๐งต Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023, 15:48:28 GMT No. 750568
ITT: Draw the Mr. Men and Little Misses
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Jul 2023, 21:12:22 GMT No. 750597
>all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/
You first.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023, 05:22:42 GMT No. 750643
That's really good
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Jul 2023, 11:43:55 GMT No. 750651
Man this show was the shit back then.
And now that it's been about 15 years, I humbly request Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Giggles yuri
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Jul 2023, 16:09:07 GMT No. 750713
Mr. Fussy got dat fine fussy
Anonymous at Mon, 10 Jul 2023, 00:03:03 GMT No. 750813
God. I remember watching this show when I was 15. I saw it on my pediatricians scrub and was weirdly attracted to the characters so I casually asked her what show it was and that's how I found out. After that I would steal a bunch of my dad's adderall and binge it after school then draw porn of it on the kitchen table because everyone was normally gone. It sorta became an ritual of mine until I ran out of content. I had a weird childhood but it was kino. Pic related is something I requested on a trash thread back then.
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Jul 2023, 15:20:31 GMT No. 751027
Keep practising
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Jul 2023, 03:56:11 GMT No. 751448
I want Miss Calamity x Mr. Bump smut
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 17:02:09 GMT No. 752585
You just know you want that fussy bussy
Anonymous at Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 23:45:47 GMT No. 752626
this made me laugh why the fuck is he like that
Anonymous at Sun, 30 Jul 2023, 00:12:37 GMT No. 752630
He had to stop posting in the /co/ Drawthread for a while because he got multiple deliveries already, so now he moved to posting requests here...