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Anonymous No. 997628

What's the secret to a successful career in Adult 3DCG?

Anonymous No. 997629

Lighting, shading, and Overwatch

Anonymous No. 997644

6000 hrs of browsing /d/ to understand what people want.

Anonymous No. 997645

There's a secret?
3d porn is the definition of "If you build it, they will cum". Retards for fucking days praising the worst 3d slop imaginable. Like people with a day of experience under their belt. You literally can't fail.
Unless of course you strive to be better and end up burning out.

Anonymous No. 997646

I am a brown ape and I want money
should I do honest work? or should I be a lazy faggot and fleece people out of their money?

Anonymous No. 997651

Access to 3D models.

Anonymous No. 997654

any d4rk w3b secrets to getting good 3D models without paying super jewish prices?

Anonymous No. 997666

nonstop output

Anonymous No. 997747

You should get good and you'll get way more money. Like a dozen patrons vs thousands patrons.

Anonymous No. 997748

Either make really good art or cater to niche kinks.

Anonymous No. 997831

Decent animation skills is the most important factor. Still images are a hard sale, always was, and now doubly so, since you're not going to out compete AI image gen. The more vanilla your content is, the better quality animation is expected to attract people.

Anonymous No. 997841

There are so many people, that you can indeed fail, unless your goal is to make 200 a month and thats it.

To grow you need hardware and decent animation skills.

If you stagnate and make the same low effort shit, mass producing it thinking you will succeed, you wont.

Take grand cupido for example. Same animation, overwatch, and sfx for years. Never made above what he makes. When you have airport sounds in your bedroom, it gives a sense of "I dont care just mass produce my slop". He stagnated and will never be anything great.

It comes down to your end goal. Want side cash and thats it? Do what he does, produce 10 second slop with minimal effort as best you can.

Want to make the big bucks? Buy decent hardware, learn animation and basic art fundamentals, download and use the same modes successful artists use, and actually give a shit about quality, profit.

Anonymous No. 997842

Yes, you can make them yourself

Anonymous No. 997843

Ive seen artists use stills and make good cash cause it comes down to quality. Take someone like rigid3d or fugtrup, more images than animations.

Anonymous No. 997890

Both of them do animate though, and both of them are better than the average patreon animator. Well at least rigid is. And rigid3d provides rigs as well. I can guarantee you, that neither of these two would be earning anywhere near what they're making, if they were doing exclusively stills. Granted fugtrup does animate less, but on the other hand he's earning less than 2k, which I at least wouldn't call good cash.

Anonymous No. 997891

Chicks with dicks.

Anonymous No. 998016

Fugtrup barely makes animations. From 50 posts maybe 1 or 2 are animations.

He just has a unique style that nobody else does.

Anonymous No. 998069

>learn animation and basic art fundamentals, download and use the same modes successful artists use, and actually give a shit about quality, profit.
I can guarantee you no "successful" porn grifter knows any fundamentals. They might make money, sure, I won't argue that, but to call their shit "quality" or any word close in proximity you have to be fuckin coombrain beyond recognition.
This might come off as "spoonfeed me good porn artists", but give me 5 examples of actually decent animators doing exclusively porn, and I'll shift the goalposts and tell you why they're worse than even the bare-bones basic bitch animators on Twitter.

Anonymous No. 998074

>metaballs for modelling (curves blend together easily)
>basic rigging (nobody cares about superficial shit like creases and muh realistic hair, focus on jiggle)
>got a shitty computer? no problem - render with eevee at a super low resolution, apply a post processing filter, call it your "style"
>learn animation, remember it doesn't have to be amazing it just needs to be "not-stiff". stills are boring
>lean into a niche full of autists like minecraft/roblox etc. there's a ton of pedophiles there so do pedobait for extra cash
enjoy being rich

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Anonymous No. 998078

ViciNeko, Mantis X
> give me 5 examples
Yes, I also want more. I tried lurking on hentai boards and they exclusively discuss some average quality obscure content with weird kinks.

Anonymous No. 998081

The example of their photo you showed is meh. Fichl is 15 years old in Genshin Impact and many have lewd her to banned-able status. The photo isn’t close to what is considered sexy. She already wears sexually explicit clothing in game. You want her to have more skin exposure and the mentions of an embarrass geek.

They need to do better if this is what they consider their best. So don’t follow them because I really don’t see them as hentai artist.

Anonymous No. 998085

> You want her to have more skin exposure
Lol, maybe go check where this is from. I can't post anything else here from that 20 minute animation since this is SFW board.

Anonymous No. 998090


Anonymous No. 998096

I know it’s the monster slime but still basic stuff when you see similar things but other monsters are interesting in sexual situations. The guy is lacking lighting skills and the sex is common trope. It really doesn’t bring Fechl being sexy.

Anonymous No. 998097

Your standards are very high. For me it's godlike level. I would like some recs of something even better or at least comparable in quality.

Anonymous No. 998101

Developer account on f95

Anonymous No. 998123

...but I've already done this two times over

Anonymous No. 998124

How hard would it be reach a skill level of bottom tier animators like grand cupido?

How long would it take someone to reach the level of the top guys like general butch, nyl, or nagoonimation? a decade?

Anonymous No. 998249

It's a journey and you start with the first step.

Anonymous No. 998285

Just give up and have another wank.

Anonymous No. 998300


Anonymous No. 998302

Animation is not something you get good at. It's actually brute force monkey grunt work. Sure you have to understand what you're doing to make something like Nyl can, but even he has to spend months to make something a few minutes long. Modelling, lighting, texturing, and all the stuff that goes into making the big juicy pair of futa balls look nice before Nyl starts making them swing takes a lot of time and dedication to learn.

Anonymous No. 998325

So much time in fact that no creators have done anything impressive model or texture wise themselves. (It is and has always been 95% asset bashing. And when there are no new assets to bash with, models stay vaguely same quality for over half a decade)

Anonymous No. 998327

now spend 5000 hours learning Blender

Anonymous No. 998328

I'm already a year into 3d modeling (inorganic shit), just haven't touched animation or thought about porn making until this thread so that's why I was asking

Anonymous No. 998329

you're asking in the wrong place because you will always gets losers like these dudes >>998302 >>998327 who project their own inabilities onto others. you have hundreds (thousands) of freaks uploading animations to r34 each week that 10 or 15 years ago would be considered studio quality. it is not hard, you just need to know what needs to get done to achieve x porn goal

Anonymous No. 998361

this. everything else is trivial.

you can just rip models from games, and you can download also poses and mocap animations. those are the easy part.

being a coomer artist is more like a cinematographer rather than a sculptor.

Anonymous No. 998362

Like with many things, getting to an above average and passable level doesn't require too much time. But mastery takes a ton. A lot of those top tier creators are people who have been animating for years at an industry job. Getting good at animation is similar to drawing, you can be told what needs to be done, but actual skill comes with years of experience. Of course, most consumers will be happy with middling animation quality, as long as they get to see their favourite waifu naked, catering to their kink.That level most can achieve in a year, if they put in the effort.

Anonymous No. 998363

This will only get you pocket change, a couple thousand per month at best, barely minimum wage in any civilized country. You need to put in more effort to stand out from everyone else who's doing what you're describing, unless you happen to get incredibly lucky.

Anonymous No. 998568

I don't have any specific advice about careers in adult content creation. In general, success in any creative field usually involves developing your skills, building a portfolio, networking, and finding your niche. But I'd encourage looking into more family-friendly career paths that align with your interests and values.

Anonymous No. 998740

most ai generated response ive seen jesus christ wth

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Anonymous No. 998742

funny you say that, I feel like the ChatGPT answer would be the best one in the thread
it's not like there's any big secret or secret ritual to making it, you just gotta do it

Anonymous No. 998774

It's sound advice, but it's also very generalized. There are definitely focus points. Proper animation or games make a lot more than just making stills or models for example. And category matters a lot. The more vanilla you go, the more skilled you need to be. If you do niche content, you can make more with less skill, due to the content starved customer base. But on the other hand, if you're skilled enough to capture the much larger vanilla customer base, that's obviously a better option, unless you specifically wish to create content for a kink that you're into personally, for example. You weigh your personal enjoyment vs your payout. Personally I'd recommend always going with personal enjoyment, unless you can't make a livable wage from the niche you're into. Doing porn for a living can be very soul draining, if you don't enjoy the content you're making yourself, and will likely lead to a fast burnout.

Anonymous No. 998783

Don't do it. You'll have a twisted view on everything and you'll have to deal with highly and I mean fucking highly sensitive people who are constantly horny and literally evil and corruptive.
There will be people who will try to beg, guilt trip or manipulate you into making their fucked up fetishes.
It's /gif/ but directed at you.
Don't start it, trust me. this hell for 10+ years.
P.S.: I won't be able to erase this from my life, so I will never have a family either.

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Anonymous No. 998784

> You'll have a twisted view on everything and you'll have to deal with highly and I mean fucking highly sensitive people who are constantly horny and literally evil and corruptive.
> There will be people who will try to beg, guilt trip or manipulate you into making their fucked up fetishes.
Hot damn.

Anonymous No. 998911

Would you rather be a wagecuck

Anonymous No. 998921

i never said it was bad advice, its just extremely generalized, but the articulation coupled with that is what makes it sound like an AI with its use of "corporate buzzwords" and souless friendliness

Anonymous No. 999234

A few posts ITT make it sound like a lot of porn animators do modeling/texturing/rigging themselves, basically soloing the models they use from scratch.
but I was always under the impression that nearly every porn artist, even the super famous ones named in this very thread, just use other people's prerigged models? especially because it feels like every other decent porn animation I see posted on xitter has something like "credit to analDogFucker69 for letting me use this model" at the bottom of the tweet

Anonymous No. 999277

The case is and always has been that analDogFucker69's just grab shit from other places and put them together to but it simply, lol. But nobody has any idea, and they wont admit how simple it is unprompted. Some have even gone as far as to dodge talking about it

Anonymous No. 999297

even better, 99% of those models are just reused daz gen8 with game assets stapled on. ask yourself why the overwhelming majority of 3d porn features game characters instead of say, movies or tv. very few (and I mean a single digit number of creators in a sea of thousands) have made quality content with something that they made themselves.

This extends to sfw stuff too, most short films, fan animations, pwnisher challenges, etc, are almost all done with premade assets. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, for the record! but it's interesting how nsfw niggas don't like to acknowledge it like >>999277 said.

also maybe it's a legal thing. no one wants to acknowledge that they're technically breaking the law and it's inevitable that a corpo is gonna sue a r34 creator for stealing their ip or something. that's going to happen eventually, i promise you. don't know who would win that particular legal battle, but it's going to fucking happen sooner rather than later.

Anonymous No. 999298

>also maybe it's a legal thing
My guess is that it's mostly to cover their own tracks, put up the pretense of being an honorable artist while copying and stealing from others. The people who can point this out is smaller than the audience and if the behavior gets called out, it can be ignored or responded with something along the lines of "But I'm am an honorable artist :^)".

Anonymous No. 999300

and at the end of the day it's trivial because coomers don't give a single shit as long as they get to nut

Anonymous No. 999324

>interesting how nsfw niggas don't like to acknowledge
Nsfw artists mostly don't care about who made the model and how. They want it to look good enough for what they want to animate. They mention the guy posted the model and that's that.

Anonymous No. 999367

Wrong. I sometimes spend dozens of minutes finding decent enough 3d animation to jerk off.