🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 08:35:40 GMT No. 755798
I feel a sense of solitude today. I havent talked to irl friends due to reasons. Atleast i have tight knit online friends who care somewhat for me. I wouldnt say im not happy, but it just kinda sucks not to talk to people i guess.
I realized today i tend to overeact to things when it comes to revenge. Idk what to do with this info.
Also vent thread.
Theme: https://youtu.be/fL8FqZoogno?si=hiZ
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 08:57:43 GMT No. 755803
I know most of the people on this board see me as annoying at best, and a bad person at worse.
Tbh i dont understand why i am hated. I know i can be considered a lazy artists, but it is no real reason to hate me.
Most of the stuff ive done to warrent any hate(alting, mild trolling, shitpostung) was done in revenge/retaliation. I know i am kinda screaming into the void but oh well.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 09:02:27 GMT No. 755804
I tend not to care when people shit talk me, but sometimes i feel hurt when it is done by someone i tried to be friends with(sheepcky, xay, cxtb, arach, etc etc). Usually i get over it, but sometimes i get stuck up and troll those who have attempted to hurt me, i know it might ruin my reputation on here when i do so, but i could care less since i was never given anything on here, why should i care what others think when people have never given me any type of benfit of the doubt.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 09:20:16 GMT No. 755807
I should sleep, but my mind is racing with thoughts and stress from irl. Wont be able to draw for a while which will make me kinda sad, but oh well.
Most of time my over reactions to online and irl stuff happens to do something happening to me persoanlly, or as a odd way to get a silver lining from a bad situation (think me trolling someone i was friends with after they dennounce me, if i cant be their friend than i can atleast get a laugh from messing with them). Some may call this mean spirited, but i dont, i never tried ro hurt someone on purpose.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 10:28:27 GMT No. 755810
because you're constantly spamming in every request thread you negroid
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 12:02:02 GMT No. 755812
Good luck in grade 9. Don't try to act like a victim. You were an abhorrent shitposter from day 1, and have done everything in your power to earn a bad reputation. There is something wrong with you and you need to stop posting.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 12:35:36 GMT No. 755813
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 12:45:47 GMT No. 755814
its depressing how persistent of a virus you are, you seem to post with a level of willful ignorance and lack of reflection others could never imagine. You are for sure the worst poster this board has ever seen. Go do your homework bitch
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 12:54:08 GMT No. 755815
weird to see that all the other lolcows on this board are pretty endearing (ozzy kott delta green and kevin) but fred is by far the most soulless and annoying. i guess its because he doesnt even draw? or that he’s a kid?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 13:02:02 GMT No. 755816
what a fucking cockroach you are. You dare to claim "I don't know why others hate me" when you're constantly wasting everyone's time.
I'm not even angry anymore, I just bored of you.
Just go be a normal kid for once in your life.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 14:48:28 GMT No. 755829
>constantly wasting others time
? When have i ever attempted to waste others times
I tried my best with my lacking artisic ability. I only did the stuff i did as retaliation
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 14:54:00 GMT No. 755832
"retaliation" and revenge are not justifications to absolve you of the repercussions of your own actions. if you're going to do something reprehensible the reason WHY you did something is irrelevant. you are not a victim. and if you can't understand that you should get off the Internet
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 15:18:06 GMT No. 755835
It absolves me in my mind.
Plus the stuff that has been attempted on me(multiple attempted doxxings) goes quite far.
Pic rel, some guy i trolled who tried doxxing me.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 15:29:57 GMT No. 755836
>attempted doxxing
you have ACTUALLY doxxed people. by your own logic wouldn't someone doxxing you in retaliation be justified? you're just a shit eating kid and no one other than other shit eating kids want to be your friend. im glad you have no friends irl and I hope the rest of your life is as lonely as you deserve to be. any 'online' friends you have will never be genuine because you're a fucking sociopath and people only get close to you so they can dox you. i can't believe you really feel like the hate against you is not justified. you know you're a piece of shit, at least fucking own it. you're 15 and wasting your life here. you are only hurting yourself
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 15:33:14 GMT No. 755837
sorry you got doxed, but you're still a faggot, so...get lost
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 15:35:21 GMT No. 755838
fuck off Fred
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 17:16:50 GMT No. 755846
your refusal to hold yourself accountable for your own shitty behavior is why you get "hate and vile" . you shit post and troll because you're a prepubescent shit stain who DECIDES to have no control over your OWN emotions. take accountability and be humble. a hard request for someone who can't even drive yet. when you finally acknowledge you're too young to be in the situations you CONSTANTLY AND WILLINGLY THROW YOURSELF INTO and decide not to engage anymore you will see improvement. but we both know that's impossible. you've fucked yourself to an unfulfilling life of loneliness because you stay here. if you leave the Internet you will see improvement, but you absolutely refuse to do so
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 17:19:38 GMT No. 755847
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 17:26:31 GMT No. 755850
maybe you should just stop attentionwhoring for a second? i'll surprise you but at the very moment you'll do it you you'll understand the real difference between 'genuine conversation' and your stupid behavior
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 17:38:57 GMT No. 755855
I only know kott, delta and green.
Who are the others?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 17:46:12 GMT No. 755858
then you aren't a victim, so stop bitching about how poor you are
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 18:00:28 GMT No. 755860
u aight whiteboy
nah let him have his fun
can i get a play by play lore breakdown what arc are we on?
>shit post and troll
not playin devil's advocate but thats kinda based desu
Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 18:22:12 GMT No. 755865
Heres the saga breadown
Eeb schizo out(lasted two years ) -> oc redraw(stoped after a couple months) -> /crab2/ schizo stuff(lasted like three months) -> /co/ posting(currently haulting) -> leaving arc (Current saga, slowly not posting on the 'chan as i focus on irl and another online community im getting popularish in)
How are you knott/kott?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 18:57:23 GMT No. 755872
doing well : DDD
i'm semi-employed sorta now so dont post as often but i do lurk here
also just calling me kott is fine
now don't go getiing too invested in online communities aight
shitposting and trolling is fine but people around you irl are who matter most
also the future prediction doodle is hilarious
i like how you specified (barely goes on social media) as a goal, very cool
don't feed your personal info to the feds
godspeed you silly lil man
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 19:03:10 GMT No. 755874
>dont grt too invested in online communties
Was thinking the same, but i needed to hear someone say it desu.
>irl are who matter most
Yeah, a couple of weeks before i was talking to irl friends, but i am currently in a situation where i can't sadly.
Thx kott! Gonna go do some modding. Gl with your endeavours my fren!
>dont give feds personal
Paraonoid as all hell lol.
Btw asked you something on twitter dms
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 19:05:00 GMT No. 755877
Why are you considered a troll kott?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Sept 2023, 23:11:29 GMT No. 755904
Ozzy is the /b/fag with a Koopa(?) OC that he loves to draw like a blueberry for reasons I cannot bother to remember. I think his Reddit account got leaked a while ago too
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Sept 2023, 00:19:42 GMT No. 755905
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Sept 2023, 09:13:05 GMT No. 755934
yeah the dicord made a "my husband is dead and i just want sex" horny ad edit with his selfie
shit was hilarious
made it even funnier that he scored a gf already while the giga-virgins on the discord kept hating on him
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Sept 2023, 00:05:10 GMT No. 756034
He's like if Kott, Delta, and Ozzy took all their autism, lack of skill and willful ignorance and put them into one small child.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Sept 2023, 01:21:25 GMT No. 756043
do you have a screenshot of the ad that sounds really funny
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Sept 2023, 16:26:05 GMT No. 756274
>fred took the bridgman pill
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Sept 2023, 19:43:02 GMT No. 756290
My sense of morality is mainly taken from my parents. Ill be nice to you and even help you out if you want, but if you attempt to treat me wrong, or i suspected you are trying to do me harm, ill get back at you with twicd the force.
Enjoy some old art
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Sept 2023, 02:10:37 GMT No. 756364
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 22:19:08 GMT No. 756555
Whenever im stressed i sometimes think about the communties ive been run off from, and the bridges ive burnt. Like ive said before, i use the internet to burn off stress and talk about topics that my irl friends dont care about, or find odd.
When i was young i use to be apart of this world building community called eeb(ever expanding bunker), i ended up getting banned due to my violatile behavior(saying the n word, making werid fan ficts i thought were funny etc), i ended up getting really fucking angery bexause j spent an ungodly amount of time writing lore for these guys, i ended up wasting two years of my youth revenge trolling these guys, making alts and spamming porn and shiet. I realize im doing the same thing as before, but unlike last time my time isnt fully occupied trolling, i only now do it as a way to relieve stress/ emotion now.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Sept 2023, 22:23:03 GMT No. 756556
As for burnt bridges, i have different thoughts on that. I really attempt to be someones friend when i get to know someone(online atleast), i ask them how their day is, and if they are doing good. 50% of my online friendships end in me burning the bridge because they did something to betray my trust/screw me over, or because they decide to burn the bridge after learning about my repo, it sometimes stings me emotionally when both happens since i tried, but ive slowly stopped having sucn feeling as of late.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Sept 2023, 03:05:43 GMT No. 756573
Fuck you fred you dumb nigger
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Sept 2023, 06:13:56 GMT No. 757259
It has nothing to do with tourney, just a place to talk desu
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Sept 2023, 10:10:46 GMT No. 758849
Are you dead?