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๐Ÿงต cloak girl adventures

Anonymous No. 789454

suggest things for me to draw her doing and ill do draw it

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789455

Draw her commiting an hilariously elaborate form of suicide

Anonymous No. 789456

Draw her accidentally killing herself in the dumbest way possible

Anonymous No. 789457

Draw her wearing a Big hat like Ralsei from Deltarune

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Anonymous No. 789459


Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789460

draw cloak girl without the cloak part

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Anonymous No. 789461

I've never used /I/ until now so im having fun learning how to use it

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789462

she likes the hat

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789463


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Anonymous No. 789464

fun fact, she does not wear anything under the cloak

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789469

And now draw cloak girl without the girl part

Anonymous No. 789470

cute drawing, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 789473

draw her running for president

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Anonymous No. 789478

oh god there's two of them now

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789479

The more the better. Also, very nice drawing

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Anonymous No. 789483

topical humor pertaining to current events

thank you! I'm having tons of fun with this!

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789484

the Cloak Girl cinematic universe grows

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789487

im also ok with people drawing them in their own adventures, that'll be very fun!

Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789492

I need to have sex with her.

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Anonymous No. 789496

how lewd!

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789505

no there's a jacket boy

Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789509

I like ger

Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789510

draw something completely unrelated to her

Anonymous No. 789515

Draw her without the coat showing that she has a massive gut and boobs

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Anonymous No. 789523

OH MY GOD I love that! thank you very much!

alright here's a fat Italian dude taking a shit, completely unrelated

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789525


Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789529

i want to see her eat a big subway sandwich

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Cloak girl.png

Anonymous No. 789540

what a cute butt! here's something in return
>fun fact, she does not wear anything under the cloak
does she by chance enjoy flashing strangers?

Anonymous No. 789541


Anonymous No. 789549

The gun shoots her cloath, Falls down and now she's publicly naked

Anonymous No. 789563

Crossovers are fun, so I send her to this other thread to sabe the Cat hostage

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Anonymous No. 789584


Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789586

thank you very much! this is adorable
>does she by chance enjoy flashing strangers?
not intentionally, but the fact that she hasn't done anything about its suggests she enjoys it when someone does accidentally get a peak

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789592

how could the bullet only graze her cloak but leave her unscathed? sounds staged to me

this was super fun! I pitched in

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789599

>this was super fun! I pitched in
Great job Agent Cloak, another successful mission!

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Anonymous No. 789600

But what about Toucan Henry?

Oekaki Post (Time: 41m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789606

Holy shit, Lady D!

Anonymous No. 789613

Give her comically large stick and she will look like Margit from Elden Ring

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Anonymous No. 789616

well now I feel bad :( I think they should be friends

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789623

decided to draw them on like an actual art program

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Anonymous No. 789637

Just a funny joke, Anon. No worries. I like the funny little characters in this thread. There is another girl from /i/ history that I think would fit in here, but I have forgotten her name.

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Anonymous No. 789649

not gonna post this in the stp thread because I think its too off topic but I still wanted to draw this

oh ok! sorry for taking it seriously. if you ever remember her name do tell me id love to draw her with cloakgirl, also your art is gorgeous oh my god

Oekaki Post (Time: 15m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789664

at this point I'm compulsively designing OCs

Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789665

Weird but cool OCD variant spotted

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Anonymous No. 789666

turtleneck girl, I think im gonna go to bed now
whats OCD?

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789667

Obsessive-compulsive disorder but in your case it's for drawing OCs.

Anonymous No. 789668

Goodnight btw

Anonymous No. 789669

oh I thought it was like terminology for something else, it probably is some kind of watered down OCD sometimes I really do feel like I need to draw

thank you very much! :D

Anonymous No. 789674

I remember her! Her name is Sal.

Anonymous No. 789682

so based, so lewd, can't believe she went to another thread and went back with an owl souvenir

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Anonymous No. 789689

as stated, she does bot wear anything under the cloak, so her little eye orb familiar would hold the huge stick

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789692

they're friends now!

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789696

owlette could leave at any time, but I have the feeling she enjoys it

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789703

Man im enjoying it too

Anonymous No. 789704

Draw her going on the Johnny Carson show and wearing a big hat that has the lyrics to Something Above Us from The Earth on it while holding a Louis Jordan vinyl record between her ears

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Anonymous No. 789713

fun fact cloakboy doesn't wear anything under his cloak either

I tried looking the song up and could not find anything, mind linking it?

Oekaki Post (Time: 35m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789720

Draw your OC as a bunny.

Anonymous No. 789732

draw her and jacket girl swapping heads

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Anonymous No. 789751

a part of me wants cloakbunny to be an OC on her own, honestly I might draw her more

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 789752

more of a outfit swap, but was still super fun

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 789790

>That nose
Absolute kino

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Anonymous No. 789936

haven't drawn her in a bit heres her with a huge sword

Anonymous No. 789974

draw her fishing

Anonymous No. 789996

draw her with a huge penis instead

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Anonymous No. 790849

she doesn't live in a place with fish, edible fish at least. But she likes to pretend to fish, it makes her happy

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Anonymous No. 790852

here's a more detailed design I made for fun, I might make a small project with her. still gonna draw the other design though

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Anonymous No. 790895

fuck it cloakboy gets a detailed design too

Anonymous No. 791432

draw her getting brutally murdered by ralsei
(she stole his blunts)

Anonymous No. 791437

draw her getting brutally raped by ralsei
(alternative timeline where he got horny about her stealing his blunts)

Anonymous No. 791471

What happened to his eye?

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Anonymous No. 791503

I dont know anything about deltarune so ill just assume relsei is like a mass murderer serial rapist

someone else can darw that I dont feel like drawing that

blood magic! im gonna make a short rpgmaker project with these guys as a little side project, Cloakboy is a practitioner of blood magic which takes a toll on his body

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Anonymous No. 791508

many enemies for her to face

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Anonymous No. 791511

better drawing of the enemies

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 791514

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ died for our sins on a cross and rose from the dead three days later, to Give us eternal life. If You believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you.
He will give You the free gift of eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. God Loves us!!

Anonymous No. 791531

I require sex

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Anonymous No. 791551

the sex

Anonymous No. 791559

Draw her getting double anal.

Anonymous No. 791581


Anonymous No. 791763

a pov version of this please

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Anonymous No. 791783

I think she likes it

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Anonymous No. 791784

not the greatest at POV shots but I still thought id try

Anonymous No. 791788

Can you draw her studying hard for a test that she has tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 791807

Do you have an account where you post art?

Anonymous No. 791836

draw her have intercourse with that cloakboy
on a ford pinto
only for it to explode right after lol

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Anonymous No. 791845

sorta, I've been experimenting with a style in this thread, this is how I usually draw, sorry if that disappoints

this is where I usually upload my stuff, though its all kinda under-utilized

Anonymous No. 791849

>this is how I usually draw, sorry if that disappoints
nah, still ballin', no worries

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Anonymous No. 791853

I think this counts as some form of instant loss

hey I'm happy to hear that! was a little worried people might not like it, which is understandable, I'm sorta using a completely different style for this thread

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Anonymous No. 791860

got a new brush, should make the drawings better

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Anonymous No. 791862

I wanna experiment with something, this is going to be an MSPA esque scenario, you give suggestions and I will draw them, the story will progress based on the suggestions, use this as an anchor post for requests for this little story line.

what happens next, Anons?

Anonymous No. 791871

Nice. Tysm.

Anonymous No. 791874

I dunno, turtles popping out of the sewer?
A manhole is next to her, after all

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Anonymous No. 791883

shes kinda already in a sewer, funny enough

no probs!

Anonymous No. 791886

Requesting kappa bros, leading an anxious cloak girl down a long winding staircase. To a deeper, darker and more occult part of the sewer.

Anonymous No. 791996

Draw her just 2koma-ing a random store clerk.

Anonymous No. 792067

they walk through tunnels covered in lewd, primitive drawings, of old video game characters

Anonymous No. 792084

I would like to see them end up in a big place, with the alien-queen from "Aliens" chained to the wall, spread eagle. Maybe a couple of black spear-men >>791508 is guarding the entrance.

Anonymous No. 792086

Uhh anchoring

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Anonymous No. 792098

Not OP... but I like the format.

I stole this >>789496 >>791783 and glued it together with my own glue. Maybe you could fit it in somewhere. Hope you're still gonna do the other stuff.

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Anonymous No. 792111

working on the comic soon, thank you for anchoring these!

HOLY SHIT, this is amazing! you did such an amazing job! ill see if I can fit it in somewhere, judging from how these suggestions are going it seems like this storyline will consist mostly of her having sex with every monster she sees XD

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Anonymous No. 792142

Thank you! It was mostly copy and paste. Here's a new page all by me, please take it.

Curios how this will evolve... Checking in later. Maybe I'll sneak another page or two, between some of yours. If it's cool :)

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Anonymous No. 792155

the spooky adventure begins

this I will gladly take...its amazing...this means so much to me it makes me so happy you put so much effort into these

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Anonymous No. 792209


Anonymous No. 792238

She arrives at a stretching corridor. The floor is a bottomless pit, but one wall has a long row of glory holes, with flaccid penises dangling out of them.

To cross the pit. Cloak-girl has to excite the dicks, one by one, get them throbbing hard. So she can use them as stepping stones and reach the other side

Anonymous No. 792244

After taking a small rest, Cloak Girl notices a small goblin monster hitting her with his tiny club but he is so weak, the attack barely does anything. Out of pity, Cloak Girl decides to present her her pussy towards the small fella and let him fuck her with his small penis.

Anonymous No. 792360

draw casting a spell

Anonymous No. 792561

Now draw her taking off her cloak but instead of being naked, she has a bomb vest

Anonymous No. 792643

I've got cloak girl fever. More pages please!

Anonymous No. 793486

Sorry OP didn't mean to hijack your comic.
If you don't fancy a kick in the ball, just leave it out. I'll still do backgrounds and glue a bit, if you ask.

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Anonymous No. 793490

hey don't worry about it! I've just been taking a break so I can improve my art (also not caused by you in any way. so don't worry about that either ^_^)

I probably should have given some sort of warning so I apologize for that, expect some more pages soon!

Anonymous No. 793492


Anonymous No. 793493

The brick wall is sick

Anonymous No. 793494

What app are you drawing with?

Anonymous No. 793496

krita, and I use brushes based off the flipnote brushes

Anonymous No. 793499

I'll have to check it out. Digging gradient stuff at the moment.

Looking forward to see how the sewer/ sex adventure unfolds!

Anonymous No. 793973

Requesting she teams up with a cute futa frog, who gets her turbo pregnant. Cloak girl instantly gives birth to three tadpoles named, Yin, Yang and Gilberto. Together they all fight the turtle guys JRPG style, destroying them!

Anonymous No. 793974

Cute frog inspo

Anonymous No. 794652

draw her riding a bike

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you spin me round.gif

Anonymous No. 794834

Anonymous No. 796092

Cool idea! Draw away