🧵 Koπo Doodle Thread 15
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Mar 2023, 21:57:37 GMT No. 740761
Koπo bread s dead long live Koπo bread
Koπ Man lives : DDD
Rules: Use Oekaki, Keep replays on, Be Kind
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..{(*......../ \........*)}...
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 16m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 25 Mar 2023, 22:26:44 GMT No. 740861
in my chase for that coomer mastery of the forms i've realized that the human body isnt all that attractive on its own
it requires masterful posing and rendering to make an image visually impressive
especially with social media constantly bombarding the monkey pattern seeking brain with the best of the best out there it de-sensitizes most people from the humble beauty of the human form
Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 22:08:11 GMT No. 740961
few days ago i met an old friend from my junior college days and talked for a bit
suprisingly she said i've become an incredibly bitter person
that part of the conversation has stuck with me
Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 22:46:15 GMT No. 740963
i was in my own bubble until the convo yanked me violently into conventional sense
not just it actually no cap my dad sat me down and asked me if im depressed or something
i look pretty miserable as a person from a normie perspective
tho personally i am happy im perplexed with how i should keep up appearences
especially here where there's a big societal stigma around having psycological problems
no issue i'll be graduating soo and hitting the gym again
im on a downwards spiral upwards : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 23:51:34 GMT No. 740973
Idk, your doodles seem generally upbeat for me, but I have weird views.
Maybe it has something to do with the lack of colors?
Anonymous at Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 13:35:49 GMT No. 741162
Possibly because you spend all of your time on a 4chan board solely out of the spite that the general board population doesn't like you?
Not trying to take shots, to be clear.
Anonymous at Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 19:12:20 GMT No. 741176
Hi delta
Anonymous at Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 21:49:42 GMT No. 741185
cant wait for college to end
i'll get to hit the gym in earnest again
koπMan will rise again : DDD
my target will be 80~85 kgs by december
it sucks being stuck at 99kg perpectually
not obese by any means since the commute back and forth keeps me somewhat active but im def fatt
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Apr 2023, 00:47:58 GMT No. 741964
my shortfilm is slowly progressing
plus i got brought on as animator for a 20 sec segment on the 3d dept's short film as well
on top of that i got another freelance job lined up from my prof
how bloody cool is that?
koπ posting will resume at a slower pace
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Apr 2023, 04:08:34 GMT No. 742912
yoooooooo absolutely amazing art
very cute brown koπ and cow frauv
thanks anon u made me smile : DDD
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Apr 2023, 14:55:46 GMT No. 743127
fun kott fact
i have chits of paper on me at all times when im away from home that i doodle kotto on when i get stressed
i have a pile of such paper this includes bus tickets and the odd monthly train pass
rummaging through these piles of kott doodles and picking one just to see that silly face smiling back at me brings me calm like never else
truly kotto is an blessing to my unworthy nerves
Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Apr 2023, 11:44:58 GMT No. 743202
aaaaa anon you've hit me with a double whammie of cuteness
thank you it made my day
im happy someone besides me enjoys these silly characters
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023, 11:06:00 GMT No. 743575
tomorrow's Eid aka that time of the year that the market will have only the best and meatiest islamic cuisine
best time of the year desu gonna feast with the family
also funny moustache man's birthday today, funny that
Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Apr 2023, 07:25:54 GMT No. 743813
Hi OP I'm the one who drew Koπo bread burn Marco in the Hungry game thread (and who wanted to do a webcomic) to thank you for your support I'll try to post in your thread as much as possible
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Apr 2023, 13:25:08 GMT No. 743840
cute : DDDD
ayy the more the merrier i say
feel free to post here anon ur always welcome : D
will be fun seeing ur grow as an artist
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Apr 2023, 14:01:53 GMT No. 743846
i recently exited the freelance i job metioned here >>741964
never have i been a part of a worse managed project than this and have lost any and all respect for the prof who got me into it
i was told it was a simple one week job they needed 2 animated shots readjusted for this music video
shouldve noticed the signs when they handed me the modelsheet and it was an honest to god deviant art tier anime girl with the kinda impractical hair/costume props you'd expect of someone who hasnt worked in animation before
the costume was assymetrical and in some places needlessly complicated when they shouldnt be
i waived it off as being a wip and subject to change (it wasnt)
the shots themselves were pretty inoffonsive one being the ygirl turning round at the camera and gasping at whatever is behind her i was given a previously made "rough animation that was approved and it was bad like "first year animaation student whos never done figure drawing in his life" kinda bad and when i asked the prof (who was middle managing) he brushed it off half jokingly and asked me to animate it how i want (the client did not want that)
after i animated it myself he then showed it to the client in what i can only assume in his mind was a powermove to display his superior directing or something and made me add the costume and hair to the figure without approval from the client after multiple iterations of which the client who was avoiding the point finally put his foot down and asked him to redo the shot using the originl shitty animation as reference (this was 4 days in)
then my prof sheepishly had me can he animation i'd done and had me "trace over" and "fix" the previous animation which obviously turned out shit cuz it didnt have any ease in ease out or followed basic windup and cushion principles
this was then presented to the client and approved to my shock and then i was made to finalise it and made to redo over 9 times with conflicting corrections each time (1/2)
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Apr 2023, 14:44:40 GMT No. 743848
another reason was the miscommunications
the prof was the kinda guy who'd make vague negative remarks rather than pin-point the fault itself and tell me what changes are necessary i had to ask him twice to get any clear directions that too was assuming that he was relaying iinformation from the client (the actual decison maker) which he 75% of the time was not
he was one of the "old gaurd" types layout artist with zero experience in animation itself and felt the constant need to one-up anything anyone said
this coupled with him cting as animation directer for a client that obviously didnt know animation it was the perfect combo of the blind leading the blind
another issue was that my man sucked at english yet insisted on butchering the languege to sound smart half his feedbacks were lost in the translation he has the punjabi ESL voice which wouldnt have been a problem were he no to insist on using voicemail rather than simle concise texts
he was so stingy with his mobile internet service he wouldnt come online until given a missed call
on top of that there was without fail a 15~30 min delay for his replies
by day 6 i had to repeat in bullet points his feedback to get confirmatio on what he actually wanted changed and what was just sophistry on his part
plus the gaslighting you'd get from the average "experienced industry veterens" trying to cover their mistakes
fortunately i still have my own shortfilm to work on so i put my foot down and withdrew from the entire project
i bet getting paid by him will be a massive pain but im gonna extract that payment for 15 days of work by hook or by crook
talk about off the pan into the fire
goes to show these kinds of toxic people exist even in the animation indusry
i just need to vent it out is all
after seeing good work get flushed down the toilet and mediocre work rewarded
i now know exactly why the indian animation industry is in the stae it is
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Apr 2023, 16:16:34 GMT No. 743892
yeah man it kinda my fault for not seeing the signs earlier
should've expected this but hey its still a learning experience
atleast now i know what to avoid
no matter i still have my student film to complete
in hindsight it aint anything special itself
but seeing the lack of sheer base competence in the industry here its good enough
besides im technically not a professional yet so im allowed a few freebies as an amateur
Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Apr 2023, 00:46:32 GMT No. 743970
kott why dont you join the /crab/ oc tournament on /ic/
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Apr 2023, 03:38:10 GMT No. 744071
yoooo that is literally me
how did you get this picture of me
i would anon but i havent got time
I'll try when im free maybe in a few months
its difficult to find time to even doodle here rn
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Apr 2023, 03:47:45 GMT No. 744072
It's already on going, likely gotta wait until next year, but holy smokes, if Kott is in, I'd love to be on their team!
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Apr 2023, 07:58:39 GMT No. 744454
very cute sleeping koπo : DDD
also thats a very interesting interpretation of chibi koπo's eyes
i draw her chibi version with no eyebrows but you draw her upper eyelashes as her eyebrows which is very cute idea
now it looks like she's in a constant fully open eye expression staring down everyone in her path
very interesting lore developement
koπo truly is always watching
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Apr 2023, 14:03:26 GMT No. 744502
I didn't name him. Suggestions?
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Apr 2023, 21:53:38 GMT No. 744537
looks like an anime male mc
would prolly have some name like michio or takeo or something
very cute
your replays are fun to watch fren
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Apr 2023, 22:19:30 GMT No. 744542
Banger bro
Anonymous at Tue, 2 May 2023, 01:03:07 GMT No. 744645
haha she looks like a funny lil kirby character
waddling around on her ears and grabing things with her antennas
very cute would pet : DDD
Anonymous at Sat, 6 May 2023, 17:53:15 GMT No. 745098
why were you banned? and why do people hate you?
>t. newfag
Anonymous at Sun, 7 May 2023, 05:33:33 GMT No. 745140
got b& for shit-posting on aco such is life
noone hates me
I had a flamewar of sorts with the "that guy" of /i/ that got out of hand
besides i dont have a discord so communicaion is spars idk whats happening on their side
my guess is that any "hate" towards me is just leftovers from back in the day
good times : DDD
beloved koπo pup
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 11 May 2023, 02:17:47 GMT No. 745506
do you have any other character than these frau-likes?
Anonymous at Thu, 11 May 2023, 22:12:32 GMT No. 745551
i do have two more actually
i've been neglecting them to be fair
i'll draw em too tomorrow onwards
>enter kott thread
>no images of cats inside
hehe cute
well done we finally have a cat drawing too
what do ya mean butchered?
thats an adorable koπo you've drawn
look at the silly face she's perfect
brave explorer koπo surveys the new world
very cute : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 13 May 2023, 02:32:04 GMT No. 745614
Anonymous at Sun, 14 May 2023, 11:35:43 GMT No. 745743
sorry for my late replies
i'm in the middle of some college work
plus exam season is closing in
but rest assured i'll atleast post once everyday
also i do very much enjoy ur silly cat oekakis
very cute
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 20 May 2023, 23:06:37 GMT No. 746263
sorry for no oekaki today.
maybe i will do one when i wake up. feeling a bit down to be honest.
Anonymous at Thu, 25 May 2023, 16:03:44 GMT No. 746743
koπ man update: im strapped for time since the deadline for my short film is approaching fast and i'm a long way from completion, on top of that i had a mid-work crisis when i looked through the work done so far and realized just how badly i fumbled the bag, even if i do pull off this short it wont be something i'd be proud of
work stress is one thing but despair is another all together
can't wait to be out of college and in the field
i'd rather learn on the job than whatever kafka-esque nightmare scenario this whole college experience has been (good for making friends who'll be in the field but horrible for learning technical skill)
koπ bless my weary soul
Oekaki Post (Time: 55s, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 25 May 2023, 17:07:23 GMT No. 746754
hi again, кoтт.
can't really say i'm doing well, demotivation kicked in again, but i hope i overcome it soon.
>im strapped for time since the deadline for my short film
woah! didn't knew you're making a film. what is it about?
i hope you're motivated enough to finish it, you should be proud of what you're doing. i'm pretty sure it will come out great!
and also, sorry for my bad english, i'm russian and i'm having a hard time learning foreign language. hope you understand what i typed above. thank you and have a nice day! :)
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 25 May 2023, 17:22:31 GMT No. 746756
: )
thanks for the motivation anon my shortfilm will be decent sure but not the level i wanted it to be
since im new to the whole scriptting and narrative process i made a lot of mistakes and errors in my process
honestly i wish i could go back 6 months and restart my project but what is done is done
also your english is very good
nice to see your doodles again
hope the war doesnt affect you badly
be safe out there fren : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 25 May 2023, 17:54:16 GMT No. 746757
>since im new to the whole scriptting and narrative process i made a lot of mistakes and errors in my process
it's understandable, will you post the film when you finish it fully? i wonder what you're working on so hard :D
>hope the war doesnt affect you badly
it's not!...until i'm 21. i hope it ends soon actually.
i tried to draw a кoтт creature, but realized that besides cats i can't draw anything else. sounds ironic, isn't it? :D
Anonymous at Fri, 26 May 2023, 16:58:26 GMT No. 746867
my short film will be over by 5th of the next month
that is my deadline for college
thats a very nice koπo anon very cute : D
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Source: >>746758)
Anonymous at Fri, 26 May 2023, 17:26:00 GMT No. 746868
good luck кoтт, you got this!
omg! how could i've missed this drawing? thanks кoтт, it made me feel a bit better when i saw this drawing :D
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Jun 2023, 18:30:54 GMT No. 747693
been fine actually thanks for askin
i got my final written exam tomorrow
after that i got one week to finish my short film (which i prolly wont complete past just lineart)
I'll finally get my bachelors degree a few months after
after that i'm gonna run through a mini-bootcamp at a studio I've got a few contacts at
after that i'll apply for internships i guess
overall its officially the beginning of the "struggling rookie" arc of my career
feeling optimistic : DDD
koπman will prevail
in lighter news
my hair is at the awkward phase where it isnt long enough to maintain shape but not short enough to settle on their own
cant wait for it to hit that sweet spot
hope things are going well on your sid as well : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Jun 2023, 18:57:07 GMT No. 747696
I have a similar deal, i have now a driving license and i am starting to hit the gym for the month, i am still searching for a job and i am getting in touch with some of my old school mates for some help here and there.
hopefully you will have fun at the bootcamp
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Jun 2023, 01:40:24 GMT No. 749166
hey кoтт, it's me again! glad to see you started posting regularly. sorry for no catposting these weeks, i would do right now, but it's 4:38 am lol.
glad to know that vacation started for ya! did you get to finish the project you were making before?
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Jun 2023, 18:53:11 GMT No. 749294
nice to see you too fren
my home's getting fumigated for pest control so i couldnt post for a few days
but im here now koπposting will resume to atleast one doodle per day
y'know you'd be recieved a lot better if you stopped name-fagging fred
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Jun 2023, 21:21:09 GMT No. 749305
i've been hit by the longest stretch of losses in the nightly family card games
i've never before felt such a visceral series of bitter loss before
no matter how i shuffle the cards no matter how i play my hand i always loos the damn game
this is followed by my dad gloating about his superior "method" as if the game isnt determined in part by the damn cards one draws
its like fate itself wants me to know that im not worthy of victory
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Jun 2023, 21:58:39 GMT No. 749382
another day in a row i lost every card game in a row
the one game i did win was due to mum being tired and not paying attention to the cards
we ended the session prematurely after i won like they were both waiting for it to finally happen
the victory was very patronizing
my misfortune with the cards is slowly becoming a running gag :^(((
Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 29 Jun 2023, 19:06:20 GMT No. 749986
finally watched the spiderverse movie
aside from the over-working allegations it was amazing
Pavitr Prabhakar was a joy to watch
didn't like spider punk tho he came off as token demographic panndering character
idk how you manage to do that when the protag is already black but they managed to somehow like they were insecure about not pandering enough
they gave him the chav brit (KSI) punk arch type which i already don't like and on top of that they took his mask off too damn soon
like cmon dont put him in a cool ass costume if he aint even gonna wear if fo a majority of the time
mexican spider man is cool tho idk why he's framed him as a villain
he's an anti-hero at best with superior aesthetics at that
also not a big fan of the cliffhanger ending
Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 01:52:41 GMT No. 750029
storytime youtuber core
Anonymous at Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 23:48:32 GMT No. 750081
>Got a discord
not really closest thing i got is a twitter
besides i prefer communicating publicly
you're welcome to post itt i don't mind desu
preferably use the oekaki tool so there's a replay
otherwise do what you want bud
your arts grown slightly, good for you
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 00:25:09 GMT No. 750083
looking thru my feed france is going nuts
wonder if the meme letter their military circulated will actually come true
hope soleil anon is safe he was french i think
rip land of Ozzy and the cockroaches
it will be really funny if they a french revolution and go full hard nationalist
Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 14:45:50 GMT No. 750128
Awesome Warhammer 40k vibes
by the way I'm from France it's really a mess, the government doesn't want to use the army against the rioters (for the moment) I hope everything will calm down
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 14:48:15 GMT No. 750129
This kind of shit happens every single year in the USA. It's literally nothing.
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 21:04:54 GMT No. 750151
heh i like the missing texture it has zest
desu i love the foreign legion aesthetic and wanna see them break a riot for the aesthetics alone
besides it will be very uncharacteristic of france to not have a revolution at this point
i mean you can watch paris crumble so much until you take action yknow
hopefully the EU takes a que from this madness and stops the mass-import of illegals
atleast with the mericans we can point at the BLM leaders and their funding
but the things in france are different we dont know who backing/directing them yet
they're an unknown element with infinite meme potential
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 21:15:31 GMT No. 750153
do you really need that many construction lines to draw a simplified character in perspective?
seems a bit overkill dont it
also can i get context on the music video
what am i seeing here
Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 21:38:52 GMT No. 750155
also in other news Lord Bunge nuked his channel and killed the confinement series
one hell of a rabbithole to follow what actually happened
he started dating some chick who accused some e-celeb of sexual assault but did suucha shite job at framing him that he actually beat the allegations comprehensibly
bunge being the simp he is doubled down till he couldnt anmore and just up and left the internet taking all the money his patreon has given him without refund
he posted the last episode whihc was just a music video of the main character have "accidental" sex with passerbys in manners that would puuut harem animes to shame
also apparently he came out as trans
i mean look at tis it starts off great amazing even then just spirals down https://youtu.be/JQf8UC_PMaI
like you can see exactly when he stopped giving a fuck and went full horny losing his soul
thats a second time a youtuber i enjoy ruined their career and came out as trans
its funny too cuz he had was the epitome of internet neckbeard in the ast with an entire series where his OC fursona fought pseudo scientists
hope he finds happiness irl and doesnt kill himself like most of these depressed alcoholic types end up doing
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Jul 2023, 22:35:51 GMT No. 750158
I just like my stuff looking good .
>music video
Damaskas singing with alfred yankovic
Another damaskas song
Stopped watching the confinement series after the idea one, what a shame loved it man.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Jul 2023, 23:23:12 GMT No. 750234
you have an interesting taste in music fred
had a tough time tracking who the musician even is
can i get a tldr on who this Dr. Demento even is
i'm a sucker for obsecure artists like that
personally my gateway into it was discovering leslie fish and her filk music
sometimes you just stumble upon hidden gems yknow
in other notes i never really had acne or skin related issues during puberty
funny how that works
Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Jul 2023, 23:54:22 GMT No. 750240
>tldr on dr demento
Dr demento(real name barret hansen) is a radio show host of the self named dr demento show. His show become popular throughout the late 70s for playing esistenally any tape or vinyl sent to him, and due to his musical tapes.
Here's some moar songs that were played on the Dr's show!
Many artists got their start on the good Dr's show. Like weird al, or barnes and barnes
Here's some moar songs played on the dr d show
>I never had bad acne
I do, it fucking sucks man (Ó//ࡇ// Ò// ), having to do a facial routine and put on anti bacterial ointment daily man.
Also can you share your Twitter handle? (>_<)
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 00:19:30 GMT No. 750241
I go by @Kott_Chad don't post that often usually its just animations
also drop the ascii uwu faces fred its very off-putting
i can't help but imagining one of em stereotypical neckbeard predator types from online stranger danger psa commercials when i see em
since we are sharing music here's an artist i quite enjoy named Bill Sutton
found him from the "let's be xenophobic" stellaris edit and have been a fan ever since
>had bad acne
i think you misunderstand i mean i never had acne at all no pimples no nothing
its a familial thing apparently everyone in my family has smooth skin
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 00:43:00 GMT No. 750245
>drop ascii uwu faces
Only when talking with you then.
>I can't help but imagine one em stereotypical neckbeard predator types when I see em
Sorry if I came off like that, didn't mean to!
>bill Sutton
Just put on stray dog man and I already like the novelty country folk song man;it kinda reminds me of this
You play any instruments kott?
I play the banjo and a couple of folk instruments, plus a midi keyboard
Released some songs as well
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 00:50:48 GMT No. 750247
Also do you have your Twitter dm's off kott?
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 11:56:41 GMT No. 750276
It's sad that after 3 years you have given up on trying to be a hentai artist, and that all you have to take pride in now is being a troll on 4chan. I hope your parents didn't waste too much money on sending you to college. Try not to feel bad that you did not make it, someone with your character flaws was doomed to fail from the start.
Anonymous at Tue, 4 Jul 2023, 01:20:58 GMT No. 750320
You sound exactly like i imagined fred, cracking puberty voice and everything
didn't know you were a musician tho all i've got is a harmonica which i haven't learned yet
its been collecting dust ever since i put it down to concentrate on the final exams
maybe i'll pick it up again now that its all over
i've chatted with others on twitter before so i think not idk
huh? ok i guess
you've misread me completely anon
who told that that was my motivation at all
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 4 Jul 2023, 01:37:37 GMT No. 750323
>you sound like I imagine
Better than what most people say about my voice lol.
Maybe we can collab online? I actually just did a live show with 6 people on the audience so I think a harmonica + banjo would sound good
>chated with others
I see, maybe I'm dumb
Here's a snippet of the live show: https://voca.ro/1a5dfOBZVDZS
Anonymous at Sun, 9 Jul 2023, 23:22:31 GMT No. 750809
its just like when i got minecraft and started playing
I've spent 2 whole sessions of +3 hours gaming just doing the tutorials for factorio
its crazy how compicated simple construction games can get
how about you fred ever been smitten by a game like this
Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 9 Jul 2023, 23:45:29 GMT No. 750810
Me and my family are really into the binding of isaac, luv metriod like games. The games premise is simple but there is a lot of item combos and active items
Thoughts on joining a oc art tourney
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 20:55:06 GMT No. 750950
I've seen my fair shar of binding of issac playthroughs its crazy how elaborate the item effects can get so i understand the fascination
as for the tourney i don't have the spare time to keep up with it
maybe i'll give it a go next time : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 21:58:02 GMT No. 750955
perhaps i'll go on a doodle marathon and end this thread by this week
the OP image is pretty bad and needs a redo to reflect my fair visage better
maybe i'll do it exclusively with mouse
i've discovered the joys of simple mouse painting while my stylus was sent to the repair shop
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 22:20:06 GMT No. 750957
there's something so calming abot being able to make these cute doodles with just the mouse and a little patience
it brings such joy to use simple color and make happiness from it
Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 22:21:47 GMT No. 750958
hi кoтт! how are you doing these days? i lost my drawing tablet while moving to a new house and i can't do anything now, heh
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 22:41:24 GMT No. 750960
>I don't have spare time
Understandable kott!
>stylus sent to a repair shop
I would of just bought another drawing tablet desu, but that's probably just cuz I use a cheap drawing tablet
>mouse and a little patience
I use to use a mouse from 2018 to 2022, just recently got a drawing tablet actually.
>There's some calming about these cute doodles
I agree, probably the drive create without really caring about what others really think.
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 22:45:29 GMT No. 750962
hehe good for you anon hope your new home is comfy
moving's a pain i bet all the luggage and travel plus all the settling in all the electronics
be sure to take a break and relax
cheers to new beginnings : DDD
I'm doing good also
i've gotten an internship lined up it'll begin soon
college is officially over will have the convocation ceremony in january tho
so gotta wait half a year to do the throwing fnny hat into the air to celebrate thing
i've technically gotten my bachelor's degree in animation already so that's nice
I'm not student any more I'm a working man now : DDD
already got my first freelance paycheck a few months back but it'll be fun to have a full-time job
cheers for new beginnings : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 23:07:23 GMT No. 750964
>I use to use a mouse from 2018 to 2022, just recently got a drawing tablet actually.
that's so cool actually now that i have had to give it a try myself drawing with mouse require a lot of effort and patience
im impressed you did mouse doodles for 4 years straight
>I agree, probably the drive create without really caring about what others really think.
yep its been the first time ina long while where i had a stupid smile on my face while made the silly doodles
looking at them i can't help but grin there's just something very fun about the silly drawings
Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 11 Jul 2023, 23:12:25 GMT No. 750965
>hope your new home is comfy
>be sure to take a break and relax
cheers to new beginnings : DDD
hehe, thanks кoтт
i'm glad you passed through college!
congrats with your first job and first paycheck :D
ye oI fred at Thu, 13 Jul 2023, 09:24:15 GMT No. 751166
hey kott, thaught you might be interested in joining my event. its gonna be super cool n fun
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Jul 2023, 18:01:41 GMT No. 751651
my internship begin from tomorrow
my drawing tablet's been set up over there in the office now so i can't draw directly on weekdays
since the commute is bit of a stretch i'll only bring the equipment back home on saturday nights and carry it back on monday mornings
so there will be a lot more mouse doodle itt from now on more detailed doodles will be weekend exclusive
cheers to new beginnings
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 18:31:25 GMT No. 751942
yes more mouse
also weekend coming soon so ill be able to doodle privately at home
man u get the urge to draw exctly when you no longer have free time
Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 20:18:18 GMT No. 752115
i love koπo
i missed doodling at the studio so much its unreal
they've cut internt in the intern section for max productivity so it drives me up a wall ehenever i reflexively open the browser and am reminded that there's no connection
Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 20:50:53 GMT No. 752119
i got so fuck ass mad when i tried to draw a bridgman head in perspetive and couldn't pull it off
like fucking hell man why does my muscle memory only kick in when im drawing something irresposibly horny
Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Jul 2023, 12:50:15 GMT No. 752338
thanks, usually up until that one I never rendered stuff so it was an experience to say the least.
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 17:18:01 GMT No. 752587
you have a very nice replays, кoтт. do you use a reference picture to draw?
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 18:50:30 GMT No. 752588
thanks anon : DDD
i use reference sometimes and sometimes just approximate it off the top of my head
im trying to achieve complete sketch mastery
someday i'll become so good that i dont need reference or atleast thats the idea : D
Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 20:39:03 GMT No. 752603
cute drawings, but why most of the time you draw her naked, кoтт? genuine question :D
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 21:35:37 GMT No. 752610
what can i say i love naked girl : DDD
ever since i found that boris vallejo illustration book in my dad's cabinet at 14 year old my heterosexuality was cemented
mean cmon what else you expect me to draw in my spare time
boobies are nice to look at
also personal opinion but i believe drawing a naked body accurately is the most difficult
Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023, 06:16:52 GMT No. 752648
fair enough, кoтт! love the way how you draw women's body :D
Anonymous at Fri, 4 Aug 2023, 18:41:05 GMT No. 753020
i got mild carpel tunnel.........in the left hand
its not terribly inconvenient or anything just as thing that happened to me
i have bad posture when using software hotkeys with the left one
good thing its in the other hand
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023, 20:41:48 GMT No. 753207
i got disco elysium heavily recommended by a close friend
i'd dismissed it off-hand since theres a wierd vibe around the online fandom for it
but so far i like what im seeing
the splash art and music is absolutely gorgeous
is still funny how the protagonist is as fragile as a twig
man had a heart attack lifting weights my first playthrough
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 13 Aug 2023, 21:37:33 GMT No. 753812
i've looked through my doodles foder and realized just how low my doodle count has fallen in the recent months
need to fix that asap
doodling is the cardio of art practice
gotta get those numbers up
Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 14 Aug 2023, 01:46:05 GMT No. 753850
i still haven't found my drawing tablet, though :(
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Aug 2023, 07:03:04 GMT No. 754486
kek, thanks кoтт. i love this drawing haha
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Aug 2023, 16:29:39 GMT No. 754507
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 19:01:34 GMT No. 755188
havent had the time to git gud at it
still fun to wind down when got spare time
also getting into duskers its pretty fun
unironically more relaxing than BRC since its not as reliant on reflexes
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Aug 2023, 18:29:04 GMT No. 755315
did you liked the game, Кoтт? it seemed boring to me, although i liked the style of the game itself
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Aug 2023, 18:54:05 GMT No. 755575
its one of those go with the flow games with a steep learning curve
usually once mastered its very fun to break the system in style
its like learning rocket-jumping in tf2 if ur familiar with that
taking the second slowest class ingame and becoming a high-speed menace is very fun
I've dumped +1500 hours on tf2 back in 2018 so i can attest that it can be fun when it just clicks and becomes like second nature
if i had that kinda time to invest, i could see myself greatly enjoying bomb rush
its in my backlog now tho since i'd much rather play somethin relaxing like minecraft or duskers
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sept 2023, 16:54:27 GMT No. 756416
I'l post the silly char design and turn-around i did for my portfolio on the animation thread tomorrow
suprisingly few people even post animations its like 75% me dumping my shit there
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sept 2023, 17:13:30 GMT No. 756418
also i've started going to my old gym again
they even upgraded the equipment
i'll have to build up stamina back up again from scratch
felt nice having the initial muscl twitches again after cardio
feels good to have a set daily routine now : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 18:25:18 GMT No. 756534
I feel like i've missed the proverbial bus on dating in my "youth"
was mostly ignored back in highschool since i attented only the bare minimum attendance quota to be eligible for the exams and nothing else since the travel to the college was cumbersome
(tail end of highschool is handled by seperate 'colleges" the indian education system is wierd)
what little aspirations of connection i had for art college got strangled by covid lockdowns despite me having invested time and effort to get fit and groom my appearence
the few women in the second year in my batch were either mentally unstable walking red-flags or incredibly dispassionate slobs who didn't even like animation
them dragging their feet throughout the semister and being defeatist retards really made me resent them
and now that i've begun internship i've gotten a pretty decent rapport with the one lone female intern besides me and talking to her on a daily basis has really made apparent just how far off i've grown from "normie culture" i can't for the life of me get an actual conversaion going about anything besides animation with her even thn trying to convey basic ideas feels like a chore
I'd originally thought i'd set myself up for failure by trying to "date women beyond my league" so i've tried woooing the "mid" "average" women in my viscinity and getting to know them
and honestly the more i got to knowing them as people the less i respected them
idk if i'm a wierdo virgin moralist for wanting my "first one" to be special
I had a very romanticized delusion about what my dating life would be like and honestly i've grown very disillusioned with the very notion
not like what i do or my interests are something i can easily impress people with nor am i adept at using social media to attract potential dates
it isn't going as i imagined it'd go
my daily routine goes home->gym->office->home rinse repeat
i've no chanc of ever organically developing a budding romance with a girl
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 19:01:48 GMT No. 756540
personally my lasty straw was when my college senior revealed she'd gone through my sketchbook i'd left back there
despite my express request to not invade my privacy and she had the nerve to call my kotto doodles "those wierd cockroach things you draw"
for context i'd grown a sorta snarky rapport with her and had an entire running gag going around making dumb dad jokes at either of our expenses at every opportunity
during one of our usual back and forth she dissed me on an very personal level not just the kotto comment (while i'd like to remember it as such) but in general broad attack on my every insecurity in a very biting diss
it was very abrupt and genuinely mean-spirited and caught me completely off-gaurd
i was just in the room but that shit cut deep man i'd been nothing but cordial with her that far
we had some chemistry going, she was someone i had a relation greater than just friendship despite her somewhat not-so-attractive appearance
now i don't wanna be demeaning but it was to my understanding that its the pretty ones who can afford to be mean while the average one who are more concious of other's feeling (halo effect or otherwise)
i obviously played it off and salvaged what little pride i had left standing and brushed it off and she played along
we continued our silly snarky rapport until she graduated but man did that shake me to my core
i'd never been so deeplyly affected by somone else's opinion of me before this event and never have since
it was the moment that made me fully aware of just how horrible girls my age can be at the slightest of prompt
not like ppl i know irl know i post here felt like getting it off my chest
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 21:56:38 GMT No. 756552
Very nice kott, me and my family are gonna start going to the gym again. Too busy rn to go doe.
>i've grown from "normie culture" i can't for the life of me get an actual conversaion going about anything besides animation with her even thn trying to convey basic ideas feels like a chore
Thats cuz convoing with people is a chore, most normies are only into shit surface level, ive been able to act by a normal fag by getting myself into a mind as where i just talk about popular topics that idc about, i suggest you attempt to do the same, it might not be living true to yourself but atleast you'll be able to "talk" to normal fags
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 22:06:21 GMT No. 756554
>"those wierd cockroach things you draw"
BASED/ wife material
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Sept 2023, 20:14:20 GMT No. 756827
>convoing with people is a chore
yah man i either just click with someone and we talk for hours without end or my initial conversation hits a dead end and we're stuck in awkward silence there is no in between for ol kottman
heh you wish
i refuse to date anyone who doesn't respect my koπo
very cute frauv
would pet
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Sept 2023, 20:51:55 GMT No. 756836
my hair has outgrown my hair band such that when i wear it just looks like one of those spartan helmet's plumage
wonder if i should just go back to shorter hair or grow back up to my dumb mane
Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sept 2023, 16:47:42 GMT No. 757287
my semi-realistic character design is done
next will be a stylized yet consistent character design
the way it was explained to me is if your character design can be converted into a 3d model simply off off the turn around you make then its well defined but if it has inconsistencies that would look wierd in 3d like say samurai jack's design then it's indefinite
the state of the animation industry being what it is stylized character design are a dying breed
there' only demand for 2 templates of character designs namely either over-designed 3-d models or super tame pivot/puppet animation rigs
kinda miss the silly whimsical designs and animations of the og hannah barbera cartoons and some select few european/soviet era cartoon films
hopefully there's and over-saturation and subsequent collapse of the whole 3d animated goyslop pipeline
outside super stylized shit like the guilty gear animation guys and arcane guys idk if 3d can even be considered an apt "replacement" for 2d animation as a genre killer
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 06:25:20 GMT No. 757359
wtf new кoтт lore???? very nice to see!
hope you're doing well, кoтт :D
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 17:31:47 GMT No. 757407
>кoтт lore
since you asked here's a fun fact about india
we celebrated Raksha Bandhan (literally translates to Protective Bond/Relation) on 30 August
its a designated day when sisters tie a Rakhi (a decorative string) on their brother's right hand as a reminder of their brotherly duty to protect their sisters
It's been a long-standing tradition to keep familial ties strong infact my dad still gets a rakhi from my aunt who live in a different state
It's also a sorta culural practice women use to definitely signal that they don't see a guy as dating material by tying a rakhi to them (literally a bro zone) without hurting their feelings
I dont have a sister/female cousin on my dad's side and since mum's side are christians they don't celebrate it so i get my rakhi from an old family friend
She's a karate practitioner and even boasts multiple medals from state-level and national tournaments
funnily enough we joke that its she who'll do the protecting if it ever comes down to it
and that concludes my lore dump on indian traditions : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 06:50:49 GMT No. 757462
кoтт I love your characters and just you. First seen you on garyc back when it was actually fun. You're gonna make it. Post more proper less doodle pls
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 10:53:16 GMT No. 757477
very cute tradition!
i love this devilish кoтт >:)
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 11:58:30 GMT No. 757480
eat shit, faggot.
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 12:09:05 GMT No. 757482
You know you are, I know you are, editing the html doesn't change what we both know.
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 12:10:46 GMT No. 757483
even if it was a samefag, does that really bother you?
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Sept 2023, 22:24:38 GMT No. 757516
i drew they only a handful of times but glad that you remembered me
>Post more proper less doodle pls
yeah working on a fix for that
since my own workstation i had to shift into my office (that has no internet for the intern desk) i dont have access to 4chan there
but i will post more proper doodles when i find a workaround for now its limited to just sundays when im not workng on some assignment : DDD
meanwhile my mouse doodling has gotten better from practice
>devilish кoтт >:)
anon thats silly frauv aka koπo's adopted sibling
hey man people like to reply to funny interesting posts
doesn't have to mean they're taking "my side" over "yours" in some epic 4d mind psyop chess game
you dont have to turn every interaction into a who's who? detective game ok
god forbid ppl on an anonymous board wanna be anonymous for once
if its just me same-fagging then you win by default cuz im a sad lonely schizo larper (who ppl should ignore anyways)
if not then i just have a few frens checking in on me (someone who famously has no official avenue of interaction as koπ man outside this thread)
let me enjoy my tiny slice of the 4chan experience big man : DDD
also i find your concern and discerning surveillence of my thread kinda endearing
is nice that you care so much even if its in a silly rivalry sorta way : DDD
have a good rest of your day buddy and think less about me and more about you
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Sept 2023, 12:18:51 GMT No. 757581
new character appears...
frauv a cute!~
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 18:59:15 GMT No. 758532
When kottman is gone. Koth and Frall will be mine. I will sex them everyday.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Sept 2023, 15:53:59 GMT No. 758930
rip my favourite hair band
you served me well you shall be missed
the glue wont keep it together edespite my attempts
i'll try welding the platic togther with a lighter but the odds are grim
worst thing is i can't find an exact copy anywhere on the market
guess the long hair arc is nearing its end
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Oct 2023, 08:04:58 GMT No. 759583
heya кoтт, how are you doing these days?
cute hehe
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Oct 2023, 16:52:14 GMT No. 759645
i fear i might be becoming a normie
i'm going to the cinema with friends on sundays
hitting the gym every weekdays
even begun eating healthy
i'll hafta find a work around to the irregular posting situation tho
Koπ man refuses to die
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
🗑️ Anonymous at Thu, 5 Oct 2023, 17:07:18 GMT No. 759647
You can't be too deep into the act of being a normie kott, or else you become one. When i was 14 i put on a gansta persona and started slowly acting like a unironic hoodlium, you can't go 100% full normie without changing yourself
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Oct 2023, 19:13:20 GMT No. 759662
ur right
i'm still the same ol same ol
just more outgoing now since my college friends are cool guys
plus having a job also helps
still no gf yet tho
maybe one day i'll find some poor soul
i have faith
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Oct 2023, 09:13:57 GMT No. 759718
well, atleast you're becoming normie in a good way! being healthy is important nowadays, you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, so better be ready to everything life is gonna expose to you
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 21:57:25 GMT No. 759972
i'll also be enforcing a daily doodle quota on myself
i've gone almost a full day without drawing a silly koπo
this will not stand irefuse to loose my defining trait
i will cut the slack and begin lugging my set-up back and forth from workplace to home if i have to
koπ-posting will resume in full force or so help me god i think i will explode
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Oct 2023, 10:37:00 GMT No. 760303
>i've gone almost a full day without drawing a silly koπo
oh you poor thing :(
don't know how you managed to live throughout a day without drawing кoттo!
hope you're gonna fix it asap!
also, wanted to ask you, do you have any social media where you post your doodles? wanted to give you a subscribe!
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Oct 2023, 17:11:13 GMT No. 760387
i've resorted to the good ol pencil paper method for now
as for social media i do have a twitter @Kott_Chad bu i only post animations there
was considering making a doodle specific account but idk what do you think?
i've got each and every koπo doodle i've made here on /i/ archived safely on my drive
but posting it up on social media is definitely more secure
plus sorting through 4.4k images and posting the good ones will take time
maybe i'll make it a slow daily release thing will see
I'll add my @ to the nextOP post when koπ bread 16 hits the catalog
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 18:35:03 GMT No. 760572
hey anon, just letting you know that there's a guy that makes a friday night funkin mod, including your character in the background.
did you gave him a permission to do so? afaik, ye old fred is an underage that comes often in /ic/ and /i/ to shitpost.
thank you and have a nice day
🗑️ Anonymous at Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 19:38:02 GMT No. 760576
sorry, that's pretty rude of me to randomly came up and post this, so here's a small doodle of your character
here's a drawing of your character in exchange for you to forgive me lol, for some reason, replays doesn't work with 4chanx
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 19:39:23 GMT No. 760577
sorry, that's pretty rude of me to randomly came up and post this, so here's a small doodle of your character in exchange for you to forgive me lol. for some reason, replays doesn't work with 4chanx
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 20:56:36 GMT No. 760582
it's literally so much better. k-on is pedobait. bocchi is A Normal People Anime (tm)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 11:17:29 GMT No. 760634
you're hated everywhere, what's the point on posting about yourself in a place where people hate you? you're only making it worse for yourself, unless you enjoy being insulted and humiliated, freak.
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 15:59:47 GMT No. 760644
I post due to two reasons
1. I enjoy seeing people make hate art of my oc, i find it funny.
2. I enjoy farming (Your)
I am gonna assuming you are a /funkg/ user while saying this, but i don't intend to shit up /funkg/ im just gonna post updates on my mod and take luke warm takes on stuff sometimes
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 16:25:17 GMT No. 760645
koπman rises from the ashes : DDD
no worries bud
aaaa cute angri koπo
very nice : DDD
also go easy on fred
he means well atleast
heh keep up the sigma grindset fred
atleast you're passionate about something
Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 16:55:43 GMT No. 760648
ayyy the good ol trad method
one tip i'd give ya would be to go easy on the pencil
make lighter strokes and dont be afraid to draw wrong
also dont be fraid to copy where u can
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 17:10:22 GMT No. 760650
btw this is by no means just a one-off second wind
i will be returning to doodling koπo from roughly 2 hours daily
the kotto draught is over
its a thing i wish i'd accepted sooner
often we hold an unwarranted ego about having "le original" ideas for drawing
but to get to that skill level whether we like it or not copying is a very important part of the process
it is the quintessential fast track to getting good
abandon any pride u may hold and copy anything and everything that u think looks cool
original ideas will come naturally when you understand what about the thing you copy works
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 17:25:28 GMT No. 760652
>kott draught is over
Bless be kott!
>abandon any pride u may hold and copy anything and everything that u think looks cool
original ideas will come naturally when you understand what about the thing you copy works
I probably should of known this early since my oc is heavily based off of a meme image and a company logo, but i have diluted myself into beliving that i am "TOO GOOD" for copying. Thanks for the great advice kott. I hope to get to the same skill level as you.
Also how did you come up with your little kott oc kott?
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 18:56:57 GMT No. 760656
since i've slowly lost touch with my weeb roots
i've decided to watch and study episode by episode anime that i believe have superb art direction
i'll start with bakemonogatari
I'll be watching episodes and roughly sketching out particular panels/sequences/backgrounds that particularly intrigue me
also maybe i'll throw in the occasional roughly replicated motorpen animation on the animation thread
Oekaki Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 19:06:27 GMT No. 760657
dont quite remember when or how kotto came to be
i've been doodling her in my textbook for quite some time
it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that koπ is the most pivotal character in my life
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 20:09:35 GMT No. 760663
why does my fucking ip switches everytime i post
i'm literally staying in the same place, don't have any vpn
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Oct 2023, 20:15:31 GMT No. 760664
how did you get this picture of me?
that is literally me
do you have cameras in my home?
hehe we have fun here in the koπ thread
see u tomorrow fren
Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>760662)
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 18:21:40 GMT No. 760731
i shall fall back on my favourite pass time from back when i couldnt get on here
copying figures from anatomy books and adding a koπo heads onto them
makes the entire excercise 1000% funnier
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 18:43:39 GMT No. 760737
could you draw her lifting anon with one hand while she looks at him and asks "do you even lift bro?"
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 19:00:52 GMT No. 760740
keeek, made me giggle, thanks anon :D
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 19:13:58 GMT No. 760743
need a body like her man..
it's hard being epic like her nowadays
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 19:25:32 GMT No. 760746
like your character, anon. see you in the next thread i guess :D
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 19:45:42 GMT No. 760749
what is the image limit again?
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 19:56:25 GMT No. 760750
so roughly 37 more doodles
i'd appreciate if you did some silly doodle
as a contibution to te image limit
will help put the thread to rest sooner
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 20:46:17 GMT No. 760753
can't believe most of the time i spend on fixing eyes, and they still coming up pretty badly lol
btw saw your animations on twitter, they look pretty neat :D
followed ya
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Oct 2023, 19:20:30 GMT No. 760866
aye, glad you like it. was gonna draw more, but got pretty exhausted, + studies kicked in. might get up from the bed and doodle some more when i stop feeling that tired lole :D
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 21:28:26 GMT No. 760975
gonna draw my oc tomorrow teheheh
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Oct 2023, 18:50:08 GMT No. 761112
sorry for going AWOL yesterday
had some work come up
hehe nice trips
>low intelligence generic catgirl oc
dont we all start with a low int catgirl oc
fun replays anon
btw what's ur handle on twitter?
i feel like ive seen ur oc before but im unsure if i followed or not
with the follow limit twitter emplemented its very annoying to hit follow and get that dumb disclaimer
u return fren
so fitting for that quad to end up in the kott bread
very cool
Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Oct 2023, 18:57:06 GMT No. 761113
>that drawing
this is so cute, thank you so much anon <3
>sorry for going AWOL yesterday, had some work come up
no worries :D
>dont we all start with a low int catgirl oc
hehe, that's true
>fun replays anon
haha, i hate fixating on one thing and then trying to redraw it over and over again without thinking about any other mistakes, lol
>btw what's ur handle on twitter?
it's @ChromaSen
>i feel like ive seen ur oc before but im unsure if i followed or not
hehe, that's why i said it looks generic because there's a tons of similiar oc's :D
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 13:11:02 GMT No. 761199
silly doodal at the "start" of the day
wish i could get a good rest honestly, slept 3 hours and feeling really shit right now, can't really concentrate on things lol
Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 13:26:27 GMT No. 761201
Why weren't you able to sleep?
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 16:01:40 GMT No. 761207
insomnia. it's been a long time since i had a decent 8-9 hour sleep
just took an hour nap, can't sleep any longer for some reason
Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 19:24:44 GMT No. 761215
oh my i just realized, it was supposed to be a pillow behind her head lmao
it looks like a huge sleeve
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 19:32:59 GMT No. 761217
fun india fact: Its Dashera tomorrow
its the final day of the Navratri celebration
i had to leave my equipment back at the office for this
there will be a mini-ceremony to endow blessing onto all our equipment
>it's @ChromaSen
very cute doodle
sorry to hear about your insomnia anon
try meditation it helped me sleep better
hope you get good sleep
i'll pray for you : DDD
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 19:54:46 GMT No. 761219
very cute doodle, saved!
>fun india fact: Its Dashera tomorrow
hope you celebrate it well anon :D
>sorry to hear about your insomnia anon,
try meditation it helped me sleep better
i've considered on doing it, but knowing that i might get easily distracted by anything, i won't be able to make it till i fall asleep lmao :D
gonna try taking sleeping pills someday, i'm just hoping i won't become addicted to them, but we'll see how it goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Oct 2023, 19:13:21 GMT No. 761291
very cute
also i did a silly animation inspired by that doodle here: >>761120
i'm amazed how you can go on doodling for more than an hour anon
i have the attention-span of a gold-fish myself
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Oct 2023, 19:24:44 GMT No. 761292
oh my god! this animation is so cute <3
good job anon!
and cute doodle too :DD
>i'm amazed how you can go on doodling for more than an hour anon
i don't realize how fast time flies whenever i draw, haha.
thank you so much again anon, really cute animation :D
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Oct 2023, 19:26:16 GMT No. 761293
also, are you able to post this animation on twitter? i wanna retweet it :D
if you wish for it, of course
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 15:02:05 GMT No. 761342
aw man, been sleeping all day long, can't even get up. sorry for no doodal today
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 18:39:31 GMT No. 761358
I posted it : DDD
been a while since i posted on twitter
perhaps its time i begin posting things there
good get some nice sleep
a healthy circadian rhythm is important for creativity
Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 18:51:31 GMT No. 761359
thanks kotto :D
checked that thread where you posted your animations, they're pretty good!
how long have you been animating?
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 19:25:11 GMT No. 761364
woah :O
and how is it? how much time does it take you on making a simple animation like you did before?
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Oct 2023, 04:51:01 GMT No. 761413
about 40-ish mins for simpler 1-2 second stuff
proper animations can very well take weeks
its easier to concentrate on cuz its just a bunch of simpler drawings rather than one polished piece of artwork
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Oct 2023, 06:11:51 GMT No. 761426
pretty good amount of spending your time, since you do it frame by frame. good job!
yesterday i slept the whole day, and saw this scene for a second in my dream, so decided to draw it. i was gonna do them forming a heart, but i'm really tired on fixing stuff. couldn't sleep today, though.
hope you're doing okay anon :)
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 2m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 04:59:02 GMT No. 761551
good morning
it's snowing outside, woke up at 5 am because of how cold my room was.
i don't usually draw in the morning, but a simple doodle can do, even though it's hard to draw something when you just got up, lol.
i'm still not completely awake to understand what am i trying to say :D
anyway, hope you're doing okay today!
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 16:45:09 GMT No. 761618
v cute
yeah that tweet is doing numbers : DDD
thanks anon
hope u have a good day
thank you for keeping the thread active while i'm away anon
I'll start Koπ thread 16 this saturday night
it'll be a fun all-nighter doodling session
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 21:16:52 GMT No. 761655
ignore me struggling withthe second eye just to give up at the end, lol
>yeah that tweet is doing numbers : DDD
as it should, very cute animation :D
>thanks anon, hope you have a good day
just woke up, not doing really alright right now, but i can live with that :)
>thank you for keeping the thread active while i'm away anon
oie, no problem bud!
i like this thread :DD
>I'll start Koπ thread 16 this saturday night, it'll be a fun all-nighter doodling session
i'll definitely check out!
Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 21:32:03 GMT No. 761656
aaaa it was supposed to be sweater :DD
dunno how i genuinely fucked that up lol
will repost in the next thread if you don't mind then :D
Anonymous at Tue, 31 Oct 2023, 16:58:39 GMT No. 762188
hehe spooki