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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 765568

Hello /i/?
Ciccio here.
Wanna do some doodles for december?
Just to have fun together!

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Anonymous No. 765594

not sure I quite like you OP

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 13m, Replay: View)

Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 765752

I appreciate your honesty Anon.
After all, people don't have to accept me.
I know the reasons why people don't like me, and I know what they are.
You don't even need to list them because they can easily be noticed!
Thx again Anon.

And nice drawing you made!

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Anonymous No. 765782

Why do people hate you ciccio? You seem nice enough imo.

Anonymous No. 765813

>acknowledges that people hate him
>refuses to own up to what he did
>still wonders why people hate him

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Anonymous No. 765882

hey, hey.
let's not be hasty here.

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m)

Anonymous No. 765883

this /i/ thread seems dead lmao

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Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 765914

Oh no, (You) discovered me.
Actually, now I'm scared of you, I won't post on this thread anymore... jk

btw, thanks for the green text!

Anonymous No. 765917

Wait, what did this guy do? He seems fine.

Anonymous No. 765918

it's been 3 days Anon

Anonymous No. 766179

He killed his dog then raped it's corpse. He's a notorious zoosadist. He's been posting about it for years. Only recently did proof actually leak. And if that's just what we've seen then imagine the sick shit he's done when the camera isn't rolling.

Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 766199

Very kek story.
A plot suitable for a semi-comical and ignorant horror film!

Anonymous No. 766211

Sounds about right, never trust namefags

Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 766556

Yeah, namefags are really nasty and liars.

Anonymous No. 766853

is there any proof of this because this guy is trying some shady shit again methinks

Anonymous No. 767077

Ciccio why do some guys hate you? you're funny! :3

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Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 767773

Merry Christmas /i/

Anonymous No. 767774

Finally, the catgirl from the thread all those months ago. I was starting to worry you've forgotten about her.

Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 767842

To be honest, I didn't know whether to use the catgirl or not.
I'm not the author of that OC, but I love how she is made.
I hope the author of the girlcat OC doesn't get annoyed.
If so, I apologize!