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๐Ÿงต Unity Dark Winter is over

Anonymous No. 995557
unity has apparently caved and completely abandoned the run time fee. they will keep the seat based subscription model. if you use unity6 you maybturn off the "made with unity" logo too.

Anonymous No. 995566

Who cares, I'm not going back. This "We treat customers like shit and see if they put up with it" scheme will stop once corporations learn that their product dies if they try that shit.

Anonymous No. 995570

Yeah and I'm thinking about using it again. Godot is kinda better culturally and in terms of licenses, but I really disliked how animation state machine turned out useless in practice and you still have to manually implement your own state machines in code and control animations from there. Also I really dislike the absence of proper composition based component model. You can do the same with find child or whatever it's called, but it feels less natural and docs say they prioritize inheritance over composition iirc. Imagine prioritizing inheritance when you don't have neither multiple inheritance, nor mixins or traits. Idk how to use this approach and honestly I'm not even interested because I love composition based approaches. One thing I though was a big win in Godot is easy built-in geonodes/pathfinding, that worked ok for me, not perfect and I'm not sure I could fix it to be perfect, but it was decent. And in Unity I don't even know if they have built-in solution, iirc there's only paid stuff in Asset Store for this.

Anonymous No. 995578

unity has a built in navmesh system that has always worked for me with my admitedly simple uses for it.

Anonymous No. 995592

until they decide to implement it again, or something even worse

Anonymous No. 997266

>Godot is kinda better culturally
Like communists shitting in your face and telling you is delicious pudding? You dumb bruh. Unity light-years ahead in terms of tech and ease of use.

Anonymous No. 997281

>MONTHS pass
>"G-guys we cancelled the fee fully!! You can trust us now!!!"
>This coming from the same company that tried to literally DELETE their own older TOS archives to push the runtime fee in the first place

Scum, I don't know how anyone can trust them again.
It's just a matter of basic decency, if you try to rip up your agreements with everyone from big companies to smaller customers then why would anyone believe this????

Anonymous No. 997295

I only use unity for hobbyist projects that only get seen by me and never get sold, same with the rest of the toolchain.

Anonymous No. 997320

Dude, this literally happened three days ago, the post you're answering to is from two weeks ago.
I already have my own fork of Godot and my own fork of Material Maker which I can use and tweak in case it spirals down even more and they change license, etc.
Fwiw they only ever apply new policies to new versions. So if you started using Unity during era of policies you liked,
you can continue using it like that forever on that version (not a single minor version, but all versions starting from last LTS until the next LTS I believe).

Anonymous No. 997393

Why would I use software by DEI faggots?

Anonymous No. 997404

giving a fuck about that is why you are a nobody on 4chan and don't have a succesful released projed

Anonymous No. 997414

I can't into gamedev until i get a new video card, which I wont do until the 50 series comes out

Anonymous No. 997428

What a shit metric. I started gamedev on a fucking potato craptop years and years ago.

The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Uhhhhh no you shit for brains the huge controversy was that the change was going to be retroactive and apply to all games using the Unity Runtime. They only recently agreed to let users keep stuff the same for their specific version, BUT GUESS WHAT THEY DID THE SAME SHIT A FEW YEARS AGO. This isn't the first time they tried to retroactively change shit up and then back track and say they'd never do it again. It happened twice now

So don't believe for one damned second that's true because they prove twice that it want true, and proved they're more than fine lying about it.

Anonymous No. 997432

>What a shit metric. I started gamedev on a fucking potato craptop years and years ago.

you cant understand anything besides your own situation. I have to hit at least 120fps stable with high fidelity, cutting edge graphics

Anonymous No. 997434

Going back to unity too #wokot it's too much of a pain in the ass to do something not basic. And developers don't give a shit.

Anonymous No. 997456

>>997432 I understood just fine, I said it was you holding you back. I get that this is just a shit post, but it's not a very good one

Anonymous No. 997457

I find it super easy to use, it's much faster to develop with than Unity. Mayne you're just retarded and unwilling to change?

Anonymous No. 997464

>it's much faster to develop
You are not a gamer developer, go larp somewhere else faggot

Anonymous No. 997472

Lol, okay buddy. You're right actually, I'm an android dev who likes to make games for fun, I'm not a chud like you.

Anonymous No. 997509

I know, you are a mentally ill teenager with gender confusion Because of tiktok making a vampire survivors clone, I have to work on this shit for real

Anonymous No. 997518

This is pure schizo garbage posting, must be a newfag or something. Trying too hard

Anonymous No. 997520

The only thing that is trying too hard is you trying to pass.
It's not working.

Anonymous No. 997524

Why are you chudding?

Anonymous No. 997552

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny" cope harder nig for brains

Anonymous No. 997554

Not everyone, just you

Anonymous No. 997560

If you are not a chud why do you feel insulted for being called transgender?

Anonymous No. 997590

Oh woe is me, I went to 4chan and got called a tranny, oh I'm so upset and heartbroken.

Anonymous No. 997595

So how long until they try it again?

Anonymous No. 997598

Probably when they think everyone forgot about the first and second time.

Anonymous No. 997599

1) Play Pseudoregalia and Dread Delusion.
2) Join us making PS1 looking games on your ancient device.

Anonymous No. 997602

A year or two? Pick engine based on what works best for your project,
this shit policy drama will never end and possibly will even get into UE eventually as well.
In reality Unity fees were irrelevant for most projects (definitely irrelevant for all indie projects).
Godot moderation drama is irrelevant if you're not contributing to their engine yourself anyway.

Anonymous No. 997610

You seem upset to me, are you. Transphobic my fellow chud?

Anonymous No. 997612

"No u" dude this is weak trolling at its finest, does nothing but highlight how new and retarded you are

Anonymous No. 997708

You got offended by being called transgender, but you are totally pro LGBTQ.
Stop the crap, I use it as banter like most anons, but you clearly find them disgusting or something, if not why your over the top reaction?

Anonymous No. 997717

I think you think this is way deeper than it is dork, I never got offended, I was making fun of you

Anonymous No. 997739

It's deeper than your neovagina.
I called you out for being a trasphobe, I make jokes, you hate transgender people, see the difference?

Anonymous No. 997742

Okay schizo, at least keeping you in this thread has wasted your time from fucking up other threads. I'm at work getting paid to shit post, what are you doing?

Anonymous No. 997819

You are confusing jewnity tos with unreal

Anonymous No. 997820

As a tranny i think the other anon is based and you are a niggerjew

Anonymous No. 997827

Stop posting slurs or I'll report you, chud

Anonymous No. 997840

Stop hating transgender people, they are mentally ill and can't deal with reality
I'm working on my character creator, Go to #wokot and larp about developing a game or comeback to unity and work like a man
Your mind is blinded by hrt rage

Anonymous No. 997850

You're so easily triggered, lol. Why so sensitive?

Anonymous No. 997851

Everyone, this is the prime example of a virgin who needs to act tough online to feel good about himself. He's making the most useless piece of software ever to exist but somehow that makes him a real dev?

Anonymous No. 997853

Yeah I'm a real dev. My 6ft black boyfriend will come over to smash your face in as a bonus.

Anonymous No. 997854

Keep calling yourself real dev, maybe one day it'll be halfway true

Anonymous No. 997855

Character creator is cool shit. Have you played games like The Elder Scrolls, or MMORPGs? It's almost considered essential nowadays in games like those.

Anonymous No. 997858

Right, for about fifteen minutes, then I want to play a real game. That's not even a game. It's just a software.

Anonymous No. 997865

Yeah you might as well say UI is useless because you spend 20 seconds in menu before playing the game, and menu isn't real game either, it's kinda software.

Anonymous No. 997868

>>997865're right, a menu isn't a game you fucking spoon brain. Quit acting like a baby because I called out for trying to trash talk while not even working on a game. Unoriginal, uncreate, probably locked in tutorial hell, stuck with an engine because you're too stupid to apply your skills anywhere else but you want to act superior about it? You don't get to do the whole elitism thing if you are also dog shit.

Any real dev knows that no specific tool is inherently superior or inferior at everything. There is no damned reason to have some sort of brand loyalty like this is football or something over a fucking software, but its always the dipshit Unity users who couldn't process how to use another tool, so they just get angry and shit talk everything else to inflate their own egos and make themselves not feel so shitty and stupid.

Anonymous No. 998183

Holy shit I decided to give Unity a try after not using for like 5 years and having used Godot a bit recently, like few months ago. And my expectations were totally ruined. So, I run Unity, I grab my Blender scene file and drag into Unity. Error "blender cannot be launched" whatever, spent half an hour working around it and finally symlinking blender into /usr/local/bin (Godot allows you to just configure Blender path in options and make it work in 1 minute). Then my scene finally imports and... The importer is absolute garbage! Not only it cannot ignore tons of hidden objects in my scene, it also doesn't support any import suffixes whatsoever (stuff like -col, -convcol, -colonly, -navmesh, -rigid from Godot). My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I expected Unity to have what Godot has and more. Oh how wrong was I. Back to Godot, I guess. Maybe it's worth it to tinker with UE a bit since I've never really tried it.

Here Unityfags take a look how a decent importer looks in this year and age:

Anonymous No. 998185

I just googled how is UE workflow with importing/reimporting of blender scenes and it seems it's garbage. There are dozen of addons that try to fix this, but the ones I looked at I'm not sure they even allow you to have proper collections, for example official send to unreal addon wants you to use some weird structure on blender side. Why the hell is that even needed... Also people say animation reimport doesn't work automatically even with fbx. Seems no one can really match Godot in terms of rapid import/reimport.

Anonymous No. 998186

Sounds like a skill issue, chud.

Anonymous No. 998187

Sure I can implement my own scripts for importing however the fuck I want, but that's something you expect to be streamlined in supposedly "AAA" engine. I guess the real reason is "muh industry uses maya anyway".

Anonymous No. 998212

Then implement your own scripts, chud. You could've done it already instead of raging on a image board today.

Anonymous No. 998216

There's so many problems to solve that I'm trying to avoid EXTRA problems to solve as much as possible. Even with Godot's extraordinarilly blessed importer, there are still things I have to solve. Like, just now, I checked if my workflow of linking collection instances from other blend files into main blend file and then importing main blend file into godot will work. And it's surprising possible to make even this almost working but the last thing I couldn't link properly is textures from other blender files linked into main file. And trying to solve this via script would be insanity because this is not even user-level stuff, it's internals of blender formats and spocifics such as linking. Something like this can take weeks and months to develop and when it's done, and at that point, go contribute it into godot as you're now hardcore game engine dev, Some import scripts are easy for sure, like skipping stuff that has something in name etc, this is very different.

Anonymous No. 998223

I'm making an RPG, a character creator is a basic function, are you taking the hrt dose that says in the package?
I feel sorry for you, it must be awful having a mental illness and nobody is helping you.

Anonymous No. 998226

Try to make something big on #wokot, it's impossible, really small projects are duable but an RPG or example, impossible. It might be good to have an importer if you use blender, but it's worthless if you want to do a game that's not basic

Anonymous No. 998228

>Any real dev knows that no specific tool is inherently superior or inferior at everything
This is the most retarded take I've ever seen, of course specific tools are superior to others, but its always the dipshit Godot hrt users who couldn't process how fucking awful Godot tools are, so they just get angry and shit talk everything else to inflate their own egos and make themselves not feel so shitty and stupid, and to hide their hrt rage

Anonymous No. 998230

Everything is going back to normal, Godot is a toy, fun to play with but not something you want me to use for your games, maybe some day they can do the same as blender, but for now it's something for kids to play with.

Anonymous No. 998248

>at everything
Funny how you managed to not comprehend that and then immediately resort to calling someone a tranny.

You simultaneously made yourself look retarded, then invalidated your opinion anyways.

Anonymous No. 998251

What? This is only something dorks who don't actually understand game engines say.

Anonymous No. 998255

Samefagging and doing the classic "Godot isn't real" shit, like we get it, you think you're a troll or something, best case scenario for everyone involved to to just ignore this faggot

Anonymous No. 998259

You don't play semantic games with me, I know exactly what you mean, I can say that a needle its superior to Godot because I can't repair my broken t-shirt with Godot tools, we are talking about tools that make development easier, and most of them unity is the clear winner, aka superior.

Not the same anon, I don't think Godot is a toy, it's even worthless for that
I don't even like unity's bulshit, but I'm not deluded to think that Godot is competition.
But if you think that you are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 998260

Samefaggot, you are so dense, you didn't knew that UI and character creators are part of game development, this is why everyone laughs at Godot.
Sorry you didn't get to that party on the tutorial no?

Anonymous No. 998262

What I'm doing isn't too big, but for me solo it's quite a lot of work. I currently don't see other better options, so gonna stick to Godot and see how it's going. The thing is, I'm doing retro graphics and it's supposed to be more of an ARPG/Platformer than actual RPG. I don't think performance will ever be an issue here. The real issue is actually doing all the 3d work and writing and scripting game systems. It took like 30+ hours of pure work just modeling some buildings for the starter location where player will probably not spend more than 5-10 minutes. And there is a lot of other things to model there too. I'm ofc will be looking to balance this all properly and maybe introduce more gameplay there, so that player at least spends some more time with all those assets.

Anonymous No. 998275

>retarded UI
>retarded language
Not today, chud

Anonymous No. 998291

Sorry dipshit, no same fagging here, we just think you're retarded

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Anonymous No. 998292


Anonymous No. 998294

Also, just making UI and just making a character creator isn't a game you smooth brain. Those things are apart of games, not the game itself.
You must be an Indian shitskin or some Mexican or something

Anonymous No. 998342

What do you call the game itself? Mechanics?, even mechanics are just part of the game, I'm making an RPG, a character creator and UI are extremely important, don't dance around it faggot, you are making all this mental gymnastics to don't deal with the fact that you are a low iq subhuman
>You are not making a game you are making a character creator for your game
I don't think that calling you retarded is an insult at this point, I feel like I'm talking to a real mentally ill person.

We are not talking about your mother, Go to back to bed kid maybe you can play with Godot tomorrow and make a mmorpg following a tutorial on YouTube.
UI and a character creator are part of a game, crying about it doesn't make you right

Anonymous No. 998345

I don't work alone, like I said before, for small shit almost every game engine works.
But for an RPG it's impossible, Godot lacks a lot of tools that unity and unreal have, you have to look at what's realistic for the game engine you are using, don't be deluded like the other anon, if you do low poly retro graphics, it can totally work, but try to make something bigger you will come back running to unity or unreal.

Anonymous No. 998349

Anyone who ever talks about this never actually mentions the tools they say it lacks, which just proves its usually some asshat redditor who is parroting what other glued to their screen dorks say.

1. How do you think games were built in the past? They built the tools they needed, ffs, they didn't rely on pre-built crap from the Unity/Unreal asset store

2. A single person or a 2-3 sized team isn't building a massive open world RPG that goes anywhere. You see tons of examples where people start to, then development goes nowhere. Very few successful small team games built at massive scale exist. Any for the majority of them, there's nothing that can't be done in other engines.

3. Is no one old enough to remember when this is how they talked about Unity? Wasn't that long ago either when dorks would try and say it's a kiddie engine that's useless and not good for much. Didn't take long before that turned around.

4. 2-3 years from now people will not be talking about it its incapable. There are several external tools that solve many of issues people have and if you're one of to asshats who get upset that you need outside tools ill point out that every other engine also requires external content from their stores to do many specific functions.

I really dont understand why so many people spend time trying to shit talk a specific software and try and convince others not to use it. Every software has its strengths and weaknesshes, I'm not trying to suggest it doesn't have these weaknesses, but I get so tired of the dialouge spat out by idiots who have no real substance to their words. You've shit out a nothing burger here

I've used Unreal and Unity and I've used libraries like SDL2 and LibGDX and I even spent a couple years working on my own engine. I like learning new systems and software and branching out into new things. So many people see these bullshit comments that are made, again, by reddit chuds and avoid it

Anonymous No. 998371

> Like, just now, I checked if my workflow of linking collection instances from other blend files into main blend file and then importing main blend file into godot will work. And it's surprising possible to make even this almost working but the last thing I couldn't link properly is textures from other blender files linked into main file.
Update on this: turns out the most powerful scene import format for Godot is GLTF and exporting from Blender to Godot through GLTF not only automatically includes all assets linked from external blender files, it also properly does instancing on Godot side. So, if you have the same mesh used as instance in many collections, it will be a single instanced mesh on Godot side as well. I'm very happy about how this works, the only issue I noticed is if I extract imported materials to external files, they stop syncing with original scene on reimport. I'm not sure if that's expected, probably is.

Anonymous No. 998395

>Anyone who ever talks about this never actually mentions the tools they say it lacks
Ik is shit, physics which is a big part of a lot of games today including mine in Godot are shit.
The particle system is shit
The third party terrain generator that implemented about a year ago is not good enough either. I can go on with smaller shit, but from the start their physics engine is the worst thing I can mention.

1. We have a 3d modeler in house, but asset stores are needed to lower the amount of work artists need to do in trivial things.

2. Where did I say that we are a 2 to 3 sized team? You took that from your ass.

3. I'm older than you, and yes unity was lacking of features to make it move to in industry ready engine, but instead of giving excuses they work on making it better, something that Godot fanboys like you don't understand
You can't make something better if the needs of developers are not listen

4 I hope that's the case, but I'm not sure, the retarded Godot community is holding it back, I remember when blender fanboys didn't want to put standard save features on blender.

I also don't want external tools to deal with everything I need, more things to worry if they don't work as intended.

>I really don't understand why so many people spend time trying to shit talk a specific software
And that's your problem, saying that something is lacking it's not shit talking
If I say Godot render pipeline is not at par with other engines in the market maybe is because it's true

Anonymous No. 998404

Physics is solved by Jolt (the same physics engine built for and used by Horizon games), the particle system is better than Unity's right now (your info is a bit out of date here), I never said YOU were a 2-3 person team you dunce, I was giving an example, and IK has some paid tools.

People loooooove to conveniently forgot that most of the problems are solved by plugins, then say they don't want plugins to have a complete package, then get angry when you point out how many plugins they use for Unity

Anonymous No. 998406

>I'm older than you
Doubt it but okay, you talk like a newfag

Anonymous No. 998436

>the particle system is better than Unity's right now
You are out of your mind.

>People loooooove to conveniently forgot that most of the problems are solved by plugins.
I don't think you understand it because you don't work making games, you maybe are a child playing with the software.
I need a working game engine, unity has everything that you need native, so if I have problems I don't have to deal with 20 other developers to fix the plugging so I can keep working, that doesn't work.
We barely use any plugins that is not in house, but Godot needs them for basic functions.
Physic in Godot are shit, particle system shit, third party terrain generator total shit, render pipeline... Ik... Every day I agree more with the anon than says Godot is a toy.
Oh and the worst part is the mentally handicaped community surrounding that dead project. You are never going to be a woman and Godot would never going to be a success like blender.
Give me the name of a /3/ user from 8 to 10 years ago, you cant newfag, filth like you made this a dead board

Anonymous No. 998441

>unity had everything you need native

hahhahahahhahahha omfg you're a retard, good luck in life, this invalidates everything you have said. This simply isn't true. Half of anything Unity uses is deprecated or half baked

You saying this just instantly makes me right, you're a fucking moron hahahahah

Anonymous No. 998442

This is the nature of open source ecosystems, some stuff needs to be addons, if that's really the line you draw in the sand you think it's a worthwhile argument, again, retard.

Calling someone who proves you wrong a tranny is just embarrassing hahahahhayahayya you're a fucking loser, Godot gets 57k a month it's not dead

For anyone else here, just look this guy can't come up with anything real when it comes down to it. Keep calling people trannies like that someone means anything

Anonymous No. 998582

Good news then!

Anonymous No. 998621

Another update on this: I spent 6 hours yesterday trying to bake lights in Godot for my scene imported from Blender. I tried a lot but ultimately half of it doesn't work and another half looks like shit. First of all, it looks dramatically different before bake and after bake (I got rid of all the tricky things like emission etc, and every lightsource is set to "Static" bake mode, so I don't get what could go wrong). Some bigger landscape meshes get weird ambient light in my 100% black scene after bake for some reason. There is a cascade of green lamps in one building that bakes properly, and then copypasted cascade of same lamps in other building for some reason doesn't get baked to floor. Lights themselves somehow seem to affect distant objects even on low intensities. A lot of issues. I think I'm gonna try something else and get back to fighting this if there are no easier solutions elsewhere.

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Anonymous No. 998643

>you are never going to be a woman

Anonymous No. 998645

>Give me the name of a /3/ user from 8 to 10 years ago, you cant newfag, filth like you made this a dead board
If you are still on this board after a decade of 3d experience I have bad news for you

Anonymous No. 998646

Can you try to be less Obvious samefag?

>Half of anything Unity uses is deprecated or half baked
And still people choose it over Godot, that shows that your toy game engine can't even compete with a half baked one
>You saying this just instantly makes me right
Give me one example of a basic function you don't find native in unity

> This is the nature of open source ecosystems, some stuff needs to be addons
Wrong, basic functions don't need to be Add-on, specific tools can be add-ons.
Blender does this correctly, I don't need anything to make basic functions that is not packed in the software itself.
>Calling someone who proves you wrong a tranny is just embarrassing
I called you a mentally ill deffective human being that would never be a woman, I never called you a transgender.
>For anyone else here
It's only you and me here, and maybe another anon trying to bake lights and your dead project.
If you are going to samefag at least change the way you write, even a newfag knows that.
You are never going to be a woman and Godot would never going to be a success like blender.

Anonymous No. 998647

I have a stable job and people pay me for my games, I can come here to have fun how much I want.
The sad thing for me is that common filth like you killed this board so it's not as fun as it used to be.

Anonymous No. 998649

classic "im actually successful but i come here because ermmmm yall are pathetic lol!!!" larp
I'd have more respect for you if you would admit you are a loser, you can stay on my board all you want though, babe, you aren't going anywhere anytime soon

Anonymous No. 998654

You clearly don't have a job if you think that saying I have a stable job is something out of the ordinary, of course you use Godot, you can't afford a real game engine because most Godot add ons that are good are paid ones
Get a job common filth, maybe that way you can spoil yourself with having Functional IK on your toy game engine

Anonymous No. 998655

I wasn't trying to hide posting twice you fucking moron

Godot brings in nearly 60k a month and has gotten several 100k donations. It is already a success, there are a dozen published godot games that have made a lot of money and next year there will be several dozen more.

I am a man born a man who isn't trying to be a woman, but it makes you look like a sad chud incel to call anyone who proves you wrong a tranny. What a faggot, trannies live rent free in your head

>blender does this correctly
Wrong again retard, blender can't even do layered texture paint without an addon, it needs addons for animation, it has hundreds of addons for simulation, it has many paid addons for character rigging, etc. There pently of shit blender just can't do right, and that's fine, its a free software. But don't pretend it's some perfect bastion of perfect software. It's not and only a fool who hasn't used other software would think this.

With every post you make yourself look more inexperienced. Are you like 15 years old or something? You keep saying things that are blatantly false and then screech about trannies

Hurrrr ynbaw hurrrrrr

Anonymous No. 998656

You're talking to a different person retard

Anonymous No. 998657

You've been so long on this board and still can't tell when you are talking to a different anon? I don't give a shit about your petty unity godot squabble. I'll just keep posting my shit down your throat, you will tongue my anus with every post you make, I love you so much

Anonymous No. 998659

Oh shit, it's the neet faggot who wants to fuck his mother from the old thread,
Did you got help?
Get the fuck away from your mom Chris chan.

Anonymous No. 998661

> Give me one example of a basic function you don't find native in unity
Import suffixes, see >>998183

Anonymous No. 998664

Programmatic animations have been deprecated, not everything needs the stupid graph

Anonymous No. 998678

> I think I'm gonna try something else and get back to fighting this if there are no easier solutions elsewhere.
Tried UE, it's fucking 30GB download, I had to wait for half an hour for it to open for the first time, all controls in viewport are different to any other 3d related program I've ever used, the GLTF import screen has so many option it took 10 minutes to read. Imported light still didn't look anywhere close to how it looks in Blender both in "Standard" and "Raw (Deprecated)" light export modes. I used a 3rd person character preset for project and I couldn't run it because it lags too much and I didn't bother to figure out how to make collisions work at that point, navigating scene in viewport also lags quite a lot unless I choose unlit mode to turn off the lights. Overall, I'm sure there are probably ways to handle all this in UE, but it probably will take way more time than working around it in Godot. I also finally have a good idea of biggest reason of lights being broken in Godot - it's probably because I used radius in Blender and it doesn't export, in Godot size stays 0. So this is something I will try fixing next, only using 0 radius point lights on Blender side.

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Anonymous No. 998689

Gamedev is hell bros. I can't even find a decent Blender addon to prebake all lighting into albedo and save as separate scene. I mean, addons I see are only generating baked textures in special folder that aren't even automatically applied. Like, I'm not gonna go through every model and apply that manually wtf.

Anonymous No. 998691

Stop trying to use blender lights, they're notoriously bad when moving from one software to the next

You can write a tool script that recreates all the lights in the scene if you want or just do it manually

Anonymous No. 998692

The biggest problem is that I want to design scene in Blender, and that includes light. I'm also ok with lights being static. The best option seems to be bake lights in Blender and export everything baked, but I'm still in process of figuring out how to do it in nice automated way, because manually changing every texture to baked variant isn't practical at all. Imagine if you move something you will now have to reapply a shit ton of textures because lightning changed.

Anonymous No. 998699

Light it inside the engine you madagascar monkey

Anonymous No. 998722

Try again samefag

Anonymous No. 998735

>everyone is a samefag but me

Anonymous No. 998749

No, just you hahahahahahaha

Anonymous No. 998750

I'm not the same anon but you are a samefag hahahahagafaha

Anonymous No. 998751

You are a samefag hahahahahhagaga

Anonymous No. 998752

You are replying to a different person fucking retard

Anonymous No. 998755

You don't have anything to say and just use personal insults, good way to lose the discussion
Godot sucks and their community is the filth of the earth. Pray for redot since is the last chance for your dead toy project

Anonymous No. 998756

>I wasn't trying to hide posting twice you fucking moron
You got caught samefaggot, Next time don't use the same phrases

Anonymous No. 998758

>the particle system is better than Unity's right now
Tell me that you are a troll

Anonymous No. 998762

You must not be very experienced in either, anyone who has used both recently agrees with me.

Anonymous No. 998764

Everyone who's used both agrees with me anon, I'm not saying Godot's is bad, but it's not at th same level

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Anonymous No. 998775

I realized I'm depended on Godot on a deeper level. It just feels good. Layout is exactly how I want it to be, UI/UX is nice, default keybindings to navigate viewport are pretty close to Blender, everything is open-ended.

Anonymous No. 998807

Then make a thread about your toy, this is for adults talking about adult game engines like unity and unreal

Anonymous No. 998823

Lol okay chuddy

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Anonymous No. 998829

I love /3/ rage threads so much, bros. Finally we have a 3d flame war.

Anonymous No. 998832

fuck off nigger, unity's documentation is outdated and their own team cant keep up with the project breaking changes they do. this includes the shitty particle system

Anonymous No. 998848

And Godot can't stop banning everyone because of a mentally ill troon, so stfu faggot.

Anonymous No. 998849

Your welcome kid, now go play with Godot, maybe you can make the new vampire survivors

Anonymous No. 998850

Lets fucking go Unity chuds Vs Godot troons.

Anonymous No. 998854

There's a 45% chances that Godot users would not end the war
They are chemically fuelled with hrt induced rage but there's too many losses

Anonymous No. 998856

Oh wow
>deep seeded programming issues that run back over a decade


>a community managers bad day after being sent slurs and death threats and a grand total of 2 dipshits gets banned on git for making fake pull requests

You can see one of these actually matters to devs and one is rage bait

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Anonymous No. 998857

>everyone who likes stuff I hate is a tranny

Anonymous No. 998858

>Everyone who don't call me by my made up pronouns is a chud

Anonymous No. 998859

No when you ban your supporters, are you mentally handicaped?
Without that money your toy fucking dies, I don't really care if it dies or not because I'm not a child and I don't have time to play with toys. But you should care

Anonymous No. 998860

No, only people who think about trannies all day long are chuds. That'd be you, kid.

Anonymous No. 998861

Oh boy some dorks on Twitter got banned such a big issue, godot lost like $100 out of their $57000 a month fund oooh such a big deal

Anonymous No. 998862

For someone who is supposedly an adult you spend a lot of time talking about Godot on 4chan and spend a lot of time calling people trannies instead of making games.

If godot is a toy then you're like the weird kid who is upset that others are enjoying something. You just have yo get involved and let everyone know you hate it and think about trannies all day

Anonymous No. 998863

Troons think about themselves all the time too so that makes you a chud too

Anonymous No. 998864

Straight up rent free in your head

Anonymous No. 998865

You know that adults have free time too?

Anonymous No. 998866

Wow the person experiencing their own perspective thinks about themself

That made me laugh, if it was a joke good for you, if not then I guess I'm laughing at you

Anonymous No. 998867

Yeah and you're spending your free time talking about trannies

Anonymous No. 998868

And a fork was created with thousands of people supporting it, it might been more than 3 or 4 twitter users.
Godot is for mentally ill people, but you have another chance with redot, don't fuck it up, your toy is in danger

Anonymous No. 998869

You have to pay me rent troon, don't tell me that you are a communist too?

Anonymous No. 998871

>thousands of people
Lol, no, that's just wrong. They aren't even taking donations yet you retard

Anonymous No. 998872

Yes and? It's my free time

Anonymous No. 998873

When did I say that people are donating?
I said support not donators

Anonymous No. 998874

You are a chud too, deal with it chudtroon

Anonymous No. 998875

That's the software equivalent of thoughts and prayers retard

Anonymous No. 998876

And I'm judging you asswad, youre a fucking loser and a half and im making fun of you.

Anonymous No. 998877

This is a fucking thread for unity, godot troons started talking about it. So that's the answer, you have to bring your toy for mentally ill people to every conversation, but I can't say anything? Not how it works, this is not the Godot discord, I don't have to support your mental illness

Anonymous No. 998878

I can't make fun of you because I don't like to make fun of the mentally ill, I wish people helped you instead of following your delusion.

Anonymous No. 998879

The only prayers I hear is the Godot community so their toy don't die

Anonymous No. 998880

A single troon killed your community, deal with it

Anonymous No. 998882

i stopped donating to godot, if redot keeps their promises they can have my money instead

Anonymous No. 998883

>everyone who proves me wrong is a tranny

Anonymous No. 998884

Samefag trying to lie

Anonymous No. 998885

There are thousands of users supporting redot anon, go to their discord and X.

Anonymous No. 998887

Supporting how? By saying so? Most of those people weren't godot users to begin with anyway, they just jumped in because they heard woke and had a hissy fit

Anonymous No. 998888

Everyone is a samefag to you chud

Anonymous No. 998891

Yes and most of them are bots too, even better, redot doesn't exist, it's russian propaganda. Copium

Anonymous No. 998892

You are sad because I don't respect your pronouns. Sorry anon but you are not passing

Anonymous No. 998893

You tell yours that if it helps you to sleep better

Anonymous No. 998894

Stop spamming weird shit on the redot discord, you are not going to take us down, godot has become so sad and pathetic

Anonymous No. 998895

How it feels that it took a single mentally ill person to destroy Godot?
For me it felt amazing.

Anonymous No. 998897

The cope is so hard

Anonymous No. 998898

Samefag, look at how triggered this supposed adult is

Anonymous No. 998900

Everyone is as samefag to you, deal with the fact that there's other perspectives than yours, you make me sad

Anonymous No. 998901

Samefaggot, looks how pathetic is, crying because he lost

Anonymous No. 998902

everyone who disagees with your shit takes is a samefag, get out of the internet for a day fucking mentally ill excuse for a human.

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Anonymous No. 998903

Wrong again retard

Anonymous No. 998904

Samefag again, so triggered look at how he has to spam a bunch of shut in a row, and even says he "won" an argument on 4chan. Sad day for the world that this person gets to walk free.

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Anonymous No. 998905


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 998972


Anonymous No. 998977

Looks like I won guys he quit responding so that means I won

Anonymous No. 999015

You are right, I should respond quicker, I know your kind don't last long.
Going back to Godot, I Installed tried it and you are basically insane if you think that the particle system is better than unity, I gave you the benefit of the dowt, now I have something in my mind, you surely are a troll, because no matter how mentally ill you are there's no chance you believe this, even with your hormone rage and the pain of introducing weird objects into your never closing wound, you can't be that deluded to think that Godot has good particle systems

Anonymous No. 999017

Shitskin detected.
Also, you played around with it for a few minutes at best, that's not near enough time to understand anything. You're also lying

By the way, the particle system is much more than the menu UI. You can do way more with code.

Anonymous No. 999020

>implying tranny
I have a beard and a dick and I don't have any wish to change that, but if calling me a tranny makes you feel better about yourself I guess go for it

Anonymous No. 999022

No, I asked a coworker who plays with Godot outside work. It's shit, I tried it, I spent the time testing Godot with someone who knows more than you.
Are you implying that transgender can't have penises? What are you? A chud?

Anonymous No. 999023

>who knows more than you
Oh lol I very much doubt that.

Doubt, by the way, is how it's spelled you shitskin.

Honestly this kid is boring me, I'm gonna ignore this thread from now on. All this kid does is call people samefag and tranny and then mispells the most basic English. I'm out

Anonymous No. 999029

Cope faggot you are grasping straws at this point, he definitely knows more than you, but that's not difficult because you didn't got to the third tutorial
>I'm gonna ignore this thread from now on.
Don't go, I want to laugh a bit more. Remember that you are not in the godot discord, you can be safe there speaking retarded shit, but this is the real world, because Godot is open source and free doesn't make it good. I've tried it, and what you say is retarded, fanboys like you fuck everything that is community driven, that's why I don't use them. for every guy saying "maybe we need to work more on the physics" there are 10 mentally handicaped children like you who would defend the most broken feaure. That doesn't make your engine different, it makes it broken.

Anonymous No. 999035

Triggered lol, imagine being this dorky.
>"My imaginary friend definitely knows more than you!!!!"
Stay mad kid

Anonymous No. 999089

Come on anon, you don't have to make stuff up just to pretend to be right. It's okay to just admit you were wrong and move on. Only a child would lie like this

Anonymous No. 999096

This thread perfectly sums up everything wrong with Unity. Poor optimization, poor choices for networking (all third party by the way), terrain is outdated (need to use third party), foliage is shit, etc.

Anonymous No. 999225

>cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
Okay chuddy

Anonymous No. 999231

I'm sorry but Unity and Unreal both also have almost no useful base tools for making RPGs. You almost always have to write that shit from scratch if you intend to do anything remotely outside the norm. Most stat system addons for either are extremely generic or boilerplate, and combat systems are guaranteed to have to be done from scratch.

I really don't know what you're trying to say with this, it makes no sense.

Anonymous No. 999232

I think it's realy funny that this is said because I'm pretty sure the board isn't even 5 years old at this point.

Anonymous No. 999233

Worth noting that the 'thousands of people supporting it" nearly all lost interest after they realized they couldn't actually be openly racist in the discord because the devs told them to shut up and make games, so now it's down to 20 or so actual gamedevs who are interested in it currently.

Twitter righties are almost completely incapable of staying on task for more than 2 weeks. Redot MIGHT get some interesting things to it, but it also will be in a much slower overall state no matter how you look at it. At most I am just interested in them adding more audio format support and that's kinda all I wanna see.

Anonymous No. 999238

I was here back when text boards were a thing, I frequented /prog/ myself

I find it funny when people still try to use "prove your time here" as if everything ever posted to this site isn't archived to multiple different sites

Anonymous No. 999247

My guess would be that take is most likely about open-world in games like The Elder Scrolls, but I'm not really sure in this case it's more about engine than what you will do with it either.
Anyone with Unity / Unreal experience, do you think it makes it any easier to make huge open worlds than in Godot? Why exactly, what built-in tools are there to make open worlds easier?

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Anonymous No. 999251

Don't listen to trolls Godot-bros, we can do it!

Anonymous No. 999255

>Tfw using addressables

Anonymous No. 999265

The scene and node structure makes it easier compared to Unity by default, imo.

Anonymous No. 999267


Anonymous No. 999302

There's another fork, some developers got tired of the retarded Godot community and make another fork
Your gay little toy is falling, all because of a troon, deal with it.

>Make stuff up
You are so filthy and disgusting that knowing a coworker seems like a lie to you? Shit, I feel pity

We have a good developer who makes wonders, but you are right in that regard
Made me chuckle

You are clearly homosexual

Anonymous No. 999307

Godot isn't failing but I think it's telling how much you're rooting for it to fail. Very sad and stupid of you. You've come in here and lied and made yourself look stupid repeatedly, and just keep spamming the same old stuff. Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 999314

Oh God the retards back

Anonymous No. 999326

Unity cucks

Anonymous No. 999327

>You've come in here and lied
you can say that how many times you want, that doesn't make it true, that your mental illness makes you pee and cry when you try to talk to another human in real life doesn't mean that everyone else has your condition
I told you I tried it, and your refutation is that is impossible because I talked to a coworker?

the mentally ill Godot user cant talk with other humans without shitting his adult diapers, why I'm not surprised?
glad you came back
its so funny how you try, but the truth is that nobody has made a real game in your filthy game engine, apart from that awful sonic game that even autistic children hated. You can make how many mental gymnastics as you want, but there is a reality and that is godot is a toy, not a real engine.

Anonymous No. 999328

>several published and highly successful games
Okay chuddy

And in any case it's only recently that godot is at a point where it can be used viably for commercial projects. Saying it's a toy is just you trying to troll or it's worse, you're trying to cope because you're one of those dorks that think their tool needs to be the best ever and everything else needs to be shit on all the time.

It's the same way people talk about sports teams, regardless of how they are doing this season fuck you that team sucks and you're stupid for liking them

Imagine staking your whole personality on Unity, the cuck engine

Anonymous No. 999329

Still a liar, I call you a shitskim liar because you're a shitskin and you didn't add anything of value, you just claimed it was sad I totally used it for two minutes but I know it's bad. Thus you're a liar shitskin. You will never be a woman you tranny shitskin

Anonymous No. 999330

"No u" is the best this kid can come up with.

Anonymous No. 999360

Godot is not viable, you are the only one in copium here, no big game project was made with Godot, give me 10 real games made with Godot, i can give you 20 big projects off the top of my head.
Also imagine staking your own whole personality in Godot, that's even lower

Anonymous No. 999361

Go back to /pol/ chud

Anonymous No. 999363

You are just full of "no u" aren't you? At this point you're just reversing what I say. Whatever, Unity users aren't known for their creativity