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🧵 Howd am I not finding a quality Caesar model yet

Anonymous No. 996992

Am I stupid?

yes, the answer is yes but ignore that

I like Caesar, and I would like his models to fuck around with in Blender, especially the Pirate Warriors 3 one since I like the uniqueness of his design but I swear I can't find shit

Anonymous No. 996994

If he doesn’t have a MMD model (which also not available), he isn’t popular enough.

Anonymous No. 997028

Why must I be this way, Why must I like the unpopular character

Anonymous No. 997041

Just resculpt and texture him

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Anonymous No. 997045

Do it yourself foo, school's in session, time to learn something new.
>download game
>figure out what engine its running on
>find tools related to extracting assets from said engine
>extract assets
>possibly download blender addon for whatever proprietary model format the engine uses
>import and fuck around

Anonymous No. 997046

Fuck it, I will

I'll try those steps and hope I don't fumble and fuck something up, knowing me, but thanks Teach

Anonymous No. 997054

OPPW3 is made by Omega Force and I can't find shit bout their engine so I'm basically fucked in trying to extract it, right?

Anonymous No. 997061

3d screen shot

Anonymous No. 997068

You type like a nigger

Anonymous No. 997069

I just going to assume it’s

So unless you find someone who is willing to program a mod pack to hack and grab. You’re going to have to build him from scratch.

Anonymous No. 997070

Damn, well, thanks Anon

Might as well start getting back into learning blender and just get started on building him up from scratch then, the one thing I fear is his gas robe but I guess no better time than the present to practice and learn

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glup glup.png

Anonymous No. 997073

slightly off-topic but why are alcoholic drinks associated with cheating/NTR over there?

Anonymous No. 998526

Nah, you're good