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Anonymous No. 995170

Is it fine to do lowpoly as you do highpoly just without subdivision? Do you need to care about good topology in lowpoly? Even if you don't need to care about topology since you don't subdivide, can you deliberately choose to care about topology and make lowpoly models subdivision friendly (this could be handy for additional static renders right)? Is there anything that actually requires you to produce subdivision-UNfriendly topology? Is it just a matter of saving like 5-15% of poly budget?

Anonymous No. 995177

You have to think about more than subdiv, topology affects the mesh not only when subdivided, also how it shades, how difficult is to UV, but most important rigging and deformation. For static mesh this is not a big deal

Anonymous No. 998485

Yeah, that works fine.

Anonymous No. 998616
