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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 998214


Anonymous No. 998318

wow that's really good! Is there a super convenient and easy to follow youtube tutorial that I could watch to achieve a similar result?

Anonymous No. 998424

>no sprinkles

Anonymous No. 998578

Nice one!

Anonymous No. 998700

How did you do that my is fucking shit looking man

Anonymous No. 998701

Can you screenshot the lighting and shading about blender.

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Anonymous No. 999074

>not using geonodes

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Anonymous No. 1000890

Did you not pay attention to the tutorial, fuckhead?

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Anonymous No. 1000944

Why is he so perfect, bros?

Anonymous No. 1003006

I love him so much, he taught me how to make donuts and that's the skill that matters in life

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Anonymous No. 1003076

It is very cool, Bateman. But that's nothing.

Anonymous No. 1003086

sadly not

c4thead No. 1003108

And i still haven't done a single donut in my life ;-;

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Anonymous No. 1003992

Xe is a hero for the open sores community

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Anonymous No. 1005809


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behead jannies.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1005811

Kill jannies. Behead jannies. Roundhouse kick jannies into the concrete. Slam dunk jannies into the trashcan. Crucify the filthy edgeposter. Defecate in jannies’ food. Launch jannies into the sun. Stir fry jannies in a wok. Toss jannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into jannies’ gas tank. Judo throw jannies into a wood chipper. Twist jannies’ heads off. Report jannies to the 4chan. Karate chop jannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant jannies. Trap jannies in quicksand. Crush jannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy jannies in a vat of acid. Eat jannies. Dissect jannies. Exterminate jannies in the gas chamber. Stomp jannies skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate jannies in the oven. Lobotomize jannies. Mandatory abortions for jannies. Grind janny fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown jannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize jannies with anti-matter. Kick old jannies down the stairs. Feed jannies to alligators. Slice jannies with a katana.

Anonymous No. 1005826

Geonodes are a meme.

I used to like the guy but i stopped following him when the whole NFT cringe event.

Anonymous No. 1005999

He released donut NFTs? No way...

Anonymous No. 1006010

Two years ago he was so convinced that NFTs were the next big thing, and he had his followers create a bunch of donuts to create a mosaic to mint and sell it as NFT. He expected to get a massive fortune out of it but it actually sold for very little (for all the hype he was making out of the thing). He just donated all the money to the Blender foundation and never spoke about the topic again (not before creating a cringe video defending NFTs that noone ended up agreeing with).