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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 785305

hey /i/, i thought it would be fun to see your take on my oc, pretty unoriginal sure, but maybe YOU guys can add some additions for him, go nuts!!!

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Anonymous No. 785307

I have some additions alright

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 785324

anything else anon?

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Anonymous No. 785342

Well, she's a turboslut now. Needs curves, heels and dick sucking lips.

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 785371

you have so many possibilities, anon, and you do this...

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Anonymous No. 785372

she's awesome

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 785390

you people really cant draw legs? why do yall draw those stick legs?

sage No. 785391

Why don't you draw it yourself then faggot damn

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Anonymous No. 785393

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

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lads better watch....png

Anonymous No. 785396

pew pew

Anonymous No. 785418

you guys drew my oc better than i can, dope

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Anonymous No. 785430

legs are hot but I wanted to stick to the original design

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 785446

this one is my favorite out of all of these lol, great job anon

Anonymous No. 785462


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Hood OC.png

Anonymous No. 785471


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Anonymous No. 785490

he looks like one of his long lost cousins or something

Anonymous No. 785506


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Anonymous No. 785509

stick legs are better

Anonymous No. 785518

i dont see how stick legs are better

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Anonymous No. 785520

in ms paint :3

Anonymous No. 785529

cutest one here :333

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Anonymous No. 785530

its like they are family

Anonymous No. 785563

a very weird family anon, remember they are meant to be the same person

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Anonymous No. 785567

I like stick figure ocs, decided to doodle him quickly as a break from muh schizo studies..
Doll was my fav mod on the sharty, wholesome nigga(miss him even doe he was a temp mod)

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Anonymous No. 785568

coun lay chspli

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 785583

chun-li if she was awesome

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fatty fatty.png

Anonymous No. 785596


Anonymous No. 785597

i am surprised it took this long for inflation to appear

Anonymous No. 785601

Fuck off fred

Anonymous No. 785605

fred? whos fred?

Anonymous No. 785606

Stop pretending faggot, you have the same artstyle, a similar oc, milktoast complimants.
When will you get it through your thick underage skull that we don't want you here faggot

Anonymous No. 785607

>what are you on? are you fucking retarded? im not fred you braindead faggot

Anonymous No. 785608

oops forgot the > was on my bad

Anonymous No. 785609

I totally believe the person who gets angry at simple allegations. He has a history of pretending to be other people and making threads to fulfill his braindead ego. It's prettt obvious your him retard. I would almost feel bad for you if you didn't groom others. Once more, fuck of you faggot.

Anonymous No. 785610

bro what do you want me to do to show im not him??? i dont go by fred online, i dont groom, i just went on 4chan cause i wanted to show off my drawings

Anonymous No. 785612

im sorry if i offended yall with my drawings but once again, i am not fred, i never in my life groomed ANYBODY, i just wanted people to see my stuff

Anonymous No. 785613

There's evidence you groomed a mentay ill 17 year old fred, stop trying to deny it.
If you really wanna prove you aren't fred, then post a hand pic, oh wait you won't because you are him

Anonymous No. 785614

i dont even know anybody thats named milktoast

Anonymous No. 785615

i dont even go by fred online, its not even my real name, its all just a concidence that my artstyle looks the same, i swear I AM NOT HIM

Anonymous No. 785616

>doesn't post hand

You had one job

Anonymous No. 785617

if yall mfs are so braindead as to confuse me with a groomer, im sorry for yall

Anonymous No. 785618

i dont need to, thats the rule, all of us are anonymous, but if yall are so retarded to think im some fucking groomer, im sorry for yall

Anonymous No. 785619

You probably shoulsn't even be here, you seem underage

Anonymous No. 785620

Oops, meant for>>785618

Anonymous No. 785621

im not underage

Anonymous No. 785651

hey. dont listen to him. the person accusing you of being fred probably is fred trying to troll you. he did the same thing to me.

Anonymous No. 785692

thanks for assuring me im not the only one that has been accused.