Anonymous at Sat, 20 May 2023, 18:55:29 GMT No. 746247
only if you like to be fatten up
Anonymous at Sat, 20 May 2023, 20:41:39 GMT No. 746255
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 00:54:45 GMT No. 746277
Well you ain't getting shit with that attitude, have a couple meat lovers and chill out next time
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 01:58:20 GMT No. 746284
>muscle monster
I must resist temptation.
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 03:21:36 GMT No. 746291
Looking for wife that'll wear a gag penis and balls in their pants to make it look like they have a bulge and also loves the ocean and wants to live close to the ocean
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 05:26:54 GMT No. 746298
One day youโre all like yay trad dark elf gf
But then you wake up the next morning and a horde of angry spiders are feasting on your innards.
Black widow begone!
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 10:39:24 GMT No. 746312
This thread is great.
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 13:41:42 GMT No. 746336
Good Morning!
I can think of plenty Strong, Mysterious, and Rich men.
But I want one that has got the time for me too.
Sorry Batman, watched all your movies love you!
SlasherBunni !!zVwayX+BZcd at Sun, 21 May 2023, 13:52:02 GMT No. 746339
I see Peppino is there... How about my take on Evil Peppino where he's a successful mafia god father and is looking for a lovely romantic partner to be by his side which leads him into further obsessive insanity once he believes he's found the one...?
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 15:09:14 GMT No. 746345
I am a man of wealth and power, but also of secrets and shadows. I work for a mysterious organization that deals in monsters and mayhem. You may have heard of them: Nightmare Enterprises. Don't be afraid, my darling. I am not one of the villains. I am merely a salesman, a middleman between the clients and the boss.
(it would be a shame to refuse knowing the person next to me)
SlasherBunni !!zVwayX+BZcd at Sun, 21 May 2023, 15:46:53 GMT No. 746350
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 20:05:12 GMT No. 746370
Sorry Mr. Nightmare, I do not appreciate your business practices of entrapping people into debt repeatedly to make your fortune.
Not to mention the open secret that you abuse Dedede's good heart to sell him these creatures to take over his Kingdom AND Dreamland. Despicable
As for you Mr Dedede..
I know you only ever had good Intentions in your Heart for your Kingdom and wanted to rid Kirby of Dreamland because of your fear of the potential Dangers of having an Alien in your Kingdom.
But you have learned of his Star Warrior status and made friends with Kirby since then.
Hiding the Star Rod to hide it from Nightmare was a truly Heroic act altho a bit misguided.
You have grown as a person and as a King. We all have forgiven you for both the Food Race and Dream Resort incident.
Hiding the Star Rod to hide it from Nightmare was a truly Heroic act altho a bit misguided.
I'll gladly be your Wife Dedede, you have shown great growth of character and helped Kirby save Dreamland. Why would I want to be with anyone else but you?
Anonymous at Sun, 21 May 2023, 20:12:09 GMT No. 746371
Sorry Mr. Nightmare, I do not appreciate your business practices of entrapping people into debt repeatedly to make your fortune.
Not to mention the open secret that you abuse Dedede's good heart to sell him these creatures to take over his Kingdom AND Dreamland. Despicable
As for you Mr Dedede..
I know you only ever had good Intentions in your Heart for your Kingdom and wanted to rid Kirby of Dreamland because of your fear of the potential Dangers of having an Alien in your Kingdom.
But you have learned of his Star Warrior status and made friends with Kirby since then.
Hiding the Star Rod to hide it from Nightmare was a truly Heroic act altho a bit misguided.
You have grown as a person and as a King. We all have forgiven you for both the Food Race and Dream Resort incident.
I'll gladly be your Wife Dedede, you have shown great growth of character and helped Kirby save Dreamland. Why would I want to be with anyone else but you?
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023, 10:37:33 GMT No. 746408
We are gathered here today to say goodbye to a man who died of overdose because of he fail to conquer his love. His name was... well, I don't remember his name, but I'm sure he was a nice guy. Maybe. He came to our church once or twice, I think. He always sat in the back and never said anything. He was very quiet. Maybe too quiet.
Anyway, he died of overdose because of he fail to conquer his love. The point is, drugs are bad. Love is good. But not too good. Don't let love consume you and make you do crazy things. Like dying of overdose. Or marrying Helen Schwartzbaum.
So let us pray for this poor soul, who died of overdose because of he fail to conquer his love. May he find peace and happiness in the next life. And may he finally learn how to pronounce his own name. Amen.
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023, 11:20:51 GMT No. 746410
WOOOOHHH!!! MC Paint coming late to seduce the lady! So instead I am here to partyyyyy!!! Got beer and a 90s boombox Yeahhhhh rock and roll am I right!!? Did someone got seduced!? What's up with the sad faces Let's fucking danceeee!!
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023, 18:35:00 GMT No. 746436
I now understand why you ended your own life, the only girl that you've ever loved, had rejected you, all of that live and affection you gave to her, was for nothing...
However, I now realized that this girl was not a dark elf gf, but instead a nigger tranny...
I will avenge you, and all of the ones who had lost their love.
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023, 19:35:43 GMT No. 746439
Don't you dare call her a Nigress, Tranny or Dark Elf.
I'll have you know that she is of Limbonian descent.
The purest blood of the first circle of hell of the Limbonian Republic.
Insult my lady once more and I swear by Satan you will pay for this!
Anonymous at Tue, 23 May 2023, 14:57:07 GMT No. 746503
You don't understand! That bitch not the dark elf goblin you thought it was, she's an actual demon, she has no remorse for us volcels! All of this just so you could get some pussy? This isn't worth the risk!
Anonymous at Tue, 23 May 2023, 18:54:27 GMT No. 746510
Ok, listen up Chuddie. It is my understanding that we can work together here.
I'm trying to get her home meaning she will be very far away from them which is what you want.
I am willing to tolerate your Namecalling.
We get her home and they won't get to see her anymore, do we have a deal?
Anonymous at Tue, 23 May 2023, 20:09:28 GMT No. 746514
Anonymous at Wed, 24 May 2023, 00:19:21 GMT No. 746539
Even if it means dealing with one of the synagogues of Satan, I will keep her away from my people.
If you attempt to break the deal in any sort of way, I will kill both of you, and I will abdicate every single deviant found in Hell
Anonymous at Wed, 31 May 2023, 02:23:25 GMT No. 747140
Rape her now
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Jun 2023, 06:29:47 GMT No. 749896
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Jul 2023, 21:43:04 GMT No. 751757
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 00:31:43 GMT No. 751869
Can y'all leave the poor woman, making her run like roadrunner on it's way to a show.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 06:01:19 GMT No. 751898
Who tf is delta lmao
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 19:58:43 GMT No. 752026
Good thread
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 23:55:57 GMT No. 752141
Just work together and gangbang her
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 00:27:15 GMT No. 752143
you will Recover, Rebuild, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 02:04:46 GMT No. 752152
Teeny Thomas seems a little young for that hot firecracker known as op
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 02:51:25 GMT No. 752159
he's 37
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 13:24:39 GMT No. 752191
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 09:00:29 GMT No. 752379
Is this the guy that got aids?
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 11:28:20 GMT No. 752391
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 12:45:16 GMT No. 752397
>that face
Itโs clearly the guy who gave him aids
Anonymous at Fri, 28 Jul 2023, 01:44:26 GMT No. 752487
Anonymous at Fri, 28 Jul 2023, 04:08:13 GMT No. 752499
LMAO, Based.
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023, 12:00:52 GMT No. 752657
What this place really needs is more girls to stop the simping
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Aug 2023, 19:43:12 GMT No. 753124
cute birb
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023, 16:23:30 GMT No. 753187
Remember youโll never be unraped LOL
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Aug 2023, 19:01:30 GMT No. 753193
cute birb
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023, 09:39:19 GMT No. 753280
Nice boobs
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Aug 2023, 23:16:51 GMT No. 753337
Man the turbo simps itt are something else
Anonymous at Tue, 8 Aug 2023, 03:21:30 GMT No. 753351
Yeah lmao
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Aug 2023, 20:49:17 GMT No. 753470
who want to see boyfriend?
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Aug 2023, 04:12:08 GMT No. 754703
um. hello, wifey you look STUNNING
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Aug 2023, 14:48:03 GMT No. 754850
i cant see SHIT!
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Aug 2023, 22:20:13 GMT No. 754972
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Aug 2023, 04:02:40 GMT No. 755006
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Sept 2023, 01:18:22 GMT No. 756215
>It's time now
>Nothing happens
What did anon mean by this?
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Sept 2023, 06:48:12 GMT No. 759049
i cri everytim
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 14:59:15 GMT No. 759937
You say that but then we get masterpieces like this one
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 19:58:39 GMT No. 759954
now make that little funky dude yours
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 19:59:43 GMT No. 759955
i haven't made a dude
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 20:34:29 GMT No. 759961
I ship it <3
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 20:29:13 GMT No. 760972
Anonymous at Thu, 9 Nov 2023, 21:54:53 GMT No. 763159
Based now sex
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Nov 2023, 00:23:45 GMT No. 763167
Shes white?!