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🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 998180

/wip/ - Works In Progress - "graphic design is my passion" edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>993026

Anonymous No. 998182

you ruined it.

Anonymous No. 998189

>old thread at page 4 and not at image limit
>whole board only has 9 pages
yeah you're special

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shoulder mechanism.webm

Anonymous No. 998190

shoulder mechanism. flawed but it doesn't seem to break easily at least. also why can't IK just fucking work? why do I need to add so many extra bones and constraints just to make it so it doesn't shit the bed?

Anonymous No. 998195

>anon doesn't know what a bump limit is
>anon is obviously a newfag because this has never been a problem before

Anonymous No. 998198

You are so retarded, holy shit.
/3/ needs twenty more threads before any thread can fall off the catalog. It doesn't matter what page the old thread is on if you can still post in it.
Bumping has also been broken for eight years now. Sort by last reply and shoot yourself.

Anonymous No. 998199

Again, it's never been a problem before, and it's not a problem on any other board. Creating a new thread after the old one has reached its bump limit is how it's done on literally every other board that has generals and no one shits their pants over it except you.
People are less likely to post in threads that have reached their bump limit, and I just like to see the board be active.

Anonymous No. 998200

>Creating a new thread after the old one has reached its bump limit is how it's done on literally every other board that has generals
so why do you have to be such a little smug faggot with that op pic

Anonymous No. 998202

I don’t recall feeling smug when I edited the OP pic, maybe just a little silly. I could have probably written “You don’t need to be someone special to do it.” Instead of “You don’t have to wait for someone special to do it.” because that would have gotten the point across better. It sounds stupid, but I have encountered people on this website before that think the jannies are the ones who make the general threads. I've seen the activity in the wip threads grind to a halt for weeks at a time because no one wants to make a new thread.
Maybe it’s my fault for wording things wrong, but your need to tell me I’m not special and that I’m being smug makes me think you’re projecting your own ego disorders onto me, because that's just not the way my brain operates. I’m just trying to have a little fun.

Anonymous No. 998203

Here's some prior work and a reasoning for it: >>997228
>10 days ago
>it's on page 6 and still has space for images
Stop shitting up my thread watcher. You make the thread when you need it, and right now you don't.

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Anonymous No. 998217

Now modeling the gorget. I'll see if I can stamp some leaf-like pattern into it.

Anonymous No. 998220

Can I cum on it?

Anonymous No. 998222

No. Great shame. Ancestors cry.

Anonymous No. 998224

it is op's fault for making a cringe statement that he should have known would make retards have a temper tantrum

it is anon's fault for getting chipped by a throwaway cringe pic

Anonymous No. 998234

Is it even worth the effort to use plasticity, bro? I have a real, paid, active license, but I also like modelling with polys because it just makes more sense to me, if you know what I mean.

the chair nerd No. 998237

I touch my pee pee at night

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Anonymous No. 998240

For surface modeling, absolutely. Polygonal modeling is quicker for most things, but I will say that I could spend an eternity trying to model that with polygons, and in the end I would have failed. I would never be able to get the perfect shading, the fillet washouts, the smooth transitions, etc. Maybe with subdiv, but even then... I wouldn't recommend it. It's not worth the effort if you're aiming the surface modeling look. The gorget, I could do with polygons, but not the rest of the helmet.

And I just think it's very fun. Time flies, which is why I only do this at weekends, or I wouldn't get any work done during the week.

Anonymous No. 998241

are you using the blender bridge at all?

Anonymous No. 998242

No, I'm using plasticity through vnc on a separate computer and I couldn't get the bridge to work over a different IP. I just export as OBJ when I'm finished.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 998245

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Anonymous No. 998246

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Anonymous No. 998258


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Anonymous No. 998264

Still working on it, maybe another month of work left to finish this entirely and post it.

Anonymous No. 998269

What else is there to do? I assume the parts who aren't visible?
This looks pretty fucking good

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Anonymous No. 998270

Anonymous No. 998271

super neat anon

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Anonymous No. 998284


Anonymous No. 998286

There’s still a lot to do with the wood. Some splintering here and there, some texture adjustment to add granularity. As for the metal part, it’s barely worked on, I’m still gonna work on it for at least three weeks before it’s close to what I want. I have multiple references that I’m following. But thanks for compliment my guy

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Anonymous No. 998334

day 2
thank you.

Anonymous No. 998335

holy gemmy...

Anonymous No. 998337


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Anonymous No. 998338

more or less done. just need to mess with the rifle a little bit more I think, not very enthused by it.

what do you think, blue fresnel outline thing on the shader, or skip it?

Anonymous No. 998340

how long have you been doing this?

Anonymous No. 998344

>it's done on literally every other board that has generals
It's literally not. Generals stay until they reach image limit and then get refreshed. That's how it works on every board.
>and no one shits their pants over it
Everyone shits their pants over it when some retard bakes a thread early.

Anonymous No. 998388

since january

Anonymous No. 998389

doing good so far, but i think you only have the initial step. I think you should do rigging and animation on this character

Anonymous No. 998391

high effort meme

Anonymous No. 998396

You mean high effort art

Anonymous No. 998437

ty. mostly rigged already, ik/fk limbs and parent switching for the gun. just need to add some constraints to the fingers and we're good to go. animation on the other hand... that shit is hard man. kind of have an idea of what I want do with him but it ain't gonna be anywhere near as good as it is in my head.

Anonymous No. 998438

are you using blender for animation?

Anonymous No. 998439

yeah, using blender for the whole thing.

Anonymous No. 998448

i have not been to this board in over a decade and you're all still using this same image.
that makes me so happy.
>still haven't hit 1 million posts
glad to see nothing has changed.

Anonymous No. 998589

Cool thread idea

Anonymous No. 998639

Bot, I hope whoever made you gets fucked in the ass with one of those baseball bats that have rusty nails embedded in em.

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 998684


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Anonymous No. 998747

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 998940

How do I make a good low-poly anthro head?

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Anonymous No. 998947

Been pluggin away at this in the background, nearly time to cut things and start rendering. I could probably work this to death, but I need to make sure I have the time to actually render the anim.

One question though. Anyone know of a way to make heat haze that's more or less "depth accurate"? Like yeah I can throw a refraction on a plane and call it a day (which is what I've done), but there's a bit more nuance to actual heat distortion than that. Not to mention since it's just a plane at a fixed distance from the camera, anything that passes that plane (for instance the train), will be distorted instantly like someone just turned it on, instead of a gradual thing as it gets further on. So a heat haze that was a bit more gradual over a distance would work, but I'm not really sure how to do that, and searching for it just gives the basic bitch "just throw refraction on a plane, bro".

Also, I'm pretty fed up with Blender at this point. It's a fucking dice roll now when I press render whether it will crash (about a 50% chance), get stuck on "initializing" and not render at all (30%), or actually fucking render (20%).
I've narrowed down WHAT is causing it to fuck up (the road and adaptive subdiv), but not how to fix it. All searches point to "disable GPU subdivision", which I have, but no dice. Switching to the 4.3 beta made it a bit more stable, but it's really that extra 10% to make 20% on the render dice roll.
Not to mention the random, "will this object render or not", or "will the displacement displace" roll when adaptive subdiv on.
The modifier is a fucking mess.

Thanks for reading my faggy blog post/rant.

Anonymous No. 998949

get a more fucking powerful GPU then faggot

Anonymous No. 998954

do it post-render and use a depth-pass to drive it

Anonymous No. 998958

Next "more fucking powerful GPU" than I currently have is a 4090. Somehow I doubt that's going to make a difference. The GPU's strength isn't the problem. There's something fucky going on with Blender in conjunction with my project. Just weird shit all around, despite throwing much more at it in the past without issue.

Yeah that actually sounds like a good idea.

Anonymous No. 998960

have you tried a clean uninstall and reinstall drivers with DDU? Also, this is exactly why I dont buy the most expensive cards. Cards always break after a while. I've had so many cards malfunction that I just buy cheap ones like 60 series now. To be honest with you I think 60 series cards can do everything almost as well as a 90 series card and you can replace it easily

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Anonymous No. 998964

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Anonymous No. 998970

idk what to have him lean on but whatever it is im probably gonna use geonodes to scatter it everywhere

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Anonymous No. 998976


Anonymous No. 999004

I've updated drivers, but not reinstalled them. I'll give that a go.
Again though, I don't think it's the GPU. It works great. I've never had any problems with it, nor any of my previous ones (My 1080ti is STILL trucking in another computer as well). Like I said, the problem persists even with GPU subdivision turned off, so I don't think it's the GPU at all.
As for 60 series, I also use this for games too, and I run at 4k. 60s won't really do me much good.
I've got a 12600K (not the best CPU, but again, no issues), and 64gb of RAM. GPU, CPU and RAM all bought this year, all the parts have been working great.
For all intents and purposes, things should be well within my margins to render. I think it's just a freak thing. For some reason it's been crashing less, so who fucking knows now.

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Anonymous No. 999012

settled on pillars i think

Anonymous No. 999036

I had meant to say cacti, but I like the chunky pillars better.

Anonymous No. 999060

what mr bone contemplating about?

Anonymous No. 999063

newfag here
why does this thread always have the same image or slight variations of it
the dedication is admirable

Anonymous No. 999071

its good, but i want to see beyond a simple walk cycle into something "original"

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Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

Anonymous No. 999073

>why does this thread always have the same image or slight variations of it
Tradition. One of the few things true /3/ fags can take pride in.
If I remember right, it was an oldfag's project that he made for WoW or something along those lines. It's been a good long while since I heard the reason, so that might be a bit off. Still, it's been the wip image even back in 2012 when I first started hanging around. /3/ was a wildly different place back then, that's for sure.

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Anonymous No. 999077

ty, the plan™ needs a bunch of animations, just knocking out one I actually somewhat know how to do first

idk. inspired by picrel. grew up in a very rural area and every other house had one of these out front.

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Anonymous No. 999092

always start by the eyes region and do the snout later
i'm in that pic. nice of you to save that collage, good times.

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Anonymous No. 999095

Anonymous No. 999099

I'm going to be harsh with you but its because I see potential in you....

i think you need to challenge yourself more because right now what i see is very easy, like anyone could do it

Anonymous No. 999100

by all means, harshness is why I post on 4chan instead if discord or reddit or something

>challenge yourself
so what do you recommend? that's quite broad but I'll give anything an honest try

Anonymous No. 999102

you have to find something you're passionate about or else you won't do it. This can differ for everyone.

For me, I'm so into what I'm doing that I'm doing these subjects all the time, at home, at work on break, while I'm watching tv on my phone, when im driving in my car im listening to stuff thats related to what im doing. You have to find something big that you can do. You have to plan. You can create an animatic in resolve with images and videos

Anonymous No. 999104

what a load of shit with zero feedback of any value

Anonymous No. 999105


Anonymous No. 999106

Re-read what i wrote. You are making extremely basic animations with keyframes. Me, I am planning like mad, making animatics, trying to stay at the front, coming up with new things that don't even come up with anything substantial on a google search. What this is, you have to find out because its personal for you. If you dont like what you are doing, you wont do it, period.

Anonymous No. 999107

that was a different anon but I kinda agree with him. you come off as a bit pretentious with this, whether that is your intention or not.

Anonymous No. 999108

I dont even know what pretense means.

You do you. I'll keep from replying to you from now on, but know this : what you posted is low effort. Most of what gets posted on this board is low effort.

Anonymous No. 999109

post your work then, let's see the high effort masterpieces you have created

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Anonymous No. 999110

this was my old sim that i had to give up because the plugin company got sold and stopped supporting licenses

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Anonymous No. 999111

An experiment with some kind of blue fog with my own raytracer.

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Anonymous No. 999112

The white streaks are because of t-junctions in the model. I'll fix them at some point. The models are from Cube 2/Sauerbraten.

Anonymous No. 999114

Kek, please tell me you're not the raw chicken schizo and that you're just using his work as bait.

Anonymous No. 999115

It's they/them.

Anonymous No. 999116

I'd love to see your animatic for this

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Anonymous No. 999117

show me some respect. I have years of simulation experience with fem solver

my animatic is for my eyes only

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Anonymous No. 999118

reminded me of this, thanks for the laugh anon

Anonymous No. 999119

lol, learning fem and then vellum to a high level is so pointless and silly am i rite guise? Time to get some kind of meme to post from mah folder?

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Ark Eye Test 02.webm

Anonymous No. 999128

I'm messing with parallax eyes again. It might not be obvious how they're different from the previous parallax eyes I made. But in the previous one, I used a very difference node set up. all the difference are under the hood. I pretty much made my own displacement node. Doing so gave me a better idea about how this stuff works. And I was able to get the parallax scrolling to be more accurate. Now, when you turn then camera, it perfectly offsets.
Though, there is still a problem with it I have to work out. The work isn't done. As the nodes grow, it gets harder to identify the problems and fix them. I don't know exactly what's causing the problems.

I didn't go crazy with the displacement in pic related. Just gave it some subtle depth.
The cool thing about this is: it doesn't require UVs. So when I finally get a handle on this, then it should be entirely independent of pesky UV unwrapping.

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Anonymous No. 999130

Still some stuff to do, like the interior cushions, buttons, micro fillets. Maybe a flashlight, I haven't decided yet. It's coming along nicely though.

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Anonymous No. 999132


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Anonymous No. 999133


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blue Water acid.jpg

Anonymous No. 999134

Anonymous No. 999138

dont you think there should be more "thickness" to it? Like, everything looks like it has only one side now

Anonymous No. 999143

Yeah I'll make a cloth sim to add cushion on the inside. Hopefully it turns out nice.

Anonymous No. 999144

why dont you just model it with thickness in plasticity, like you do in real cad when you have specs

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Anonymous No. 999147

Shelling is quite fickle when you have multiple joined surfaces. At least in plasticity, it tends to give undesirable results when you go too thick. It's already as thick as sheet metal, which is what I was going for, and even thicker in some places, like the interior of the helmet. Plus, I like the look of cloth padding. I'm thinking maybe a leather lining, but I haven't decided yet. Something like pic related.

Anonymous No. 999148

Maybe velvet. I think that might fit better than leather.

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Anonymous No. 999187

I had to follow a tutorial, but I got my first working rig. While the IKs work fine, I don't know why, after setting this up, I'm unable to manually rotate the shoulders. Has anyone got any good guides that could help?

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Anonymous No. 999212

Making a Scavengers Reign/Moebius inspired environment
Need to figure out how to modify the shader to get some of the shadows back into the scene
and work on the general landscape and foliage

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 999218

Getting closer, but not quite yet at what I want. Its going to require some work to get a artist defined sculpted shape to override the automatic tension line flex shape which my previous tool had in its toolkit by default. Because this is not present and I have not been able to attempt to implement this in houdini, I cannot currently match what I had in maya which had this feature

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 999220

progress is still being made. What I need to do now is duplicate and sculpt a target shape that will trigger upon flex because the default tension line method doesnt give enough control. Overall, excited with my progress, but I don't have much time to work

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Anonymous No. 999221

keeping on with the arm since its really the basis of everything. Going to rebuild the arm again.

Anonymous No. 999263

big flexa

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Anonymous No. 999294


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Anonymous No. 999368