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๐Ÿงต /npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #30

Anonymous No. 780171 Report

Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Fantasy monsters edition

Previous thread:

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North Park OCs Ev....png

Anonymous No. 780172 Report

Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator ( and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:

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Anonymous No. 780173 Report

Just getting this out of way first thing before Max contaminates the thread with his autism.
"Shut up, Max."
Okay, I'm done.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 780176 Report

Shut up, Dizzy. I named you so I *rapes you* huh guess my subconscious is faster than my conscious thought,
Robert is an honest STRAIGHT character. Even VanHellsing is honest. Me? I want Vera under me, to control her, force her in my image, I want her to remove the dye by herself as she realizes she's got no choice. I'm a whisperer. You'd sooner put the dog down than let it in my hands to make it go good again. I'm the Cezar Milan of sociopathy/manipulation/teaching/control. My asian genes are showing, just like Russians are viking mongolians.
Aaahh okay.
I'm done.

Anonymous No. 780177 Report

Shut up, Dizzy. I named you so I *Max proceeds to rape Anon using a Dizzy image* huh guess my subconscious is faster than my conscious thought,
Robert is an honest STRAIGHT character. Even VanHellsing is honest. Me? I want Vera under me, to control her, force her in my image, I want her to remove the dye by herself as she realizes she's got no choice. I'm a whisperer. You'd sooner put the dog down than let it in my hands to make it go good again. I'm the Cezar Milan of sociopathy/manipulation/teaching/control. My asian genes are showing, just like Russians are viking mongolians.
Aaahh okay.
I'm done.

Here's the voice and the actions I envision Max doing:

Dannyanon No. 780189 Report

somewhere on the north park internet exists a crash bandicoot style Vera death compilation

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Leslieanon No. 780192 Report


Dannyanon No. 780203 Report

Danny: goddammit Leslie you always take this shit too far

Dannyanon No. 780204 Report

the fact that this post is only 20 minutes older than the story itself is perfect

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Dannyanon No. 780215 Report

From last thread

episode where Ada fears she being replaced with crush and they get into a competition about who's the most useful one (Crush really doesn't care she doesn't even like Asimov2 but messing with Ada pretty fun). the two just mess up a2 hideout trying to out useful the other.

Dannyanon No. 780216 Report

The text not the image from last thread

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Dannyanon No. 780225 Report

Where have the years gone?

Vera No. 780226 Report

what the fuck? you scramble one person brains and then they become obsessed with you. what this world coming to?

Max No. 780250 Report

I'm not obsessed with you, you're obsessed with me after I was inside you.

You? you're not even worth being obsessed over. A pink haired money-grubbing vampire, both metaphorically and literally. You're like those blondes who waste their potential and hate being white. What's so unique & feminine about that? you tell me. You're a dime a dozen.
Now... an empath... to my socio-psychopathy... that's interesting... and something to obsess over. Way easier to manipulate and turn them into you because they copy so well mentally, not just physically at a surface level. They're like that little sibling who copy everything you do, but 1000%

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 780252 Report

Mac tonight's relationship with crush is like one of those lean on me situation where the adult has to try to reach the troubled youth and crush is oddly receptive to that. their relationship will either end in tragedy or redemption.

since last thread there was that battle of the bands episode where Vera was able to teach Danny a bunch of instruments so Vera is actually quite a skilled musician (almost 100 alone with a lot of free time will do that too you) and she uses those skills to try to show up Robert every time they daul musically its epic

Dannyanon No. 780253 Report

Mac tonight's relationship with crush is like one of those lean on me situation where the adult has to try to reach the troubled youth. crush is oddly receptive to that and really respects him. their relationship will either end in tragedy or redemption.

since last thread there was that battle of the bands episode where Vera was able to teach Danny a bunch of instruments. Vera is actually quite a skilled musician (almost 100 years alone with a lot of free time will do that to you) and she uses those skills to try to show up Robert. every time those two daul musically its epic

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Dannyanon No. 780254 Report

2 parter episode where Vera does the smart thing and has max pays her to be his underling and she wrings all the money out of him like an ethot and his parents and the moment he's out of money she goes back to being normal Vera. 2nd part Max's parents makes him get a job being meville's butler

Anonymous No. 780264 Report

Hey Lore Anon you compile all that bad end lore yet?

Dannyanon No. 780268 Report

episode where linus loses his poetry notebook and Vera finds it and discovers that his poems make good country music lyrics and she starts a country band with Robert ( begrudgingly), ck (kid got pipes), fish boy plays the jug, and Axel who slays on the banjo.

meanwhile Lydia decides to be a good sister for once and he and her gang terrorizes the school to get his poetry notebook back they are unaware of the country band going on.

Dannyanon No. 780276 Report

have a green room like plot shake up where the band is invited to play at a very small and shady setup like in the green room it was a neo nazi bar but here maybe something like a little pizza gate style shady pizzeria where they have to fight their way out of without getting trafficked

Dannyanon No. 780290 Report

Crush steals stan the weed man's weed for her trashy pal weedo and we find out Stan is scarily competent and deadly when it comes to people stealing his weed. he hunts both them down and force them to either pay up or give it back

Dannyanon No. 780291 Report

Weedo9000 doesn't know where she got it from and the moment he figured it out it's one of those oh shit you killed John wick dog and stole his care moment

Dannyanon No. 780301 Report

we dead?

Anonymous No. 780304 Report

nah it's usually this slow

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Dannyanon No. 780308 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780316 Report


Anonymous No. 780317 Report

over half of the thread is dannyanon

Dannyanon No. 780319 Report

Yeah this is my regular output usually there's a bit more activity to dilude my posts also doesn't help that I've been tripfaging so you can see my specific posts

Dannyanon No. 780321 Report

back during the holidays I was like half the thread at least for the art

Anonymous No. 780326 Report

This might make a good rhythm game but dam she is really into him

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Dannyanon No. 780340 Report


Vera No. 780344 Report

if by into you mean crush his hopes and dreams? then yes I'm really into him

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Anonymous No. 780348 Report

What's the North Park equivalent?

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Anonymous No. 780350 Report

we actually made a movie plot called the Short Shriveled and to the Left. Premise is that Nolan somehow locked Satan out of hell and also in doing so created Demon Hansel as well who is causing the town a major problem and T.T calculate this is actually one of the end events that she came back to stop

Dannyanon No. 780359 Report

Vera tells them she got a plan shapeshifts into a badly drawn mouse and tries to escape through the green room window but Axel knowing she just going to leave them catches her they all are getting out or none of them are

Dannyanon No. 780362 Report

it's 4/20 and no Weedo9000 or stan the weed man art or post for shame npg for shame I draw something when I get home tonight.

Dannyanon No. 780363 Report

I imagine Stan feels similarly about 4/20 that Slappy does about April fools but this is one of his more busier days so he can let it slide

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Leslieanon No. 780365 Report

Dannyanon No. 780378 Report

I just realized that it's really a double 420 it 4/20/24 420 forwards and backwards so I'm going to have to write a special when I get off work it's probably going to involve the prime and no brainer Nolan au merging temporarily but everybody gets so baked they forgotten that it happened

Dannyanon No. 780382 Report

nbn and prime Dr Cates are doing the same experiment with Weedo9000 and Robert Wheado both getting caught in the middle somehow. this somehow opens up a inter universal rift that is also spilling a fuckton of the Weedo pollen that into both towns given mostly everyone absolutely baked.

I was going to do a thing where while everyone is high as balls both universes ula true personality comes out, demon Hansel and whatever nbn demon variant are causing trouble, and some super version Asimov Prime is created by two Asimov Primes merging, the frog people comes to invade and the time cops coming to stop this huge freaking anomaly but since they stepped into the pollen they all get high as balls and almost destroy time by keep going back in time to keep eating the same tacos Infinitely.

I think it would be funnier if that is happening and being taken care of in the background and we are watching Charlie and Drew veging out on a couch watching random episode of random sitcoms and overly black and white surreal French films with commentary and every once in awhile we get an update or what's going on on the more exciting story for 4 hours and 20 minutes

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Dannyanon No. 780386 Report


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Anonymous No. 780388 Report

What a SPLENDID Idea
I shall write it down for later

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Leslieanon No. 780389 Report

At least they're not dealing with Weedsimov...

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Dannyanon No. 780390 Report

Blenny would have been in the big list of threats but he was too busy trying to kill the other blenny that was talking shit to him through the orb they both killed each other and forgot about the whole thing

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Dannyanon No. 780392 Report

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 780398 Report

>I shall write it down for later
You dumb fuck, out of anyone, you are the worst person to write anything. You said there was no evidence 911 and that it is impossible to use electricity to power anyone and didn't write anything about the 1984 book that we studied for English class

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 780401 Report

I know we have done how canon would react to no brainer but here a interaction with mostly how would No brainer character react to

NBN Weedo seeing canon Weedo would give the NBN Weedo a better reason to stay off

NBN Nolan would get traumatized by Canon Nolan but he already knew how fucked up the American Military can be

Farmers Hansel would be glad not to have a demon but I'm not certain if farmer Hansel can still reunite with his sister like canon Hansel

Letting Rhobhert visiting the canon universe would probably not be a good idea. I guess canon T.T learns that to not have a doomsday ending in this arc, just don't let the town be on Rhobhert bad side.

I don't know exactly how slappy to a live bongo but in a way, I can see slappy wanting to see bongo again

I don't think canon Neil would survive No brainer Neil.

I also think NBN Leslie would most likely avoid canon Leslie just not to give her a allergy

Actually I might possibly add some few more ideas and art of the No brainer timeline

>I shall write it down for later
You dumb fuck, out of anyone, you are the worst person to write anything. You said there was no evidence 911 and that it is impossible to use electricity to power anyone and didn't write anything about the 1984 book that we studied for English class

Anonymous No. 780402 Report

I know we have done how canon would react to no brainer but here a interaction with mostly how would No brainer character react to

NBN Weedo seeing canon Weedo would give the NBN Weedo a better reason to stay off

NBN Nolan would get traumatized by Canon Nolan but he already knew how fucked up the American Military can be

Farmers Hansel would be glad not to have a demon but I'm not certain if farmer Hansel can still reunite with his sister like canon Hansel

Letting Rhobhert visiting the canon universe would probably not be a good idea. I guess canon T.T learns that to not have a doomsday ending in this arc, just don't let the town be on Rhobhert bad side.

I don't know exactly how slappy to a live bongo but in a way, I can see slappy wanting to see bongo again

I don't think canon Neil would survive No brainer Neil.

I also think NBN Leslie would most likely avoid canon Leslie just not to give her a allergy

Actually I might possibly add some few more ideas and art of the No brainer timeline
>I shall write it down for later
You dumb fuck, out of anyone, you are the worst person to write anything. You said there was no evidence 911 and that it is impossible to use electricity to power anyone and didn't write anything about the 1984 book that we studied for English class

Dannyanon No. 780419 Report

> Canon Neil tries to take nbn Neil place but nbn Neil kicks his ass

> nbn chaz and Zach tries to pull a switcheroo with their Prime counterparts since they're in juvie

> both of Dr cates are trying to untangle the universes but I can see nbn dr Cates at first trying to cognitively distance herself from Prime Dr Cates before doing the God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC God of fools speech to her after realizing this is who she used to be and then Prime Dr Cates is pissed that her counterpart is the one getting a character Arc off her and not the other way around

> my idea for nbn Vanessa helstad was she actually starts out loved by the town since almost everybody knows monsters are real now and are a problem she actually dealing with them and was trying to get the cates paranormal investigation agency shut down but after they reveal to the town how Vanessa's been staying around for so long hopping body for body she is canceled but kind of is still popular among some radical people and is rebuilding the Halsted clan

> my idea for Dina Digby is since dr Toades was exiled before she came to town she never got transformed into a dino though she was bitten by werewolf so she has to deal with that every full moon

Dannyanon No. 780421 Report

nbn les playfully teasing prime tt, Vera, Danny, and les about being the ones that killed her

> prime Lydia bullying nbn depressed Lydia

Dannyanon No. 780426 Report

Alright final info dumping on nbn from me for now

calamari is pretty much the same except he now Co owns the barbershop with catgirl Barbara after Vera was forced to sell it to them to pay off back taxes there is much debate about who is better and I imagine they are very catty (no pun intended) but good friends.

nbn les after seeing her Prime counterpart (in the past when they killed her) kind of felt sorry for her so she decided to grow up metaphorically speaking and just kept moving up in grades till she is just accepted as one of the adults despite not changing at all. She opened up a flower shop on the same day that Heather and Martin did and les' shop won out due to better customer service (also Vera may have bought a lot more flowers than she needed to) les was nice enough to hire Heather and Martin when their business failed.

Vera is broke in this timeline she had to sell all her businesses to pay for taxes only the bar remains which ula is taken care of. she is basically living and check the check from what cates is giving her and ula is giving her an allowance. and all her diploma she gave herself have been revoked and she forced to go through the entire school system to get her high school diploma they at least pushed her into the fourth grade Danny happy he's not the shortest kid in class anymore.

Dannyanon No. 780432 Report

I forgot but the entire time mayor Kiddy is trying to find principal Kiddy to warn him about the mister smiles imposter but they never find each other

Dannyanon No. 780433 Report

Jonesy Alexander in nbn timeline is working with Vanessa helstad she basically the J Jonah Jameson for all the supernatural characters in town

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Anonymous No. 780435 Report

No Brainer Atticus after Rhobhert distort something about him

Dannyanon No. 780441 Report

I can't decide if Jonesy is a 6th or higher grader or a 2nd grader

pros for 2nd not many 2nd grader characters, funnier when she goes full pycho, a better fitting journalist rival to toddler Nancy, the characters can't physically confront her without her proving her point.

cons for 2nd grader: why would anyone listen to her? not physical imposing to Vera in her first and only prime timeline roll,

Dannyanon No. 780445 Report

nbn arc where ula's actual children come to town to take it over after finding out she's alive they also want the hidden vampire Arcane secrets in ula's head to cement their place as the supernatural top dogs of this town and since they aren't under the contract so they're just feeding on anyone they want they're a problem that needs to be taken care of.

also they did some sort of ritual to make Rhobhert their familiar and obey their commands Dorothy, Leslie and Ashley are trying to free him so he can kick the leaders ass.

Anonymous No. 780459 Report

how would miss chariot react to this
Would Jonesy ever had a design

Dannyanon No. 780462 Report

I think it would be nice she don't have to have a Wiki page or anything kinda like Chatterbox or Moore

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Leslieanon No. 780464 Report

North Park Police Department has released a statement, claiming there is a "second Ko-Rider, we do not know if it's a different one, or the same one in a different costume."

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Dannyanon No. 780465 Report

During the entanglement both chรขteau were very lively nbn savannah and prime Danny spent most of the time keeping things at bay Danny found out that this Savannah is somewhat better than him dealing with the paranormal mostly on the magic side. who knew giving Savannah proper medication, and engaging her interest she actually blossom into something helpful to society

Anonymous No. 780475 Report

to be honest I'm not sure either

Anonymous No. 780478 Report

Fewer posts, more pics. I'd like this thread to stay on the front page for at least 3 weeks.
I wonder what happened to /co/, we originally moved here cause jannies moved our threads and we started drawfagging so /i/ felt natural, it was incidental that /i/ is slow as hell enough to require at best 1 bump every month to not 404.

Dannyanon No. 780479 Report

You say this without posting a picture so they expect us to do the heavy eh don't worry I got you after this post because I just woke up

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Dannyanon No. 780480 Report

I saw old production art of the grim adventures of Billy Mandy and knew I had to do this

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Anonymous No. 780485 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780492 Report

Nbn Danny and the other members of the cates paranormal investigation angancy are helping the cates untangled the timelines and stop the baddies

Dannyanon No. 780500 Report

I got two Ko-rider episode ideas

episode in nbn au where Jonesy is turning public perception against ko rider Nancy ( toddler) and Vera who are use to dealing with her are helping him with pr

and prime universe for about a week every time Rider wants to deal with a monster it's defeated by Danny and Wendy. he eventually confronts them ( vera or Yashu is translating) and they tell him that they just are about to go on vacations and need to take care of as many monsters as possible but if he agrees to do their share of the work for their two week vacation they can sleep happy so he agrees and finds out they've been using the orb of knowledge to predict when new monster attacks are going to happen to beat him to it tricking him now he has to work clothes deal with two work loads so he needs help

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Dannyanon No. 780505 Report


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Leslieanon No. 780513 Report


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Leslieanon No. 780514 Report


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Dannyanon No. 780520 Report

I like the idea that sheโ€™s only slightly smarter than ula and Lord is it over her in the most respectful way she can

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Dannyanon No. 780530 Report

North Park team epic

Dannyanon No. 780538 Report

imma watch that child vampire horror movie tonight might use it for some vampire Society inspiration if it's any good.

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Dannyanon No. 780542 Report

I love drawing these two like this it feels right

Anonymous No. 780546 Report


Dannyanon No. 780550 Report

I think Vera really hates Flynn and Flynn thinks they're friends

Anonymous No. 780551 Report

The North Park Stupidity effect in action

Dannyanon No. 780554 Report

OK I got one

some poor vamps intruding on the vampire Society turf kidnapped Vanassa and she starts picking them off one by one

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Dannyanon No. 780563 Report


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Dannyanon No. 780565 Report

Last one

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Dannyanon No. 780571 Report

Leslieanon No. 780573 Report

>North Park Stupidity effect
Maybe you shouldn't live in a town with the motto of "Now wif 20% lezz led in the wahter!"

Anonymous No. 780577 Report

nah dude, the town literally has a stupidity field

Dannyanon No. 780579 Report

Isn't everyone in the sp universe kinda stupid though

desu when i write North park I treat North Park as it own universe

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Dannyanon No. 780583 Report

I think Addison thinks thereโ€™s something between her and Danny

Dannyanon No. 780584 Report

It doesn't help that Fiona uses Danny to send her helpful advice so Addison thinks he cares for her unbeknownst to her that it's really just her dead great aunt

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Anonymous No. 780588 Report

Dannyanon No. 780594 Report

request the new Twitter meme a Foghorn Leghorn lecturing different anime characters but it's with no brainer Lydia that she push her friends Away by being too controlling and attacked them.

I would do it myself but I'm too intimidated to draw Foghorn Leghorn and I have no photoshopping skills

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Dannyanon No. 780595 Report

contexts I don't believe what the wiki says

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Anonymous No. 780596 Report

ruh roh

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Dannyanon No. 780601 Report

Dannyanon No. 780602 Report

episode where a mysterious movie rental store opens up in North Park and when the kids go inside they are transported into Classic Movies

It's anthology episode but parodying Classic Movies movies also page master being overarching parody of the episode

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Anonymous No. 780603 Report


Dannyanon No. 780605 Report

thanks this is great anon

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Dannyanon No. 780610 Report

Dannyanon No. 780611 Report

main timeline cringe kid calls her crying child

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Dannyanon No. 780621 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780624 Report

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Anonymous No. 780630 Report


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Anonymous No. 780631 Report

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Anonymous No. 780633 Report

home-r is where the heart is

Dannyanon No. 780638 Report

Welcome back to the world of the living anon

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Dannyanon No. 780639 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780646 Report


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Anonymous No. 780647 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780651 Report

Dannyanon No. 780654 Report

I fear what main timeline Max would do if you found her

I'm pretty sure Maxanon said max didn't like the whole Multiverse thing so he simply chooses to be a background character in no brainer he is reference but never seen

Dannyanon No. 780658 Report

Let me clarify

I'm pretty sure Maxanon said max didn't like the whole Multiverse thing. so he simply chooses to be a background character in no brainer he is reference but never seen

Just saying Maxanon didn't put the lore down there I don't know what he wants to to do with him in nbn I don't want to put words in his mouth

Leslieanon No. 780661 Report

First: Welcome back.
Second: Dorthy looks pretty in this.

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Dannyanon No. 780675 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780686 Report

Double the Vera double the glory for slaying her

Dannyanon No. 780689 Report

Trisha: ya know when I told you to go fuck yourself I didn't mean it literally

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Dannyanon No. 780692 Report

The cat girls get lost in the mystical forest when dr Toades put a trap door in his lab that was a pipe leading direct to a river.

Anonymous No. 780695 Report

Pedophile thread?
Pedophile thread.

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Leslieanon No. 780697 Report

The Druid's hut, where she's remained during the Snow Day event, for she was inflicted with multiple throat ailments.

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Dannyanon No. 780698 Report

Les the cockblock

Dannyanon No. 780700 Report

I keep getting jump scared whenever Canon max shows up in south park

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Dannyanon No. 780708 Report

Nbn Les design update

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Dannyanon No. 780713 Report


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Anonymous No. 780718 Report

North park collectively agrees to drop him off there on the weekends since South Park has shared custody of him

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Anonymous No. 780724 Report

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Anonymous No. 780726 Report

>Dorothy's hat
Cute and practical for her kind at the beach

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Anonymous No. 780728 Report

Anonymous No. 780735 Report

it looks like kenny and blenny are kissing

Dannyanon No. 780739 Report

I accidentally remade the Aristocats will they come across Li playing the piano with chopsticks?

Dannyanon No. 780740 Report

Danny: Savannah stop! and Agatha stop!

Anonymous No. 780743 Report

>Sabrina looking at the comic, absolutely bored: CK's way bigger than that.
>Everyone looks at her
>Sabrina: What?

Dannyanon No. 780750 Report

the same thing happened to ula except she caught on fire mind you it wasn't because she a vampire it's because she an albino

Dannyanon No. 780751 Report

episode where Lydia gang Minus penny and Danny are launched into a mysterious island on lake bloody murder ( the lake on the cheatu property) after Danny was forced to row for them (he was on row boat duty for the day they rented him out ) and penny decided to jump in on the opposite side as everyone else. they find a silent hills type abandoned town none of them heard of and weird spooky borderline lovecraftian shit starts to go down as they try to find a way off the island

Dannyanon No. 780759 Report

they find put the town Pleasant Point was a scientific hub in an alternate timeline a group of scientists who look suspiciously a lot like Danny, Lydia, Savannah, and Addison claims to have opened a portal to an unknown dimensions soon after the town was cut off from the rest of the world

during the merger event Neil challenged his nbn to a roast off and loses spectacular even mute looked like she chuckled slightly Neil is left broken

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Leslieanon No. 780760 Report

>"Hey Kyle."
>"Hey Leslie."
>"Enjoy your weekend Max."
>*Muffled pleading to be released and slurs.*

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 780761 Report

whenever they find the mutations that roam the town see them they go on about how they dragged them to hell or they shouldn't be able to escape

Dannyanon No. 780762 Report

whenever the mutations that roam the town see them they go on about "how they dragged them to hell" or "they shouldn't be able to escape everything comes back to Pleasant Point"

Anonymous No. 780766 Report

>cartman when he sees Jeremy Friedman
>Vera when she see the vamp kids wannabe
>Bebe when she see how rich Melville is
>PC principal when he hears Atticus's opinion
>towline when he see weedo
>city wok guy when he see Agatha being Japanese

Dannyanon No. 780780 Report

they have wannabe vampire kids in North Park too so she wouldn't care really maybe a little surprised there aren't any real vampires amongst them.

Dannyanon No. 780781 Report

Wendy telling the I wouldn't go down that road guy kindly but firmly to stop warning people about the cheatu or face a lawsuit " I wouldn't go down that road seeinghow you're not Canon and all".

I can see Danny and Craig talking about how the both were victims of the yaoi craze and which town is weirder

Anonymous No. 780799 Report

>Relax he has no powers here.
>He puts on his fancy blue beret
>Her frilly squeaky voice suddenly turns into Jack Nicholson.
>He hypnotizes Wendy and turns half the boys gay when he wiggles his ass in those tight black shorts and those loooong legs. dem legs. Did I mention he can sing too?
>speedruns Wendy in 5 minutes before he dumps her and then fucks Stan, making Wendy jealous and a cuck. Also dumps Stan and takes Kenny, making Cartman slightly jealous.
>Stan and Wendy turn emo together trying to forget Max, but they both accidentally moan his name when playing pat a cake.
>Max covers his nether regions by putting on a black suit and combing his hair back and takes off his gay beret... only to hold both Kenny and Butters in his proverbial hands and literally having his arms around their shoulders and backheads like a pimp. Except he doesn't let anyone touch his blondes. A pimp who believes in the blonde revolution.

Leslieanon No. 780800 Report

Max, you can stop now, you don't keep playing "god", what you did 5 years ago was 5 year ago, I know you think fix the mess you caused after you burned the town down, but one wants you to, you've caused enough trouble.

Dannyanon No. 780801 Report


PC principal when he hears Leslie

Dannyanon No. 780802 Report

he just have Nam flashbacks also Canon max appearance

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Dannyanon No. 780813 Report


Dannyanon No. 780817 Report

Yashu comes to kick Danny's ass because he heard he hit his cousin with a newspaper Danny proceeds to beat Yashu with a rolled up newspaper turns out rolled up newspaper Danny is op not even Wendy can stand up to him

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Dannyanon No. 780820 Report

They wait till he fall asleep to take away his precious newspaper and then everyone he fucked with comes for revenge

Anonymous No. 780823 Report

or it rains and the paper falls apart.
or he tries to go after Les

Dannyanon No. 780825 Report

>He tries to go after les

the paper doesn't even get wet just all those years of patiently putting up with everyone else's BS just leaks out and pretty much this just happens

Dannyanon No. 780827 Report

Charles would fit here too

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Dannyanon No. 780832 Report

One of the thing he fears the most

Dannyanon No. 780843 Report

Danny in a panic tells les he'll do anything to avoid her wrath and she tells him to throw her another tea party and all the people he fucked with are invited

Anonymous No. 780849 Report

Danny, Dressed up like a maid: More tea sir/
Yashu, accepting with a grin: Maybe I should franchise into a crossdressing maid cafรฉ, Agatha and her fujoshi friends would probably spend all their money on it!
Danny, about to say something smarmy until Les gives him a death Glare: I'm sure it would be a very popular venture sir...

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Dannyanon No. 780850 Report

I wish I had seen this before drawing this

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Dannyanon No. 780855 Report


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Dannyanon No. 780864 Report

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Dannyanon No. 780866 Report

Dannyanon No. 780873 Report

Ula British Heritage makes her a natural tea connoisseur outside of blood it's her favorite food

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Dannyanon No. 780875 Report


Anonymous No. 780877 Report

This is 4 (You). Especially American to British or Australian or Canadian.

Dannyanon No. 780878 Report

what are you trying to say anon that I write funny? I know I should be putting things through Chat gpt especially with Ula dialogue before posting but I get a bit excited got to get it out as soon as possible

Anonymous No. 780880 Report

Lore Anon, have you compiled the bad end lore yet?

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Dannyanon No. 780882 Report

Dannyanon No. 780889 Report

I wanted to draw them all but I forgot Frederick

Anonymous No. 780890 Report

I think he got banned or something, or maybe he's dead

Dannyanon No. 780893 Report

they got em

Dannyanon No. 780894 Report

Does anyone got other than me got something add today? I kinda feel bad being the only one contributing.

Anonymous No. 780896 Report

My personally philosophy is that its okay for the thread to be slow sometimes. I'd rather quality over quantity, if you're worried that you're filling up the thread all on your own, you can always slow down yourself. With this board's speed the thread isn't gonna die early or anything.

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Dannyanon No. 780901 Report

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Leslieanon No. 780903 Report

What do you mean "they got him"?

Dannyanon No. 780904 Report

Danny: "I like him too used to share his cheesy poofs, good guy"

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Anonymous No. 780905 Report

Just an easier character to draw

Anonymous No. 780906 Report

Please respond to my DM. Please. I know you think Iโ€™m a creep but you mean something to me. Iโ€™m sorry about what I said earlier cause I know your grandma died (sorry i had to bring it up here I just wanted you to know iโ€™m sorry) but thatโ€™s no excuse to treat me like this. Please check discord. Be safe.

Anonymous No. 780907 Report

Sure, I know the north park citizen are reading this but they donโ€™t know who I am. If you are Max, Iโ€™m letting you back to town in secret away from South Park. Just be sure we donโ€™t get caught

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Dannyanon No. 780923 Report

somewhere the infinite North park multiverse

Dannyanon No. 780933 Report

I imagine this with wendy and Leslie

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Dannyanon No. 780940 Report

Day 6 of my surveillance on the individual known as "Fish Boy." I'm increasingly convinced that he may be a spawn of Dagon that eluded my purge in Innsmouth. I will continue to monitor his movements closely to gather more information.

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Anonymous No. 780943 Report


Anonymous No. 780944 Report

Jokes on you, there's nothing but Edwardian era historically accurate women's undergarments under there. Classic bloomers and a petticoat.

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I really should h....png

Anonymous No. 780945 Report

Difficult...but not impossible

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Dannyanon No. 780950 Report

Day 12 of surveillance on the individual known as "Fish Boy." My attempt at his extermination was thwarted by his "family," known locally as the Yangs. I suspect he exerts some sort of mental influence over them, and may have even enhanced the physical abilities of the son, Yashu, and the mother, Honoka. For now, I will divert my focus from Fish Boy, as there are bigger fish to fry [* 1 uninterrupted minute of laughter]. However, this is far from over. I am not done with them yet.

Anonymous No. 780960 Report

I mean he technically is a magical creature, what with it being explained that all the fish that Li and Bobland catch are spawned thanks to Les, and then Li proceeded to pull a with one of them thanks to Missing Honoka and then Fish Boy popped outta the river nine months later

Anonymous No. 780964 Report

>Missing Honoka and then Fish Boy popped outta the river nines month later
Wait, Fish boy and and Li Honka are River's children since pregnancy is like 9 months

Dannyanon No. 780965 Report

a river not the river

Dannyanon No. 781013 Report

Vanessa helstad would go after anyone whose not fully a natural human ( cybernetics get a pass) or a normal animal Bobland, cindy, the catgirls, the dog boys ,Dr toades, Dr cates, miner guy, drew, slappy and Dr dogman are on his list

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781016 Report

Day 1 of attempting to infiltrate the time, cop organization.

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Dannyanon No. 781017 Report

>Day 1 of attempting to infiltrate the time, cop organization.

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early 1900s panty....png

Anonymous No. 781021 Report

How scandalous

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Anonymous No. 781032 Report

>no scoops?

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

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Dannyanon No. 781035 Report

Day 3 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. God, how long can one girl talk? I felt my brain turning to mush just listening to her inane chatter. Anyway, Cassandra, who's apparently a Time Cop Deputy or an honorary member (though I've only heard rumors and have yet to see any evidence), wanted to go shopping, and guess who had to foot the bill? Me. She tried to make it seem like I had offered, but I know I didn't. And when it seemed like I didn't believe her, she switched tactics, suggesting I would be a bad friend if I didn't pay. Her gaslighting techniques are remarkable. I must stay mentally sharp and on my toes.

Anonymous No. 781037 Report

Mandy cunny

Anonymous No. 781040 Report

what about it?

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Anonymous No. 781041 Report

I crave it
Chocolate sundae

Anonymous No. 781042 Report


Leslieanon No. 781043 Report

Oh good heavens! How naughty!

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Dannyanon No. 781044 Report

Day 10 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. I couldn't stand being around Cassandra any longer, so I decided to gamble the fate of the missionโ€”and my ultimate plan of purging all monsters across timeโ€”by directly asking her if she was a Time Cop. To my surprise, she said yes, and even offered to show me their HQ. Yes, I'm almost there. I can feel my destiny manifesting before my eyes. But even better, I will no longer need to endure Cassandra's company any longer.

Anonymous No. 781046 Report

Can't tell if this a counter manipulation from Cassie or not

Dannyanon No. 781048 Report

Kind of to get her to buy her more things but she doesn't know what Vanessa really is she thinks she just some naive kinda wealthy lonely homeschooled girl

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Anonymous No. 781050 Report

>naive kinda wealthy lonely homeschooled girl
we are talking about 'nessa right?

Anonymous No. 781051 Report

Imagine if other kids think this is Gretel

Dannyanon No. 781052 Report

Vanessa is only pretending to be those things except the wealthy part ( ironically the one thing Gretel isn't) she has a lot of money from the Halsted fortune and collecting treasure from the monsters she slain for over 100 years

Dannyanon No. 781053 Report

Vanessa would at first use it as cover then get pissed her hard-earned accomplishments and Menace towards the supernatural is being attributed to Gretel

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Dannyanon No. 781058 Report

Day 10.1 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. ...A second Cassandra... of course, of course there is. But there's also an Elemental Phantom who appears to be that Thompson boy; he seems rather melancholic and docile... for now. I'll keep my guard up around him just in case. Also, another version of that time traveler girl the town folk call "TT." I'm familiar with her since she and that putrid pink-haired girlโ€”who I didn't know at the time was going to be my immortal enemyโ€”showed up at Helstad Manor in the summer of 1899. They told us that a vampire from the Red Dusk Gang was still in North Park, which led to me being the last Helstad and set my life in motion. But this one seems to be some alternative "TT," an alt-TT (note: workshop this name later). She seems to be onto me. I better stay cautious.

Dannyanon No. 781059 Report

Addendum to the last log: Since I suspect Alt-TT was eavesdropping on my log (how rude), the Cassandras took me on a tour of the Time Cop HQ. There are many things here that pique my interest. I plan to slip away once we reach the technology division and study their technology so that I may begin my takeover of Time Cop HQ.

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Dannyanon No. 781064 Report

Day 10.2 of attempting to infiltrate the time cop organization: I managed to successfully sneak away from the torturous tour group after I cleverly exploited Alt-TT's growing resentment towards the Cassandras, sparking an argument among them. I escaped amidst the chaos. As I was leaving earshot, I heard the Ice Boy trying to calm them down, seemingly to no avail. I made my way to the technology division. Time was short, so I needed to quickly understand how this future technology works. Surprisingly, it took less time than I anticipated. Now, all that's left is to take control. I suspect my absence has already been noticed I must work quickly.

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mildly inconvenie....png

Anonymous No. 781074 Report

what kind of heartless whore steals a guy's pen?

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Dannyanon No. 781086 Report

End of infiltrate Timecop log

beginning of new story

Dannyanon No. 781093 Report

Well even if they saw the Cassandras are fucked

Dannyanon No. 781094 Report

* if they somehow win the Cassandras are fucked

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Dannyanon No. 781100 Report


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Leslieanon No. 781101 Report

That moment when you get rid of Dagon but the Yang family is still "normal".

Dannyanon No. 781102 Report

Vanessa: see they're crying tears of joy job well done Helstad

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Dannyanon No. 781106 Report

letโ€™s days of future past this bitch

Dannyanon No. 781107 Report

This method of time travel runs on the clock is always running in San Dimas rule time is equally running in the future as it is in the past also you're not swapping bodies you're taking over the other one while yours is in a coma the original conscious experience a blackout when it's happening

Anonymous No. 781121 Report

God I need children. Not just want them, but need them.
Heyyyy you watched that movie too with the time travel medicine pills. I can't even remember what it was called.

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Anonymous No. 781124 Report


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Anonymous No. 781129 Report

children are a delight
I'm sure you'll be a great mother one day

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Dannyanon No. 781133 Report

I have never seen that movie.

Dannyanon No. 781137 Report

How many of them would have known she was going to take over time for a genocide in like 3 weeks from then

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Anonymous No. 781140 Report

Woah, it's like that movie, The Matrinceptionix

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Dannyanon No. 781149 Report


Anonymous No. 781150 Report

I think it more like everything everywhere all at once

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781156 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781157 Report


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Anonymous No. 781161 Report

each of their farm tools have a name

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Dannyanon No. 781188 Report


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Anonymous No. 781193 Report

can someone tell Lez that it's not the 90's anymore

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Dannyanon No. 781203 Report

100th image

Anonymous No. 781205 Report

Vera, Danny, tt, and Rosalind tried to get her to modernize didn't end well for them.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781212 Report

desu I kind of forgot I made this she's a hip-hop and rap ( also hard rock and metal) connoisseur preferably the 90s and gangster rap she not into anything after 2012.

more Les lore

>she still says fag, faggot, and that's gay as part of her regular vocabulary doesn't understand why that's wrong she doesn't mean gay people she doesn't say very often you have to catch her in a particular mood and be pulling some bs.

>she knows mutes real name

> one of the few people Wendy won't knowingly strike even if she's angry.

since I'm working with alty again let hive her some lore especially since a lot of her old stuff is very outdated wasn't clear enough

> there are two altys the first escaped the Paradox prism prison with othe variants of characters they formed a team and one that was captured but for some reason time cop Cassandra keeps her around.

> Alty 2 was given a bunch of archival footage of the cat ninjas and Dr Cates Misadventures by the catgirls who were estranged from their creator and now North Parks emergency service responders. Starting her fan girl obession with dr Cates.

> alty 2 has never met dr Cates but using the footage and studying her notes she manged to learn form her

> meowsimov doesn't exist in Alty 2 timeline

> Alty 2 doesn't know why the cat girls don't like talking about Dr cates

> alty 2 just found the blueprint to the time machine dr Cates used that one time to make her watch and after her first job into the past she was immediately apprehended before interacting with anybody by the time cops.

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Anonymous No. 781217 Report

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Dannyanon No. 781221 Report


Leslieanon No. 781226 Report

The 90's may never die, but you did.

Anonymous No. 781231 Report

she got better though

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rank and file dis....png

Anonymous No. 781234 Report

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Dannyanon No. 781236 Report

reminder les really fucking hates Vanessa

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Dannyanon No. 781245 Report


Anonymous No. 781246 Report

>cat ninjas
the fuck those jobbers gonna do

Dannyanon No. 781247 Report

Do you have any reference photos for Dr toads lab

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there&#039;s many....png

Anonymous No. 781248 Report

>the fuck those jobbers gonna do
what else? They're going to job like they've never jobbed before.

Dannyanon No. 781249 Report

I should start numbering and labeling these because I'm going to be honest this is going to be very long and very complicated especially since I'm improvising the whole thing

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Anonymous No. 781251 Report

When are you going to finish your previous comic?

Dannyanon No. 781253 Report

when I get back home I'll start npd once again but I'll switch formats to single panel I don't like doing multiple panels takes way too much time

Dannyanon No. 781257 Report

eh maybe 3 or 4 panels at the most

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Dannyanon No. 781264 Report

Just so we remember this was the last spot we were in

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Dannyanon No. 781269 Report

Npd is back

Dannyanon No. 781270 Report

I'll admit I was phoning it in by the end of the first batch outside of work and occasionally hanging out with some friends making npd was literally all I would do and I think I burned myself out i learned my lesson

Honestly I'm surprised how easy it was to just slip back in and doing it

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Anonymous No. 781271 Report

who is this bitch?

Dannyanon No. 781272 Report


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Anonymous No. 781274 Report

>no freckles
you disappoint me, see me in my office

Anonymous No. 781276 Report

God, I remember this, you got my Adults Only and For Kids idea I pitched a while ago?

Anonymous No. 781277 Report

Woah, what is going on here? I need context my dude.

Anonymous No. 781280 Report

He just REALLY loves his daughterniece

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781281 Report

Iโ€™m stealing your format Hansel anon

NPC means North park Chronicles

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Dannyanon No. 781283 Report

Stealing your format, Hansel anon

NPC stands for North Park Chronicles. It was returning that or North Park adventures but since NPD kind of sounds like NPG I just kind of kept The pseudo rhyming shtick going with npc.

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Dannyanon No. 781287 Report

I noticed the mistake in the last speech bubble so for archival purposes I fixed it

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Anonymous No. 781295 Report

That reminded me I should do some more of my own

Anonymous No. 781298 Report

Should have called The Ghostbusters or Charlie's Angels I mean the Black Berets AKA the Maximals.

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Dannyanon No. 781299 Report


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Anonymous No. 781300 Report

Fiona is kind of a freak, makes sense since she talks to bellboy all the time

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Anonymous No. 781301 Report


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Anonymous No. 781303 Report


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Anonymous No. 781304 Report


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Anonymous No. 781308 Report


Dannyanon No. 781313 Report

>fish boy thinks les is a lake goddess which makes les uncomfortable (I think she doesn't take being praised well)

Anonymous No. 781317 Report

She technically is, as she's the reason North Park's rivers have fish from all over the world

Anonymous No. 781318 Report

The All Blueโ€ฆ is real!

Dannyanon No. 781319 Report

I wouldn't go as far as saying she's a god she an elemental ghost

Dannyanon No. 781322 Report

also being necromancy ( ghost fall under here) is kinda against holiness

Anonymous No. 781328 Report

fair, I was just saying that her magic is responsible at leas in part for his existence is all

Leslieanon No. 781344 Report

Maybe she's the reason why he's in Colorado and not Taiwan.

Anonymous No. 781348 Report

He's Japanese and was sired in America.

Dannyanon No. 781349 Report

Sorry Leslieanon, man you never getting that lore back

Leslieanon No. 781350 Report

Or we can play with it a bit, everyone has conflicting stories on where he comes from, he never brings it up or ignores everyone's question.

Dannyanon No. 781352 Report

it's not up to me it's those other anons you gotta convince I wish you luck

Anonymous No. 781356 Report

Not as funny as Li fucking the Fish bruh

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 781358 Report

a cardboard terminator comes from the future with one goal, to apprehend Fastpass and prevent her from being a hero. If you have Fastpass in your party, The Killer Kardboard will chase you down until she gets ahold of her...daughter?! OMG, plot twist!!

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Leslieanon No. 781359 Report

Alright folks, which one are you betting on?

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Anonymous No. 781360 Report

>"Where is she?! I'm not leaving until she comes home right now!"
>"If you want to find her, then you'll have to go through me..."

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Anonymous No. 781361 Report

uhh, you seem to have made a mistake. You called it bass to mouth, when the correct term is ass to trout

Dannyanon No. 781362 Report

amber sweating in the background

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Anonymous No. 781363 Report

Li yang returns the favor

Dannyanon No. 781367 Report

I just imagine him being stomped with dr Cates, dr dogman, the cat girls fish boy cindy and the dog boys are they human are they animals are they both

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Anonymous No. 781368 Report

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Dannyanon No. 781369 Report


The orb could always talk

Anonymous No. 781378 Report

I really don't like the way Mute is looking at asimov there...

Anonymous No. 781379 Report

According to Li's creator it's a mix of one and three.
He did use that fish to pleasure himself, but fishboy only happened thanks to magic bullshit

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Anonymous No. 781382 Report

Do you see the vision?

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Dannyanon No. 781383 Report


Dannyanon No. 781384 Report

Yeah you see the vision

Dannyanon No. 781385 Report

It really depends on what you ask it if you ask for direction or guidance it will tell you if you ask her to show you something it will show you maybe it'll give extra context by telling you something

Dannyanon No. 781386 Report

Dogman: "Yeah, I know this is a tough call, but you wouldn't want to break the law, would you? You've got to ditch the bear. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and your daughter until you get everything sorted out. In the meantime, could I trouble you for some wine?"

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Anonymous No. 781391 Report


Anonymous No. 781403 Report

Where is the ILF part? no sir, I'd rather fuck Cindy's mom and Jerry's mom together.

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Leslieanon No. 781408 Report

+0.5 Mult for each Jack played in a hand

Dannyanon No. 781409 Report

Is this a picture for ants?

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Dannyanon No. 781410 Report


Dannyanon No. 781417 Report

there won't be more npd till I build up a backlog of at least 3 or 4 days so hopefully by Monday I'll post more

With NPC there's no obligation to do it daily so Ill post when i finish one

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Dannyanon No. 781437 Report


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Leslieanon No. 781439 Report

Here's a better version

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Dannyanon No. 781466 Report

I honestly want to do an Everett True style comic with wendy but I feel I would need to level up as an artist to attempt it maybe I'll do it somewhere down the line in npd

Dannyanon No. 781472 Report

episode where Hansel and Gretel eats Lon cheese of the month while crashing at the Chateau they have 5 hours to get him more or they'll be hunted down.

Dannyanon No. 781473 Report

the catgirls are also out looking to steal all the cheese for a dr Cates scheme and the dog boys are out to stop both parties since Hansel and Gretel are known trouble makers as well

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Dannyanon No. 781492 Report

Dannyanon No. 781494 Report

Les ( sheโ€™s so tired) and her idiots Danny not included

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Dannyanon No. 781495 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781497 Report

Ula learns she can multiply herself downside her already minimal intelligence is divided between the copies

Leslieanon No. 781498 Report

If you listen closely... You can hear the static.

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Anonymous No. 781499 Report

bros...that latest digital circus episode kinda sucked. Guess I'm fixated on north Park again.

Dannyanon No. 781502 Report

I thought it was good

Dannyanon No. 781503 Report

I had an idea cringe kid inherited his cringiness from his mom but she is good at hiding it ( her main fixations are homestuck and Hetalia) like that one anime where the girl is social butterfly in public but a bratty Otaku in private infornt of her brother. she was the cringe kid until second or third grade then after a super embarrassing incident she learned to hide it and change her identity entirely. most people assumed whoever that girl was moved away and then Barbara moved to town. Barbara isn't her real name only les, Dr cates, and Vera knows that that old cringe kid is Barbara. Danny knows les and Vera has some dirt on her but isn't sure what it is and it's always trying to figure it out. Whatever Barbara's original name is it still Infamous in town for the incident there are many different retailings of it no one's really sure on the full details but people got the main details down

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Anonymous No. 781504 Report

>Hansel... where did the cartoony wheel of cheese go?

Anonymous No. 781508 Report

shit taste, that episode was much better than the pilot for allowing everything to breathe.

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Anonymous No. 781513 Report

I'm kinda surprised there isn't more catgirl/hansel interactions considering the cat vs rat dynamic

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Dannyanon No. 781517 Report

I was going to do this one, but for some reason, I didnโ€™t feel like inking and just did this >>781492

Dannyanon No. 781519 Report

not even Bobby knows her terrible dark secret. her first name should be Cadence Cates and she willing to take extreme lengths to hide that information

Dannyanon No. 781521 Report

no one remembers Cadence's last name but everyone in town knows the Cadence incident. Vera was extorting Barbara to keep that a secret starting her down her long history of debts

Dannyanon No. 781522 Report

>I imagine Gretel was indignant at first not even going to do it but when Lon transformed into his true form ( we don't see it but we can infer that whatever it is is fucking massive and very scary) and told her if she doesn't she's going to get hunted down she looked pretty spooked by it

> Ion gave them a list of everyone in the cheese of the month club he knows is wasting the cheese the cat girls got the same thing from Dr cates

> I imagine throughout the entire night they keep accidentally destroying the cheese until one wheel is left and a hot potatoing the wheel until the five hours is up and Lon in his true form just takes it we still don't get to see it but everyone is terrified by it

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Anonymous No. 781526 Report

Another connection I don't think I have seen yet is the fact that besides the cat girls, Gretel is the other actual ninja in town (with the benefit of proper training from actual ninja assassins)

Anonymous No. 781527 Report

I liked it.

Anonymous No. 781528 Report

We still need to know the other Cheese of the Month club members

Dannyanon No. 781529 Report

I said in a previous thread chuck, Vera, and Dr cates

Dannyanon No. 781530 Report

I think black cat is the only one that stands a chance in a one on one with her but if it's a three on one or a 2 on one Gretel is getting jumped

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Anonymous No. 781535 Report

Dannyanon No. 781539 Report

they are so getting jumped by the catgirls

Dannyanon No. 781541 Report

Barbara: how much you want you damn monster... 10,000!? 20,000!?

vera: I only wanted like 300 bucks but those are some good numbers

Dannyanon No. 781544 Report

whelp we're passed the bump limit time to go nuts

Anonymous No. 781547 Report

>It was a snowday video game instead of a ninja video game

Every catgirl still gets each of their ass kicked by Niggerman ... cause they're not white and those are considered eldritch abominations. Hmm in fact I think I made Max OP against "minorities". So only other white people can stand a chance against him.

Dannyanon No. 781549 Report

This is the fourth time we've been over this they man made abominations (also blackcat is made form Naggerman's dna) their disabled status as failed experiments negates their minority status equaling it out so at the end of the day there's three 12-year-olds cat people trained ninjas versus a single 10 year old whose good at a martial arts I forgot (I think it was deleted and that bio you had written)

Dannyanon No. 781550 Report

* three 12-year-old trained ninjas cat people

also since max is a meta entity that's kind of like an Eldritch abomination in their universe and since black cat has Naggerman dna in her does that make her strong against him?

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Dannyanon No. 781551 Report

reminder this happened and is cannon

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Anonymous No. 781552 Report

It's up to us to make that ninja game happen.
How we doing it?

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 781556 Report

vanilla virgins need not apply
(tablet died again, goddammit)

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Leslieanon No. 781559 Report

>"How about a truce, Tits McGee?"
>"Y'know what? Sure, you skank."

Anonymous No. 781563 Report

this ain't poggers
i hate women so god damned much

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Dannyanon No. 781565 Report

black cat: thereโ€™s been a lot of talk about us being jobbers so why donโ€™t we show just how top tier we are in this ninja game

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Dannyanon No. 781567 Report

Anonymous No. 781568 Report

CK is so fucking lucky bros

Anonymous No. 781569 Report

Strong Danny Energy in this post.
CK is too much of a softboy to hate women

Dannyanon No. 781573 Report

we've been bullying max alot lately and all I got to say is good he's had it too good for too long

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Anonymous No. 781586 Report

Don't play with Danny guys, he's a woodpecker and a parrot.
Danny you're lucky if I don't grab your art and shove it in the AI and replace you with a robot.

>had it too good for too long.
Maybe you want 300 Max pics to pop out of nowhere where he truly is a Gary Stu. And I'll use genuine starving artists in pain, not a robot.
>Not my fault you're married to your job, woodpecker. Just sell the chateau and actually enjoy life you damn Cinderella. Cinderella at least had an evil godmother and her dumbass father didn't divorce on time, what's your excuse? you got a literal invisible chain and ball attached to you?
>Rich people married to their jobs can't enjoy life. Americans and Japs can't enjoy a chill life. It's a fact.

Dannyanon No. 781587 Report

>Danny you're lucky if I don't grab your art and shove it in the AI and replace you with a robot.

i dont care you're acting like I don't change my art style every week

And you never answered the question Max is blackcat strong against the Eldridge being known as Max

Anonymous No. 781589 Report

You have a pretty recognizable art style, dude. I bet you can't copy Leslie's style and he can't yours.

Max has 0.001% of alien DNA in him according to Mineral Anon or whoever came up with Schroder.. He's a dimension hopper which goes in line with 4th wall breakers. So no Niggerman wouldn't be effective against this psychic fairy type.

And here's a song for Blackcat just for (You):

Dannyanon No. 781590 Report

> Maybe you want 300 Max pics to pop out of nowhere where he truly is a Gary Stu. And I'll use genuine starving artists in pain, not a robot.

I could use a challenge for my soon to be total Danny domination Hanselanon and Leslieanon has been putting in the work but they're are no match for my speed and dedication

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Dannyanon No. 781592 Report

Danny:thatโ€™s liable me and my lawyer could sue you

Anonymous No. 781595 Report

>If Danny & Pals was a 60s show

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Dannyanon No. 781596 Report

Iโ€™m not sure where youโ€™re going with this parrot analogy

Anonymous No. 781597 Report


Anonymous No. 781602 Report

Damn good stuff, she truly is a joker.

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Dannyanon No. 781607 Report

you can stop the red menace by picking up your pencil dear anon

Anonymous No. 781608 Report

They're definitely no match for your paw hands and chicken scratches, Woodpecker. ;)

One thing artists never understand is that tracing is good if you learn to draw from eye. Copying is how you learn, as long as you don't absent mindedly copy.
Most people however learn just one thing and stay on that one thing forever.

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Dannyanon No. 781612 Report

Episode where the song get popular and Blackcat seems depressed about it and her sisters and her friends try to cheer her up but she just feel so bad for whoever this song is about. the fact that is about her just flew over her head ( her mom did her abandoned her yet and her sisters love her, so it canโ€™t be about her).

Dannyanon No. 781613 Report

*didn't abandoned her yet

Dannyanon No. 781614 Report

I imagine in Universe Dr toades made an ai to make that song. a sub plot of Asimov 2 taking over the Ai to try to get it to write songs about all the citizens of North Park to get them they killed themselves

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Anonymous No. 781622 Report

the past few months in a nutshell

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Leslieanon No. 781623 Report

Made the other clowns.
From left to right:
+1 Mult for each Ace played in a hand
+1 Mult for each King played in a hand
+1 Mult for each Queen played in a hand
+0.5 Mult for each Jack played in a hand

Dannyanon No. 781624 Report

damn I wanna know dammit

Anonymous No. 781625 Report

Now we need some contex to this. He doesn't sing his own songs or he has a grown ass woman's voice to fuck with people when he sings?

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Dannyanon No. 781626 Report

If Ula drinks enough human blood her body can revert to its original form

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Dannyanon No. 781631 Report

POV you kidnapped her for an autistic pee drug plan and got off on technicality but because everyone now thinks she autistic because of you sheโ€™s stalking you to slowly drive you insane or get you to kill yourself .

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Anonymous No. 781632 Report

Dannyanon No. 781635 Report

what if through a legal loophole of us declaring ourselves as spin off to South Park Paramount owns North Park. they decide to gives hire us to make an actual show for north park they give us three seasons and a movie off the bat. there's only two stipulations it has to be suitable for tv and it has to be different enough from South Park what do we change?

Anonymous No. 781636 Report

make it an anthology series where each episode is North Park taking concepts introduced in South Park and reinventing them or adding to it

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Dannyanon No. 781638 Report

His worst nightmare

Anonymous No. 781639 Report

is there a reason why you gave Crush Zach's jacket?

Dannyanon No. 781640 Report

Originally the purple part of the jacket was supposed to be like those big Mega Man forearm glove things but then another artist interpreted as part of the jacket and I just kind of went with it instead of correcting it because I like the better

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Dannyanon No. 781642 Report

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Leslieanon No. 781648 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781649 Report

In Altyโ€™s timeline she liked being around the cat ninjas (who were taken under Elmerโ€™s wing sometime after the abandonment and eventually became his successors) thatโ€™s how she found out about Dr. cates. no one knows what happened to Dr.cates on that timeline

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Dannyanon No. 781664 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781674 Report

They found that neil boyโ€™s dog for some reason bobland doesnโ€™t like him

Anonymous No. 781678 Report

what is that, ghost loogie?
>but if you're into that kind of thing
she's a freak

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Dannyanon No. 781682 Report

Nbn Ula likes to tease father goodfellow since sheโ€™s openly a vampire and he frequent her establishment. Also just the government supplies it with blood pre-frequently stays in her ture form.

Dannyanon No. 781683 Report

I don't know how I fucked this up but this was supposed to be a reply to this>>781639

Dannyanon No. 781684 Report

Complete serialized storytelling of no-brainer universe

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Dannyanon No. 781699 Report


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781709 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781710 Report


Anonymous No. 781712 Report

Revive gum OP pls nerf

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Dannyanon No. 781713 Report

he hurt himself today to see how it will feel

Vera: you canโ€™t keep doing this Steeve. we all miss gouupa too but you gotta move on. you know they wouldnโ€™t wanna see you like this.

he loses his ability to see ghosts and his other psychic abilities until the spit dries and the ghost becomes unseen again He describes it as being sort of being half blind

Anonymous No. 781715 Report

Steeve Vera interactions are fun, I wonder if she was around after he got kicked out of the Magical Forest, because before he found the Wall Secrets Steeve was a lot less nice than he is now, and considering how much of an ass he can be now I feel bad for Old North Park.

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Dannyanon No. 781717 Report

What does she wish for? How does it go wrong?

Anonymous No. 781718 Report


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Dannyanon No. 781721 Report


Yanderechan No. 781728 Report


Dannyanon No. 781729 Report

I imagine their relationship is that they are always at each other's throats but for some reason they really care about each other

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Anonymous No. 781732 Report

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Dannyanon No. 781735 Report

Anonymous No. 781736 Report

>Episode where Momo mistakes Vanessa for a monster fucker like herself

Dannyanon No. 781737 Report

There's a rabid werewolf that Vanessa is trying to hunt down and momo keeps getting in her way

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Dannyanon No. 781739 Report

Her fragile Edwardian mind couldnโ€™t comprehend the Momo monster love

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Dannyanon No. 781750 Report

Leslieanon No. 781752 Report

Random Leslie lore
>Has Ornithophobia (less of a fear and more of a general distaste), Astraphobia, and Triskaidekaphobia
>Prefers Playstation, but understands other platforms have games.
>If the timeline wasn't floating, would probably say the PSX Spyro trilogy is her favorite games.
>Prefers sausage, mushroom, and pineapple on pizza.

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Dannyanon No. 781760 Report

Leslie when thereโ€™s a thunderstorm on the 13th and a bird has broken into the house

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Dannyanon No. 781777 Report


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Anonymous No. 781780 Report

So, Since Bad End Anon got nuked should we just start ironing out bad ends ourselves?

Anonymous No. 781781 Report

tell me how some of these guys die
I'm curious

Anonymous No. 781783 Report

Here are some of my thoughts on these

I actually think Bobland probably would have tried fighting Asimov2/prime. He's a bear, after all and would want to protect his family meaning he'd have been killed instead of slowly waiting around to die of old age.

I don't think Hansel would be killed, his whole thing is the fact he can somehow survive despite all odds. He's either Demon Hanseling it up or has built his own subterranean society, maybe both. Dull probably would have been invited to it too, and maybe it involved conquering the frog people down there

I don't actually know if A2/Prime is stronger than Uisas but I imagine something would have had to get him out of the way as there isn't enough room for two evil masterminds.

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Anonymous No. 781784 Report

meanwhile, in the No Brainer Nolan universe

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Anonymous No. 781785 Report

Dannyanon No. 781787 Report

how does Nolan not getting lobotomized and river being held by the government for 10 extra years make this happen?

Dannyanon No. 781788 Report

OK I got it for boy fish since les knew what she'd become (thanks to being Visted and murder by the main timeline les) so she actually trained and studied up on her magic so she more powerful and summoned a full-blown mermaid instead of a fish that li fucked. boy fish longs for his Marine heritage and dress like a fish other than that he seems fully human.

Dannyanon No. 781795 Report

as for boy squirrel he was regular squirrel boy but after tripping a leftover trap dr toades left behind during the frogman invasion it transformed him into boy squirrel ( he still called squirrel boy). then he was kidnapped by the Taiwanese government (thats been spying on North Park for reasons) until dr Cates paranormal investigation agency on a completely unrelated mission saved him and took him home. now he's completely over his whole pretending to be a squirrel phase but everybody keeps calling him squirrelboy. "I have a name it's...."

I imagine boy fish wants to have the other who Normally try to eat him in the main timeline try to eat him here to validate his fishy heritage but they are kind weirded out by him.

Dannyanon No. 781798 Report

God if I wasn't at work I'd draw boy fish begging for them to try to vore him and the catgirls + Fiona and Barbara, cindy and Bobland are weirded out by him.

Anonymous No. 781800 Report

CK is a southpaw like his mama

Dannyanon No. 781811 Report

in nbn father Goodfellow actually becames a good old fashioned super natural combating priest ( he only fight the ones causing problems) since there seems to be a lot more monsters popping up.

who do you think remains completely unchanged in nbn? I can see Rayne, li , yashu, Hanoka, Bobland, amber and Cindy, the fucker society ( since they don't live in town), gothboy, romo, Chelsy and the burrs.

Anonymous No. 781816 Report

So shitty visuals we got them covered. Minecraft would be a great shitty place to make a North Park series in.
Music we got it covered (as long as you're not asking anything too autistically specific)
Voice acting we got it covered ... kindaa sorta.
However AI still cannot write funny fics or anything substantive like meaningful emotion beyond the age of 7.
We require additional writefags. At the very least 1 writefag who isn't a woman cause women can't be funny... if a woman can be funny then she isn't from California.

Dannyanon No. 781817 Report

if we do this I'm leaving due to cringe

Anonymous No. 781818 Report

But Danny ... /i/ is cringe incarnate... just like South Park is cringe.

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Anonymous No. 781820 Report

which is it for you?

Dannyanon No. 781821 Report

surprisingly Vera

Dannyanon No. 781823 Report

There's cringe like cosplaying which is all in good fun and then there's cringe-like self inserting shipping fan art using a real picture of yourself what you just described was In the 2nd category

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Dannyanon No. 781825 Report

The characters I made teir list

characters not on the list

meta park Vera would be in S teir

meta park Wendy, the catgirls and ula would be in A teir

Carrie Thompson would be a c teir would be higher if I didn't just draw her once

crush and helper would be in c teir

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Dannyanon No. 781829 Report

She like to watch him sleep

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Anonymous No. 781832 Report

Leslieanon No. 781834 Report

>"Show me a good time, Hansel!"

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Dannyanon No. 781835 Report

by the look his eyes I think he wants her to eat a specific part of him. Well probably not eat but definitely taste and saver

Dannyanon No. 781836 Report

my condolences to the family whoever that poor girl is death by Gretel is not a good death

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Leslieanon No. 781837 Report

Ninja RP Leslie, uses the Naginata.

Anonymous No. 781838 Report

pretty based

Anonymous No. 781852 Report

Asimov just reworks his Hero RP suit into a Samurai outfit, overthrows whoever is in charge of the Game, and Declares himself Shogun, this being one of the very rare times he gets to play the villain, the Samurai Dog Boys acting as his minions alongside a lot of robo-samurai he had Maria make for him

Anonymous No. 781853 Report

And while he's doing this he constantly breaks character to ask if everyone is having fun and if he's doing a good job as a villain, which is the only reason Danny isn't freaking out about this being his start of Darkness

Dannyanon No. 781854 Report

Danny makes the Shinigami ninja Clan and summons a bunch of actual dead ninjas who believe he is the actual god of death to work for him . the goths ( minus blenny he wanted to be leader but Danny had the ghost drag him out when he refused him), les and the vamps are under this clan. they are an enemy faction possibly the penultimate one leading into or the cause of the real actual not pretend threat coming.

Dannyanon No. 781855 Report

the catgirls drop abunch of lore notes about their back story that somehow pays attention to everyone else's character backstory and actually plays with them. everyone (except Addison, les, ck, and Rosalind) didn't read it and complains if you actually try to read it. if you follow the clues left buy the lore notes you get the secret hardest boss in the game thoughout the fight they are constantly referencing any of your party members you bring along Back stories and how they play into this fight and the other characters are embarrassed because the catgirls clearly read their character lore notes but they didn't read there's.

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Anonymous No. 781865 Report

Anonymous No. 781867 Report

the amount of mandy vore art that exists is concerning

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Anonymous No. 781872 Report

you can't stomach it? i know she can...

Dannyanon No. 781880 Report

episode in nbn where fishboy hires Vera and Bram play some tropical covers of famous loves songs to ask Felicia cates ( Ragdoll) to the dance at 2:30 in the morning and she agrees to get them to shut up and not wake the whole neighborhood up.

half the episode is Vera and Bram making a business out of this. you know annoying people at 2:30 in the morning with music till due to social pressure they agree to whatever the person paying them wants so they stop. till meville pays them to get mute to go out with them and that goes disastrous.

and the other half is fish boy planning a meticulous date for them to go to the dance. but it all falls apart.

Dannyanon No. 781894 Report

Danny after viewing this shit on the orb doesn't let Mandy's be alone with him anymore

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Leslieanon No. 781906 Report

>"Sorry Georgina but *BWOORP* but my dad said to eat my vegetables."

Anonymous No. 781907 Report

Amazing. I hope our favorite blonde enjoys sloshing inside

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Dannyanon No. 781908 Report

Mandy Danny for dinner but she was such a kind and gracious host that she couldnโ€™t help but put her soul into the meal

Dannyanon No. 781911 Report

*Mandy wanted

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Dannyanon No. 781919 Report

She sleeps in her old ninja suit

Dannyanon No. 781921 Report

lich Danny contemplating would it be more racist to eat black people's Souls or to not eat them

Anonymous No. 781924 Report

I don't know at this point, maybe I should make a new one.
I think it's Charlie (NoBrainer!Drew) But that's because she's a new spin on a classic.

Dannyanon No. 781925 Report

give us more Charlie lore

Anonymous No. 781926 Report

Daniel, you need to give me time, I've been in stasis for a couple of decades, you gotta let a man stretch his legs out!

Dannyanon No. 781927 Report

I give each of them a bit of more lore

> he's not even worried about the bad future anymore he knows because of the sliding timeline he's going to be 10 years old forever and the future will never come

> due to undergoing a lot of dr Toades gender fluid experiments his body has built up a resistance to it which unfortunately happened when he was a girl and he had to wait until Dr toades had to make extra strength gender fluid to turn him back. also he can almost immediately recognize the smell and taste of gender fluid


> her relationship with ula's original personality isn't as good as we thought it is or how she claims it is. she was kinda a pet to that clan she was in.

> knows about fake mr smiles it has been trying to call the authorities about him but everyone is too stupid to realize and now Mr smiles knows that someone knows about him and is looking for that person we have a reverse Death Note situation going on here


> she gets tons of love letters because of her work at the maid Cafe


> her favorite food is bratwurst and sauerkraut

Vanessa helstad

> this is her fourth body


> the Kill la Kill suit is Canon


> she's not practicing Judaism

> the 3rd oldest vampire in the North Park vampire Society

>the best shapeshifter of the group mainly uses it to become a girl and perv on other girls


> she remembers a lot more than she lets on possibly purposely not delving deeper into those memories due to a lot of regret ignorance is bliss

> was switched at birth after his "parents" actual child was still born


> he is considered a deadbeat father by his race mainly because the way they're erased goes to adulthood is by eating there predecessors and lon left the void to Earth because Earth has time so he knows he's going to get infinitely divided by timeline so it will be impossible for his spawn to eat him.

Dannyanon No. 781928 Report


> is chronologically the youngest of the cat Girls by one month


> is insanely popular in Brazil

Dannyanon No. 781929 Report

Not chronologically physically

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Anonymous No. 781930 Report

I've lost the plot

Dannyanon No. 781932 Report


> he is considered a deadbeat father by his race mainly because the way his race grows into adulthood is by eating their predecessors and lon left the void to Earth because Earth has time so he knows he's going to get infinitely divided by infinite timelines so it will be impossible for his spawn to eat him

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Dannyanon No. 781934 Report


Dannyanon No. 781941 Report

Shit forgot about my main man Joseph

> has a hobby of making perfect replicas of famous and some non-famous sitcom location down in the catacombs you may be walking those endless Maze and then randomly come across a complete Recreation of Jerry's apartment from Seinfeld.

> I think him and Vera has a bit romance to their friendship they're very flirty with each other but neither of them have any more feelings than they're just close friends.

Anonymous No. 781960 Report

I have fallen in love with myself. It's time for a Max x Max wedding.
Look at that perfect specimen, just put a black skirt on it and suddenly you'll understand the allure that is Max.
Those who cannot do not have the neuron connections required to enjoy such a beautiful creature. And must obviously be dogfaggots.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 781963 Report

Vera and Bram helped him out with the dance proposal the first time that is the goodness of the heart because they Believe in Romance then

Dannyanon No. 781964 Report

Vera and Bram helped him out with the dance proposal the first time out of the goodness of their hearts because they Believe in Romance then

Dannyanon No. 781971 Report

do you guys have an nbn counterparts that you like better than the main timeline version of them

for me nbn fishboy and Lydia are good

Dannyanon No. 781972 Report

I like the originals but the nbn versions are my cup of tea

Anonymous No. 781973 Report

I'll make a tierlist of my opinions but I don't remember all the lore so I'll skim through the wiki article mixed with what I can remember and post something in a sec.

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Anonymous No. 781974 Report

Here they are, ranked on if I find their NBN character to be better or worse in regards to how much I enjoy them. Let me know if I missed any significant characters and I'll rank them too.

Dannyanon No. 781981 Report

I find your placements of Vera and Leslie fascinating since they're both the same character with little change I got to know the reason behind their placements

Anonymous No. 781982 Report

Robert, Nolan and Zach are pretty good, I like domino effects

Dannyanon No. 781983 Report

I forgot slappy and Charlie and Hui-Feng

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Anonymous No. 782008 Report

who wore it better?

Dannyanon No. 782012 Report

momo. she actually tried I don't know what miss Chariot was thinking with the hair

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Dannyanon No. 782022 Report

I think heโ€™s been listening to Chuck hit on Mrs peng

I love this idiot

Anonymous No. 782023 Report

stop giving Yashu eyes
I'll sue you otherwise

Dannyanon No. 782025 Report

then lawyer up

Anonymous No. 782027 Report

Her nbn design is usually wearing a different outfit from what I've seen, I prefer her usual outfit
Her being a catgirl is kinda fun.

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Dannyanon No. 782028 Report

Didnโ€™t feel like finishing this one up but I like the pose

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Anonymous No. 782029 Report

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Dannyanon No. 782031 Report

Danny had to( fur) suit up to defeat her he will deny anyone calling him a furry

Dannyanon No. 782036 Report

Fun fact there's almost as much no brain Nolan fish boy art as there is normal fish boy art

Dannyanon No. 782038 Report

nbn squirrel boy forgot his original name and most people in town even very lore knowledgeable characters like axle, Lon, and Vera had forgotten it too so he has to begrudgingly refer to himself as squirrel boy

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Anonymous No. 782052 Report

lets do a little interactive thing.

These 4 characters are stuck in an elevator together. Suggest something to happen next and I'll choose one to continue the situation.

Anonymous No. 782053 Report

>It's a parody of that one shitty Devil in the elevator movie episode

Anonymous No. 782054 Report

Rayne casually mentioning that Asimov has no soul to fuck with the other three (Hansel really likes Asimov because he gives him lunches and occasionally cooks gourmet meals for him and his sister, Goodfellow would have a crisis if faith over the nicest boy in town being doomed to nothingness, and Dorothy is offended because Asimov is one of the few students who hasn't almost killed her via heart attack.)
Also, expect a huge lore dump for all my characters soon~

Anonymous No. 782055 Report

Teeny Steeve
>He can bring the dead back to life, but there's always some horrible drawback and he really doesn't like doing it.
>Strong supporter of Mineral/Nightmare Guy despite having a crush on her in the past
>Has been eaten by at least three members of the cast
>Janice is one of the only people he is completely cordial with, because she saved him from being drowned by a kelpie soon after his exile from the Magical Forest, meaning he owes her a life debt.
>Would date Diana if he wasn't already with Gouupa.
>canonically insanely hung.
>Doesn't torment Dr. Cates because he can't think of a worse fate then being her.
>Has cursed Danny into being Dr. Cates once when he really pissed Steeve off.

>His favorite show is an obscure cartoon about a robot boy living his daily life.
>Has been kissed by more boys his age than any other member of the cast
>Has had a conversation similar to with Maria
>Is one of the only cooks in town to have never disappointed Toades, in spite of the man's insanely high cooking standards.
>Has German suplexed Weedo
>Only really dislikes one person, Robin.
>Is the one that gave fish boy the idea of wearing his fish bowl.
>Is considered one of the prettiest 'Girls' when he's crossdressing.

Cringe Kid
>Skilled at playing the flute
>Good at editing videos (Melville makes him do it)
>Gave Danny CPR once, meaning he was also Danny's first kiss on a technicality.
>Knows a lot of the combinations to other kids lockers thanks to them trying to ignore him for being cringe.
>Has a plushy bed (Melville got them for him)
>Is so cringe that if he dated a cringe girl it would create a pain aura around them that would literally cause people to cringe so hard it hurts.
>Has canonically eaten human flesh (Thanks Danny.)

>Loves his other robot family members despite himself, tries very hard to hide this.
>Has kicked Robin in the dick.
>Lon confirmed that A2 has a soul unlike Asimov

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Anonymous No. 782056 Report

Rayne has decided to break the ice in the most strange way possible

what happens next?

Anonymous No. 782057 Report

more A-2
>Uisas is the only character canonically more evil than A-2
>Axel cut his head off once.
>Has used Ada and Crush as living shields while fighting, since he can just repair them even if they get completely destroyed.
>Was sad when the freshly formed AP had to Kill Maria.
>Gardening Teddy is on his do not kill list.

>Dated a female bear before Honoka snatched him up, much to Bobland's shock.
>Can prepare Fugu
>Disliked by Toades and Miner Character for his love of Frog Legs.
>Took a shotgun blast to the chest and walked it off.
>If someone tries to kick/punch him in the dick they're the ones that will be injured.
>Is nice to Les because he knows she's the reason North Park has so many fish from all over the world (And for his son Fish Boy)
>Good friends with the other North Park dads, save Bobland.
>Doesn't think Slappy due to being raised in japan and having a culturally different standard of comedy.
>Surprisingly good Frank Sinatra impression
>Skilled with any Japanese musical instrument.

>Her sister faked her death, Maria doesn't know this.
>Dislikes Squirrel boy and cripple fucker.
>Has made out with all the moms in North Park at least once (Except Jane)
>Atheist, does not get along with Goodfellow or Jeremy when they try to convince her to take up religion.
>Has Canonically been sexually assaulted several times growing up by both men and women.
>Has never had anal sex.
>Has shown interest in dating other women, and would happily date Diana
>Has invented Ghost seeing Glasses after getting possessed by Barbara
>Has made Wendy blush (She's seen Maria making out with several women and saw Maria in her fancy lingerie once)

Nightmare Guy
>Has budded off smaller Nightmare creatures multiple times from injuries or getting sick
>If eaten tends to possess the person that ate them, coveting them like a symbiote
>Can shapeshift and control people by entering their shadows
>Uisas is physically harmed by being close to him thanks to his purity

Dannyanon No. 782064 Report

Danny struck teeny steeve back with a counter curse all his fates will lead him to marrying Georgina dooming his relationship with goopa the only way it can be undone is if he remove his curse and if he brings it back or does a similar curse the curse will come back. he's done this shit with Teeny Stevie before

Danny: bobby I told you the bag specifically labeled mummy remains spell component do not eat was not beef jerky

Thanks for reminding me I forgot to do crushes lore update

> when Asimov Prime sent bad timeline Crush back to get Wendy so that they may take over her body Crush sent her past self a bunch of data on what was going to happen. this is a crucial component in saving the future because she will save Wendy from being instantly evaporated Wendy will activate That Kill la Kill suit that will turn into maximum power which is her wearing literally nothing but a bow on her head causing her maximum embarrassment but increases her power of 1,000 fold. while she won't be able to beat him she will smack him around and his evaporation laser does nothing to her at that point but that will buy Danny enough time to give tt that magic sword that will forcibly separate them Asimov and Asimov 2 also giving both of them some power core damage which Asimov can recover from since he can get a new body but it's pretty much just stage 3 cancer for A2

Anonymous No. 782065 Report

>Shef hates him
>Has met Cates several times, still has no idea who she is.
>Bundle tried to marry him once, only for Toades to reveal he is already married.
>He and Lon play poker and eat expensive/exotic cheeses.
>Maggot cheese is Toades favorite, and he makes his own.
>Made a lab that the Cat Girls can't blow up by creating adorable, loveable creatures that can only survive in his lab.
>Has clones of several North Park inhabitants he finds interesting.
>Has five hundred children that he didn't make in a lab.
>Actually sees potential in Momo as a scientist, since she reminds him of Maria.
>Vamps would get very sick from drinking his blood.
>Casually threatened Mr. Smiles into compliance, noting that he could snap the man in half over his knee.

Bobby Norman
>Has been invited to multiple threesomes.
>Competent, caring lover, making sure his partner his having as much enjoyment as he is
>Member of the cheese of the month club, paid for by Lon who feels bad for the man.
>Cates had a crush on him, but Barbara got him first.
>Has gone on a date with Diana, and while there was no spark, he tells her that she has a beautiful soul and deserves to be happy
>is the entire staff of Melville's mansion outside of Sebastian.

>show hints of burgeoning sapience, and have acted against their programing several times to protect their family
>Even if the programming saying that they love each other were deleted they'd still be madly in love with each other.
>Galatea is based on one of Maria's childhood crushes, Alita is based on a porn star who is the parent of one of the North Park parents.
>Danny is flustered when Galatea pampers him.
>Both of them have made out with Dr, Cates.

Mac Tonight
>Capable of going skynet, but doesn't because he's nice.
>Has dated Nurse Maggie and Diana
>Asimov made him anatomically correct.
>Slappy's nemesis despite barely knowing the guy
>Has hit on Dr, Cates.

Anonymous No. 782066 Report


>Can kill a giant with her bare hands.
>Wears weighted clothing,
>Has tried to arrange multiple marriages for Yashu
>Is going easy on her when she fights Wendy
>Teaches the Ninja catgirls Japanese on the weekends, along with any other North Park kids who are interested.
>Momo thinks Honoka is secretly an Oni
>Loves fish boy like he's her own.

>Tends to speak in a naturally dismissive tone.
>Resting Bitch Face, thy name is Yashu
>One of the smarter members of the cast, unaffected by the North Park Stupid
>Insanely lucky.
>His training to defeat Wendy means he can easily kick Zachary's ass now
>Gets along well with Gardening Teddy, who gave him a Bonsai when he saw that Yashu was feeling homesick
>Would actually make an amazing house husband.
>Likes Dorothy, and is kinda sad that he scares her so much.

Dr, Cates
>Her blood is 5% energy drink
>Has a dildo that is a perfect replica of Toades' penis.
>Loves headpats despite claiming otherwise.
>Purrs very loudly when happy
>Cares way more about CK than she does the Ninja Catgirls.
>Buys catnip from Stan the weed man.
>Lactose intolerant thanks to cat DNA.
>Sends a ton of hate mail to Maggie, almost as obsessed with her as she is with Toades.

>Very smart, barely shows it to avoid standing out.
>Will outlive every other member of the cast.
>If her body is destroyed she'll just pop out of the nearest source of clean water good as new.
>Has panic attacks around Uisas
>Liked the time she kissed Danny to give him CPR, stealing his second kiss.
>Dislikes being worshipped by Fish boy.

Dannyanon No. 782067 Report

Hansel opens up some expired food stinks up the entire elevator

Anonymous No. 782068 Report

>He forgets that the lore states the incident that causes AP to be a thing also Destroys Asimov's means of being revived,
For Shame DA, I expected more lore knowledge from you...

Dannyanon No. 782069 Report

Oh shit they both die of robo cancer then also no I wouldn't know this because we don't got the bad timeline list also I assume since Maria is still alive she could just remake it

Dannyanon No. 782070 Report

tt is saddened by Asimov inevitable perma death but at the same time this also gave him the soul he was looking for

Anonymous No. 782071 Report

>Had killed several loan sharks in the past
>Considered faking her death before she found out she was pregnant.
>Her favorite and least favorite non-family NP kids are Ester and Danny respectively.
>Calamari loves her sense of style and will help her get whatever body she's in nice and pretty.
>Spends a lot of time around the vamps when she isn't watching her family or possessing someone, mostly because they can see her.
>Has a Ghost phone, nobody knows how it works, but it does.
>Likes to mess with people's dream when they sleep by going into them. Uses this ability spend more time with her son.
>Momo wants to make pottery with her.

Anonymous No. 782073 Report

That would just cause a stable time loop to form, since Crush has to go to the past from the bad future to give her present version the data, otherwise it forms aparadox, that's why AP can't just kill TT to make sure he never happens, it's a stable time loop until AP figures out how to safely erase his timeline without making a paradox.

Dannyanon No. 782074 Report

eh just say quantum computers and don't think about it too hard

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Anonymous No. 782075 Report

Unmoved by Rayne's assertion, Hansel decides to enjoy a meal

What happens next?

Anonymous No. 782076 Report

Teeny Steeve pops out from under Hansel's hat

Dannyanon No. 782077 Report

this whole plot doesn't make sense if we're taking into account time Loops and Paradox tt shouldn't exist because her future couldn't be created without her going back into the past to create the future while trying to stop the future that can't exist from happening

Dannyanon No. 782078 Report

she hates Vera since she started her on the debt path and she can't really haunt her since she being haunted by her dead family begging her to track down her father and get revenge on him also all her victims so there's a really long line she doesn't feel like waiting in

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Anonymous No. 782081 Report

>"Look at this pathetic excuse of a human being. I suppose since we're stuck inside, starving is our next best bet since he can't stop consuming for the life of him. That is, unless you do something about it, Dorothy."

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Anonymous No. 782082 Report

The little bastard has come to play, what's gonna happen now?

Anonymous No. 782083 Report

Oh, this is Goodfellow's first time meeting Teeny Steeve, isn't it?

Steeve would probably start tormenting Rayne for >>782081

Dannyanon No. 782084 Report

Danny has accidentally or non romantically kissed (usally to give or break a curse or cpr) almost all the girls and ck in the cast minus Georgina Addison and bundle arguably the people who wants it the most

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Anonymous No. 782085 Report

yeah right, and I've had sex with every woman in town.

Anonymous No. 782087 Report

Danny also has obtained several incurable STDs in the process of this

Dannyanon No. 782089 Report

STDs in this case mean spit transmitted demons if it follows but with kisses

Dannyanon No. 782090 Report

Since no one pointed it out yet imma also add Wendy to the girls he didn't kiss

Anonymous No. 782091 Report

yeah, sure, never kissed her... right...

Anonymous No. 782092 Report

I knew you were fag, bellboy
your sister needs a real man

Dannyanon No. 782098 Report

>Made a lab that the Cat Girls can't blow up by creating adorable, loveable creatures that can only survive in his lab.

when the cat girls couldnt do it Nolan accidentally pressed the detonator blowing up the lab

dr toades ....of course


Danny casually States this casually while eating lunch chaz tries to call him out and Danny telepathically beams his memories of all those times in his head to show him

this is going to be a long one


> he should her he can blow her up like a balloon if he blow air into her mouth.


> Vera tried to set up a kissing booth so les could have a reason to kiss her by supporting her business but she cluelessly thought it would be better to bring a whole bunch of people to kiss her so she'd get more money Danny was in that crowd

kid Barbara

> happened in a time travel adventure


> happened in a picture you can find it on the wiki

black cat and Ragdoll

> they went a lot further than a kiss Danny doesn't show chaz that part


> cpr multiple times starting to suspect she doing it on.... les cursed him so he can't ever complete that thought after he told her he thinks she doing this on purpose

kid dr Cates

> time travel adventure


> she wanted to thank him for helping her try to see the supernatural


> in order to get her under the magic contact it had to be sealed with a kiss

skip lizzy problematic


> happened in a picture on the wiki


> Robin gave her a lustful virus that made her target all the boys in school Danny was a victim


> found out about lich Danny she wanted to put in some points now just in case it happened in this timeline.


Dannyanon No. 782106 Report

Wrote a longer post you tell him more characters but the page fucking refresh and had to start all over again


> tried to trick Danny into thinking she had a crush on him to get in the basement and steal a ton of magic items he kissed him as part of the act but he knew by thst time because of Vera and les told him who she really was both was grossed out after the fact.

Dannyanon No. 782107 Report

*longer post detailing more characters

Dannyanon No. 782112 Report


> as thanks for saving her from a really bad seizure with his psychic powers


> part of the curse fight between Danny and Teeny Steeve since Danny was now petty and vindictive like dr Cates after gouupa and steeve broke up Danny Had gouupa kiss him publicly infront of teeny steeve which made him snap and break the curse so that they could get back together.


> during one of their fights one thing lead to another it was very passionate


> when they were younger Chelsea and Wendy were beasties and Danny hung out with her Wendy dared her to kiss a boy.


> wanted him to teach her magic and Danny didn't want to so said he would if she completed a list of thing he knows she wouldn't have done one of the items was passionately kiss a boy she completed the list now Danny teaches her magic though he purposely teaches her harmless stuff


Dannyanon No. 782117 Report


> Hansel was cursed to eternally sleep by a witch unless a psychic kissed him Danny was going to break the curse but Gretel wasn't having it only she gets to kiss Hansel. so she thought of a plan she kisses Danny and collect a ton of his spit and then she kisses Hansel it worked surprisingly.


>she had a homing weapon chase Danny then he did this

Dannyanon No. 782120 Report

I'm half way done with the list do you want me to finish or can you take my word on this?

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red wine shinanai....png

Leslieanon No. 782139 Report

>One morning after some red wine shenanigans
>"So, do you still want me to give Grace that rocket leg?"
>"Are you insane? Of course."

Dannyanon No. 782140 Report


> put Danny head in her mouth that kinda counts


> Dorothy died and her soul ended up inside Danny (like how Kenny was in cartman) the only way to put it back was with lip contact with the corpes it was a sight to behold to see this kid kiss a corpes and it came back to life right before the doctors could cut into her for the wake.

Dannyanon No. 782143 Report


> cupid steeve nonsense made Sabrina and ck fall in love with him the were a thruple that Valentine's Day


> he was about to show it but remembered they are cousins and quickly changed to someone else

Lydia's gang

> they are friends during the summer when Danny lives at his mother's trailer hanging with Savannah. one boy (three no!!!) two girls oh my well weird games gonna happen. it seems Danny is manually editing his memories of a certain someone out of the memory also Addison was at temple that day and didn't come

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Anonymous No. 782148 Report

Looks like shits begun to hit the fan, what's gonna happen next?

Leslieanon No. 782149 Report

Someone fall through the roof, your choice who it is.

Dannyanon No. 782151 Report

why does all the artist comes out on days I can't draw? how rude

Dannyanon No. 782160 Report

imma finish this tomorrow sorry was playing dnd today couldn't

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Anonymous No. 782161 Report

Speak of the devil

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Anonymous No. 782162 Report

Fell all the way through. The elevator is definitely broken now.

What could possibly happen next?

Dannyanon No. 782165 Report

Rayne remembers a spell she was taught to use if anyone was bugging her( it just blows confetti he wasn't gonna teach her anything dangerous)

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Anonymous No. 782169 Report


Dannyanon No. 782171 Report

Danny *Heavily contemplating memory wipe and redoing this conversation to make him seem less like a slut

Dannyanon No. 782178 Report

in my opinion Danny isn't a slut most of those things happened to him and spoilers for the end of this thing a lot of them are canonically dubious if they actually happened (I'll tell you the ones that actually happened later) this is just a plot to get Hansel to steal Chaz's lunch Danny is the distraction enticed chaz with something he knew he'd be interested in

they pull this song and dance a lot

Anonymous No. 782179 Report

>And people will only ever remember (And constantly remind him) that his first Kiss was with CK, and that he's kissed CK more than once.
Agatha, at Danny: Boy kisser.
Danny, flustered: I-I've kissed plenty of girls!
Bennet, Charles, and Gothboy: ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
Danny, blushing neon red: NO I"M NOT!
Drew, watching this all happen with Beansy and Asimov, holding both their hands: Wow, he's super in denial about being gay, isn't he?
Asimov: *shrugs*
Beansy: *Blows a raspberry in an agreeable fashion.*

Dannyanon No. 782180 Report

The ones that are true and actually happened so far

> Leslie

> teacup


> Gretel

> les



> Lydia's gang ( though he will try to deny this as actually happening)

The ones he took existing memories but kind of warped a kiss or romantic situation into it. the kiss never happened

>black cat and Ragdoll both times were interrupted before anything really happened

> Dorothy no kiss happened but the situation around it happened

>Rayne he gave her a list of things she wouldn't do so he could teach her magic

> gouupa there was about to kiss but teeny steeve broke the curse before that happened

> Ingrid was honestly the biggest clue for this because if you was paying attention to the previous post ( I know most of you guys probably tends to skip mine sometimes) but the one where I mentioned why mineral have Danny doll she gave them dolls instead of a kiss

The rest are straight up lies

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 782181 Report

lol I didn't even mention the worst one that's true and everyone knows about this

First you need a little bit of background Lore a long time ago I mentioned that Danny and dew have negative chemistry and every time they get near each other they have weird, awkward, cringey, and embarrassing accidents happen to them ( think gumball and hotdog guy) it's like a law of the universe man

so basically one time at a sleep over the 4th grade class was playing spin the bottle right instead of taking turns it was just whoever the bottle stops on kisses. the entire night it was just dew and Danny and then they keep suggesting let's just take turns but I think everyone just wanted to see how long this could have went on they even saw the experimenting what if one of the move here yep still lands on them.

Dannyanon No. 782182 Report

lol I didn't even mention the worst one that's true and everyone knows about this

First you need a little bit of background Lore a long time ago I mentioned that Danny and dew have negative chemistry and every time they get near each other they have weird, awkward, cringey, and embarrassing accidents happen to them ( think gumball and hotdog guy) it's like a law of the universe man

so basically one time at a sleep over the 4th grade class was playing spin the bottle right instead of taking turns it was just whoever the bottle stops on kisses. the entire night it was just dew and Danny and then they keep suggesting let's just take turns but I think everyone just wanted to see how long this could have went on they even started experimenting with this. what if one of the move here yep still lands on them .

Dannyanon No. 782185 Report

everyone calls Danny gay he responds by giving the entire fourth grade class gaydreams basically this happens

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big brothers are ....png

Anonymous No. 782192 Report

Anonymous No. 782193 Report

She really needed to be taken down a peg like this. Max is brave for standing up to her like that.

Dannyanon No. 782200 Report

when is the wiki going update? Danny needs his domination update to clean the taste of spit ck er I'm sure from many a huge amount of girls out his mouth

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Anonymous No. 782201 Report

Dannyanon No. 782202 Report

* ck spit

kinda ruined the joke but it had double dubs I couldn't delete it

Anonymous No. 782203 Report

you yourself could update it
the wiki is free use for everyone

The Maxx No. 782206 Report

Holy shit it's just like my fever dreams. Except more gory and mean spirited (than usual).
Also for some reason whenever I dream of this thread the drawings are always in black or right or with that weird yellow or grey shade.

The Maxx No. 782207 Report

in black or white* goddamnit I really need to take a break from what I've been currently doing.

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does this look li....png

The Maxx No. 782208 Report

>does this look like the face of mercy? well, does it?
>I am about to ruin this little self insert's whole career in just 1 comic strip. Retcon me into having a brown sister, will you writers? I'll burn the whole Hasbro down.

What about a big scary monster(the one from South Park) or one that looks like a Grim Reaper appears to kill everyone and Rayne smiles, celebrates and kisses him, welcoming death and mayhem.

Dannyanon No. 782209 Report

you don't know what you just unleash upon the wiki

Dannyanon No. 782210 Report

eh when I dream about npg there usally more activity people riffing on each other post and a ton more pictures and then I wake up and met with disappointment

imagine wiki exclusive pictures, pictures existing for a few day and then begin deleting to gaslight you into thinking certain things are canonical were going to have so much fun... if my crippling commitment issues didn't prevent me from completing anything

Anonymous No. 782211 Report

>eh when I dream about npg there usally more activity people riffing on each other post and a ton more pictures and then I wake up and met with disappointment
your fault for missing the golden age.
Maybe if we're patient, some old faces will pop up and bless us with content

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this bad boy can ....png

Anonymous No. 782215 Report

>"Mhmmph mpph mphroo hmm hmm."

Leslieanon No. 782216 Report

Is that a chaos emerald?

Dannyanon No. 782219 Report

God damn it!!! I was planning on doing something with that ( the Jimmy Fallon template saw it on Twitter today was going to do it after work) now I can't don't won't to be 2nd got a backup though

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Dannyanon No. 782229 Report

the backup plan

Anonymous No. 782230 Report

fuck, this hits me hard

Anonymous No. 782236 Report

I donโ€™t recommend uploading the thread images to the wiki yet it was pretty annoying for the sorting process I have last time that happened.

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Anonymous No. 782240 Report

Happy mother's day
what were your favorite milf moments?

Dannyanon No. 782241 Report

This song is dedicated to Penny dizzy Sabrina and little old Leslie

Leslieanon No. 782242 Report

I'm glad you have ghost powers woodpecker, cause you're about to be one.

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Dannyanon No. 782243 Report

Who else should join?

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he&#039;s going f....png

Anonymous No. 782245 Report


Leslieanon No. 782246 Report


Anonymous No. 782247 Report

>"You stupid thirdies really love hiding behind your older siblings don't you? I almost hate you more than the fourthies."

Leslieanon No. 782248 Report

"You do remember what he did with your bat right?"

Dannyanon No. 782249 Report

* tea cup, fishboy and Danny behind Zach pretending to be henchman to try to trick him into not messing with him

danny: yeah hiding behind their siblings who would do that?

teacups: a small cowardly pushy I bet

fish boy: blub blub blub

Danny and teacup: are we aloud to say that?

Anonymous No. 782250 Report

>Max abuses people due to his mental illness
Haha yeah totally , he totally just doesn't view Posie as inferior and like a cute pet to have around who needs correcting so she knows her place. He views her as a pretender who thinks she's being elegant, she needs a teacher. Unfortunately she has no talent, like all gingers. It would take an alien invasion to stop the ginger anagram and evolve them into modern people.
>Acts sane around Trisha & Jerry.
They're his medicine you see. If Max were a woman he'd be a smart yandere. Not like those dumb yanderes who hurt the people they love.
He can't stab Jerry and Trisha otherwise it would be like stabbing himself, his future white race. However when faced with his own demise, hmmm. Will Trisha & Jerry live on to become Max? <3 then I guess his job is done even at his own mortality. Albeit Woodpecker has more chances to be insane with seeing ghosts and all, I think Mineral would make a nice pair with him. Jerry? Jerry & Trisha? they're the beautiful baby bunnies (with a bite) who I have to protecc and and ensure their future. They must breed in the future and make lots & lots of white & blonde bunnies. They're heaven. At least one side of heaven before the Maximals come in.
To describe Max... he's in control of his insanity ... which makes him something else. Psychologists don't know where to put him.

Would girlMax be more autistic or less autistic? less aggressive or more aggressive? more horny or less horny?
>Max is now a girl.
>Smashes' Jerry's brickwall at in mid air.
>You're my boy friend now, Jerry. You belong to me.
Albeit he doesn't hit on Trisha so why would she hit on Jerry? Hmm..

Anonymous No. 782251 Report

just show us your Cupid Me already, Colonial Klansman
you want to fuck Jerry and Trisha, so you hide your homoerotic tendencies behind continuing the white race like you even have choice

Leslieanon No. 782252 Report

Remember folks, the alt-right is both metaphorically and literally gayer than the left will ever be.

Anonymous No. 782253 Report

I don't know... I'm really struggling to find them appealing inthat way, but they feel like brother & sister to me, maybe Max might in fact be related to them just for being blonde. Is this that interracial thing they were talking about? want to fuck someone, but not too close to you, is that why I want to fuck Mineral? Mineral is a taboo.
Maybe if those 2 dressed more like my wife, hmm... I wonder what my wife would look like as a boy.
Fucking them would feel extremely shallow ... ironically there'd be no intimacy and a lack of novelty, it would be like masturbation. It would be like Trisha's brothers abusing her tired straightman persona, just another day in North Park. Where is the spice? ironically sex with them would feel like everything is normal with the world again. No taboo.

Anonymous No. 782255 Report

Mineral really?
whew boy...hahaha

Dannyanon No. 782256 Report

I don't think max could get any more autistic

Neil: he maxed that stat out

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Leslieanon No. 782258 Report

>"Oh no, anon, it seems you forgot our date... If only you can make it up to me some how..."
Leslie, after getting some of her mojo back during early Senior year.

Anonymous No. 782259 Report

imagine the taste of her periods

Dannyanon No. 782260 Report

Vera: eh overrated

ula: it worth the as the kids say "hype"

Leslieanon No. 782261 Report

Both of them? During her period?

Dannyanon No. 782262 Report

they happen every month all the vamps got up in there at one point or ano

Leslieanon No. 782263 Report

While she doesn't mind getting eaten out, she'd rather have them put the blood in a cup.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 782280 Report

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Dannyanon No. 782281 Report


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Anonymous No. 782288 Report

Time for some dark magic

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Anonymous No. 782289 Report

Well that didn't help much.
Now what?

Anonymous No. 782291 Report

hansel should be a gentlemen and help dorothy out

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north park mother....png

Anonymous No. 782292 Report

celebrating mother's day in north park cool style

Anonymous No. 782300 Report

Push Dorothy down the hole
I'm sure Ass-mov will catch her

Anonymous No. 782310 Report

Happy Birthday Faggot, now open up your birthday gift, before I have my way with your birthday ass.

Anonymous No. 782312 Report

Oh no! A pipe's been hit and now there's water( or a hilarious liquid/food of your choice) filling the elevator!!!!! But only to their ankles.

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Dannyanon No. 782320 Report

Blenny, took one look at that spell and said oh thatโ€™s a good one. Rayne misunderstood what he meant

Anonymous No. 782322 Report

Let me roll a random character

Gardening Teddy

Dannyanon No. 782323 Report

I never really thought about what father Goodfellow and Danny relationship would be like I imagine due to rumors in father Goodfellow mind Danny is a pychic necromancer sorcerer ( or at least pretending to be one) all of which probably is not good in his fath also he fudge his rolls in ttrpgs I have to think about how Danny would see him but I imagine since they both are nerds he's exposed to him someone so he does have an opinion on him

father Goodfellow tries to get Danny come to church he just no thank you I deal with enough gods already

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Anonymous No. 782327 Report

Gonna go with saving Dorothy this time

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Anonymous No. 782328 Report

Ginger secured

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Anonymous No. 782329 Report

Looks like Teeny Steeve's stunt caused a water pipe in the wall to burst through. However, the water could not rise to their ankles yet as it all drains out the huge ass hole in the middle of the floor.

What happens next?

Dannyanon No. 782330 Report

rat ladder down the hole

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Anonymous No. 782331 Report


Anonymous No. 782332 Report

rayne punches the side of the elevator and knocks the janitor's secret DEEP WEED stash free

Anonymous No. 782333 Report

>Steeve got bored and ditched them all for the wall dimension
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 782334 Report

>It's a two characters have to take CK to the hospital after he beefs it episode

Anonymous No. 782335 Report

>Steeve goes right through the wall like it was Tissue paper.
I made sense with Asimov but this is just getting silly!

Anonymous No. 782337 Report

Steeve has wall magic, he can just do that provided it's a wall

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Anonymous No. 782338 Report


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Anonymous No. 782339 Report

Rat ladder has formed, drugs have arrived, so what happens next?

Dannyanon No. 782340 Report

bravo Hansel anon for insuring a way to keeping Hansel from being overtaken for this thread but the race to the top isn't over we just both have to pass chaz

Anonymous No. 782345 Report

escape down the hole

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Anonymous No. 782347 Report

what will you have once you're at the top, hmm?
your lust for power has corrupted you into siding with the filthy street hobo

Anonymous No. 782348 Report

transport stuff up the ladder and into the elevator

Dannyanon No. 782349 Report

>what will you have once you're at the top, hmm?

I'll have you

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Anonymous No. 782352 Report

>"I'll have you."

i uh, don't know what to say.

Dannyanon No. 782358 Report


I was thinking about this do you have something to say chazy boy

Anonymous No. 782361 Report

Ahh, kissed Cringe Kid, so yeah.

Dannyanon No. 782363 Report

Don't think we forgot about Valentine's Day diaper boy

Anonymous No. 782364 Report

Danny will never dodge the allegations now.
Meanwhile it's rolling off of CK like he's made of Teflon

Dannyanon No. 782368 Report

eh he already numb to it now

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Dannyanon No. 782370 Report

Leslieanon No. 782372 Report

>"I'm gonna tear that nose off if we don't get out of here."

Dannyanon No. 782373 Report

> " yeah let's get out of here I don't like that one of them has a hammer"

>petter " hehheheheh hey Leslie don't think I forgot about the last time we met"

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Dannyanon No. 782375 Report


Anonymous No. 782376 Report

this is cheap and derivative memberberries, we're better than this
uh huh...okay...

Anonymous No. 782378 Report

>Those screaming horse noises.
What did Max(girl) mean by this?

Is Max like Dr Girlfriend?

Anonymous No. 782379 Report

no, because I'd rather listen to dr. Girlfriend for hours than max for like a minute

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Dannyanon No. 782381 Report

This is becoming my favorite genre

Anonymous No. 782383 Report

>Wanting a calm reasonable sane woman ... who will make you stop hunting down your arch nemesis and will lift you up when you're down and cheer you that you can do it, you can do it!!
What are you, nuts? A square? a bore? a a a... faggot?
>Not enjoying cute blonde schizo girls with overly verbose speeches who will egg you on to kill your arch nemesis or kidnap him herself ... and eggs you onto doing retarded cool shit.
My good sir you are gay.
Stick your pussy in crazy, do it now! Touch the cow.

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Dannyanon No. 782385 Report


Dannyanon No. 782388 Report

Vera: "guys this hotel has like the best elevator I ever seen."

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Dannyanon No. 782389 Report

Vera runs for class president is disqualified for never showing up to class like ever

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Dannyanon No. 782394 Report


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Dannyanon No. 782416 Report

The next one after this is Last one with these four old Danny needed get his steps in now I incorporate more characters

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Dannyanon No. 782417 Report

The story behind these images are they went deep into the catacombs are being tossed around different realities trying to find a way back home they usually have to find an exit somewhere.

Also taken completely public domain AI generated images, and now I technically own them since I drew on top of them is also a win

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elevator 15.png

Anonymous No. 782418 Report

They've managed to escape the elevator into the space below, but happen upon a gruesome sight.

Anonymous No. 782419 Report

What is this, an episode of a crossover episode?
You bastards...

Dannyanon No. 782420 Report

I imagine Leslie saw her dad and Vera a big pile of cash and Danny saw a very welcoming dr Cates and nurse Maggie with only their lab coats on welcoming him to a bed but also fucking up the seduction he had to struggle to break free of the charm and get them all to the exit

Dannyanon No. 782421 Report

I just realized something they wouldn't know what Donald Trump look like considering that Garrison was President for those four years so I think they just assumed it looks like a kind of fucked up Mr Norman

Anonymous No. 782422 Report

How does Charles feel about Canada getting nuked

Dannyanon No. 782423 Report

Reminder Kyle has more blood on his hands than cartman every will

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Dannyanon No. 782427 Report

Sewer pizza party pillage.

Dannyanon No. 782428 Report

I love doing these mixed media drawings I'm a start a thread when my frog one dies

Anonymous No. 782429 Report

Try generating a /npg/ character

Leslieanon No. 782430 Report

One of the rats should help fix him.

Dannyanon No. 782431 Report

The elevator starts moving

Dannyanon No. 782432 Report

I'd have to create a lora and I don't want feed an ai other people art without their permission also I mostly just find the ai art instead of generate it

Dannyanon No. 782433 Report

also the point is to draw on top of the ai with npg

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fake sout.png

Leslieanon No. 782436 Report

Tried Leslie with Bing, here's my personal favs.

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Dannyanon No. 782437 Report

eh Thinking you can show me up Leslie! this is how the ai interpret Black Cat and Danny I kind of like the design so they Cannon now they are out of towers who are fans of Danny and black cat

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Dannyanon No. 782438 Report

this is how they interpreted crush and Robin from a picture I drew of them

Anonymous No. 782439 Report

It's amazing how drastically different she feels, her hair really makes up most of the personality
That's a cute cat.
This jacket is definitely better, give it to Crush

Leslieanon No. 782441 Report

Huh, that is a good point, the AI Leslies look too innocent and cute, the real one is cute but not completely innocent, been known to cause trouble but knows when it goes too far.

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Dannyanon No. 782442 Report

this is how chat gpt 4o interpreted this

Dannyanon No. 782444 Report

imma use them in npd I was going to have Vera have two twin goons victor and Victoria who would be her mussel before ula and the north park vampire Society was formed but scraped due to not having time to design new characters and release daily

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Dannyanon No. 782457 Report

It was north park elementary sleepover at the North Park natural history Museum too bad. Itโ€™s one of those curse museums with the exhibits. Come to life at night.

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Anonymous No. 782458 Report

This is the closest I could get.
Someone should run pics of Asimov through an Image Thing and see how they interpret him, lol.

Anonymous No. 782459 Report

what image generator are you using?

Anonymous No. 782460 Report

I do want to say as we are getting closer to the image limit (300) we should probably hold back on a lot of purely AI generated images taking up image space.

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Leslieanon No. 782461 Report

I'm using this.
Last image I'm posting in this thread.

Dannyanon No. 782462 Report

chat gpt 4o

whose that supposed to be?

Leslieanon No. 782463 Report


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Dannyanon No. 782466 Report

no one knows who the fuck these two people are or what even are their relationship to each other. They just came out of town and started fangirling in a fanboying over everybody. they constantly have different cosplay of every character, but they donโ€™t dress exactly like them. They try them be so creative by making OC usually as a long lost relatives. Most people are weirded out or annoyed by them, except those who are narcissistic since they constantly giving everyone praise and practically worshiping the ground they walk on but even the narcissistic
characters have their limit for some reason they have a encyclopedic knowledge of all the characters even things they shouldnโ€™t really know

Dannyanon No. 782467 Report

They're from some town more normal and boring and found out about north park because of Flynn's blog. Flynn probably has the closest relationship to them

Dannyanon No. 782468 Report


Why did it interpret him as a marching Band kid?

Leslieanon No. 782469 Report

IDK, I put bellhop in.

Dannyanon No. 782470 Report

I just imagining these two Rascals going up to Leslie and asking her personal shit without any tact about when her father died

Leslieanon No. 782471 Report

>"Ok, get the fuck out of my sight otherwise I'm going to beat you knees in. Also be glad you're not actually a cat, you'd be covered snot if you were."

Leslieanon No. 782472 Report

Oh no, with all these AI versions of characters, an Invasion of the Body Snatchers parody episode where AI generated versions of everyone start taking over.
How they look, how they sound, how they talk, how they act, all AI.
The real versions of everyone is being fed to a giant machine the fakes call "The Algorithm", even the actual robot characters aren't safe.

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Dannyanon No. 782474 Report

Not gonna finish this one

Dannyanon No. 782479 Report

it's the next evolution of the ads

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Dannyanon No. 782483 Report

Misses her old jacket

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Anonymous No. 782501 Report

I replayed Stick of Truth recently

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Anonymous No. 782502 Report

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Anonymous No. 782503 Report

Anonymous No. 782507 Report

Was it better than Fractured But Whole?

Dannyanon No. 782509 Report

I only played fbw

Anonymous No. 782510 Report

There are pros and cons to both of them, honestly.
What Stick of Truth has in it's favour
>Story is a bit better, kids playing pretend over a stick is more timeless compared to superhero franchise wars
>Following this the climax is better, The battle against Nazi Zombie Princess Kenny in Clyde's fortress of darkness feels cooler and more final compared to TFBW, which is just a fight in the street after a drawn out time travel segment with random fights
>The customisation is pretty fun, being able to customise your build to accel at a certain strategy you build your class around. it's very satisfying when you find a very strong combination.
And where TFBW is better:
>The four SOT classes aren't that different too each other on their own, whether your a thief, fighter, jew or mage you're still gonna mostly just be bonking enemies with your weapon outside of specific niche builds.
>TFBW has more characters you can recruit and fight alongside, which also means more fun little character interactions as you build different parties. Between this, the fact there is a lot more classes which can be mixed and matched There is a surprising amount of customisation and replayability in TFBW compared to SOT
>Enemy variety is better in TFBW. For the first half of the game all you encounter around town are elves, and in the second half it's only nazi zombies. In TFBW when you make new enemies, such as chaos kids, sixth graders, raisins girls, ninjas, etc they actually begin to show up around town to fight you. Makes exploring and fighting enemies more fun

Anonymous No. 782512 Report

TFBW pros continued
>While it is cool the SOT outfits you wore impacted your stats like RPG items, it was also annoying how it restricts your characters appearance (especially as some items can't be dyed well) and can lead to your different characters each time you play looking very similar as they all use the same items with the best stats. TFBW is cool in that each time you play you can make a unique costume for your character that can more freely play into whatever theme you want for your superhero.
>TFBW has DLC, both From Dusk Til Casa Bonita and Bring the Crunch are really good and focus on side characters I enjoy a lot (Goth/Vamp kids, And the cripple kids respectively) and I always make sure to play through both of them again whenever I replay TFBW, usually fitting them in partway through the main story, depending on what difficulty setting I am playing on
>I feel TFBW edges out on having a better soundtrack, I love SOT's classic fantasy style music but some of the TFBW battle themes became really iconic for me, like the Raisin's girls theme sounding like the powerpuff girls theme.
>You can properly play as a girl in TFBW, which is neat for playing as female North Park OCs.
>Oh and as a side note as a PC player the button mashing segments in SOT are fucking awful, those mechanics were not designed well with a keyboard in mind. TFBW has considerably less of these outside of optional toilet minigames

While this looks like TFBW has a lot more going for it, I do think the story in SOT helps elevate them to around equal level. TFBW managed to improve a lot on where SOT felt lacking in regards to the actual gameplay. Because of this improved gameplay I actually find TFBW has more replayability compared to SOT (the much larger playable cast helps a lot there).
I definitely recommend Stick of Truth, the game only takes around 10-sh hours to play (maybe a bit longer on your first try) but has a lot of fun content in it.

Dannyanon No. 782516 Report

episode where fangirl and fanboy( that what everyone calls them because no one knows their names) pretend to be Jerry's cousins and since he never encountered them before he believes them and he thinks he is getting closure on his dad. chaz and Mandy find out the truth but sees Jerry happy with little cynicism and contemplate telling him the truth. of course by the end Jerry is broken

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gaze upon thy roy....png

Anonymous No. 782520 Report

not so fast, you thieving rat
gaze thy eyes upon thee royal bosom

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the end of obesit....png

Anonymous No. 782531 Report

I forgot about the paramount specials....I miss full seasons...

Dannyanon No. 782532 Report

eh they are just two parters to screw HBO max with 4 episode seasons

Dannyanon No. 782535 Report

they're trying to make North Park advertiser friendly by removing all the problematic people and people who notice and trying to stop them.

Dannyanon No. 782536 Report

Dorothy, Gardening Teddy, Ashley, and Mr piggleston, and Charles are the only ones left and have to save the day may be a bad ending non Canon episode

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they fucking did it.jpg

Anonymous No. 782551 Report

guys...they fucking did it...

Anonymous No. 782552 Report

South Park still makes episodes? I thought they got sued & banned by Paramount for not delivering enough "movies". Or Trey was going to turn into Venture Bros, Disney and Rick & Morty where you have to wait 2.5 years AT BEST for a new season. 4 years at worst.

Leslieanon No. 782554 Report

>Penny, Dizzy, Sabrina, and Leslie get sent to a fat camp per a doctor's orders, and the whole episode is a remake/parody of Stalag 17

Dannyanon No. 782561 Report

oh this is a new special I had no idea what yall were going on about

Apollo giving me the gift of prophecy for a dumb joke

Dannyanon No. 782564 Report

they are being sued by warner brothers (who owns the streaming rights for south park until 2025) because Paramount had them cut the season in half to make exclusives special for Paramount Plus which are just over glorified 2 parters and Warner Brothers feels that they should be on HBO max

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Dannyanon No. 782582 Report

Dannyanon No. 782583 Report

someoneโ€™s reputation is about to be tainted forever after this event

Dannyanon No. 782588 Report

since ck saved Danny with cpr first before les who did that at the beginning of the 4th grade this takes place inbetween the summer of 3 and 4th grade. that means this is their first time meeting fish boy.

Danny heard rumors about a fish boy in the lake and wanted to check it out he just had one problem he forgot about he can't swim luckily and unluckily his good friend ck was their to save him and Nancy was their to report on the situation

Dannyanon No. 782590 Report

i did some more ai npg characters

Dannyanon No. 782606 Report

Now when I put them in there not even trying to imitate the south park style

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Anonymous No. 782608 Report

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Anonymous No. 782609 Report

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Anonymous No. 782610 Report

Max No. 782612 Report

What are you going to steal from me Hansel? my crown? how dull.
Go ahead I double triple dare you to steal my entire dragon. Go ahead, Green Ranger. I fucking deer you to steal my dragon.

Dannyanon No. 782613 Report

your virginity

Dannyanon No. 782618 Report

this feels empty maybe I should add more characters to the back of the t-rex maybe one inbetween the legs

Dannyanon No. 782639 Report

I've been thinking of a vampire fantasy rpg role playing storyline

>the vamps steal the book and fill it with abunch of microtransactions and paid dlcs they hid the book in their lair the creepy house on the hill.

>Rouge Hansel is paid to steal the book back

>court magician Danny goes with him after his assistant has gone missing and he heard rumors that they were seen in the vampire lair.

>once they get there they find out the creepy house has been converted into a casino.

> after their first attempt to steal the book back was stop by the captains of the guard a mysterious character in a big hulking cardboard knight armor they are captured made to fight in the area where people will gamble on their fights

>they also found out Fredrich was also put in the dungeon for try to usurp ula he joins your party

I'll tell more later

Dannyanon No. 782642 Report

a side mission is helping Barbara in the casino Pay off her newly acquired ghost debt if you do all characters in the party Are given ghost weapon upgrades

Dannyanon No. 782671 Report

>in the arena they have 3 back to back boss fights the dog boys, the catgirls, and the dragon ( Diana Digby)

>half through Diana's boss fight they make her feral and after you defeat her she goes on a Rampage giving you an exit.

> in the chaos they slip away and have to stealth their way through the casino backrooms into the attac where Fredrich tells them the book is being held.

> before they can get into the attic they have to fight the captain of the guard who reveals herself as Fiona whose having an argument with Danny over her not being a character in their game just his nameless assistant and Vera let her be a character.

> after they defeat her danny agrees she can be his named bodyguard and she joins them ( part of Danny's special attack)

> then before you can get the book you have to fight most of the vampire Society minus Fredrich since he's in your party and Vera whose taken care of the chaos below.

> after they defeat the vamps Fredrich betrays the party and uses the book to take the other vamps power and adds it to his own and Vera joins the party to help fight him

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hmmm, something&#....png

Anonymous No. 782698 Report

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oh my.png

Anonymous No. 782700 Report

Dannyanon No. 782701 Report

Vera has the same move set and stats as Fredrich also to clarify it all a larp maybe not the 2nd half of the Diana Digby fight

then I have an idea for another one but for fish boy or should I say boys because we find out there are a fuck ton of fish boys and girls due to fish laying tons of eggs and when li fucked a fish he fertilized all of them. though only 542 ventured to land. they are the forgotten 4th or 5th faction the atlanteans they control the lake but they think the game is actually real and are planning a invasion of the surface.

its up to Leslie, Cindy, and fishboy. Les helps out a lot but isnt playable she is deemed their goddess and she hates it she helping you out to help end this so they would stop... oh and save the town.

Dannyanon No. 782702 Report

Danny... and they called me gay

Dannyanon No. 782703 Report

> also to clarify it all a larp maybe not the 2nd half of the Diana Digby fight

though ula believes that it's real

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Dannyanon No. 782758 Report

I think the betrayal was obvious and everyone but Hansel saw it coming. Hansel is legitimately hurt by it ingame, of course those have a nice banter throughout campaign and was becoming fast friends

Dannyanon No. 782759 Report

*they had nice banter

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Dannyanon No. 782767 Report


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Anonymous No. 782799 Report

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Anonymous No. 782800 Report

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Anonymous No. 782801 Report

Dannyanon No. 782807 Report

episode where posie becomes the Phantom of the 4th grade school play because she's mad the les was given the girl lead roll instead of her and what's worse about that is that sid is in the lead male roll and there's a kiss involved

Dannyanon No. 782808 Report

I just want the end to be les taking poise aside and nicely politely but also kind of intimidatingly threatening posie to not do that shit again after nearly getting the class killed

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Anonymous No. 782813 Report

Dannyanon No. 782816 Report

I got no episode ideas or nothing to add so rolling two random characters and adding lore to them

Trisha and Bennett hmmmm pass I have nothing to add maybe something to do with Trisha being a tomboy and Bennett being a cross dresser

Elmer Gency and Asimov. Elmer Gency believes there is a serial killer in town that targets boys in red or blue caps and have lightning bolts on their shirts because every so often he comes into contact with a destroyed Asimov or Asimov2 body

Dannyanon No. 782818 Report

river and Stan the weed man. one time river gave Stan some cosmic drugs to this day he is still high form it .

Anonymous No. 782823 Report

>Nurse Maggie after Toades and Maria have sex (Maria wouldn't let Maggie eat her pussy out)

Dannyanon No. 782828 Report

judging by his face she isn't giving good head

Leslieanon No. 782831 Report

She's giving a blowjob, she's doing a job that blows.

Dannyanon No. 782834 Report


Natasha and Rosalind

Rosalind avoid her due to one time Natasha accidentally found her sketch book and Rosalind's thinks she definitely judged her for it. Natasha never opened it and is trying to find Rosalind to give it back

Dannyanon No. 782839 Report

Squirrel boy and Heather

Heather hates him because he keeps planting acorns in her garden and tries to eat the birds seed form her birds feeder

Dannyanon No. 782840 Report

she also somewhat envious of how he can just be himself at all times

Dannyanon No. 782847 Report

Charles and Dr toades

Charles saw him unmask once too awkward to bring it up to anyone

Dannyanon No. 782848 Report

mute and father Goodfellow

father Goodfellow could swear once when he was splashing holy water around some got on mute and he believes that he saw her flinch and smoke started coming out of the spot he splashed her at he sure there's a rational explanation for that .... right?

Dannyanon No. 782850 Report

Asimov and Myrtle

hmmm.... Myrtle thinks something is off about him but can't quite put her finger on it. she being sent to the uncanny valley when she see him

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Leshy Houben.png

Leslieanon No. 782851 Report

I know that I said the AI Danny was the last pic I was gonna post in this thread, but a dumb idea came to me.

Leslie's first attempt for her fantasy outfit: Leshy Houben, she changed roles after she was stuck in the pumpkin after she got home.

Dannyanon No. 782853 Report

it's fine we 29 pictures and the thread has 5 days tops we can manage

lon and les

since the Fairweathers didn't want to take a corpes to an actual physician Lon is her sorta doctor any time she has a medical like problem they go to him 99% of the time he knows what he's doing

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Dannyanon No. 782876 Report

Dannyanon No. 782893 Report

cringe kid and Barbara Norman

I said it earlier in this thread but sheโ€™s where he inherited his cringiness from. younger pre 4th grade Barbara aka Cadence cates is ck but a bit more extra ( bobby sr genes mellowed ck out a bit) . you can get Barbara to go on a tism fit if you mention homestuck or Hetalia

Dannyanon No. 782894 Report

Silvia and Teeny Steeve

Teeny steeve is one of the few characters to not get mind wiped by them

Anonymous No. 782895 Report

Characters immune to alien mind wipe
>Teeny Steeve (Magic)
>Asimov + other robots (Non biological brain, but can have their memory modified with magnets and shit instead)
>Hansel and Gretel (Homeless mind control immunity)
>Xeno (Only when wearing his tin foil hat)
Is this it or anyone I missed?

Dannyanon No. 782896 Report

Bobby Norman and Jeremy

I can't decide whether they've been good friends since elementary school or Bobby bully the shit out of him in high school and Jeremy forgave him after Barbara died and he humbled himself. so I'm going to combine them.

they were good friends till Barbara stole him from tilly and then bobby had a fucking ego trip and becomes an asshole in high school and up until Barbara dies and life humbled him afterwards Jeremy forgave him and then they rekindle their friendship.

Dannyanon No. 782897 Report

Danny actually Batman's his way out of the aliens lair all the time like when they take their eyes off him for a second he just disappears

Lon they they really just don't even try after the first time they tried the kidnap him and he transformed into his truth form they realize it's not worth the risk

Wendyand Hanoka can't capture her too strong

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 782898 Report

Sebastian and Danny

Sebastian keeps having Danny contact Melville's deceased parents to try to get him out of taking care of Melville.

Danny wants accidentally gave himself and wendy Sebastian's weird aging ability when trying to cure him with magic was not a good time. though it was funny seeing third grade Wendy pull a w against Yashu.

Dannyanon No. 782899 Report

Sebastian and Danny

Sebastian keeps having Danny contact Melville's deceased parents to try to get him out of taking care of Melville.

Danny once accidentally gave himself and wendy Sebastian's weird aging ability when trying to cure him with magic was not a good time. though it was funny seeing third grade Wendy pull a w against Yashu

Dannyanon No. 782900 Report

les and Zach

Les isn't afraid of him in the slightest this infuriates Zach he tries really hard to make her afraid a of him and nothing works

Dannyanon No. 782901 Report

final one for the night

Wendy and cripple fucker

he sometimes follows her around (at a safe distance since she doesn't like him too much) like a vulture especially when she's in a mood just in case she beat someone up really bad and they become crippled he'll be ready to pounce on them

Dannyanon No. 782915 Report

Gretel and fish boy

Gretel doesn't acknowledge that he's even human and tries to catch him so they can eat for a week Hansel usually has to save him.

Dannyanon No. 782916 Report

Elmer Gency and Sabrina

Elmer once put himself in a jail cell for hours after he caught himself staring at her abnormal breast.

Dannyanon No. 782917 Report

Asimov and Savannah

Savannah once accidentally corrupted Asimov speech algorithm. he sort of became a 2nd Savannah and the two got along great till Maria fixed him and patched it so it wouldn't happen again.

Dannyanon No. 782919 Report

Leslie and Diana Digby

once before the two met Leslie's brother and mom thought Leslie was lying about something and she said it's totally true if I'm lying then a Pink Dinosaur will run past us and then Diana Digby who just transformed into a dinosaur ran past them trying to find Dr todeas to figure out what's going on. Now they think Leslie is a fucking liar even though she was telling the truth. I think Leslie slightly holds that against her.

Dannyanon No. 782921 Report

it was over the mr smiles tried to murder her over the rabbit thing she was trying to convince her mom to let her transfer schools

Dannyanon No. 782922 Report

Uisas and chaplain

chaplain is one of the few adult in town who thinks something wrong with him and thinks he shouldn't be around kids

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Anonymous No. 782925 Report

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Anonymous No. 782926 Report

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Dull thieved.png

Anonymous No. 782927 Report

Dannyanon No. 782932 Report

Vera and Maria

Maria actually deduced that Vera is actually a whole lot older than she let own she doesn't know she's a vampire though or she owns a bunch of businesses in town.

of course she found out after her first run in with vera where she tried to take her in after finding her alone in the catacombs thinking she just a well dressed little girl.

I imagine their relationship is a bit awkward they both have what the other wants but it far to awkward to just say it and ask " hey do you want to be my mom despite me technically being a whole lot older than you?" or " hey I know you're like almost 200 years old but would you like to be my daughter?

Dannyanon No. 782933 Report

Vera and Maria

Maria actually deduced that Vera is actually a whole lot older than she let on. she doesn't know she's a vampire or she owns a bunch of businesses in town ( especially that person selling her Asimov pieces) though.

of course she found out after her first run in with vera where she tried to take her in after finding her alone in the catacombs thinking she just a well dressed little girl.

I imagine their relationship is a bit awkward they both have what the other wants but it far to awkward to just say it and ask " hey do you want to be my mom despite me technically being a whole lot older than you?" or " hey I know you're like almost 200 years old but would you like to be my daughter?

Dannyanon No. 782936 Report

Devan and Zach

Zach won't admit this to anyone but Devan's little bellhop doll creeps him out he swear that he saw it moved a few times

Dannyanon No. 782937 Report

Cringe kid and bundle

ck didn't know why Danny told him to do certain seemingly random things every couple of months till he first got kidnapped and almost brutalized by bundle till Danny and Sabrina saved him because he didn't listen to him one time. now he just does it without question

Leslieanon No. 782938 Report

Leslie has asked her to eviscerate him multiple times, even trying to give her $50

Dannyanon No. 782939 Report

lon and Robert

once Lon fixed Robert's eyes but his eye sight was so good that he could see into possibly futures but only the ones where people will immediately die infront of him. this turned him into a paranoid mess that he asked Lon to remove his sight again.

Dannyanon No. 782940 Report

>this turned him into a paranoid mess that he asked Lon to remove his sight again.

*this turned him into such a paranoid mess that he asked Lon to fix his sight again.

Dannyanon No. 782947 Report

momo and Myrtle

Myrtle has only saw the name written down she believes it's pronounced mom-o

Dannyanon No. 782948 Report

Martin and fishboy

before fishboy parentage was revealed and he didn't have a place to sleep Martin let him sleep in his garden pond heather wasn't happy about it. so fishboy like Martin

Dannyanon No. 782949 Report

black cat and Teeny Steeve

black cat is immune to his ratatouille trick because he gets Tangled up in her hair once he was stuck in there for weeks and was on the verge of starvation before she realized he was in their and saved him now he owes her a life debt

Dannyanon No. 782963 Report

gouupa and black cat

despite black cat and her sisters being enemies with Gouupa creator dr toades they get along quite well with each other

Max No. 782967 Report

Slappy/DrewAnon I just want to say that AI won't beat you unless you somehow become an AI engineer and feed the neuronal network properly filtered data based off your voice and it suddenly understands what sarcasm is suppose to sound like. DrewAnon you'll always be funnier than Tara Strong.

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Dannyanon No. 782968 Report


Dannyanon No. 782970 Report

Vera and Martin

Vera is afraid of him because he's a dentist.

Martin is always trying to get her and the other vamps into his office to deal with those fangs

Dannyanon No. 782976 Report

Neil and Danny

neil crossed danny once so Danny used the orb to find moments in the near future where Neil actually says something actually funny he then waits days sometimes weeks just to beat him to the punch of his own joke.

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Dannyanon No. 782994 Report

Anonymous No. 782996 Report

CK's newest obsession
He makes a bunch of Rambley plushies for the class using his arts and crafts skills

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please subscribe.jpg

Anonymous No. 783001 Report

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Anonymous No. 783004 Report

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Anonymous No. 783005 Report

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Anonymous No. 783006 Report

Anonymous No. 783007 Report

that's disgusting

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Dannyanon No. 783008 Report

She took the Danny getting the ck CPR the hardest

Dannyanon No. 783010 Report

episode where Dr cates finally catches Danny and Wendy but instead of taking them to some sort of death trap or trying to kill them she takes them out of town. apparently she needs emotional support for some sort of College reunion she thinks everyone has probably done more with their lives than her which is most likely true. Danny and Wendy are like the closest thing to frie-frien- occupational acquaintances she has. the whole time they are in little cat carrying crates so the don't run away

Leslieanon No. 783014 Report

Sad part was it was a really bad day for Danny, so by the end of the day, he looked like that old fish from Spongebob.

Dannyanon No. 783017 Report

he was seconds away from dying from old age but luckily Sebastian got Lon who under the curse of those since Sebastian's age thing isn't Magic he couldn't undo his

Dannyanon No. 783018 Report

*undid the curse

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Dannyanon No. 783023 Report

Whenever Wendy whips out dear sweet little brother Danny knows heโ€™s about to get his ass kicked

Anonymous No. 783024 Report


Dannyanon No. 783029 Report

Episode where principal Kiddy is out sick and Danny does this so Wendy's Rampaging throughout the school looking for him. while he and a few friends les, ck Leslie and Savannah(he would have taken hansel but he still kind of mad about that whole trying to steal his life thing) hiding in a hidden safe zone he made in the school for a situation like this. meanwhile everyone else is looking for Danny to get Wendy to stop.

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Dannyanon No. 783037 Report

Danny found the lounge hidden above the auditorium it looks like it had been abandoned for years since no one was using he thought he he might as well keep it as a safe room whenever shit hits the fan at school.

he thinks itโ€™s an old forgotten teacher lounge. Not even Vera knows about this place but he never asked her just in case she didnโ€™t and decides itโ€™s hers now. He didnโ€™t tell people about this place because once someone else find out about this place whole school will know and it will no longer be his little escape.

Dannyanon No. 783040 Report


fixed version for archival purposes

Anonymous No. 783041 Report

Danny needs to interact with Asimov more

Anonymous No. 783042 Report

>Asimov tries to get Danny to help him grow a soul

Dannyanon No. 783051 Report

Asimov suspects that Danny is cucking him when Danny and drew bump into each other in the hallway and Asimov catches them in a compromising position.

After getting some bad advice from Bobland about what would he do if his situation and he just says he'd just maul the person that fucked his wife.

he plans do something awful to danny but wants to be 100% sure before doing so. while danny is sleeping he takes a scan of his brain and makes an AI version of him and put them in a simulation to see if he would cuck him.

When the simulation reveals that he wouldn't cuck him Asimov is Happy but he has to deal with the fact that there is now a sentient AI Danny that is basically the only real thinking person in a fake world he created that is slowly undergoing a existential crisis. he can't sleep anymore, he isn't hungry anymore, he hasn't used the bathroom in days and all his friends and family are acting like they're sticking to a script at first he thinks he's going crazy or dead or something until Asimov tells him the truth which further breaks the ai danny

Honestly I have no idea how to continue this maybe the AI escapes causes some problems maybe he tries to take over the Asimov body then use it to try to take over the real danny life

Dannyanon No. 783059 Report

Episode where Danny and Asimov are chasing a mysterious creature and are seemingly eating by it but then they wake up and are twins now!? But they don't treat it like it's weird because this is how it's always been right? they live in a weird amalgamation of both of their families. Danny feels like something's wrong with all of this but can't quite put his finger on it.

meanwhile whatever they were chasing can trap people in weird Pocket Worlds were all their fantasies and desires come true while it's slowly devours it's victims.

Danny begins to figure this out after they were talking to something that speaks directly to the soul and his brother Asimov couldn't hear it. After convincing Asimov all of this is fake. Asimov rips a hole in the creature stomach killing it and they leave

The creature made them twins because they have to be close to each other it couldn't simulate that big of a setting so they have to be in the same area most of the time

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Dannyanon No. 783071 Report

I think they keep forgetting heโ€™s loaded

Anonymous No. 783073 Report

Move aside Melville ... Widow Max has a new target. Albeit for Max the money was just a bonus ... he enjoyed torturing Melville ... cause he banned him on SkankHunt69's Discord aka AOL.

Dannyanon No. 783074 Report

Trisha: one of your best friends is homeless, your mom lives In a trailer park and your cousin is one of the poorest kids in town and you make 10k a week?

Dannyanon No. 783078 Report

I imagine whenever Danny and wendy goes to Savannah's house they always trying to shake them down for money.

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Dannyanon No. 783097 Report

Les is seconds away from saying โ€œstop staring at her sheโ€™s not your girlfriend I amโ€

Anonymous No. 783100 Report

someone should split that red sea...and that cop's legs

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Dannyanon No. 783106 Report

Anonymous No. 783110 Report

>Danny killed Asimov again

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Anonymous No. 783111 Report

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end of obesity as....png

Anonymous No. 783114 Report

Anonymous No. 783115 Report

Does anyone know how to set up a proper booru or something? I'm in the process of updating the wiki and looking at all these random images and its getting to the point of ridiculousness using this janky site as a place to store all the art. Especially as that isn't the site's intended use. I think if we did that we could dedicate the gallery to stuff that's more useful for learning about the character (alternate outfits/versions, displays of character dynamics etc) and it'd all look a lot cleaner.

Anonymous No. 783119 Report

>Does anyone know how to set up a proper booru or something?
NOPE! but we could try learning how to, or just someone show us how

Anonymous No. 783120 Report

Its also annoying as I have to censor stuff in order for it not to get deleted off the wiki due to the terms and service which sucks. I could try looking into it but I dunno if it's in my ability or not. For now just remember to save your images somewhere as well as any you particularly like.

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Georgina thieved.png

Anonymous No. 783129 Report

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Cringe thieved.png

Anonymous No. 783130 Report

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Sabrina thieved.png

Anonymous No. 783131 Report

Dannyanon No. 783135 Report

there's surprisingly low amount of tutorials on how to do so maybe after work I'll look more into it

Dannyanon No. 783136 Report

A surprising amount of bisexuals in the gay class

I'd say Danny is canonically bi though he won't know that till high school

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Anonymous No. 783138 Report

Anonymous No. 783140 Report

CK is surprisingly 100% straight, kid has zero interest in boys (Nobody tell Danny, it'll break his poor little gay heart)

Dannyanon No. 783141 Report

nope if Danny gotta be in this ck thing then he gonna be in this as well I'm not letting him get away from this

Dannyanon No. 783142 Report

If you want to blame for this someone blame whoever shipped them in the first place that sealed ck's fate as being a half homo

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Snow fun.png

Anonymous No. 783143 Report

Replaying SOT also got me in the mood for classic comfy South Park styled North Park, kids goofing around in their sorta weird town being assholes to each other, like the early days.

Anonymous No. 783145 Report

What's a SP plot we can steal for ourselves?
I'm sorta privy to our own meteor shower trilogy

Dannyanon No. 783146 Report

just do something original we don't need to do whatever South Park did imagine if Frasier just did whatever cheers did

Jerry finds out he isn't invited to a event Danny is hosting and tries to crash the party with other undesirable uninvited kids

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shark fishing.png

Anonymous No. 783147 Report


Dannyanon No. 783148 Report

>If you want to blame for this someone blame whoever shipped them in the first place that sealed ck's fate as being a half homo

*If you want to blame someone for this blame

I think I may have some form of dyslexia

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Anonymous No. 783151 Report


Dannyanon No. 783152 Report

After they crash and ruin the party is revealed to be Wendy's birthday party who's pretty pissed now

Anonymous No. 783154 Report

CK can get by being kinda dumb and not really getting sexuality.
Danny doesn't have that, he knows full well.

Anonymous No. 783155 Report

is he dead?

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Anonymous No. 783157 Report

Probably not, no matter what life throws at him he usually manages to survive somehow.

Anonymous No. 783161 Report

Just realised we are annoyingly close to image limit. I've still got to finish collecting all the images in this thread so don't rush to archive us quite yet, give me a day at least for that.
Otherwise probably best to just do discussion for now and spread those last three image slots out over the next few days.

Anonymous No. 783167 Report

But I wanna do a meteor shower trilogy.....

Anonymous No. 783169 Report

We have characters who can fit into similar situations as what happened in those episodes
>Jerry has a special air cadet camp meeting he has to attend for air cadets only to mirror Kyle going to Jewbilee
>Mandy's parents are throwing a kinky party and inviting a bunch of the adults so Mandy is sent to hang out in the basement with some of North Mark's melvins
>Chaz's parents are going to the party and he wants to go too, but the force him to stay home and hire Chelsey as a babysitter who picks on him the whole time and maybe her adult boyfriend comes over if she has one of those.
As for who the melvins are, two obvious choices are Melville and Cringe kid. Hansel fits as well as he's very Pip/Butters like but he has no parents to drop him off there unless he just sneaks in anyway. Alternatively Hansel goes with Jerry to air cadet camp to mirror Kenny going with Kyle. Dorothy could also work as a female Melvin as the ugly ginger kid representation.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 783170 Report

nope ck like dk I'm sorry I didn't make that decision with

every denial it gonna get worse for him now he catcher not the pitcher of you catch my drift

Dannyanon No. 783171 Report

then just watch the episode again what's the point of being are own thing having our own lore and characters if we just going to do whats already been done anyways

Dannyanon No. 783173 Report

nope ck like d(ic)k I'm sorry I didn't make that decision.

with every denial it gonna get worse for him now he's the catcher not the pitcher of you catch my drift.

Anonymous No. 783174 Report

As for why Melville is there without parents, it makes sense that Sebastian would have been sent an invite by Missy since skinny white guys seem to be her type, so heโ€™d present it as if Melville was the one invited so theyโ€™d be allowed to go as Melville would never let his butler go to a party for himself. Only for Melville to be sent down to the basement on arrival and Sebastian gets a night to enjoy for himself.

Anonymous No. 783175 Report

Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery

Anonymous No. 783182 Report

Danny wishes, CK is totally the top in their relationship.
Danny is made to be a bottom, a switch at best.

Dannyanon No. 783186 Report

ck is not man enough to be a top he's a sub bottom

Anonymous No. 783188 Report

Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that.

Dannyanon No. 783189 Report

> He's awkward, obnoxious and a real beta, - from the wiki

Cringe kid being dominant in any relationship is out of character for him I'm sorry I don't make this it's just the Canon

Dannyanon No. 783197 Report

this has become more relevant now

Dannyanon No. 783202 Report

how did she know?

Dannyanon No. 783210 Report

I guess since I won't make more art for the thread I'll add more random character lore till the thread archives except this time I'll do it for single characters instead of two

>Rick Donnelly

he really loves this certain BBQ joint that's a little bit out of town. the place looks like a hole in the wall kind of restaurant but even doctor toades and his refined pallet thinks it really good.

>principal Kiddy

has a rivalry with the the middle and high school principals the Middle School principal is modeled after Hulk Hogan while the high school is model after Macho Man Randy Savage


Wants to be an optometrist when he grows up.

Dannyanon No. 783211 Report

> Chaplin
really good at poker plays with vera's bartender disguise, Elmer, dogman, Tim, slappy and Lon


Came to Earth on a unknown mission for some reason she decided to not complete it after having kids


Really good at sports but is being held back by her sister. Black cat always trying to be the leader and making dumb decisions she doesn't understand the rules or teacup doing something dumb and causing her to mess up.

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Dannyanon No. 783212 Report

Ok this is my last image

Dannyanon No. 783216 Report

I imagine their poker games are on Wednesdays Vera leaves Bobby Norman in charge of the bar early so they can play in the back

Anonymous No. 783241 Report

It's my birthday and I'm stuffed full of mexican food~
pls draw my character

Dannyanon No. 783245 Report

We got like two slots left but you know what I'm going to do you a solid since it's your birthday I'm going to put it on imgur

Dannyanon No. 783256 Report

I got the sketching done all I got to do is the inkling. I'll do that tomorrow

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Dannyanon No. 783300 Report


Here you go anon happy birthday

Dannyanon No. 783303 Report

Wait a minute I forgot les eh I drew her yesterday and the day before

Anonymous No. 783306 Report

Thanks mate!

Dannyanon No. 783307 Report

Will be one of those anti pornography people publicly while also having a porn addiction privately.

Can't handle his liquor one beer he is out for the night

bonus fact since I had this in my mind for a while and never mentioned it chuck calls Danny, Wendy and Lon to deal with a lot of the weird shit now


big wrestling fan her dream is to go to a live show.


the reason her nose is different from Barbara's is her face was on the cloning tube for a bit too long. also if you know Barbara you can kind of tell that teacup's mannerisms are extremely similar to hers

Anonymous No. 783308 Report

As we sit on page 10 for a while with only a single image slot left, I guess there's not much to do but ask, how's it going?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Dannyanon No. 783315 Report

Today is cripplefucker his birthday, tomorrow is goth boys , the day after that is brett's and Wendy's, and the 24th is Rosalind's

Dannyanon No. 783319 Report

Today is cripplefucker's birthday, tomorrow is goth boys , the day after that is brett's and Wendy's, and the 24th is Rosalind's

Dannyanon No. 783326 Report

here's some unfinished pictures that I did please no archiving

Dannyanon No. 783343 Report

> Rosalind

The thing that got her into drawing shiping art was a Charlie Brown x Calvin from Calvin and hoobs fan art she saw when she 6.

>Hui-Feng Peng

is banned from entering the state of Alaska no one but slappy knows why though she says it's a funny story but never elaborates

> Asimov 2

if he wasn't hellbent on destroying the human race he'd honestly be a psychologist to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with cripple fucker.

> ula

claustrophobic being trapped in a coffin for 100+ years will do that to you


She secretly chasing that feeling she got from kissing Vera and Danny but can't seem to replicate it without them. unbeknownst to her and them for that matter something is different about their saliva ( it's something to do with one being a psychic and the other vampire) that ghosts can't seem to get enough of.

Dannyanon No. 783348 Report

Les: Well, I guess I could ask the other vampires, but I'm not that close to them, and it's kind of awkward to ask someone you don't know. Even with Danny, who's my friend (no matter how much he tries to deny it). Just to get him to do it, I have to wait until he almost drowns, which is harder now since I taught him to swim. But sometimes... I stack the deck in the favor that he would, but it's totally okay because I'm going to save him. I always do. Okay, I was a little late that one time, but he's fine.... Please don't tell; he barely trust me right now after the whole drowning him, slappy, tt, and max in a broom closet for a couple days... Stop looking at me like that I'm not a bad person!!!

Dannyanon No. 783365 Report

I think les is a nice person but I think she likes to hang out with jerks because most people think oh she's the nice one. if you put her against other genuinely nice people her flaws becomes very visible and then you realize she's kind of the mean one in the group and she really doesn't want to be the mean one. it's one of the reasons she's hangs out with Vera, Wendy or Danny.

Anonymous No. 783366 Report

Guys, how're you enjoying Illegal Horse S5?
Did you also hear that what is it called again.. The Kiwi Show? That one show that's popular in North Park.. It's getting an animated adaption, thoughts and prayers?

Anonymous No. 783367 Report

don't tell me you watch that slop. When has an animated reboot of a live action or vice versa ever been good. For me, it's Maizeby and friends, the seasonal rot hasn't even hit yet

Anonymous No. 783368 Report

>Seasonal Rot hasn't hit yet
Because the vegetable rot surely has LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danny No. 783369 Report

Come on Chaz we know this is you probably trying to start discussion about corn show again. aren't you a little too old to be watching that?

Anonymous No. 783370 Report

>Accusing people of Samecorning
Ya caught me, all those are (me).

Danny No. 783371 Report

You make it easy when you post exactly after the refresh limit on a slow dying thread.

Hippie Bitch No. 783372 Report

No, I'm Mineral. I watch it with my sibling because it likes the songs. You should give it a chance, Mazie has a harmonious voice that fills you withing every inch. Fuck, she's just so innocent and optimistic about the world, how can she be so cute, it should be illegal. You think she'll get a stand alone episode? I know the man of the show loves his screentime, but for a show called called "maizeby and FRIENDS" there's a sever lack of friends.
Did I mention that Mazie is hot as hell?

Danny No. 783374 Report

Oh Youโ€™re mineral ok then remember what Ula told us about Chaz today my sides are still hurting I couldn't stop laughing.

Hippie Bitch No. 783376 Report

take that crystal ball and shove it waaaaaaay up your ass until you see the past, present and future

Danny No. 783377 Report

Well that's funny because me and mineral didn't talk to her today Chaz

Cha(d)z No. 783378 Report

Fine, I was fibbing. You want a medal? I know you would have manipulated my girl anyways. You're like a snake that slithers his way into people's minds. That's probably how you convinced that total melvin with the furry max to suck your balls.

Anonymous No. 783379 Report

but max IS a furry, no one who's normal calls upon the aid of their pussycat that much like he does

Danny No. 783381 Report

Aren't you literally tricking Ula into going on dates with you? I'm not complaining it keeps her off my back for a day or two. and Bobby and I are just friends!!! don't believe everything that Agatha and Rosalind puts out there.

Hi Buddy U Want Weed? No. 783384 Report

you dudes need to chill out, man just roll up and toke up guys this is very uncomfy man

catsrulz No. 783386 Report

You got that catnip blend we had last time?

Hi Buddy U Want Weed? No. 783387 Report

yeah man that big grade carolina nipnop.

catsrulz No. 783388 Report

Okay we'll take two of those. we definitely have the money this time so just leave them outside the van unattended because let's be honest you have important things to do. we will pay you when we get there in 30 minutes. now this is the important part those two girls and gray and black ninja suits are not us we're 30 minutes away.

Hi Buddy U Want Weed? No. 783389 Report

ok gotcha dude, don't flash any lights and be cool because officer gency is nearby

catsrulz No. 783390 Report

You do realize weed and catnip are both not illegal substance in the state of Colorado?

Hi Buddy U Want Weed? No. 783391 Report


catsrulz No. 783392 Report

Don't listen to her that's just our dumb sister taking over the keyboard for a bit. she doesn't even smoke and she thinks she's an expert she's so short the news didn't reach her. don't worry just keep those joints out.

Hi Buddy U Want Weed? No. 783393 Report

nice try narc, i'm throwing out my phone, you won't catch me

catsrulz(2) No. 783395 Report

Yes those persons were definitely nercs we're a totally different person but we would also like two catnip joints left outside the van we'll be there in 45 minutes to collect them with the money to pay you of course

Anonymous No. 783396 Report

I think you spooked him, he's very skittish.

catsrulz(2) No. 783397 Report

Oh damn it teacup this is why Mama sometimes seemingly by mistake calls your Barb because you're like a thorn in her side.

Danny No. 783399 Report

So we're just overlooking the fact that chaz accused me of everything he was doing

Danny No. 783400 Report

all over a dumb corn show for babies

Anonymous No. 783401 Report


Anonymous No. 783402 Report

sure, Chaz is a manipulative womanizer with shallow delusions of grandeur, but you almost drowned in a school pool and got saved by the one girl who actually drowned before

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 783403 Report

No she was stabbed to death then her body was dumb and the lake

Danny No. 783404 Report

No she was stabbed to death and then her body was dumped in a lake that's why they're stabbed holes in her shirt

Anonymous No. 783405 Report

so, can you reasonably throw day old bodies in there and they come to life?

Danny No. 783406 Report

No that's too long That still has to be a little bit of brain activity

Danny No. 783408 Report

So with that cleared up Chass what else you got on me?

Anonymous No. 783411 Report

I'm going to cut straight to the point. What kind of casual clothes does Wendy wear?

Dannyanon No. 783413 Report

tends to keep up with a popular trends

Anonymous No. 783414 Report

anything...more casual? I need stuff to work with dude.

Danny No. 783415 Report

I'm not sure where this is going a shirt some pants.

Anonymous No. 783417 Report

Including the stupid spoiled whore trend?

Anonymous No. 783418 Report

who would buy the stupid spoiled whore video playset?
>hard mode
no Georgina

Danny No. 783419 Report


Anonymous No. 783420 Report

To be honest? Most of the girls, probably. That's how trends work. In South Park it was all the girls besides Wendy. I do think North Park would have more than just one that's hesitant although it could just be a matter of time before they succumb to it too.

pinballwizlez No. 783422 Report

I know this answer!
Skinny jeans and shirt short enough to show her mid-drift

Danny No. 783423 Report

Good thing the trend went out of style before summer break when she usually wears casual clothing

Anonymous No. 783424 Report

fuck, imagine the skin shown...

Danny No. 783425 Report

No thank you I'd rather not

Anonymous No. 783426 Report

why not? You must have been even the littlest curious about crossing the incest horizon

Danny No. 783427 Report

not in the slightest

Danny No. 783429 Report

hey chaz come to the park I have something to show you

Anonymous No. 783430 Report

Next thread we gotta do the art for the Stupid Spoiled Whore arc of North Park

Anonymous No. 783436 Report

Who I think would join the trend or not
Doesn't, but has some of her brother's hand me down clothes from the metrosexual trend but it isn't quite the same
She does and finds it fun to dress up, Bobland becomes very angry and flustered about the whole trend and is one of the more vocal critics
She does because Cindy did. She doesn't change her personality though so there's a weird contrast in how she looks and acts
>Time Traveller
No, people don't question it though assuming she's a boy
Doesn't have any interest in joining in, only to discover her mom bought her a bunch of SSW stuff assuming she'd want it. So Mandy starts wearing it out of guilt and gets made fun of by her male friends
Doesn't, but gets several compliments from other girls who think her regular outfit is a SSW outfit
She does, and her mom becomes the other most vocal critic alongside Bobland
Probably not because she's poor. If Slappy tried getting her an outfit it'd probably be some slutty clown version
She does, although her outfit isn't very revealing
Doesn't because she never leaves the house. But she lies around in her underwear half the time so it isn't like she's any less indecent
Doesn't really mind either way but Blenny finds her hot in one of the outfits so she starts wearing it
Joins in but struggles to find an outfit that looks good with her cast
>Lydia and her gang
Lydia considers herself too punk and doesn't initially join. Addison does however in an attempt to become more popular with the boys, Savannah does because wearing less clothing sounds fun, and Penny has been feeling prettier after the Jerry stuff so joins in as well. Lydia feels betrayed and eventually caves in and joins so she fits in with her gang again
Begs one of her brothers to buy or steal the outfit and playset for her until one of them relents, keeps up with the trend even a bit after it falls out of fashion

Anonymous No. 783437 Report

I'll post the rest in a bit

Danny No. 783438 Report

Wendy already answered in this thread

Wants to but being less dress kind of messes with her albinism because the sun can get her more places and she catches on fire

the catgirls only teacup and black cat rag dolls too shy

Vera no no no... unless les does which I don't think she will she mainly sticks the 90s things

Fiona: would if she had a body

moor: would but would burn most of it off

Lori Thompson: yes she would

Jonesy Alexander: she would be so into this assuming she was still alive when that happened

Vanessa helstad: no she very critical about the whole thing it went down here when women started showing their bare ankles

fangirl : no she only wears cosplay

Danny No. 783440 Report

the catgirls stole theirs

She didn't want to but her parents bought her some now she kind of has to make them happy extremely embarrassed about the whole thing was glad it ended

He's a shapeshifter and likes the shapeshift into a girl to get near girls he rocked it for a bit made him feel pretty

Danny No. 783442 Report

>Vanessa helstad: no she very critical about the whole thing it went down here when women started showing their bare ankles

* Society went downhill when women started showing their bare ankles and men stopped wearing hats outside

Dannyanon No. 783443 Report

Actually for Fiona it would be

She wouldn't wear it but she would enjoy watching other girls wear it.

Maximus No. 783444 Report

Do you find it funny when I say diggus biggus?

Anonymous No. 783446 Report

I return with a counter attack

Anonymous No. 783447 Report

no, i expect more from you

Danny No. 783448 Report

Bravo bravo well I guess I'll just Unleash a technical nuke and fuck your mom

Anonymous No. 783449 Report

I'll fuck YOUR MOM
yah bastard

Danny No. 783450 Report

The thing is Chaz that's just an empty threat with you I got magic on my side. who knows the next time you see your dad come home a bit earlier than usual that just might be me in disguise coming to lay down some pipe in your mom. see you soon son

Danny No. 783454 Report


step 1 infiltration

chaz when you have a lighter skin sibling with a long pointy nose be a good big bro okay?

Dannyanon No. 783455 Report

Episode where chaplain and Chaz work together to sabotage Danny after he put in that Tom from that one episode of Tom and Jerry where he was impressing that one cat as the kids say rizz and chaplain feels a little threatened by it.

Anonymous No. 783456 Report

Joins in
Probably not
Probably does
Joins in
Joins in
Hesitant at first because she's shy and self conscious, Ashley manages to pressure her and convince her it'll be fun until Dorothy relents and joins in, but is generally terrible at acting the part
Wouldn't of her own volition, but Georgina probably dresses her up like she was playing with a doll
Is confused by all the girls suddenly dressing and acting like this, panics and assumes it's a normal human thing so she joins in to blend in better
Thinks herself too high class for the trend
Initially thinks it is stupid. But she notices how some people in town find the trend uncomfortable so decides to join in wearing a gothy SSW outfit
Doesn't join in
Probably isn't in North Park at the time but would probably join in while still keeping her rough mannerisms
Joins in, obviously
Joins in because Georgina tells her to so they can both score some hot dudes
Already dresses like one so fits in better than usual
Probably not, unless someone installs some specific upgrades
If some of Leslieanon's art is canon then probably yes
Her school friends are all doing it and she'd like to join in but is too busy working as a maid. Luckily some of her classmates purchase some slutty maid outfits for her to wear on the job
Is appalled at the idea of being a whore, chooses to keep herself pure until marriage
Probably not, as the SSW trend was originally an early 2000s thing.

Dannyanon No. 783471 Report

crush: no until she realized Wendy couldn't join in the she does to piss her off but kinda hates it the whole time

helper: Maria forbids her doesn't want her to turn out like her younger self

Dannyanon No. 783475 Report

I imagine Maria would eventually cave in but by that time the trend is over and Helper doesn't want to wear it anymore

Anonymous No. 783477 Report

living the life

Anonymous No. 783478 Report

Thanks for the A2 draw!

Dannyanon No. 783479 Report

I think you linked the wrong one

Danny No. 783480 Report


step 2 ???

You don't fuck with boy's Arch Enemy chaz that not cool I hate that I have to teach you this lesson the hard way but it's one you're not going to forget

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Dannyanon No. 783488 Report

Last image

Anonymous No. 783490 Report

you underestimate my power...

Dannyanon No. 783492 Report

Chaz gets his own mother arrested after Elmer mistakenly thinks she's trying to seduce Danny by getting him drunk on wine she doesn't talk to Chaz for a week.

Anonymous No. 783493 Report

it's a good think she's a woman, otherwise there'd be real consequences

Anonymous No. 783494 Report

whoops, sorry
Thanks for the A2 drawing, you forgot that the middle part of his face is metal tho.

Danny No. 783495 Report


step 3 profit

Congratulations you played yourself chaz she's going to want some time away from your house seeing that her husband or her son called the cops on her and I know just the place she can stay.

Dannyanon No. 783507 Report

Episode where the cat girls get blamed for something they didn't do this time and they have to clear their name

Leslieanon No. 783520 Report

>If some of Leslieanon's art is canon then probably yes
Some of it is sorta canon.
All you need to know is that she doesn't know what sex is, she wouldn't "get" it, her mom would ballistic if she dressed like that, but the set's got the exact shade of purple for her eyeliner and lipstick she's been looking for weeks, her normal brand went out of business.

Dannyanon No. 783524 Report


The only parent with any God damn sense in this town

Dannyanon No. 783526 Report

I imagine the end to the danny and Chaz story is chaplain and Chaz storming to the cheatu and Chaz beating up Danny while chaplain "wins" Patricia back not that he ever lost her she was oblivious to Danny putting the moves on her she just thought he was being nice during her time of need. Since the Hsnsley's do kind of need the money Danny is forced to continue the lessons bad news is he spends three 3 days a week during his summer vacation learning dance good news is he becomes the best dancer in the school over the summer.

Leslieanon No. 783527 Report

She's a High School Biology teacher, single, widowed, and in her mid to late 30's, of course she's a bit high strung.
But she does still have her cool/dumb moments.

Anonymous No. 783528 Report

this leads into the school musical episode with the virus that forces everyone to dance and sing

Anonymous No. 783529 Report

>She's a High School Biology teacher,
How does she feel about Toades?

Dannyanon No. 783530 Report

Oh yeah I've been meaning to finish that storyline man it's been a while I made that during Christmas... whelp I'll do that later funny last week I was thinking about using one of those ai Danny designs Leslieanon made as one of the patient zeros

Dannyanon No. 783532 Report


A couple examples of how she dresses outside of wearing a maid outfit which she can only really do during the summer and early in the school year

Dannyanon No. 783533 Report

I'll probably use the top right or bottom left as patient zero

Anonymous No. 783536 Report

Yashu genuinely doesn't recognize her as Wendy when she's not in her Maid getup.
Though to be fair, Yashu looks completely different in casual wear too, what with the face mask(He doesn't wanna get sick), thick glasses(He usually wears contacts), and the Miku Hatsune t-shirt(He won it in a convenience store lottery and it was too comfy to throw out), and sweat pants.
He even wears his hair in a topknot while in casual mode because constantly upkeeping a pompadour is annoying.
The two could probably be friends and not even know it until their family gets involved.

Leslieanon No. 783540 Report

Both amazed and disgusted by his experiments.

Anonymous No. 783543 Report

This reminds me of that restaurant owner dad who put his kids to work the restaurant peeling potatoes & shit as a way to "teach" them, more like to indoctrinate them to take care of his chain of restaurants so they don't sell them ... in reality they'll fuck up the restaurants cause the retard dad didn't give them any managerial skills. Torturing for the sake of torturing. Most people end up resenting it and selling everything and getting the fuck out as soon as the parents die.

And in other news man Danny you're breaking my balls here.
First all of these goddamn doctors.
Then the elite ninja squad.
Then the MILFs
Then the rich kids
Then the schizo
Then the gothvamp kids when Rayne was already there, damn you Leslie.
Then the OP blonde kid.
Then the schizo paranormal kid.
Next you'll make a singer character just to fuck with me.
Next you'll give Danny some cool as hell pet.

My character was suppose to have all of these. Literal untapped potential.

Damn Danny you really are a great replacement for me. You even forget words like I do.

Dannyanon No. 783545 Report

At first a hive mind virus made to control the enemies of the United States that somehow got addicted to musicals and Escape quarantine into a town not that far from North park. after a few days nearly the entire population of the town was infected. somehow the US government found out its location and they quickly wiped the town off their map and put up a cover story. almost the infected citizens and non infected died except two children who Weeks Later would be seen in North Park Elementary trying to put on the musical.

You going to be mad but To be fair the story was made like on Christmas last year and I was drawn before I saw your post.

captcha mgwar

Dannyanon No. 783548 Report

Also Danny and Wendy will transition into managerial positions when their teenagers. they got to know every part of the job intimately before becoming a manager. that's how their father did it but not the grandfather's and that's the generation that actually started the ski resort. before that the chateau was just a abandoned building they purchased to one stop the cults from try to release the Gods and two to keep the magic items they collected over the centuries and have Lon watch over it and then before that it was abandoned without an owner so cults keep using it to do their rituals and then before that the vampires killed the previous owners before them and took it over.

Dannyanon No. 783549 Report

After their defeat and thought to be fully eliminated one of the patient zeros escaped into the mystical Forest. now they're just a section that almost all the inhabitants know not to go near called the musical Meadows because you will be infected also they still have a fixation on mute

Dannyanon No. 783555 Report

I imagine the musical virus or join us mute the musical to be a parody / remake of the very late 90s early 2000s movie The Faculty

Anonymous No. 783556 Report

thoughts on >>783536

Dannyanon No. 783557 Report

I was working on a picture where they were chilling watching movies in the park one of those moves in a park Community event kind of things but I couldn't quite figure it out I might finish the drawing later

I like the idea I think both of them would figure it out pretty soon but don't want to say anything about it just in case the other doesn't know they're having a good time. Hanoka has a picture of them.

Dannyanon No. 783559 Report


here a wip I'll probably try to finish it by tonight

Dannyanon No. 783562 Report

I might change the color since I just realized it's extremely close to Georgina and they already kind of are close character design Wise

So I'll do some lore around it a lot of people in town are under the impression that Georgina and Wendy are related they are not anyway Wendy resent that people think that. People are constantly telling Wendy to come on get her weird little sister

Anonymous No. 783563 Report

Cute! can't wait to see it done!

Dannyanon No. 783564 Report

How the hell are we still up?

Anonymous No. 783568 Report

there are three three threads before ours waiting to die, and this board is slow as ass.

Dannyanon No. 783570 Report


it's done.

It's a nice start to the summer no Supernatural shit to ruin things just a peaceful night

maybe we could all do something with this like it's one big picture we can put all the characters in it I already got 17 down

Leslieanon No. 783571 Report


Dannyanon No. 783572 Report


to be honest I was debating on shelving it before that one anon asked me my opinion on that bit of lore

Anonymous No. 783575 Report


Dannyanon No. 783576 Report

that's good I like it

but I meant we do a new picture but in the same setting at a different spot because the one I started it's kind of already crowded

wait wait I just Had a Brain blast we expand the picture so we can fit more characters in there though I don't know how we deal with the perspective at the front of the picture perhaps that's a row into itself

Anonymous No. 783577 Report

we should do new image
Yashu and wendy already take up way too much space and I don't mean just their big fat asses

Dannyanon No. 783578 Report

OK I'll recontribute but it have to be tomorrow after work save some space for me anons

Anonymous No. 783579 Report


Anonymous No. 783580 Report

glad I'm not the only one who sees the vision

Anonymous No. 783581 Report


Anonymous No. 783585 Report

Dannyanon No. 783595 Report

Wendy: we are not affiliated

Dannyanon No. 783596 Report


Georgina pushes the rumor that they are sisters because she thinks boys are going to be too afraid to reject her and girls won't exclude her from thing because of her super strong "sister".

Everyone thinks Wendy is a bitch for denying that they are sisters and is just embarrassed of her because of her disability.

Dannyanon No. 783598 Report

It's also funny considering that in the lineup Georgina's right above Wendy and her number is 102 Wendy's is 122

Anonymous No. 783599 Report

Zach out here getting cucked, lol

Dannyanon No. 783602 Report

They're not a thing nor does he want them to be a thing just trying to keep her from realizing the horrible shit he's doing (because she'd stop him) by manipulating her into having a crush on him but he does see this as some sort of threat to that.

Anonymous No. 783605 Report

>Yeah but he can't reveal that without Wendy kicking his ass, so he gets called a cuck, lol.

Anonymous No. 783607 Report

get a job, you lazy freeloader

Anonymous No. 783608 Report


That's easier said than done with child labor laws in the way. Where exactly do you expect him to get work?

Dannyanon No. 783609 Report

danny and wendy hears child labor law they slip out the back. technically they aren't employed by the cheatu just the grandchildren of the owners and are helping them out the only money they get is an allowance and tips

Dannyanon No. 783610 Report

I think he should have a theater kid's name like Jasper or something like that

Dannyanon No. 783616 Report

today is Wendy's and Brent's birthday

Anonymous No. 783617 Report

Hey anons, is it ok if I post my comic unfinished. it might not be as finished as much I as planned but is it ok if I post my teaser and later the the pages by next thread. I think I got a little too ambitious

Dannyanon No. 783618 Report

sure we're not too picky here

Dannyanon No. 783632 Report

since there a sort of sliding timeline timeloop going on somehow every 13th birthday party for Wendy gets ruined by Jerry it's a Canon event. Danny is trying to prevent it every year but it like a cosmic force of the universe

Dannyanon No. 783638 Report

*12th birthday

Anonymous No. 783653 Report

The year of 19--2000?

Dannyanon No. 783654 Report

1997- current year or 20xx

Anonymous No. 783655 Report

I reFUSE and will use the year 192000, and YOU cannot stop me, and if you try I WILL KILL Drew.

Dannyanon No. 783656 Report

I mean that's most likely the year it started if we're going by South Park also kill Drew maybe we can bring Charlie into the main timeline if you do that

Dannyanon No. 783658 Report

that bellhop can dance. sorry had to do something quick before

Dannyanon No. 783659 Report

before din din

Dannyanon No. 783663 Report

there doesnt seem to be any interest in the movie night thing so I'm moving on

Anonymous No. 783672 Report


Legitimate business ventures

Dannyanon No. 783691 Report

Vera pays him to do this mainly out of pitty