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🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 998835

Previous: >>993050

Anonymous No. 998837

Any updates on Animation ..uh.. 2030?

Anonymous No. 998839

want to ask this again
there is a setting but only for envelope weights, wish there was one for regular weights too, it would be helpful for automatically reducing the influence of a bone with consistent results

Anonymous No. 998842

going to try maya or 3ds max bros. blender aint cutting it

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Anonymous No. 998845

How do I achieve this dithered/pixelated look and lighting setup? Can you do it in blender or is it mostly done with post?

Anonymous No. 998846

>it mostly done with post?
vintage stuff wasn’t made to look vintage with post, it just was vintage you absolute braindead fucking zoomer

Anonymous No. 998853

Try POV-Ray

Anonymous No. 998870

The POVray render engine doesn’t work in my blender for some reason. Actual POVray is out of the question bc I hate coding

Anonymous No. 998899

I made it work in blender, but I prefer POV-Ray because coding is fun and something like that pic is really straightforward

Anonymous No. 998909

Something Pixel filter off or set to 1, something something camera/AA samples set to 1/0 or something.
I don't use Blender but that might help you search up what you need to do it in a modern engine or something

Anonymous No. 998917

ive tried those solutions and looked through all the light settings i could find, unfortunately it isnt helping, thank you for that though i wouldnt have thought to try that

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modular dungeons.png

Anonymous No. 998918

idk what changed but the lights show up so modular dungeon i made following the tutorial

Anonymous No. 998924

What's the difference between max and maya? If they are both autodesk and both modeling/animation packages why do two of them need to exist instead of just one?

Anonymous No. 998927

Max can do better particle collisions and physics. A 90% power of Houdini effects. Autodesk is perfect for rigging the characters and animation, something Max lacks but not impossible to achieve. Maya lacks effects and it’s never recommended for such use.

Blender can’t handle particles enough and will crash or something. Blender lacks animation and rigging in default software.

That’s the answer and advantages of Autodesk products.

Anonymous No. 998930

so is there a way to get eevee legacy in 4.2? I want both.

Anonymous No. 998933

I want to get back into mograph and rendering for album covers but its been a little more than a decade for me. I've probably forgotten most of what I learned in C4D which was(and still is?) the standard for that kind of stuff. I've never used blender before but it seems like the mograph industry is heading towards it from what I've heard online. Would it be better if I learned blender or got back into cinema 4d?

Anonymous No. 998934

Mods can we do something about the edgelords that come in here just to shit on peoples enthusiasm?

Anonymous No. 998936

asking this again here
i have imported an fbx asset that has already been unwrapped and textured, and i want to view its seams
i have already tried the "uv/image editor -> uv -> seams from islands" approach, but can't figure out why the software still won't show me seams on the model

Anonymous No. 998944

Yes actually

Anonymous No. 998962

OMG i have never read such pointless feature in my life. All this just to move something in the same slot.

Anonymous No. 998963

Yeah man move those things into those slots.

Anonymous No. 998965

Blender conference next week, interesting topics > npr, anime, architectural and cad shit galore (they should invest more on that crap and integrate opencascade, maybe before 2030), and animation.

Anonymous No. 998974

>incomplete, rest of the course is "coming soon" (lol)
>no rigging, told to buy another $90 course to rig it and a $500 course if you want to animate it
>so a $90 character course nets you a half finished t-posed model that you can't even move
genuinely hope no one here fell for this. why are there so many grifters in the blender space

Anonymous No. 998978

which course?

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Anonymous No. 998982

Stupid question:
How might i improve my render times?
I am using a RTX 3060 12GB VRAM gpu but i feel my rendering is very very slow (using cycles).
I already set rendering to optiX but other than that i do not know how to improve it.
There are youtube videos but they are 12+ minutes long and 90% are the person talking about unrelated things and promoting their merch, course or whatever shit is sponsoring them.

Anonymous No. 998983

shit i forgot to link it

Anonymous No. 998984

did you make sure to enable Blender to use the GPU to render? i made that mistake before

Anonymous No. 998987

lower samples, use denoising, lower res w/ ai upscaling, pay for a render farm (probably what's sponsoring those vids)

or use eevee if you can, not ideal but it's pretty good now and still fairly quick

Anonymous No. 998997

CUDA works way better for me than OptiX.

Anonymous No. 998999

only problem with blender are the dogshit tutorial grifters wasting your time and or money

Anonymous No. 999000

What's the best way to make money using blender? Make courses for using blender.

Anonymous No. 999001

It won’t work, version 2.8, version 3.2 and version 4 are completely separate blender software. They all get outdated and they’ll never understand the concept behind the devs process.

Anonymous No. 999002

It's a weird roundabout scam with blender channels. a lot of toxic positivity and 'muh community' to create an environment where people almost feel obligated to buy shit. meanwhile these tutorial channels very rarely actually teach anything. it's mostly a ploy to funnel retards into their patreon/gumroad/courses, which are rarely worth it.

I found this vid a few days ago, a lot of shit really sounds similar to blender youtubers.

That said, not every channel is a scam of course. There are a ton of smaller channels that are absolute gems, but they're hard to find when the algo is flooded with more popular grifters like cgboost, smeaf, kaizen, ducky3d, noggi, etc.

some actually good channels I've found with extremely good free content:
and there are thousands more out there, you just have to find them.

a good tip I've seen mentioned in other threads is to look up maya/3ds/c4d vids instead of blender ones. there is less content available but it is overall higher quality. main principles for most 3d things aren't software dependent. unless you're rigging or something

Anonymous No. 999021

thank you for these channels and i planned to check out the tutorials for other programs soon too, sucks theres like no way to quality check a lot of courses online in general

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Anonymous No. 999039

I'm new to Blender and having trouble keeping the shape of a choker while rotating the neck. Would really appreciate any help on this!

Anonymous No. 999042

do you mean keep the shape similar to the way the neck deforms or keep the shape from deforming at all?

Anonymous No. 999050

I want to keep the shape from deforming

Anonymous No. 999052

my first try would be to go into edit mode, select all the verts of that choker and with 100% influence add them all to group that belongs to the closest bone in the neck to the choker. but it might not work too well you might have clipping, another and better possibility is to transfer mesh weight data from the body to the item if it is a separate piece and it will deform with the neck, you will have small deformation but it will probably look better

the verts in the choker will get very similar weight to the neck and deform with the neck and hopefully no clipping

Anonymous No. 999058

any good ytubers for maya tutorials?

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Anonymous No. 999082

Probably a silly question but what's the difference between switching between materials and assigning them?
I was told to go into edit mode, select the mesh, select the material and press "assign" BUT i can just...choose a differen material and done.
The material will change for everything: rendering, mesh data, viewer etc.
I guess it's hard to explain.
Why should i go to edit mode and assign materials when i can do it like in the gif here?

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Anonymous No. 999087

assigning lets you have multiple materials on the same object by assigning them to faces, etc. if you just want one material for the entire thing then it's not a big deal

Anonymous No. 999088

I see, thanks anon!

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Anonymous No. 999090

have a lighting/post processing question.
How do I emulate the old FMV sort of look in Blender? You know, like old japanese game intros and stuff.
[spoiler]or like Umemaro3d[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 999094

Default lighting and not caring about the lighting in stages.

Anonymous No. 999103

>add yet another layer of complexity and break backwards compatibility instead of just making the NLA stack a datablock
bravo dr sybren

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Anonymous No. 999141

Is it? Doesnt seem to look like that. Also, they clearly have lighting in stages set up, and all of that jazz

Anonymous No. 999149

>dr sybren

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Anonymous No. 999287

Anons, where can i pirate/download blender addons?
I can't afford 30$ per addon when i found 100~ addons that are useful.

Anonymous No. 999288

whats a good safe way to share .blend files online for public consumption? other than gumroad or something

Anonymous No. 999289

google drive? although space is limited

Anonymous No. 999291

eh, any other alternatives?

Anonymous No. 999292

MEGA is used a lot too, about the same 20GB limits i think

Anonymous No. 999295

Use a real program and you’ll have all that shit built in

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Anonymous No. 999311

What is the best way to model injection molded parts like pic related? Specifically, the thin pieces with the ribs and the gussets, etc. I tried doing it with the solidify modifier, but that was more of a pain than anything. Where two walls meet in a cross, the geometry was a mess, and I didn't find a good way to add cylinders for the screws. Doing it with booleans was also not very pleasant.
There must be a way of doing this that is not the hard way, right?

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Anonymous No. 999320

prediction: the NPR/anime speakers are going to have to point out that the shading workflows they're presenting are broken in 4.2+ because the devs dumped a lot of the NPR features in EEVEE when turning EEVEE-Next into even more of a Cycles clone

render in 2.79, from before they dumped the mature, stable scanline renderer instead of modularizing it

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Anonymous No. 999321

oh for the love of christ

Anonymous No. 999355


Anonymous No. 999356

aeblender dot com
gfx father

Anonymous No. 999362

Use cuda, it's a better denoiser

Anonymous No. 999379


Anonymous No. 999384

Friendly reminder that paid Blender add-ons are a GPL violation, see:

Anonymous No. 999391

how do I be less shit at animation? is it literally just practice

Anonymous No. 999469

So I have a project that periodically crashes when rendering. It's not a consistent crash, but rather random. Just whenever it feels like it.
I'll be doing the final render with the command line, but is there a way to kind of monitor the process so if it crashes it restarts the commandline render?
I've had issues like this before (once lost like a week of sleep just babysitting the renderer and restarting it every 20 mins or so), so I'd like to be able to just set it and forget it and let it sort itself out. I'm using windows.

Anonymous No. 999505

Only today I found out that theres a setting to render the scene while you still have shit in the sequencer.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 999541

>replace the NLA entirely

Uh... with what?
I want to be able to keep doing non-linear animation inside Blender.
Or is it going the way of the Blender game engine?

Anonymous No. 999568

Lol. Thoughts on blenderguru?

Anonymous No. 999571

he hasn't done anything in 3d

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Anonymous No. 999574

Anyone knows where is the option for ambient occlusion in 4.2? (Cycles)
In older versions it was just a checkbox.
I have read it's under a 'raytracing' tab on render section but there is none for me.

Anonymous No. 999577

raytracing is ambient occlusion, you just have to check that box

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Anonymous No. 999579

I should have clarified, i cannot find the option for ambient occlusion.
I SUPPOSE it's under light paths > Fast GI Approximation but wanted to be sure.

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Anonymous No. 999588

why does copy and pasting UVs never seem to work?
it's unwrapped the same way as the part it's trying to copy. at first I thought it was because it had a different number of faces, but when I edited it to make it match it still didn't fix it

Anonymous No. 999620

i hop between devices a lot and every time I do my references get lost and become purple and I have to relocate them every time. is there a way to just make them part of the file

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Anonymous No. 999625

I tried getting that look by turning off AA in povray and then outputting it at 320 x 240 and THEN raping the output by upscaling it with nearest neighbor to some higher res, i failed miserably but that's part of the fun.

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foot rig.webm

Anonymous No. 999668

foot rig, not complete yet, foot roll not done

Anonymous No. 999671

can't help you but I'm feeling very frustrated by the UV handling in general. Is there any good plugins or addons that make it less painful? Or other software that plays nice with blender?

Anonymous No. 999672

File>External Data>Pack resources.
Packing saves the image data in the .blend file. Don't do this for fuckhuge projects with thousands of textures, but for more self-contained things, it can be helpful.
You can also manually pack specific assets one by one in the image browser (image>pack). It'd be nice if you could do it in the outliner's "Blender File" view where you can see all the assets like materials/images/etc, but I don't think you can there.

I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing vertex order has something to do with it. Verts aren't just saved as points in space, they're also numbered. Different things can fuck with the ordering, and can make two objects with the exact same geometry behave differently for certain operations. A big thing is shapekeys. Two meshes with the exact same geo, but different orders will fuck up when you transfer a shapekey from one to the other. You can reorder a mesh's vertex order in edit mode by selecting everything and going to "Mesh>Sort Elements". Don't really know how useful that would be for shapekeys (as it would fuck shit up if the order changed), but UVs might be fine.
Of course I could be completely fucking wrong and it's not the order fucking up at all and Blender just can't unwrap two identical objects the same way for some retarded reason.

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Anonymous No. 999696

Blender CON is going down right now


Anonymous No. 999697

I knew it was going to be bad and content free but this is stunning.

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Anonymous No. 999702

Any tips on replicating lighting in blender I want to replicate the lighting in the picture 45 degree top down and real lighting to study still life painting

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Anonymous No. 999705

I also want to replicate these as well

Anonymous No. 999721

Top light
HDRI fill
Bounce card at the bottom (But instead of using a bounce card, you just use another light because we can)

Anonymous No. 999724

Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right, Light on the right etc, and a fill, or wall on the left that reflects light back onto the left of the object. AKA a fill because it's CG, we can do whatever we want, and direct lighting is cheaper to render

Adjust the size and distance of the main light to change the harshness and harshness falloff of the shadows

Anonymous No. 999752

You can fake it for stills by just using the pixelate and posterize nodes in the compositor, but the fact that it doesn't have a real colour pallet might be noticeable in motion. I got an older GPT to make a python script to do basically the same thing, so maybe you can make it shit out something that can do it properly, I bet its scraped some auto-dither github repos.

Anonymous No. 999776

they're not talking about sculpting at blendcon, it feels like they have their priorities wrong

Anonymous No. 999783

i love rigging because you can do something incredibly simple and pass it off as something incredibly complex and no one will know unless they too are autistic enough to have learned rigging.

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Anonymous No. 999814

in that case, i want to ask a little question, i have this hand here and the fingers turns out are a little too skinny, without going back into sculpting is it viable to resize the fingers on the X, Z axis while isolating the Y (S, Shift + Y) and fattening the fingers a little to fit the hand better to close the gaps between the fingers and applying that scale as a rest pose to change the base mesh only on the fingers to fix that issue?

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Anonymous No. 999816

here is the same hand with the fingers at 1.1 scale, the gaps close, maybe another .1 or .05 will be better

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Anonymous No. 999820

yeah this might work, comparing it like this, the original seems way too skinny

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Anonymous No. 999823

also used it to make the bottom of the palm a little thicker, this is so jank, dont think its the intended use case but it works for this specific task so ill keep doing it i guess

Anonymous No. 999824

they are doing the brush refactor and they have planed 2 more refactors dyntopo and multires, other than that the only things that I want are the unfinished prs that they have (color support for multires, projection brush, new scrape, repeat last relative, insert multimesh) and the functionality of the layer addons native inside blender (Ucupaint and Sculpt Layers).

Anonymous No. 999848

> applying that scale as a rest pose to change the base mesh only on the fingers to fix that issue?

Yeah that is possible, but not recommended as you probably want your base skin to be ready to accept additional meshes tailored for it
like say different set of gloves for your hand model. You wanna be able to skin-bind these to a zero'ed out set of bones and not to scaled ones.

What I'd do is scale your mesh via bones the same way you are til it looks more right, copy it and and collapse the 'skinned & scaled' version
back to plain geometry in that altered state. Next you zero out all your scaling and transfer the weights / skin wrap (whatever your software of choice calls it)
by transferring weights by vertex proximity to re-skin your altered geometry so it's now skinned the same way it was but but with zero'ed scaling on all your bones.

Anonymous No. 999871

this is after sculpting and applying the retopology and shrink-wrap, and transferring to a multi-resolution. i only completed the base model and wanted to make sure it will have anatomically correct or at least decent deformations before moving on to anything else

Anonymous No. 999897

I have a character with like 50 clothes submeshes whose waist is too skinny. I want to increase the width of her waist for the body model and all the clothes at once. I can do this perfectly by just scaling the spine_tweak bones a little.

Is there a way I can make this permanently be the new shape of all the meshes when the armature is in rest pose? 'Apply as Rest Pose' makes all the meshes jump back to their original size. Maybe there is an addon that does this?

Anonymous No. 999905


when fucking around with this I had the same issue, I had to apply the modifier on the base mesh and then apply the rest pose and then re-parent the object to the armature, it keeps the weight data in my experience so parent with empties if you have a custom weight paints would be my guess? try in another save file of course

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2024-10-27 01.10.....png

Anonymous No. 1000063

I think she cute.

Anonymous No. 1000072

>photorealism in blender
hahahahahahahahahaha roflmao lol even

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fantastic four mo....png

Anonymous No. 1000167

>open blender
>get white tab with no icon
>shuts off after 5 seconds

what the fuck?

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Anonymous No. 1000189

Thanks this is gonna help me create still lights to study value and help out with learning form for painting especially on the the face it can be very tricky but with blender you can make a head and lights that you can move in any direction

Anonymous No. 1000192

the cubes of deleted's past has invaded the gui to seek revenge on their banisher

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Anonymous No. 1000213

Are you FUCKING kidding me.
>whine that they're not taken seriously by the industry
>break engines, features, workflows, files, and courses on a whim because one of the autistic devs wants to play with his little pet project that will abandoned, unfinished, in a year

Actual fucking children. No respect for their users, no respect for their program, no respect for themselves. The open source experiment has failed.

Anonymous No. 1000220

imagine actually wanting to keep the barely functioning piece of shit that is Blender's NLA editor.
Rip it up by the fucking root.

Anonymous No. 1000222

Skill issue. The NLA is incredible, you just don't know how to use it.

Anonymous No. 1000227

that guy said that it will be fully retrocompatible, idk where is the problem, are you using scripts?

Anonymous No. 1000228

the NLA is now great, but inexplicably neglected.
some years ago a random outside contributor finally added a proper "combine" mode, and at 3.2 another outside contributor added "full-stack" tweak mode, which made the NLA feature complete for proper animation layering (w/no thanks to the BF devs).
the NLA stack has always needed to be its own datablock, so it could be saved and shared independent of an Object, but of course that would be too easy for the big brains at BF.
animation layering is already there, thanks to outside devs. the animation module's time (and donors' money) would better spent updating the documentation, instead of ripping out contributors' useful, functional work to replace it with this convoluted horseshit.
it makes no fucking sense. if they want a cute "animation layers" panel in the properties editor just use the GPL to swipe tal herskovich's addon, which itself is cribbing the way softimage did it -- just a smaller ui driving the NLA stack.

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Anonymous No. 1000229

any idea how I can have transparency without resorting to Principled BSDF and multiple materials with different alpha values?
this is an item from King's Field III on the PS1; trying to be authentic to how they would've done it, as when it's in blender it doesn't look as it does in-game
I've tried vertex colors but they also require Principled if I want to use transparency / alpha

Anonymous No. 1000230

here >>999321 and from the way he talks in the blog and repository it sounds like he means to remove the NLA. i just hope he continues dragging his feet and we get to another LTS before they axe anything.

Anonymous No. 1000231

>you just don't know how to use it.
I know how to use it. I'm forced to use it all the time. I don't call it trash out of ignorance, I call it trash out of pure contempt.
Layering is a pain in the ass and works 20% of the time (if fucking that) and is still worse than the animation layers addon which apparently uses the same system under the hood, the UI is fucking horrible, there's no sorting for clips (or any kind of clip library), adding literally anything adds random tracks everywhere to the point you have like 20 extra tracks per channel unless you constantly clean them up, it's a dice roll whether or not your changes on an action propagate to the clip that's already on the editor or it just stays in the retarded temporary action, and working with it for any animation that uses more than a handful of clips is a lesson in extreme patience.

The only thing "incredible" about using the NLA editor is that it's incredible that the person who made it has a fucking job.

But by all means, tell me how it's "incredible"
or >>1000228 "great"
I've been using it for years and there's been literally no noticeable changes to how it functions.

Anonymous No. 1000278

If you’re using the standard shader, make sure you project is set to linear color space, not gamma.

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Anonymous No. 1000285

How many samples does an image need to make it stop looking like watercolor?
I am practicing volumetric lighting and want a render of my scene.
I tried with 2000 render samples here and it looks almost the same as with 500.
Is there some setting i am missing? The resolution is 1980x1080 .

Anonymous No. 1000286

The problem is that you have very few samples on the interior of your scene, you may need to add some "fake lights" to simulate and adequate illumination.

Anonymous No. 1000291

Turn off denoising, it kinda sucks in most cases.

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Anonymous No. 1000296

it looks pretty good if you use a denoise node in the compositor and split it so it's ~half denoised and half raw. It saves a lot of time as you need a lot less samples to look good. The renderer denoiser is always 100% so it sucks

Anonymous No. 1000297

Ive got an unreasonably fat GPU so I sneer at the denoiser, but that might be pretty useful for animations.

Anonymous No. 1000308

if you can't get animation to layer consistently that's the fault of the documentation, because i (and i'm sure thousands of other users) have been using it that way constantly since combine mode was added, and it got a hell of a lot easier with full stack tweak mode in 3.2. documentation and ui is what BF should be working on, not reinventing the wheel -- and herskovich has already provided them with the ui thanks to GPL.
your post reminded me that the same guy who contributed full stack tweak mode made a detailed proposal to fix that annoying leftover "action stash" cruft in the project repository 3 years ago. of course, animators on there cheered his proposal, the animation module ignored it, and BF hired a couple dozen more devs to work on Cycles.
sorting and a clip library would be solved almost automatically by making the nla stack a datablock independent of an Object, because it'd make arbitrary stacks accessible from python and the outliner like any other datablock.

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Anonymous No. 1000315

I think this is the biggest amount of cameras i've ever had in a project and i'm scared it might become a bangladeshi soap opera because it's not even a third of the video and that it's only a storyboard for the final video.

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Anonymous No. 1000325

>years later, donut man is still trying his ui thing

Anonymous No. 1000326

I still remember his awful proposal with the shitload of giant buttons scattered all over the UI

Anonymous No. 1000365

Why is nobody talking about BCON? Was it because it was a €400 per person disaster?

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Anonymous No. 1000366

I feel like most of you missed the best talk which is here:
They're using Blender to explore the female erectile tissue and there's also furries.

Anonymous No. 1000367

He never did what you suggest. He just wanted a top toolbar with giant button for giant retards and I regret not having appreciated it. Time proved him right.

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Anonymous No. 1000369


Anonymous No. 1000370

not watching this, I don't want to die of cringe

Anonymous No. 1000380

>if you can't get animation to layer consistently
You have to basically make an animation piecemeal for it to layer properly. If you have a walking animation and you want to add another strip with the arm doing something else, it's not just a simple "toss on the arm clip with replace/add/combine!", you have to remove all the keys from the arm in the walking animation to get it to maybe work. Compared to animation layers which really is just "animate what you want on top of what you have".
Not to mention the "add" mode is broken. It adds the fucking scale of the bones of both clips even without keyframes, so if you set ANY clip to add with another, every bone's scale is increased and it fucks your model (because a scale of 1.0+1.0 equals 2).

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2024-10-29 21.17.....png

Anonymous No. 1000386

Naaaa, Jess Wiseman's talk was better becase she's a cute.

Anonymous No. 1000388

Wonder how many babies she's killed.

Anonymous No. 1000389

I thought that one bitch was trying to get this dude canceled? doesn't look like it worked

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Anonymous No. 1000393

>and there's also furries
this will be perfect for my live action hoops and yoyo movie

Anonymous No. 1000404

how do i isolate thing in blender?
i have 1 object selected how do i isolate it from everything else?
in 3ds max you have the isolate option in the bottom of the screen or alt+Q
how do that in blender?

Anonymous No. 1000405

/ on numpad

Anonymous No. 1000408

true, the other modes are doing literally matrix + matrix or matrix - matrix, which must have been logical to some autistic dev who doesn't animate but is useless for animatiors and generally fucked the nla until combine mode.
sounds like i'm animating a different way than you are, but the way i use it is: animate the main pass/loop -> push that down to a 'replace' strip on the bottom track -> create a new action -> drop that to a 'combine' strip on top of the stack -> go into full stack tweak mode -> continue animating.
now all that shit SHOULD be automatic, which is what i expect herskovich's addon does, and there's some stupid defaults like "sync length" and "action stash" with easy fixes, but the guts are there and it works. it's just shit docs and shit ui, but that's just a matter of python and not as glamorous as this paradigm shift the Doctor is working on.

tried what i think you're describing here and it seems to work as expected -- if there's no keys on transforms in the upper strip, the lower strip's keys propagate to the stack result. key all three arm bones in the upper combine or replace strip and they'll override the keys on those bones in the walk strip, even at "zero" in a combine strip. those geniuses removed the screencast function so here's the file:

Anonymous No. 1000415

this year's theme was sculpting, next year I'm getting good at geometry nodes


yea definitely a GPU problem

Anonymous No. 1000508

What do you mean? Cute grils don't kill babies and she's like autistic.

Anonymous No. 1000523

Can someone help me figure out why this sloped door animation is just going straight up and down after I export it and not sliding along the slope like it should be?

Anonymous No. 1000532

It'd be nice to see it first.

Anonymous No. 1000535

Hey, I appreciate the honest attempt at helping to clear my hangups, and I tried to take a look at your file, but I'm getting a 404.
Not sure what the file contains (if it's just a replication of your understanding of my understanding of the NLA), but how I go about layering is this.

>Make a source animation (let's say a normal walk cycle)
>Make an animation to layer over top, (we'll say he does some finger guns), animate and keyframe ONLY the bones used for that action (so arms and fingers)
>Duplicate walk cycle action (new clip so we don't fuck up the original), clear the keyframes of the arms and fingers so there's nothing on them to interfere with the finger guns, now it's just a walk cycle but the arms don't move
>add them both to the NLA, put the finger guns on top, set it to replace or combine (whichever works better), and fix the holds for both of them so they don't do something fucky later down the line

I've tried other things, but this is the method that I've kind of landed on that doesn't fuck shit up. Things still fuck up, but not as much. I feel like it really defeats the point of the editor when I could just combine the curves myself into a single action.
Like all I want from the editor is to take the walk cycle as is, animate the finger gun animation, put the finger guns above it in the NLA editor set it to replace, and have the keys from the finger guns replace the keys from the walk cycle. Like that's HOW it should work. THAT'S layering. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it never ever works like that, even if the action that's replacing ONLY has keys on the bones that are moving.
Every time I try to do it the rational way, some bullshit happens. Maybe the bones fuck up and create an abomination, the armature just stops animating altogether, the replacement action doesn't apply, or there's some weird shit where the bones snap into place.

Maybe it is a bit of a skill issue, but Blender should take its share of the blame here too.

Anonymous No. 1000538

shit, i must've left the time on default. here it is again:
it's not on you at all dude, it's 100% on them at the blender foundation, because they've left it unnecessarily obscure despite a bunch of users contributing their hard work -- for free -- to make it work like it should have in the first place!
and now instead of cleaning up the last crumbs of their own mess around the edges, these in-house devs are quietly chomping at the bit to rip the whole thing out because they've got a better idea! i love this software but i swear to god these assholes drive me up the wall lol

Anonymous No. 1000550

Yeah I've got the file now.
And yeah, looking at the file, this definitely seems to be how I would do things. Layering animations with specific body part actions keyed. The only difference is that for yours the walk cycle keeps the keys for the arms and torso bend (you don't delete them to clear space for the added poses). Which would cause something to fuck up for some reason when I try it. Looking closer, I think that's what the difference between your armup_replace, and armup_combine is demonstrating. The replace one actually seems to be properly replacing the keys for the arm (which is what's hit or miss for me), while the combine at first glance seems to be fucked, but it seems like it's actually combining the poses.

Now I'm just more confused as to why yours works fine but mine occasionally fucks up.
Is the way I've been doing it not the correct way to do it? Is there a better way?

>i love this software but i swear to god these assholes drive me up the wall lol
I'm right there with ya. I've been using this shit since 2.49. I can't say I have a ton of love for the program, I just stick with it because I'm just dug in too deep at this point. I'd probably be able to pick up something else if I really tried, but I really have no motivation to learn a whole new program of this scale from scratch again. Like the initial shit would probably be easy, but it's all the little quirks and shit of specific software that's like death by 1000 cuts.

Anonymous No. 1000559

Going from Blender to literally any other 3D software feels like coming home from a weeks vacation and somebody's moved all your furniture six inches to the left so you keep banging your toe and tripping over tables.

Anonymous No. 1000560

funny that the other 3d software i use is a literal game engine, which blender has no similar features

Anonymous No. 1000583

Shit, I'm stuck on Blender 3.1 and the full stack NLA option only got added in 3.2

How difficult you boys think it would be to backport it? I have a 60 IQ.

Anonymous No. 1000593

>How difficult you boys think it would be to backport it?
I know absolutely fuck-all about software development or coding, so take this with enough salt to keep an aquarium full of ocean fish alive and happy, but it might just be as easy as making your own fork, taking the full stack NLA code from 3.2 and copy/pasting it into 3.1's.
I mean, that's like the entire point of open source, right? It's all there.
Granted, there's probably some shit you have to do to actually compile it, and I know 100% it won't work flawlessly, but if you're serious about it, it might be worth a go. Worst case, you fuck it up, but it's not like you actually do any damage.

Honestly, that sounds about right.

Anonymous No. 1000594


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Anonymous No. 1000598

went over it again to get it all straight in my own head -- there are definitely a couple of steps to compensate for bullshit defaults that became muscle memory. change the upper dopesheet editor into an action editor, then:
>put playhead at 97
>hit the button in the action editor to create a new action
>click the name of the orange "live" track at the top of the NLA
>change the extrapolation to 'hold forward' or 'nothing' ('hold' is a stupid default & this panel doesn't appear unless you click the track to make it active)
>pick 'replace' or 'combine' blending mode
>rotate upper_arm_fk.R and insert a keyframe
>use button to 'push down' to the NLA
>position new strip on new track above all others
from here you can hit tab to go into full-stack tweak mode on the new strip and any keyframes inserted will seamlessly compensate for the strip's blending mode: 'replace' keys relative to zero (as usual), 'combine' keys relative to the stack result at the current frame.
both the armup strips started like that, but armup_replace could have been done in a new action at frame 1:
>mute all tracks
>select all bones & clear transforms
>create new action
>animate and insert keyframes on only the three arm bones
>push down to new strip on a new track
>set blending to 'replace' and extrapolation to 'nothing'
>turn off 'sync length' and check the start/end/repeat settings
>re-enable the other tracks
>place new strip at frame 97
>use 'blend in/out' or 'animated influence'

armup_replace has forearm_fk.R keyed at zero. delete those keyframes and the rotation in walk1 will pass through and make the forearm wiggle.
armup_combine has rotation keys on the chest, which combine w/the chest rotation in drunk1. if you add similar keys in armup_replace by hovering rotation in the transform panel and hitting "i" (disable "animated influence" to place a key), the rotations on the chest in drunk1 get overridden. however, if you key just one rotation channel the others would pass through.

Anonymous No. 1000599


technically doable but probably needs a few more IQ.
there's build instructions here and the relevant commits are linked here (looks to be 3acbe2d1e933, ad324316ce8 and 287fc277ec64deb537721406399ea9a1f2e3cce7). plenty of info on how use git on stackexchange.
expect it would be much easier to port your projects to an LTS. if you're stuck on 3.1 because of windows 7 support there's a guy making compatible builds at

Anonymous No. 1000613

Thank you very much, I'll post back later how it went.

Anonymous No. 1000686

Random Q:
Are blender materials much like Unreal materials?

Anonymous No. 1000704

As far as I know Blender mostly switched to an industry standard shader technique so it should be relatively easy to sync them both up

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add cube.png

Anonymous No. 1000709

has anyone ever used that? I thought that was an addon but it's default blender?

Anonymous No. 1000716

That was one of the firsts Dobarro's work, you can use it to block geometry fast, it should have a boolean option but the faggots at the blender foundation thought that it would be hard to maintain or too complex, something like that, so now if you want that feature you have to use an addon.

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Anonymous No. 1000730

what are all these dotted lines? i feel like i messed something up when parenting the armature to empty groups.

Anonymous No. 1000733

parenting lines, are all those colors different objects? they are just being parented to the armature like the name says

Anonymous No. 1000751

ah, Pablo Dobarro, that makes sense, I can see how he would use it to block out his sculpts
I wish there was a demo because it seems very cumbersome to use, I don't think I can include it in my workflow

Anonymous No. 1000752
jobquitter bros?

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Anonymous No. 1000763

i hope the faggot responsible for gutting eevee in 4.2 dies painfully.

Anonymous No. 1000776


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Anonymous No. 1000779

why is my HDRI so washed out?
I downloaded the .hdr file and linked it up like so, but it's nowhere near close to the preview image. I downloaded the tonemapped jpg from the site and it's much nicer, but it says not to use it for lighting
messing with color management didn't change anything

Anonymous No. 1000786

Why the FUCK did they remove subsurface color? Are they retarded?

Anonymous No. 1000788

how do I add red coloring to my SSS for skin? It says it uses the basecolor to color SSS now, but my basecolor is not red and adding red turns the whole character red.
I tried messing with the Radius and it works in Eevee, but in Cycles the red one adds green hue areas on the lips and nose. The blue one turns purple and yellow. Only when its 1,1,1 does it not look colored weird, but then it's not tinted red.
They really fucked this up

Anonymous No. 1000810

I just toss in an HSV node and crank up the saturation a tiny bit.

I don't think it's the proper use, but plugging in whatever color I needed into the radius works for me. I've never noticed the colors getting fucked up or screwy, even manually entering values into the vector (which really should just be a regular color input).
Also, not really helpful, but the individual SSS node still has a color input.
That being said, I also agree that it's fucking retarded. Removing useful shit seems to be a running theme for Blender devs these days. Likely because they're incompetent and lack the ability to fix things, so it's easier for them to just remove it. Then when you call them out you get the classic "I'm a talentless programmer that has no art knowledge or creativity to speak of" response, "Why would anyone use it that way?"

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Anonymous No. 1000816

Any tutorials/guides on creating this sort of stylized hair? Both the polygons, but mostly the material cuz this just looks like black magic to me...

Anonymous No. 1000817

it's hair cards, most realistic game still use this system to save computing cost compared to particles. You have a pre-made hair texture image with a few set of hair strands and layer different flat meshes that's UV'ed ,each display a different hair strand in the texture. You can make your own hair strands through rendering in particles in blender/painting in PS/buying premade sheet

You can then arrange your hair card with Beizer curve, geo node, add-on or even moving vertcies manually. It does take time to layer the hair cards and maybe some shading/rendering trick to hide the fact that it has no volume

Anonymous No. 1000828

Thanks anon.
Is there a more polygon efficient way of doing hair than using flat mesh planes? I'm afraid my model would get too heavy for game/animation if I was to do that many strands...

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silver face.png

Anonymous No. 1000833

I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I'm learning blender in hopes of making porn someday. I've downloaded some models off smutbase for study, and I've noticed some models have silver faces like pic related. After going through the comments, the posters say that its an issue only with newer versions of blender, but not 3.6 do some pros stick with older versions like how some people prefer photoshop cs3?

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Anonymous No. 1000837

I've done some more digging and it turns out that the multiply node connected to principled bsdf's IOR node rather than Coat IOR. Question still stands though, do some users stick to older versions by preference?

Anonymous No. 1000841

it's not too uncommon to have multiple versions of blender installed

Anonymous No. 1000849

Blender has multiple "LTS" ( long-term support, as they call it ) . Like 2.93 > 3.2 is one product line , 3.6 > 4.2 is another product line

Usually they are forward compatible but not guarantee to be backward compatible . Like if you try to open file saved in 4.0+ in Blender 3.0 it will probably crash immediately, or if you somehow get it opened the material will sometimes be broken because they changed the MixRGB node in 4.0, so it will appear as a broken " undefined" node in 3.0

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skin mat + drople....png

Anonymous No. 1000852

I am rendering sexy images of a character I like for fun and a anon who is a 3D porn artist sent me some of his blend files because he thinks I have potential for that, and there's like 200 shape keys, 10 color attributes, a skin material with 4 micro skin details mixed up in a spider web of like 50 nodes (in a node group). I had detail maps and height maps but the materials I was using are babby shit compared to this; I can barely follow what he's doing with all these interconnected mixers. Also theres this huge geo nodes setup for water droplets on the skin, I've never even used geo nodes before. I guess now I understand how they do those awesome realistic materials, I thought there was some trick to it but nope it's a just a lot of work

Anonymous No. 1000861

you can mix between poly mesh for big bundle of hair and hair card for strands . examples
> ( The alpha are fked but it illustrates the point well )

note how the hair meshes are not exactly connected or even blend together, some have thickness some don't , it's mostly up to the texture that make the hair look good, to polygons are just there to display the texture

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Anonymous No. 1000876

1. Should I just drop texturing in Blender in favor of Substance Painter? I haven't tried the latter but I'm told it's closer to Photoshop which I'm used to

2. Any good courses for what comes after modeling/sculpting? I'm talking stuff like Retopo/UVs/Rigging.
I'm okay at modeling since, but I lack at a lot of the technical stuff

Anonymous No. 1000880

You have Ucupaint as free alternative inside blender but yes, substance is better.
Retopo is usually done with retopoflow, it is sold in the market but you can download it from github, they are working in the 4.0 rn
for the uvs I use textools idk if it is ported to the lattest versions of blender, I know they integrated a new unwrap method too

Anonymous No. 1000891

I actually dont know, but how do people do those meme dance stuff?
Like is there a animation skeleton you can copy and paste onto a model to make them default dance?
Surely people dont just, recreate it perfectly right?

Anonymous No. 1000896

MMD motions?

Anonymous No. 1000897

Yes, animations are only controlling the skeleton/rig, so if you download third-party skeleton and animations for it and then apply that skeleton to your model, you will have all the animations working automatically.

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Anonymous No. 1000902

>lined up a bunch of courses to complete after stagnating after 2 years of blender usage
>did the first one on the left
>moved onto the Press Start console one
>want to blow my brains out from boredom
thing is, I'm not particularly interested in hard surface or mesh modeling. more interested in sculpting and characters, along with some low poly stuff (which would be retopo'd from sculpts anyway)
should I just skip to the stuff that interests me instead? I feel like I'm cheating myself a bit, idk

Anonymous No. 1000911

modeling is kinda the backbone to understand the internal logic of polygons, retopo is basically modeling but you're tracing a sculpt.

Sculpting is also basically modeling but during the dynotopo/voxel remesh stage, it's been so abstracted and achieve using a gorillion polygons so the mesh behave mostly how a lay person expecting clay to behave ( as long as the mesh has no hole or non-manifold ) . After retopology where you have to work with subD and multires it's basically subD modeling but you're just manipulating the surface instead of creating new polygon

There's usually 2 types of modeling tho, subD vs non subD (some call low poly )

Anonymous No. 1000934

Don't mindlessly do tutorials like you're going to learn anything.
Just do your own projects and reference tutorials whenever you reach something you don't know how to tackle. That's how you learn.
You're solving problems that you have in a real world setting, instead of some shit someone made up for you.

Anonymous No. 1000940

I'm pretty skilled when it comes to Blender's shader nodes, but I'm kind of reaching a point with procedural materials where they take too long to actually be worthwhile. I could bake them to a texture, but I'm wondering if just moving to Substance Designer and doing everything there (and exporting to texture) would be a better option.
Is it difficult to swap over, or are they pretty similar in terms of workflows? I'm quite familiar with Painter, but I didn't really give Designer much of a go except for the one time back in the day where my retarded ass thought Designer was Painter and tried for a week to import a model into it and gave up. This was way back when Designer had those weird sliders and stuff.
I'm not too crazy when it comes to using math functions and stuff in Blender's shader editor, and I mostly just use masks and stuff to do what I need, so if Designer needs a shitload of math nodes I might be fucked.

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ring normal.jpg

Anonymous No. 1000945

Why does this happen when I try to bake the normal? The engraving is made with a bool mod. The end goal is to export the low poly with the normal to a game engine (per request).

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Anonymous No. 1000949

anything I need to know before I potentially waste time trying to bake this?
it was colored with vertex colors in sculpt mode, then I just threw on some AO. I want to make a low poly retopo over it, then unwrap and bake all of the color, texture, lighting, reflections etc from the high poly onto the low poly into a single texture
not sure if it's even possible so I figured I'll ask now

Anonymous No. 1000955

Hey! I have a friend who wants to get into 3D modeling for game development, so I thought I'd ask here since you all seem knowledgeable. I suggested Blender since it's free and has a ton of features, but do you agree? Any courses you’d recommend? I’m all ears!

Anonymous No. 1000956

CG Cookie and CG Boost are both great resources for beginners. Cookie has two free ones [the first two listed here] and Boost has two free ones as well. do NOT do the donut tutorial, it's an absolute meme since it doesn't teach you the 'why' of 3D modeling, instead tasking you with copying blindly
also, it depends on what areas of game development he's specifically interested in. also worth knowing that even if you intend to focus solely on sculpting for example, it's helpful to know a bit about how to UV unwrap, retopo, texture and rig since it's pretty likely you'll be doing those at some capacity at some point. knowing how those processes work will also help since you know what other people on the team will have to work with

Anonymous No. 1000958

Ok thank you very much I don't know if I misspoke but it's more 3D modeling for creating game assets tahn game dev

Anonymous No. 1000959

Trying to make a shader node setup to simulate snow accumulation in heavy winds, like how the windward side has the concavities mostly filled and the sheltered sides are clear with a bit of a tapered noise texture. Thinking its possible with some combination of bevel/AO/vector math, but also that this might be a good excuse to finally acquire Substance Designer and dick around with it a bit.

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Anonymous No. 1000973

right so this was a nightmare and I can't even get it to work
I retopo'd the mesh, it's mirrored and UV unwrapped properly, I've made sure the normals are all facing the right way and there's no gaps in the mesh
whenever I bake I just get this goofy texture. messing with the cage, extrusion and ray distance doesn't do much in the way of fixing it

Anonymous No. 1000979

What level of animation/rigging is Sircus3D at? His old work is incredible and I want something similar for my project.

Anonymous No. 1000981

i have a character. i want to slightly adjust some clothing on said character. it has a shitload of shakepeys though. when I extrude edges, all the shapekeys revert to their original shape, which doesn't fit the character. I can't apply shapekeys because most of them are corrective and required for the rig to function properly. what are my options?

Anonymous No. 1000985

I took a quick look, and all of it is trash (not being hyperbolic or facetious, it's really awful). I'd say it's beginner level. You can reach this in a weekend after you watch a few basics on the UI and basic animation workflow.
Have fun, try to do better.

Anonymous No. 1000988
imagine the 3d pron you can make

Anonymous No. 1000989

My apologies if this question is too basic, I have zero experience with this program. I downloaded a .fbx model, along with the full texture in a single .png. Blender indicates it has multiple meshes, and while it applies correctly if I do it one by one, surely there's a simple way to apply this singular texture to all part at once, right? I tried looking it up, and while it sounds like there's a solution of sorts, I can't make head or tails of it. For instance, some solutions say to link everything, but the textures remain separate.

Anonymous No. 1000990

Oh I believe I figured it out. Edit Mode > Select All > Select Texture > Assign.

I knew it couldn't be too hard

Anonymous No. 1001000

is blender ever actually going to implement SDF modeling?

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Anonymous No. 1001010

My solution to this was to create the text in a 2D art program and use that to displace the mesh rather than bool. The commissioner is satisfied with it but I'm not.

Anonymous No. 1001011

I haven't baked anything in blender in a long time, but it feels the ray distance is to low, it's not reaching the deepest parts of the engraving

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Anonymous No. 1001017

need some help, how do i improve this shot?

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Anonymous No. 1001018

earlier draft

Anonymous No. 1001021

Learn the basics of composition in visual media, starting with the rule of thirds. The space around your subject is as important as the subject itself. As for specific suggestions I would tilt the camera down further and align the crocodile with the lower third. (I don't know what's in your scene or if you want a literal horizon.) You might also consider a different aspect ratio if this isn't targeting a specific device.

Anonymous No. 1001026

don't remember seeing them mention it, but i've been using higgsas geo nodes for sdf
documentation here

Anonymous No. 1001041

They namedropped in the roadmap: parametric modeling, SDF, Nurbs, Gaussian Splatting, nobody is working on this so I suppose we won't see it before 2027.

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Anonymous No. 1001044

i do follow rule of thirds but the phone aspect ratio makes it less appealing?

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Anonymous No. 1001045

first shot is a center shot

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Anonymous No. 1001047

Maybe a more dynamic angle?
Also your gator's materials are kind of eh. It looks like one of those hollow plastic toys, mostly because of the flat look and the phong-esque shading. It'd be fine if that was the general look you were going for, but the rest of your scene doesn't share quite the same look.

This is better, if a littler derpy looking.

Anonymous No. 1001050

>phone aspect ratio makes it less appealing?
Probably just my personal biases, but considering how you intend your picture to be viewed can impact how you make it.

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Anonymous No. 1001051

first time texturing an organic thing and its harder than i thought and i cant really find any good substance tuts for it but yeah that was an earlier draft, this is what it looks like now. its in motion so its less jarring i think
should i switch to a square aspect ratio?

Anonymous No. 1001052

I feel like I've stumbled down a rabbit hole. "Ray distance" is now called extrusion, which is different from "max ray distance". I'm still unsure why the actual depth of the displacement modifier doesn't change the results, while the boolean modifier creates those terrible black artifacts. It seems that tutorials for older versions may not be as useful for 4.0+

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Anonymous No. 1001053

in motion

Anonymous No. 1001076

i like it

Anonymous No. 1001077

Looks pretty neat, maybe experiment with a bit of displacement on the gator.

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Anonymous No. 1001078

I'm trying to recreate an alpha effect in blender 4.3, following a 2.8 tutorial
I can't find the alpha settings in the material no matter where I look. in the material [principled] under viewport display all I have is color, metallic and roughness
left is from the tutorial vs mine on the right. I looked it up and couldn't find anything helpful

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Anonymous No. 1001083

added some more minor details and improved the butterfly animation

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Anonymous No. 1001084

i dont have displacements i have only 1 normal map that i baked within substance. where can i find a proper workflow with all the displacements and stuff? although the main issue with the croc looking fake is the sculpt itself since it was my second ever sculpt and i was just sculpting details without the anatomy.

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Anonymous No. 1001092

I couldn't find a way to easily do it in blender, but with Plasticity this is a breeze. I just sketched the lines I wanted over the solid, and used offset curve with [Tab] for lock distances, then selected the regions I wanted to dig into it, and extruded.
Onshape also has the "lighten" featurescript for anyone wanting to do it for free, and it's actually better.

Anonymous No. 1001096

Better, but those wings when the butterflies are at rest are really robotic. Let the wings go down, stay there for a few moments, then have them go back up. I'd also turn up the easing on them a bit so they don't start/stop as quickly. The butterfly may be small to us, but it has really big wings proportionally, and have to push a lot of air out of the way.

I don't think the sculpt is the issue here. It's just that your bumps/normals aren't doing much work. I'd turn them up slightly, or put on adaptive subdivision, chuck in a displace node in the shader, and plug your bump/height texture into that and adjusting the settings till you have some extra cragginess. Make sure you change the material settings to "displacement and bump" or just "displacement" for the disp node to work.
Also, you should be able to grab a disp/height map from substance if you just export one. If you have NO height data at all in SP, I think there's a normal to height effect/layer thing that you can use.

Anonymous No. 1001098

how do i make auto weights less shit? am I doomed to manual weight painting forever?

Anonymous No. 1001107

by adding like 200 more bones

Anonymous No. 1001108

as in corrective bones?

Anonymous No. 1001109

pretty much yeah, it is tricky but can be done, at first i thought it might be problem to add so many bones but ive seen the red dead redemtion character models and they have an absurd amount of them so maybe it isnt an issue after all idk yet i still havent done a proper good rig yet

Anonymous No. 1001110

>idk yet i still havent done a proper good rig yet
>posts maya in response to a very blender specific question
why are you even talking then

Anonymous No. 1001111

same thing

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Anonymous No. 1001138

yeah, the solidify modifier doesn't like it when you have normals pointing every which way
I think it would be easier to straight up subd modeld it blender, that's what I would do, but CAD is a better tool for that

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Anonymous No. 1001139

where do i find the built in slider options for facial expressions?

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Anonymous No. 1001147

oh yeah fuck the butterflies are on linear. i wish i could focus on the bigger picture rather than tunnel visioning on random details. the normal bump is already at 2.5

Anonymous No. 1001148

usually expressions are controlled by face bones or a shape keys

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cycles render.jpg

Anonymous No. 1001153

it's over. realism isn't very fun

Anonymous No. 1001155

Not bad. I have a fun idea. What if a fox girl had one apple in her mouth and another in her ass!
Then two hilichurls come and each takes one of the apples away and bites it, then they replace the apples with you guess what. That would be really sweet animation!

Anonymous No. 1001159

>it's over. realism isn't very fun
sometimes you really get into it, especially when you start doing weathering damage
you should try to do things you enjoy, especially if you're not getting paid

Anonymous No. 1001165

I'm thinking about building a network storage/render box out of my spare parts, and wondering if keeping the blend files on those slow ass bulk hard drives will be an issue. I'm assuming it loads the whole file into ram so only start up and saving might lag a bit.

Anonymous No. 1001203

How good is 4.3, bros?

Anonymous No. 1001206

if you're into sculpting the new brushes are pretty nice. also good if you texture paint using vertex colors

Anonymous No. 1001207

looks good, but too bad i dont have a 3d printer and i hear all 3d printers output a lot of toxic gas

Anonymous No. 1001208

Nah that was in the bad old days when you had to use ABS. The standard stuff today is way easier to print and the only gas it gives off is a faint smell of sugar. If you're not currently pinching pennies you can get a printer for like $300, and its pretty fun to hold your models in your hand.

Anonymous No. 1001210

Just tried out geometry nodes.

The facts are I cant do anything with it compared to houdini where I can do everything.

Anonymous No. 1001219

I'm really looking forward to it, especially eevee light groups.

Anonymous No. 1001225

>a lot of toxic gas
that's true for resin printing, but filament printers are pretty safe and you can print PLA as long as it's not in your bedroom and you have an open window

Anonymous No. 1001251

I print PLA in my bedroom just fine. It's ABS that's shit. I have to leave the room when I use it.

Anonymous No. 1001256

you really shouldn't print PLA in your bedroom, it's not as bad as ABS but it still has VOCs

Anonymous No. 1001257

I've been making some decent progress but holy shit does sculpting intimidate me. Swear it's gonna be 2 years before I even try it for more than 5 minutes

Anonymous No. 1001258

>I print PLA in my bedroom just fine.

t. 75 iq

Anonymous No. 1001268

retards really be like
>well I can't smell it so it has to be fine!
It's probably the same type of motherfuckers who huff gas fumes because it "feels good"

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Anonymous No. 1001273

I work 12 hour shifts in a place that has 6 printers chugging through ABS 24/7 and also a few resin ones right by my desk. I am already beyond fucked so hiding from a bit of PLA fumes won't change shit in the grand scheme of things for me.

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Anonymous No. 1001321


🗑️ Anonymous No. 1001339

nevermind, somehow some arm vertices got mixed up in facial shapekeys

Anonymous No. 1001345

76 shapekeys where these four vertices somehow got displaced...

Anonymous No. 1001359

use a vertex group to mask the shapekeys to just the face

Anonymous No. 1001360

Is there a "donut" course equivalent but specifically for animation?

Anonymous No. 1001382

duplicate vertices maybe? merge just in case

Anonymous No. 1001385

what does everyone use now for ik rigging humanoids? is it still rigify?

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Anonymous No. 1001398
Maybe I will finally be justified for not switching to zbrush, I wonder if that will translate to being able to sculpt higher poly or just smoother experience

Anonymous No. 1001404

just buy a bigger cpu bro

Anonymous No. 1001407

EEVEE was recently updated/revamped which means most existing courses on EEVEE rendering have become useless.
Anyone knows where can i learn EEVEE 2.0/NEXT lighting/rendering? Youtube is full of 30-second bits to do specific things and 'experts' wow-ing at the new EEVEE for 20 minutes showing pretty pictures without actually saying how to get something like that.

Anonymous No. 1001414

>most existing courses on EEVEE rendering have become useless.
Not really. It's the same shit. Apart from NPR stuff with Shader2RGB (and even that I doubt), nothing is so fundamentally different that you need to radically re-think your workflow.

Anonymous No. 1001444

It's a very different engine anon, even the specular doesn't work the same in 4.2, even with the same settings:
The shadows work completely different.
It's a full overhaul and there doesn't seem to be any tutorial on how to deal with the new render engine.
Most if not all videos mention options that simply don't exist any more in current EEVEE engine.

Anonymous No. 1001448

how the FUCK do i make the fill tool work in grease pencil? i can't make it do anything. what am I missing?

Anonymous No. 1001449

Slight differences at best.
Figure it out instead of perpetuating the cycle of retarded Youtubers making full-on beginner courses any time a useless feature is added to the next version of Blender as if you need to start from zero.

Anonymous No. 1001450

you gotta click twice

Anonymous No. 1001456

hi, i just started using blender. im not new to 3D, i know my way around topology and a 3D toolset, just new to the software.

i keep hearing people talk in the tutorials i was following about a few addons called hard ops and boxcutter, i think those were the ones, for hard surface.

are they worth it for someone who already knows their way around topology? what specifically do they do?

Anonymous No. 1001458

Repackaged Knife Project and Boolean

F2,Looptools and EdgeFlow are more essential imo, adds more way to manipulate vertices
Also this guy has some nice, free scripts for modeling

Anonymous No. 1001460


Anonymous No. 1001494

Anyone here subscribed to Ian Hubert able to link his latest world building video? I've loved this guy's talks on world building and this is his first video I've been interested in a long time. Just lost my job recently and am pinching pennies.

Anonymous No. 1001529

>watching a realtime sculpting vid
>skip ahead 3 hours
>everything looks exactly the same

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Anonymous No. 1001530

Anyone here tried this cg fast track thing?

Anonymous No. 1001531

gonna keep it real, I've only ever purchased 1 course ever and pirated a couple more, and every single one didn't have anything you can't already find on youtube. you have to dig past the shit that clogs the algorithm with their retarded donut tutorials but it's there, trust me.

Anonymous No. 1001544 I've never touched geometry nodes but I need to learn this effect. How hard is it to do this effect using simulation nodes? Any suggested resources for learning it?

Anonymous No. 1001550

Describe the effect.

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Anonymous No. 1001552

I cant believe this retard called his character "cute and funny" in front of an audience, kek
still one of the worst talks this con. the guy spoke a lot about things he had no idea about (because someone else in the team handled that), couldnt explain half the NPR techniques they used (and give no credit whatsoever about well known ones) and worst of all spoke to the audience like they owed him

Anonymous No. 1001560

In the video he goes for two parts:
1. Having the simulation nodes inform the visibility of the model. White = visible and black = missing.
2. He uses a different node to get just the edge which he uses to inform a particle effect.

I want to create an effect that is a needle injecting into an arm and, from that needle, a blackness grows outward from it like a poison.

I think I can figure out most of it once I've got the simulation node spreading across vertices down I just don't know how to do that.

Anonymous No. 1001561

You have brain worms if you think cute and fun always refers to some creepy shit.

Anonymous No. 1001562

i think i remember seeing someone use "sample nearest" in a simulation zone to do a growing mask effect like that
mostly learned geometry nodes from this guy
it might be in there but can't be sure

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smug crim.png

Anonymous No. 1001563

in the context of anime it can only mean one thing anon.
it's more than obvious he tried to get back at the audience, that couldnt give two shits about anime

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Anonymous No. 1001573

How do I fill this part up with nice toplogy without filling it and cutting new topo?
Something like grid fill that works on non closed loops?

Anonymous No. 1001577

>Something like grid fill that works on non closed loops?
you can always extrude some vertices to make a closed loop

Anonymous No. 1001578

sometimes they are hidden and you have to hit alt+h to unhide

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Anonymous No. 1001591

Anyone got this for free somewhere? I'd really like to give it a try right now

Anonymous No. 1001620

Yeah it can mean that a character is cute and possibly funny you fuckin' creep

Anonymous No. 1001623

Like 90% of Blender addons of this type, it's just going to be absolute trash you'll never use because it won't ever fit into your workflow and the screenshots aren't indicative of what it'll shit out.

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Anonymous No. 1001625

Today I will remind them.

Anonymous No. 1001628

Does Blender editor viewport use NVidia GPU by default or the CPU?
If I manually set it to use the GPU on the NVidia control panel, will that improve performance?

Anonymous No. 1001634

What's the current way in 4.3 to switch all bones rotation to Euler so I can properly use animation curves? Custom rig, I'm not using rigify.

Anonymous No. 1001635

is it not
>select bone
>right side viewport tabs
>item tab
>transform menu
>third section
>change to euler

Anonymous No. 1001636

Does not work anymore for group selection. I have to do it manually for each bone, which is completely retarded.
This is the second time I've had a similar issue with Blender 4.3. Had to go through some hoops for bone colors too.

Anonymous No. 1001637

oh i see, for bone colors you have to select them in pose mode and click the "copy to selected bones" button, that sounds retarded that it cant be done altogether

Anonymous No. 1001638 got taken over by blendermarket.

Anonymous No. 1001640

Not that anon, what are the 10% you recommend?

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Anonymous No. 1001650

if this 'copy to selected' in the right click menu doesn't work in 4.3 it's a bug and should be reported

Anonymous No. 1001651

It worked. Thanks.

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Anonymous No. 1001658

I'm not making it brehs.

I'll never make kino like this.

Anonymous No. 1001661

keep at it bro, unless you're not having fun
better than anything I can make

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Blender Physics T....webm

Anonymous No. 1001662

I tried doing deformation physics by creating a two spheres, one inside the other with rigid body constraints, and parenting them to a bone inside an armature to be deformed when the torso moves and another bone at the same location that has a copy transforms constraint at a low influence to follow the inside (red) sphere, it kind of works except for one issue I don't understand. When setting the collision "shape" in the settings tab of the rigid body, If I set it to sphere, the " collision shape" will refuse to follow the rest of the object when its is being deformed by the armature, but setting it to "mesh" it does follow the object when it is being deformed. I don't know why...

How do I make the "sphere" and other options recognize the deformation of the armature? I will probably try something else to do physics but I really thought this would work. The "sphere" is a lot smoother and faster than "mesh" and I'd rather have that one working.

Anonymous No. 1001682


Anonymous No. 1001696

that's not how breasts behave.

Anonymous No. 1001697

I am aware, I just wondered if it was possible to ad a jiggle + gravity effect in real time using this method but I don't think this it will work that way since there are some limitations preventing it, Blender can't or won't calculate the changes to the two objects as it happens, or maybe I just don't know how.

Anonymous No. 1001698

It works now using a constraint to copy location of an empty parented to the bone where I want the physics spheres to be. Now to see if it can be done in real-time.

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Anonymous No. 1001699

I got it working all by myself, no tutorials for this or any guides exist that I know of, the cage that holds the spherical "weight" has to have "Animated" checked in its settings BUT not the sphere, leave that unchecked for the (inside object) otherwise the position is overwritten and wont move. While for the outer object it simply updates the location/rotation of the mesh. To recap for anyone interested:
>5 bones in the same location where the "center" of the breast is
>1st is non-deform parented to the upper spine
>2nd is non-deform parented to the clavicle
>3rd will be parented to the 1st, but copies transforms of the 2nd at half influence so the breast/pectorals "stretches" with movement of the arms/shoulder, it will also be influenced by the location of 1 singular vertices of the "inside weight" placed at the same location as the origin of the bone so as to not deform until the "weight" starts moving
>4th is the true "deform bone" that just copies the location of the 3rd (I believe this is for exporting purposes but I haven't gotten there yet)
>5th is the same as the 3rd but its purpose is to only have an empty parented to it and has its vertex group locked to not accidentally deform the body

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Anonymous No. 1001700

Now to the next part:
>Parent the empty to the 5th bone, it will probably move away, place the cursor at the origin and just move it back to the cursor with Shift+S and that will update its place
>Rigid Body Physics for a "cage" with its normals flipped inside so the "spherical weight" wont fall out.
>origin is the same as the bones, and the empty
>"mesh" option checked here, (haven't tried other options yet.)
>check the animated box so it updates in real-time when moving it.
>Rigid Body for the ball but do not check the animated box, "Spherical" collision option is best and fastest.
>origin is also the same as the bones and the empty
>instead of parenting to the empty, which will not work because it will rotate based on the origin of the bone that is deforming, use a "copy location" constraint for both physics objects to always update the location based on the world origins
>I placed the inside mass at the center of the origin of the 5th bone, but the outide cage is actually off-center, moved forwards a bit, in order to mimick the effect that the breasts will not move "backwards" into the torso as much as it can freely move fowards and sideways

It will require some tweaking, maybe more/less friction, or bounciness and dampening, but the basic principles are there I think.

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Anonymous No. 1001701

and here is with the Rigid Body physics objects unhidden.

Anonymous No. 1001707

It's an interesting concept but pic related is what you what to look into. The idea is that you can define springy and limited joints and use Copy Rotation to transfer the movement to an Armature.

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Anonymous No. 1001708

Forgot pic related for >>1001707

Anonymous No. 1001711

This desu, but dropping 3D all together. Here's why, but for Blender:
>try to look up countless tutorials
>it's either a fucking timelapse "tutorial", or a tutorial that doesn't explain in good detail and leave out important stuff to note
>it's 80% of all blender tuts, more or less

Waste of time.

Anonymous No. 1001712

any good rigify/autorig pro tutorials that are more in-depth than just slapping it on? goal or hopes would be like rigs you see on smutbase

Anonymous No. 1001716

I know that one for rigify

Not everyone is meant to make it.

Anonymous No. 1001718

Why do you need a perfect tutorial? Just make something you want to make, if something in a tutorial is any relevant at all it's already useful. Gather information and experience piece by piece.

Anonymous No. 1001719

a lot of those smutbase rigs are just ports from daz right? i think there are plugins that convert everything over

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Anonymous No. 1001733

How do I fix this shit? I finally got my hole closed and triangulated but sculpt turned it into this monstrosity. how do I even out this shit and make nice surfaces?

Anonymous No. 1001734

alright ill look into it

Anonymous No. 1001735

If you're looking to even out the polygons, You can try using the slide relax tool in sculpt mode, but if you just dont give a shit about the detail in your model yet, you can always run a remesh by choosing your mesh resolution with R and then running it with Ctrl+R

Anonymous No. 1001739

I'm not asking for a "perfect" tutorial. Just a tutorial that doesn't fall in those two aforementioned categories made by third worlders.

Anonymous No. 1001740

Oh I kind of see what it is, not entirely sure how to implement it best, I have different ideas. ot

Anonymous No. 1001741

Good luck with your ideas. I just wanted to tell you how it's done so when you'll have wasted enough time with your own ideas, you can get back to it.

Anonymous No. 1001745

Post your donut

Anonymous No. 1001747

I had seen before a style of breast deformation with a proxy mesh with cloth physics and air pressure simulation with heavy air viscosity that transfers its deform to the base mesh. I was thinking what if I used the generic spring to add a roundish weight inside the cloth mesh that bounces around and moves the cloth mesh around.

Anonymous No. 1001750

The Cloth Simulator approach works but you need patience because it's slow and every time you make any change, you have re-run it. It's practical only for 30 seconds demo animations.

>>1001708 is the basis for a "wiggle bone" approach instead and it's much faster. You can also use it to make ragdolls. I've tested it here:
It works but for both methods, to my knowledge, there are no good tutorials or documentation available.

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Anonymous No. 1001751

Do wiggle bones and other add-ons transfer to other software like Unity, etc? I thought it doesn't and that's partly why I didn't use it and made this convoluted method. But the generic spring looks more practical.

Another webm after giving some of the surrounding bones a copy transform as well to follow the main one for a little more deformation.

Anonymous No. 1001752

Wiggle bones don't transfer directly from Blender but you can create them in game engines. Look for "godot ragdoll tutorial" on youtube. I know it's similar in other game engines but I haven't tried.
Wiggle bones and ragdolls joints are essentially the same thing, you just have to change the parameters of the joint.

Anonymous No. 1001753

ty for advice, saving all this info

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what is it now.jpg

Anonymous No. 1001759

I swear I keep having stupid issues with Blender since I switched to their new version. F-Curves don't fucking work as intended.
> G > Z > move it > also moves the Y curve
> XPasting anything gets the same weird behavior even if the original curve is perfectly clean
There's absolutely no reason for it to happen since it's an IK bone, it's not parent-connected to anything that could cause this. What am I missing now?

Anonymous No. 1001760

>it's an IK bone
Small correction not the hips my bad. I was thinking of the foot IK since it gets the same issue.
But still, there's no reason for Y to be altered. The movement is not large enough to affect anything at the moment.

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Anonymous No. 1001837

is there a decent way to paint pixel art textures in the UV space in blender yet?
whenever I try it's always blurry as fuck, even with a 1 pixel brush
I can take the UV into photoshop or aseprite, but that means losing out on the live feedback of seeing how it applies on the model, plus I have to try and remember where the UV seams are (leaving the UV outlines at such a low res makes them get in the way)

Anonymous No. 1001838

I look back at my work for the past 6 months and even though I've worked hard on it, it all appears just worthless and useless. I do a lot of technical work like remaking stuff that already exists but slightly differently and when I look at it now it just seems like all the time spent on creating the "improved" version could have been spent actually using the official version. Or, is this just how I learn?

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Anonymous No. 1001843

file reports at if you can replicate a bug that appeared between 4.2 and 4.3. seems like they pulled a lot of stuff out of 'experimental' branches and into main too early.
i finally got time to put 4.3 beta through its paces a couple days ago and it suddenly hit release candidate. have reported like 5 confirmed bugs so far.
that being said, looks like they've got a guy dedicated to fielding bug reports and stuff is getting fixed quickly

Anonymous No. 1001849

Everything I hear is Blender sucks and you SHOULD use an external image program

Anonymous No. 1001850

you might be stupid. have you asked your parents?

Anonymous No. 1001853

Yeah that’s kind of how it is but at least you know how to do it better I hope

Anonymous No. 1001854

>whenever I try it's always blurry as fuck, even with a 1 pixel brush
Change your texture's interpolation from linear, to closest.

Anonymous No. 1001856

I use auto reload plugin, fill UVs in blender in different colors to see the layout, then edit in Krita and every time I save it's automatically reloaded in Blender on second monitor because of auto reload plugin.

Anonymous No. 1001857

You can clearly see it's closest, look at bottom pic. It's just Blender brushes can't really paint without blurriness.

Anonymous No. 1001858

Do less of remaking stuff and more of your own thing. Then even if it's bad it's still more interesting.

Anonymous No. 1001910

>pirated a couple more
People upload these somewhere?

Anonymous No. 1001966

cgpersia and rutracker

Anonymous No. 1001977

There is a telegram channel with a ton of plugins, I think you should be allowed to try a product before you buy it.
> (slash) blenderplugs

Anonymous No. 1002007

Is there any way to export the finished product of some shader nodes that only only affect color of a texture? I just applied 3 hue/sat/value nodes to a texture to get the color I want but I have no idea how to recreate that (I use paint lol) so I was hoping there was a way to export it.

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download (1).png

Anonymous No. 1002012

how do people create the atlases [on the left] for use with texture hotspotting, like with DreamUV?

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Anonymous No. 1002013


Anonymous No. 1002015

please someone help me how do i get hte old sculpting menu back in this piece of shit 4.3 update

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Anonymous No. 1002020

please someone for fucks sake help why can't I use shortcuts like before who had the bright idea to fuck up the shortcut menu in sculpting

Anonymous No. 1002026

wtf they released 4.3 already
probably has to do with this new brush assets, but there's no menu change even mentioned in the release notes
did it used to be a pie menu? if so maybe this addon

Anonymous No. 1002037

>current projects viewport fps jumped from 11 to 16 with 4.3
we're so fucking back bros. also what is causing that, my pc is decent. I have a couple armatures in the scene, is that doing it?

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Anonymous No. 1002038

i am doomed i can't figure out how to model this part

Anonymous No. 1002055

the 4.3 changes to brushes are probably great, but I'll wait a bit until there are good guides to getting used to the new system instead of the usual clickbait slop

Anonymous No. 1002057

maybe you had something enabled in preferences that was disabled when you updated?

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Anonymous No. 1002058

Did they get rid of basic shortcuts in 4.3? why are all the object mode shortcuts (G / grab/move, H / hide, S / scale, R / rotate) just gone? I can't find them in the keymap, and i have tried manually exporting my 4.2 keymap and importing to 4.3, nothing changes.. The keymap doesn't even have the options available in 4.3, unless I am missing something. Can't find anyone mentioning this in other forums/comment sections..

Anonymous No. 1002059

did you try clicking "import preferences" on the menu that pops up when you open blender 4.3?

Anonymous No. 1002060

yea of course, my default file is highly customized so that is something I always do with new releases.. my custom shortcuts work but the basic, out-of-the-box shortcuts are just gone, and I can't find them in the keymap preferences in 4.3, but I can find them in 4.2

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Anonymous No. 1002062

I was able to make a custom shortcut to use the S key to scale, but I am still confused why they would have just disappeared altogether.. I'm not going to remake the functions, i'll just revert to 4.2 for now.

Anonymous No. 1002063

weird, my shortcuts are all working

Anonymous No. 1002118

New Blender is out and it's breddy gud

Anonymous No. 1002163

Okay it's good but I'm looking forward to the next update, it's quirky, like the shortcuts stop working if you rename an asset brush

Anonymous No. 1002169

i think they rushed it, maybe because of the holidays
should have had another month in beta

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Anonymous No. 1002199

why isn't there real-time vertex lighting in blender? it'd be very useful for retro styled renders
it seems like it'd be easy to implement, since you can bake real-time regular lights into vertex colors already

Anonymous No. 1002303

desu it sounds like an accredation or certification per engine dev or per major studio. Just so there are only like a couple major badges everyone needs. Then you can develop a secure certification (blockchain token or some shit).
Essentially like computer fields have A+ and MCP and Cisco Systems certs you just get as a basic.

Anonymous No. 1002357

>Why the FUCK did they remove subsurface color
coz its retarded.
its does some fucky yucky retarded magic behind the scenes that results in a completely incorrect sub surf colors that do not make sense to achieve "artist friendliness" ie fuck all.
you should only ever use the radius field its literally just rgb values
> Cycles the red one adds green hue areas on the lips and nose. The blue one turns purple and yellow.
adjust the scale of the subsurf so it matches the scale of your characters nose/lips
>They really fucked this up
they str8 up made it better ive asking for this kind of change for years so fuck off.
>I don't think it's the proper use
it is. always been
>Also, not really helpful, but the individual SSS node still has a color input.
specifically to accomodate stupid fags like you. you could just mix the shaders and youd get 1 to 1 to how it looked like in the 3.x
>Likely because they're incompetent and lack the ability to fix things
you literally cant use a slider based shader editor properly
>Then when you call them out you get the classic "I'm a talentless programmer that has no art knowledge or creativity to speak of" response, "Why would anyone use it that way?"
show me your talent and creativity.

Anonymous No. 1002359

>mass response with shit opinion

Anonymous No. 1002417

"people" who don't know how to retopo don't know how to model

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Anonymous No. 1002434

How is it that some of these Blender creators can get really beautiful looking renders while others are just mid-at-best?
They're all using model rips/Smutbase models afaik...

Is it all in the lighting? Or are they editing the materials?

Anonymous No. 1002481

I wonder this too, my renders look like shit, but I assume it's just bad lighting and I haven't gotten around to learning that yet

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Anonymous No. 1002515

what are good resources for learning 3d modeling? I'm gonna start with blender, do i just read the manual? I think the donut is a meme and i think i saved some tutorial that was recommended by a lot of people this year but i lost it.

Anonymous No. 1002526

What I did was find something I personally wanted to model, and looked up tutorials on youtube and copied it, then I kind of had a grasp of how to do things and would try it myself without the tutorial, and when I would get stuck or wanted to do something new, I would google/youtube that

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Anonymous No. 1002541

Noob question, can someone help me out? I'd like to texturepaint an opaque label onto my milk, without fucking up the transparent material in the process. It seems like it should be possible, but so far i havent found any way to change the transparency of my brush so the label is transparent too. Ive tried to figure it out on my own but I cant find any tutorials on it, and i dont want to give my phone number to the sellout hacks at shitcord. What do i do? Id like to just work entirely in blender, but I could probably try editing the texture in gimp i guess, or cut my losses and add another object to be the label instead, or learn how shader nodes work and do something with that, but this feels like something that shouldnt need that level of hack-jobbery to get working and id like my models to be efficient if at all possible...

Anonymous No. 1002546

lighting, using the compositor, and manually touching it up in photoshop would be my guess

Anonymous No. 1002547

see >>1000956

Anonymous No. 1002548

easiest way would be to shrinkwrap a subdivided plane with your label texture unto the plane, especially if you don't want to deal with shader nodes

Anonymous No. 1002630

Retarded newbie here, I don't know what the option is called so I can't google it, but how can I make the faces in my UV map the same size as on the object? For instance, I make a rectangular long, flat box, but when I unwrap it still shows each face as a square.

Anonymous No. 1002722

i watched the video about that new blender animation system and how it's revolutionary and i don't get it
they talk about changing NLA for animation layers and changing clips so they can have subclips but what is the point?
animation layers does the same thing as NLA and subclips is same thing as clips just one tree level deeper.. it's the same shit. I don't get why it's a big deal?
it's literally still just animating with clips and then layering them next to and on top each other just like before.

Anonymous No. 1002729

I was coming here to ask how important retopo is. the concept is confusing and I've been using an auto one as a crutch for a while

Anonymous No. 1002759

How do I export an fbx so that only bones in the armature that themselves or their children are associated to a weighted group get exported? I don't want any non-weighted bones that don't do anything. There's the deform bones options but I don't want to set them manually

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Anonymous No. 1002765

how can i make shape like avobe pic
i made side of rim round with bevel, but i have to make front of rim round too

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Anonymous No. 1002775

>4.2 and 4.3 break all my lights
>as ever, the log is a whack-a-mole in terms of finding which EEVEE change broke what in each
>the lights and materials in the project seem to have defaulted instead of interpolating their new values from the old settings
That's it, I'm moving to Scratch's 3D mesh viewer.

>Here's what's new in today's release of Scratch!
>You can scale the cat's grin 1000 on the x axis.
>You can now add a colour node to his eyebrows.
take that blendies, we Scra-chads are eating good.

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Anonymous No. 1002804

Anyone have the Clay Doh thing to make claymation type thing for free?

Anonymous No. 1002806

Request it

Anonymous No. 1002811

>$21 for all that
damn dude that's already a steal

Anonymous No. 1002816

I want to try it before I buy it. I don't do this professionally or anything.

Anonymous No. 1002818

Imagine paying for someone to leave their greasy fingerprints on your animation.

Anonymous No. 1002819

Thanks! I ended up doing it with another cylinder in the end which more or less achieved the same thing, good to know im not missing anything important

Anonymous No. 1002833

What's the best way to multiple object sculpts preferably without retopology or rigging?

Anonymous No. 1002834

Can you write your question again, but in a way that makes sense?

Anonymous No. 1002840

*best way to pose

Anonymous No. 1002842


Anonymous No. 1002868

you can temporarily join the objects with (CTRL J in object mode, P in edit mode to separate) and use the pose brush with face sets
if you don't want to retopo then use the QuadRemesher addon and a multires modifier with shrinkwraps applied

Anonymous No. 1002904

When I open my.blend project file it uses 100gb+ ram just to open it in blender and freezes up when doing almost anything. I am making it be a clay texture but the poly count isn't crazy. It's like 10 ICO spheres that have been sculpted some. Anyone know why that could be happening that badly? Using this clay shader tutorial btw

Anonymous No. 1002931

I've been using default Blender for a while and it feels like I'm shooting myself in the foot when I'm polymodeling without addons
Maybe I should learn how to use bool tool, at least

Anonymous No. 1002933

don't use hardops, its terrible

Anonymous No. 1002945

don't fall for the addon trap. ascend beyond

Anonymous No. 1002946

I redid the materials and it is okay now. Don't know what I did to mess it up so bad.

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Anonymous No. 1002951

So how much improvement am I going to see upgrading to a high end 4000 or 5000 card(if I wait til their release).

Rendering is extremely degrading to my workflow with what I'm doing because I'm not even doing high intense scenes but I need like 50 images of something to animate so it's like 10 minutes then I need to move everything 8 times so it becomes 80 minutes to finish one simple thing and I have to do this like 100 times but some is still just test renders.

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Anonymous No. 1002955

How do I verify whether an object is
- completely closed
- without intersecting/overlapping parts
- without branching faces/edges

And how do I fix these problems without remeshing?

Anonymous No. 1003049

It's hard to resist, like when I look at addons like Mesh Copier, yes I can do all that with default Blender but it would be such a pain

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Anonymous No. 1003079

weird shadow artifiacts using eevee next. what's the deal? they disappear when I disable shadows, but I don't want to disable shadows. closeup here, they also often appear on highlights. I didn't use eevee much before 4.2 but I don't remember this happening in the previous version of eevee.

Anonymous No. 1003109

I can't wait for the 2025 roadmap, maybe they'll add vertex colors to multires modifier
Vertex painting is so much better than texture painting in Blender right now that it ain't funny

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Anonymous No. 1003292

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Anonymous No. 1003293


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Anonymous No. 1003299

Do you guys use any baking add-ons? I'm deciding between Oven Bake ($20) and Quick Baker ($37) right now. I mainly want to use them to bake textures, colors, normals, AO, and all from ripped game model meshes to a full body model like a Genesis base since a lot of the full body models on smutbase and the like only include the colors since that is as far as most youtube tutorials go.
I have been able to transfer the normal map by treating the game's normal as the RGB texture to bake, but it doesn't work entirely right if you set up the baked normal map like an actual normal map (non-color space; only works in RGB space for some reason).

Anonymous No. 1003357

God rigging sucks so FUCKING BAD bros. Three simple characters with bendy bones takes me a whole fucking fucking day. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 1003585


Anonymous No. 1004410

Minecraft is for pedophiles