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🧵 How was she made?

Anonymous No. 998778

and how would you make her today?

Anonymous No. 998779

Anonymous No. 998818

>How was she made?
Who cares? Don't fall into the nostalgic graphics trap.
>and how would you make her today?
Follow any realistic modelling guide. It all comes down to more or less the same topology, textures, normal maps, and hair curves. Just choose your programs, and then look up tutorials on how to use them.

Anonymous No. 998838

fuck off anon. You don't see graphics like this anymore. Not even stuff this detailed. If you've ever used software like Maya, 3DSMax, Blender etc. you know it's not trivial to depict bodily fluids and cellular changes.

Anonymous No. 998844

Is this from a vintage 3d porn video?

Anonymous No. 998847

Parasite Eve 2 (see first reply)

Anonymous No. 998852

Go fuck yourself, we don't want your modern slop

Anonymous No. 998881

blendshapes, i would assume the spittle was animated by hand. sweater fuzz is an impressive attention to detail considering the ages of the cutscene.

Anonymous No. 999078

You're a retard

Anonymous No. 999097

>Not even stuff this detailed.
Literally looks like plastic

Anonymous No. 999098

*A masterpiece that looks like plastic

Anonymous No. 999140

>Not even stuff this detailed
You posted an AI upscale. AI upscales add new detail that wasn't truly there in the original. Analyze the original vid if you want to find out what they really did. Then copy that, and pay a couple hundred bucks for Topaz to get what you're asking for.

Anonymous No. 999166

take off the nostalgia goggles it looks shit
she looks like a mannequin with jaundice and pinkeye

Anonymous No. 999179

I like how stuff like this separates the artists from the button clickers.
It would be one thing if we were on /v/ and most of the people shitting on it would have an excuse to have bad taste due to a lack of experience and knowledge, but people on an art board should know better.
Most of what’s going on there is excellent, the surreal visuals, the pacing, the disturbing monster design, and the crunchy ear-molesting sound effects with music that enhances the mood, but doesn’t get in the way. The biggest problem I have with it is the horse sound. If this were made today it would look boring, the camera would be doing a bunch of silly shit, the monster design would have to be toned down to not disturb general audiences, and there would be stupid and over dramatic music blaring in your ears.
Modern games may look “””better”””, but they completely fail to capture the energy that this has.

Anonymous No. 999216

Ah, Sylvia. My ex-wife. Whenever I think things can't get any worse, I think about her and how she totally screwed up my life. She's a woman who loves a man; any man, any time. I'll never forget the day I came home early and caught her with the upholstery man. I married her for better or worse. Unfortunately, it never got any better.

Anonymous No. 999278

You're a retard

Anonymous No. 999290

You know I'm right and that's why you don't have an argument.

Anonymous No. 999296

You're a retard