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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 784255

this is my final post on this site; i cannot stand the cooldowns any more

Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 784257

I have never seen you post before

Anonymous No. 784258

neither have i seen you

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Anonymous No. 784260

dont go anon
dont let the schizos win

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 784262


Anonymous No. 784385

see you tomorrow

Anonymous No. 784388

I feel like this board somehow gets deader with every year

Anonymous No. 784395

What bothers me the most is the amount of underage posters here, I would rather if we were just dead.

Anonymous No. 786059

I’m with you, but this is the only board where we are free to draw and make our own threads. I know there’s /ic/ but that’s more so for improvement and criticism.

Anonymous No. 786064

I like little nymphettes and ephebic boys

Anonymous No. 786069


Anonymous No. 787175

i would rather if the underage posterswere just dead

Anonymous No. 787408

So when is tegaki v1.0.0 finnaly gonan come out?