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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 759457

How and how much would you charge if your at skill was at pic related's level?

Anonymous No. 759463

I would study more to make better art

Anonymous No. 759465

Or just hire some fifth worlder underage where 1$ a day is a lot of money.

Anonymous No. 759474

Lol`d, but I prefer self improvement

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Anonymous No. 759498

20 mexican pesos per drawing and id still consider it a scam

Anonymous No. 759502

5 dollarinos para mi, señor
muchas gracias

Anonymous No. 759510

5 bucks?! for 5 bucks I can buy 20 breads! do you think your art is edible?
Go back to Venezuela and learn the meaning of money.

Anonymous No. 759516

dame tu dinero gringo guaton tengo que alimentar a mi familia de 7

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Anonymous No. 759519

Coño, Pedro, si vas a larpear como veneco, por lo menos hacelo bien, coñoetumadre.

>Go back to Venezuela and learn the meaning of money.
You are also a faggot kek.

Anonymous No. 759579

It's funny because Venezuela's currency isn't worth jackshit, you instead have to trade with assets like in medieval times or sell Runescape gold cause Venezuela can't afford WoW subscription.

Anonymous No. 759585

Dejen de hacer el tonto que luego nos llaman 3er mundistas pobres sin dignidad y se ofenden.

Anonymous No. 759589

pero tienen razon

Anonymous No. 759590

i dunno op your initial offer of 20 cents per character was very tempting lol

Anonymous No. 759606

Tambien es verdad

Anonymous No. 759609

kek , where's your art galelry?

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Anonymous No. 759648

$100 per sheet

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 759656

>It's funny because Venezuela's currency isn't worth jackshit
True, which is why I dont understan what anon meant by "go back to Venezuela and learn the meaning of money", it makes no sense lmao
>you instead have to trade with assets like in medieval times or sell Runescape gold cause Venezuela can't afford WoW subscription.
Trades were never a thing per se outside of very informal jobs from the lowest classes. As for the Runescape thing, that's old news, nowadays not even the Runescape gold is of any worth. Currently the only currency of actual worth is the dollar and even that thing is rapidly devaluating.

Anonymous No. 759757

40 cents is the best I can do for the same character drawn in a slightly different frontal perspective standup position.
Anyone here actually want to work for literal peanuts? wanna take up that offer?

Anonymous No. 759915

this is sad. just go ahead and ai generate your dumb piece of shit comic idea anon

Anonymous No. 759923

It's not sad if you're from Venezuela, Californiananon.

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Anonymous No. 759932

>but in Venezuela-
I know you're just shitposting, but Im still going to call you an idiot for not knowing jack shit about the local economy and making jokes that are inaccurate at best.

No, literal cents are not valuable in this country, in fact not even 50$ are of many value nowadays. Why? Because the local currency is tied to the dollar currency, which, due to some bullshits I dont even want to explain, is rapidly devaluating along the local currency. You'd think 20$ are enough to be king in this country, and you cannot be any more wrong when you average service costs you from 30$ to 50$ and in order to make a *decent* shopping for groceries you need at least 200$ at minimum.

Dear anon, if you're going to make jokes about my country, at least bother to make your homework on foreign history and be accurate, otherwise you're going to get laughed at for being an idiot and a faggot.

Anonymous No. 759933

it's sad worldwide. listen to the above anon and fork out your wallet

Anonymous No. 759935

i wouldn't

Anonymous No. 759936

Hola Venezolanon!

Anonymous No. 759943

>about my country
Shut the fuck up, you aren't and will never be a Venezuelan you weeaboo faggot. You're just pretending, for what reason I don't understand.
Shut the fuck up you moron, you don't understand anything about economics and especially Venezuela.

Anonymous No. 759944

India pls. No free gibs until you learn to draw.

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Anonymous No. 759953

>you aren't and will never be a Venezuelan you weeaboo faggot.
Coño, marico, ¿como me vas a decir tu a mi que estoy larpeando? ¿Para que coño voy yo a larpear como veneco entre todas las nacionalidades? Te paso un gringo, un britanico, aleman, polaco ¿pero larpear como un residente de uno de los peores paises de latinoamerica? Tu lo que eres es marico, chamo.
>you don't understand anything about economics and especially Venezuela.
Aja, me vas a decir tu a mi que el dolar no se devalua dos veces al dia salvo los fines de semana, que no estamos en 35mil bolivares el dolar y que no nos meten en guebo cuando por alguna razon el dolar sube de coñazo junto con los precios, para luego bajar y que los comercios tengan los mismos precios, que hasta hace nada te hacias bastante con 10$ y hoy en dia no haces un coño porque algo tan basico como una consulta medica te cuesta de 50$ a 70$.
>inb4 didnt understand a single word
then shut the fuck up, faggot.

Epale, mano.

Anonymous No. 759960

Un saludo coñomaricoanon desde tacolandia