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🧵 /npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #31

Anonymous No. 783694

Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Lonely nights edition

Previous thread:

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North Park OCs Ev....png

Anonymous No. 783695

Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator ( and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:

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Dannyanon No. 783696

Dannyanon No. 783697

hey I accidentally fit the theme

Dannyanon No. 783709

episode where fylnn is sent a Medallion from the family of a lolcow he was following that killed themself and it was cursed now fylnn is slowly morphing to them.

Anonymous No. 783714

Edited a fuckload of pages, mostly to do with the Yang Family and their love for Fish Boy, and some minor edits to other pages.

Anonymous No. 783715

We need a designated Lore Monkey, who will be the sacrifice after the death of Bad End Lore Anon

Anonymous No. 783716

meant for >>783695
but I also added things for Yashu on Danny's page and for Danny and Wendy on Yashu's

Anonymous No. 783719

>Reading all the new Yang Family lore
This shit is wholesome as fuck, are the Yangs the happiest NP family now?

Anonymous No. 783722

Characters that need Wiki pages
>North Park Santa
any other new minor characters I forgot about?

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Leslieanon No. 783724

When the night turns from lonely to long.

Dannyanon No. 783726

Danny and Yashu are in a team cooking competition they have to make a fish dish

>Danny: you chop up the vegetables I'll handle making the fish we might not know if your family has a predisposition to fucking fi-

cuts to Danny with a black eye chopping up vegetables holding back tears.

Anonymous No. 783728

>Wendy let Yashu have this because Jesus Danny his little brother was right in earshot

Anonymous No. 783729

Danny sounds really salty about how stable Yashu's home life is, he had that black eye coming.

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Anonymous No. 783735

Just getting this out of way first thing before Penny contaminates the thread with her fatlardass.
"Shut the fuck up, Penny."
Okay, I'm done.

Fuck you it's Max time.

prompt: a 2000s pop metal song with a masculine voice, the singer is called Max and sings about himself to his adoring female fans.

>masculine voice
Don't question the AI.

Dannyanon No. 783737

no spoilers bleas I can't watch it till after work today

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Anonymous No. 783738

Max needs a remake or is it called a reboot?

He needs to be angrier, fancier, eviler, masculine, have access to a time machine, wear a smoking hot suit and when Max isn't on screen everyone needs to ask "Where is Max?"
Jerry & Trisha are fucking and breeding and that's canon, you hear me T.T? I'll make you go T.T if that isn't canon.

Dannyanon No. 783739

he has taken the divorce rather well Wendy on the other hand

he had it coming

Dannyanon No. 783740

wow that the thread I came in and the beginning of Max's downfall

Anonymous No. 783743

Think you might give the idea a draw?

Anonymous No. 783745

Yes, second happy Family I'd say is Asimov's.
we should make a family happiness tier list

Anonymous No. 783746

>Second most happy family
Damn it Dannyanon, your missing words are contagious!

Anonymous No. 783747
>Holy shit Jerry's Mom is just like my mom.

>Okay but is Max for real, is he the real deal?
As you all know reality is stranger than fiction.
I'm impressed for how long I haven't lashed out at both the fictional world and my real life. I have had a real Jerry x Penny ship in real life for years now before Penny was made, except my Jerry is a Butters which I strangled when he was a kid cause it's fucking Butters.

Can you imagine Butters x Penny?
Raising sons to not get cucked is a lie, it's a fucking lie. I assure you I will either get sent to jail or become the mafia. I have the money for lawyers, that humptydumpty doesn't since those retards are asking me for money. HumptyDumpty's mother still owes me money. They'll be lucky if I don't poison everyone at the wedding. They'll be lucky if the wedding is cancelled.

Truly we have copied Trey at his best and his worst without even realizing it.

Dannyanon No. 783748

which idea?

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Anonymous No. 783749

Charlie I drew.

Anonymous No. 783750

The Danny trying that line and getting decked for it idea

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Anonymous No. 783762

Alright, Here's my concept art for the comic I could not finish. Sorry anons. I was trying to envision North Park from the it's early day when it was a new town. The horror of the American civil war was a recent memory and the Wild West has just been born. I think there is Vera and possible younger male Vanessa during this event. I also invited all anons of /NPG/ to make their own ancestor for any of the PCs

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Anonymous No. 783763

>Atticus Appleton
In my scrapped comic, This is Atticus Appleton before he turns into what he is today. In this iteration, Atticus is working hard to be an Engineer, not even as a wannabe but actually he has REAL potential to be one. Unfortunately, the townsfolk do not see him this way and calls him a fool. To put more salt to the wound, he is actually a very progressive thinking person for the time, a full on unionist republican who thinks that blacks and whites are equals. Atticus is way too idealistic and not the most pragmatic person so he does make a lot of mistakes. simply put it, given enough time, Atticus can actually be in the history books of great inventors, but that had never happened

Also Atticus is raised by a single mom who possibly runs the town's library and is into history too. Given that he is already a main line up character, I give him July 10th as his birthday which reference Nicholas Tesla's birthday

Dannyanon No. 783764

oh yeah Vera would have been around she would have been about 8( 35+ around that time running around with a vampire Clan)

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Anonymous No. 783766


Amelia is a knight of the Homeless guild who is originally from Italy. She has excellent knife throwing ability, agility and combat skills but her respect for social etiquette are not as much. She is always pushing boundaries and likes to prank people or at least make them uncomfortable. Also don't forgot she likes to drink and smoke. She may not know it yet but deep down, she is very lonely. Basically she is teamed up in Atticus in what I originally planned

Now, this references back to a very old lore on /npg/ on one of the earlier threads but this comic might possibly explore more into the conflict of the homeless and frog people.

Basically I'm going to say it is a mystery if Amelia is an ancestor of anyone or even if she ever had a kid. though Amelia is actually well known by many modern day homeless people as a legend so Hansel and Gretel should have very high chance of knowing her story.

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Anonymous No. 783767

>Supporter Character

Ok, He is actually an ancestor of Miner character, Basically he has the exact opposite personality of Amelia where Supporter is actually very insecure and has lot of skeletons in the closet. so he sometimes freaks out of yell at Amelia or getting stepping into his boundaries too much

The specific civilization Supporter Character is from lives underground in the Rocky Mountain and in order to avoid total extinction, his culture has a trade with humans without letting know they are frogs. This gives them a habit of wearing full disguises. Also the full outfit is meant to prevent moisture from escaping since the outside world is not as humid. Supporter Character is sent by his king to spy on Atticus Appleton for some reason but got entangled somehow so he has no other choice but to work with Atticus and Amelia

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Anonymous No. 783768

Ok, here is the original art style the comic is meant to be in, I scrap this one because it was taking way too long and would be impossible for me to finish at least.
I guess that means Atticus is older than Vera be since he is 10 at the time. Well I guess in a way, that might make him the oldest character in the line up. I also have ideas about Atticus, Amelia and Supporter encountering the vampire clan and eventually meeting Vera, I not sure how that would turn out

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Anonymous No. 783769

I was originally going to post this a while back earlier but decide to add it to the teaser, I was just playing with 3 random characters. I have to change the art style to this for the comic because it was simpler and took way less time to finish a page, I only got 7 pages finished which I will post either Saturday or Sunday. I did have Danny in some of those pages because a while back, I made a promise to him. Im very sorry if I can only give out 7 pages worth of comic but I hope you anons can enjoy. also if you guys want, I do not have to consider any of my work canon

Dannyanon No. 783771

you misunderstood was born 1830 something she just 8 because she was bitten by a vampire so she always 8. also ula was born in the 1700 and lon been on earth since 1000ish and is a hell of a lot older than that even and Uisas is very old

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Anonymous No. 783773

sorry about that, sometimes I get confuse. I guess Lon is the oldest character in the line up but I still can see an arc happening, Also you did mention something about the Thompson family a couple thread back. What do you think they are doing in the 1869 event

Anonymous No. 783774

I love her design, I'll probably draw her later

I'm assuming she's around 4th grader age like the other kids?

Dannyanon No. 783775

monster hunting all over the north America

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Leslieanon No. 783776

Might as well toss my hat into the ring.
Steven Houben and his wife Fertile Moose
Runs a general store, social outcasts due to obvious reasons, but they get no trouble because everyone fears they might get shot by one of their hundreds of guns if they say something bad.

Dannyanon No. 783777

that was probably the 2nd best special they done

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Dannyanon No. 783778

Vera in 1869

Dannyanon No. 783779

She's actually a famous wanted person in Wild West history some sort of or child or small woman Bandit though all that went away after the gang was forcefully disbanded in the earlyb1890s

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Dannyanon No. 783780

she was a lot more crude, rude, and childish during these days

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Dannyanon No. 783784

She loved that Poncho it’s and taters too messed up to even mend She keeps it as a blanket.

I love this design

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Anonymous No. 783785

Im glad you love her design, desu she was actually the hardest character to design. Also for those who don't know, her jacket is a damaged military uniform that she repair herself. Also she is pretty much a 4th grader in age, roughly. she might be a bit shorter just due to the era she live in.

I always wanted a native person in /npg/. I guess the Hourbons had to be tough.

Imagine if modern kids think her bounty is low cause they don't know about inflation

Anonymous No. 783788

The Houbens have been an ornery crowd ever since leaving The Netherlands, Steven is a 4th generational immigrant, so his toughness hasn't really been diluted yet.

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Anonymous No. 783789

Edith Appleton
here a rough sketch concept of Atticus's mom I just made. She is the town's librarian. She tends to be pessimistic due to her past but in a way, her pessimism is the reason for her kindness and can empathize on a deep level. she simply want to comfort anyone despite being depress herself

Dannyanon No. 783790

les doesn’t know that this is Vera and had a small crush on [Vera's Outlaw name to be decided later] when she first read about her when she was still alive she has her outlaw poster in her room.

Vera doesn't tell people that's her she considers that life behind her

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Anonymous No. 783791

Dannyanon No. 783792

oh yeah the public thinks Vera and her Bandit Gang all died at the Chateau in a violent shootout with the authorities after they killed the owners and a lot of guests at the Chateau. one of the people who took credit for this was Elmer's ancestor he became a Nationwide hero for stopping these Infamous Bandits.

the public doesn't know that they were vampires or or stopped by the Thompsons also only Atticus, ula kind of, lon, tt and Vanassa are aware that Vera is that outlaw.

Dannyanon No. 783804

OK I'll get around to it tomorrow

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Dannyanon No. 783805


he likes to brag about it Vera hates when he does because she knew that dude he was a complete dipshit. it’s a little embarrassing people thinking you died to that guy. I imagine Chuck and Zach’s ancestor was also a part of that group that took credit

Anonymous No. 783806

>Yet another AU
You people never cease to invigorate my interest for this thread.

Dannyanon No. 783810

I like how Dougie has a humanoid body type nobody but Trisha notices

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Anonymous No. 783811

these links aren't working for me
why are you such an dummy?

Dannyanon No. 783813

the lobster mascot

Anonymous No. 783815

I don't pander to the minds of sheep. ;) but here you go little lamb.

Great joke, MineralAnon. Reminds me of ScroogeMcDuck going back to save the huskys over the criminals.
Mandy the hybrid Max+Andy.
Not a fan of bulldogs, Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Bolognese Chihuahuas(even a cat can beat 3 of them at once), Corgis. Only Shiba Inus are okay, proper dogs. I'm mostly a cat person, I enjoy Turkish Angoras.
The dog breeds I genuinely enjoy are few but in line with my tastes; Golden Retrievers, Border Collie, Huskys and Collies. Dalmatians aren't fluffy enough even if I enjoy their white & black color palette.
Between Russian Blue and British Shorthair I'd pick the Russian, he has a smarter looking face, leaner more /fit/. British looks fat.

Anonymous No. 783820

I'm horny for revenge.

Dannyanon No. 783825

running subplot where Danny is accidentally destroyed Hanoka side of the family after a dj mishap

Dannyanon No. 783828

they was having a family get together and party for the neighborhood and their dj canceled last minute. Yashu asked Wendy if she knew anyone and she recommended Danny since he didn't know anyone else he reluctantly agreed.

Danny was killing but trying to find a dj tag line all night but by the last song he finally found it I'm dropping those beats like Hiroshima.

this pissed of Hanoka family and the next day Yashu asked him to asked him to apologize he does but somehow it leads to an argument that works up Hanoka father that he gets a heart attack.

after that the ghost of her father said he would forgive Danny if he said his last request to his family it was to open a brief case he had on him at all times live on TV.

they do but it turns out he was a infamous child killer in Japan the news quickly makes its way to Japan and her family name is so disgraced that they cant return home and must stay in North Park

and it keeps getting worse he getsher mom addicted to gambling reveal Hanoka sister's husband is actually Korean and was pretending to be Japanese.

in order to keep it funny Danny can never do it on purpose and for some reason they keep coming to him for help, advice or confiding things to him Danny doesn't want to get involved but they keep pressuring him

Anonymous No. 783830

I think this events is more of a far past prequel than a canon event.

Anonymous No. 783831

I had woke up when I typed that, but I should've said "A different setting to play with."
I'm with it, I might fuck around soon enough.
If that's okay with (you) of course.

Anonymous No. 783832

>If that's okay with (you) of course.
anything is ok, Actually lore wise, I got pretty much all of my ideas out so there is a lot of room for any anons to add anything. I will be posting my comic today actually since I have less than what I thought I need to do

Anonymous No. 783833


Anonymous No. 783835

>*giggles* haha oh max, you rascal
I just imagined a rule63 Neil.

Dannyanon No. 783836

tldr Danny is bad luck for Hanoka family that was visiting now Stranded in North Park

Dannyanon No. 783837

sorry I only HD 5 minutes to type all that out and I was having a nose bleed so it being legible was not an option

Anonymous No. 783846

Do.. do you mean Honoka?
are you having a stroke?
They're the Yang Family...

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Anonymous No. 783847

that all I got. I had way more planned but this is all I have. my apologies

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Anonymous No. 783848


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Anonymous No. 783849


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Anonymous No. 783850


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Anonymous No. 783851


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Anonymous No. 783852


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Anonymous No. 783853


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Anonymous No. 783854

Original page design that I scrapped

Dannyanon No. 783855


her family before the marriage bro I literally have no idea what you would call that other than her family unless you're saying they're related

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Anonymous No. 783856

another scrapped style

Anonymous No. 783857

>Southern Gentleman Teacher
I'm hearing his voice like Gideon's Dad from Gravity Falls,

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Anonymous No. 783858

mind-blowing art, I'm not jealous or anything(*sniff*)
workin' hard or hardly workin'
I love Miner's run
of course he just owns a construction vehicle
>ancient evil is unearthed
nice transition
ahh, so he's the runt of the litter, poor lil tophat

Dannyanon No. 783861

good job anon i

Dannyanon No. 783877

vera: if Atticus is supposed to this smart inventor why can't he build his mom a pair working legs?

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Anonymous No. 783878

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Dannyanon No. 783895

Not the healthiest life in the Wild West

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Dannyanon No. 783904


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Dannyanon No. 783929


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Dannyanon No. 783934

I imagine when they talk. You can tell they have a long history with each other This can make almost anyone and feel like wheel.

Dannyanon No. 783935

>I imagine when they talk. You can tell they have a long history with each other This can make almost anyone and feel like wheel

* you can tell they have a long history with each other this can make almost anyone feel like a third wheel

Jesus fucking Christ man I proof read that like three times

Anyways next pictures that Danny yashu thing

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Anonymous No. 783941

On a scale of 1 to Drew how willing would you be to go after Asimov when he's crossdressing.

Anonymous No. 783942

someone should make AI chatbots of the North Park Cast.
that would be fun.

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Leslieanon No. 783943

Come on down to the Houben General Store! We have what you need at great prices!

Dannyanon No. 783944

I mean I'm not a pedophile so 0 but if you ask the characters I created

danny: 3/10 he doesn't recognize Asimov when he crossdressers he's not a loser so that's kind of a drawback in Danny's book

Wendy 0/10 "no thanks im straight"

Lon -10/10 "humans are like animals to me and I'm not like Amber"

ula: 5/10 depends of Asimov shows any interest in her

black cat 10/10 " S-S-She's totally m-m-my type "

teacup 3/10 considering that Barbara is bisexual and teacup is her clone they would share genetics. "I don't think she my type."

Ragdoll 0/10 straight though would go after non crossdressing Asimov if he was available. "Sorry but I'm not in the girls. if that's okay with you?"

Vera 2/10 it's possible but unlikely " sorry but I got my heart set on another."

Fiona: 0/10 but will totally want watch someone go to pound town on him should be even more excited if she finds out he's a dude She's A Freak bro. " no I'm not into girls I'm not weird or anything like that.... why are you looking at me like that?"

Frederick 10/10 he go after anything vaguely a girl

Bram 2/10 "my heart belong to mistress ula"

Joseph: 0/10 "nigga what the fuck that's a dude!"

Ingrid 0/10 "I'm straight guys!!!"

Vanessa ???/10 I don't think she wants to think about the sexuality question from the fact that she's really an adult in a child's body too if she goes after a man would that make her straight but she was originally a man so that would be gay right? "...."

Dannyanon No. 783945

dr dogman 0/10 he's mentally a 15 year old in human standards so he'd be grossed out by going after a preteen

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Dannyanon No. 783946

roll two random characters and give them prefight dialogue

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Dannyanon No. 783953


Anonymous No. 783956

>Rulf vs Bobby Norman
Bobby: Nope, not doing this, I can't get cancelled, I'd lose my job!
Rulf: Then Perish!

>Hui-Feng Peng Vs Goth Boy
HFP: I hear that you hate pussy, I will teach you a lesson!
Goth Boy: The hell are you taking about, I don't hate cats?

>Mandy Vs Asimov-2
Mandy: A blue Asimov? Does he taste like blue raspberry.
Asimov-2: Annoyed Statement: try it and the only thing you will eat is your teeth.

>Xeno Vs Father Goodfellow
Xeno: I don't give a damn about church, the only religion about aliens fucking sucks!
Goodfellow: I am trying to save your Soul, stop resisting!

>Yashu vs Chariot
Yashu: Who knows, maybe if I kick your ass hard enough you'll be able to walk again.
Chariot: What, Wendy make you feel so small you have to beat up a lady that can't walk to feel like a big man?

>Charles Vs Ada
Charles: Do we really have to fight? Can't we just be buddies friend?
Ada: Anti-Canadian Hyperviolence Protocols engaged, code "They've had it too good for too long."

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Dannyanon No. 783957

as requested anon

Dannyanon No. 783958


maxim: please stop hitting on me I'm happily married and I'm not into little boys

Bennett: are you going to punish me for it daddy? ;-)

Leslieanon No. 783959

>Momo Vs. Ashley
M: So, I guess you saw those pics...
A: What were you doing to Mr. Bigfoot, big sis?

Dannyanon No. 783961

mkx and 11 style

>Sydney walker vs fylnn

S: I heard what you said about me on kiwiranch.

f: *clearly scared* I'm so sorry but you were acting pretty cringe.

s: no you're going to be sorry after I shove that phone up your ass.

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Anonymous No. 783963

Neil vs Maizeby
>"Aww shucks, guess I'm gonna cream yah!"

>"How about a lesson, kiddo? Today's word of the day: DISMEMBERMENT."

Dannyanon No. 783964

Slappy and Ragdoll

S: what I'm about to do to you isn't a joke

r: either way it wouldn't be funny

Dannyanon No. 783966

mkx and 11 style

S: you and your sisters are a lot like my girlfriend maybe I can try some things that work on her on you.

r: um I'm sorry but we're not interested sir! (///∇///)

s: I didn't mean it like that

Vera and Vanessa

vera: why do you hate me so much?

Vanessa: you killed and and enslaved my family and you took my eye when I was just a boy

vera: I was a different person back then

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Anonymous No. 783975

I dare you motherfucker, I triple quadruple dare you to turn Max into a hot appealing girl. Watch as suddenly all your "but-bbut he's schizo" turns into "Oh my god she's a schizo!! I need to fuck her even harder now!" you hypocritical double standards homosexuals.

Danny No. 783978


Wait max isn't a girl but he so feminine

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Dannyanon No. 783982

I don’t draw his villain persona enough

Danny No. 783985

he uses his wealth to pay poor kids to be his henchmen. after the game was over the kids he paid formed a real gang keeping the costumes Danny got for them and its actually starting to be a problem around town now.

Anonymous No. 783993

I kinda imagine him filling a Professor Chaos kind of role in town. He turns the Chateau into his super villain lair like how Butters used the U-Store it. His minions can be encountered around town as enemies wearing similar goggles and neck scarves. His outfit is inspired by Germa 99 so maybe he has more of an evil military theme. His minions are called the Tyranny Troopers or something.

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Dannyanon No. 784007

I imagine the other villains hate him because he actually has a budget a Fortress and army of henchman

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Dannyanon No. 784013

Heroes welcome to die

Dannyanon No. 784014

im not Not sure if he shrank them with the amulet or is it just inside their minds leaning towards inside their minds

Dannyanon No. 784016

Episode where the villains want Danny's villain persona to join a guild they made but it's clear they're doing it so they can redistribute his resources into their villain Enterprises. danny sees through this and make his own villain Guild that's actually pretty good and offer good benefits such as henchman loaning, a tailor to make and repair costumes, villain training, and actual rules to hero and villain combat with repercussions for the heroes if they don't follow the rules. he basically just makes the Guild of calamitous intent. all you have to do to join this Guild is pay your do's and give 25% of your loot to the guild aka danny . He gets a lot of the people who didn't join in the game at first to join in on the villain side.

Dannyanon No. 784017

Li and Lon

Lon: you best find a river, li. Trust me you don't want this.

li: ha you think I'm scared of you I caught fish twice your size.

Anonymous No. 784020

>Li: I survive sleeping with my wife, nothing you do can kill me.

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Dannyanon No. 784021


Anonymous No. 784022

it's nice to see someone actually using their OC in something. very very rare to see

Dannyanon No. 784026

I've been meaning is the pirate girl thread any of yours because that style sort of looks familiar

Anonymous No. 784034

>Evil Danny

If you don't like evil Danny then you are either asexual, not a woman or you're just a dirty good for nothing redneck who can't appreciate GI Joes and tight spandex Cobra suits.

>No Max you have to save us! you're the only one schizo enough with an army of hot blonde girls(who happen to be his blood) at his disposal who can also be considered a Poochie and has access to a time machine.
.... he leans down from the heavens and whispers ... noooo. >:)
>joins Danny's team
You're fucked.

Arise my child and become Communism America joined with Republic Russia.

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Anonymous No. 784035


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Anonymous No. 784036

If you don't find evil Danny hot then you're a Dyke with a capital D.

Dannyanon No. 784037

it's the superhero rp

Dannyanon No. 784041

After reading the birthday list cringe kid is the oldest third grader and Savannah is the oldest fourth grader since the cutoff date for school is August 1st in Colorado. also that will make Neil the youngest fourth grader he's literally one day away from being a third grader.

episode where due to a clerical error Neil is believed to have been born on August 2nd pushing him back into the third grade.

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Anonymous No. 784042

Dannyanon No. 784043

The fourth graders are treating him like shit because he's a thirdy now not that they were treating him any good to begin with. he is riling up Mr smiles who for some reason tells Leslie if Neil doesn't get his act right he is going to murder her for it so she has to try to stop his bullshit. For some reason the class agrees that they need a new Neil and they vote in Chaz as the replacement Neil and now everyone is treating him like they used to treat Neil.

Anonymous No. 784045

Gimme some Bundle ideas to maybe draw later

Dannyanon No. 784046

Her Fantasy and superhero RP persona

Dannyanon No. 784047

Danny and Melville being a little weirded out that cringe kid the same age as them

Anonymous No. 784051

this definitely seems like an oversight as Savannah is definitely not the oldest member of Lydia's gang let alone the 4th grade

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Anonymous No. 784052

alright, let's settle this
who's the youngest to oldest?

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Anonymous No. 784054


Dannyanon No. 784055

If the birthday list is still Canon in Lydia's group it would be Savannah, Lydia, Penny, then Addison.

Dannyanon No. 784057

for the 3rd grade

Cringe kid






Squirrel boy

Dorothy her being the youngest just feels right

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Anonymous No. 784058

Dannyanon No. 784059

Lydia having a conniption fit when she finds out Savannah is older than her.

Dannyanon No. 784060

Put Lon right right next to Uisas then that's about accurate

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Anonymous No. 784061


Dannyanon No. 784062

If we're taking the sliding timeline into account then les would be anywhere from a teenager to in her 40s she would have been far younger than the adults to being in the same grade as the adults and then now being older than the adult character.

Dannyanon No. 784063


She simultaneously be rosalind's mother Kid Sister to just a little bit younger sister to a twin to a older sister and then to a much older sister and then if it keeps going maybe her own Mother's sister

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Anonymous No. 784064

>mother Kid Sister to just a little bit younger sister to a twin to a older sister and then to a much older sister and then if it keeps going maybe her own Mother's sister

Anonymous No. 784067

Robots from Youngest to oldest timeline wise
>Helper, Crush, Ada, A2, Mac Tonight, Grey Goo, Asimov, Galatea. and Alita

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Anonymous No. 784068

Dream Addison had after finding out she’s the youngest

Dannyanon No. 784069

Ramon vs Dr toades

T: that meal if we can even call it that was barely edible I would like a refund

R: one no refunds two you wouldn't know a good meal if it was put on a stick and given to you.

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Anonymous No. 784073

Dannyanon No. 784078

Dr cates make them sleep in a box in the corner of her living room despite having an upstairs to her house with empty rooms she rarely uses t(ypically of cringe kid comes over or Barbara's possessing someone and needs somewhere to stay). I imagine she just like Charlie from as always sunny and just chooses to live in like the worst possible way and gets indignant whenever anyone tries to tell her otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 784110

Breaking rick

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Anonymous No. 784123

Bram whenever he sees Chaz near Ula

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Leslieanon No. 784126

Tried to make Leslie in the TTYD style, I don't think I came out right...

Dannyanon No. 784133

Regardless if the style was captured or not I like it.. it's a nice style

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Dannyanon No. 784134

She didn’t think haunting Bennett’s house would be so steamy

Anonymous No. 784137

I am so disappointed with the remake.
so sick and tired of trans-shit and all the jokes that got ruined because "MUH FEELINGS!!1!@"

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Dannyanon No. 784138

She saw many Zachs come and go, so this one isn’t scary to her in the slightest.

to be fair. That’s in the original game The localization changed it.

Anonymous No. 784147

>to be fair. That’s in the original game The localization changed it.
Vivian was a trap in the original, just a girly looking guy, not trans, and the trans thing doesn't make sense because Bedlam uses she/her pronouns for Vivian, which makes no sense if her entire thing is shitting on Vivian.

Leslieanon No. 784148

Trans women, traps, and femboys are actually interchangeable according to Japanese culture/language, at least during the time of the original release.

Dannyanon No. 784151

I believe they would have been called okama

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Dannyanon No. 784154

a single tyranny trooper ( Danny ‘s villain persona’s , minions) outside of the hood goggles and the scarf. Everything else is interchangeable, depending on who’s wearing it.

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Dannyanon No. 784156

Vanessa thought she’d give Vera a big surprise today

Anonymous No. 784158

No they aren't westerners just can't fucking comprehend that anything gender non-conforming isn't trans, it\s why they act like drag Quees are trans when it's more like minstrel shows with women instead of blacks.
Okama are crossdressers, Vivian was an Otokonoko which is a guy that looks like a girl, which is also what Bridget from Guilty Gear was until it's creator sold out and when "XER WUZ TRANZ AND SHIEEYT"

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Leslieanon No. 784159

Huh, that's Leslie's old villain design...
Which got me thinking of merging her old and new designs, Leslie during the Lord Tyranny arc.
Fans were mad when they removed the mask, so they added it back, and it can open and close now.

Dannyanon No. 784160

The Lord tyranny Arc where he goes to "different universes" ( their other RPs) and collect their most powerful items and then merge their universes with a reboot with him being their all powerful god Emperor he pretty much just pulled a secret Wars 2015.

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Dannyanon No. 784161

The big villain hero team up arc

Anonymous No. 784162

>Someone ends up shooting him with a real gun, defeating him instantly and removing him from the plot for the rest of the roleplay.
>You can visit him in the hospital and he bitches about how unfair it is that whoever shot him ruined his epic storyline and you get a sidequest to find out who did it with multiple boss battles against his enemies.
>it turns out to be Blenny, who was salty that Danny got to be the big bad evil guy.
>Superboss happens, and if you beat Blenny (who has a bunch of instant kill attacks) you unlock Danny as a playable character.

Dannyanon No. 784163

The Lord tyranny arc is the opening act of the game for the rest of the game teacup takes over for him

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Dannyanon No. 784164

Textless alt

The new kid found out most the kids were in on it because they couldn’t figure out how to defeat him. so a whole DLC, which is basically just a boss rush of Danny, teacup, and the new kid going around and beating up the co-conspirators. Since they used a real gun He’s using real magic to turn them into first or second graders because they couldn’t take on all of them if they were at full power pretty much whenever the boss health drops below 25% they turn into a first or second graders and then thats when y’all start really wailing on them.

Also before the sort of the boss rush he banished Blenny to a happy preschool show dimension where the concept of pain or hurt doesn’t exist for 60 days because that bitch shot me

Dannyanon No. 784166

lord tyranny: hey new kid how many first graders do you think you can beat up? this is a serious question.

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Anonymous No. 784175

This superhero talk is good timing as I recently finished a replay of Fractured but Whole after I finished SOT. I want to play around with the idea a bit more. I'm still not entirely happy with Hansel's costume (I've changed it like 4-5 times now). Here are some more experiments with it trying out new things or bringing back old things. Also some ideas for Jerry's Bronze Bruiser persona. Let me know your thoughts on it.

I also had a random idea as to what Melville's superhero group can be called. The "Super Saviors" or the SS for short. Sort of playing into SOT's Kingdom of Kupa Keep/KKK.

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Anonymous No. 784187

So I think I outlined my general idea for the initial conflict before, but I'll go over it again as a refresher
So, the prolog involves Melville using his wealth to essentially start his own superhero team with some of the other kids in town. While Melville isn't exactly popular, the stuff he offers them is enough to get them into his superhero franchise idea. Founding members include Melville, Mandy, Chaz, Jerry, Max, Hansel, Posie and Asimov. The kids are all getting into it, but then Melville starts noticing he doesn't like what some members are doing. Jerry is violent and doesn't obey orders, and Hansel is weird and shady. He decides to establish a proper super hero license so only those with the license can actually play superheroes and also have to follow his established guidelines. One of these guidelines being you can't also be a criminal and if you are you have to be arrested.

This immediately means Hansel gets kicked off the team. Hansel isn't the most popular kid so initially there isn't a whole lot of pushback to the idea, but Jerry becomes pissed that Melville keeps trying to control them, as the new rules also state he isn't allowed to be as violent as he wants. Because of his he defects from the team alongside Hansel and forms his own super hero team with Robert and Curtis. the three of them then find themselves aligning with Lydia's gang who are also invested in sticking it to the group Melville and Posie are in.

So now there are two super hero groups, Mandy and Chaz are conflicted over their friend storming off and Melville was forced to hire lame kids like Dorothy to join his group. Soon, with two super hero groups running around more kids start forming villain groups to push back against them.

Dannyanon No. 784189

No wait it's a 2 parter episode before the game the first part is clearly a parody of infinity War with Danny Gathering the most powerful objects and then the second episode is the kids frustrated that they can't beat him

Dannyanon No. 784191

During the game when Danny part of the team you can tell he showing signs of being addicted to pain pills the hospital gave him and the DLC taking place after he gets clean and he's occasionally spouting steps in an addiction beating program.

>lord tyranny: this isn't nothing compared to the Demons In a pill bottle.

>lt: step one admitting you have a problem

Dannyanon No. 784199

I imagine it's a mega man style boss select with the final boss being an EX blenny who sorta went a little mad in his banishment

Dannyanon No. 784209

the goths disguised themselves as tyranny troopers to get in the cheatu and undo the banishment while Danny teacup and new kid were away

Dannyanon No. 784218

Les would almost consider being a 2000s or even a 10's girl if it meant not being her own mother's sister.

Anonymous No. 784226

I don't understand this

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Dannyanon No. 784227

Third in command of the tyrant Empire name to be decided

Anonymous No. 784228

I think he means that since South Park started in the late 90s, and Les died in the 90s, she wouldn't have been a ghost for long and instead would be more akin to a character's dead older cousin than aunt. But as time goes on and the series becomes set later and later, her dying in the 90s becomes further away to the point she's been dead for a lot longer and there is more of a generational gap between her and the current kids.

Dannyanon No. 784229

Les death is fixed to the early 90s the sliding timeline doesn't change this assuming that the time loop began in '97 les would have only been slightly older than most of the kids. as the sliding timeline goes on the further and further away from the 90s her life and death is pushed closer and closer to their parents Generation who when the timeloop began would have been born in the '60s OR 70s but currently they would have been burning the 90s or early 2000s

I imagine she would have been rosalinds mother Kid Sister so that's probably like a 10 to 15 year gap between them.

Dannyanon No. 784230

it's Just weird thinking that most of the kids would have been born originally around what 87-88 especially cringe kid I can't see how this kid was born in the '80s unless we're talking about a Charlie Brown Style sliding timeline where for some reason babies grow and then catch up an age with their peers before all development stops.

Anonymous No. 784232

How it works is that not all the characters were introduced at the start. Cringe kid was a character only ever introduced in say seasons 17-18 as a minion for Melville who then was established as the weird son of that guy who works at a lot of places in several episodes.
Maybe that could be a fun thing to discuss, what theoretical seasons and periods of the show different characters were introduced.

Leslieanon No. 784233

I'd say the first 2 rows of characters were introduced in the first season, maybe some as background characters.

Dannyanon No. 784234

I mentioned this once before but I did kind of planned out when did all my characters appear

Danny, lon and Wendy would have been a one-off characters for the haunted hotel (that later became a ski resort) Halloween episode in season 1 who then just kind of appears again as a minor characters for the rest of the season and then got a bigger role in season 2+ when we started introducing more Supernatural shit.

Vera would have been there since the beginning as that character that knows a lot about the history of the school and the Shady School Black Market Merchant she wouldnt have been a vampire yet just a shady girl who parents appeared once or twice but then Retconned out of existence or just explained as people she paid to pretend to be her parents.

Leslieanon No. 784235

Meanwhile Leslie's first appearance was during season 4, using a proto design and as a background character, her using her current design and her first speaking role was during season 7.

Dannyanon No. 784236


cringe kid we spoke of this

Weedo9000 relies on tegrady farms happening maybe have Robert Wheado be a character till that

Dannyanon No. 784237

I can see ula being season 3 or 4 appearing in a Halloween episode then being a minor antagonist along with retconning Vera in the following season. the rest of the vamps being introduced during season 8 or 9 whenever the vamp kids episode of South Park came on.

i can see Most of the teachers and principal Kiddy minus Diana Digby, Dr toades, and Mr smiles could have been there since the beginning

Dannyanon No. 784238

Okay but I'm headcanoning that before they were introduced In the show time worked normally for them and then being on the show made them stuck in the sliding timeline if they were able to leave the show then time will once again start working for them normally

Also Max appears pretty late but then gas lights the audience to him always being there by editing himself into earlier episodes

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Leslieanon No. 784240

The proto design, the showrunners have gone on record saying that, yes this is Leslie, but at an earlier age.

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Dannyanon No. 784241

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Dannyanon No. 784243

My personal ranking on when they probably arrived usually the first row characters i put on season 10 up is because I feel like they gimmick wouldn't exist in the 90s to 2000's like Agatha, Lisa or dew

Anonymous No. 784244

Personally I'd put Sid and Crip a bit later, around the time Jimmy was introduced (so like season 5ish)
Vera's design feels like it'd come from a later season as well. Also Cindy kinda has to be introduced in the same episode as her dad since her introductory episode involves people finding out her dad is a literal bear.

Dannyanon No. 784245

There's a pre-vamp kid vera design she'd use that instead of the current design until the other Vamp kids are introduced.

I was under the assumption that Cindy's parentage was a mystery for a bit and then revealed a bit later during the show

Dannyanon No. 784247

I imagine in the first 3 Seasons Danny doesn't even have a name he just bellboy

his first appearance is technically the first episode but all we see is the top of his head as he sleeps in class no bellhop hat though.

The first episode he appears again is the Halloween episode where Jerry Mandy and chaz's family decides to stay at a nice hotel a little bit outside of town ( possibly for a orgy) but the three kids find out something weird is going on at first they think it's because of the creepy old groundskeeper and the two slightly off children that hangs around him ( one of which is indignant that they don't remember him they go to the same class but the three swear they never saw him before oh wait a minute that's that's sleeping kid) but soon they find out that they're actually trying to help them from being sacrificed from a cult that was also staying in the hotel but for different orgy.

Anonymous No. 784250

Personal opinion
I would put the North Park prequel movie around the release of the 100th episode which is S7 which would give Hansel quest a few episode of S7 granting Gretel a S7 character. Hansel quest would be around 3 long

The prequel event (when parents were kids) could happen around S8-10ish with the No brainer 10 ep mini series happening main series. Of course the prequel event would be 3 ep long

I would actually put Rulf having some prominence in 2007 if not introduce given the judge rotenburg trail

1869 should be much later around S10. Maybe 2016 with the Charlottesville stuff

Anonymous No. 784254

Also given SP writing style and what happen within the last few years. Here some episode ideas that could happen
>Elmer not being allow to stop crime anymore
>Lisa corona virus lockdown
>Mr beast parody with Melville curing Robert blindness for clout
>Asimov replacing many Jobs. Also ADA becomes everyone lil sister instead of Ashley
>Hansel and gretel parodying California. homelessness
>Cindy’s family parodying the forest fire
>lisa working for the Chinese by spying on hui feng and Elmer
>cringe kid going gyatt on his ADHD diagnosis after being rizzed by Skibidi Ohio content like a sigma male
>charles refusing to move his multi wheeler truck for the king of Canada as a form of protest
>Asimov implodes on his underwater trip to the titanic and needs to be rescued
>Jerry getting hunted down by Boeing

Dannyanon No. 784259

A few controversial additions I'd make

>Asimov won't be added until season 10 plus whenever Snowden blew the lid off of the NSA. time traveler being introduced the same episodes

> Lisa wouldn't be added until after covid since her whole thing is just waiting to stay home a remotely learn at the very least until after 2016 since that's when the skankhunt thing happened.

> Flynn be added until season 10 plus whenever the takedown the Kiwi farms thing happened

>dr Cates being a season 3 or 4 character pretty much being in Nancy's first Spotlight episode getting Hui-Feng Peng arrested after mistaking the catgirls for her

Anonymous No. 784261

I actually think Asimov could be introduced earlier, going off his design. He's pretty blocky and looks like what a robot from early seasons might be designed like. His moms and Maria though would be introduced later however.

Anonymous No. 784270

Li would appear way earlier

Dannyanon No. 784277

eh it feels wrong for li to appear before Agatha it's like having (a Slappy and Nightmare guy before Drew) and I feel like Agatha wouldn't make sense in the early Seasons no one in America knew what a fujoshi in the 90s or 2000s

Dannyanon No. 784280

Yeah but he's a government surveillance Android it kind of makes sense for him to arrive when we found out the government were surveilling its citizens through technology. Before that it was just kind of be weird and a little random that they're doing that

Dannyanon No. 784282

I imagine Vera first appearance probably like episode two or three (at the most five) whenever the kids just needed to know something about someone and they went to that weird girl who knows everything about the school other than that she was just kind of in the background and got occasional speaking rolls whenever someone in the story needed info or buying something Shady until the vampire reveal in season 5ish.

Dannyanon No. 784284

You know what I'll concede the li point maybe he just that weird Asian guy in Bobland spotlight episode that is later revealed to be Agatha's uncle

Dannyanon No. 784286

I can see his first appearance now the town is paranoid about all technology because of the Snowden leak people come to sid because he was talking about this for years yet no one notices the very obvious robot kid walking amongst them surveillancing them and tt is in the background watching him menacingly

Anonymous No. 784287

He'd be Bobland's unnamed nemesis until Agatha is introduced, which is when he gets his first namedrop.

Dannyanon No. 784293

>fishboy being a random background character since season 1or 2 and then li reveal happens in season 15- 20 ish

> north park Santa being introduced in the season 1 Christmas episode

>dr toades being season 1 or 2 as the town resident scientist/ science teacher.

>chef appears after chief dies

> les is introduced when the kids move into 4th grade for season 4 basically the same thing that happened in npd happened in that episode

> the catgirls gets an arc were they are abandoned by Dr cates in season 25 she replaces them with her perfected catgirls but since they are perfect catgirls telling them what to do is like herding cats.

> proto Yashu and honoka first appears in season 7ish when li is bummed to be spending the holidays away from his family and just in happen stance Wendy is worried she been naughty this yeah and will take li back to Japan for the holidays and of course they fight and defeat yakuza to get him there. also li backstory revealed here

Dannyanon No. 784301

Yashu's first time seeing Wendy is her beating the shit out of countless yakuza thugs so his father can spend Christmas with him and his mom

Dannyanon No. 784303

also les, Dorothy and Danny were there

Dannyanon No. 784313

episode where Vera pranks Jerry so hard after he called her a baby for still liking dinos that he teams up with Jonesy Alexander who's now an internet ghost that may be using him to sneak back into the physical world to get her revenge on Vera and Robert

Dannyanon No. 784318

the prank was sneaking into his house every night for weeks and pouring a water bottle on his crouch to make him think he pissed himself then set up a bed wetters anonymous where he would show up the she would knock down the walls during a school assembly so everyone thinks he a bed wetter. Vera like to get in your mind

captcha asshh

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Dannyanon No. 784326


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Dannyanon No. 784336


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Dannyanon No. 784339


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Dannyanon No. 784340

Congratulations Jerry you unleashed as sociopathic psychotic cyber specter.

Dannyanon No. 784341

The reason her hair is covering a part of her face is because that's where the Bullet Hole Robert left her is.

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Anonymous No. 784353

I just dreamed of a bunch of detailed black & white art of Max & Black Berets in their evil counterpart suits(their military suits were looking extra detailed & realistic) going toe to toe with Cobra Danny ... before my dream hallucinated and it was Dr Cats mind controlling everyone to do her bidding to get Bobby Norman to love her. So I said fuck that.
CobraDanny & Maximals put aside their differences, shake hands and kick Dr Cats and her Ninja Girls' asses and then make an unlikely alliance to rule the world.
Also my waifu was looking extra badass despite her cheerful smile.

Dannyanon No. 784366

your going to be so mad when you find out that the catgirls are part of the tyranny Empire

Dannyanon No. 784369

at first she tries to take over all the robots to try to kill them

Dannyanon No. 784371

Danny, Lon and father Goodfellow has to preform an exorcism on them to repel her from their systems

Dannyanon No. 784374

Danny tells ck about it later and ck gets mad that he didn't invite him to the haunted animatronic exorcism

Anonymous No. 784377

But they're arch nemesis you self-sabotaging poser, do not pull a death of the artist shtick on me.
I'm too honest to be a sneaky manipulator :/ I'm more of a do it like I say or else I kick your ass kind of manipulator. Is that even considered manipulation at that point?

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Dannyanon No. 784380

it's literally the 2nd picture I drew of lord tyranny. also it's a rp and they're more frienemies the only person the catgirls hold any malice for that dr Cates order for them to go after is Dr Toades

Dannyanon No. 784383

God the improvement feels me with joy

Dannyanon No. 784389


I'm sorry your dream wasn't lore accurate anon

I'm imagining a scene where Jonesy is about to make Asimov kill drew for the sick kicks of it she gets out of it and failing to kill Vera even though she was in control of him (mind you Asimov is aware he being controlled and is can speak begging her to stop it) to really drive home she an irredeemable piece of shit before they come to exercise her from his system.

Dannyanon No. 784390

* and is begging her to stop it

i didn't fully delete a previous sentence

Dannyanon No. 784398

episode where Jonesy uses YouTube kids brainrot videos to brain was a bunch of pre school to first graders to trie to murder her enemies and I imagine Jerry Vera, les ,robert, Nancy, Wendy and Danny are held up in a abandoned mansion while the kids tries to segie it. they have to keep the kids out while Vera and robert tries to write a catchy song to undo the brain washing.

Dannyanon No. 784410

there's a new Dan Harman show about a family and ghost running a haunted hotel if anyone wears a bellhop uniform while fighting the supernatural I'm suing

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Dannyanon No. 784425

Got art blocked. Didn’t know what to draw so here’s some Jonesy Alexander.

if she’s ever physically defeated she’s returned back to the Internet where she must once again get someone else specifically in Northpark to sign her terms and conditions so she may be able to return to the physical world

Dannyanon No. 784427

The long short of it she was a 5th grader wanted to take vera's shit got shot by Robert for it

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Dannyanon No. 784431

It’s everyone’s favorite popular Fifth grade kid Dougie D

Trisha : oh come on he didn’t even change his first name this time!

Dogman’s latest attempt to get Neil some friends by making a new persona and become popular and be friends with Neil so he is also popular. The problem is after he got a taste of popularity. he couldn’t solely his image by hanging out with Neil.

he’s literally just Poochie except somehow it works

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Leslieanon No. 784432

When you do a bit of trolling.

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Dannyanon No. 784434

you inspired me to do another one Leslieanon

Jonesy as she taking control of Asimov to have him kill for her

Dannyanon No. 784436

Maria and all the robots really fucking hate her with her ability to control them if she wasn't totally trapped in a internet server on the moon where no one can reach her and let her out in the bad future she would've probably taken control of Asimov Prime

Anonymous No. 784437

I don't remember exactly who Jonesy is and thought for a second it was another Danny due to how the hair is drawn. Makes me think we need some more character pages even for characters not on the line up.
What are some characters that don't have pages that could maybe use some? I might update the wiki with some of their pages in a bit.

Dannyanon No. 784438

Jonesy Alexander pretty much I made her I think a couple threads ago in a story where Vera hired Nancy to be a reporter to push conspiracy theories to sell her products but when she refused to she fired her and hired Jonesy Alexander (a sort of parody of Alex Jones in name only) she turned out to be a sociopath who tried to Blackmail Vera and Vera tricked Robert into killing her now she's back as a vengeful internet / General electronic-based ghost

Dannyanon No. 784439

the lobster mascot

Anonymous No. 784441

>Lobster Mascot
This one confused me a bit, as the school already has their corn mascot they even have art of sports and cheer uniforms with the corn mascot on it. Corn makes sense both with Maizeby and the fact Corn is grown in Colorado, while Lobsters are from the sea which is as far away from Colorado as you can get.

Dannyanon No. 784442

that's the joke apparently Leslie explaine it to us one more time

Dannyanon No. 784443

oh yeah how could I forget crush and helper

Dannyanon No. 784444

Ko-rider he seems to have some kind of lore to him or her

Anonymous No. 784445

Ko-Rider I said in the past I've been hesitant to add because Asimov's superhero persona is already a reference to the same thing and it seems weird to have a character whose sole thing is being a reference to a piece of media that already has a reference to it from another character.

Leslieanon No. 784446

A combination of the joke, Maizeby getting into some hot water over some comments (and as well as the Chaz thing), and Kiddy's nibbling needing the work.

Leslieanon No. 784447

As for the rider... I agree, it's just a reference that probably go nowhere, maybe some lore here and there... but all in all, he doesn't need a page... Yet.

Dannyanon No. 784451

OK then it seems like crush/ helper and , lobster mascot, Jonesy are really the only ones unless we do a page just dedicated to one off characters

Anonymous No. 784452

Crush and Helper sharing a single page?

Dannyanon No. 784454

I mean I don't want to be selfish but they don't necessarily have to

Dannyanon No. 784455

Oh fuck I forgot about nbn Bongo

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Anonymous No. 784456

So she used to be a student at North Park Elementary, but died and became some sort of cyber ghost?

Dannyanon No. 784457

yeah that's the cliff notes

Dannyanon No. 784458

Though it was recently like within the current school year so everyone knows who she is but didnt quite know who she really was ( a total pycho)

Anonymous No. 784459

Added a page for her, decided to add some of my own info just that her real name is Joanne Alexander, but Jonesy was her nickname that she went by at school because it sounds cooler. Her page is listed under Jonesy however.

I think the best thing for the lobster mascot would be to instead have a page dedicated to North Park Elementary, and have a section dedicated to mascots.

Dannyanon No. 784460

I'll have to add to the wiki after work

Since she's connected to the internet she has to tic where she involuntarily burst out in song lyrics, fact, Google searches, memes, and movie quotes relevant to whatever she was talking about kind of like Sampton she really hates that she does this.

Also if she going to place with poor internet connection she can slow down, freeze turn to a low poly version of herself or even blip out from the physical world back into the internet

Also I'm retconning the haunted video game console to just being her she can pull people into cyberspace or Electronics

Dannyanon No. 784469

facts about her

her birthday is January 1st the day the internet was considered to be invented

she's a talented jump roper

her hair was originally black but became electric blue as a ghost

Dannyanon No. 784470

knows your search history even if you deleted it

Dannyanon No. 784478

I've been thinking of giving the comic thing one more try maybe if I do shorter stories and write the complete script out first and Don't post anything till it's completed maybe I can finish it and if that works im rebooting the other two in the same format.

I'm thinking of doing an anthology comic 3 ten page stories one featuring Danny and Wendy another the catgirls and a third undecided

Dannyanon No. 784496

anyone knows the names of everyone super hero and villain persona's?

Anonymous No. 784497

She tried to possess/reprogram Asimov 2 thinking he was Asimov, she discovered that he has a soul and after his soul was done with her she's absolutely terrified of him, fleeing at even the possibility of him showing up.

Anonymous No. 784498


Anonymous No. 784500

Made an assload of edits, I really wish there was a way to show the most recent edits since recently changed pages doesn't show shit

Dannyanon No. 784503

eh she seen worse she lives in the internet

Anonymous No. 784505

Seen worse, yes.
Felt worse, not even close

Dannyanon No. 784509

eh I was thinking about an interaction for the fighting game dialogue we was doing earlier in the thread where she say something like after I'm done with you i'm going to drag you into the internet and make you experience every Deep Web video on repeat

Dannyanon No. 784520

I'll meet you halfway anon she seeks after his soul because it's an experience she's a bit of a thrillseeker

Anonymous No. 784533

We have a lot of characters like this already I feel like

Dannyanon No. 784534

ghost are a common supernatural species

Dannyanon No. 784538

also she kinda the only one that's a real threat Barbara just possesses you, les is too kind, nightmare guy is harmless unless you're a cornhusk, and Fiona is just a lonely ghost girl.

Dannyanon No. 784541

also final point there a 5 ghost, 5 vampires, 6 robots (eight if you count cyborgs), 10 human animals hybrids six of which are Japanese style Warriors, 7 aliens (8 if we count Max). Ghosts are on the low end of the spectrum of inhuman things we have

Dannyanon No. 784548

also Jonesy isn't really ghost like other than floating and being able to pass through objects I'll explain in the wiki later

Dannyanon No. 784553


I changed part of it to she will pursue him because he's and angry little spirit and she's also an angry little spirit misery loves company am I right guys also she calls him a edgimovi

Dannyanon No. 784554

Also she doesn't really possess things like most ghosts do it's more like she can give most Technologies (including advanced future technology and even alien technology) that run on some sort of electricity orders and they follow them she's kind of like les who has some sort of magic involving water and fish but with electronics and the internet. Though the trade-off is she doesn't have any Electric powers and you can kind of just stab her like a normal person and she'll die again and end up back in the internet needing someone to sign the terms and conditions again to free her also she kinda needs to be connected to the internet so a blackout will just blip her out of the physical world and back into the internet.

Dannyanon No. 784555

she the glass tank of the antagonist

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Dannyanon No. 784556

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Anonymous No. 784560

>I really wish there was a way to show the most recent edits since recently changed pages doesn't show shit
Not sure where you're having the problem, as I can see the most recent edits when I use the page unless it's a matter of me being able to see them as the admin specifically.

Here's an imgur link with my boy Hansel giving a guide as to what you need to click to see what the most recent edits are, hopefully this helps and is clear enough. If it still doesn't work let me know as it might just be a permissions thing like I said earlier. If you don't have an account it might also be worth making one, it's free. As simply not having an account might also be the issue.

Dannyanon No. 784562

I am once again asking if anyone knows all the names to everyone super hero or villain personas just in case someone missed the first message I know when you see a bunch of Danny anon you probably skim through the text I get it

Anonymous No. 784564

Oh sorry, problem is not everyone has names yet. But I'll list the ones I remember.
Melville - Glitterbug. Chaz - Panty Raider. Mandy - Quickserve or Fastfood, something like that don't remember exactly. Savannah - Girl Gargoyle. Robert - Void or Blindshot. Jerry - Bronze Bruiser
As for villains
Neil - Pumpking. Time Traveller - Clockwork. Danny - Lord Tyranny.

Dannyanon No. 784566

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 784589

I love this little guy so much

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 784595

Gonna flesh out some of the hero characters so they have names and origins. since they are pretty underdeveloped at the moment. Although I'd appreciate any suggestions for names or origins for the characters who don't have them yet.

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Anonymous No. 784596

Gonna flesh out some of the hero characters so they have names and origins. since they are pretty underdeveloped at the moment. Although I'd appreciate any suggestions for names or origins for the characters who don't have them yet.

Anonymous No. 784597

>She likes him
how salty is she that he likes Beansy more than her?

Dannyanon No. 784598

Not bad for her considering she's a sociopath and can control him with vocal commands very bad for him who doesn't like her yet cannot stop himself from following her orders bro he's going to experience cripple fucker 2.0

Dannyanon No. 784599


to answer the question I think a little bit salty that his mind isn't with her so to speak but she has so little care for people I don't think it will matter to her that much

though I can also see her actually not doing that because that's not the relationship she wants with him she genuinely wants him to care about her so she can be very salty

she's a new character I'm not entirely done fleshing out out so I can go either way with her

Dannyanon No. 784600

Either way I think it will be bad for Beansy though Beansy can just use her retard strength to bear hug Jonesy to death if she fucks with her.

Fun fact when Jonesy dies she does that little Mega Man thing when he dies.

Anonymous No. 784601

I feel like the second is the more interesting path to take, especially because thanks to her sociopathy she genuinely wouldn't be able to understand why he'd hate her for fucking with his family's heads

Dannyanon No. 784602

Another fun fact Jonesy and les are the only people blenny can kill that won't be reversed since they really really dead and will be revived

Dannyanon No. 784603

*They aren't really dead

Dannyanon No. 784604

Addison: ice queen

Vera: Commander nefarious part of the tyranny empire

teacup: Admiral I'm-a-bad-guy

Dannyanon No. 784605

max the golden Ronan

Anonymous No. 784606

Asimov: Robo Hopper 1!
Kidnapped by an evil organization, Asimov was converted into a super cyborg against his will, though he managed to free himself with the help of a kidnapped scientist the man was unfortunately killed and Asimov swore that he would destroy the Organization as Robo Hopper 1!

Cringe Kid: Zon Maska! Placing the cursed mask upon his face, Bobby Norman was possessed by the horned fox! Now he does as the monster controlling him bids, though he's still fighting from the inside!

Anonymous No. 784622

Alright, you guys see any more changes I should make to my character's pages? (This is AsimovAnon)

Dannyanon No. 784626

les: wetnurse she a water themed healer defensive hero only

Moore: Hotspot not allowed to play after using real fire

Jonesy isn't playing she trying to get everyone canceled using ai images before the franchise starts she a side quest where you have to travel into the computer to fight her and several mini bosses of the shows within the show in North Park so like west Island and mazbiy's show

Dannyanon No. 784631

episode where Jonesy traps cringe kid in a digital circus as bait for Danny to come to her domain where she in control of everything. Danny, Sabrina and the catgirls come to rescue him from the internet. meanwhile cringe kid is totally obvious to what's going on and kinda annoying Jonesy as he asks to see the characters she promised would be their.

Leslieanon No. 784642

Pinpoint: Cyborg Assassin from a ruined future, hunts down heroes and villains alike, no one knows why, all they know is it's possibly for profit.
Occasionally shows up in battles to either aid and/or fight heroes or villains because they have a bounty on their head, kids can put bounties on each other through her, and other kids or her can claim them, or the kid with the bounty on them can pay the bounty.

Dannyanon No. 784655

instead of an episode it's a game and almost all the kids tagged along because they finally snapped that Danny and Wendy get all the fun adventures they can do things too . they have to battle their way through Jonesy cyber goon army to rescue ck and defeat Jonesy who found Asimov2 blue prints for Asimov Prime and just made it in the digital world but modeled it off herself

the games is like that 3ds trpg project x zone 2 in the digital world for some reason their rp personas actually give them powers each character are either in their fantasy, super hero, pirate, ninja, sci-fi or dark fantasy customes and they have their ability of the custom their wearing each unit consists of two characters and a swappable asset character.

teams I thought of so far

Danny: lord tyranny and wendy:???

Jerry: space and max: fantasy

chaz??? and Mandy???

Leslie: fantasy and Dorothy: Heartscan

tt and les

Dannyanon No. 784679

episode where Jonesy forced Mac tonight to sign mayoralship of the town to her. as mayor she has Robert arrested in connection with her death, run all Vera businesses to the ground, take away all of blenny weapons, and try to shutdown the cheatu and run the Thompsons out of town. Mac tonight, chuck, blenny, vera, Danny and river independently come up with the idea to JFK her at a parade she's throwing in her own honor and they meet each other in the Clock Tower and they do it together and then go get ice cream. afterwards everyone just collectively agrees to reverse all the decisions she made as mayor.

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Dannyanon No. 784688


Anonymous No. 784690

If she actually got JFKed, she definitely going to develop a hatred of sharp shooters after being head shotted twice. Also I can see Robert actually beating the shit out of Jerry if he actually finds out so I would imagine Jerry trying to keep a low profile

Also I like how the plot sounds like an actual written account of some chaotic TTRPG game where a robot, a dwarf, a vampire and an alien are in a party taking down the main villain who is a ghost

Anonymous No. 784691

Ice queen is a nice name although it doesn't fit very well thematically with her more practical looking outfit
Any trivia tidbits for them?

Dannyanon No. 784692

If he finds out what? that he released her?

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Dannyanon No. 784693

This isn’t what you’re thinking unless it is

Dannyanon No. 784694

I like to remind everyone that this all started because of Vera making Jerry think he wet the bed. the escalation man

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Dannyanon No. 784696

After this

But before this
he will live to regret this decision

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Dannyanon No. 784706

Don’t worry it’ll grow back

Anonymous No. 784717

A2: I do not, but they do.
Jonsey: They?
Que her getting swarmed by the Grey Goo nanobots, and there being too many of them for her to fight them off

Dannyanon No. 784719

I think that's really fucking bad news if she's introduced to them but I think she is it intelligent enough to understand how dangerous having a bunch of Nanobots at her disposal is so she just treats it like the Venom suit

Jonesy: oh edgimovi you shouldn't have and I didn't get you some special how about we go find your brother and do something really twisted with your sister

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Anonymous No. 784720

Some more, I went with "Miss Chill" for Addison as a play on Mr Freeze

Anonymous No. 784723

I think the sheer number of them would overwhelm her, controlling millions of tiny machines at once would just be too big a strain on her, that and the fact that because they're grey goo nanobots they'd continually adapt to her hacking them, meaning she'd have to focus all her attention on keeping them under control.

Dannyanon No. 784724

I can't believe he brought a bunch of tiny machines to someone who controls machines with her voice and thoughts

Jonesy: "woah woah stop!" *they all stop* " .... huh hey go over there." * all of them goes where she commands* "form a hand" *they hey make a giant hand she waves at it they wave back* "oh I get it now it's some kind of liquid machine." *she take a moment to think* " okay follow my lead" *then they swarm on top of her making a armor for her. " let's see that demon Boy try to stab me now!"

Dannyanon No. 784726

I don't think there's a limit to how many she can control I think they just have to be at a reasonable distance and she say something to them if they are a machine and operate on some sort of electrical power they listen to her

Dannyanon No. 784728

inb4 she's too op she has like 100 fucking weaknesses bro

if she gets wet see short circuits if she short circuits she loses all her ability to control machines until she dries off

She needs a internet connection

She can't come to the physical world without someone specifically from North Parks permission

She has regular human durability

She has ghost and Undead weaknesses so holiness and other things that specifically work with ghosts and the Undead

she has average 5th grader intelligence

Anonymous No. 784732

I personally find it funny people are powerscaling their characters when rule of funny is what's most important

Dannyanon No. 784734

I wouldn't really call it powerscaling ( I may have used the term op but I'm not like comparing it to other characters ) more of establishing how the character works so Stories can be written about them you got to know weaknesses and rules to their power so it isn't just constant chaos

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Dannyanon No. 784740

Grey goo Jonesy

Anonymous No. 784741

>Shorting out
>She's smug for like 2.5 seconds before realizing that all the nanobots have a layer of water over them and she immediately shorts out
>They have the water so friction doesn't make them combust from the constant friction they would generate otherwise.
>Asimov 2: Not how I expected to win, but okay
Rule of funny saves the day again!

Anonymous No. 784742

>The reason all of Asimov's family was in the same place with, a few exceptions, for the bad end timeline is because Maria was sick of Jonesy's shit and was upgrading them to be protected from supernatural hijacking.
>Asimov gets this upgrade in an earlier episode with help from Danny and Wendy after he goes to them looking for a way to not be used to almost murder his friends, with Maria getting the procedure from Asimov and planning to use it on her family

Dannyanon No. 784745

The next time she where's a raincoat

a2: ha you're going to short out

Jonesy: don't worry baby I brought protection this time


Maria and Asimov2 finds out that the upgrades they got doesn't work because trying to protect something that can control technology with technology is kind of retarded they are being so smug about it too until she says anti-magic control upgrades shut down and then she just started giving orders like usual

sorry that just the rule of funny I don't make the rules

Dannyanon No. 784746

*wears a rain coat

I imagine she has some kind of deal with Zach that he keeps bringing her out of the computer if she helps erase any evidence of his crimes that happened to end up on the internet disappear and helps him take care of people he really can't deal with like Wendy and Yashu which quickly Becomes a vendetta against his whole family because fuck his mother, brother and father one harpoons her to death constantly the other one punches her back to the internet and then his annoying fugly little fish of a brother spits of water at her and then they just gang up on her after that. Funnily enough for her Yashu is the easiest one to deal with

Jonesy is sending all the towns cars to try to run the yangs over she practically destroys their home in the process as a safety precaution she flies 30 in the air thinking none of them can get her before honoka just jumps 30 ft to one punch her to death

Jonesy: you can fly?!

honoka: no, jump good.

🗑️ Dannyanon No. 784747

After reduct second one because I didn't read >>784742 properly.

Dannyanon No. 784748

I have to reduct second one because I didn't read >>784742 properly.

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Anonymous No. 784752

Here's some more, themed around alliterations for no particular reason.

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Dannyanon No. 784757


Dannyanon No. 784758

lord tyranny backstory would be too long to say it's like 11 pages long he put a lot of time into this Persona

so the cliff notes are a super scientist who happened to be a Prince from a small island nation is the sole survivor of a plane crash on a mystical Mountain were a bunch of wizards to live he learned Magic and then he returned home over through his uncle who tried to kill him to get the throne and decided to spread his power and influence over the world by force.

Dannyanon No. 784760

triva he started and controlled the villains Guild before they changed the rules to prevent him from essentially being in charge of all the other villains and now he has to be one of the Chairman's and share the power of The Guild with other prominent villains

Anonymous No. 784761

That sounds good, these little descriptions are abridged for simplicity's sake anyway. Just to get a general idea of the character's background.

Dannyanon No. 784762

Councilman not chairman

Dannyanon No. 784769


It must be fate that I made this the same day the Venom trailer would come out

Anonymous No. 784771

She hates Yashu because he always gets her name wrong and he told her that she was a 6/10 at best, she gets up close and personal, and then gets BTFO'd by one of his family members

Anonymous No. 784773

>The next time she where's a raincoat
>The Nanobots eat the raincoat because she didn't order them not to
Jonesy: Wait shit fu*ZAP!*
>The nanobots eat her now that she isn't controlling them.
>Some thing like this every time she tries to find a way to not get shorted by the Nanobots

Dannyanon No. 784774

That Venom trailer actually gave me a good idea for what she can do with the gray goo she can order it to go on someone and then venomize for a lack of a better term and then control them she usually does this to Wendy or Honoka so she got their strength and whatever the gray goo can do

Anonymous No. 784775

Honoka or Wendy would just break out and then thrash her
She'd probably at some point stop trying to make the Nanobots her thing

Dannyanon No. 784776

you said in a previous thread as to the reason Wendy could not defeat Asimov Prime is because she couldn't beat him up because they're not a solid entity how you going to justify this without them stating that Wendy could beat Asimov Prime? inb4 the Nanobots wanted to happen

Dannyanon No. 784778

You know what I'll meet you in the middle and say they could but is going to take it a little bit of time for them to do it maybe 30 minutes out the least

Dannyanon No. 784779

Though she's totally going to keep trying to make the gray goo work for her no matter how many times it's going to take

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Dannyanon No. 784780

Wendy has never been more afraid in her life Honoka has never been more pissed in her life and after they get out of that Jonesy has never been more regretful of decision she’s made in her life

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Dannyanon No. 784781

Dammit I made a mistake. At first I said rip the yangs to shreds, but then I want to make a little more personal by saying your family to shredes.

Danny and the yang have to work together to short Jonesy

Anonymous No. 784784

>Yashu takes a double beating from his mom and Wendy to stall for time so Fish boy can short her.
>He surprises everyone by actually managing to fight them off for a few minutes

Anonymous No. 784786

Wouldn't the Nanobots have to be a solid mass to puppet people?
Wendy not being about to his AP because he isn't solid =/= them breaking out of a Nanobot shell, plus, them struggling to not hurt anyone would just make them weaker, wouldn't it?

Anonymous No. 784787

>Zachary, freeing her from the internet again: You tried to make the Nanobots work again, didn't you?
>Jonesy: Shut up.

Dannyanon No. 784788


>>784784 I didn't know you was writing for this but this can actually fit together

Fish boy tries to shoot water at Jonesy she Dodges

Jonesy: you done fucked up up Honoka fucking filet that fish.

fishboy: sound muffled by water oh God

At one point Li tries to use the power of love to get honoka freed at first we think it's working but she picks up a light pole and is about to swing it at him but Danny and yashu tackles him out the way.

Danny has a plan and they keep running

yashu: your plan is running away

Danny: do you have a better one

yashu: no

Danny: then shut up

But his plan is to lead her to near the Forest where there's bad internet connectivity (reminder set this up at the beginning of the episode) once she freezes the gray goo leaves immediately while she's buffering everyone surrounds her when she catches up she's about to get the beating of a lifetime.

Dannyanon No. 784790

Your Body Works through Electric signals being sent by the brains the Nanobots intercept the signals to move their body to do necessary functions to the orders they were given by Jonesy

no Jonesy can't control people her magic only specifically specified technology

Dannyanon No. 784792

You should have just left it alone now we're back to they can't break out of it again because there is no fucking way they can break out of that

Dannyanon No. 784794


A running gag of every time Jonesy does a scheme whoever's the protagonist of the episode knows this is Jerry's fault originally

danny: dammit Jerry look what you have Unleashed Upon This Town

Jerry: fuck off I didn't summon her this time

Also instead of fish boy just saying oh God he says please Goddes les save me

Dannyanon No. 784795

In a previous thread I mentioned in the no brainer Nolan timeline Since the Vamps were already ousted in public and all Vera's businesses except the bar was shut down she never blackmailed her so she still alive but rallies against the the supernatural members of the community and especially Dr cates paranormal investigation team in a popular podcast in town she's basically their j Jonah Jameson.

in the bad timeline Maria trapped her in a server and sent it to the Moon next to Jambu and Tom cruse was one of the last things Maria did before she died

Anonymous No. 784796

>Jonesy canonically teaches Asimov 1 to hate
One step closer to the bad end.

Anonymous No. 784797

based on >>784796
>Asimov just decks Jerry in the face and everyone is shocked by it, while Jerry's on the ground holding his broken nose

Dannyanon No. 784804

Jerry "how the fuck was I suppose to know she was going to be a mega psycho bitch?"

Dannyanon No. 784820

tt starts freaking out as if the bad future has begun

Dannyanon No. 784826

episode where Jonesy just turns off Ada and crush because a2 was ignoring her.

> a2 drops them off at Maria's because nothing he did to turn them back on is working.

> neither anything Maria or Asimov could do worked either

>a2 left a note saying that Jonesy did it so Asimov takes them to Danny normally he wouldn't help fix them but Asimov, helper and Maria looks pretty sad by this so he desides it's probably isn't that bad if they come back they deal with them all the time anyways.

> danny tells them technomancy isn't his specialty and they're going to need a tech wizard to fix them and he knows just the guy.

>he takes them to like a mall kiosk tech support shop called tech wizards Asimov, Helper and Maria think he's fucking with them or just stupid and "his guy" looks like a generic geeky late teenager he gives off a slacker vibe

> Danny sees that they're unimpressed but continues to swears by this guy.

>the guy gives them the once over and ask them if they tried turning them on

> Maria is about to beat the shit out of this guy but Danny, helper and Asimov has to hold her back.

> after Danny explained that a cyber elemental Phantom turn them off and now they won't turn back on he rubs his chain and says he's going to need to get his tools he seems like he didn't even register what he said

>he returns to the desk with a long case he opens up the case and it's a wizard staff he then Taps the ground and says "okay turn on" in an unenthusiastic voice

> nothing happened and Maria is about to beat the shit out of this guy and the others have to hold her back again but then they jump awake.

> Maria starts pelting this guy with a bunch of questions with possible defenses against Jonesy but he pretty much says that he can dispel some stuff but unless she's planning on learing technomancy which she isn't willing to there's nothing they can really do besides taking them to him.

> while they were distracted A2 took crash and Ada disappearing.

Dannyanon No. 784829

a2 says he wasn't worried he was totally worried about them

I can see the tech wizard (I'mma call him William Joobs) making a few more cameos one in the superhero RPG he is the one who calls you to tell you which computer Jonesy is in so you can go do a mini boss there. He is the tutorial guide and gives everyone there RP suits in the Project X like a game I was talking about yesterday and a joke where Jonesy is harassing the guy during his shift and he cast of slow internet on her and she is ranting at him to fix her doing one word every 10 seconds and finding out that after Danny introduced him to Chase been paying this guy 50 bucks under the table to put all the women of North Park nudes that are on their phones in his phone.

Dannyanon No. 784830

after Danny introduce him to*chaz

Anonymous No. 784831

>You pretty much got him soul raped dude, not cool.
>Meanwhile Drew has rushed out to see if her BF is okay and they have a really sweet scene where she gives him a big hug.
This is what makes Danny look for a way to stop her from being able to control them on his own, if for no other reason to get TT to stop screaming about how they're all gonna die.
>The fist thing Asimov does with his safety from her is figure out who keeps letting her out.
Que him kicking in Zachary's door and threatening to defenestrate him though a third story window if he lets her out again, and the next time she shows up he beats the shit out of her.

Dannyanon No. 784832

He only got protections from her controlling him she just snaps her finger and he turns into a toaster I was going to wait to demonstrate her transmutation abilities of technology with a comic where she forces A2 to dance with her and since she's taking the lead she turns them into his gender design

Dannyanon No. 784834

Remember she is to technology what les is to water there's a reason fish boy believe les is a god and a very good reason Maria has to trap her on the moon

As part of the deal she gives Zach protection from Asimov

Dannyanon No. 784835

If she was on Earth during Asimov Prime timeline he wouldn't be the problem for very long she would

Anonymous No. 784837

Mate, just let the character have some catharsis FFS

Dannyanon No. 784838

I'll give a brief overview of her internet abilities when she's outside of the computer that I thought of so far for her she can control technology, transmutate technology, talk to it even if it's basic stuff like a toaster, bring things out of or drag things into the internet, or various forms of media connected to electronics , bypass any security protections on Electronics (your phone password doesn't protect you form her) see through them basically she can watch you through your toaster. She can make pop-ups up here which are pretty much just for her to see things in cyberspace while out in the real world or pull up things like videos. In various technomancy spells

All those powers stops working and everything gets dispelled if there is no internet connection, she dies or she shorts out

Dannyanon No. 784839

She gets trapped on the moon for until the time line is erased isn't that ultimate catharsis?

I can't let her entire story potential be diminished by a patch

Okay okay we'll say he gets one on her but the next time they meet she realized that she can do more than just control technology

Dannyanon No. 784840

sigh okay maybe I'm going a little overboard protecting her because I feel like it feels like you're trying to take away her Menace oh she's so afraid of a2, she can't take control of the gray goo, she can't put it on other people and control them, all the robots get patched so she can't control them, anon it feels like she won't be able to do anything else soon enough.

okay I'll give Asimov his catharsis he beats the shit out of her but there still has to be a way for her to keep menace keep her being a threatening bad guy that can do stuff to the characters

Honestly one of the reasons why I like her right now because all the other antagonists kind of feel watered down right now

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Dannyanon No. 784841

the last Jonesy picture for a little bit

Anonymous No. 784842

Yeah you've really become attached to this character haven't you? I like her too although I think I have a different interpretation of her than you.
Personally I prefer her less as an actual psychopath sadist and more of just being a dick. Like she's a petty asshole who does terrible things out of spite, because "fuck you, I was killed and turned into a ghost I'm gonna do what I like".
Mostly because I feel her just being a petty asshole is funnier, and focusing on a sociopath angle gives her too much going on. Someone like Zach has already got a "sociopathic sadist bully who acts nice around others to fool them" angle but otherwise is a regular kid, having a character that's essentially the same thing but also has a bunch of crazy ghost technology stuff happening is too busy of a concept.

Dannyanon No. 784844

But I feel like her being petty would kind of just makes her Electric Barbara but I'll probably mellow her out a little bit

Anonymous No. 784845

To be fair, the way she's been played so far kinda waters down the other villains/antagonists and a lot of them were only really watered down as a result of Danny and Wendy, who seem to immediately suck the menace out of most villains/antagonists
Like the biggest example of it is probably how you treat Asimov Prime, who's supposed to be a world ending threat but against any of your characters you pull the "Nah, they'd win."
It's a part of the reason I don't write about North Park Santa anymore, Him getting clowned on by Danny just turns the character into a dry fart.
Hell, Yashu and Zachary are technically victims of it too, and only Yashu really avoided being completely left in the dust.

Dannyanon No. 784846

She should be like a joker where one week he can be doing something kind of silly and dumb and in the next something kind of menacing.

one week her more Petty side like becoming the mayor to mess with people she don't like and in the next week her more sociopathic side getting honoka and Wendy to try to their families

Dannyanon No. 784847

The thing about North Park Santa was the joke was Danny was not supposed to believe in him because the kid who deals with the supernatural does not believe in the one confirmed supernatural being on their planet .

you kept trying to put in ways where he'd essentially have to believe in him so I had to find ways to do it so he wouldn't to keep the joke alive.

then it felt like you got frustrated by it and I relented too easy instead of saying the reason why I was doing that .

I understand the rest of your point though

Anonymous No. 784848

Nah because Barbara is an adult woman, not a shitbag kid/young teen. the ways they interact with the world is fundamentally different.

Zach is funny to me as everyone seems to use him as a punching bag to prop up other characters. His main role is to be an antagonistic force to the younger kids but everyone focuses on pitting him against people stronger than him so he looks like a jobber.

Dannyanon No. 784849

But I also do want to defend myself on a lot of these taking the wind out of the characters accusation because I come in and try to find a new angle with these characters and a lot of them basically didn't really have anything going up against them

like the lunaris twins there is literally almost no characters that can stand up to them really at most they can tolerate them (maybe except teeny Stevie in like two pictures on the wiki ). okay what if Danny did. how do we make that funny?okay it's a Bugs Bunny situation but with two Super Genius aliens who claim to be smarter than everyone else but are being tricked by dumb cartoon shit.

what does dr toades do he's just kind of the scientist again how do we bring something out of him that no one else does okay what if the catgirls are fucking and Wrecking his lab no one else really does that okay that's a new angle to take him in and make something interesting come out of that

max is mainly because literally no one on the list fucks with him okay what if some characters did ( and I personally don't like the character I'll admit it) ok the cat girl and vera

Also other than Dr cates, Barbara the vamps, a2, and random one offs I make up for a specific story I feel like Danny and Wendy don't really go up against much of the established antagonist

Anonymous No. 784850

The Lunaris twins aren't really overpowered, at least in the narrative. Sure, they have advanced technology but it doesn't really do them any good. They are still terrified of Robert and Nancy, believing them to be rival dangerous aliens even though the Iris siblings have no ideal this rivalry exists in the first place. Or they'll keep abducting Hansel only for him to make a mess of their lab but they still keep abducting him anyway for convenience. Even with Silvia being the smart one they are both too incompetent to actually take over the town because they keep misinterpreting how human society works.

Dannyanon No. 784852


oh then maybe misunderstood the wiki

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Dannyanon No. 784854

After Danny helped get his sister and cousin fixed and agreed to learn technomancy to help him out

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Anonymous No. 784855

A bit of a change of topic, but it's something we've touched on in the past that I'm interested in re-treading. What kinds of voices/accents do you imagine characters having? I imagine most of the boys and girls have the typical squeaky american accents like most of the South Park kids have. But for specific weird characters, they might sound different. We can gather that Charles sounds Canadian, or Robert sounds southern for example, and characters like Drew and Asimov have "canon" voices from recordings.
One in particular I'm not fully sure on and would be interested in hearing other people's interpretation is Hansel. I don't really see him having a normal voice since he's kinda weird, but what does he sound like to you? Does he have a sort of scratchy erratic voice like Tweek Tweak? Does he have a little orphan british boy voice like Pip? Or would it be better for him to have a german sounding accent due to his german name? Or maybe something different. I'm interested to see how people imagine characters sounding. You don't need to list off all your characters though as people normally do since it isn't like most characters would have uniquely strange voices.

Leslieanon No. 784856

Leslie talks normally like everyone else, until she starts info dumping, then she switches to Canadian.

Anonymous No. 784858

>The Lunaris twins aren't overpowered, at least in the narrative.
Honestly. I think North Park characters are way much fucking stronger than they give off at first glance. And to be fair on the Lunaris part, Robert's combat skill is pretty threatening according to the wiki since there is no way a normal human can shoot down the pilot of a commercial plane from the ground.

Remember, Cindy has the literal strength of a fucking grizzly bear and she is only in the 4th grade. Hansel can bite and steal. Gretel can 1v1 and win on top of a professional wrestler as a 4th grader. Lisa can literally hack into government data without being noticed as well as holding her entire town hostage with information alone. Since Asimov-2 needs an entire town to be put down, There is almost a good chance that Asimov can destroy a town by himself which would be his lowball. Wendy is infinite in strength, TT can just fuck with time and space

Dannyanon No. 784859

I never really imagined my characters having a traditional South Park voice especially since those voices are deeply rooted in trey and Matt's style.

but I only list the ones that I think would have unique voices or accents

ula's is a very proper 18th century British accent

Fiona like one of those golly gee willikers 50s accents

Jonesy some sort of filter on top of her voice

And dogman is audio recordings of realistic dog barks

Dannyanon No. 784860

Oh yeah and Ingrid has a slight Midwestern accent

Dannyanon No. 784862

Wait I forgot I established dog man make Snoopy sounds so that

Anonymous No. 784863

Most of it is based in rule of funny. Cindy has bear strength but most of the time she's a normal sweet little girl. Making her bear outbursts funnier. Hansel is eternally suffering and somehow manages to survive being a homeless child despite it all. Gretel is inexplicitly a ninja but is also a lazy and selfish autist who LARPs as rich. Lisa can range from super hacker to public nuisance who is defeated by pulling the plug on her computer. Asimov is a super fragile and unstable robot who dies all the time. Characters are as strong and weak as they need to be.

Anonymous No. 784864

Honest thought, I actually can kinda imagine Hansel being that type who would have low vocabulary but can be very articulate. I guess I can see Hansel

Considering that the Historic Amelia is Italian and therefore probably has an Italian accent, for that reason, I would find it interesting if Hansel has a German Accent since, for whatever reason, the Homeless have European accents.

Also, I kinda of wonder what Hansel and Gretel would think of Amelia

Dannyanon No. 784865

as for Hansel a slightly more stable and slightly deeper tweak tweak voice

Anonymous No. 784866

I imagine Mute sounds soft and sweet as silk
Song Hui has the same inflection as Cartman doing a Butters impression
Dew has Wendy Testaburger's voice

Anonymous No. 784867

When talking to an adult or just anyone significantly older looking, Blenny will always sound muffled
When talking to his peers, Blenny will sound like your typically booming Satan voice
When not wearing his parka, he sounds like Mysterion

Dannyanon No. 784868

I imagine whoever voices teacup is doing a slight Garfield impression

as for characters I didn't make

I imagine Nancy speaking like one of those old timing news reporters

fishboy having a underwater filter when he speaks in his bowl

li, honoka and yashu having thick Japanese accents for some reason Yashu Is the most comprehensible out of them

Obviously stay in the weed man sounding like a hippie

Anonymous No. 784881

Teeny Steeve sounds like a bad mickey mouse impression, Asimov has a quiet and gently voice, cringe kid's is whiny and nasally, A-2s is a more sinister version of Asimovs, Li sounds like the asian member of Minoriteam, Maria sounds like an AI recreation of a woman's voice, NG sounds like eldritch screeching and the cries of damned souls, Toades has a deep, croaking voice, Bobby sounds like he has a slight midwestern accent, The Asimoms sound very sexy, Honoka sounds like an Ara Ara mommy, Yashu sounds like Joseph Joestar when he's acting tough but like Kazuma when he's not putting up a front, Cates sounds like a sterotypical crazy cat lady, Les sounds like a 90's tween sitcom star, Barbra sounds like one of those aerobics instructors from the 80's, and fish boy sounds like an anime supervillain when he doesn't have to wear his helmet or is underwater

Dannyanon No. 784885


helper sounds like Wendy with a robot voice filter

Crush sounds the exact same as helper but doing a tougher kind of voice

fanboy and fangirl sound like normal kids their age

🗑️ Dannyanon No. 784887

Vanessa helstad sounds like a kid doing an old timey tie a damsel to a train track kind of villain voice but that's only one there going mask off if they're pretending to be a kid then they just do a normal voice

Dannyanon No. 784888

Vanessa helstad sounds like a kid doing an old timey tie a damsel to a train track kind of villain voice but that's only when theyre going full mask off if they're pretending to be a normal kid then they just doing a normal voice

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Dannyanon No. 784890


she’s been patched as well to be kind of more of a mean girl jerk/ shit starter to most people, but downright malevolent to people who she has a real problem with those who got in the way of her revenge + the yangs , and those who are the targets of her revenge

Dannyanon No. 784891

Moments before catharsis

Dannyanon No. 784892

She's less of a sociopath now more of a selfish petty little jerk angry but at the same time having a little power trip at the current situation she's in.

she still denies the personhood of most of the robots other than Asimov 2 whom she Sorta wants to befriend but doesn't understand why he doesn't like her and will lash out at him and the people he love for it

she still working with Zach dealing with the people he can't and taking certain things off the internet for him in exchange for releasing her

Dannyanon No. 784894

>Episode where during a standoff with Wendy, Vera and Danny Jonesy uses Dorothy as a hostage.

> she claims she will shut off her pacemaker if they don't leave

>Vera goaded her into doing it so Wendy could send her back to the internet and they'll be done with her at least for a little bit.

> Vera wasn't being heartless (no pun intended) as it seemed she actually had a plan to temporarily give Dorothy vampirism to keep her from dying and then they take her to the tech wizard to get the pacemaker fixed. Danny is still in technomancy training and doesn't want to risk it

>but when they went to the tech wizard kiosk at the mall they found out the guy isn't there he is currently dealing with a breakup.

> they have until tomorrow night before the vampirism becomes permanent so they had a plan Danny and Wendy will try to get Tech wizard to feel better while vera and the other vamps will help Dorothy through the changes she's going to experience.

> Dorothy is struggling with the changes but she wants to remain a vampire because it cures her condition and she can live with normal life but the vampires tell her this shit isn't a normal life they try to talk her out of it by giving her a first hand experience at what it's like being them.

> b plot of danny and wendy have to help this guy gets back together with his girl who turns out to be think of a comical juxtaposition from this nerdy little late teenager later.

Anonymous No. 784895

Yeah, This is a lot better IMO, she can still try and murder the Yang family too.
>It turns out the entire reason they broke up was because she saw him staring at Maria, unaware that he was trying to get a better look at her arm since it was mostly covered by her arm when they first met (She was wearing a sleeveless top to go on her morning Jog and the GF though he was checking Maria out)

Anonymous No. 784896

>unaware that he was trying to get a better look at her arm since it was mostly covered by her arm when they first met
By her sleeve, her arm was covered by her sleeve.

Dannyanon No. 784898

It turns out Dorothy is actually a little badass when it comes to being a vampire but the only reason she changes her mind is after realizing she is instantly condemned to hell (and nothing she can do can change it) anytime you die if she fully turns but don't worry you're like a demon not a victim but since you're a child vampire you'll have the lowest rank and have to do the lowest and most humiliating jobs in hell.

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Dannyanon No. 784900

A Deadly alliance

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Anonymous No. 784901

back from my vacation, who's Jonesy and why don't i see any interactions with her and skankhunt69?

Dannyanon No. 784902

>why don't i see any interactions with her and skankhunt69?

Because of the smell I imagine lisa let her out a few times in exchange for tips on where to look to get some good blackmail but those were very very desperate times for Jonesy. went to leaving Lisa's computer she just instantly hit with a wall of pure stank.

Also it took me a minute that there's all the LGBT kids well minus ck, Vera and les

Dannyanon No. 784903

* Leaving Lisa's computer

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Dannyanon No. 784904

Lisa: it’s not that bad. I can barely smell it.

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Anonymous No. 784906


Dannyanon No. 784908

You're going to be mad at me ain't on cuz definitely forgot a few Momo, ula, Leslie, Vanassa( she doesn't know what to think so I'll put her under here), Lydia and posie( if the bad timeline indicates that they're at least bisexual)

Dannyanon No. 784911

*You're going to be mad at me Anon


I can also see Jonesy having some sort of alliance with the fucker society mainly with Robin having her getting the robots (mostly Crush, Helper, and Ada) to obey him and occasionally helping them try to take control of things in exchange for letting her out. I can imagine her and Brett having a little small Alliance within that Alliance to help Brett erase all the dirt that the others have on him I imagine

the alliance quickly falls apart after she realizes none of them are from North Park therefore none of them can actually release her from the internet.

Anonymous No. 784912

I love when people draw CK with masks other than his usual blue foxy one

Dannyanon No. 784913

By from North Park. They have to at least live there for an arbitrary amount of time

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Dannyanon No. 784919

I imagine Vera is slightly jealous that Dorothy is actually Good at vamping. She just learned she can turn into a bat and she’s been a vampire for almost 200 years. I imagine after the episode she remains friends with the vampires and there’s always the possibility that she may decide to fully turn at a later date

Dannyanon No. 784920

*She just learned how to turn into a bat

Leslieanon No. 784923

Leslie wouldn't know why she's there.
>fish boy sounds like an anime supervillain when he doesn't have to wear his helmet or is underwater
And I know the perfect voice...

Dannyanon No. 784924

Doesn't Leslie have potential love interest conspiracy board that have boys and girls on there? I assumed she knew

neither does Danny or ck knows either I imagine doesn't even figure out he's bi until high school

Leslieanon No. 784925

She has an autistic 8 year old girl's understanding of love, she has a vague sense of it, but doesn't understand it completely.

It doesn't understand until 4th grade.

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Dannyanon No. 784926


Phrasing Maria there are children here

I imagine she apologized to him because she doubted him, but I still think she doesn’t like tech wizard for some reason, even though most of their interactions are positive.

Anonymous No. 784927

When her babies (or babies in general) are involved Maria has negative chill.
She will turn someone inside out.

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Dannyanon No. 784932

they’re good friends is just you know Danny likes to run his mouth

Fish boy if Les was so uncomfortable with it, why did she say anything

les in the background and internally screaming because now it would be too awkward to stop him

Dannyanon No. 784937

Barbara and Jonesy gets into a very catty fight and as a result of Jonesy's saltiness over that she was just obliterated by that hag she goes into whoever owns her gambling debt and triples it and Bobby nearly has a heart attack when he gets the bill.

Dannyanon No. 784938

It was a verbal fight Barbara did probably smack her though

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Dannyanon No. 784942

Background, art, and textless alt

Dannyanon No. 784946

>After getting Dorothy's pacemaker fixed by Tech wizard they begin the process to undo the vampirism

>to undo vampirism without killing the vampire that turned her before Dorothy ever drinks her first drop of blood is a special vampiric blood magic Ritual that must be done before the Moon reaches of the next day reaches the middle of the sky.

>for some reason they invite anyone to come watch as they perform this in the school gymnasium for some reason a lot of people show up for this.

> Danny and Lon did specify that they everyone should bring a raincoat but almost no one listened.

>all they have to do is cut the vampire that turned her and use their blood to form the circle to initiate the ritual the thing about vampire blood magic Rituals are Vampires Will magically not only just have all the blood in their body but all the blood they've ever drink.

> the moment Danny gives her a little cut on her hand then a fucking geyser of blood erupts out of her like a fucking anime like everyone is getting splashed with the blood.

> blenny having a good time everyone else not so much mute gets splashed like three times in the face

>but once they start writing things down all the blood that left her starts to leave wherever it splashed at and is going to the circle. Then Dorothy pukes up the blood that Vera had made Dorothy drink to turn her goes back inside of Vera she's entirely grossed out by that.

> then the rituals done all the blood once again goes back into Vera (who isn't happy about it it's been in people's faces and mouths i and who knows where else it's gross) leaving the gym spotless with no evidence besides the video Flynn took who everyone just going to think it's a cool if not a little disturbing and he's definitely going on the list because of that FX video

Dannyanon No. 784947

*Before the moon reaches the middle of the sky of the next day.

pretty much you have until midnight of the of the day after the day after you were turned if you a bit on Monday you have until 11:59 p.m. of Tuesday to do the ritual

Dannyanon No. 784948

* if you drink a vampire's blood on Monday

Sorry guys I keep fucking up

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Dannyanon No. 784952

Textless alt

Vera remembers her turning wasn’t a pleasant experience

Dannyanon No. 784953

The stages of turning it typically takes around 12 hours to get through all stages

> stage 1 vampiric rage

> stage 2 the chills

>stage 3 the paling

>stage 4 fangs

>stage 5 vampric lust 1

>stage 6 the final stage vampiric lust 2 (for blood)

Anonymous No. 784954

>stage 5 vampric lust 1
Is that when the kinky vampire orgies I've heard about happen?

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Dannyanon No. 784957

Welcome to the internet

Dannyanon No. 784960

episode where Zach is in the hospital because a Wendy being nervous around him accident so he can't get Jonesy out of the internet for a few weeks.

>since a lot of people know who she is and knows not to sign her terms and services to release her she has to try more devious ways to get someone to get her out.

> she comes up with a vtuber persona to gain tons of fans and hopefully one of them will be from North Park so she can trick someone into signing her terms and services.

> after a few days of her manipulating the algorithm to push her at the top she becomes pretty popular and ck is her only fan in North Park so she starts chatting with him online.

> he thinks they're friends but she's just trying to get him to get her out but somehow he keeps delaying it by just talking to her like anyone of his friends.

> soon his parasocial relationship with her starts to take over his life and Danny, Sabrina , Leslie ( in a biohazard suit to keep her allergies from acting up) and teacup ( how scandalous all his biggest love interests in one room) tries to save him from Jonesy

> she doesn't even want to talk to him anymore but somehow he unintentionally turned the tables on her and is stringing her along with the promise of freedom.

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Dannyanon No. 784965


Dannyanon No. 784968

I just counted that I did approximately 830 drawings for npg

Anonymous No. 784969

Lol, CK is strong in terms of rule of funny.

Dannyanon No. 784970

Character Canon roulette go to headcanon generator write the name of your character roll it whatever comes out is Canon now if you have a bunch of characters just dump them on imgur and post the link here

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Anonymous No. 784980

Vampire Dorothy storyline inspired me to draw a fully Vamp Kid'd Dorothy

What other characters should get the Hot Topic Vamp Kid treatment?

alt version

Dannyanon No. 784982

Sabrina socks Jerry and The Arm "this is your fault that he's like this."


>The first thing the vampires do with Dorothy now having overcome five of the stages is raid the Dull's catle to get some cow blood.

>in the process of doing that Dorothy is shot with a shotgun by bundle.

>since it's night time at first it kind of hurted only a little though and she almost instantly healed the damage.

> this causes something to turn in her mind she realize. she has nothing holding her back anymore this is the first time she's free and actually feeling a little powerfull.

>so she become somewhat of a party animal sort of making up for lost times as The Vamps take her to do things they usually do at night .

>they beat up some werewolves on their turf, there's a abandoned mansion out in the woods where ghosts like to go and party, they go to a biker bar a little outside of town and just trash the place if you ever seen near dark it's not that bad but it's similar, they knock down Vanessa's Shack in the woods for shits and giggles.

>meanwhile Vera is trying to talk her out of it and have her be a little bit more responsible but she sort of being a pill Dorothy is encouraging the other vamps not to listen to her she knows what it's like to be held back and she won't be held back anymore.

> and then Dorothy experienced the day it isn't as good as the night she feels weaker a little tired especially when the sun hits her but she isn't giving up being a vamp

>Vera has to try something drastic to make her realize this isn't the life she wants so shit talks Robert to get him to shoot her

>when the other Vamps to drag Vera out of the sun so she can heal she then talks about going to hell with the other vampire

> they share their hell stories Dorothy asks if there's any way they can do to prevent going to hell and they tell her no they're pretty much locked in there

> Dorothy doesn't want to be a vampire anymore

Anonymous No. 784992

>Teeny Steeve
Cringe Kid
Asimov 2
>Li Yang
>Nightmare Guy

Dannyanon No. 784993

lol Asimov2 and Jonesy are dog people maybe they are more alike than not

Dannyanon No. 785005

>I imagine ck thinks Jonesy is her friend Jonesy is annoyed by him but doesn't really bother him that much because she thinks being ck is punishment enough.

> Jonesy probably hates Barbara the most out of anyone because she can verbally and physically give Jonesy a smack down and Jonesy really can't do anything back there are no ghost electronics.

> Barbara nicknames for Jonesy are mosquito bytes, 8 itty-bitty titties, kilobyte tits, and more she knows what she's insecure about and keeps hitting that button

>Jonesy is genuinely afraid of dr Cates. since dr Cates studied Danny abilities during their encounters she knows how to deal with ghosts and she takes a specific interest in Jonesy because of her abilities so she made all sorts of non-electric ways to capture and/or control her being controlled and ordered around by a petty person ironic

episode where one of dr Cates Jonesy control devices a megaphone that if anyone speaks orders into ghosts has to follow them falls into the robots hands and they get sweet revenge on Jonesy making her do humiliating things. it gets destroyed by the end of the episode and none of them actually took the time to learn how it worked.

Dannyanon No. 785006

Asimov with the megaphone : hey Jonesy

Jonesy: please no more! I'm sorry I'll never be mean to you again....

>a: see that trash over there

>J(panicking): I'll leave you and your friends alone just let me go

>a:eat it

Jonesy immediately after the megaphone is destroyed: maniacal laughter what I'm about to do to you guys is about to be fucking biblical!
* gets killed by whatever destroy the megaphone*

Leslieanon No. 785010

Maybe Leslie trying it once, finds out it's neat but not really her style.

Dannyanon No. 785019

other names she came up with pixel buds, 8 bitty titties, floppydisk chest, Flat-screen, and nanoboobs its surprising how clever she is with these

Dannyanon No. 785022

I imagine the whole time TT is freaking out that Asimov is being vengeful this is another step closer to the Apocalypse she's the one who destroys the megaphone shecshoots it a bunch and then throws a future grenade at it and then accidentally throws another one which kills Jonesy

Dannyanon No. 785025

>All this started because Dr cates needed to do a little spring cleaning getting rid of all her old invention she really don't use one of which being the megaphone

>after it gets picked up by the garbage truck it falls off on its way to the dump

> que Jonesy using drones to harass squirrel boy because she's bored as she's doing that she sees the megaphone

>she intermediately have flashbacks of when cates used it on her

> she chases after the megaphone Asimov sees her and picks it up first he thinks it's something bad and accidentally speaks into the megaphone and ask her what is this and she compelled to answer truthfully a Sinister grin flashes on his face

Anonymous No. 785027

>Asimov tortures her by making her not only be nice, but a productive member of society.

Dannyanon No. 785028

more of the robots keep coming in and getting a turn with her all of them know not to kill her specifically because then she'd escaped

> Asimov do what you said and makes her apologize to everyone she wronged

> Crush making her repeatedly run into a wall until it stops being funny

> helper has her do her work around the lab for the day

> Mac tonight makes her clean up the town also delete all Moon Man video off the face of the internet

>a2 eat all the trash

The rest I don't know

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Dannyanon No. 785029

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Leslieanon No. 785030

It's summer vacation and you woke her up at 8 A.M.

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doo doo doodoodoo....jpg

Anonymous No. 785031

make this north Park related

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Dannyanon No. 785032


Anonymous No. 785033

Would North Park superhero game have Raisins girls as enemies, or would they instead have the maid café girls as enemies?

Dannyanon No. 785034

Our raisins was destroyed in it's first day and only of operation so we have a maid Cafe. so maid Cafe maids

Dannyanon No. 785035

If you do all the maid Cafe fights you gotta fight Yashu because you're harassing his girls

Dannyanon No. 785037

I imagine Barbara holds a grudge and practical bullys Jonesy because of that time she kidnapped cringe kid.

Dannyanon No. 785038

Not to mention her being a kind of a dick to Ester when she was alive and trying to murder Danny she doesn't like him but CK does and he tends help her when she's in trouble so she views it as a way to pay him back.

> I imagine teeny Stevie wants to mess with jonesy but she's always defeated and sent back to the Internet every time he's ready to mess with her.

>Dorothy holds a quiet grudge against Jonesy and Vera ( but she eventually forgave her) for shutting off her pacemaker and almost killing her.

> Jonesy's incredibly jealous of Sabrina for her "natural gifts" and Sabrina is incredibly jealous of Jonesy because when she was alive and sometimes when she's dead she's popular

Anonymous No. 785041

>Yashu is a secret boss
>One of his special attacks is to play the characters in a game of rock paper scissors and roshambo them if he wins, letting them get an extra turn if they win.
>Wendy is hard programed to never win this, and he's very aggressive in hitting her with it first to take her out
>Letting her get KO'd this way gives the achievement "Non-Canon Victory"
>Yashu complains about the achievement after you get it

Dannyanon No. 785047

Jonesy In the good timeline dodged the whole being sent to the Moon thing by going into crash's system and seeing her file about the future about that future crash sent her but only the stuff regarding her. She decides to let people think she was sent to the Moon and laid low for like a few months. seeing how much people genuinely loved that she was gone made her realize she has no friends in her life is pretty much empty also a kind of finally hit her that she's dead and this is forever now. so she goes to Cindy and les to try to help her be a better person so people will like her and want to be her friend at first no one trusts her this has to be a trap or something ( even les who was helping her was kind of convinced of this for a little bit but help just in case it wasn't) but as the weeks turns to months and the months turns the years people are just kind of got used to her being kind of a bitch but not a complete asshole.

Dannyanon No. 785050

*crush not crash

Dannyanon No. 785051

episode where Gretel flips her shit after finding out Danny and Wendy are loaded at first she thought they was so poor they actually needed jobs

Dannyanon No. 785052

I think by the end of it she's just totally in denial and thinks they're poor pretending to be rich while she's literally homeless pretending to be rich

Dannyanon No. 785053

After watching the Bloods and Crips episode yesterday super heroes and villains are Canon to the South Park universe how does that affect the RP?

Dannyanon No. 785072

episode where while danny and wendy were having their weekly stop dr cates latest scheme adventure some random super hero comes in to stop her

> this is Dr cates ex arch nemesis she had in her teenage years who happened to be in the area .

> Danny and wendy then find out she actually had a ton of nemesis

>its treated ike those boyfriends who get jealous when they find out their girlfriend had a love life before them.

>the problem get worse when she accidentally calls the hero's name when she was doing her villain exit speech

> Danny and wendy decides they should meet other nemesis. I imagine they try to make blenny their nemesis but they keep trying to make him more like dr Cates and he won't tolerate being made someone else.

Anonymous No. 785075

>Asimov 2: Well, at least it wasn't us this time, you have that plutonium Crush?
>Crush: Why do you need plutonium?
>A2: I want to feed it to the grey goo and see what happens.
>Crush: How are you even able to control them?
>A2: They use the same programing language that Asimov and I use, I just had to find the correct contact frequency.
>Crush: Wait. so they could become sapient like you or Asimov?
>A2: They've pretty much already have it, though it's more like consensus based sapience for them.

Anonymous No. 785076

The only characters who worked at Raisins canonically are Beansy, Drew, and Asimov(in drag).

Dannyanon No. 785084

>they find out that super hero wants dr Cates to be his villain again because his franchise needs a joke villain

>Danny and wendy realized she was just kind of passed around as a joke condiment king teir villain by a bunch of heroes

> they try to defend dr Cates honor and mange to bruise the hero's ego in the process

>so he going to beat the shit out of them it's a one sided fight and wendy is on the losing end this time

> this ass whopping makes wendy beating Yashu look like a close fight in comparison

> he about to deal the finishing blow on these two but other heroes intervened and tells him the whole thing recorded and he's in big trouble

> fylnn was recording and the hero got canceled because he used a slur not for beating the shit and almost murdering two children

Dannyanon No. 785107

Might as well steal an ed, Edd n Eddy episode

The kids have a bet everyone must give up their most annoying character trait the longest whoever does it wins everyone's week worth of an allowance which comes out to 30,000 and some change dollars mainly due to Danny Wendy and Melville. Anyone is free to add to this

>Neil can't tell jokes

> Hansel can't steal

> Jerry can't be negative

> chaz can't be lustful

> Mandy has to stop pigging out

>Danny has to stop butting in people's business aka stop shoving himself and everyone else's Adventure

> Wendy can't be violent

>Cringe kid has to stop being cringe now he's only kid

> Dorothy has to stop being timid

> Zach, max, and Lydia can't be mean

> Cassandra has to stopped being bossy

>Nancy can't be nosy

> Savannah can't be crude. she has to pretend to be prim and proper. it looks like she's going to explode

> Chelsea can't smoke

> the catgirls has to stop being weird

>Vera has to Stop Being Greedy

> ula has to speak normally

> les has to modernize

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Dannyanon No. 785111

Like ula is like having a like very not good time speaking like everyone else like but she is willing to put up with it like so she could win the money after Vera like made her like feel bad for like not contributing that much to their income like.

I think that is just how ula interprets how most people talk

Dannyanon No. 785112

No Max can't be meta

Dannyanon No. 785115

I imagine she put on a valley girl voice when talking like this

MaxAnon No. 785116

I will now stop capslokcing for cruisecontrol and be nice... I'll just be nice in my own way.
>>Danny has to stop butting in people's business aka stop shoving himself and everyone else's Adventure
>C'mon Danny pooh you butt into my adventure anytime, girl. Ooh yes shove yourself onto me, become the meta character Poochie everybody hates. I personally loved Scrappy Doo cause I only watched the Red Shaggy movies where he acted like the voice of reason like Fred & Velma ... did I fuck up already? Scrappy Doo is canon in this universe, right?

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Dannyanon No. 785119

She struggling

Anonymous No. 785120

>If someone they knew commited a crime, Max would cover for them.
>Max gets ready for christmas way to early. (it fucks up grammar too)
>Max does not know what sleep is.
>Max has nightmares
>Max can beat you up and he will
>Max has an intense fear of heights. (uhh okay stop being so close
>Max can play the guitar.
>Max is an extrovert.
>Max tackles and wrestles people to show affection.
>If Max was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question.
>Max is smart but also very stupid. (SPITS MY NON EXISTANT COFFEE, WHAT?!?!
>If the sorce media was a musical, Max would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing.
>Maximus Astronomovich killed Princess Diana.
>Maximus Astronomovich set a public school on fire and got away with it.
>Maximus Astronomovich will remind others in the midst of chaos how good they're being.
>Maximus Astronomovich could easily survive the Hunger Games (Well that's a lie, but I never used his full name before).
>Maximus Astronomovich uses the word "fuck" like a comma.
>Maximus Astronomovich can kill you in an instant and will.
>Maximus Astronomovich can hug you, but wont. (well that's specific)
>Maximus Astronomovich is very good at using chopsticks.
>Maximus Astronomovich has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory.
>It would not take much for Maximus Astronomovich to turn evil.
>Maximus Astronomovich steals other peoples clothes.
>Maximus Astronomovich has a maid dress under their bed.
>Maximus Astronomovich will go feral. Watch out.
>Maximus Astronomovich can hug you if deserved.
>Maximus Astronomovich is in your house.
>Maximus Astronomovich is aro ace.
>Maximus Astronomovich is a switch.

Dannyanon No. 785122

So you chose being nice instead of not being meta all right. Chaz and Curtis spending the whole time max is in the bet fucking with him forget him to be mean

Everyone keeps bringing up possible side quests for Danny to tag along with them

"oh did you hear that there's frog people in abandoned mine we're about to go check it out want to tag along"

"no I got to do my job after school today"

"really but we heard it's haunted in there some dangerous spooky ghosts"

"yeah I'm sure I've been blown off work a lot lately and I should really catch up on it"

"Okay then we'll just get Ester"

Danny just shaking keeping himself from accepting the adventure "yeah okay cool"

Meanwhile cringe kid is just depressed

Dannyanon No. 785123

>Trisha can't be the straight man

> sid can't be paranoid

> Georgina can't hit on boys

Anonymous No. 785124

>Hey Chaz how about I let you meet my mother (his mother is extremely racist yet nice too, until she isn't)
>Hey Curtis how about we play Rush Hour?
>Skiddadles when he can't keep it up anymore.
>Hangs out with Posie, the nicest person there is... and dresses her up
>Hangs out with Ester cause she's chill. Also hangs out with Mineral cause he ironicaly is better at not being mean to her than with Dorothy.
>Takes up the dictionary to explain mean V.S. condenscending.

>Meets up with Cassandra
>Becomes evil yet nice.

Dannyanon No. 785125

I imagine everyone just making obvious setup for jokes for Neil.

Cassandra struggling have a Max around because she can't tell him to do anything or she loses she can only ask

Dannyanon No. 785126

The cat girls very normally keep hanging out with Max doing seemingly accidental little things to push his buttons

Anonymous No. 785128

>he cat girls very normally keep hanging out with Max doing seemingly accidental little things to push his buttons
>Why does Max hate the catgirls so much?
You're either a cat or a human, not an inbetween tranny furry.

Dannyanon No. 785137

Tisk tisk tisk threatening their lives not very nice of your max

Dannyanon No. 785138


people are trying to make Wendy mad so she becomes violent then someone does this to her

that poor soul's sacrifice was not in vain

I imagine people keep leaving food out in the hopes that Hansel will steal it

Dannyanon No. 785139

>linus can't be a edgy try hard he comes to school looking normal for once

>Rayne can't take joy in others misfortune probably one of the first to break

Dannyanon No. 785140

The thing that breaks Max is they ask him to do something knowing that it will trigger a ray to turn him into a human cat hybrid after transforming and realized what happens this set them off not even this thread could handle the length of Max's rant

Dannyanon No. 785154

since it's summer to make sure no one is cheating or hiding out the whole bet they have a sleep over at the cheatu till the bet is over since it's the only place that can hold them alll and have a place for them to sleep

>mute can't stare at people for longer ther 3 seconds if she isn't interacting with them

Dannyanon No. 785155

episode where Wendy first met Georgina. at first she thinks everyone Is being mean to her by avoiding her for no reason so wendy thinks she doing the right thing by sitting next to her at lunch.

> the next day everyone thinks they're related and it's starting to affect Wendy socially and everyone is telling Wendy to get her weird little sister away from them.

> wendy claims they're not sisters but Georgina insists they are

> at first Wendy thinks she just being confused maybe a little clingy since she didn't have any friends but Georgina makes it clear she doing this to score some dudes and if Wendy tries to do anything about it she going to look like a Massive asshole for it and her social status will drop even further

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Leslieanon No. 785161

Dannyanon No. 785163

what Leslie giving up on >>785107 ?

Leslieanon No. 785164

I'm not too sure actually, maybe stop being naive?

Dannyanon No. 785165

> wendy asks Danny for any ideas on how to deal with Georgina and Danny tells her she should stop caring about what people think about you like him.

>that gives Wendy an idea

> the next day Danny comes in and socks Georgina harder than Danny normally hits people and tells her so every one to hear to stop pretending to be her sister so people will be to afraid to reject you.

> it turns out Wendy was using a Magic amulet to make her look like Danny
that Danny was fiddling around with earlier in the episode.

> Danny comes to Wendy pissed that every now hates him and thinks he a cowardly bully that picks on the disabled Wendy jsays I thought you don't care what people think about you cue freeze frame and and Seinfeld music

Dannyanon No. 785166

Hansel is starving since he can't steal to feed himself then he realizes that Vera can't deny him money because she has so much that it would be Greedy if she didn't help this poor starving child so he keeps asking her to pay for his meals so he could eat

also Vera last name is McCredie

Dannyanon No. 785178

episode where after an event where Jonesy found the warehouse keeping all Asimov backup bodies and made them her robot army to attack the town.

all the back ups were destroyed so Asimov only has one life to live until the extra bodies Maria orders arrives but if he dies before that he will be dead forever

tt realizes this her one chance to save the future and locks the fuck in meanwhile Asimov is being super cautious about everything cause he can die now

Dannyanon No. 785180

It's a surprise season finale episode The whole time we're thinking TT isn't going to do it status quo reset and then the final minute she does it she kills him he is dead

The next episode is a 20 year time jump and the future is in Ruins because of drew mime and Eldridge abilities mixed with sitcom bullshit they have one shot at this they have to send back another time traveler to stop our time traveler from killing Asimov and setting drew down this path

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Dannyanon No. 785181

Anonymous No. 785183

Asimov actually has several spare bodies at home, and the bed in his room receives constant updates on Asimov's data, which it can easily store

Dannyanon No. 785184

OK anon

Max must sexually tease every girl as part of his contract No. 785185

How do I make the cyberghost lust after me till she tries to rape me out of desperation? She's already touch deprived so that's her weakness. Does she still keep her sense of smell and tactile feel?

Leslieanon No. 785186

Say goodbye to your balls after she shocks them with her pussy.

Maxine No. 785188

Tell your brother I said hi. ;)
Oh what's the matter, honey? jealpus of your brother? need some Max dick or just a tight hug? do you deserve it? show me your grades. Oh that's too bad, but hey... nobody's looking... I won't tell... so if you just come inside this dark closet I'll hug you. Yeah for real. *Gives you a tiny spoon of cake* there's more where that came from if you just come inside.
You are a man, man, man. You will never understand the feel of lusting after a man.

Leslieanon No. 785189

Huh, the fuck am I reading...

Dannyanon No. 785190

Jonesy: Just sign the terms and conditions and I'll give you an experience you won't forget

Yes she have all five senses and a few new ones.

Now that I think about it I think she's one of the few people who get Max on some level especially since while in the computer she can see a fourth wall ( mind you that's north park not our reality)

I imagine it's kind of a constant low voltage ( or is it amps don't look at me I'm not an electrician) almost like a humming sensation just the problem is you're probably going to get electrocuted when you cum in her

Anonymous No. 785191

I said lust after me, not fuck me, God Leslie you're such a whore just like your brother.
>Implying she'll actually get to third base.
Haha, in her dreams, her electric sheep dreams.
She'll fuck the bedpost to my AI generated nudes and cope that she's not getting the real thing.

Dannyanon No. 785192

The rantings of a Madman


Now that I'm thinking about it I imagine les is always wet and cool and Moore kinda very warm

Anonymous No. 785193

Mmmm a tempting offer, but how about this:
I'll play for you if just let me plug that hole.
>Plugs the electric guitar into her amp and sings.
Hey you make for a amplifier, especially when you scream my name.

She'd have a hard time with Les Fantasma, hard to not get wet when around a water ghost.
Also hard to not get wet around Max's incognito browsing history and playing his electric guitar.

Anonymous No. 785194

Takes one to know one, *licks your mascara off... and your family nose*.

Anonymous No. 785195

make for a great amplifier*

Danny is infectious. I wonder if he'll infect the whole town.

Anonymous No. 785196

>Jonesy: Just sign the terms and conditions and I'll give you an experience you won't forget
*Read through all of it*
Jonesy: No wait, nobody ever does that!
*Clicks X and continues anyway*
Jonesy: Nobody ever does that!!!
Max: Show me all scenes with Ripley's cat, Jonsey.
*Tickles her with a tiny magnet*
So what's your browsing history contain? your fucked up "unplausible" fantasies?

Dannyanon No. 785197

To be more specific I imagine for Les it's like sticking your big toe in a cold pool for the first time and you sort of flinch but then you have to keep sticking it in there to get used to it then it gets a little warm but it's not really warm or just you're used to it I imagine if you make her cum it's like a it's like a fucking Blastoise water Jet

And for Moore its like your car on a hot summer day and he got leather seats I imagine if you give her the o it's like when you flush the toilet while taking a shower and then the water gets very hot

Why the fuck am I talking about this? God damn it Leslie and Max

Anonymous No. 785198

Ghost blowjob wwhooowww!!!
>Do you have to yell that everytime?
Ghost flying carpet butt riding! like thst time Batgirl flew on Cara's ass.

Anonymous No. 785199

Giddygiddy you make the hottest most accurate descriptions, Dannyboy.
If you were a woman you wouldn't put so much focus on the tactile feeling as much as you'd about the psychological effects of it. "The water was kinda cold :( but then it felt not so cold anymore and I fell in love with it <3" - still better prose than Twilight saga.

Leslieanon No. 785200

Max, if you don't stop confusing me with Leslie, I'll draw you pregnant with Danny's child, and the child will be a red head.

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Dannyanon No. 785201


Danny: the fuck did I do to you?

Leslieanon No. 785202

Nothing, just wanted to grab Max's goat.
He'll also be boy pregnant.

Dannyanon No. 785205

Wendy grabs Max's nose area fucking stretches it so you end up looking like one of the spies from Spy versus spy

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Dannyanon No. 785206

Look like there’s a new woodpecker in town

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Dannyanon No. 785217

Dannyanon No. 785221

I imagine she does this to Vera, Jerry and Wendy all the time meanwhile on the inside she very lonely

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Anonymous No. 785224

Some more hero stuff. I refined Penny's persona to be a bit more of a specific gimmick since she was just a generic/beast monster themed hero before. I think a goofy looking frog costume fits with the kind of silly superhero personas the kids would be making.

On that note I kinda want to refine/change a few more characters. Especially Max, whose superhero persona is probably the lamest. He's just a samurai. There's no silly gimmick or pun-y name. Dunno how the actual Max feels about this but I do have some ideas for a more goofy superhero persona that might fit him.

Anonymous No. 785230

I'm curious and up for it.

His superhero costume was the Samurai from Kid Chameleon with some added cat ears to reference Dr Max wanting to turn everyone into cats.
The other idea would have been a nazi tank, also taken from that game.
But no I definitely did not think goofy for him, I thought of rule of cool stuff only, so I'm curious what 60s kinda costume you'd give him or a cheesy cool cosrume from the 80s.

Anonymous No. 785231

It would have also been a soft reference to samurai pizza cats.

Dannyanon No. 785232

Trisha villain identity is ms morningwood she a wood based villain maybe she has some poison ivy influences

Dannyanon No. 785234

who else you thing about changing?

Dannyanon No. 785235

*thinking about

Dannyanon No. 785243

episode where after Addison barked up the wrong bitch tree so Jonesy traps the entire school in Addison's fan fic (she brought them into the internet). the only way to get out if everyone figures out what character they are supposed to be them (every character is based on someone in her school and written how she sees them) and play their part perfectly as written if they fuck up in any way they restart form the beginning. Jonesy didn't say who wrote it just that someone in this school did so Addison would have to admit it to everyone a lot of the characters don't like how they are written and are looking for whoever wrote it and everyone are blaming each other.

Dannyanon No. 785245

episode where a2 tried to steal Wendy's body to get into the cheatu to steal a magic item help believes
will expedite his plans and crush her annoying little brother but he accidentally takes teacups body.

teacup in Asimov2 body almost instantly assess the situation and she steals the bodyswap device and escape from crush and Ada (who are supposed to watch over his body) so she can get her body back and screw over a2

meanwhile a2 isn't having a good time getting such a weak body and being push around by the other catgirls who noticed teacup is acting strange

to be concluded

Anonymous No. 785262

>Asimov rallies them to act their parts in the fic, and once they get out he flips off the screen as Jonesy glares out of it

Anonymous No. 785263

Thinking of giving him a doctor themed superhero persona as sort of a reference to Dr Max. He'd have a lab coat and one of those doctor head mirror things. I'm thinking maybe "Dr Detergent", and he has a bunch of soap gadgets he "cleans up crime" with.
Well there isn't much left, I might touch up Curtis's concept if I get a good idea. Since he's the comic book geek I like the idea of him having a very superhero-y superhero persona. But right now his outfit is maybe a bit too generic, I think he needs something else on top of the Mexican wrestler look.

Dannyanon No. 785267

I imagine it takes them a week or two to get out

>Neil keeps changing his lines To try to be funnier

>Jerry keeps sighing or rolling his eyes or sometimes when he is supposed to do those things he doesn't do them right

>dr toades hates reading his lines since some of them are grammatically incorrect and uses some words incorrectly

>there's a kissing scene and Addison gets to flustered when she suppose to be cool and in Charge or linus sometimes coughs to purposely send them back to the beginning to avoid the kiss

>Sometimes Jonesy just talks over them so they fuck up for the hell of it

>Savannah and cringe kids ADHD kicks in

>Dorothy cries during her part because it's so mean

she is secretly keeping Zach and other collaborators happy by giving them things but she has to do it's secretly so no one knows they are the collaborators

Dannyanon No. 785269

they really lock in when everyone including Jonesy gets tired of it and just want to go home

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Dannyanon No. 785273

Dannyanon No. 785289

She likes dressing up and being on theme

I'm retconning her in the hero rp she's basically doing the same thing I already said but this time its because she kind of wants to play but she doesn't want to seem lame and ask to join them so she concocted that dumb scheme to get them to come to her also since she used the internet to make her villain suit Its badass to the point its kinda of place almost like they ripped something out of an actual comic book

Dannyanon No. 785292

*It's kind of out of place

Dannyanon No. 785302

episode where Jonesy and Mr smiles makes a deal Jonesy will delete his old identity of the internet and try to find out who is the person in town who knows who he is and is trying to alert people ( teacup) and he'll let her out.

while teacup iss at the library computer trying tip the authorities off she briefly leaves and when she comes back she noticed it was deleted so now Jonesy knows it's someone in this town but Don't know who. using the Jonesy tracker dr Cates made to monitor where Jonesy is on the internet (well more specifically if they're near them) teacup figures out what she trying to do and uses a device she made the data delete bomb a pen shaped device that when clicked will delete the memory of any device in a certain distance to keep her from finding out she the one trying to tell people about Mr smiles.

meanwhile dr toades is trying to write a scientific research paper but it keeps getting deleted and he doesn't know why

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Leslieanon No. 785325

>"What's the matter anon? Afraid to touch my huge sudden juvenile macromastia tits~?"

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Dannyanon No. 785327

when trying to find data on the Internet its best to get your ear to the ground to find some sources

Dannyanon No. 785328

At some point Jonesy has to ask Mr smiles to come because there's only so much you can do on the internet especially since someone's deleted all the data I imagine he bumps into teacup at one point but she plays dumb so he doesn't believe it's her.

She then bumps into the doctor toades who isnt fooled by her act and figures out she's the one deleting all the data he takes her to detention.

After Mr smiles and Jonesy realizes that the trail went cold Jonesy tells Mr smiles to releaser she deleted his prior identity so it won't get in his way and she specified that they agreed it was only try to catch the person trying to tip people off about him. so he signs the terms and conditions and after she leaves his phone and is about to leave to cause some Havoc he stabs her in the back quite literally.

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Dannyanon No. 785329

Anonymous No. 785331

zippertits, LMAO

Leslieanon No. 785332

I'm not that good at realistic anatomy...

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Dannyanon No. 785334


Leslieanon No. 785337

Wait, isn't she a digital ghost? She can just give herself fat milkers.

Dannyanon No. 785338

Jonesy: oh yeah I can do that..... It's not like they gave you a manual when you become a digital ghost

Dannyanon No. 785339

also she wouldn't do it in public because if Barbara catches her that means the name calling did mess with her

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Dannyanon No. 785346

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Dannyanon No. 785350

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Anonymous No. 785355

ahh don't worry, I'm not good at it neither

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Dannyanon No. 785373

Dannyanon No. 785374

Vera can go out In the sun but chooses to stay to keep ula company because she would Catch Fire because of her albinism

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Dannyanon No. 785376

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Anonymous No. 785378

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Dannyanon No. 785380

Danny got tired of people calling him small so he used a amulet to shrink the town just a tiny bit so now he’d be taller than most students in his class. teacup noticed this and wanted it for herself. They had a shrinking battle with the amulet and now they’re both tiny.

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Dannyanon No. 785381

Fix a small spelling mistake

Anonymous No. 785383

He's going to be in the next Paramount special

Anonymous No. 785384

What happens to him in it?

Anonymous No. 785386

>Ies touches the water and a bunch of fish manifest from in and swim deeper into the water, an effect of her spirit abilities

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Dannyanon No. 785387

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Dannyanon No. 785392

Dannyanon No. 785412

Matt and Trey stumble upon NPG

The kids find out their is a shared universe fanfiction about the town across with them half of it a shameless rip off of things they did and the other half is power scaling borderline shounen anime mixed with a comedy action adventure Saturday morning cartoon. The kids get really into it and all of them are sort of parodies of us

The end of the special they go to North Park Funland and as they pass by homeless little Hansel and other characters making a small cameo and various people talking in the background about things we actually wrote about in in North Park kind of poking fun at us at but also saying everything here is canon

Dannyanon No. 785416

I can see the ultimate takeaway being it's a little lame and gay and if they actually put their time into an original creative project or just change the name they could make something but that's harmless fun so who cares

And then maybe a second Of When we sexualize characters that are minors its for a point or a joke but when you do it you're just trying to get off on it I'd imagine it's a fence sitty Normie take it's weird and creepy but you shouldn't harass people over it

Anonymous No. 785419

the fanbase would eat us alive no doubt...but, we might get new blood...

Dannyanon No. 785420

I can see Butters being the dannyanon (me) stand in he just finds it one day even though he's not that big a fan of the original property but he get really into the shared Universe fanfiction. it take over his free time and he puts a lot of time into reading up on and drawing shit. he kind of gets pissed that no one is commenting on his art or stories but he can't say anything about it because that would be super gay.

I can see them finally given the character Max appearances is from a character to be the max stand in

i can Kyle (or Ike for comedy) being the Hansel anon stand in the one guy keep in this whole shit together

And and then I can see either kenny, Cartman or Gerald being the Leslie Anon stand in at first we're thinking they are up to no good but really they have and maintain the most normal character.

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Dannyanon No. 785423


Dannyanon No. 785424

Her hair goes back to it's normal color and shape when she shorts out though I forgot the the ponytails.

Dannyanon No. 785435


Fuck how do I not realize I forgot to put being there I'll fix it in a second

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Anonymous No. 785437

Les is a zombie, no amount of ghostlighting will convince me otherwise

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Dannyanon No. 785438


You just wanted to use that pun '

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Anonymous No. 785445

When you’re Cassandra and you walk into a room with uisas

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Dannyanon No. 785450

Brief side effect to one of Dr. cates ghost experiments

The one complaint Jonesy vocalized is Les’ breast size

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Dannyanon No. 785451

Fixed forgot to add some important lines

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Dannyanon No. 785466

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Dannyanon No. 785468

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Dannyanon No. 785488

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Dannyanon No. 785489

A2 alt

Dannyanon No. 785496

episode where Jonesy finds a2's head after it's been decapitated by Wendy again. she spends the day hanging out with it while lugging it around. crush and Ada tries to get him back but since she can control them if she notices then they have to wait and stay hidden until the right opportunity to get him.

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Dannyanon No. 785501

Dannyanon No. 785502

anyone else got anything they wanna post?

Anonymous No. 785503

all in good time

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Dannyanon No. 785504

Grey goo Ula

Dannyanon No. 785505

Halloween episode where Jonesy uses the gray goo to take control of the Vamps (minus Vera and Ingrid) and uses them to go after her enemies since the vamps aren't in control of their actions the contract isn't working. Jonesy is hidden somewhere in the school and the group The Vamps are after have to make their way to her so they can short her out

Anonymous No. 785507

Did Trey release the goddamn "Special" already? I've seen more special out of Red Shaggy movies than Trey's supposed Paramount specials.
Those goddamn 2parters & 3parters were more special than his. Well maybe except for the timeskip episode, that one actually felt special.

Dannyanon No. 785508

yeah it released like a couple weeks ago

Leslieanon No. 785510

Cum Ula

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Dannyanon No. 785516


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Anonymous No. 785517

I like that the blue colored lockers caught on

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Dannyanon No. 785519

yeah whoever made this picture made the right choice

Dannyanon No. 785523

ula: my apologies dear Leslie but I'm not in control of my actions at this moment so I cannot come to you right now. I will come to you hastily after I am free from this curse.

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Dannyanon No. 785531


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Dannyanon No. 785534

She got stuck in chucks, weight gain fetish folder and gain a ton of weight but with dedication and title exercise she managed to lose it all

Leslieanon No. 785535

That's nice.

Someone one draw her before the weight loss.

Dannyanon No. 785536

I'm working on it as we speak

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Dannyanon No. 785537

I never really drawn a fat person before so I reference to big Chungus. I’m thinking it came out right

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Anonymous No. 785538

she looks like a tasty melon
I'd gobble her up if i could

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Dannyanon No. 785542

Penny just sits on her till she is crushed to death

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Dannyanon No. 785549


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Dannyanon No. 785552


Anonymous No. 785553

You think Jonesy can hear the Grey goo talking to itself?

Dannyanon No. 785554

yeah but she has to be close it's like hearing a billion ants talking to each other

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Dannyanon No. 785558


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Dannyanon No. 785559


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Dannyanon No. 785584

Dannyanon No. 785586

now I'm at 864ish pictures drawn for npg I kinda want to draw every character before 1000

Anonymous No. 785589

Damn dude, that's gonna be a hefty task, will you even draw the secret hidden characters?

Dannyanon No. 785590

what hidden characters?

Anonymous No. 785591

>What Hidden Characters
What hidden characters, he says, what secret hidden characters, OH LORDY.
All I know if is the seasonal ones
-Candy Corn Lady

Dannyanon No. 785592

oh you mean the wiki only characters?

Anonymous No. 785593

Perhaps... Perhaps... Then again I am very insane and I probably hallucinated a few characters or concepts.

Dannyanon No. 785600

it's summer all the characters are at the lake who can and who can't skip stones and if yes how far can they get

Danny can but they don't get past like 3 or 4 hops unless he cheats

Wendy can't she either just launches them across the whole lake or does it to soft and they immediately sink

Lon: yes he can clear the lake easy

ula: no not even in her prior identity

vera: yeah she can do half maybe a 100 or so ft she had almost 200 years of practice

Ragdoll no

teacup yeah she uses physics to get hers to make it quarter way through the lake

blackcat yeah but she can only do it like a 3rd of the time and she only ever did like 2 hops so far

Vanessa: yeah she got it to clear the lake once

Fiona: no

Dogman: yeah he can do a little bit he tiny dog hands are a problem but he uses science to make up for it

Jonesy: yes when she was alive she could do like one or two skips but now she avoids the lake

Ingrid: no she can't get the motion right

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Anonymous No. 785623

Smeet is my hero
I wanna draw like him

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Anonymous No. 785628

This but with Max.

Anonymous No. 785629

I like the nazi edit better, which for the longest time, I thought it was the legit one... Unless this is an edit?

Dannyanon No. 785632

episode where Danny and Vera while hanging out with les blows on a conch shell that was under her bed that she warned him not to toot but Danny toots what he pleases

>it turns out it was from a another fish person that saw les as a goddess and wanted to marry her.

>she was too polite to turn him down and just said she wasn't ready so he gave her the conch shell to blow when she was.

> now he's back super buff and ready for marriage he even brought a priest and everything for the wedding to happen right now.

> Danny tries to sneak out the back but les catches him and the three of them awkwardly pretends to be engaged so he can't marry her

> so the Fishman challenges Danny and Vera to a fight to the death winner gets to marry les

Anonymous No. 785633

if this doesn't end in Calamari fucking the fishman, then you can keep it

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Leslieanon No. 785639

Beach ready Leslie
(Has to go to Florida to visit family.)

Anonymous No. 785641


Leslieanon No. 785642

What do you mean "Uh-Oh"?

Anonymous No. 785643

Nigga you ever been to Florida? I went there one time, and that shit was terrible.
Florida is where the old go to die, the crazy get crazier and decent folk like me and Leslie go to get humbled or fucking folded mentally.

Leslieanon No. 785650

Poor girl's gonna lose it and become the Gator Queen...

Dannyanon No. 785653

it does now

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don&#039;t have t....png

Anonymous No. 785657

the "Leslie goes to Florida" episode is the "Pip" episode equivalent of North park
>It's only her and her family and they need to carry the entire episode themselves or die trying

Leslieanon No. 785658

Starts off normal, just a visit to her uncles, ends with them forming a gator cult while high on bath salts.
Episode end with them returning home disheveled while looking mortified, Gracie's missing her leg, Mike is completely bald, Leslie has an eye patch, Eveline's in a wheelchair.

Dannyanon No. 785659

They are at the airport and forgot to book the Hotel during a holiday so it's super expensive at one point they call Danny to see if he can loan them money but it's embarrassing to ask and are just having a realistic argument about it episode called the houbins (I think that's how you spell it) goes to Florida

Dannyanon No. 785663

why is her sister missing a leg?

Anonymous No. 785664

maizeby almost consumed her

Leslieanon No. 785665

Born like that.

Dannyanon No. 785668

Vera and Danny realize this guy's going to murder them if they fight so they decide to spend the day before the fight trying to get him to see that there's other fish in the sea.

>they spend the whole day failing to get him to get the hots for another woman

>they every so often see calamari and the Fishman talking or interacting before Danny and Vera try to pull him somewhere else.

> by the next morning they think they failed and are ready to die but when he doesn't show up to the fight they go check at the hotel they left him in

>they see him and calamari getting it on he decides he is not into women but men and decide to go to San Francisco to be a gay fish.

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Dannyanon No. 785677

Dannyanon No. 785678

Vera gets childishly jealous of Ashley when she gets around ula pretending to be her little sister and they play together.

Dannyanon No. 785682

episode where Dr cates and Barbara's parents comes to visit we find out they own Dr cates' house it's her childhood home they just let her live there since they're retired and moved to like Florida or Arizona or something. while they're there they are treating her like a child and in turn she's acting like an embarrassed teenager. Danny and Wendy come in to foil her plans only to be sat down by her parents and shown her and Barbara's childhood pictures thinking they are her friends. I imagine the cat girls are just putty in their grandparents arms since they actually showing them love and affection.

I feel like they should be a wild third act twist maybe they're in a cult or something

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Anonymous No. 785684

muddy buddies

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Dannyanon No. 785685

Danny and Vera going to the lake, but not quite at there wear

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Anonymous No. 785687

I wanna know more about Fitzroy's uncle

Anonymous No. 785690

He's sort of like Jimbo from South park, but nerdier and more interested in military stuff over hunting. Owns a military antique store in town, and is into historical battle reenactment and wargaming.
He's a bit shady in some of the stuff he obtains and sells, if anyone were to sell ninja weapons to the kids it'd probably be him. He's a vet himself, although with the sliding timeframe I have no idea which war he would have thought in. But Vietnam is a good bet if the timeframe starts in the late 90s.

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Buried treasure.png

Anonymous No. 785699

Dannyanon No. 785702

This is the thing that actually kills Hansel but due to North Park weirdness he wakes up in his alley earlier that morning the day repeated itself. he's in a Time Loop that always ends with Hansel somehow blowing up a gas line killing himself.

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Anonymous No. 785711


Dannyanon No. 785735

actually produce something that draws people in

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Anonymous No. 785736

It's quite simple really, we uhh...kill the batma-I mean, kill the glitterbug

Anonymous No. 785737


Honestly, dude, that's not gonna happen, we're a niche community of weirdos, on an already niche board, drawing adventures with our OC donut steels, sometimes writing up episodes, sometimes doing voice stuff, albeit rarely, but at the end of the day this is as good as it gets.

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Anonymous No. 785738

fanfiction and tumblr headcanons
That'll draw in the SP twitter folks, they have the time and talent

Dannyanon No. 785739

The question is do we want people from Twitter?

Anonymous No. 785740

I find it cringe when people try to bring up North Park on /co/ or other places. It isn't like we are really scraping for new art, we still get plenty of stuff to the point last thread made it to image limit.

Anonymous No. 785741

If people from Twitter came here, I'd be cooked, I'd be done, do you know how many terrible things I've posted here?

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Anonymous No. 785742

well either we keep our dignity, gatekeep and die off in the next two years
we open the gates and ruin everything for everyone, but maybe we'll get some good fanart from time to time

pretty hard decision i know.

Dannyanon No. 785743

or we only get called pedophiles by Twitter and becomes laughing stocks on the internet and people recognize our styles so if we try anything else they say aren't you from the weird south park fanart 4 chan group

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Anonymous No. 785744

We're so divorced from /co/ now, i can't even recognize the threads I like anymore. /COMFY/ south park threads is never EVER coming back
you're right. We gotta take this shit to our graves.

Dannyanon No. 785745

lord tyranny escapes his army surrounds the villains says "no one puts baby in the corner"

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Anonymous No. 785746

AHA!! Clockwork knew they'd do that because she saw the future of the last timeline where he escaped. Now deal with her conclave.

Dannyanon No. 785747

lord tyranny: lol There's only like two of them what you can't afford more on your payroll

Anonymous No. 785750
The people at town hall were very mean to me today...

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Anonymous No. 785751


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Anonymous No. 785753

This but with Sasha

Dannyanon No. 785754

totallynotavampire33: you sure he looks like a faggot to me?

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Lolcow farmer No. 785755

>totallynotavampire33: you sure he looks like a faggot to me?

totallynotavampire33 No. 785759

oh fuck you Flynn

Dannyanon No. 785761

Danny tried to start a slow clap but stopped when no one joined in

Anonymous No. 785762

Danny's a good kid, I'm imagining he just claps a few times but then it gets really awkward because everyone looks to him, eyes only, and he quickly sits down.

Dannyanon No. 785763

you know what I think since les is from the 90s and I imagine she is totally for calling people faggots and retarded because that how we spoke back then she she would also join but again she would stop when it's just those two

Dannyanon No. 785765

shit made me laugh anon

Anonymous No. 785766

This whole situation is weird, I just don't want to open the floodgates for twitterpeople.
Others are welcome if they can handle the insanity and find us, like we're a good burger spot or something.

Dannyanon No. 785767

I hope the troll isn't taking notes hopefully they moved along I would hate for us to have another lizzy or dream child on our hands

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Anonymous No. 785768

Dream Child wasn't underraged9(I hope not at least) it was just that his autism was, funnily enough, too autistic for us

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Anonymous No. 785769

I still don't remember Lizzy being trollish but it felt very.. Deviant-Art OCish at times.

>Dream Child
I barely remember this, what happened now? Was he like a timespace traveler or something?

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Anonymous No. 785770

pretty simple, he was just your average forest child spirit who did magic and...that's it. He had an entire crew of magical creatures and they all lived in the abandoned ruins of NorthPark Fun Land. I liked it because it gave us a reason to use the amusement park.
Unfortunately, the creator had the wrong idea as to what genre this project was and was trying to turn it SCP-esque where the whole focus should be on the magical creatures and the backstory of dream child(and boy, did he have a backstory) that was less coherent than Max's
It was too much for us and we kicked Dreamanon out of our clubhouse and into the Sped class IRL and we never heard of him ever again.
Oh, also he wouldn't draw, he would post cat pictures that didn't relate to anything. I think he might of been max's split personality

Dannyanon No. 785771

After reading this I still don't understand how I'm still around

Anonymous No. 785772

>He wouldn't draw
C-Couldn't be me, Anon...
Jesus Christ, it's hitting me now, I think I tuned this little nigga out.
But Lizzy is such a blur to me, she came as quickly as she went, I think I tuned her out too.

Well Danny, I don't mean to speak for anyone besides myself, however despite you and your characters going off on their little adventures and tangents and veering into the super natural
1. You provide stuff to the threads, you're not a filthy little shitposter.
2. Even though it's more comedy-horror, than the absurdism of early SP, it still has the spirit of early SP
I mean Hansel went on a goddamn space Adventure, sometimes you gotta break a few omelettes to bake an egg.
Plus you keep it on topic.

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Anonymous No. 785773

I want Dr. Cates/Vanessa/Black cat to ravish me until I'm as cold as Cate's sister, so that's why i haven't killed you yet.

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who the hell is M....png

Anonymous No. 785774

You've introduced me to Chula/Rush, and now I can't help but make them endgame.

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Anonymous No. 785775


Anonymous No. 785776

Press 'R' to RAPE

Leslieanon No. 785777

I mean, I've posted Leslie out in the wild before, but without anyone else but her family, context of the thread, or any lewd pics, she's just a South Park OC.

Anonymous No. 785778

no one has posted more terrible things than me

Anonymous No. 785779

I gotta draw Drew giving Slappy that Sloppy Toppy, then.

Anonymous No. 785780

I need to draw Mr. Smiles finally getting sick of Leslie's shit and correcting her

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Leslieanon No. 785782

But anon... We already have Leslie correction...

Dannyanon No. 785784

episode where Vera gets so jealous of chaz stealing her big sister from her that she uses her vampiric hypnosis to make him gay.

Ula tries to command her to undo it but Vera isn't budging so ula uses her memory of their old days in the vampire clan to use Vera's hypnosis trigger words that the other vamps put on her as a goof. till she embarrassed enough to undo the one she put on chaz

meanwhile gay chaz organizes an orge with all the gay men in town but his hypnosis is broken before it starts and he tries to get out of there but he get a severe case of butt hurt if you catch my drift

Dannyanon No. 785785

I see no timeline where this isn't a very toxic relationship

Dannyanon No. 785798


here's your reminder to color this

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cat lingerie.jpg

Anonymous No. 785800

When are we getting art of the cat girls wearing these?

Dannyanon No. 785801

Someone has to take advantage of they're naivety to get them to wear this the question is who though.... it's fish boy

Anonymous No. 785802

trick them into thinking it's their new ninja uniform so they go around town dressed like that instead

Dannyanon No. 785803

fb:Yeah this is a super effective new battle armor

I imagine it worked well until tilly saw them and set them straight good thing it was summer so it wasn't cold

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Anonymous No. 785805

Found a wild dollar store Danny in the wild

Dannyanon No. 785806

looks like linus

Leslieanon No. 785807

Great Value Park, town filled with legally distinct versions of both North and South Park characters, may just be an alien camp and they're trying to mimic humans they saw.

Dannyanon No. 785808

Isn't that just the same premise of the AI Invasion of the Body Snatchers thing we did last thread?

Dannyanon No. 785809

I imagine they don't know that this isn't super armor they just think they have to wait until they're older to wear this and they shouldn't do it in public

I imagine Dr cates did it even though they were wearing that she doesn't pay that much attention to them

Dannyanon No. 785810

This feels like that scene from a crazy nights where the town finally recognize Whitey

Leslieanon No. 785811

I was thinking less body snatchers, more aliens trying to fake being human so no one can point at them and go "Hey those are aliens! Let's dissect them!"
Also they look like the difference between Bob Marley and Bob Charlie, and not AI demons.

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Dannyanon No. 785813

no wonder he surrounded by water. Motherfucker’s always thirsty.

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Dannyanon No. 785815


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Dannyanon No. 785817


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Dannyanon No. 785819


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Leslieanon No. 785820

Ooo, kinky.

Dannyanon No. 785821

does this mean Mazie has a bad end where she always stays with maizby

Dannyanon No. 785823

Bram looking at this jealous "me next mistress ula I've been a bad boy"

Dannyanon No. 785824

Vera: of course you want your $2 Right this way sir through that door

Anonymous No. 785840

We need to somehow remain in canon while allowing the fanon to give us fanart and fanfics. We need *somehow* a board of directors to stay at the top of the tower.
This requires some form of identification so nobody can copy us. Everyone making accounts on Wikia. Everybody using *shudders* a tripfag I mean a tripcode.
So that the fanon doesn't suddenly come out and say "Hansel has a brother" or "Max has a sister"
in case that ever happens the real HanselAnon pops out and says "No he doesn't" and the real Max comes out and says "That was just Max in disguise... he also hired a random background girl to read off a script to pretend to be him when they were in the same room".
The fanon has to follow the canon.

Anonymous No. 785842

Here are my mandated rules that must never be broken in canon(unless the story really calls for it, then go nuts I guess)
>Trisha's brothers/Jerry's dad/Ester's parents/etc must never be seen unless it's a special event
>Everyone who is crippled stays crippled, even if they temporarily become able bodied
>Billie must never have both eyes open
>Same rules for Kenny apply to Blenny and to a lesser extent; Squirrel Boy
>Chaz can never have full on sex with Patricia, not even implied, Chaplyn will always shut that down
>Don't let Dizzy go either full tard or full nazi unless it's an endgame scenario
>Don't let Maizby/Uisas actually get it on with any important kids(unless it's Cassie) just chuck a background kid in there

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a little catnip c....png

Anonymous No. 785843


Dannyanon No. 785844

Or hear me out we just let people naturally filter in (and of course a few out) they'll understand the vibe the do's and don'ts

Anonymous No. 785845

If we're setting down rules for our characters, I'll for mine, too then, fuck it.
>Slappy doesn't hate his job, he loves his job, he loves his life, and loves Drew, despite her insane adventures, do not judge Slappy just because of his appearances, he's a family man, not a sleazoid, however him being CONFUSED for a Sleazy pervert can be done, but bills and long work days exhaust the poor man, do not confuse constant exhaustion with being tired of his family.
>Drew's obsessed with sitcoms, she doesn't like anime, she doesn't like cartoons, or anything, she will only play video games or buy merch if they are sitcom related, she also has a crush on people like Don Knotts, Micheal Richards or even, and god forgive me for saying this Kevin James, she likes someone who can make her laugh.
>Beansy NEVER SPEAKS, BEANSY WILL COMMUNICATE VIA USING HER TONGue to make fart noises, however these fart noises can resemble sentences or songs, but in reality they are just fart noises, there may be certain specific exceptions, MAY.
>Stan The Weed Man literally drove through a time portal from the 70s, he thinks weed is hella illegal and will always panic, but he's not above selling to kids
>Sabrina's boobs simply exist, her costumes and schemes revolve around her boobs, not showing them off for money, that's too easy but the old milkstand or a bike/carwash, keep it classy, but not too classy.

I refuse.
But we all know someone will break the rules

Dannyanon No. 785846

It doesn't need to be this complicated we're just a group of anons who like to draw and write about this silly little town.

yes we're going to die one day but you must remember sometimes dead is better. we don't want to end up like SCP or have tons of inner drama about the sexualization of certain underage characters and the lack of diversity every other week because we have hundreds of different members each with different ideas of what NorthPark is and keeping up any semblance of a Canon is impossible

Dannyanon No. 785847

sold exclusively at the maid Cafe I have no idea how that place isn't being rated by the FBI

Anonymous No. 785848

What's new pussy cat?

Dannyanon No. 785851

if you want fan art of specific character just post OC art of that character on Twitter without the context of North Park or a way to trace it back here and pray that you get a following

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Anonymous No. 785852

I'm a flexible guy, just ask Dellyanon. I won't police other anons just for breaking canon to do what they want, I like seeing different interpretations.
I just have my own preferences and I like having rules in general so everyone is on the same track, y'know?

Dannyanon No. 785854

let me be more specific make new art don't post some of ours on Twitter

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Anonymous No. 785855

What if I posted this on Twitter? Would you guys be okay with that?

Anonymous No. 785856

I wish we had a porn archive.

Dannyanon No. 785857

if you want to but they might eat you alive so good luck with that

Dannyanon No. 785858

The only rules I have is

>Danny crush on Dr cates is secret and only a few people know this tt, les, slappy and Vera

> there can be signs of Danny's bisexuality but he doesn't know till high-school

> Vanessa is not a monster/ supernatural fucker she hates those things with all her heart

>the catgirls are silly and naive but not incompetent

Dannyanon No. 785859

>the catgirls are silly and naive but not incompetent or stupid you can't trick them with the same thing twice

Anonymous No. 785860

we could use more north park smut. anyone have any ideas?

Anonymous No. 785862

Cripplefucker putting an extra hole in Asimov-2

Anonymous No. 785863

Sabrina titty-fuck recorded live on camera.

Anonymous No. 785871

I'm not much for smut since it either requires good looking bodies or very creative & funny erotica, cause else I got something else that's equally redboard related ... and the Hazbin Hotel fandom would love my kind of love.
Also not sure these would even work in 1 image.

0) Max covered in blood shoving a javelin through Penny while he laughs maniacally, saying "Jerry is for Trisha".

1) Jerry & Trisha stuck in a bunker with video games & food to last them a year. Max uses it as a hideout for the bodie-- I mean a cool secret clubhouse underground yeaah.
2) Max taking it a little bit step further, strapping Jerry & Trisha with bombs, holding a sniper to their heads as they're forced on a romantic dinner date and Max with a magnum shoved to Trisha's head (cause she's the straightman reasonable one and also not as stubborn as Jerry) forced her to kiss a Jerry all tied up and strapped to the chair.

Max wearing a black suit with a kissing booth and a smirk on his face.
>Kiss; $3.50
>"Special" ; 5 cents.
"Special: Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all "

Max takes out anyone out on a romantic date then throws them in the background straight in a coffin where they belong. He smiles at your coffin as he closes the lid.
Careful what philosophy you aspire to.

Max & Mandy wrestling in the mud.
>Retarded boys are taking pics thinking they're watching 2 girls getting it on.
>I told you people will think we're lesbian, wrestling is the most non straight thing possible.
>"Damn Mandy we knew your father was cheating on your mom, but not that badly, who's your new brown-skinned blonde sister?" (Max is covered in mud from face to toes, but not his glorious blonde goldielocks hair).

(not)Dannyanon No. 785877


I request max getting blacked the less fun it looks like he's having the better

(not)Dannyanon No. 785878

Jonesy accidentally getting stucked on a porn site and getting train ran on her

Leslieanon No. 785879

My personal yet not set in stone rules.
>Anything lewd with Leslie must have her submissive, anything having her initiating lewd stuff is non-canon
>Leslie must be enthusiastic about larps.
>Unless time travel/ghost stuff is involved, never draw Leslie meeting her dad if she's over 2 years old.

MaxAnon No. 785881

There's 2 kinds of men who write female characters;
>Leslie must have her submissive, anything having her initiating lewd stuff is non-canon.
>Me: My daughters must bathe in the blood of their enemies before they cowgirl ride you into submission and milk you dry. I wish Gretel was my daughter, but no problem I'll make some of my own.

DrewAnon (REAL) No. 785882

damn :(

Dannyanon No. 785883

a few more I thought of. you can do them I just won't consider it canonical

>Danny and Wendy's dad and grandparents that aren't aware of their adventures their mom kinda knows she just not very responsible

>Vera is Greedy but not heartless

> no Danny and Wendy incesting

> Danny in the present shouldn't be in a committed romantic relationship

> teacup and cringe kid's thing shouldn't be fully stated

> the catgirls have no malice towards anyone besides doctor toades mainly due to how he treats his creations and the future dr Cates will be on their short list

> only Trisha knows dr dogman is a dog

> Dogman can't speak only make snoopy noises and everyone understands him

Dannyanon No. 785897

episode where Leslie gets stuck on those swing seats for babies after being dared by Jerry and a crowd of kids to climb inside one. they ditch her after realizing that they might get in trouble for this after a hour or so Dorothy, Ashley, and Danny ( Dorothy and Ashley brought him to help since they figuredhe knew what to do ) find her and have to take her to Vera shop so they can cut her out of the seat before it time to go home for the night. they try to avoid most adults since Leslie is afraid she'd get in trouble if emergency services is called.

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Anonymous No. 785917

Leslieanon No. 785918



Anonymous No. 785924

God, and the lord Jesus Christ will win.

Dannyanon No. 785927

which one do I shoot

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Dannyanon No. 785947


In Ula’s last desperate attempt to get Vera to unhand her hold on Chaz’s mind she summoned vera split personality, Amelia.

Amelia is a personality created by the vampire clan ula and Vera was a part of as a goof after being annoyed by Vera constantly complaining about being a child forever they made this separate personality, a polite, sickeningly innocent and upbeat, young girl that can only be summoned out of Vera‘s mind if a special song is sung that only Ula and a few survivors of the château massacre of 1890 knows.

Vera really doesn’t like Amelia at all and will run in terror. The moment the first couple notes is sung of her song

Also Ula original name is countess Charlotte

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Dannyanon No. 785949

no impromptu scams people are mistaken Les for being the mean one out of the two , half the business in town is closed for a few days and the local economy is starting to crash. Yeah these two need to get her back quick

also she shaved her pink hair so her blonde hair would instantly grow back

Dannyanon No. 785951

max tries to take advantage to groom Vera ( Amelia) in this state

Anonymous No. 785956

I'm going to write a canonfic , cause apparently you can't call them fanfic if you're the creator.

It's going to be a detective episode about a Serial Kisser, but I don't know who to make the main detective, any ideas?
Also any suggestions for how to spice up the story? Red Dragon+Silence of the Lambs had a very good mechanic/idea of making one of the criminals give hints to the puzzle, almost act like a mentor and for the detective to almost be a psychic.

🗑️ Dannyanon No. 785963

you not going like who I suggest but he is a conical pychic its Danny

Dannyanon No. 785964

Danny and les has to travel in Vera's mind to undo what ula did since she forgot how to undo the hypnosis

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Anonymous No. 785966


Anonymous No. 785967

Have it be that the serial kisser puts in hints that the detective is also on the hot list, it'll give an air of danger as they could be kissed any moment before they solve the mystery

Dannyanon No. 785969

Sid it put in his real name as his account name that's quite Reckless for him

Dannyanon No. 785970

just_Jonesy fat tits and a fat cock how lucky can one girl gets?

Anonymous No. 785974

I--Didn't expect this, thank you, kind sir.

Anonymous No. 785976

This really her her ranking in the CKbowl

Anonymous No. 785977

Hurts her ranking I mean

Anonymous No. 785978

That relationship was dead before it even began, died faster than Fiona would have on an escalator

Anonymous No. 785980

I really don't know who kept pushing that ship, I never was crazy about it, it made no sense, Sabrina doesn't even have a personality besides 'Valley Girl' if that.

Anonymous No. 785981

I think it was just giving the lamest kid you'd expect to be a turbo virgin his whole life the big tiddy slut gf. Although, since Cringe Kid is generally characterised as the opposite of a lame virgin despite his initial concept these days that subversion doesn't really work.

Anonymous No. 785983

Now Sabrina's the lame turbovirgin, I like it, can't get a date to save her life and relegated to the background.
That's funny enough to me.

Anonymous No. 785984

Well, she may not be able to get a steady boyfriend, but judging by art she’s at least gonna be able to squeeze her tits around the cocks of fat older men for money. Maybe one of her futures is being a pornstar or onlyfans model.

Anonymous No. 785985

>Maybe one of her futures is being a porn star or Onlyfans model
This depresses me to no end, it's too real, I doubt she'd let herself go that route, she'd rather live in obscurity as "That chick who showed her tit in that one horror movie."

Dannyanon No. 785988

even in her lonely porn star future she's way out fylnn league though he at least has access to her nudes

Dannyanon No. 785989

OK whose the lamest virgin now that this isn't cringe kid I vote fylnn

Anonymous No. 785991

Melville is disqualified because he doesn't deserve to be #1 in any fashion, even when it comes to being the lamest

Leslieanon No. 785996

I'm still rooting for her.

Anonymous No. 785997

you guys ever feel time displacement

Dannyanon No. 785999

I never liked the ck x Danny or teacup thing so me too

Anonymous No. 786000

Why not ship CK with someone else?

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my thither.png

Anonymous No. 786001

awww, our first ship war...*sniff*

what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 786002

Good idea.

Still any suggestions who to make the main the main detective? maybe make 2 of them or give the detective an assistant too?
I was thinking Nancy would be too obvious and she's a reporter not a detective.
I was thinking between Jerry or Cassandra, maybe even a team-up since they're so rare.

Anonymous No. 786004

ooh, I like Cassie. She's a Stacy, so you know she'll do anything to get what she wants. Although, you'll need a good cop to balance out her bad cop. Jerry would just mope and threaten witness all the time, if he even bothers to show up.

Dannyanon No. 786014

if you need a pychic detective Danny's your guy though this is beneath him but I can see Cassandra dragging him to help .

OK I can see a few fun ones

ck and Rayne is a fun contrast the dork and goth is a great shipping dynamic

ck and Wendy big um he asked for no pickles energy

ck and Jonesy a child warped by the internet going out with a living embodiment of the internet bonus points for if ck also dies and becomes an cyber ghost

Dannyanon No. 786021

also for ck and Jonesy have it implied that she got stockhom syndromed so hard by ck accidentally stringing her along that one time that she worship the CK cock

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Leslieanon No. 786022

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Leslieanon No. 786023

Blank version for those who want her to say totally true things!

Anonymous No. 786024

I'm trying Leslie, I'm trying.

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Anonymous No. 786026

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Anonymous No. 786029

Anonymous No. 786030

I suppose that's one way to describe a child's penis

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Dannyanon No. 786039


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Dannyanon No. 786040

Inside Vera story

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Dannyanon No. 786041

Amelia the split personality, shattered and scattered the original personality of Vera in the hopes that she will never take control again and she will remain in control.

Its up Danny and les and typically a rotating cast of memory versions of characters that represents some psychological concept to travel the recesses of Vera’s mind and memories to gather her back together again and Defeat the charmingly sweet and innocent, but evil Amelia.

I imagine it’s Mario and Luigi style RPG

Dannyanon No. 786042

I'm imagining this game would be Psychonaughts meets the Mario and Luigi RPG series

I'm imagining each boss is one of our villain characters mixed with a a fear or some sort of negative aspect of her that match the character they paired with and little tidbits Vera actually knows about them especially since she knows a lot about everybody

Dannyanon No. 786047

I can see a grim reaper theamed blenny representing her fear of those around her dying

a casino owner succubus ula represent her lustful for money (and love) the whole time Danny is unsure if les is being willfully ignorant of her being a big theme of the stage also Danny is surprised to see himself, Atticus, Mac tonight, nurse Maggie, Wendy, principle kiddy, and the catgirls are also there as minor crushes

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Dannyanon No. 786065


Dannyanon No. 786067

BTW I forgot to mention this but I'm considering this a fake sequel or predecessor to that fake game with the dinosaur strippers I pitched like two or three threads ago

Maybe instead of just memory versions of the characters since outside of veras mind it appears Danny and les are just sleeping on a couch somewhere and for some reason people just keep joining them and when they sleep next to them they join in the dream and tag along the adventure

Leslieanon No. 786076

Leslie 2 panel instant loss

Dannyanon No. 786078

dammit Leslieanon now you made me think of some more smut ideas I wanna try drawing but I gotta know the rules on /I/ so I might have to catbox some of those drawings

three panels comic 1st panel Jonesy telling an anon before blowing him to warn her when he going to cum 2nd panel Jonesy in the middle of blowing him realizes he’s about to cum 3rd panel her at his grave saying she told him to warn her anons grave stone saying he died doing what he loved.

this ones kinda just implied Vanessa desperately reaching for her crossbow her face terrified and flustered as she being dragged off by a tentacle and momo in the background jealous

Fiona seeing the blow job scene in Ghostbusters and tries it on an anon staying at the cheatu

a noncanon comic remake of that shadman gravity falls comic but with Danny and Wendy but Wendy puts on the goggles and sees Zach

Dannyanon No. 786079

Vera tries being a vender at an anime convention her and ula are working a both ula's bored and vera's hyped about getting a ton of money. ula let it slips that they are both over the age of 18 then they get surrounded by ton of dudes. montage of them getting fucked in various ways vera isn't taking it well due to inexperience and not really being into it and ula is into it and being a little smug they both end up passed out covered in cum and cash after it all ula Wants to go back again vera's is like never again.

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looking at you Cr....png

Anonymous No. 786082

So what have we learned in this thread?

Dannyanon No. 786083

Dogman has a 2nd persona

we have a digital cyber demon in town

I'm not so blue board as I thought I was

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Leslieanon No. 786084


Dannyanon No. 786085

you're gonna have to explain what the grapefruit means

Leslieanon No. 786086

Quoting some Reddit post: "You basically cut a penis-sized hole in a grapefruit along its equator (i.e, not from the stem end) and use it as a fleshlight or a supplement to BJ."

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Anonymous No. 786087


Anonymous No. 786089

Mac Tonight and Bobby Norman

Anonymous No. 786090

All the daddys here fucking SUCK.

Anonymous No. 786093

Bennett just because none of them want to fuck you doesn't mean they suck.

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Anonymous No. 786095

that's not fair to all of them, someone should help them lighten the load

Anonymous No. 786100

>tfw just want to fuck Bennett until he cries like a bitch in heat
I'm a freak, for real.. :(

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Dannyanon No. 786105


Nothing lewd going on over here just two girls at least over there first century enjoying an anime convention

Dannyanon No. 786106


the (lolli)con would be the perfect name for the comic

Dannyanon No. 786107

Shit I meant the long (loli)con

Anonymous No. 786110

I'd fuck the shit out of Gretel, specifically, I'd do it in Hansel's body

Anonymous No. 786115

For me it's Georgina and a desperate Sabrina giving me a tittyfuck.
Maybe a sloppy Leslie BJ.

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Dannyanon No. 786117

Vera: Ula I don’t think it’s gonna fit

Ula : don’t worry you’re pretty little head with enough effort it’ll fit

Leslieanon No. 786118

She'll misunderstand at first, but if told what to do, she's a throat GOAT

Anonymous No. 786119

>Horny namefags
I love it.

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Dannyanon No. 786121

she’ll let you take a bite for a bite

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Dannyanon No. 786124

this is the last horny post for now this is the one where I jumped the shark folks

Anonymous No. 786125

I've got something coming soon I've been working on the last few days

Anonymous No. 786127

Based Daniel, I jumped the shark early, but nobody remembers it or wants to.

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Anonymous No. 786129

Inspired by this prompt, tried my hand at a full porn comic. Decided to go pretty silly with it. It took a lot of work but if it turns out good and is received well I'd consider making more projects like this.

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Anonymous No. 786130


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Anonymous No. 786131


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Anonymous No. 786132


Dannyanon No. 786133

Holy shit this is great! thanks a lot anon

Anonymous No. 786135

Glad you like it, if you have any more ideas or suggestions for if I make future comics like this do bring them up. There was some ideas suggested earlier so also point those out if you want me to try any of those. The caveat being no loli/shota, regardless of the suggestion it'll have to be aged up.

Dannyanon No. 786137

i got this one if you want to do it aged up Fiona seeing the blow job scene in Ghostbusters and tries it on an anon staying at the cheatu

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Dannyanon No. 786143


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Dannyanon No. 786146

And also the other one was my last one but I wanted to service some fans just like this picture that promise was not Canon

Anonymous No. 786147

how wonderfully degenerate you all are, it makes me more mad that I can't participate just yet.

Dannyanon No. 786149

What you waiting on Anon?

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The coffin of Han....png

Anonymous No. 786156

Contrary to popular belief, Gretel's relationship with her brother is not incestuous.

Anonymous No. 786168

Honestly, you're making me wanna draw North Park again, I may finally make that fat bastard self-insert pic I promised eons ago in another life.

Anonymous No. 786169

neither was that game.

Anonymous No. 786171

>fat bastard self-insert
ooohh, i hope it's Rick or Piggleston...maybe even Teddy

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Dannyanon No. 786172

You know Chula had to be involved in the smutpocalypse of page 10

Thank you that's actually good to hear

Anonymous No. 786173

Anon, how can I can self-insert into them if they all have fat wieners.
It's gonna just be a fat non-descript guy.

Anonymous No. 786174

damn, I guess I'll just headcanon them as humanized Bobland
*Shef's Kiss*

Anonymous No. 786175

>Humanized Bobland
We need this soon, would be funny if he's just hairless as a human, no eyebrows or eyelashes

Anonymous No. 786176

>I may finally make that fat bastard self-insert pic I promised eons ago in another life.
I remember that lol
Which character would the self insert be fucking again?

Anonymous No. 786178

Song-Hui Peng

Anonymous No. 786180

Well, my tastes have changed over time, it can go either way.
Part of me wanted to do Lisa, or Georgina, now I'm thinking maybe Leslie, but the lure of the stinky NEET might be too much.
Plus she hasn't gotten much love in ages, and what's better than love from some fat weirdo while she shitposts?

nigga gtfo here if the self-insert is fucking a guy it's Bennett or MAYBE PERHAPS Dizzy.

Anonymous No. 786182

If you do end up making it I might also make something featuring one of those girls (aged up though) with a small penis fat guy.

Anonymous No. 786183

This motivates me even more.

Anonymous No. 786184

>a small penis fat guy.
I told you that in CONFIDENCE

Anonymous No. 786185

drewanon please stop bragging

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Dannyanon No. 786187

The smutpocalypse invaded the hero RP . If Miss chill was being honest she sort of led him into doing this

my favorite or 2nd favorite Danny ship at the moment

Dannyanon No. 786188

fixed a minor grammar issue

Leslieanon No. 786194

Damn, a bunch of you want to fuck Leslie, huh?

Anonymous No. 786200

She looks really sweaty, and she seems pretty cool, a lot of the Leslie thirstposting has been me.

Anonymous No. 786201

not me, I want to watch her being fucked

Dannyanon No. 786203


Dannyanon No. 786209

I might keep postibg smut as regular post bump limit content it's surprisingly fun

Leo No. 786210

You're a perv, Danny!

Anonymous No. 786216

I've been busy with Nine Sols and Outlaw Star to get anything going.

Anonymous No. 786217

take your time, enjoy your slop

Dannyanon No. 786221

and your leo

Leslieanon No. 786225

Damn, I must have hit the design jackpot.

Anonymous No. 786227

I'm just a sick fuck, sorry, but you're all stuck with me until I go into hyperstasis once more.

Leo No. 786228

We need more Lewds Danny, more lewds for the Toades Project.

Dannyanon No. 786229

I'm not sure if this is you being schizo or telling us about a medical condition you have

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Dannyanon No. 786243

Nature finds a way

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Dannyanon No. 786253

Georgina finds the sex offender registry and decides to abuse it too bad for her they'd rather take prison then be her boyfriend

Leslieanon No. 786254

One other rule, and this one is required, no ifs ands or buts.

>No Melville x Leslie, for the LOVE of GOD
Also nice smut Dannyanon

Anonymous No. 786256

I just want you to know, the risk of Lesville showing up in the thread is more than zero now. I can't promise you your protection

Dannyanon No. 786257

If you didn't added that last part I would have done it just kidding


I might open a barag account after the thread archives to Archive my smut

Anonymous No. 786264

Ah yes... First of all on Melville's "Wild Wild Quest" is him fucking Leslie... Then raping Asimov... Pretending to be Crippled... Molesting the homeless.. Creampieing Slappy...
Mmm yes... Mm yess....

Leslieanon No. 786265

That sounds more like Max rather than Melville...

Anonymous No. 786266

Dannyanon, ho nomo, but I think you my thread crush right now because of your work ethic, I wish I had it.

I could be anyone, I could be Max, or you without the name on, but why would I (you) myself?

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Dannyanon No. 786271

this is actually Lorefield smut

This is actually Canon (in my head at least) no matter who Danny ends up with at the end. eight years in the future he comes back to town to rest for a bit before going back globetrotting ( I imagine him, Lon and Wendy left town two years prior when he was 16 she was 18). during this fate filled shore leave he fucks dr cates. this event would become a mistake that he doesn’t regret for many years (18 at the most) because she gets pregnant with twins. so now he makes North park once again his permanent home to see his kids

I imagine for Dr. cates since abandoning the cat girls and creating new ones that do not listen to her at all because they are more like cat like she kind of fell off. it’s hard for her to actually get equipment she needs since she has no one to steal it for her so she needs money now and when someone even an old enemy is offering her ton of cash she was desperate to take it. then she found out she had a goldmine in her hands because of child support. I imagine Danny just pays for her research because he’s worried that she’d spend all her money on science shit instead of their kids.

Thanks but to be fair is mainly because I switched my main source of entertainment from YouTube, fapping,and video games and to just draw on And I can’t finish a long-running thing to save my life

Anonymous No. 786272

>I switched my main source of entertainment from YouTube, fapping,and video games and to just draw on And I can’t finish a long-running thing to save my life
I feel this, all I do is draw nowadays, I barely play video games and if I do take a day off from drawing I feel like an unproductive tool, honestly this smut's been motivating me to draw some NP stuff, so who knows, maybe I'll finally stop flapping my gums and actually join you and the other drawfags in the anals of North Park History.
But then again, I'm just all talk.
But back on topic that's a hot pussy (giggity).

Dannyanon No. 786273

I imagine their relationship after that is just like Doofenshmirtz and his ex-wife except he knows that she's a mad scientist

Dannyanon No. 786275

Future Danny is a high school dropout though he would get his GED

Dannyanon No. 786277

Are you a Dropout if you got a GED at 16 what does that mean you just finished school early?

Leslieanon No. 786278

Kinda, all I could find is various things saying why you can get one at 16

Anonymous No. 786279

i got mine at 25-26 :(

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Anonymous No. 786281

I'm gonna write fanfiction of Chaz boning all his female schoolmates in the future, all the while T.T.'s appearance keeps changing in the present

Dannyanon No. 786283

We already got to set up story today if you want to use if I remember correctly Dr cates pays him to test out a cryogenic freezer it was supposed to be for 15 minutes but she accidentally set it for 15 years (originally it was just 8 years when everyone's about to graduate high school but 25 sounds better for your thing)

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Dannyanon No. 786293

Lydia tried to spread the word ended up spreading her legs

Anonymous No. 786294

on the bright side, this is going to make for one hell of a story in the confessional booth!

Dannyanon No. 786295

Funny because last week and this week's of Mormons came to my apartment and was talking to my brother

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Leslieanon No. 786298

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Dannyanon No. 786299

>you find yourself in the North Park public Library studying for some tests you know you're not going to pass.

>when you hear a a disembodied girlish voice call out to you. she's willing to help you pass that test if you do a favor for her.

>The Voice guides you through the maze like bookcases of the library into a Dusty old secluded room that looks like no one not even the Librarians or janitors come here.

>At first there's no one there but you you're afraid you've been tricked and when you're about to leave this room you hear the voice call out for you one more time

>when you turn around you're greeted by this she's willing to take that test for you but you have to satisfy her and she says she has a large appetite.

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Anonymous No. 786302

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>786298)

Dannyanon No. 786303

I imagine this is what she does after Danny left town ( after teaching her a bunch of neat ghost tricks like becoming temporarily corporeal) she finds college or high school students struggling with their grades to plow her for doing their school and homework she considers herself a charity worker

Anonymous No. 786304

kinda sad, but I guess what the fuck else is she going to do as a ghost? (y'know, besides moving on to the afterlife)

Dannyanon No. 786305

Considering that canonically in the South Park universe the correct religion ( at least in regards to judeo-christian side) is Mormonism and she's Jewish its literally this or hell.

She enjoys it plus This ain't the only thing she does

Dannyanon No. 786307

I imagine since she can broadcast her voice and become corporal for a little bit she actually has some relationship with her great niece Addison, her family and a few of the townfolk, I'd imagine she wrote a book or two, she probably hangs with the vamps and les , goes to ghost parties, and kind of unofficially became a librarian without the knowledge of the library staff.

Don't worry about her She's just a horned dog who likes to get plowed

Dannyanon No. 786309

I imagine She becomes a surprisingly good mother not like a good good mother but a lot better than you would expect especially considering what she did to her last set of children (though she considers them failed experiments than her children). I think them being her actual biological children definitely switch something in her brain so she's actually motherly towards them and cares for them.

I imagine Danny and the Thompsons had to practically fight her in the delivery room so she wouldn't name their children something stupid like Garfield or Nermal ( though they did compromise so that one of their middle names is Garfield)

She's surprisingly chill when it comes to visitation and is even actually somewhat assertive that Danny does play a role in their lives she literally build a Mecha fly to his location wherever in the world he is drag his ass to whatever event is going on so he could be there for his kids.

Maria internally seething that someone as inept as her gets to have actual biological children while she is as baren as a wasteland

I imagine Danny has to prepare a fuck load of frozen meals for them with simplistic heating instructions whenever he's in town so they can eat and not have to constantly get take out or they just head to the cheatu and get a free meal courtesy of their grandparents

All this wholesomeness replying to smut

Dannyanon No. 786310

>around Danny and Wendy's mid to late twenties that's when they finally decide to go back home for good having Adventure themselves out.

> it's their time to take on managerial positions at the Chateau but there can be only one so Danny just steps down and let Wendy's take the position.

>Danny opens up a little Roadside Attraction filled with clearly fake Supernatural things based on real things he has dealt with that people eat up (he basically makes the Mystery Shack) it's decently successful

>it doubles as a Ghostbusters type business in the Park County area. most people think he's full of shit but when they're in a Supernatural bind and call Him they soon realize he's the real deal and swear by him to they're non believing friends

Anonymous No. 786311

Weird endgame, but I can probably get behind this

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Dannyanon No. 786312

I think their relationship with the oh catgirls is a lot better than the catgirls with Dr. cates I they dont do sins of the father kinda grudges. though I think they’re spared from knowing that the cat cops, which is what they at that point in time were their mothers creation and kind of their half siblings.

Dannyanon No. 786313

* OG catninjas

Anonymous No. 786314

North park: the next generation
next thread

Anonymous No. 786319


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Anonymous No. 786322

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Anonymous No. 786323


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Anonymous No. 786324


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Dannyanon No. 786326

Since we're so close to the end why not end with a houbang. she has been told to shut the fuck up multiple times during the process.

Anonymous No. 786327

I actually hope the thread lasts a few more days, so I can finish collecting art from this one. So no one try and rush us to archiving quite yet.

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Anonymous No. 786328
Excuse the foul language and usage of the b word.

Anonymous No. 786329

I like your style you should draw more

Leslieanon No. 786330


Dannyanon No. 786331

I like how I was talking about a Mario and Luigi rpg like game with Danny and les and than a few days later they actually announced a new game in the series

Anonymous No. 786332

Paper Fiona and the thousand stepped stairs when?

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Dannyanon No. 786336

I thought we'd have les time then we do so I did another picture just for you

A follow up to an old picture maybe I'll do a sequel to this where nbn Danny is confused about why nbn les is fendoming him something about they have to keep a promise

Anonymous No. 786337

I hope he stuck it in her wound, that'd be hot

Dannyanon No. 786339

tt is worried about the fact that she doesn't know if this is her dad or not and she kinda getting turned on by watching them

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Dannyanon No. 786345


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Dannyanon No. 786348


Anonymous No. 786349

Thanks Anon, that means a lot to me, look forward to more smut and non-smut in the future.

From the Creator themselves, a real blessing, thank you Leslieanon.

Dannyanon No. 786350

Yeah you did some good work I was just checking them out again loved it

Anonymous No. 786351

Thanks man, I appreciate it! Can't wait to see what you've got baking in the oven, too.

Leslieanon No. 786352

No prob! You captured her semi-bratty submissiveness very well.

Anonymous No. 786353

Glad I could, when you said she'd be a throat GOAT, I just rolled with how I thought she'd handle the situation, I even visited the wiki the brush up on my Leslie knowledge as best I could.

Leslieanon No. 786354

Speaking of which, probably should edit the page...

Anonymous No. 786355

I'm curious... I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled.

Dannyanon No. 786356

Since I stated that the game would have been in vera's mind she just has this stuck in her head which I don't think she's too mad at since has a crush on both of them

Anonymous No. 786357

Does that mean Threesome soon?

Dannyanon No. 786358

Yeah but I was planning on another one so there's going to be two

Anonymous No. 786359

Yummy, I'll be back for seconds.

Leslieanon No. 786362

Added somethings to her page, would like some critique.

Anonymous No. 786363

i am partial to her pyromania, now when will she burn down the north park elementary so school's out forever?

Dannyanon No. 786364

its good it was stuff you mentioned throughout the threads you put into the wiki so that's good.

though you forgot to put spot when you said soft spot under Danny and Wendy's snippet.

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Anonymous No. 786365

already did

Leslieanon No. 786366

Thanks for pointing that out.

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Dannyanon No. 786368

They saved Vera now it's time for some post-game content

Anonymous No. 786369

Damn, that's a big booty.

Anonymous No. 786371

>No lewd art of the kids getting kissed by the serial kisser and looking like they got raped/murdered/got drugged off their asses.
For shame.

Dannyanon No. 786372

If we don't know who they are how can we show them getting kissed By them

Anonymous No. 786373

>No Lewd Art of of Maizy

Anonymous No. 786375

The aftermath you fool, the aftermath.

Anonymous No. 786377

EVERYONE is getting murderkissed/rapekissed.
Maizeby has competition.

Anonymous No. 786381
time management for you art kids

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Dannyanon No. 786383

Something I forgot to mention that would give some context to this picture.

during that fish Man story is that they actually had to marry les because if they didn't one her for many fish people suitors could have just swooped in and took her. so les drag them down the aisle and they got married but since it's only a magic marriage and not legally binding but also super hard to divorce so they just ignored it and kind of forgot about it until another episode where it becomes important.

I'm imagining the end scenario of this plot line is that they go to some sort of magic bureaucratic office to get a divorce claiming that since Danny will grow up and les and Vera would be kids forever their marriage can't possibly work one of two endings happen.

> the first the joke ending they keep danny a kid forever too and he just goes to life everyone thinking he's a midget.

>The second canon one ( if we decide this is a to make this canon) les and Vera's agelessness is suspended until so they grow into adulthood and then they once again are ageless so the marriage can work though they probably we'll just go back to ignoring it unless we want a canon end game thruple out of them.

Dannyanon No. 786385


Fixed a slight spelling mistake

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Dannyanon No. 786387

The sweetest ( when adults are looking) and most spoiled girl in school who people have swore they saw drunk blood before and the other is a really sweaty kid. He’s always wet bro. and they have two genius mad scientist half brothers

do you know what I’m planting endgame flag right here.

Dannyanon No. 786388

*Planting Danny’s endgame flag

Anonymous No. 786389

Gee Danny how come you get TWO loli wives?

Dannyanon No. 786390

they stop being lolis but at least in the future

Dannyanon No. 786391

Vera and les just usually end up being the package deal for whoever gets them in most timelines

Anonymous No. 786392

C'mon man, I'm just tugging your leg, that's cute though.

Dannyanon No. 786393

I know it just sometimes you got to clarify before certain things become just assume and then set in stone in people's minds

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Leslieanon No. 786395

>"Damn Woodpecker, I knew you sucked at Jenga, but not this badly."
>"Say anymore and I'm adding to the tower."

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Dannyanon No. 786397

I like to think she thinks almost daily that if her dumbasses of husband and wife did not fuck around with a magic conch she would be stuck in the fourth grade as a child.

Sometimes losing is better than winning Leslie

Dannyanon No. 786398

This kid needs to have a very '90s name like Zeke or something anyone have any ideas?

Anonymous No. 786399

Rex, Alex, Max, Zack, Mack

Dannyanon No. 786406

We already have a Zack and Max so Alex

Anonymous No. 786408

bro this is just that loud house goth chick

Dannyanon No. 786410

I mean it's just les with shorter hair and no glowing green eyes if im being honest

Dannyanon No. 786411

And a pointy nose how could I forget the pointy nose

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Dannyanon No. 786414

Adult Vera

Anonymous No. 786438

Reminds me of an old flash game from the 00s, specifically her being a bartender.

Anonymous No. 786444

So, endgames for my characters on the good timeline. Asimov ends up with Drew and Beansy, obviously.

CK ends up getting with a bunch of different women when his career pops off and he becomes MEGA FAMOUS, and they all fight over him.

A2 ends up trapped in a computer simulation where he can kill simulated humans to his heart's content, with Asimov hoping that his brother eventually gets tired of his cruelty.

Maria ends up adopting several children and manages to cure her infertility thanks to working with Cates, meaning she has even more kids, and she ends up with Diana.

Li and Honoka have another kid, a girl they name Usagi, who is naturally blonde for some reason.

Nightmare Guy marries Mineral and they somehow have two kids.

Toades makes a female clone of himself and they get married, having a ton of kids.

Bobby Norman and Chariot get hitched, the catgirls are the maids of honor and he gets shared with Barbara when she manages to get herself a cloned body since he's married to both of them.

The Asimoms attain sentience and Alira forgives Mac Tonight and lets him join their relationship.

Yashu and Wendy end up dating.

Mr. Piggleston and his wife retire, though he still sells ice cream in his truck on the weekends.

Les learns how to grow up from Teeny Steeve after Fish Boy accepts that she isn't a goddess and they get together so she can grow old with him.

Teeny Steeve and Gouupa manage to mix their magic and science to have a giant slime baby that destroys west park.

Dannyanon No. 786445

I imagine the cover story is she's the daughter of the last bartender and he went to live out his retirement in Florida

I'm retconning Vera and Danny's Daughter's personality to she just a more intense and less subtle Vera that doesn't bother to hide her business expect for the being a half vampire I'm imagining someone like Louise from Bob's burgers.

les and Danny son I'm call Zeke ( I'm going with zeke as the name) is some who thinks he's a lot tougher than he is he kinda a sensitive softy who would quite literally cry at the drop of a hat though he is very creative and artistic

Anonymous No. 786446

>Asimov ends up with Drew and Beansy, obviously.

Dannyanon No. 786447

looks like we have a canon conflict I'll compromise les and Danny had a kid they aren't together though they remain good friends.

Danny ends up with Vera though

Anonymous No. 786449

Bad future anon really is gone, man...feels bad
At least we have good future anon

Anonymous No. 786450

>Good Future Anon/Bad Future Anon
Both futures were okay concepts, I'm more of a multiverse guy.

Anonymous No. 786452

DannyAnon, do you have any preferences for how to be defeated, killed and raped? all 3 separately, of course.

Anyone else have any requests?

Anonymous No. 786453

Gimme a raped Beansy and she simply stands up and pffts pffts pffts as if to say "You call that a rape? Let me show you how it's done."

Dannyanon No. 786454

my characters or me?

Anonymous No. 786456

>Maizby: "Well, can I at least take him into the woods, rape him and behead him, possibly not even in that order?"
>Danny: "Uhh, Jinkies?!"

Anonymous No. 786457

>Danny: "Uhh, Jinkies?!"
Now why do you have to go around and turn me on like that, Dannyboy?

Leslieanon No. 786472

By the way, forgot to mention, your art style looks familiar, did you happen to post in the stick figure thread a few years back on /aco/?

Anonymous No. 786473

No, but you have seen my art style, I've posted here a lot more, albeit a sloppy disgusting mess before.

Leslieanon No. 786474

Ah, ok, your current style just looked familiar.

Anonymous No. 786480

or a crossdressed Asimov fucking Drew senseless and frying her brain.

Dannyanon No. 786481

OK let's fix the timeline

> so instead of les dragging them down the aisle because another suited could snatch her up instead the wedding guest were disappointed that no wedding was happening and they came all the way to dry land just to see one that they were going to riot if one didn't happen

>so Vera looked at les and said can we she was assuming that Vera was referring to marrying her so she said yes why not but Vera was referring to Danny and herself getting married.

> the venue was technically for les so Vera just wanted to ask permission she assumed les would say no anyways.

> there was a whole running gag throughout the episode of how much of a good team and how much on the same page Danny and Vera were that day and they were being a little flirty with each other

> this is the hole the sinks the lera ship since les thought Vera had feelings for her but she now she believes that she doesn't but is into Danny

after Vera found out that she could get older I think this motivated les of finally move on

I imagine the same little respite that Danny did the deed with dr Cates was the same he did it with les ( this was before she was with fish boy so she didn't cheat) and Vera separately I imagine both involved reminiscing and a little bit of underage drinking ( they were 18 the age to drink is 21 for you non Americans in the thread) and one thing leading to another

the next month on the same exact day he got a call from all three who told him they were pregnant he passed out.

Vera always wanted a family so she told him make their marriage legal now and she'd accept all his other kids as her own she did threatens him if he cheats or try to get a divorce she'd rake him over the coals financially. despite this they having a pretty good relationship

Anonymous No. 786490

Alrighty, I hope I didn't come off as hostile, I was dunking on myself to motivate myself.
It's a tough love thing.

Leslieanon No. 786491

Nah, you didn't seem hostile.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 786492

fuck you

Anonymous No. 786493

Fuck you, you fucking whore you stupid bitch you absolute NIGGER, fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your OCs and fuck your OCs mothers, you faggot cunt bitch, I hope you die, get fucked, get fucked in the ear.

Dannyanon No. 786494

somebody get this hothead outta here

Anonymous No. 786495

But he started it....

Leslieanon No. 786496

Damn anon, seems your jimmies are rustled.

Anonymous No. 786497

who in north park would say this and to who and under what circumstance?

Dannyanon No. 786498

why are you pretending to be me?

Leslieanon No. 786499


Leslieanon No. 786500

apologies, I was just having a goof

Leslieanon No. 786501


Dannyanon(real) No. 786502

okay, it seems we have an impostor amongst us. Say, that would make for an interesting episode. Danny and Vera solve a murder case.

careful, I think they trying to steal our identities and frame us by saying homoerotic subtext

Dannyanon(real) No. 786503

*they are trying to steal

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Anonymous No. 786505

shoot up some heroin instead, take your mind off things

Dannyanon No. 786506

Okay buddy just don't try to mess with my lore under your impostorshit

Leslieanon No. 786509

The fog people...

Dannyanon No. 786510

I'm making addendum to this since I did skim the thing Asimovanon wrote and missed some details.

>so Vera growing up was one of the reasons les decided to move on the other was of course fish boy

>I imagine they were together for a while but broke up after high school because fish boy wanted to sail the ocean and les quite literally can't leave the town the further she can get is a little bit out of the Chateau area which is like 30 minutes away from town.

> she can't due her Elemental Phantom nature kinda like how Jonesy can only leave the internet if someone from North Park signs the agreement.

>les has to be around the lake if she leaves north park her body will turn into water and then she pops out of the lake like if she died.

>so les broke up with him since she didn't want to hold fishboy back.

> I imagine he was gone for like 2 years he became a badass fisherman sailed the seven seas came back found out his love had a kid with another man one of his close friends to be specific but were not together.

>I imagine at first he was a pretty mad at Danny because he broke the bro code but he loves zeke as if he was his biological son so he got over it pretty fast

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Dannyanon No. 786515


Dannyanon No. 786518

OK their names
top left Randall Garfield cates ( Dr cates calls him Garf he doesn't want anyone but close family call him that)

bottom left Richie cates

middle holly Thompson

right Ezekiel (zeke) Thompson

>Dr cates children keeps the cate's name that her little payback for all those years of Danny and wendy foiling her since she no longer has or desire to have any real way of Revenge against them.

Holly (Vera and Danny's Daughter) and the Zeke is arguing how often he cries she says you will literally cry at the drop of a hat she finds Danny's Old Bell boy hat and drops it on the ground at first nothing she's somewhat surprised he's not crying but then he starts crying because she thought he would actually cry because of that and that's what she thinks of him

Danny: I'll tell you what that boy ain't right

Leslieanon No. 786522

Is my joke about the Stank Zone going have to be the endgame?

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Dannyanon No. 786525

shit I'm sorry there are Slim Pickens but you can have one of the cat girls, or one of the dog boys, or one of The Vamps that isn't taken

Dannyanon No. 786526


whoops forgot the link

Dannyanon No. 786528

I guess I'll do some other characters good endings

Wendy practically runs The Chateau after years apart she reconnected and is going steady with Yashu maybe they'll have a kid.

Lon went back to being the groundskeeper for the chateau waiting for Danny's kids to eventually want to go out into the world and paranormal investigate

ula's she sort of merged her old personality with her current one and they just chose to be ula but a lot smarter whether or not she ends up with chaz is up to you guys

Oh yeah I forgot to mention only one anon said they wanted Chula to be endgame so Leslie has a shot

the catgirls after being abandoned moved in with Bobby and Chariot and Barbara full time and we eventually feel guilty about the shit they did under Dr cats so they got some guidance from Elmer jancey who took the under his wing and they eventually became whatever the fuck Elmer Jancy is.

I imagine Crush just got over her shit with Wendy (especially after she saved her life) after A2 was put in the simulation and became an elementary school gym teacher though she had Maria deeweaponize her so she's safe to be around children also her helper and maybe ada if she wants to join them has a home somewhere in town I imagine the back and forth the bickering between them is endless.

Jonesy I detailed a lot of the stuff earlier and the thread but after that I imagine she learned she can change her true form to appear to be older she does IT work for money lives in a humble apartment as well as the internet and sometimes enters A2 simulation and try to get him to be reformed a little she figures if she could do what he could.

Anonymous No. 786533

She could end up winning the CKbowl

Anonymous No. 786536

what the fuck happened here

Anonymous No. 786540

How does Danny react to Zeke starting to call Fish Man Dad exclusively?

Anonymous No. 786542

>Diana, Maria, and their twelve kids.
Helper has her arms full helping her mom out with her siblings, lol

Anonymous No. 786543

We just wanted to talk about South Park, but someone mentioned how they wanted to get /ss/'d by Liane Cartman and it all went downhill from there

Dannyanon No. 786547

i can see since Danny we're still globetrotting till Zeke was like five (though he was around every month visiting him and his siblings for a weekend) fish man would have lived with him and Les since he would like two he has a bigger bond with fish Man but he still loves Danny.

I imagine Danny is kind of like Bobs and Bob Burger where he's the straight man in his weird family just say hmm every time he calls him boss instead of dad

les and Vera would probably tell him that this is just a phase he'll come around in time

I imagine since Danny put him in charge of the art department of the house of Mysteries the weird little tourist trap he got going on there Zeke just calls him boss

What I reckon is dream child creator was watching this thread try to join in again but some anon chased them off and then he tried to pose as me for some reason then when I called him. out he tried to and I use this word very loosely troll everyone but he probably fucked off when he realized no one actually cared

Dannyanon No. 786548

since Danny willingly gave up his position at the Chateau so Wendy could take it he received monthly checks from them but all that gets blown on paying child support, dr cates research, vera's new get rich quick scheme that blows up in her face more often than not, and his kids mainly the cates and Holly destroying shit and various minor crimes everyone goes to him cuz they know he can pay it so it's pretty much living off whatever Vera makes on the bar and the house of mysteries which means they're barely scraping by.

Dannyanon No. 786549

despite it all he's still happy and loves his strange family

Anonymous No. 786551

>Asimov, Beansy and Drew: three kids, one organic, one robotic, and one made of Lego.
>CK: Fathers a small army of bastards that all love him and are just as cringe as he is.
>A2: lol, lmao, unless he manages to knock up Jonesy somehow.
>Maria and Diana: kids in the double digits.
>Nightmare Guy and Mineral: their kids look mostly normal save for the fact they have chest mouths like their dad and they bleed black blood.
>Mr. and Mrs. Toades: hundreds of tadpole children, Toades spends a good amount of his estate on tutors and keeping them happy and healthy.
>Bobby, Chariot, Barbara: Two kids, born only days apart, both girls that take after their other mom.
>Asimoms and Mac Tonight: They consolidate the Grey Goo into a stable form and raise it as their son.
>Yashu and Wendy: Their theoretical child with either lead the world into utopia or be a warlord that will make Genghis Khan blush.
>Les and Fish Man: Alongside Zeke viewing Fish Man as the Alpha-Dad, they have two other children, a Siren and a Nix.

Dannyanon No. 786556

Zeke may be a sentive little crybaby but he's brave as hell and can give someone who's messing with his siblings a good ass kicking .... while crying I imagine he learned to fight from fish Man, Danny, and his aunt and uncle Wendy and Yashu

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Anonymous No. 786563

So, for context I noticed Ramon went from one of the main characters in the early threads to practically non existent over time, so I wanted to use him again in a Hansel vs Ramon comic covering their classic rivalry dynamic. Simple shenanigans at play.
But as I was rough sketching out the comic I got carried away and things got weird fast. So instead I just decided to keep it as it was and post this mess instead because it's kinda funnier.

Here's an imgur link as it's 40+ images long

Anonymous No. 786565

What kind of anime nightmare is this? I love it.

Anonymous No. 786566

Ramon would have won that if he used his secret sauce technique

Anonymous No. 786567

Slappy, no doubt.

Anonymous No. 786568

That's powerful, but also very risky because if Hansel manages to eat some of the sauce he gets a power boost

Dannyanon No. 786571

flashfoward episode in the next-generation era where Danny's kids want to sneak into a rated r movie so they disguise themselves as one adult using vera's old bar tender outfit.

>everyone in town now thinks the old bartender is back and they get dragged into the bar so now them and Vera have to play this off.

>somehow thing get carried away with them establishing lore that Vera practically forced him into retirement and giving her the bar.

>Vera just takes it to the extreme kinda digging up emotions for her actual life and saying because "her dad" left that why mom and her siblings died

> the whole bar is absorbed into this drama and is treating it like a play

> after realizing this might effect their business have to put on the performance of a lifetime and they make up and the bartender officially gives her the bar

> the bar eats it up and the kids get carried away giving everyone free drinks. they know Vera gonna give them an ear full when they get home

Leslieanon No. 786574

Or worse, form the Chulabylie polycule.

Anonymous No. 786581

Melville. Lucas Melville. The man behind the pineapple.

Dannyanon No. 786585

Running joke of the Flash forward episode always being set 18 years in the future that will eventually make no sense since our characters will eventually live in that year as 10 year Olds

>episode where it's December 31st 2047 Danny is ready for another year being ten and no one remembers but him and max to his surprise when he wakes up its January 1st 1998 again he just assumes this is the timeloop being weird but he turns 11 that year and moves to the 5th grade.

>he tells vera and les about being in the timeloop for 50 years after a little emotinal breakdown of pure joy (in a bit of fear that this is the only temporary) since they are the only ones whoed understand except for max to prove what he says is true he show them a large collection of journals he'd been writing detailing every day for the last 50 years of the loop and Vera recognized but this would be impossible to do by just normal means

>and then we get a montage of Danny life crush saving Wendy from ap so he could give tt the sword that would forcibly separate a1 and a2, he graduates elementary school and then middle school and getting his GED before leaving north park, him coming back and sleeping with dr Cates, les, Vera and his children being born in 2005, in 2010 he comes back to North Park for good and opens up the house of mysteries.

>when then cut to 2015 his kids are ten and he asks if they ready for the 5th grade they tell him their in the 4th grade not the 5 th vera immediately knows what this means that the sliding timeline timeloop is back.

to be continued

Leslieanon No. 786586

I forgot another option, Hina-Chan.

Anonymous No. 786589

This is how I imagine Max if he takes over Hansel's role... except more grinning and maniacal laughter.

Anonymous No. 786593

I keep forgetting North Park is a perfect timeloop no matter how you slice it.

Dannyanon No. 786597

I can tell I was in a hurry writing this so many mistakes but what else is new

>basically Vera tries to make sure danny doesn't do anything crazy since he's in a another timeloop and he's bringing surprisingly chill about he's just glad he gets to have more time with his family

>while the kids finds his journals and Randle and Richie wants to prove that this whole time Loop nonsense is clearly a prank. they prank their dad all the time it's only a matter of time he pranks them right? they constantly make experiments to debunk the time Loop only to prove the time Loop is real it's treated like when Flat Earthers prove the Earth is round.

>then they make a device that if there was a timeloop everyone in the room its in will be able to experience it after he activates it. Danny and Vera tries to talk Richie and Randall out of it Danny says it sucks being in this time Loop while being 10. they talks almost all of them out of it but Randall is completely fixated on disproving this thing and he flips the switch.

cut to 30 years later they are still in the 4th grade and having breakfast with his family he and his siblings regrets that decision meanwhile Danny thinks it's kind of nice to have others to experience it with him.

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Dannyanon No. 786599


You know what I think. I misread that at to say he only calls one person dad and that’s fish man but I think you actually meant he calls Fish man dad and not Fish man but I think the misinterpretation is funnier so I’m gonna go with that

But to answer your question he wouldn’t mind it most of his children calls Vera second mom so they’re being two dad wouldn’t bother him

I like to think they somehow became neighbors living by a lake in Fish man is always one upping Danny unintentionally

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Leslieanon No. 786601

>"Hello Melville, the list has been updated."
>*Muffled screams*

Dannyanon No. 786602

Okay we're waiting I'm genuinely curious

Leslieanon No. 786603


Just image each of the characters as different slides with dumb pics.

Anonymous No. 786607

why do you hate him so much, was that M&M incident THAT traumatizing?

Leslieanon No. 786608

It was $5, the prize was $5, he didn't need $5.

Anonymous No. 786609

oh, and YOU do? There's starving children in the world would kill for those 5 dollars, yet you only think of yourself

Leslieanon No. 786611

Bitch, he doesn't give that money out to people who need it, he hordes his wealth like the damn asshole he is.

Anonymous No. 786613

not true, He gave Mute a whole 50 bucks before
He occasionally donates to missy's OnlyFans to support her

Anonymous No. 786614

T.T. is undoubtedly the best option

Leslieanon No. 786615

That's because he simps for them, he just want's their pussy.

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Dannyanon No. 786616

I imagine because she is almost exactly like Vera that she get into a lot of fights with her mother Vera considers her the most difficult of her children . she’s more of a Daddy’s girl anyways

Captcha 8kgay

Dannyanon No. 786617

You know what I ship Leslie and Sabrina and one not on the list Leslie and Ingrid the two most normal characters somehow gravitate towards each other

Dannyanon No. 786619

Also they're both purple

Anonymous No. 786620

I watched Inside Out 2
who would be each emotion?

Dannyanon No. 786637

flashforward episode where Danny wants to take his kids fishing on a raggedy busted up old row boat that he loves from his childhood.

> The Chateau used to rent him and the boat out so he could take people out on the lake
>after the boat got ton of complaints about being busted up in dangerous The Chateau management was going to scrap it but Danny bought it from them for far more then it's worth because he loves it so much.

> his kids are less than impressed with the boat and thinks their dad is kinda lame for liking it and a little insane because this boat is barely afloat for but Danny swears on this boat they've been through thick and thin together

> fish man decides to do a little fishing with his kids and dad and little sister as well

> Fish man stops by Danny's little row boat and offers that they can fish on his state of the art luxury boat while Danny declined the offer all of his kids jump on fish man's boat Danny doesn't stop them from going but this clearly hurts his feelings.

> while on fish man boat Zeke keeps summoning exotic fish for them to catch the kids demand bigger and bigger fish so they can watch Fishman and li catch them

> zeke not fully in control of his ability over does it and summons a sea monster that tries to eat fish man's boat.

>I just imagine that Godzilla minus one secne where he slowly chasing that one boat

Danny see this and jumps into action he uses his years of rowing this boat to catch up with Fishman quickly

>they quickly coordinates a plan to use explosives fish man has on his boat to "Jaws" the sea monster but to get it to open it mouth and eventually cause the barrels to explode Danny has to jump on the sea monster's back


Anonymous No. 786638

Your mom = Lust
My mom = Anger

Dannyanon No. 786641

>Danny gets his rowboat close to the sea monster and jumps on its back the rowboat is seemingly crushed by the sea monster but Danny successfully get on it's back.

> he then takes out a small little pen that becomes a sword that he carries around with him just in case of emergencies now stabbed the sea monster and then uses his blood to writes some spells that causes it agony so it opens it's mouth long enough for the people on Fishman's about to drop the barrel and it gets in its mouth.

> danny then write down a spell that's going to set the sea monster fire on its back with a long detonation to give him enough time to get out of there before the sea monster ignites and explodes.

> he has to cut it short since the sea monster decides to pick up speed and eat the boat quickly so he barely makes it off the sea monster before it explodes and lands in the water next to the boat and fish man jumps of the boat to save him
> one of the sea monsters tooth acts like retinal and punctures fish man's boat causing it to sink they're a long way from land I don't know what to do but Danny little Roboat comes back as if by magic

>Danny says everyone can fit no one believe him it barely fit human his children in there earlier but they are surprised when it really does fit everybody it's just very cramped.


Anonymous No. 786642

i like how you decided the fate of someone else's character without their say-so

Anonymous No. 786643

If they're strongly against it they can say so and I can make changes or we can reach a compromise.
Those were just my ideas

Dannyanon No. 786644

didn't Asimov anon not make all those characters (minus drew and beansy, fish Boy wendy and diana) or was that not Asimov anon?

Anonymous No. 786645

It's generally okay to suggest stuff since it's a collaborative effort and some character's creators don't visit anymore for their input, but it is good to keep in mind if a creator is still a regular here.
For the character I made mentioned here, Diana, I don't really see her settling down with Maria. Diana leans more straight than gay and one night stands aside she'd probably want to marry a man. Originally I intended her to be fully straight as the majority of our adult female characters are some flavor of lesbian at this point but decided bi-curious is fine as a compromise to fit with other people's interpretation of her.

Anonymous No. 786650

Okay then, they don't get together.
I can see why they'd be upset about my idea for Diana and that's why I'm okay with changing it, but yeah pretty much all the other characters are either mine or already have that canon relationship established.

Dannyanon No. 786652

I'm kind of agreeing with Asimov anon on this one she doesn't have many choices in regards to partners .... unless she gets with the d and by that I mean dogman

Anonymous No. 786653

eh it's their character, so if they don't want it to happen then I'm okay with it

Anonymous No. 786655

>she doesn't have many choices in regards to partners
I mean that's fine though. She doesn't need to have an established endgame. We can't do that for every character after all. She could remain single, or get with someone who isn't an established character, etc.

Anonymous No. 786656

That said, It'd be interesting seeing someone try to attempt to pair every north park character made so far with another character, just as a hypothetical to see if it could be done in a way that makes sense for most characters.
Hard mode would be no mormon polyamory shit because that's cheating I'm looking at you Danny

Dannyanon No. 786661

>they mange to get close to home but when Danny does the double tap to prove how sturdy the rowboat is it collapses

> while danny is trying to frantically tries to gather the pieces to fix it a disembodied voice tells him it's OK it kept itself together long enough to get them to safety and it thanks danny for loving it.

> later fish man and li was given credit for that massive "catch" danny was given an asset credit and fish man went to the bottom of the lake to get Danny the plank of wood with the boats name he lovingly craved into it and zeke made him a miniature of the boat.

Dannyanon No. 786662

> * one of the sea monsters tooth acts like shrapnel and punctures fish man's boat causing it to sink they're a long way from land they don't know what to do but Danny little Rowboat comes back as if by magic.

Dannyanon No. 786663

Asimov anon has two of those and I only did it once and by the next day it was gone.

Leslieanon No. 786664

Jesus we passed 1000 posts...

Dannyanon No. 786665


Danny kids see fish man as the cooler dad ( minus zeke) because they get to experience all the cringey lame stuff Danny does. while all they see is badass fisherman fish man and he always have cooler more expensive things than them

while fish man kids (minus zeke he get to experience both his dads lame and cringe moments) sees Danny as the cooler dad because they typically see him in action movie monster hunter light and don't really see much of his cringe moments often or he is able to play it off smoothly.

Anonymous No. 786669

I remember the good ol days when threads regularly reached 1000+
still can't believe that our first ever thread got to 3000+, felt like I was dreaming

Dannyanon No. 786672

small little next-generation era gags and tid bits I thought of and don't really have a place to put them

> that episode where Danny kids disguises themselves as Vera old bartender persona Jonesy sees both of them together and tells vera huh "I always thought you where the old bartender."

> principal (Curtis) Kiddy calls Danny after the cates boys accidently blows up the science lab and Danny tries to play the we use to go on tons of adventures as kids card to get out of a bill but Curtis tells him he went on adventures with everyone but him and is pretty sore about that secretly jacks up the price of the bill.

> Helper and crush builds a robot little brother together.

> Fiona was the one who took Danny's ged test for him she holds this over him also she lives in his attic

> all of danny kids inherited his ability to see ghost mainly due to half of them being half magic creatures and the other half due to genetics only Randall inherited his full pychic abilities.

> whenever Jonesy gets drunk ( on digital beer) she becomes super apologetic about everything she used to do to the point of annoying everyone around her at that moment though it's still 1000 times better than her old self.

Dannyanon No. 786673

*you were

I even proof read this time

Anonymous No. 786674

>principal (Curtis) Kiddy calls Danny after the cates boys accidently blows up the science lab and Danny tries to play the we use to go on tons of adventures as kids card to get out of a bill but Curtis tells him he went on adventures with everyone but him and is pretty sore about that secretly jacks up the price of the bill.
That's funny

Anonymous No. 786677

>It's an episode where the Catgirls have to take care of Toades Tadpole kids, only for all of them to start sprouting their legs and causing chaos.
>All of Toades kids are as smart as he is, making the chaos they cause even worse.

Anonymous No. 786678

Ideas for flash forward episodes.
>Wendy discovers that Usagi has the potential to surpass her, spends the episode's b-plot training her.
>It's father's day and CK's army of kids all are competing to give him the best gift, only for him to love all of them because CK is a great dad
>Mormons start moving into town because of the threesome couples.
>All the magic kids compete to see who's the most magical, with Teeny Steeve and Gouupa's kid winning.

Anonymous No. 786679

You guys think that Fish Man jokingly calls Les his goddess as a pet name?

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Leslieanon No. 786682


Dannyanon No. 786685

> danny kids got picked up by the cat cops because they were at Cemetery trying to recreate Frankenstein

>at the police station they're released to their parents you're lucky we're pretty sure desecrating a corpse isn't illegal so all you have to do is pay a fine for the destruction of properties

> Richie is about to correct them but all the kids cover his mouth

les "what were you thinking aplaying with life and death it's unnatural to bring corpses back to life"

Everyone that knows les is a ghost looks at her she's clueless as to why

Anonymous No. 786691

I mean she was brought back purely by natural means, so comparing the revivals is pretty apples to oranges

Dannyanon No. 786692

Corpses coming back to life because it was dump in a magic Lake is not natural

Anonymous No. 786694

You underestimate what is natural for magic.

Dannyanon No. 786695

>Doctor toades calls the catgirls pretending it's an emergency.

>They come to his lab to investigate doctor toades and his wife walk outside and tell them they need to babysit their kids.

>they don't want to do it and are about to leave but he reminds them that since they are inside the house and him and his wife are or outside of it that means they'll be the ones leaving their young children home alone which is illegal and since they're cops they can't break the law.

>he knows that's bullshit but he knows that their understanding of the law comes from Elmer jancey who I don't think has a very good grasp on it.

Dannyanon No. 786696

Magic isn't natural It's Supernatural

Anonymous No. 786699

Les is a zombie

Dannyanon No. 786700

ok What does that have to do with her being natural or unnatural.

Dannyanon No. 786701


ok that sounded a bit mean and agro but that was just a random me

Dannyanon No. 786702


Anonymous No. 786703

Zombies aren't natural, everyone has souls(ghosts) therefore those are natural.

Dannyanon No. 786704

One she's a zombie/ghost two while everyone has a soul which is natural it's unnatural for them to be in the world of the living when they are in fact dead

So she's doubly unnatural

Dannyanon No. 786705

I imagine fish man owns fish market/fishing supply store. when people question the ethics of him selling fish for others to eat he says mammals sell other mammals so other other mammals can eat them.

Leslieanon No. 786708

All while still sounding like Donquixote Doflamingo.

Dannyanon No. 786710

While doing a sea captain accident in public privately he drops the accent it's only for hid public appearances no one wants to buy fish or fishing supplies from someone who doesn't have a sea Captain accent

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Dannyanon No. 786713

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Dannyanon No. 786715

Her aging seem to fix what was messing with her vampire powers so now Vera can shape shift and do other vampire things normally

Dannyanon No. 786716

In the Next Generation era of the cat girls Black Cat and ragdoll found lovers from their fans they had from their maid Cafe days meanwhile teacup is on a love Quest which is weird considering since she is made from Barbara DNA you think should be a bad bitch

Dannyanon No. 786717

*Which is weird considering she is made from Barbara's DNA and you'd think she would be a bad bitch but she stuck trying to get a third date

Dannyanon No. 786718

I think losing the CK and Danny Bowl kind of messes with her

Dannyanon No. 786730

Well since this is probably the last day of this thread (maybe I don't know I'm not a future man) anyone got any final words?

Anonymous No. 786731

I want to sniff Lisa Stanky's armpits.

Dannyanon No. 786733

episode where Danny kids wanna raise money since they want something expensive and Danny only gives them 40 bucks for allowance which is bullshit he got 10,000 when he was a kid. One of their plans is on selling tickets for an amazing event Zeke will jump homeless Hansel who was sleeping in his alley (oblivious to any of this) on a skateboard everyone thinks this is horrible that they are using this poor homeless man as a prop but they all pay tickets to watch.

Anonymous No. 786734

I had this awful nightmare where me and a few others were trapped in this daycare being run by this little girl who couldn't be older that six. We were forced to play childrens games, sing nursery rhymes and keep the little girl entertained or else we sent to solitary confinement. If we tried rebelling, giant death robots would torture us until we couldn't stand and put us in confinement. This made me mad, so I ran up to the girl and yelled at her to let me go, to which she responded with a genuine question of "why? Don't you like it here?" That pissed me off so much that I punched her and began beating her up to the best of ability, it was exhilarating. The robots came and beat me up black and blue and threw me into the confines where I cried and cried until I fell asleep.
Next day I woke up, I was fully healed.

Then I actually woke up.
Anyways, could this work for an episode?

Dannyanon No. 786735

That will be up to you to decide

Now I'm just imagining some anon telling Vera this at her bar and she just looks at at them and says well sounds like you got some problems to figure out.

I was thinking about this and thought it was funny

North park gen 1 sliding time Loop 1997-curret year

North park gen 2 sliding time Loop 2017- current year

Leslieanon No. 786746

Asimov pussy

Anonymous No. 786748

He is modular

Anonymous No. 786749

Hey LA, do you think Leslie is one of the women that slept with CK after he hit it big?

Anonymous No. 786750

>CK leaks his own sex tape
>Becomes one of those scuzzy streamers who pressure women into sex on stream

Dannyanon No. 786751

a flashfoward episode where super heroes comes to the house of mysteries to recruit Danny and wendy since their about to do their big crossover event

>Danny’s kids finds out he and Wendy use to be the superhero adjacent magic/ monster hunter guys ( think blade or John Constantine) of a big super hero franchise

>but he gave up that life pretty much during its peak to be with his family. also they always cut his parts out when they finally made them into movies.

> danny doesn't want to do it but Vera and his kids actually wants to see it so what the heck what's the worst that could happen

> 3 days later they are on a space ship out running a cosmic wave that's erasing everything you touches till it destroys half the universe so they can make it to a magic space tower to put the 7 chaos stone into the tower to undo that cosmic waves destruction and make it like it never happened.

>they quickly crash the space ship to the top of the tower and quickly put the choas stones in the tower zeke drops some but the quickly scramble to put and and stop it literally inches away from erasing them.

> montage of them traumatized while coming back to earth going on a press tour and singing NDAS so they won't spoil the future movie Richie ask if they can keep the space ship but it belongs to disney now.

> when they get back home they finally break down over how fucking stressful that was and the rest of the episode is them watching YouTube videos that people in North Park made well they're commentating over it

> everything happened previously was like 5 minutes of the actual episode the episode is called superhero fatigued

> at the end of the episode they get a call where an executive tells them they cut all their parts when they were starting to get hurt at people who might actually think they're cool now since they'll be in a big movie

Anonymous No. 786752

Nah, he's still a good boy, but he's got his father's charisma on steroids

Leslieanon No. 786755

Maybe, but it was more than likely a one-night stand/a HJ

Dannyanon No. 786758

Danny use to calm down after doing crazy when he left town by going on the internet and looking for stuff from his friends and family

Anonymous No. 786759

I imagine that she slept with him the night he graduated before his career took off, and despite him rocking her world she freaked and snuck out before he woke up the next morning.

Leslie: I slept with him before it was cool!
all the other girls after him: Nobody cares Leslie!

Dannyanon No. 786760

what is Leslie's future career?

Leslieanon No. 786761


Anonymous No. 786762

This is fucking out there, but I'm intrigued.

Leslieanon No. 786763

What started it was cutting open a frog in 6th grade.

Dannyanon No. 786764

I'm guessing covering her own arson tracks

Dannyanon No. 786766

the cat cops aren't allowed in the forensics lab anymore after a incident that led to Leslie being connected to dozens of murders and completely destroying several of what were supposed to slam dunk cases for the da.

Dannyanon No. 786767

I guess I'll post careers for my characters in the next-generation era

>Danny: tourist trap owner/ paranormal investigator/ during low seasons for tourism ( winter) he works an accountant at the Thompsons offices

he makes way more money at the offices ( mainly as an incentive to get him to quit that silly tourist trap and work full time for the family business) but has not passion for it also all he does is emulate games while Fiona does go to work which only takes like an hour so they play video games all day.

>Vera: bartender/ tourist trap owner

>Wendy: cheatu manager / part time paranormal investigator

>Ingrid: Elementary School teacher

>Ula high school English teacher ( no one knows how or why but she really good at it)

> catgirls: cops/ fire fighters/ emergency service responders

> Jonesy IT support , part time A list ( she really made of the algorithms work for her) vtuber

> crush: Elementary School gym teacher / on deck substitute teacher

> helper lab assistant

> Vanessa helstad rip rest in piss

Dannyanon No. 786768

*but has no passion for it also all he does is emulate games while Fiona does the work which only takes like an hour so they play video games all day.

Anonymous No. 786771

>> Vanessa helstad rip rest in piss

Leslieanon No. 786772

Damn, sad seeing her get crushed by that road roller, not know what it was...

Dannyanon No. 786788

She's from the late 1800s but she lived all the way to the present day (by stealing bodies) she will definitely know what a Road Roller is.


Vanessa kidnapped and tried to pull a black Manta on Holly (Vera's daughter) and got that epic Final Stand she always wanted with her arch nemesis. though she did managed to live through that beat down with an Angry Mama Bear. while walking away from the fight to get medical attention she happened to cross a Road under construction and got her foot stuck before being crushed by a Road Roller ( the driver was wearing headphones and couldn't hear the screams. Since this happened out of town and she had no ID she was just identified as a Jane Doe so Nobody in town knows that she's dead so everyone is really on edge thinking she probably stole another body and is hiding amongst them.

Dannyanon No. 786799

episode in the next-generation era where Randall the alpha sibling out of Danny's kids stsrts to lose confidence after realizing he has the smallest dick out of his brothers after zeke lost his swimming trunks in the lake and he kind of was surprised by how big it was to which
Richie says "it's around the same size as mine ... wait is yours not that big?'

Soon there's a power struggle between Zeke, holly and Richie over who is the alpha sibling now while Randell is trying to get his grove back

Randell: dad can you relate to me?

Danny: no no i cant but I can pretend to

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Leslieanon No. 786806

Anonymous No. 786807

My farts can.

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Dannyanon No. 786808


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Anonymous No. 786811

we won't survive the night, it's been an honor, my fellow faggots