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๐Ÿงต /FRED/

Anonymous No. 781262 Report

Contain thread for the /i/,/ic/,/"co"/, and /vg/ extraordinary schizo!!!!

>whats new fredfag???
Posted two bait posts on /co/ today.
Nearly done with fred gets dehuman ep 3.
Dsp coding and shiieeet.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 781263 Report

Fred thread

Oekaki Post (Time: 49s, Replay: View)

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 781265 Report

Friendly reminder that fred is an underage faggot that grooms schizos and is obsessed with every man that rejects him. Sage and report the OP because it's him.

Anonymous No. 781268 Report

>Obsessed with every man that rejects him.

Anonymous No. 781296 Report

so do get fred-sama to like me I must... despise him?

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Anonymous No. 781321 Report

Sorry for not posting, 'tisming on comic shieet and draeing!! Enjoy abursd kino

Anonymous No. 781325 Report

Whereโ€™s the fnf mod at Fredrick?

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Anonymous No. 781326 Report

I use to be in the mscrew discord(fredbox that became semi successful), but i left after deleting discord.

I ended up getting burnt out because i ran head first trying to make it like a retard. Plus i'm busy with non fred stuff nowadays.

In other news making a organ like audio plugin with polybelp oscilators!!! Now just gotta code iir filters like a retard lmfao.

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Anonymous No. 781327 Report

Anonymous No. 781329 Report

idk wat mscrew even is. i've just seen how much people seethe over you and it's funny

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Anonymous No. 781331 Report

I'm glad someone else has similar humor to me anony.

Anonymous No. 781332 Report

Betz, the married adult creator of Terriful and Apocalypse Knight, is one prominent victim of Fred's gay grooming scheme. Pray for his soul.
How does it feel the one who mindraped Betz?

Anonymous No. 781333 Report

i feel that my sense of humor makes it difficult to build relationships, so good luck with that.
you retards constantly namedrop fags from discord or some shit. nobody cares
also checkem

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Anonymous No. 781334 Report


Anonymous No. 781335 Report

whgats the poiint of creampieing your mom if im just gonna be horny again

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Anonymous No. 781337 Report

Risperidone yourself Albert

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Anonymous No. 781338 Report

Nice trips. It does indeed make it hard to make friends. Gotta do with what you can doe.

He's funny to mess with desu, i kinda feel bad for him. Tldr what >>781333 says.

Anonymous No. 781340 Report

What's the point of your existence if you got 12-gauge

Anonymous No. 781341 Report

pumpin another load in your fat mum

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Anonymous No. 781342 Report


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Anonymous No. 781355 Report

My fredsona

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Anonymous No. 781395 Report

Nice dubs yd, good fredsona.
There is none, kurt cobain yourself.

Here's a bunch of poorly drawn freds, based off of old designs. First one(blob) was first drawn sometime in 2019. The newest one is based off the fred comics

Anonymous No. 781396 Report

Ive been thinking of brining back the tired eye details desu.

I usually don't post my music because i sing like a retard, and some other stuff to do with non fred stuff. But today i vill post a cover i did on synth keyboard. Gonna redo the singing and keyboard part when i get home.

Also enjoy alt op pic

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Anonymous No. 781397 Report

Forgot pic.

I really need to fix the shit mixing and shitty vocals.

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Anonymous No. 781581 Report

Sorry for lack of fred posting. Been busy.

Enjoy fred after he hit his head on the bathtub floors; in clasic fred schizo perspective(trade mark coming soon)

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Anonymous No. 781604 Report

Fred dehuman ep 3

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Anonymous No. 781621 Report

new reaction image

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Anonymous No. 781671 Report

Finished this up.

Nu bathtub song demo:

Also finished this>>781581

Anonymous No. 781719 Report

Fuck you Fred you god damn pedophile heeb! I hope the Ultra MAGA Neo Nazis find you and your family and cook you alive and your faggy little yarmulkes melt into your skulls and your brains explode and all your little golden dredel teeth get taken out and used to purchase rope to lynch more jews and niggers.

Anonymous No. 781720 Report

Wojakfag spotted

Anonymous No. 781722 Report


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 781725 Report

Fuck you, jew! I hope palestine enacts a jihad on you and your family!

Anonymous No. 781754 Report

Kill yourself

EVIL anonymous No. 781773 Report

love yourself

Anonymous No. 781774 Report

Find yourself

Anonymous No. 781776 Report

Fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 781828 Report

Wash yourself

Anonymous No. 781830 Report

what the fuck? This is what /i/ has devolved too?

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Anonymous No. 781840 Report

Rip fred, he kysed after learning he gotn aids from sexting to many men.

Gonna redraw with proper perspective.
Tommorow ill draw em.
Fred and other retards took over, sorry

Anonymous No. 781878 Report

And itโ€™s your fault.

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Anonymous No. 781938 Report

Ok anony. Enjoy some h-h-h-hot fredcest.

Will post wip of this

Got distracted by digital sound processing sinc maths. Ooops

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Anonymous No. 781939 Report

Gonna redo mirror.

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Anonymous No. 781968 Report

Today i promise to drawz and not tism out on coding for 8 hours straight

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Anonymous No. 782267 Report


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Anonymous No. 782278 Report

Based aztec death god fred.

Sorry for not posting much people, yesterday was mothers day in mexico, so my entire day was spent at a party. Finished up muh fred requests(also anatomy studies)
How about BOTH

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Anonymous No. 782279 Report

Also this finished.

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Anonymous No. 782351 Report

Close to coding lp-blit oscillator for muh organ plugin.

In the mean time enjoy a screenshot of light fred trolling, featuring a 23 year old mentally unstable female.

Anonymous No. 782382 Report

tootsie in fredcord!?! oh noes!

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Anonymous No. 782521 Report

He complained to one of my schizo frens thatme and kott hated the oc discord. Was funni

Enjoy bus drawings.
Also oingo boing former band mates remade my fav song

Anonymous No. 782524 Report

Don't touch ma boi tootsie

Anonymous No. 782526 Report

leave tootsie alone he dindu nuffin

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Anonymous No. 782527 Report

But i think he is a funny man.

Anonymous No. 782529 Report

no lies detected

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Anonymous No. 782530 Report

I didn't know i hated the fellas over at the /i/ oc discord. The more i know about myself huhhh.

Should i do some requests? I have nothing to do currently(might do em in like 2 hours)

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Anonymous No. 782545 Report

I vill draw

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Anonymous No. 782623 Report

Some nuuu fred shit.

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Anonymous No. 782631 Report

Thunking about fully making a comeback to discord. I have a discord account but i do pretty much nothing with it expect talk to some frens. Thoughts on a nu fredbox/cord?

Anonymous No. 782637 Report

I sometimes wonder how my time on 4chan would of been different if i didn't decide to schizpost/attentionwhore. I think most people would still dislike me because of obvious reasons(cough cough starts with a), but i'd be more of a black sheep then a boogieman of sortd

Anonymous No. 782653 Report

Fred bum

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Anonymous No. 782665 Report

Why do you need /lgbt/ if you have /co/?

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Anonymous No. 782667 Report


Anonymous No. 782685 Report

Nu fredbox

Anonymous No. 782722 Report

Kys nigger, stop samefagging

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Anonymous No. 782723 Report


killyourself !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782726 Report

hey, faggot, can you not? you're seriously a weirdo.

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Anonymous No. 782727 Report

That isn't my account? It's probably just bait from a schizo dude. Ignore it lmfao;

Anonymous No. 782728 Report

Choke yourself to death manchild albert.

killyourself? !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782729 Report

so, what, someone pretended to be you, made fake screenshots of you admitting to being me, and then posted them in an attempt to convince people that you're me?
like, that's plausible, but the idea of you just jumping on this opportunity in order to farm (you)s or something makes more sense to me.

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Anonymous No. 782730 Report

Yes, i have been impersonated before on /ic/, specfically on /mmg/ . Plus it wouldn't be the first time someone forged something to eneage someone(/icoc/ tourney cat fucker image).

If you wanna go on a wild goose chase to pinme for something i didn't do then go ahead fren.

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782732 Report

ok, whatever. im just getting a bit sick of this lol.
if you ARE now trying to run with the story that you're me, could you just like, not? this shit is bleeding over into my /qst/ stuff, and i actually care about that a lot. if not, whatever. continue as is.

Anonymous No. 782735 Report

Your not the greatest at conflict resolution(i can't judge myself). You kinda just come here and accussed me of shit on my comfy thread. Like i said if i was you i would just ignore this shit. I don't think i'm gonna be frenly on your threads now since i've only been posting advice/ontopic stuff cuz i like your art. I mean shit i even drew your oc last thread lmfao.

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Anonymous No. 782736 Report

Oops forgot pic.

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782739 Report

listen dude, i was under the impression you were pulling some slimy shit. if that WAS true (which it still could be, but im not gonna accuse you of anything), then im sure lot of people would do the same thing, comfy thread or not.
i already said, just go back to doing what you were doing. im not accusing you of anything. the conflict has already been resolved.

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Anonymous No. 782742 Report

Now your just making yourself look like a jackass with the "go back to what you are doing bit". I don't think i will after you have attempted to ruin my already poor rep. I have also met a lot of people on here who would of probably dealt with this differently.

For the record im not chewbone anon, nor am i boogie boy, or mr pink.

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782743 Report

ruin your poor rep? you don't seem to be doing much to help your rep either. what happened to you not caring and being some le epic troll?
with a reputation like yours you don't get the benefit of the doubt. if you didn't want a poor rep maybe, uh, idk, don't be an attention-whore schizo?

Anonymous No. 782744 Report

I hate fred, he owes me 14 dollars.

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Anonymous No. 782745 Report

My last troll was 4 months ago on /co/ nigga, i have had the chance to be a faggot on the /i/ oc discord but i didn't because i kinda grew out of that(the tootsie thing only happened because he suddenly joined a 'cord that my account was in). This thread and my presence here is just meant to post some of my thoughts and art. As for le benfit of the doubt yey. You know what? I think i just found a new personal lolcow.

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782746 Report

>personal lolcow
is this faggot for real?

IlovdAlbert !!T2UdrWkLSWB No. 782748 Report

Seems like you are betz 2.0 now, enjoy getting stalked on discord by a gay underage teen lmfao.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782749 Report

ok? none of you faggots have my discord, and even if you got into a server i was in you'd probably be kicked or bullied out lmao.
fred can't take ONE hit to his ego and realize he's not an annoying faggot in recovery but just an annoying faggot?

>last troll was 4 months ago
pick one retard.

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Anonymous No. 782750 Report

You got baited by some retard pretending to be me and then shat one my thread. The only reason i said i'm making you my personal lolcow is because you seem like the type of person to respond to the smallest bit of bait lmfao, not because muh ego is hurt.

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Anonymous No. 782751 Report

where we droppin boys

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782752 Report

listen, dude, i dont know who you are. all i know is you have a history of doing shit people don't like. so its not that farfetched for me to believe such a thing, especially with your whole "troll" persona or whatever. and i was especially pissed off since some of those people were targeting something i actually care quite a lot about, and don't want derailed.
i don't want any gay drama, i don't want to continue to shit up your thread (which i wouldn't be doing if you weren't still responding to me), and i don't wanna argue. i just wanna post my doodle shitty little ms paint things and post them.
now, can we please end this?

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ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782753 Report

if this is you... you are next-level retarded lmao...

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Anonymous No. 782754 Report

Draw a pic of fred and i'll think about it.

ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782755 Report

drink my semen you little weirdo.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 782756 Report

Little weird to tell that to a 16 year old.

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ok !!Z0PfpckB+ac No. 782757 Report


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Anonymous No. 782769 Report

>tfw the three man /femcel schizo pyspop worked

Special thanks to ilovealbert, and anothet not to be named contributer.

Pic rel, proof that i was the one accusing him of being me lel.

Many laugh was had this day from the retards such as i from mscrew.


Anonymous No. 782770 Report


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Anonymous No. 782772 Report

Oh and also state mandated fredposting will reinquire in 2 to 3 weeks to due irl stufff. Until then see ya.

We already set up the plan but had no one in mind, but when i stumbled upon the nu samantha thread and tested the waters we decided on them to be our golden goose of the day. As for my actual thoughts on em, i don't hate em(i think they are quite unitentionally funny) and i'm not gonna keep fucking with em since it would jist be a sunk cost for frens and i at that point.

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 782776 Report

Oh and also gn to all. May the laughs keep cumming

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 782979 Report

At a motel rn. Enjoy some quick drawings before sleep.

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 782980 Report

Shit frogot pics

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 782981 Report

I have a meh style.

Anonymous No. 783095 Report

Fuck you Jew

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783144 Report

Don't make fun of my religion man, not cool.

Some low quality art fot a /qst/ frens birthday

Anonymous No. 783149 Report

wait fred you'e jewish?
i'm sorry we can't be friends then

Anonymous No. 783153 Report

What's your opinion on the holocaust?

Anonymous No. 783160 Report

didn't but should've

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783162 Report

Its bad.

My dad's side is of Sephardim jewish decent; aka based jews. They semi practice their religion.

Anonymous No. 783163 Report

wow lmao fred is a mexi-jew so can you or can you not eat pork this is very important to if we can be friends

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783166 Report

Today i will draw

Anonymous No. 783313 Report

I love spending 8 hours in a car driving across mexico , soooo funnn.

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783314 Report

Forgot trip like a nigger

Anonymous No. 783320 Report

Friendly reminder that Fred deleted his socials to cover his tracks when he got outed as a groomer.

Also he samefags his own "psyops."

Anonymous No. 783327 Report

Fred heavily reminds me of musicbizmarty.
>both are backstabbing "trolls"
>both will do retarded shit for cheap laughs and attention
>both have a meh irl
>both have a army of retarded supporters who do as they tells because they find them"funny"
>both are kikes
>both tend to target random people who have done very little, and have lucked out by finding someone who is way worse then them(in fred's case it's betz)
What a sad existence

Also any archived pics of fred's socials?

Anonymous No. 783329 Report

At this point I'd say Fred is worse than Betz.
Betz could leave the internet and still have a life, job, and family. Fred's only interaction is sexting schizos and getting people to hate him.

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783330 Report

I have a meh irl. If i left the internet i'd be hollow nobody who is just in the crowd. The only thing i have going is being in a school basketball team, and even then i suck at the sport and rarely make it to actual games(i always go to practice cuz socializing), when i do i'm just mid.

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783331 Report

Tbh i'll probably end up as a high level paper pusher, probably in some tech company. I'm able to fit in, but it's not something i like. The posts and actions 4chan that i do is the raw unfiltered emotion's and wants of me.

Anonymous No. 783332 Report

Can a penis be kosher?

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783333 Report

Can u shut up about jews

Anonymous No. 783335 Report

Fuck you, you fucking faggot!

Anonymous No. 783339 Report

Do they refry the Mexican Jews at concentration camps, or do they just fajita them?

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783342 Report

I wonder. Should i keep being as is for the rest of my time on 4chan? Or should i attempt to change my behaviour here to a more friendly/less trolly way of acting.

The only reason i'm thinking about this is because i try to act well of the 'cord, but i act like a ass here. I'll be hated either way for mostly justifiable reason's.

That's clevrr ngl.

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783344 Report

I feel like i should attempt to be good human being. The feeling of hollowness and causing anger has kinda gotten meh to me

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 783359 Report

I feel better. Gonna try to take a break, my head is swimming with thoughts.

Anonymous No. 783651 Report

I'm usually a stout anti-semite .......but you fred get a pass
I grant you the title of hononary aryan
see you around fellow white man

also do a version of the "fred gets dehumanized" but with the jewish angle would be funni

Anonymous No. 783717 Report

Comeback fred.

Anonymous No. 784523 Report

I pledge to doxx you for fucking with chewbone anon and others on /i/ you cretin

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Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 785176 Report

>complains about shit going on irl
>makes himself a target
>does and says retard shit

Its a retard eat retard world anon, its his fault he made himself a target lmfao.
Thanks to yd for art of damaskas

Freddyboy !!9GhUi7yHZWa No. 785177 Report

In other news, i'll be opening for a band at the mint soon. Just 2 songs and thats it!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 785241 Report

Fuck you, you god damn disgusting Jew! I hope Palestinians take over Israel and murder every heeb piece of shit to death.

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Anonymous No. 785573 Report

Throughout my entire life up until this point i have gotten my way irl and online to some extent by messing with, shaming, and stepping on others for either fun or status among my peers. I feel scummy yet rewarded at the same time for my actions, i feel vindicated time and time again by others. I think this is a unhealthy cycle, i just need to survive until i live my enviroment, then my efforts of changing might go somewhere i think.

Anonymous No. 785574 Report

I have done a lot of bad things irl, i won't mentiom them, but i feel like telling someone. I might gk to a church or see a shrink

Anonymous No. 787015 Report

This person who made fred groomed me on discord but i don't have the proof cuz i lost the computer

Anonymous No. 787016 Report

I was in a FNF server, asked me to help on the mod. I said i couldn't. Said he liked me. And started "dating" me but i didn't know it was grooming. He claims to be 16 and i was 13 at the time. Later i got off discord for this reason. His account is still up i believe in that one art server.

Anonymous No. 787018 Report

So whatever your real name is, i want you to know that i really hate you and you need to be put in jail.

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Anonymous No. 787109 Report

Fred > crapper

Anonymous No. 787118 Report

I don't quite like this Fred character
Is he a homosexual? A prostitute? A fellow of troglodyte genetics?

Anonymous No. 787123 Report

TLDR middle-aged jewish man pretending to be underaged so he can groom children.

Anonymous No. 787183 Report

No, he should be gassed along with all the other jews.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 787419 Report

Phew thank god i got away from this fred nigga before the drama

at least now im safe from beint doxxed

Anonymous No. 787428 Report

Nice scrapper

Anonymous No. 788097 Report


Nu cord

Anonymous No. 788454 Report

Join this nu cool art server

Anonymous No. 788467 Report

Iโ€™m not joining your filthy Jew server you fucking kike.

Anonymous No. 788701 Report

The person who made fred should kill himself, piece of shit groomer. I hope you fucking die in a hole you retarded ballsack

Anonymous No. 788702 Report


Anonymous No. 790582 Report

So fred a 30 something year old Jewish male this entire time? Tf?