still use this workflow are the mega autists who manually create HD texture mods for RE4 or a Zelda game by hand.

Anonymous No. 998971

>paint directly on uv map in photoshop

Anonymous No. 998975

Well that’s too god dang bad because Blender and Maya both lack the necessary tools for painting, no such plugin exists to directly paint it.

Anonymous No. 998994

substance allows both on body and on uv map painting spöit by 2 screens

Anonymous No. 999011

Substance cost $5000 a year and buying the Steam version is outdated with no other features. Only a matter of time until it’s useless to both Blender and Maya.

Anonymous No. 999069

>(especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)

Unfortunately for you, this style is literally all about texture artistry. So you've either got to learn to paint, learn to photobash, or both.


Rofl nobody pays for Substance.

Anonymous No. 999224

Yeah I know. It forces me to get good at texturing or fail trying