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🧵 OC Thread #48: Powerscaling Edition

Anonymous No. 779895

Heyo! Welcome to the OC Thread. Feel free to post about your Original Characters.
This thread's theme is: powerscaling. How strong is your OC? Do they low dif Goku? Can they blow up a universe? Or are they just a lil guy? Talk about their powers, abilities, special techniques, etc. Remember, the theme of the thread is just for fun. If you just wanna sperg about your normal people OCs, that's cool too!
We have a server as well hehehe gg.3XjNhEwKdv
Annnd without further ado... Let's get drawing, oekaki!

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Anonymous No. 779897

alex and alice

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Anonymous No. 779898


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Anonymous No. 779899

here's alex blowing up a moon

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Anonymous No. 779908

i think blades that come out of your forearms like this are really unwieldy weapons. i dont know why i thought it was a good idea to give him these. i can't even imagine how to fight in combat with them. i was thinking of like wolverine's retractable claws or the ac hidden blades but if it comes out of your hand/palm thats way more viable than blades that come out of the outside of your arm???

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Anonymous No. 779909

also, they break super easily.they're made out of solidified demon blood. they're his blood. that little hair barette/ wingy thing that comes out of his head is blood too. anyway they're not sturdy and break super easily, they are worthless weapons and he can keep regenerating them as long as he still has blood in his system, but he can run out.

Anonymous No. 779937

it took you guys how long to make this

Anonymous No. 779939

The previous thread is still up, this is baked too early.

Anonymous No. 779940

if you want the thread to die faster then post your work and make new threads on the board retard

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Anonymous No. 779959

i claim credit for getting them off their ass
twas me : DDD

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 779965

Don’t make a new thread until the old one is on page 10 this time. Don’t need two threads clogging up the catalog.

Anonymous No. 779968


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 779972

I have, why can't you just be patient? It's going to be like two weeks until the next one is archived.
A wip for your troubles

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Anonymous No. 779973

I have, why can't you just be patient? It's going to be like two weeks until the last one is archived.
A wip for your troubles

Anonymous No. 779982

why do you need a new thread at all if the other is still up

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Anonymous No. 779988

bump limit

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Anonymous No. 780120

hungry for more art posts

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Anonymous No. 780131

I have this dumbass idea of a meek jap buisiness man twink who gets isekai'd into a fantasy world selling beer and various products, only to get an orc demon girl to fall madly in love with him and accompany him on adventures, getting into more and more insane fights. she fucks him every night in order to eventually bear a powerful son

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shikanon No. 780152

>How strong is your OC?
Not at all, but he's looking to change that. However he's not going to be as strong as his crush, Dina
>Do they low dif Goku?
Idk what that means but Goku is on another level so my answer is most likely "no"
>Can they blow up a universe?
He can't even squish a fly :) (Nor does he want to)
>Or are they just a lil guy?
Quoting Filat, "I’m not saying [he's] little, but [he's] still green, and trying to figure [himself] out"

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Anonymous No. 780174

power system for the omnipotence series (temp)
still have to fill in the rest of the char sheets
might have to rework it too so that the numbers are more consistent with each other
will also have to draw the portraits of the other player sheets

the full thing's a bit too complex and won't fit in this space but tl;dr is that it's basically an autistic incremental game/roguelike game system with an interface similar to aurora 4x. the player characters are basically 'gods' who exist in a powerfantasy setting dreamt up by some insane forum dweller who posted too much on vsbattles or something. basically an isekai premise

specifically for these bunch
>How strong is your OC?

>Do they low dif Goku?
yes, i didn't watch super though so maybe there's some bullshit goku has

>Can they blow up a universe?
they do that by accident sometimes

Anonymous No. 780175

bitch no one cares

Anonymous No. 780182

that's a big girl

Anonymous No. 780191

i care

Anonymous No. 780284

big enough for me ;)

Anonymous No. 780287

>those hands
are you using ai?

Anonymous No. 780288

I wouldn't be surprised

Anonymous No. 780295

cant wait for her to get mad drunk and accidentally pop his head thinking he's a beer bottle then having an iemotional crisis before joining alcoholics anonymous

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Anonymous No. 780302

"symbolic fanart of me tangled in spiderwebs representing my lack of autonomy as a character trapped inside a narrative and being unwillingly manipulated by various external forces but i seem a little too happy about it" - cemeterything on tumblr

Anonymous No. 780314

>anon mindbroken by ai that he can't even imagine that most people aren't good at drawing hands to begin with

Anonymous No. 780323

do you have a crush on her or something

Anonymous No. 780347

anon and greenie sitting on a tree,

Anonymous No. 780351

fun fact about this one, i had souv3nir playing for 15 mins straight listener style (i had an extended ver playing) before taking a break bc my mom wanted to play a hidden objects game with me

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Anonymous No. 780361

thank you for the claire, anon!

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Anonymous No. 780456

>How strong is your OC?

Strong enough to ride a horse and participate in rodeo events. He carries bundles of straw over his shoulders, does farm-work on his ranch, and can fight people in Walmart.

>Do they low diff Goku? Can they blow up a universe? Or are they just a lil guy?

No, and no. As far as I'm concerned, he's a regular human being obsessed with horses.

... I think.

Anonymous No. 780470

don't tell delta he'll get mad

Anonymous No. 780471

Haven't been in /i/ in a few years, glad to see you're still kicking, and good improvement

Anonymous No. 780502


Anonymous No. 780508

>good improvement

Anonymous No. 780515

i love it when my wife has different sized hands

Anonymous No. 780519


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Anonymous No. 780521

NTA >>780508

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Anonymous No. 780528

ur gona get zaped xD

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Anonymous No. 780540


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Anonymous No. 780541

Vasana has so much power that even God is too afraid to handle. Her tight innie pussy has became the biggest game changer that it can change people’s perception of the world, not aware that they are one of her statistics on how many people she fucked, even got creampied by many. She can also steal your virginity, no matter of your gender and sexual orientation, and others doesn’t mind about it.

Anonymous No. 780553

the fuck

Anonymous No. 780589

another troon self-insert
cmon green, gatekeep your thread better

🗑️ Anonymous No. 780590


Anonymous No. 780591

hi delta

Anonymous No. 780606

rent free

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Anonymous No. 780612

This is Erlang Shen. A blind monk who travels the lands to seal all Evils within his beads, which he uses as magic eyes to see. The bigger the bead, the greater the amount of souls sealed within, and grows red if enough evil is collected. He is currently undefeated in his journeys thus far...

Anonymous No. 780613

I'd bang

Anonymous No. 780616

I’m a cis, so…

Anonymous No. 780618

projection from a self hating fag

Anonymous No. 780620

dont care. post ocs!

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Anonymous No. 780628

My ability is to never sleep.

Oekaki Post (Time: 36m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780636

esoteric ancient lore

Anonymous No. 780640

shmorky stop posting your skype erp logs on oekaki

Anonymous No. 780641

delta himself wrote it
kott dug it up

Anonymous No. 780643

neither of these people are important can they go erp somewhere else

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Anonymous No. 780648

Haven't posted in a bit, focusing on non fred shit and basketball.
That brang back memories of watching those old animations by that diaperfag; le good old days.
>how strong is your oc
He can teleport but that's it. He's as strong as a wet paper towel getting came on.
>could your oc dif goku
No he'd get anally raped and hanged lmfao.
That brang back memories of watching those old animations by that diaperfag; le good old days.
>how strong is your oc
He can teleport but thats pretty much it; he's as strong as a wet paper towel getting came on.
I will never get powerful opish characters; like there's no fun in em. Maybe im just not 'tism.
Im a fag, and this gave me a eye sore. Need to werk on the head's perspective, autism focus bridgman heads.
More unique than avg jap crap i guess, go for it.

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Anonymous No. 780663

>Best drawing I've made of my OC so far
>It's a full frontal nudity sketch I made because I was horny and couldn't sleep.
As far as power level goes, she's on par with an early to mid level D&D character. She's a good fighter, knows a few basic attack spells and has some unique racial abilities that make her harder to kill, but not invincible.

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Anonymous No. 780664

Also non canon lactation pic

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Anonymous No. 780665

wouldnt bridgman heads encourage even more flattening? i love the guy's work and all but he carves his heads out of cuboids and i never got my own head around that

personally i'd suggest just studying real life heads at that point, i cant think of a single construction technique that accounts for the way the head looks in high/low angles

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780666


Anonymous No. 780667

i only see 2 looms
The answer is to study anatomy/real skulls yeah.
I redrew it later anjjtvyway

Anonymous No. 780671

i got the guide to drawing from life, carving from a cuboid like a marble statue *is* the bridgman method for drawing heads, whereas loomis starts from a sphere and builds. it's the differences in approach, and while i'm usually the carver type it just didnt make as much sense for me with heads. different strokes i suppose. neither method gives an easy way to construct around extreme angles though

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Anonymous No. 780678

>curves his head outta cubes
Thats more like a practice/beginner tech to get the head wrapped around your mind. It's mainly just to show the angel of the head.

>personally i'd suggest just studying real life heads at that point, i cant think of a single construction technique that accounts for the way the head looks in high/low angles

Unironically this, even doe i am a bridgman cock sucker,i have to admit studying from irl / pics of people is the best.

Pic rel, bridgman also teaches to use lines to mark land marks in the head. This was made in like 3 mins, plus i am a eternally schizolet so don't take it as a good example of a bridgman head.
I enjoy the carving method because its really good at establishing the head's angel. That and loomis brick walled me so yeah.

>unqiue racial abilities
Can she defend and plead christ like a puerto rican?

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Anonymous No. 780687

a delighttful classic
hope he grew out of that phase in his life

nice to see you fred
do more surrealst comics like that "fred gets dehumanised" one
that shit was funny dawg played off your beginner art style very wellv

might be a long shot but is that you Mr.Crawler?
wow honored to have you on the board if true

Oekaki Post (Time: 45m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 780704

u guys gonna hop on fortnite tonight too or what

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Anonymous No. 780709

i guess their power is lucid dreaming, which they do to fight monsters that cause nightmares.
>how strong
they're skinny girls
>can they beat goku
in their dreams haha

Anonymous No. 780714

She was raised by pious dwarves, so maybe. Her main racial trait is that if her head is otherwise destroyed or decapitated her mind is backed up in her snake tail so she can keep fighting until treated with the proper healing spells.
I don't know a Mr. Crawler, I'm just a simple man that likes big women of the non-human persuasion. Also thanks for the doodle. It's the first time anyone else has done art of my OC.

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Anonymous No. 780717

avnas in a bunny suit :3

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Anonymous No. 780721

I'm actually working on part three of fred gets dehumanized. Gonna finish it this thursday.
Pic semi related the thumbnail to the comic on tapas.

>lizard like
I very much like it! Reminds me of the avg mexician. What if you cut her tail off? Those she suffer negative effects from lacking her tail, or does her tail only really activate after her head gets cut.
What are her nightmares/dreams? Btw interesting designs

I like this.

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Anonymous No. 780727

The only things Koxasy can do while sober is spraying your eyes with mace and run away. If she drank any alcohol, even if the ABV (alcohol by volume) is dangerously high, she became belligerent and start using the bottle or anything that she can reach to throw at you. If she’s not threatened, curls up into a ball and starts crying in a puddle of her own vomit until she knocks herself to sleep. She might wakes up confused with a throbbing headache with no memory of what happened.

Anonymous No. 780730

he's the same dumb nigger as always

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Anonymous No. 780741

>brickwalled by loomis
desu the initial shapes of both methods are a jumping off point for beginners, with neither providing a concrete guide for drawing heads. i think the main difference between the two is whether you map out the angle on a cube or on a sphere with the sides cut off.
i symbol draw the heads nowadays anyway kek

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780744

the two of them actually invade other people's dreams (kinda like that episode of spongebob) to kill monsters that cause nightmares.
Sarah specifically has become so keen on realizing she's dreaming that more often than not monsters will just insult her through her dreams instead of directly attacking her.

Anonymous No. 780748

hey pedophile can you stop trying to groom the minor.

Anonymous No. 780756

Fredo the Pedo

Anonymous No. 780793

jfc we havent seen him post any of his retarded mushroom girl ocs in over a year. anons on this board are malding so bad over a guy who isnt even around anymore.

Anonymous No. 780805

ahem >>780589
guess we got to fuck him up again

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Anonymous No. 780810

even if a bunch of my characters are supposed to be all fightersm, im bad at giving them abilities...

his name is eclair, he's part of the bunch of eclipse ocs that social media artists did (including me)

he is not too strong, the only great thing he casually has is having a lot of strength but then nothing more. has like a special ability that is just to keep enemies away on where as it implies, his head just becomes a eclipse looking thing. it doesnt burn, but it can cause the same eye damage as the normal eclipse would do, and with this thing activated it also affects the surrounding to match the ''eclipse'' thats only seen by him and the focused enemies.

can he beat goku? hell no , can they blow up a universe? hell nah , are they just a lil guy? yes he issss

>>780612 smash

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Anonymous No. 780821

I should really do a parody of that damaskas song herbert the pervert, but replace the lyrics with fredo the pedo. Like the ring of it

Finished up muh nu-est fred shitpost now to do comic lineart and shiwiwieiet.

I know that, i mainly block in heads as shapes with slight landmarks, usually comes out meh but it works well enough. as for the brick walling its probably because i took loomis and holy scripture for a bit and feel for the head meme; instead of seeing it as a /beg/ way of learning the basics of the head.
>symbol drawing


So sarah has to exprence the avg 'cord clique, interesting ever time she enters a dream. Do they go into the dreams just to kill le nightmares for the altruistic sake of doing it, or is there any other motives at play
So he is a mild nuisance at best. What if someone were to put something in his face while he is eclisped(ie a cock or something of that nature)

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Anonymous No. 780831

this is angelo his powers are repelling all pussy with his terrible personality and not having friends
he is very weak and stupid and would probably piss his pants if he was faced with a physical altercation (even though he talks a lot of shit)
basically he's a /pol/ frequenter

Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780833

He's kinda cute

Anonymous No. 780834

he looks like he'd still get more pussy than you kek

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Anonymous No. 780841


fred compress your drawing more
dont leave so much empty space on the canvas
make things more minimalist and efficient like pic related
unless you're gonna doodle a lotta stuff in the blank spot' it makes the comic feel empty

dude those lyrics are hilarious
do the parody that shit'll slap


Oekaki Post (Time: 58m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780845

Reminds me of one my cousins. Is he a futa fag as well?
Not lel anon but i like this a lot, good job.

>fred compress your drawing more
dont leave so much empty space on the canvas
make things more minimalist and efficient like pic related
unless you're gonna doodle a lotta stuff in the blank spot' it makes the comic feel empty

I've noticed that problem a lot, i'm gonna attempt to add moar shit into the my pics. Feel like i did a decent job at mitigating that problem in >>780821 pic rel.

>dude those lyrics are hilarious
do the parody that shit'll slap

Ill see if i can do it in muh music DAW. My fav song from that guy is this one

Also kino fred pic, i really have to get off my ass and draw some kott pics when i get home.

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Anonymous No. 780848

I got the idea that when someone is aware they are dreaming, any injuries they receive while dreaming are translated to their real body.
At first it could be just protecting people from being killed in their dreams (as someone may become aware on accident), but could dive into a deeper "plot", perhaps a serial killer or government conspiracy. I'm not sure, this isn't something I've had a lot of time to think about yet.

Anonymous No. 780852

the only time i went lucid in a dream is if i concentrated on the specific brand of chocolate milk i was holding. can choccy milk drunk while dreaming also translate to choccy milk in the real body?
very cool concept so far

Anonymous No. 780853

Not entirely sure if drinking or eating would fill your stomach in the real world, as that would create matter out of nowhere (though i guess being injured from dreams may be supernatural enough so summoning choccy milk wouldn't be too far out of the scope of normalcy)
it would certainly save money on groceries.

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Anonymous No. 780856

as i said, it doesnt burn or anything- it will surely traspass his face. the eclipse thing is very thin and whatever you put here will feel like they're traspassing some air barrier

(featured character in the background: paronte with the wrong design)

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m)

Anonymous No. 780859

Uh why are all these characters Aryan in the OP .

Anonymous No. 780867

>government conspiracy
Isn't what the feds were trying to do with MKUltra
if you aren't in the know the american feds were trying to "awaken" people's psychic abilities by getting people high on LSD and other mind altering drugs and then shoving them into those isolation pods to see how their mind's vision evolves in absence of outside stimulation

Anonymous No. 780868

I know about MKultra, as well as some other CIA stuff like astral projection. I find it interesting and weirdly hilarious that the American government does supernatural stuff.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 780869


Anonymous No. 780870

bro did you just post a homestuck character whose skin color doesn't match my headcanon?
fuck you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 780871

that's green nigga but yeah she does look like one now that you mention it

Anonymous No. 780884

Permabeg slop.

Anonymous No. 780886

it was a different time during the cold war
then the damned hollywood jews ruined all the wacky bizarre experimental shit
now its all pedophile honey pots for blackmailing politicians and bussiness men

Anonymous No. 780887

Green didn’t even draw the last one you tagged, it’s a different artstyle.

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Anonymous No. 780888

Her name is Momo.
She's a bit of a clumsy witch.
She can control crows.

Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780891

nice trips!

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 780897


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Anonymous No. 780954

Vivian worked in a convenience store for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, getting paid above minimum wage just to survive in a city. Fortunately, she lives with her cousin, Sasha, in a small 1SDK (sitting, dining, and kitchen) flat without A/C, which is why both of them walk around their home naked during summer, even sometimes skinny dipped into a swimming pool where nobody’s here. Vivian is also exhausted mentally after dealing with different types of people who go to the store, which is why she sleeps during a day.

Anonymous No. 780963

Dont care slopshit is slopshit

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Anonymous No. 780966

Anonymous No. 780999


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Anonymous No. 781000

goyslop cat

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 781001

>uses perspective lines
>uses them incorrectly
>don't even apply them so it might as well not exist
never change fred

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shikanon No. 781019

Here's more Zhenya!
Also which outfit would be your favourite?

Anonymous No. 781038

pyw and show us how much better you are then newfren

Anonymous No. 781065

whoa this is cool, love the composition.

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🗑️ TV-Chan No. 781068

Hai join discord

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Anonymous No. 781072

stop looking down you dumbass

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Anonymous No. 781080

One day ill go from schizo /beg/ to pre /beg/.
Probably in twenty years lmfao.

Gonna color page and lineart.

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Anonymous No. 781082

picrel is a pair of entities I've seen in my own dreams that they might fight
>the screens
I've posted a pair of images already. basically a CRT or Flatscreen TV that is usually bright red, with white text. The text is usually related to biblical stuff like hell and the end times, but insulted me when i told it to fuck off.
>wire guy
a monster i encountered on a rooftop. It's a man's corpse with some copper wire replacing a large portion of the body.
The wire "arm" can extend, and the three fingers on the end are some kind of sensor. (for some reason i assumed it could smell things)

this is cool. do you mind sharing info on it?

Anonymous No. 781083

I would honestly give up drawing if I was you. How can you think this is good enough to post?

Anonymous No. 781084

can you guys stop giving him attention lol. post ocs and hide/ignore derailers and trolls how hard is it

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Anonymous No. 781087

da lore (pdf wip)

Anonymous No. 781088

that's pretty awesome actually. i love lore like this

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Anonymous No. 781108

Yume, a wandering sleepy witch who resides deep in a foggy forest, who emits spores from her mushroom hat for that can cause various magical effects for both offense and defense- from beings to become delirious, fall asleep, paralyzed, or even death. She can float in the air and glide using her Jellyfish broom, its tendrils causing immense pain to whomever tries to steal it from her.
Can also be used as a staff her to cast spells, her favorite being one to summon the countless of minions and creatures, who have wandered into her forest and controlled by her spores....

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Anonymous No. 781138

I do envision her as being of somewhat Hispanic complexion because she's outside adventuring a lot and also brown chicks are hot.
Posting my last two nude pics before I go back to drawing her fully clothed again. Just wanted to practice a rear view and hand bra sketch. I swear she's not normally this slutty!

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Anonymous No. 781139

As you can see I'm much better at drawing goat legs from the front. The hooves continue to be difficult though

Anonymous No. 781147

AI slop? On my /i/?

Anonymous No. 781155

I must be getting really bad at telling what is ai anymore

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Anonymous No. 781159

Being retarded? On my /i/?

Anonymous No. 781160

Ok i didn't think so
Bury nice

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Anonymous No. 781171

robot with hair vents. her name is anise.
can you ai fearmongering faggots post any evidence that you actually draw and if not can you fuck off already

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vile fucking hag.....png

Anonymous No. 781180

a VILE fucking HAG, SIR!! YES!!!

Anonymous No. 781183

The Begslop pandemic here is far FAR worst. Al would be breath of fresh air.

Anonymous No. 781186

Bait-chan thread is down the hall. >>774117

Anonymous No. 781189

>far worst
Yeah, looks like the only thing worse is the ESL posters.

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Sans titre 46_202....png

Anonymous No. 781190

* Sasha, like Vivian, worked in a convenience store for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, getting paid above minimum wage and live in a small 1SDK (sitting, dining, and kitchen) flat. She also chose to be naked during summers because her flats has no A/C. Unlike Vivian, Sasha used her homemade shisha to smoke her minds out, regardless it’s tobacco, marijuana, or all mixed, as a coping mechanism after work. She also think about opening her own smoke shop and lounge in the future instead of working in a convenience store so she can work while getting high while seducing men with her breasts.

Anonymous No. 781198

What the fuck? Coombrain get off my baord

Anonymous No. 781200

Based francophone coomer

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Anonymous No. 781201

a winning smile

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 781202

all this naked talk and i see them wearing clothes

Anonymous No. 781207

Not a francophone, but a Puerto Rican in Florida (a.k.a. a Floricua). Might plan to move to France in the future.
I’ll post all of them naked after I finish the rest of five of my OCs.

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the walk.png

Anonymous No. 781215

hell yeah bro

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Anonymous No. 781228

old woman......

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Anonymous No. 781237

Anonymous No. 781273

You really don't have to. In fact, I'm begging you not to. Nobody wants to see that.

Anonymous No. 781278

Yup. This threads' filled with begs as usual.

Anonymous No. 781279


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Anonymous No. 781285

how could i be homophobic i blew his fucking brains out

Anonymous No. 781286

Most likely you who don’t want to see mine. All you have to do is to hide all my posts and that’s all.

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Anonymous No. 781288

This is a windspirit who likes to eat cheese and steal your shit. Can fly at highspeeds and has collected various magical items and trinkets along her journey...

Anonymous No. 781293


blog ?

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Anonymous No. 781294

>How strong is your OC?

Between yamcha and base Goku (from the Saiyan saga) level but he can have some toon force if needed

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Sans titre 47_202....png

Anonymous No. 781302

5 down, 4 more to go.

Flotilda from Gisêblîs has left her city she was raised to a new city less than 500 kilometers away so she can, while outside, being temperate and meet new people and cultures outside of her hometown. But while she comes back to her small 1R studio flat, she became hedonistic with a computer to play games or talk in group chats, disposable vape bars and dab pens to blow on it and make tricks, sex toys whenever she felt horny by masturbating it while watching porn or using her thoughts, and unlimited amounts of vibes. But Flotilda’s indoor hedonistic lifestyle has led to her flat being messy filled with empty food containers and packages, empty bottles and cans, and disposable vape bars and dab pens, and her flat has a stench of whatever the flavor she smokes, even it got into her clothes and hair for days.

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Nickben Eleven No. 781306

This is Nickben Eleven. He has the ability to absorb energy from others which in turns gives him little random stat boosts or even the powers of his targets. He's just trying to have the best time of his life, going around having fun. This is his cursed form though, so his power has been halfed until he gets that fixed. (Which will be relatively never lol)

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Anonymous No. 781343

This is Vaski. She is the spirit of a fictional 14.5x114mm anti materiel rifle. She is an android foxgirl. She is a mary sue and schadenfreude. Her height is 194cm, her gun length is 215cm and weighs 46lbs. She has a full length top rail for clip on night vision. Her most common configurations are with a bipod or tripod.

Anonymous No. 781347

Did this for an daily October challenge lol

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Anonymous No. 781381

werewolf au with an oc ship with my partner ft. Josep (right)
been low on the art juice in general lately, i think its bc ive been listening to less music at home. gotta try doing that more
josep still isnt big enough baka

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Anonymous No. 781388

my oc donutstelae

Anonymous No. 781398

because its the superior race you fucking pajeet

Anonymous No. 781401

lmao good morning sirs

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Anonymous No. 781446

Alicade Tredecima, the Thirteenth Creation of the Fourth Sage, Alicade of Carmine. In terms of physical strength, she is capable of tearing apart steel plates and puncturing them with her fists, but her real power lies in her sheer arcanic knowledge, which in her setting is more akin to temporary reality warping where they have to justify the existence of their magical constructs by basically tricking reality for a while.

While she does appear human, she is anything but. Her bodies are completelty restructured from the ground up as general purpose mobile spellcasting platforms (though she has specialized platforms for specific purposes), and each and every one of her bodies are connected together through a hivemind, with the gestalt mind existing in a higher plane of existence above reality allowing for seamless and instantaneous communication across the infinitely sized world (think minecraft but infinite in the x, y, and z dimensions.)

>How strong is your OC?
Pretty strong, though it's mostly because of the hax that is her setting's way of using magic.

>Do they low dif Goku?
I don't see a low diff. Theoretically, she could target him from an arbitrary distance and hit him with conceptual flame (which induces the effect of burning but without existing in reality, so it can't be put out by regular means and it will burn anything regardless of whether or not it's even flammable, like fire or empty space), but in a straight fight Goku can just obliterate her. Granted, it'd be difficult to get rid of her because of how many bodies she possess (not to mention she can infect and convert him into one of herself), but yeah its not something Goku can't beat.

>Can they blow up a universe?
Theoretically, but that requires so much energy that while the spell itself wouldn't be computationally complex, it's so utterly impractical and she'd be unable to achieve it without at least possessing a Godshard to manipulate Creation directly without it refuting her spell instantly.

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Anonymous No. 781453

More of him

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Anonymous No. 781463

Daily remind reminder that this person is a drama starting faggot who gets beat by his dad.

Anonymous No. 781464

Lol seriously??

Anonymous No. 781465

Isn't he dating a 15 year old girl on roblox nowadays

Anonymous No. 781467

Nigger he's doing that on purpose so to get you post this screenshot and farm (you)s

Anonymous No. 781470

based and fred-pilled lmao

Anonymous No. 781488

honestly, i don't get why you're even using perspective guides when it looks like it's not even used properly, or in scenes where they aren't even needed, or scens where you just outright don't understand how they're meant to be used

i dunno if this is a troll, but if it is, it's kinda sad

Anonymous No. 781490

if you believe "she" is 15, sure. but what's more likely? another child being on an 18+ site, or a pedophile being on an 18+ site?

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Sans titre 51_202....png

Anonymous No. 781523

Roxana is a quirky individual. She likes to move a lot but doesn’t know why she does it. She always pick up hobbies that she failed to hold it because she’s no longer interested or finds it boring, difficult, annoying, or forget about the hobby she’s taking. And every time she finds something to spin with or press random buttons, it makes her focus. She also a massive vape head, even making tricks when puffing her flavored vape bar after work, school, home, or everywhere. She also smoke other tobacco and marijuana products to make her relax despite making her lungs black like charcoal and her eyes red like tomatoes, but cannot handle with one sip of alcohol without making her drunk, can’t walk properly, and got sick that happened few times to her lifetime.

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Anonymous No. 781536

hell tourist

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Anonymous No. 781656

Likes to eat food, scurry around, and being a MENACE
Cheesed to meet you.

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Sans titre 48_202....png

Anonymous No. 781661

Well then, you can call me Charlotte Viljoen. I'm 22 years old. Not if you care; I live in the south centre of Lagjóx, where all the townhouses are. I'm currently on an internship for broadcast journalism at ORT, and I get home every day at 8 in the evening. I'm not a big fan of smoking, but I do like to drink in groups. I get to bed at 11 at night, and each night I make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what's going on in life. After I get myself a glass of warm milk and do about 20 minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually sleep until the morning without any problems. I then awakened in the morning refreshed and fully charged like a newborn child, ready to take on today's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health.

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Anonymous No. 781695

soulless goyslop cat

Anonymous No. 781696

Nah this is the good one.its only goyslop when you draw that necoarc ripoff

Anonymous No. 781714

designed for rape

Anonymous No. 781716

you can just say you think she’s cute y’know

Anonymous No. 781723

you think she would take the entire knot in her or just the tip?
i bet she fucks dogs

Anonymous No. 781727

freaky ass nigga he a beastiality god
hey hey hey hey run for your lives

Anonymous No. 781730

>white chick
>fucks dog
seems about right yeah

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legalize nuclear ....png

Anonymous No. 781740

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Anonymous No. 781743

a different outfit

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Sans titre 49_202....png

Anonymous No. 781746

If you think you’re this stressed, at least you’re not Pálpopa. That person had started as a realtor having to make sure the homes she’s presenting have no damages, regardless of the size, or else nobody will buy it and the damage will be pocketed by Pálpopa’s paycheck. At least her life had started from the beginning after she left the United States after high school graduation. She also was traumatized during her senior year when her second ex told lies that Pálpopa had sex with multiple people in the bathroom because she caught him dating with a freshman behind her back, and her first ex done the same but the girl was at his age at that time. Nothing more heartbreaking, depressing, embarrassing, and stupid than Pálpopa wasted her virginity in the dirtiest bathroom known to man during her 18th birthday to a “special person” she thought she in loved ended up getting backstabbed and then had her reputation in school ruined by another.

Anonymous No. 781814

bet she's weak to anal

Anonymous No. 781831

This is niggerslop.

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Ciccio !8zrq655DwE No. 781839

He's Ciccio-Tan
Sometimes people call him Frank because they mistake him for someone else


Basically he doesn't have such strong powers, I can say that he is skilled at using weapons and tools.
You give him a weapon and he quickly learns to use it to defend himself and fight.
When he comes into contact with magical objects he becomes powerful.
Example: If he comes into possession of a golden statue of an eagle (a sign of power according to him) he becomes unstoppable, ultra fast, over powered and with the power of the gods flowing through him.
An executioner who does everything for justice and peace!
He can also deceive his opponents, he can develop plans in a short time.
He can come up with stupid pranks but sometimes he can make deadly pranks, and the one who dies is the poor unfortunate... while he laughs at the poor victim (if the victim is a too evil person obviously)!

>Do they low dif Goku

Honestly he can become stronger than his opponent, he could defeat Goku but he would become his friend... because Ciccio respects Goku.

>Can they blow up a universe?

If you give him a source of power greater than a Golden Eagle then he may have enough power to go berserk and destroy anything in his path, Ciccio doesn't recognize opponents or friends.
He could seek more power and then become an entity capable of destroying the universe.
Ciccio Exterminate everything!

>Or are they just a lil guy?

Never be fooled by what he looks like, he's not a lil' guy, but it's better not to provoke or threaten him... never be fooled even by the lil version of Ciccio!


This is an image where he is in a moment of tranquility, I didn't know how to present it but I'll give you a moment of tranquility.

Despite his anarchic nature he defends his friends and those he loves, he has a weak point but it's better not to reveal it.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to give more details.
Thanks for reading!

Anonymous No. 781895

Hello Ciccio-Tan it's been a while since the last time I saw you

Anonymous No. 781962

Can someone draw this bitch getting raped or killed?

Anonymous No. 781967

You’ve got them pressed in here with this one, go ahead and drop the next one tomorrow

Anonymous No. 781976

normal person in real life: hey man how's it going

Anonymous No. 781994

no she fucks dogs that's her kink its a race-traitor thing nam saying?

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Anonymous No. 781996

>race traitor
well she really is into some elf guy. so that is true. i mean who would actually want to fuck a cat boy? would you? would anyone? not even the gayest of guys or the most desperate of women would ever, ever, ever pick a cat boy

Anonymous No. 781997

are you brown?

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Anonymous No. 781998

watashi no namae wa green desu! dozo yoroshiku

Anonymous No. 781999

>dog hater in the streets dogfucker in the sheets

Anonymous No. 782006

Ok we get it, you don't like the catgirl. Are you gonna stay obsessed the entire time or are you gonna draw ocs

Anonymous No. 782013

Hello lawyer

Anonymous No. 782016

how many knots do you think she can fit in her?

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you stink.png

seek help No. 782018


Anonymous No. 782019

Let them have fun

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 782021

Oekaki Post (Time: 3s, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782032

commissioning a friend which do u prefer bbc or knots?
will post results in a week

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maid day 2024.png

Anonymous No. 782034

yaoi i mean happy maid day!!!
stfu broke ass nigga u aint gonna do shit

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Anonymous No. 782035

He just got out of a shower and she bought take out bc she doesnt wanna cook.

I'll powerscale them later when I'm not tired.

Anonymous No. 782040

dogs it is

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Anonymous No. 782041

happy maid day to those who celebrate

Anonymous No. 782045

why does the fat guy on the left have Gonorrhea

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Anonymous No. 782063


Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782104


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Anonymous No. 782108

more like blue and purple lmao
ever heard of any other color nimrod?

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782109

get rekt loser
now in flip-o-rama action !!!!!

Anonymous No. 782110

came out way cuter than initially expected wtf
was a fun way to properly break in my new stylus : DDD
also she's my rat girl OC donut steele her name is greenn and she's a rat girl and has a super cool backstory way cooler than whatever green has

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Anonymous No. 782132

Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782141

Each of you are inspiring to me
Aye, Kott! we're gonna make it, steady ourselves, we are all the fool!

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kitty kitty.png

Anonymous No. 782146

Anonymous No. 782167

ayoo anon actually delivered lmao

Anonymous No. 782183

comfiest lookin dog i ever done seen

Anonymous No. 782199

if you niggers could keep your drama on your own board that would be great thanks

Anonymous No. 782213


Anonymous No. 782220

Sorry Delta or whoever, some faggot from /b/ named Debil drew your character for a request, not knowing it's part of a drama campaign. We at /b/ would like to formally apolagize for this

Anonymous No. 782221

if you niggers could keep your drama on your own board that would be great thanks

Anonymous No. 782223

I'm going to shit in your mouth.

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Anonymous No. 782225


Anonymous No. 782226

well this is getting interesting

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Anonymous No. 782231

I want more

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Anonymous No. 782233

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782238

i disappear for 2 days to play dave the diver.
218 posts and 50% is no pic garbage.
what are you people here for other than ocs
post ocs NOW!!!!!

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782244

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Sans titre 50_202....png

Anonymous No. 782269

Léonor went from a normal girl fresh out of a small island of Madeira to one of the most feared ex-fighters in a secret fight club in Llenoz to a computer geek in an Internet cafe she works at in Kyśtenó getting paid above minimum wage. She doesn’t like talking about her fight club days and all the activities there in public, even told them it’s none of their business. After Léonor left the club years ago, she picked up swimming as her new physical hobby, and does it in her spare time, which is why she has a tan line from her one-piece bikini that she later switched it to a bikini tie-front top and thong bottom to show more skin. She knows every secret her group has, even the most embarrassing and terrifying ones, but keeps it to herself. She doesn’t have any interest in men or doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship with them because she doesn’t want to deal with them.

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Anonymous No. 782270

Here’s all my OCs naked. It also show the perspective on their height.

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Anonymous No. 782271


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Anonymous No. 782272


Anonymous No. 782275

I'm always afraid i look like this guy drawing porn of my ocs

Anonymous No. 782276

yes you do anon porn is degenerate unless its straight/yuri

Anonymous No. 782302

Draw OC porn and post it here and we'll see

Anonymous No. 782303

youre scared of being based and confident?

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Anonymous No. 782306

Oekaki Post (Time: 38m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782307

repost for by bestie green

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Anonymous No. 782308

nice draw format

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Anonymous No. 782313

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782314


Oekaki Post (Time: 40s, Source: >>782313)

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Anonymous No. 782315


Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>782314)

Anonymous No. 782316

WOW, so pretty...

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Anonymous No. 782317


Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Source: >>782315)

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Anonymous No. 782318


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Anonymous No. 782324

Captain Mercury "Merry" MacArthur, the Scourge of Jove, Subjugator of Europa and Commander of Merry Bandits Company

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Anonymous No. 782325

Lord Marshal Pyotr Gibbons, the Serpent of Luna, Second Son of Duke Henri Gibbons of the Gibbons Family and CEO of Shackleton Solar Manufacturing

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Anonymous No. 782326

Sebastian "Ares" Graves, Lord of the Iron Sands, the Warlord of the Daedalian Plains and Father of the Martian Socialist Revolution

Anonymous No. 782336

anon have you ever played starsector?

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mad witch of the ....png

Anonymous No. 782341

haven't played it in full, no

Anonymous No. 782342

play it with nexellerin mod
a lotta spacer roleplay potential there
myself had to put it down after my cargo frieghter to galactic emperor run got outta hand
the way you titled your OCs and how the're all potraits with titles i think you get a kick outta starsector

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Anonymous No. 782365


Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782366


Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>782365)

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Anonymous No. 782367


Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>782366)

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Anonymous No. 782369


Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>782367)

Anonymous No. 782371

Who is this character? Any name? Info?

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Anonymous No. 782380

Anonymous No. 782395

its me i am this character

Anonymous No. 782397

What is she hiding

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Anonymous No. 782398

She's already too late.
She died.
Her soul was eaten by the devil.

Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782399

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782400

You did well.
It was very delicious.
As a thank you, let's present another cancer to the family.

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Anonymous No. 782401

she thought tobasco was a type of jam

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Source: >>782398)

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Anonymous No. 782403

then draw a tobasco bottle dummy

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>782401)

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Anonymous No. 782407

she ate half a jar of starwberry jam after getting changed into better clothes

Oekaki Post (Time: 43m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782408

minimalist ver

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Source: >>782407)

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Anonymous No. 782409

my coloring is shite
please someone else fix it with a better pallette

Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Source: >>782407)

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Anonymous No. 782411

mm, might try it out
danke anon

Anonymous No. 782412

her name is jammy btw she likes red jam

Anonymous No. 782425

a hammer that turns you into cookies

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 782443

safely hidden >:^)

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 10m, Source: >>782380)

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Anonymous No. 782447

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>782403)

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Anonymous No. 782448

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782454

you think toby fox ever feels disgusted about all the vile and reprehensible undertale art that would be unleashed to the world

Anonymous No. 782455

Being that I don't personally know Toby Fox, it would be very hard for me to say how he feels about anything. I would imagine he has better things to do than think about lewd fanart of his creations.

I want to hug Toriel and treat her with kindness. I feel profound sadness that she is just a video game character.

Anonymous No. 782456

this is a good post. thank you.

Anonymous No. 782477


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Sans titre 66_202....png

Anonymous No. 782485

Osdonian hospitality as its finest when Koxasy, who is drunk from few beers she drank, invited you for a drink with her friends, who are also drunk.

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Anonymous No. 782489

ozzy fed her the blueberries

Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Source: >>782447)

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Anonymous No. 782491

stop poisoning jammy

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782492

Thank you thief.

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782493

can i keep her please she is very cute

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Anonymous No. 782495

Oekaki Post (Time: 28m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782496

She's like Pepe.
She is buried by her creator and remains bound forever.

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782499

i'll take good care of her : DDD

Anonymous No. 782504

still better cat gril than green

Anonymous No. 782505

> Green's getting shit on again
What happened this time?

Anonymous No. 782506

Nothing lmao. But when does /i/ ever need an excuse to shit on someone?

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the numberrrrrr.png

Anonymous No. 782508

working on a numerical system, need to figure out 1000

Anonymous No. 782514

There will be a limit on the thread he was using.
He gets stressed out.
He attacks.
>Just jealous

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leo buckingham.png

Anonymous No. 782515

Latest OC. This is kinda sketchy but it's some of my best work in some time.

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Anonymous No. 782517

i get shit on all the time i’m used to it
i’d rather it be me than some of the nice posters in this thread who don’t deserve it
give me all the smoke, let me face the peril

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Anonymous No. 782518


Anonymous No. 782519

why even maintain a log10 counting system
go the full mile and take a different log
maybe like log12 with the egyptians (they counted the cross sections of the four fingers)
go wacky with your worldbuilding

stinky rat
you carry your plague wherever you go

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Anonymous No. 782522

Wut did magneta/green/whatsherface did nowwww?

Also what music does your ocs listen to.

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Anonymous No. 782525

kott why are you even here don’t you have your own thread
are you that bored that you’re stalking us again
you’re telling me to shoo and go away you have your own containment thread and this is ours
if you don’t like it why are you here

Anonymous No. 782528

see: >>782109

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Anonymous No. 782533

get bonked bozo

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Anonymous No. 782539


Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 782544

i wish someone was obsessed with me like kott is with green

Anonymous No. 782549

because assuming you're making the numbers out of sticks, two 5s would make 2 stick rectangles when you put them together, that it's much easier to make a new symbol for it altogether.
some other population can do a different counting system, its not the only conlang i'll make i have more in me

Anonymous No. 782550

also stop laughing at your own jokes and post ocs

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Anonymous No. 782553

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bunnie tries a weed.png

Anonymous No. 782555

anybopdy in this thread smoke weed

Anonymous No. 782559

It's past the bump limit, all he cares about is being on page 1 so he wont bother to draw there, he deleted all the video games off his computer and has literally nothing going on in his life, he is hopelessly desperate for female attention, and worst of all he is just a horrible fucking piece of shit.

This has been going on for over 4 years (and will continue for ever). Did you even need to ask, I mean why even validate his existence?

Anonymous No. 782568

i love you say all this shit without a hint of fucking self awareness whatsoever about yourself or your own retarded lil clique you two ton fleshlight
congrats on making yourself look retarded on /b/
now you crawl back here and validate the fag with your drama crying about how mean two retards were to you when everyone outside your hug box hates your fucking guts
I stopped coming here long ago to get away from all your shit
then your bitch ass comes along to my board and takes the bait
like holy fucking shit are you legit retarded?
your another pig in the shit pile
kott and fred don't give a flying fuck about being retarded in shit
you and delta keep feeding the trough stalking anons and shitting up boards with drama they'll keep pulling you back
you made these faggots now you deal with the fucking consequences
leave us all the fuck out of it

Anonymous No. 782569

lol, lmao even.

Anonymous No. 782570

Don't think so, at least not in this case.
The usual.

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Anonymous No. 782571

What the actual fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 782572

this entire thread is so fucking embarrassing from start to finish, you all either act like children or manchildren, i dont think an in-between is even possible
jesus christ you should all be ashamed
i wish there was a way to report the whole thread for deletion or something because there's no saving it anymore

Anonymous No. 782573

I fucking hate you drama fags so god-damn much. You are gatekeeping a dead board and scaring away anyone who would bring a breath of fresh air in. You may think you're keeping your board 'clean' but really, your antisocial tendencies are driving everyone away. Fucking stop starting shit and just DRAW! NONE OF YOU FUCKERS EVER CONTRIBUTE TO THREADS!!! GET OFF MY BOARD!!!

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Anonymous No. 782574


Anonymous No. 782575

I don't think that is true at all. Nobody is gatekeeping in any thread as far as I can tell. I have never seen any evidence that a new drawfag left the board because he saw there was drama. There are only a few schizos who are obsessed with this namefag or that namefag for schizo reasons, this is not unique to /i/ and doesn't even effect any other thread outside of this general.

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Anonymous No. 782576

>replying sincerely to a pasta

Anonymous No. 782577

hehe cute

Anonymous No. 782586

This is the most fun you guys been in awhile. Someone make a lore comic how this all started?

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Anonymous No. 782592

I'd rather just do away with the whole thing altogether. it's really tiresome when people cant post without some schizoid hounding them, even when I'm not the one that's happening to. they're not special enough for that kind of dedication over squabbles that happened like 2-3 years ago at the latest that they alone just haven't let go of bc they got nothing better to do and no video games to play
it's been 3 years since the accident kott you have to let go.....

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Anonymous No. 782593

it started way waaaaay back when delta first started posting here

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Anonymous No. 782594

this is from the archive btw
he's been a lolcow from even back then

he got an encyclopedia dramatica article made of him cause he was sexually harassing a female artists online
there's a reddit post from his old deleted account (yes he was a ledditor too lmao) about how the artist understandibly stopped interacting with him lol

Anonymous No. 782595

he's evolved into a ratking attracting a whole rogue's gallery of autists in the discord

Anonymous No. 782601

Very sorry, as they're gonna go off anyways, might as know the players and story progression!

If true, runs deeps.

Anonymous No. 782604

>schizos obsessed with namefags for schizo reasons

Anonymous No. 782605

stay gone delta
dont make me pull up the cripple underage boy feet fic i swear i can and will bully you off the board again no cap frfr

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Anonymous No. 782607

what discord? because he hasn't messaged anyone here for ~half a year minimum

the ED article mainly documents stuff he did while he was underage, which wasn't that long before the first OC threads came to be. i wouldnt trust an article that accuses a 14-15 year-old crushing on another 14-15 year-old of being a pedophile for that reason

even after a year of absence from the board he's still in your head rent free. at least make a containment thread for your obsession instead of roping oc autists who aint heard from him in ages back into it when we dont even have anything to do with him anymore.

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Anonymous No. 782611

i think it just draws unnecessary attention and validation to something that's mundane squabbling at best and one-sided obsession at worst.
there isn't anyone involved i'd trust to make a well-rounded comic about it, anyway. anyone who takes you up on that has a bridge they want to sell you in a 2-for-1 deal. the perspective on either "side" would be meaningless. it's not worth the hassle, especially when half the people in there would rather it be over.

Anonymous No. 782614

i like to start flame wars or you fags stop posting altogether

Anonymous No. 782615

what is your problem? like actually? we just want to draw and post ocs, and it's not like we're the ones who are the most autistic about doing so either.
you can pretend like we're not posting by just hiding the threads if you really hate seeing us on the catalog that much

Anonymous No. 782616

>to draw and post ocs
you guys move at 2 posts per century very slowly im justified

Anonymous No. 782619

>gee, a thread moves slowly on the slowest board on the site? how queer!
just admit you don't have a real reason to be mad. play a new video game or something, we have jobs now - of course we're posting slower.
i recommend dave the diver to start with, its pretty good.

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Anonymous No. 782620

evil woman

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Anonymous No. 782622

Christ, this gives me conniptions lel.
Thats just the chain of order for most sites. Nonames want the namefag schizo pie to feel good.
I wouldn't douht it if everyone was just schizoing over someone who stopped posting long ago. I mean for all anyone couls know there could be a delta clone, ala nu fred on /mmg/ or the fred followers on /co/.

Anonymous No. 782629

Delta had green’s dox and was basically blackmailing her with it so that he could run the discord and “the board”. Once some trolls from /ic/ found the dox delta had, green realized delta had no power over her anymore and kicked him out. Since then there hasn’t been any schizo shit in the discord, everyone kinda moved on with their lives, nobody wanted to do the board policing more than delta because he had no friends. delta doesn’t post here anymore and has fucked off to parts unknown.

Anonymous No. 782634

when yall have drama i read it like its the morning paper

Anonymous No. 782635

can you guys post ocs please :(

Anonymous No. 782636

go to a board thats not dead for that

Anonymous No. 782638

>my only options are shitflinging coomers on /b/ or the crabs on /ic/
no thanks!

Anonymous No. 782640

Where even.

Anonymous No. 782641

That’s retarded enough.

Anonymous No. 782643

green never kicked him out, he's technically in the server, just absent

Anonymous No. 782644

you telling me there was a civil war arc to th oc discord?
you've got to be fucking with me
why wasn't i invited?
i feel hurt : ꓷꓷꓷ

Anonymous No. 782646

now will you leave us alone since your boyfriend is gone

Anonymous No. 782654

no i was gonna continue bonking green but thread is past bump and since you guys don't aim for image limit is basicly dead
i'll continue the beatdown in the next bread with a vengeance : DDD

also how's melvinfag doing?
outside some low effort doodles havent seen him post wizards in a while

Anonymous No. 782656

don’t you have friends that actually like having you around

Anonymous No. 782660

Love her so much

Anonymous No. 782662

>Want to be the change they want to see in the world
>I should contribute more OC art to keep the general alive
>I instead decide to be a cancerous tumor to the general by shitposting, inciting drama from years ago, and schizo post about namefags who don't even exist anymore

Anonymous No. 782668

ive been here, just havent posted wizards lately mainly bc worldbuilding-wise my focus is on the conlang atm

post in reply is fanfiction because delta never got kicked out. you can prove that he's still in there. we just havent heard from him since 2023
i still dont know what grudge you're holding despite the multiple 'truces' we've had. you'd think after 3 years you'd get tired too.
im much more interested in any worldbuilding you'd be doing, considering you've shown interest in mine

Anonymous No. 782679

oh for sure we o to th cinema on sundays but need shit to do otherwise

oh none at all i like watching internet bloodsports type drama
this post is basicly me one my spare time on a work day >>782662
i take every opportunity to stoke those fires cause the shitfits are always entertaining
like the guy hounding green with dog porn
shit's absolutely hysterical prolly from that shota general on /ic/ too
i will absolutely kick green when she's down i don't like her personality but that's besides the fact

as for world building i've got an autistic setting thats always a wip and desu i'm too self aware to openly info dump my head canon online anywhere
perhaps i'll post it in full display at some later date but for now i'm content watching from the side lines

Anonymous No. 782684

>the shitfits are always entertaining
u mean the larp from no draws in this thread?

Anonymous No. 782686

but there isn't any fire to stoke, it's just one-sided hounding (pardon the pun). you're not even adding anything to the fire half the time, like what does the low effort fliporama have to do with the anon screaming about bestiality?
green has a job too so shes not going to be suddenly any less busy than she's been now
i have my issues with her too but this whole thing is pointless.
i dont think green's ever actually had shitfits to begin with - she's not delta, so i dont know what any of you are trying to get out of her anyway

this is just stupid. i like you more when you're talking about stuff you're actually interested in instead of trying to 'fit in with the cool kids' like you've done throughout the time i've known you
like i had to draw clown girl balloons to get you out of the stick chan pedophile crowd, i'd rather not see you that low again

🗑️ Anonymous No. 782687

phrase it however you want someone gets mad over internet drawings and that makes me smile
: D

Anonymous No. 782688

what mental illness is this

Anonymous No. 782689

you don’t like women that’s real competition, you might pop ass wit em

Anonymous No. 782690

>fit in with the cool kids
i've only ever drawn something if it intrigues me i'm not beholden to anyone
besides very sly of you to accuse me of "giving in to peer pressure" and following it up with a peer pressure attempt "uwuw i liked you btter when you obey my standards"
look i like everyone who posts here without fail (even green) but we're not friends this is a parasocial acquintance at best don't forget that silly anon
see you fags tomorrow got my own threads to push past image limit : DDD

Anonymous No. 782691

> i like everyone who posts here without fail (even green)
but you don't, and it'd better off if you stopped lying about that
and you absolutely give in to peer pressure it's not even funny, you were ride or die with maruyama when she got exposed for being a youtube groomer.
>'i liked you better when you obey my standards' standards like what? talking about stuff you genuinely enjoy? i liked talking about disco elysium with you idk what you're trying to imply with that.
come on man, you're not even subtle with your bad faith interpretations of things people say and you never were

Anonymous No. 782692

i just feel like if you had people who liked you you wouldn’t feel the need to keep bothering people who don’t like you
seems like something a lonely person would do
try finding some friends. play some games. seeing you do the same thing for years isn’t just sad it’s like… don’t you have anything better to do?

Anonymous No. 782693

I wish that the images were saved from encyclopedia dramatica on archive. Nice it would have been to see.

Anonymous No. 782694

I thought Delta/Green were the same person....Delta is the one that makes the naughty comics about the alien teacher? Green is the cat/rat?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 782695

Delta doesn’t exist anymore, might as well erase that name from your memory, he doesn’t post here anymore and we don’t know what he’s up to. He used to be a schizo, now he’s gone.

green (all lowercase) is the person who runs these threads. she’s a fujoshit and has some drama with people from /ic/ but is mostly innocuous.

GREEN (either all caps or uppercase) is a troll from /ic/ who is some drug addicted yuropoor who draws moe and likes to pull gay ops against namefags. also buttbuddies with fred. people often get the two confused.

Anonymous No. 782705

delta is the one who's been gone for months and people still call for his name
green's the oc thread discord server owner who has the catgirl oc and people pretend like you have to 100% get along with her or the discord to post ocs in the thread

🗑️ Anonymous No. 782706

can't channel your masculine even when standin next to a woman

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Anonymous No. 782720

Fat Albert was here. The Cats name is now Fat Albert. But he’s skinny. What is his secret? Albert. Slop thread.

Anonymous No. 782733

>revisionist history
Green was never doxxed on /ic/ and the discord leaks on that board only show then being buddy buddy with eachother.

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Anonymous No. 782760

claire is still a competent martial artist even without her magic

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burger and fries.png

Anonymous No. 782762


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Anonymous No. 782764

post ocs or this will happen to you !

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get splatted.png

Anonymous No. 782765

Anonymous No. 782768

Taking a big, green, stinky diarrhea shit and smearing it on the walls would be more entertaining than harassing randoms on a 4chan thread but kott does it anyway

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Anonymous No. 782789

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782803

Green loves the attention. If she didn't she wouldn't plaster her busted ass OCs all over the OP of every thread.

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Anonymous No. 782806

>nearly 30 posts with no images
>thread cannot go five actual posts without someone complaining about imaginary people
if you guys love writing so much why don't you go to /lit/ xd

Anonymous No. 782811

it hasn't been every thread, two threads ago it was a different anon's ocs altogether. if you're going to be a tourist at least try to hide it

Anonymous No. 782812

its almost like its a fucking oc thread to post ocs. did i just fall for bait? or are you actually this stupid?

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Anonymous No. 782817

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782820

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 782825

Nice try but her niggerslop oc is still in the background.
Oc threads doesn't mean putting your garbage center stage because you can't help being a narcissistic bitch.

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Anonymous No. 782830

should i ask other people to make the op for the next thread? i made this one on very short notice and i felt like it would be shitty to just have someone else make it on such short notice. right now we’re holding a poll to vote on the theme for the next thread and we’ll see what happens to the next op from there.

Anonymous No. 782832

>Nice try but her niggerslop oc is still in the background.
and you think she told them to do it? what was she going to do if anon didn't lol

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you right now.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 782833

Anonymous No. 782837

Don't negotiate with terrorists. You could pick something you like from the previous thread and edit it to be a macro for the next one. I really like >>782830 I think it would be good as a macro. I feel like priority should be given to people who participate and contribute. The post I linked is a drawing made by one user for another of that other person's character, I feel like that is in the spirit of the general, and a worthy criteria for selection.

No matter what you do certain posters will still seethe, and since you are putting the effort in to maintaining this general (even in the face of flaming and trolling) I feel like you have every right to do as you wish.

I wish I could feel more comfortable with contributing to these threads, but I don't want to draw THAT kind of attention from THOSE kind of posters.

Anonymous No. 782838

Sorry I meant to link to this post, but I am retarded, please punish me for it now, thank you.

Anonymous No. 782852

>more niggerslop as the OP

Anonymous No. 782857

you don’t have to try so hard, we know you’re a 4chan user. did you forget where we are

Anonymous No. 782864

i think most people in this thread forgot they aren't on discord.

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Anonymous No. 782867

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Anonymous No. 782986

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782987

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 782988

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783043

this is my oc called sokstel. a sweater loving bear.

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Anonymous No. 783055

i've been abiding by the ban duration
but here's th reply i couldn't post cuz one of yous was being a whiny flagger

look man i don't like taking the knee to appease online people
im not gonna cozy up to you just cause we shared interest that one time
why do you feel betrayed by the way i act
we aren't friends to begin with
just behave like normal ok
jeez >: D

let a guy have hobbies man
besides shit-posting is an avant garde artform

look up the kiwifarms thread
there's a buncha goofy shit archived there
also drop the topic henceforth
he's gone from /i/ lets keep it that way

>the naughty comics about the alien teacher?
the what now?
i need context

those are some great smearframes
consider animating
you might take a shine to it


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Anonymous No. 783056

animation process all done here on /i/

Oekaki Post (Time: 35m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783058

that post was on my clipboard for the past 2 days
feels nice to get it off my chest
btw did you losers see the garfield movie?
good stuff
the meth and steroid dogs were a highlight

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783061

so this is what mental illness looks like

Anonymous No. 783064

i hate mondays

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Anonymous No. 783065

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)

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eel consume.gif

Anonymous No. 783068

floor mushrooms

Anonymous No. 783069

aight i need to know what was your process for the smear deform frames cause that's genuinely unnerving

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Anonymous No. 783075

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783076

u lide there-s nothin on delta on kf

Anonymous No. 783080

make an account the thread's accesable only when logged in
just make a throwaway atleast i did
friend on xitter told me
besides the thread is pretty juicy 8.5/10 would reccomend
hell my "formerly homosexual" image macro made it onto the thread im pretty proud of that

Anonymous No. 783083

oo juicy thnx

Anonymous No. 783084

thats not even the half of it like did you know now he's harrasing an demale indie dev/artist after she rejected him romantically
its the digidex arc requiem

Anonymous No. 783087

not again lol. do you happened to have links/info on the new girl he's obsessing over?

Anonymous No. 783091

he was obessed with another girl on the discord a while ago too

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Anonymous No. 783093

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783094

playing with the liquify and blur tools
for the text i set the liquify tool to expand and gradually increased it for each frame then reversed it :^)

Anonymous No. 783096

Delta literally hasn't been active in over six months. Stop obsessing over a ghost. Fucking embarrassing. I don't know what your fascination is with him but it's annoying, disgusting, and obnoxious.

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Anonymous No. 783101

Anonymous No. 783118

More, please.

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Anonymous No. 783132

lovely art work post more

apparently its a stardew valley mod "Sunwich Valley"
he's hounding one of the female devs
hes fixated on a character from the mod
guess the blacked porn got to him
he's abandonned his old waifus

you don't say
im beginning to see a pattern with him

nice thanks anon

lmao hi delta
i know you lurk that KF thread bud
I'm compiling the bbc arc links for a friend
expect additions to the thread

not even mad
lovely addition to my collection
very cute

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Anonymous No. 783133

the drawing process

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783134

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783158

i love you dragonman

Anonymous No. 783177

>>>/ic/7173117 Imagine giving anyone this much power over you. What an odd way to live one's life.

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Anonymous No. 783180

bear ror
>captcha Y GAY

Anonymous No. 783183

Why sweaters? Is it just a specific one or the concept of sweaters as a whole?

Anonymous No. 783184

yep the weak should fear the strong : DDD

does she have thumbs? or is it just moefied bear paws?

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what if green was....png

Anonymous No. 783190


Anonymous No. 783205

most sweaters. because she thinks they're cozy and nice. except for the itchy ones she hates those. she becomes evil when wearing itchy sweaters.
those are her hands. she doesn't need thumbs because she has claws. her grip strength is that of a bear.

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Anonymous No. 783206

hi. i thought i'd post her here.

Anonymous No. 783207

does she have animal nipplesor human nipples i need to know for research reasons

Anonymous No. 783208

shut up

Anonymous No. 783214

Kott, you're psychotic. Delta literally hasn't been active in the discord since 2023, and hasnt posted to the thread in even longer. The KF thread is just a bunch of bullshit from /vp/ and /aco/ a billion years ago, before any of the modern oc thread contributors time.
Has Delta been creepy around women in the past? Sure. Will I defend Delta? No, not really. I don't like him much. But you going as far as to necro his dogshit KF thread because you're obsessed is pathetic and sad. What the hell did the OC thread do to you to make you like this?

Anonymous No. 783217

Please I'm begging you senpai. Stop feeding that massive troll. He will say literally anything for attention, please just ignore his shitposts.

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Anonymous No. 783222

smiley fazce tjumbs up

Oekaki Post (Time: 58s, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783232

Delta is this guy right?

Anonymous No. 783233

Yo Kott, as much as I took great joy in kicking the absolute dogshit out of a Delta (and Green), and for good reasons, it's okay to just let go of it and let the fag(s) die on their own.
I want to see the great things you'll make and I can't have that if you're busy orbiting some retards. You draw better than them, why bother bullying begs? They hate themselves so much that they're constantly burning themselves alive anyway.

Anonymous No. 783234

no but that is a guy delta hates

Anonymous No. 783255

imagine being brown and only haveing white original characters

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Anonymous No. 783275

does she hav a small bear tail too?
very cute

he hasn't changed he is *still* being creepy around women
he is/was harassing a taken lesbian dev of a stardew valley mod see the KF thread its all catalogued

baby's first flame war?
how quaint

awww thanks anon
but after taking the high road in the past it feels nice to have all of my opinions about someone vindicated

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783282

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783284

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783286

Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783291

no, thats the guy who drew the emo piss porn of their ocs on the board some time ago

most heterosexual kott orbiter

Anonymous No. 783292

they look cool, i like the star halo thing they got going on. what's their deal?

Anonymous No. 783295

don't insult my nigga emo weed man like this he's awesome and actually capable of making shit
dude shat out 10 fully fleshed rpg maker games while delta's projects are all schizo thoughts in his head that never made it anywhere

Anonymous No. 783296

yeah he's a cool guy even sent me links to an obscure cool animated movie i didnt know about
interesting lad that emo weed man

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783323


Anonymous No. 783328

hyrdrogen bomb >>781695
coughing baby >>782108

Anonymous No. 783353

The symbol above the head is something like an angel's halo.
They are spirits.

Anonymous No. 783373

i will take teeths from her smile in one hit you fool

Anonymous No. 783380


Anonymous No. 783382

fred is in his underground tunnel network looking for kids to groom

Anonymous No. 783385

Accept my apologies, asking for clarity, thanks much!

Anonymous No. 783409

aww. yes she has a small tail. i will draw it when i wake up after my nap. thanks anon those posts made me laugh and smile a lot.

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Anonymous No. 783416

your name is FFFF. you like LOITERING and EATING PIZZA. your interests include MUSIC and OTHER GIRLS. you have weird ELECTRIC POWERS or something.

Anonymous No. 783428

whats her butthole colour

Anonymous No. 783432


Anonymous No. 783433


Anonymous No. 783435

*wrong buzzer* it's rainbow

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Anonymous No. 783439

i like her, so i drew her disobeying the gods of primordial moonlight by loitering on their plane of existence.

Anonymous No. 783441

omg you drew her ! thank you

Anonymous No. 783453

no problem, it was fun.

Anonymous No. 783457

>but after taking the high road in the past it feels nice to have all of my opinions about someone vindicated
These people have burned more bridges than they can count by being a nuisance to not only the people they disliked but also the unrelated anons who couldn't enjoy their threads all because of some vendettashit. You don't need to burn your bridges with them.

I only visit this place once in a while. Why shouldn't you want someone to draw instead of wasting time on pointless 4chan drama, especially when it would benefit everyone involved?

Anonymous No. 783460

Is that you, emo weed man?

Anonymous No. 783461

I mean the discord’s still going right?
If these people really are as untrustworthy and as dramafaggy as you people make them out to be how has the discord not imploded in on itself completely by now. I’ve been in a couple FnF discords that have imploded within a few weeks, how would a 4chan dramafag discord not.

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Anonymous No. 783468

in usually dont like furries but she gets a pass for cuteness
also do make a post in the reibear thread
its a board tradition would love to have you contribute

you're right i should leave them be
but i will be there to cheer when someone else beats down them

they're so wholesome chungus that unrelated groups all hate them in parallel
don't pull this gay "if bad then why exist" nonsense you sleezy lizard
we know what (you) are

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783472

yeah we usually just play fortnite and splatoon and stuff. the drama is all contained in the thread, and 80% of it is Kott shitposting. also
Hi kott! Here's your (you), please ditch this thread and go back to yours. You're above this.

Anonymous No. 783473

stop replying lol

Anonymous No. 783474

thread's dying who cares lol

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Anonymous No. 783483

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783485

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783498

yes yes yes we get it you’re all a bunch of washed up nasty old whores can you stop dramafagging and post some cute girls already fuckin a man.

Anonymous No. 783499

is that randomized jammy?

Anonymous No. 783537

Some cute fuckin man.

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Anonymous No. 783630

if you know you know
god bless the kiwis

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783633

india must be so boring this time of year

Anonymous No. 783636

its very warm : (

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Anonymous No. 783686

Oekaki Post (Time: 54m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783688

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783700

kott thread archived just 17 iimages before image limit
rip kott bread 16
see you guys in kott brad 17

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783705

Anonymous No. 783707

yaoi face spotted

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Anonymous No. 783708

fuck i messed up her arm

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Anonymous No. 783711

that is intentional, yes

Anonymous No. 783712

Omg cute is this a boy?

Anonymous No. 783733


Anonymous No. 783742

Pretending to be nice in discord while taking shit on 4chan is shit Green is know for doing in the past. Not suprised that the circlejerk isn't as loyal as people want it to be.

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Anonymous No. 783761

god imagine pretending having to suck up to people imagine pretending to be nice to people for even a moment just the thought makes me nauseous
imagine being nice ever

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Anonymous No. 783795

Oekaki Post (Time: 32m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 783798

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Anonymous No. 783812


Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 783881

ooh thank you anonymous!

Anonymous No. 783883

I heard that you did this on /ic/ alot. Then you had delta attack a bunch of people when you didn't get your way.

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Anonymous No. 783887

if you care so much about /ic/ you’re probably from there, moreso because you’re still talking about delta like a tourist, which is really really sad! don’t you have anything better to do than pull shit out of your ass on anonymous message boards all day?
delta has never been my pet retard like everyone likes to believe and he’s not even active anymore, we have no idea where the fuck he is, but you people propping him up as your boogeyman to this day despite that doesn’t do anything but prove how out of touch and desperate you really are for a scapegoat
if your board is shit its your fault and maybe you should use the report functions there and hide and ignore posts you don’t like instead

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 783890

why is everyone on this board always so angry

Anonymous No. 783896

It's hard for drawfriends to stay anonymous. Once someone posts their artwork, people will start to remember their style. It's easy for schizos and other unsavory types to latch onto someone and harass them. Unfortunately it's just something you have to cope with. The hide post function comes in pretty handy on /i/. There are many friendly and polite users, but it's always best to be on your guard, even someone who seems nice can actually be dangerous.

Anonymous No. 783897

its two posters

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 783902

yeah i know. ive already been targeted in my own thread. it sucks.
drawfrens should be nice to each other.

Anonymous No. 783924

lmao too long didn't read
shut up nerd
go be a wage cuck faggot

Anonymous No. 783931

you arent the person i replied to but i hope you die soon senpai!

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Anonymous No. 783936

Now I have to see TWO of these fucking threads again. Why bother fucking waiting days after the bump limit when you don't even wait the full time it takes to fucking archive. Only not whining in the next one out of sheer pity despite my hatred.