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๐Ÿงต thought of the day

Anonymous No. 765180

Hey anon!
In this thread I'll be posting thoughts of the day with drawings. Feel free to participate!

Thought of the day #1
Normally being away from home makes me feel a strong sense of danger, I even walk very fast without realizing it and hurt my feet.

However, every time I cross a street and cars stop to let me and other people pass, I feel like we're all a family of ducklings being helped by a firefighter or something. Makes me smile everytime.

Anonymous No. 765184

really cute art style op

Anonymous No. 765189

Thank you so much! :D

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Anonymous No. 765191

a bridge flexes in the wind, sags with rain, creaks with drought, but breaks when too many stand on it. don't keep your mind too occupied with things that should have crossed already.

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 765267

pain is only pain, let it take you as far as it goes. get off when you'd like, you're not missing much, the end is the same as the beginning.

for some, pain fills a void, and so they fear letting go, for they are afraid of the uncertainty of that void.

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 765268

for many, a cup of coffee in the morning isn't just for the caffeine (if at all); rather, it's a part of the daily ritual of bringing yourself into the mindset for the day ahead
good morning /i/

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Anonymous No. 765269

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 765276

As soon as we enter the subway, people look for a place to keep their gaze, we try to ignore each other at all costs.
We are so busy in our heads, some thinking about the problems they have, what they will eat when get home, heartbroken or deeply in love.
I wonder, what would happen if someone decided to talk to me right now? Start a soft, fleeting but memorable conversation with a stranger. I know other people think the same.
How many have been left wanting to meet who they had by their side?
How many have seen someone's sad face and not said anything for fear of being impertinent?
Always longing for the magic of movies, the fantastic encounters, but never doing anything to make them come true.
Honestly, just receiving a smile from a stranger is enough for me to make my day more beautiful.
Life is so grey. I wish we could be more friendly.
I try so put some nice colors all over as much as I can, but I'm shy.

Anonymous No. 765277

Uh this is my thought of the day #2 I forgot to add it

Anonymous No. 765278

>sitting on the bus
>looking out the window across the isle
>everything is fine
>then somebody sits directly in front of me instead of the empty seats next to them and now I have to stare at the floor or uncomfortably twist my neck and avert my gaze for the next 40 minutes
Why are they like this?

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Anonymous No. 765319

goes so sovl......

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 765408

Thought of the day #3

If I have so much love to give to the world, why can't it love me back a little?
Sometimes I feel that originally my body would be a plant, a bacteria, a fungus, any other animal except a human being.
I don't understand how life works, I don't understand how we work.
I'm still here out of inertia. I'm still here because I have faith in you, I want to believe that there is love somewhere and I usually see it in the smallest things but there is never love for me.

Anonymous No. 765409

OP here. Omg that's me? :DDDDD such a wonderful style, anon!

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Anonymous No. 765415

forgiveness is the greatest punishment in the world, and guilt is our strongest enemy

i really need to start sh3...

Anonymous No. 765562

ty! absolutely adore your art and thoughts ^^

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Anonymous No. 765780

Thought of the day #4
One of the things I have always enjoyed the most has been writing letters. I love vomit all my thoughts and feelings and then doing absolutely nothing with it.
And that's the best part, they don't have to reach their addressee. This opens up the possibility of writing letters to God, to dead or to people who never existed.
I have left some anonymous letters in various places where I usually am. I don't know if any have ever been read. I think even if they end up in the trash, it's still exciting.

Anonymous No. 765799

why do you feel in danger?

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Anonymous No. 765817

cheers OP, I will try this. Like leaving a graffiti or collectible item for the main character to find and never actually read. Or maybe some artsy mary sue-esque twitter/tubmlr woman to gush about finding or whatever.

Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 765908

thought of the day:


Oekaki Post (Time: 4h 47m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 765925

so true king

Anonymous No. 765928


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Anonymous No. 765984

Thought of the day #5

I want a quiet life. I want a quiet job. I don't want to be anyone important or relevant; I want to die surrounded by flowers and love. Dying and dying again a second time through oblivion.
Is it conformist to want a life without luxuries?
Don't know.
I'm okay with being small compared to the universe. I'm okay with death.

I have bad experiences.
Outside of that, the world is too loud and big. It scares me, like I'm a hamster about to have a heart attack at the slightest provocation.
I like being at home.

Anonymous No. 765985

>Dying and dying again a second time through oblivion.
>I'm okay with death.

Sounds like you are trying too hard to convince yourself. It's okay to be afraid of dying, it's probably best not to spend too much time dwelling on that.

Anonymous No. 765986

I'm not afraid. I have lost many close ones at a young age, I am used to thinking about it. Without death there will be no room for other lives. But thanks for worry.

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Anonymose No. 766245

papa, papa, build me a boat
so on this river I can float
every boat I chance to see
I'll enquire of sweet Willie

captain, captain, tell me true
does sweet Willie sail with you?
no, oh no, he don't sail with me
he got drowned in the deep blue sea

I'm a going away, little darling girl
I'm a going away for a while
but I will return to you sweet heart
should I go ten thousand mile

dark may rule the ocean, sweet heart
and heaven may cease to be
this earth will lose its motion, sweet heart
shall I prove false to thee

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Anonymous No. 766295

Thought of the day #6

Today I saw a news story: a man tried to jump off a bridge. The police saved his life. Once he was safe, one of them held him while they were on the floor, and stroked his back so softly that I broke in tears.
Maybe it's just what we need, compassion.

Anonymous No. 766306

I can relate to your situation, but there is nothing I can do to help you, or myself. Is there anyone in your life that would rub your back gently and show you compassion? Maybe you should reach out to that person and communicate what you are needing?

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Anonymous No. 767292

Thought of the day #7

I love to watch when a person speaks and their nose moves slightly as their lips do. It's like they has a dancing nose.

I never do it. It's difficult to talk about my feelings with another person.

Anonymous No. 767293

uh sorry so many grammar mistakes i'm sleepy

Anonymous No. 768286

What are your new year's resolutions?

Anonymous No. 768290

Draw with color. Learn to add backgrounds and objects into the drawings instead of just figures. Draw more males and more clothed figures. Manage my time more efficiently.

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Anonymous No. 768533

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Anonymous No. 768659

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Anonymous No. 768766

Anonymous No. 768813

>>768286 a better person in general. I want to be happy. Make the people I love happy. To learn a lot. Feel a lot.
In the artistic field: get out of my comfort zone, learn color theory.
What about you?
Thank you for keep this idea alive. Love those clouds. They're really pretty.When I was little, I used to believe that my dad worked making clouds because of the steam that came out through the company where he used to work. I remember it now and I think it's very funny.

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Anonymous No. 768818

Thought of the day #8
When I was a child I dreamed of having a magnifying glass. For some reason, I was always embarrassed to ask for it as a gift. I have always enjoyed observing things up close, very closely, being able to admire every detail.
I saw the skin of my hands, my hair, ants, leaves... it is not surprising that when I had a microscope in front of me my life changed brutally.

Anonymous No. 769047

I'm gonna be drawing a thing a day, or at least trying to. Doesn't have to be a great work of art but I want to develop it as a habit to improve my art skills. Also before 2024 is over I'd like to make at least one new IRL friend.

Anonymous No. 770331

I failed and I feel bad.

Anonymous No. 770332

It's not too late to try again. You can always give it another shot when you are feeling better. I believe in you.

Anonymous No. 771434

Taking some time to think about it, I reckon that forcing myself to create something every day kinda makes it lose its value.

Anonymous No. 771435

Regular practice is important to improve your skill, especially something creative like visual art. Oekaki is really just for fun though, you should make enjoyment your first priority.

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Anonymous No. 772030

Thought of the day #9
I have a somewhat compulsive thought: when I observe others from afar, I tend to imagine that they actually just children. Don't get me wrong; I don't say this with the intention of putting anyone down. It's just that I think we are still children in many ways, one will never fully learn to live. It makes me kind of tender, actually, to imagine what their infant versions would say about them. What were the dreams of those children? I hope they are fulfilling them now that they are older. Hopefully you will be compassionate with yourself and remember your inner child. Make that little you happy.

Oekaki Post (Time: 32m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 773001

Thought of the day #10

It's almost Valentine's Day.
The word ''love'' is extremely confusing... but I'm 24 and it's time for me to experience it too. I'm afraid that I'm looking for someone who doesn't exist.
I'm afraid that no one is looking for me...
''Who knows what love is
I wonder if you do
Who could tell me what love is
I wish it could be you
I wish it could be you''

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Anonymous No. 773676

When I dream I occasionally experience a series of false awakenings, waking up into another dream repeatedly. When I finally do wake up it's hard to really tell if I'm not still dreaming. When we die do we reawaken into another life?

Oekaki Post (Time: 38m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 773688

thought of the day, im well rested but tired

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 23m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 774828

/i/ is a lonely place sometimes. I wonder what happened to all those people who have created a thread or a character only to abandon it. I hope they are somewhere better.

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 776487

There are a lot of places better than 4chan

Anonymous No. 777550

I get what you mean

Anonymous No. 777569

This is supposed to be lonely board

Anonymous No. 778649

You ever wonder how many 'main characters' you know in your life, or whether you're one yourself?

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Anonymous No. 778658

i think everyone is a main character of their own lives. each and every individual carries a purposeful and complicated lifestyle with their own problems to resolve and battles to win.

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 778683

Thought of the day #11

I feel deeply connected every time I consume art: manga, paintings, books, music, dance, photography, sculptures, films... it's like I'm finally home. Momentarily everything makes sense, I understand that I am part of humanity, that we all share the same life and the same death. I am moved to tears when I think about everything we have built and destroyed, about the beauty and the horribleness of being a human being. But as soon as I set foot outside the house... where have the souls I connected with gone? Faces become blurry. It feels like I'm wearing a disguise and going unnoticed among them not because the disguise works but because they don't even care. I feel alone, isolated, disconnected. The heat emanating from their bodies does not feel like heat.
How can fear and love coexist?
Why can I only feel their ideas close to my heart but not their bodies?

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Anonymous No. 778902

Thought of the day #12

Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to be pretty and I ask flowers for an answer.

Anonymous No. 778903

But what if the flowers ask you?

Anonymous No. 778904

I don't think they have the need to ask, they are the ones who have always been beautiful regardless of what happens in history.

Anonymous No. 778949

Being ugly isn't so bad. You have to give yourself a chance. Others might see a beauty in you that you can't see yourself. Besides, nothing last forever, sometimes it better to never have something than to watch it fade away.

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Anonymous No. 779364

Thought of the day #13

Eclipse day. While I was watching it I listened, obviously, to Total Eclipse by Klaus Nomi.

Anonymous No. 779367


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Kiubai No. 779429

Even though I'm progressing slowly, every time I notice some improvement it makes me happy. I'm starting to enjoy the process (again? Or for the first time?) which I wasn't sure would happen ever. Always sort of saw this as a means to an end, but I might be starting to get it. I hope one day I can make things that can connect with people.

Kiubai No. 779454

How did your life change after using a microscope? For better? Worse? Or was it just different?

Anonymous No. 779473

Thanks for joining the thread! We improve without realizing it, it's very funny and cool.
>I hope one day I can make things that can connect with people.
That's beautiful anon, one of my biggest dreams...

One automatically assumes there are tiny things out there. Bacteria, fungi, living beings in general, but we never really reflect on what it means for a whole new microscopic world to exist. Personally I find it just as wonderful as the universe.

Anonymous No. 779499

Getting rid of the name, it feels a little silly to have one here. But yeah, it is both funny and cool!
>one of my biggest dreams
I think this thread might be something like that. At least, it makes people want to connect with you, makes them feel something like connection. Your drawings with the diary-like entries alongside them I think affect people more than you might expect. I can only speak for myself but there's surely a reason so many others have come here to talk. And if you don't mind I'll probably stick around in this thread for a while. Join in and participate like you said.

>a whole new microscopic world...
I haven't reflected on it a ton, really. In passing, here and there, but reading it written out like that I can sort of see what you're talking about. At the very least it makes me want to go look at things through a microscope.