Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 03:08:37 GMT No. 755085
I don't believe you. Until you make a year full... I won't believe.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 03:11:20 GMT No. 755086
I DgAF F4q u
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 03:53:37 GMT No. 755091
I believe in ur work ethic anon
You should try to do a Minimum of one drawing/post a day, you can never get enough practice.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 04:19:38 GMT No. 755095
What does "good at art" mean in this context?
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 27 Aug 2023, 04:32:49 GMT No. 755096
Not sure if you're allowed to post pics that you didn't draw so I'll find an example and crosspost
>>>/ic/6808331 looks like the quality I would be aiming for ideally. Like I said it could a while to reach that level
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 03:01:53 GMT No. 755366
Hey OP, it's been over 24 hours. WHERE IS MY FUCKING DRAWING?
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 04:23:06 GMT No. 755368
start using references, it'll help you a lot
also don't stick with tegaki lmao
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 04:23:57 GMT No. 755369
Forgot to namefag
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 04:40:31 GMT No. 755370
good job trying something tricky. GMI. drawing complex elaborate pieces that force your brain to overcome challenges is good for quicker gains if you don't get demoralized easily.
use reference, combine reference, learn the rules of perspective.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 12:09:45 GMT No. 755388
Posting today's early to get back on a regular schedule. Feels weird to share random doodles, I will try to post more completed art when I get a little better
I will outside this thread
Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Aug 2023, 15:11:56 GMT No. 755404
that's pretty good actually. i would stop there. that's it, you're great now.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Aug 2023, 15:18:02 GMT No. 755480
pretty cool
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Sept 2023, 09:01:27 GMT No. 755686
lel, nice foreshortening
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 08:48:49 GMT No. 755801
Sure, I will check out anything you guys recommend
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 08:54:32 GMT No. 755802
Aight, heres a good book on perspective drawing
And heres some on figure drawijg
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 5 Sept 2023, 11:43:37 GMT No. 756261
Sadly no this is my current skill level with a tablet
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sept 2023, 12:13:54 GMT No. 756600
been following this thread. are you not using the references for any of these? i'd recommend using references and maybe including them next to your art so its easier to see your process and give feedback, if you're looking for feedback anyways. its good to see you haven't given up, though
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Fri, 8 Sept 2023, 12:37:25 GMT No. 756602
This is just to chart my progress drawing from imagination. I do some practice using references and then I try to apply what I learned using imagination to see if I retained it. If I really struggle drawing something from imagination then I know I should practice that using references throughout the day.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sept 2023, 17:04:03 GMT No. 756612
the eyes give me a vibe, i like it.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Sept 2023, 11:47:41 GMT No. 756931
Not that anon, but if you're just starting to learn drawing and you're serious about it, drawing from imagination at this point sadly wont result in progress.
Why do I say this?
1. You have not yet learned the fundamentals. (structure, gesture, anatomy, perspective)
2. You have not built up the mental library necessary to depict people without using a reference
Really you're at risk of reinforcing your anatomical mistakes if you consistently keep repeating them for a long enough time.
You'll struggle drawing from imagination since you'll lack the reference point for how those things should look in real life.
I understand you might be doing some practice from reference outside of the thread but it would be cool to see what that looks like for you.
I would recommend practicing construction, line quality and simplifying forms. Practice drawing cubes in perspective. Practice drawing straight lines and round circles with one stroke each.
Practice simplifying the human figure into more easily understandable 3D shapes like spheres, cubes and cylinders.
If you start practicing the fundamentals the right way I promise you you'll see noticeable improvement in even a single week.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 11 Sept 2023, 12:58:01 GMT No. 756938
I started practicing that stuff a couple days ago. I practice using pen and paper and I'm not really interested in sharing it here. I still need to do these to keep myself from quitting though, it holds me accountable to draw atleast once a day and keep showing some degree of progress every day / week / month. And I'm going to stick to imagination in these threads because I enjoy it more and it makes me more excited to draw.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 15:50:08 GMT No. 757390
This is an exercise I came up with to help me draw characters at an angle. Maybe I will repeat something similar to this in the future.
Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 16:46:05 GMT No. 757400
I love your art. It makes me feel happy.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 17:09:19 GMT No. 757405
how do i learn to draw
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Sept 2023, 18:09:54 GMT No. 757410
You draw
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Sept 2023, 17:12:32 GMT No. 757605
your faces are starting to improve a lot, anon
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Sept 2023, 20:49:12 GMT No. 757622
Go to >>>/ic/
Only read the sticky.
Check out the book "Fun with a pencil by" by Andrew Loomis and also check out the "Drawing basics" course by Proko on YouTube.
Practice the fundamentals(tm). Concepts like gesture, structure, anatomy, shading, composition and perspective to name a few.
Do exercises like drawing boxes in perspective. Practice drawing from life or photo reference. Practice drawing without a reference. Post results online and ask for feedback.
Draw daily and have fun with it even when it feels hard.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 18 Sept 2023, 13:02:56 GMT No. 757703
I definitely need to reference draw some anime faces from angled views cause I am really struggling to visualize them from memory lol
Oekaki Post (Time: 29m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 19 Sept 2023, 18:49:50 GMT No. 758031
I'm probably gonna start doing these later in the day, I'm increasingly busy and not really practicing art outside of these threads right now
Will definitely keep going with these and resume practice before too long
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 18:17:56 GMT No. 758530
rofl, this one caught me by surprise
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 19:36:27 GMT No. 758543
If that's your progress after a whole month you're actually ngmi
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 19:38:53 GMT No. 758544
PYW, nodraw. You can't, you wont.
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 20:44:06 GMT No. 758550
I love this thread I'm so glad you're still going I believe in your work ethic.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 24 Sept 2023, 02:09:16 GMT No. 758570
I was mainly practicing outside the thread from >>756794 to >>758031 the other days I've been just doing the thread, I have a job that takes a lot of my time, don't expect to see a lot of progress. In any case I'm not trying to become a career artist but I am committed to getting good over the course of the next year or two, not trying to rush it.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 08:40:15 GMT No. 759921
Cole Story page 1. This is an unplanned story to keep myself interested in this thread, I had fun with page 1 so I'll probably keep going. I'll write the dialogue after I post since I cant see the image anymore until I upload it
Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 8 Oct 2023, 08:47:24 GMT No. 759922
>Hey did you notice who was absent today?
>Oh you mean him?
> (Muffled) Cole, you gotta come out here. The cops are asking for you. Just ask to go to the bathroom and run out here.
>Huh, but I didn't do anything... (I can't speak loud enough for him to hear me through the glass or the teacher will notice... alright I'll just do what he said.)
>We sort of snitched on you, we told the cops you were harboring Paula
>Paula? I thought she was in jail. And what do you mean "snitched", I didn't even do anything to snitch on in the first place!
>Whatever, just get in the car and you'll understand
>(Huh, someone's in the front seat...?)
>What the hell are you dragging me into Gunner!?
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 9 Oct 2023, 07:09:32 GMT No. 759998
>GUNNER: This is your house coming up on the left, right Cole?
>COLE: Yeah, but that's weird. I don't see any cop cars in the driveway...
>GUNNER: ...
>COLE: Hey, tell me what's going on here. What are you bringing this fugitive girl to my house for?
>PAULA: Oh, a quarter!
Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Oct 2023, 18:56:49 GMT No. 760083
I wish I still had the same motivation to draw as you OP. Keep it up!
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Oct 2023, 08:42:26 GMT No. 760809
1% better everyday
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Oct 2023, 17:07:41 GMT No. 760847
Do you have any short term / long term goals at the moment?
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 08:50:29 GMT No. 760939
No I haven't practiced in a long time since I have been busy, I have been feeling in the mood for it more though so maybe I will set aside some time soon
Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 16:09:09 GMT No. 760960
Best of luck anon, it's a difficult but rewarding journey. I've only been drawing for a year, but I think things get better once you start feeling the form - drawing becomes way more rewarding after that point, even if it's not necessarily at the intermediate level yet.
Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 15:34:43 GMT No. 761344
Interesting... you must have done it by accident, but in your drawing from yesterday, when you drew in those lines for his feet, you were technically (maybe even subconsciously?) placing those lines into perspective, meaning that:
instead of drawing a simple two-dimensional rectangle (which is completely flat), you showed us the top portion of his feet
Let me know if that's not clear enough, you may be on the verge of a mini-breakthrough
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Oct 2023, 15:38:06 GMT No. 761345
These are the boxes I was referring to - perspective might be a bit advanced at this stage, but I was still excited to see that you stumbled upon it, even if it was technically by accident / done subconsciously
Again, let me know if I could possibly break that down even further; even the most basic understanding of perspective can help a lot with drawing better
DailyDrawFag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Thu, 26 Oct 2023, 11:37:54 GMT No. 761446
Yeah I practiced construction a while ago but I didn't stick with it because I'm going for a more stylized anime approach. I do see what you mean about the perspective though now that you shared that replay, with the feet being seen at a different angle than the head rather than everything being seen from the same angle. That's definitely something I should try to incorporate into my drawings, thanks for sharing
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Oct 2023, 22:04:48 GMT No. 761942
As if I already have a good eye for proportions.
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Oct 2023, 23:57:50 GMT No. 761950
That's the point of the Loomis head. It gives you a standard blueprint to learn head and face proportions. It's more geometrical than observational. But maybe I didn't understand your reply.
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 00:10:05 GMT No. 761951
Fuck loomis.
Anon, you'll improve if you seek to understand the fundamentals of human anatomy. Keeping loose proportions is an easy way to check yourself (Hands shouldn't be larger than the head, for example), but reducing the head to a Face on a Plane and pinning the eyes and mouth and nose on based on 3rds is retarded. For one, your faces will all look the same. Some people have eyes that are further apart, big ass noses, small chins, chubby cheeks, etc.
Loomis makes your art look flat as fuck, in the last image anon sent, the eyes are too far back into the skill because they didn't account for the width of the head, depth of the cheeks, etc.
Keep going op, it's good that you use references, don't skip on anatomy, aim for symmetry, remember you are making a 2d rendition of a 3d object. Don't get lazy, i love your grind.
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 00:13:18 GMT No. 761952
Too far back in the skull*
Phonepost fail
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 14:57:10 GMT No. 762038
Thank you for sharing, you're really good. I was going to try to follow along with your replay but I got a little sidetracked trying to get pen pressure to work on my tablet, I wasted 30 minutes and still couldn't get it lol. But I will follow along with it tomorrow regardless of if I have pressure working or not.
I don't think there's any harm in learning it. And I wouldn't say I've been on a grind, I just come in here and draw whatever comes to mind for 10-30 minutes every day, if I was on a grind I would be practicing as well
Oekaki Post (Time: 29m, Replay: View)
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 16:30:15 GMT No. 762044
(I tried shading one of your characters in grayscale, using a combination of the airbrush + the paintbrush, or what we would call the "Hard Round Brush" in Photoshop)
This is a really horrific painting demonstration; in fact, I hope it's so infuriating and awful that it causes somebody much better than me to show up and give you even better advice :)
(I'm really just trying to show how one of the first steps you can take in rendering is just playing around with random spheres / blobs of form)
(Pen pressure does have to be on to shade in this style though)
Seems like this entire board wants to see you make it!
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 17:18:13 GMT No. 762048
Here's a really awful shading demonstration done on (the thigh of) one of your characters... hopefully somebody better than me who finds it infuriating will come along and can give you an even better demo, :)
In grayscale, you can build up these blobs of form using the airbrush, and then define the form more explicitly with the hard round brush (or in Oekaki drawing mode, that's the paintbrush below the pencil tool)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 30 Oct 2023, 18:19:40 GMT No. 762051
Thanks for sharing guys, I didn't realize oekaki had a setting for pressure so I finally took the time to get my tablet working. I made a little bonus drawing experimenting with the pen pressure and trying to incorporate your advice but I don't really 100% get it so I'll probably study some more on my own time now that my tablet is working properly
Oekaki Post (Time: 34m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Tue, 31 Oct 2023, 18:51:30 GMT No. 762200
Nice! Using pressure did seem to improve the look of your drawings! It's a bit more finnicky than with most drawing programs, and I'm still experimenting myself.
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Fri, 3 Nov 2023, 15:36:50 GMT No. 762497
I tried a pixel style so it would be easier to use the fill tool but it took even longer than usual lol, but my hand was really shaky today so I will try again tomorrow
Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Nov 2023, 18:23:04 GMT No. 762667
It seems you have stumbled upon the cylinder - you drew it (I think intuitively) for the pedestal that your character is resting his foot on.
Cylinders / ellipses are rather more advanced perspective concepts at this stage, but it's cool to see that you just kinda drew one naturally, just purely from the drawing mileage that you've accumulated so far.
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 6 Nov 2023, 16:18:56 GMT No. 762778
Sketching from odd angles
No I've seen cylinders and stuff and seen various drawing tutorials when I first started, I just am not currently doing them. And like most people I took the basic mandatory art class in high school so a little cylinder isn't too crazy lol
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Nov 2023, 22:13:16 GMT No. 762805
Oh wow, here in spic land you aren't required to take art courses. Say mr dailydraw, i am doing a mod for a vidya game and need some ocs to pad out a background texture. Would you like to contribute a oc i can draw and add in muh game mod. Btw i suggest posting on /ic/'s beg board for moar help. I can give resources too if you want and slight critque
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Nov 2023, 18:25:54 GMT No. 762893
Any recurring character/ thing in your at tbat i could add to the background of my fnf mod
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 8 Nov 2023, 17:30:07 GMT No. 763015
Trying thick brush with no zoom
Sure do you have a particular format you want the art in or just the character design and you will make the asset yourself?
Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Mon, 13 Nov 2023, 21:56:07 GMT No. 763584
why do you draw penises so much? are you gay or something
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Nov 2023, 19:07:50 GMT No. 763950
just draw the body, man. start with shapes, check for alignment/proportion, re-check, erase, re-draw etc...
just be sure to have fun and build up.
Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Source: >>763746)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sat, 18 Nov 2023, 18:15:05 GMT No. 764107
Yeah I need to learn proportions and anatomy, this time I tried to go real slow and correct myself but I'm still limited by my lack of knowledge
Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 26 Nov 2023, 04:07:25 GMT No. 764961
I'm going to sage my posts when they are just quick little sketches from now on, drawing isn't a big priority for me right now and I dont want to keep bumping the thread every day with simple sketches
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 14:53:21 GMT No. 765318
check your tablet driver settings and make sure windows ink isn't enabled
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 21:21:36 GMT No. 765345
keep your good work, anon. Keep drawing!
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Dec 2023, 06:43:23 GMT No. 766987
Hey man, I've seen You draw these daily, and I'm impressed that you were able to keep it up this long.
By the way, mind if I join you here? We could be the equivalent of gym buddies for drawing or something
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Dec 2023, 17:05:24 GMT No. 767054
you are actually still going, good job
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 17 Dec 2023, 13:40:52 GMT No. 767164
Appreciate the support.
I've decided to start using reference images while I am still learning basic drawing skills. They will all be based off of images on 4chan that I will link so I can share what image I am using without having to upload a separate file. I will be searching the boards for interesting images now I guess lol
Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 18 Dec 2023, 17:19:34 GMT No. 767262
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Wed, 20 Dec 2023, 01:14:28 GMT No. 767363
Wait there's a built in 4chan drawing tool? I didn't know that, I'd use it but I don't have a drawing tablet, would posting physical pictures be fine or is it against board rules?
Daily Drawfag the II at Sat, 23 Dec 2023, 08:02:05 GMT No. 767659
I guess I'll fit in here then.
Couldn't post the past two days so I gave my all with this drawing.
Note: This is freestyle copied from a reference image. I couldn't draw a dummy and clothes on top of it
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 27 Dec 2023, 20:31:58 GMT No. 767956
I tried to follow the replay but I gave up for the shading because it's too hard to follow along with very transparent strokes, anyway I think his stuff is too advanced for me right now anyway
Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sat, 30 Dec 2023, 06:47:44 GMT No. 768202
Thank you for sharing, no need to be humble. I envy being able to draw like that, your line strokes look really effortless and confident
Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
cvntanon at Sat, 30 Dec 2023, 06:52:00 GMT No. 768203
daily, your consistency is so admirable
i commend you
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sat, 30 Dec 2023, 20:10:36 GMT No. 768241
Thank you, I had a little extra time over the holiday season but I will try to continue into next year
Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 3 Jan 2024, 20:12:48 GMT No. 768710
Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Thu, 4 Jan 2024, 19:23:07 GMT No. 768803
reference: >>>/tv/194345441
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)
DailyDrawfag the II at Tue, 9 Jan 2024, 11:23:13 GMT No. 769326
I'm not going to sugar coat it, I've been lazy and procrastinated on my drawings and I've been ashamed to show my face here ever since
Here's a drawing of a robot cartoon somebody requested in /wsr/, but because he was an asshole I decided not to post it. I'll draw more and post laster,
You've really improved a lot anon! Even faster than I last saw You draw.
Anonymous at Tue, 9 Jan 2024, 21:09:30 GMT No. 769362
I think the shadows in this are ok daily, i like the lineart a lot and the perspective is passing, my main crit would be to try thinking in 3d. Learning to shade is attached to learning form and how it interacts in 3d space. A good execrise would be to draw a fuvkton 3d objects and then analyze them. You are improving fast dailydrawfag, god bless !
Anonymous at Tue, 9 Jan 2024, 23:43:44 GMT No. 769372
holy symbol drawing crackers
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 10 Jan 2024, 21:21:31 GMT No. 769451
Thank you, maybe I will do something like that soon. I decided to draw a figure over top of construction to see if it would help, not sure if it's better or worse
Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 12:25:59 GMT No. 769516
I'm really really good at "seeing" in 3D (To me, everything is literally just a variation of a square and a circle), but I can't seem to draw humans really well.
I can draw the anatomy puppets really fine because that's just shapes, but blending it to look human is hard to me
Daily Drawfag the II at Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 12:30:48 GMT No. 769519
Here's a drawing of a pork porridge I had the other day, it's not very good however.
These three drawings in total spent an hour and a half (it felt like five minutes to me and yet at the same time it felt like hours) at my school's library.
Anonymous at Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 12:55:56 GMT No. 769521
DailyDrawfag the II at Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 23:39:13 GMT No. 769546
Imagine how ironic it would be if I was really really good at drawing but have terrible fucking handwriting.
Usually I draw pictures I take or landscapes, I feel like I can draw humans well in freestyle+ reference though, I'll try later
DailyDrawfag the II at Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 11:16:55 GMT No. 769575
Forgot to set my name, fuck. That's a drawing of two mannequins holding hands in an airplane.
Anonymous at Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 19:14:47 GMT No. 769611
you realize you came up with a pretty good bust here? why dont you come back to this one, lop her head off, and draw a proper one
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 00:51:41 GMT No. 769642
I tried to do this one earlier but the captcha wouldn't load for me
Nice, maybe I will draw some inanimate objects instead of humans then lol
I dont really enjoying copying stuff to begin with, if you think I would learn something from repeating the same mistakes I will try but it just seems like a waste of 30 minutes to me
Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 07:50:55 GMT No. 769667
I feel like I should post on other boards just for fun and curse everybody with my shitty drawings, is there really no rules for traditional pen/paper drawings?
Anonymous at Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 08:37:02 GMT No. 769673
No such rule, no one would give you shit just for posting trad art
DailyDrawfag the II at Sun, 14 Jan 2024, 09:53:37 GMT No. 769792
I'm stopping drawing until tuesday because of exams. After then I'm going to flood every single oekaki board with my shitty drawings lmao
Anonymous at Sun, 14 Jan 2024, 19:01:43 GMT No. 769839
>every single oekaki board
Do you mean thread?
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Mon, 15 Jan 2024, 02:12:32 GMT No. 769890
I struggled to keep up with the replay but I really like the process, maybe I will try original drawings with this process at my own pace tomorrow
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 16 Jan 2024, 14:17:47 GMT No. 770102
Let's go I'm back and stronger than ever, exams are over
You're getting really good at this
Anonymous at Tue, 16 Jan 2024, 15:47:07 GMT No. 770113
I dont really enjoying copying stuff to begin with, if you think I would learn something from repeating the same mistakes I will try but it just seems like a waste of 30 minutes to me
as long as you didn't trace, there wasn't anything "copying" about it. what you did is a study. studies are what separates the NGMI from the GMI
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 17 Jan 2024, 01:08:36 GMT No. 770186
Did this one with the same construction lines as the last one but hid the layer
I love that you include the little notes to make it more consistent with the thread haha
Okay, I will do more studies then. But I don't think I'm going to redo them unless enough time has passed that I can bring something new to the table
Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Wed, 17 Jan 2024, 02:33:49 GMT No. 770208
I also include the blue 4H pencil I use, dunno why but I draw like shit whenever I use other pencils.
Putting in the little notes is to compensate for the "Oekaki post; Time taken: Blah"
Anonymous at Sun, 21 Jan 2024, 00:38:36 GMT No. 770655
anon, you are doing great. keep up the good work
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 23 Jan 2024, 06:05:26 GMT No. 770921
Annoyed because it crashed and deleted my first drawing so just a sketch today
I don't really get locked in 90% of the time anymore lol but keep going and make it a daily habit
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 23 Jan 2024, 16:46:35 GMT No. 770959
Didn't get to draw physically today so I tried out Ibis paint on my phone
How do You use 4chan's built in Oekaki tool? Or is it an external thing?
Daily Drawfag the II at Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 02:44:58 GMT No. 771023
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 08:34:10 GMT No. 771052
It's so difficult to imagine what a bike is supposed to look like lol
How does that work? You use your finger or some sort of stylus?
And Oekaki tool works by pressing the "draw" button in the reply box, I never tried it on mobile though
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 08:36:42 GMT No. 771054
Here's a test of it
Yes I draw with my thumb. Not the best but when I'm too lazy to get up and draw it's a solution
Oekaki Post (Time: 44s, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Fri, 26 Jan 2024, 08:24:42 GMT No. 771290
I'm starting to like drawing with my thumb better than pencil and paper because 1 I lost my eraser like an idiot now I have to use a rubber band and two, the almighty LA Y E R S.
Not really that hard tbdesu
Anonymous at Sun, 28 Jan 2024, 21:28:21 GMT No. 771514
Not bad, your anatomy is improving
Anonymous at Mon, 29 Jan 2024, 06:28:04 GMT No. 771574
your best work so far
love the progress!! keep at it dude!
Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 30 Jan 2024, 13:56:17 GMT No. 771776
I have been slacking and did not post here. I still drew daily though. Maybe I'll post stuff tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll also watch some drawing tutorials as well.
Anonymous at Tue, 30 Jan 2024, 20:11:00 GMT No. 771800
great line confidence here. just keep on chipping away at anatomy and you really have something!
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Wed, 31 Jan 2024, 12:32:59 GMT No. 771894
Yeah I definitely need to do some tutorials as well, feels like I'm treading water at this point
Thank you!
This is extremely beautiful. I sincerely hope you are a well known and appreciated artist somewhere on the internet or otherwise.
I was a little intimidated by the 25 minute timer so I decided I would do a reference drawing of this today and then come back tomorrow and try to follow the replay in real time when I'm more familiar with the piece
Oekaki Post (Time: 39m, Replay: View)
Daily Drawfag the II at Sat, 3 Feb 2024, 02:59:24 GMT No. 772078
Drawfag I've had a major breakthrough; CLOTHES.
Without the use of layers. I finally made sense on how to actually draw it.
I'm reaching a critical point where I'm getting "addicted" to drawing because I'm finally "good" at it. In my earlier days I never drew because it was always so ugly, now I can draw without it being ugly
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Sun, 4 Feb 2024, 01:35:14 GMT No. 772150
This is really wonderful. I kind of had some difficulties finding time today and half assed it but I really admire your art. If this is the only place these are posted I feel kind of bad, if you only post in your own thread I will still follow along from time to time
Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)
Anonymouz at Sun, 4 Feb 2024, 03:53:55 GMT No. 772157
I hope these inspire you. That's all.
DailyDrawfag !Bp5DgAF4qU at Tue, 6 Feb 2024, 14:27:58 GMT No. 772537
I got frustrated and gave up after redrawing the head several times and struggling with shading. I think I am going to hit up youtube and do a couple art tutorials today instead of drawing on the thread.
Oekaki Post (Time: 32m, Replay: View)
๐๏ธ Daily Drawfag the II at Mon, 12 Feb 2024, 13:19:01 GMT No. 773100
I've been procrastinating for the past few days so i
Daily Drawfag the II at Fri, 16 Feb 2024, 08:23:52 GMT No. 773554
Where did DailyDrawfag the First go?
I guess I'll just continue with his legacy, and try to draw daily, just like he did. And maybe when he comes back someday I'll be as good as him
Drawing is Ruby from Mobile Legends
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Feb 2024, 08:44:47 GMT No. 773556
Fuck, you're doing this while homeless? Mad respect. I need to get off my butt and practice/learn art instead of saying I'll do it later.
Daily Drawfag the II at Fri, 16 Feb 2024, 08:46:32 GMT No. 773557
I was homeless for awhile because of a storm that wrecked my house, I got a new place now. Just got in a rough spot and didn't had anyone to turn to at the moment
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Feb 2024, 08:53:31 GMT No. 773558
Even so, that's really cool of you.
Daily Drawfag the II at Sat, 17 Feb 2024, 14:47:40 GMT No. 773673
I think I'm really improving. All I need now is a better understanding of the female and male anatomy, muscles, folds and face, and I'll be set. I don't need anything else other than those few since I'm already confident with my landscape arts.
Daily Drawfag the II at Sun, 18 Feb 2024, 15:56:17 GMT No. 773789
This is a recreation of my past drawing; Marisa Kirisame and her big ass hat,
If You're wondering why my previous Oekaki of her was better, it's because I was copying the reference art line by line (didn't trace it, to exactly sure what this is called)
This however is 100% me, rather than just copying line by line I tried to drae the base anatony first, then the clothes on top, then whatever else.
>Oekaki Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Daily Drawfag the II at Fri, 23 Feb 2024, 14:48:05 GMT No. 774260
I couldn't post the last few days but here's my latest drawing.
It's a girl drinking Cappuccino while it's raining. I drew this while listening to Yorushika's "Ame to Cappuccino" (which is rain with cappuccino)
Doofenzshmirtz evil incorporated is in the background because why not
Anonymous at Sat, 24 Feb 2024, 17:18:25 GMT No. 774352
that isn't quite what I meant
Daily Drawfag the II at Mon, 26 Feb 2024, 13:34:27 GMT No. 774527
It's only supposed to bend by the joints on the elbows. Everything else stays straight
(semi) Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 27 Feb 2024, 15:35:10 GMT No. 774660
Is that a good 'Oh it's that easy?' or a bad 'You make it so simple not everyone can get it's
Anonymous at Tue, 27 Feb 2024, 16:12:54 GMT No. 774665
former, I feel l like a retard for not understanding it ealier.
(semi) Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 5 Mar 2024, 08:07:50 GMT No. 775440
Im still here, just had an art block for awhile.
Did You draw that? Can You teach me how to draw curvature to a woman's boobs? More specifically I want to know how to draw a neck tie over it to make it look like it's on the top of it
(semi) Daily Drawfag the II at Thu, 7 Mar 2024, 13:30:47 GMT No. 775806
Drawing Numero Dos for today.
Seems like this thread is reaching bump limit soon. If it does I'm going to make a new thread but archive this for the sake of original Drawfag
I wonder, did he get disheartened because of AI renders? I sure hope not. It didn't discourage me from trying to learn how to draw.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Mar 2024, 21:10:33 GMT No. 776476
I whipped up this proportions guide. It's very useful to know how body part relate to one another. I like to use the mass of the cranium as the base unit. So the head is about 1.5 units, the torso is 2, the hips 1.5 and there's a 0.5 gap between each section.
Those three are like the core of your figure, so it's good to start with that. You can practice just drawing boxes that fit these proportions, and try different angles and positions to start getting a feel for the proportions. It doesn't have to be those exact units. The Japanese style often makes the heads a little bigger, the torso smaller. But it's a good point of reference.
(semi) Daily Drawfag the II at Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 11:44:22 GMT No. 776529
Here's my drawing for yesterday, I've hit a hard limit I think. Time to give my brain a break
Thank You! Could you perhaps do a muscle guides next?
Anyways I'm going to make a new thread since this one reached bump limit