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🧵 /npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #33

Anonymous No. 789570

Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Upgrades edition

Previous thread:

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North Park OCs Ev....png

Anonymous No. 789571

Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator ( and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:

Dannyanon No. 789572

bold choice of a thread op image Hansel anon

Anonymous No. 789573

Uh-oh!! Sticky!

Anonymous No. 789575

>20 days since the wiki got update
it's joever brehs

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Anonymous No. 789576

I mentioned last thread that new uploads to the gallery are currently on hold. And most pages info is filled out that they don't really need updating anymore. Maybe we can look for stuff that does still need to be filled out/added.

Dannyanon No. 789577

episode where most of North Park were scammed out of their savings and now almost everyone is poor

the b plot is the kids go to Savannah to teach them how to be poor and Addison is upset that Savannah is popular now

and the A plot is Ernest believes Vera was behind it but after talking to her he realizes she not and they both decide to go after whomever scammed the town. also Martin tagged along since he fell for the scam that made his family broke he want to help get their money back. their search leads them to finding out a literal catfish was behind the scam but it turns out the catfish is a native American trickster spirit that comes around every 20 or so years to trick a ton of people out of their money.

Dannyanon No. 789578

I imagine when they confront the catfish it's parody of the final battle in it chapter 2 but it's transforming into different kinds of scams throughout the years like Nigerian princes, sweepstakes contest winnings,and Amazon employees that need your account information

Anonymous No. 789580

Can I please voice the indian who scams everyone? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I need work, I'll do the silly voices you love so much!!!!! *crieS*

Dannyanon No. 789583

sure suit yourself

after Vera and Martin and Ernest departs form each other Martin pulls Ernest aside and says he believes that that girl might be a vampire of some sort

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Leslieanon No. 789593

>"H-Hey guys... W-w-who wants apology cupcakes?"

Dannyanon No. 789595

are you wearing blackface bro?

she gets double canceled

Anonymous No. 789596


Leslieanon No. 789597

>Nononono, this isn't black face, I haven't cleaned up after cooking..."

Anonymous No. 789598


Dannyanon No. 789609

Vera: of course you didn't clean up.

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Anonymous No. 789611

pretty saucy OP, I hope we don't attract unwanted attention

Dannyanon No. 789612

Vera offers Leslie a pr solution "poop your pants infront of the whole school and everyone will forget about your little mean streak."

Leslie: isn't there a better way

Vera: oh yeah I can think of hundreds of better way but this is what I given you

Leslie: is this about the stank zone?

vera: ha ha ha ha no not that but your non autistic self sent me to India without any money It took me weeks to get back i can still smell those pungent odors on my favorite suit vest and bow tie .

Leslieanon No. 789614

>"First, no, I'm not shitting myself. Second, how did I get you there?"
>"Somehow you had contacts with a Mafia family in Mumbai."
>"They have those there?"
>"Somehow, yes."

Anonymous No. 789617

>She goes to Asimov Next
>Asimov: Have you tried shitting yourself in front of the entire school?
>Asimov: You could make out with CK when he's being really cringe? Though considering he was part of your mini-harem that might not work...
>Leslie:... Wait, are you holding out on me thanks to something I did to you while my autism was cured?
>Asimov thinks back, remembering how she pushed Drew over immediately after becoming evil: No
and then he slams the door in her face.

Leslieanon No. 789618

>"Dammit, no one wanted the apology cupcakes, 2 people told me to shit myself, and now I'm more confused..."

Dannyanon No. 789620

Leslie knows Wendy was able to fix her reputation So she tries to go to her next but before she can get to her Leslie sees she has a fucked up haircut and is very pissed. all her instant tells her to get away from her.

before she can get away she bumps into Yashu whose rocking a pink pompadour Leslie coyly tries to ask what happened to you and he says some evil bitch replace my shampoo with pink hair dye and told everyone to call me yasssshu

Leslieanon No. 789621

>"Should have know The Thompson's wouldn't help me, The Yang's are out as well... Damn, really did a number, everyone in town must hate me now... Oh no, please don't tell me the only person in town that might help is HIM..."

Dannyanon No. 789622

meville: oh you've come to me you must be really desperate well yes I have one piece of advice

Leslie: please tell me its not to shit myself infront of the school

meville how did you guess?

Anonymous No. 789624

>at the end of her rope she goes to Teeny Steeve and he was so amused by her tormenting everyone he decides to help her.
>But she makes the mistake of letting him choose how he helps.
>The next day as everyone is going to school Leslie gets hit by a car.
>Leslie: Well at least I didn't shit my-

Leslieanon No. 789625

Episode ends there, rest of the season she's in a lower body cast, and she's back to friendly terms with her friends.

Dannyanon No. 789626

Vera made sure everyone knew she shat her britches to the point they forgotten she was even hit by a car

Anonymous No. 789627

Teeny Steeve didn't even set her up to get hit by the car, lol

Dannyanon No. 789628

It was Mr smile because she fire bombed his house he didn't plan on her surviving

Dannyanon No. 789630

evil Leslie burned most of les' scrap books to this day she hasn't forgotten or forgave her but she's not going to make a big deal out of it

Dannyanon No. 789631

she dyed Bobland white and had him taken to the north pole since he was confused for a polar bear

Dannyanon No. 789634

she destroyed all Lon's cheese and gave Wendy a ton of mussel relaxer and put her hair in a glue trap

Leslieanon No. 789638

The only "good" thing she did was deny Israel as a legitimate country, the bad was she said it in front of the town Jews.

Dannyanon No. 789640


autism cured Leslie is the Ricky Spanish of the North Park universe everyone got a bad experience with her even the ghosts she locked Barbara and Fiona in a fart jar

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Dannyanon No. 789641

Their friends again

Leslie: since we are friends again can you please wear the slave outfit again

Dani: don’t push your luck Houben

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Dannyanon No. 789646


Anonymous No. 789647

The only one who doesn't have a negative memory of it is CK and that's because he was too busy working on his game to care that leslie made him dress up as a french maid

Leslieanon No. 789650

Only his Autism was cured, not his ADHD.

Dannyanon No. 789654

It's funny that Leslie thought Apology cupcakes could solve this because

>She tranquilized time traveler and dumped her in the time traveler Mass grave where's Danny eventually came along to bury her not knowing she was still alive just unable to move.

>she melted down all Devan's dinos

>She slashed Rick's Tires

>she put a2 head on one of those '90s too early 2000s robots dog toys he had to look for someone to break the body so he could beat detached from it

>She put up a bunch of posters claiming slappy was on the sex offender registry across town

>She broke into the Yang's house and stole and buried li prosthetic limbs

> she summon blenny's old hell friends to show them how domesticated he became making him a laughing stock in hell

Dannyanon No. 789655

>She had a dogboy Samurais neutered

>She reversed doctor cates procedure making her a normal human with a deadly cat allergies once again it's just this time her entire house is covered with cat hair.

>She trapped nightmare guy in 100 tiny little bottles and hid them around town like the Riddler and the Arkham games Drew and teeny Stevie are still playing her little challenges to get them back

> she kissed mazie in front of mazeby and Mazie actually liked it

> she used time travelers time watch to send bundle into the future during her 15th birthday which her present and future self both were affected by the spinster cursed at the same time

> she put a tracking device in Dogman and gave Bobland the receiver so he could track dogman wherever he was

Leslieanon No. 789656

Don't worry, the rest of her summer is nothing but community service.

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Dannyanon No. 789657

She had to make the heartbreaking choice of having to either die of her allergies with a sound mind or live the rest of her Life as a mad woman.

Anonymous No. 789659

ADHD can sometimes lead to hyperfocus.
So CK getting so focused on his game that he doesn't remember anything else could actually make sense.

Dannyanon No. 789660

she left the catgirls with a tape saying she hopes they know deep down inside that she loves them.

they never got to see this tape Dr cates taped over it for some mundane purpose

Dannyanon No. 789662

so is Leslie some evil being thats held at bay by her autism or did the Cure do something to change her?

Anonymous No. 789663


Dannyanon No. 789680

she was doing community service when she was evil she fed her sweet little homeless friend Hansel some rat burgers. hey where his little rat girlfriend run off to? I haven't seen her in few weeks.

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Anonymous No. 789684

I noticed Robin had been getting a lot of love recently, which is pretty based. Time to get aboard the Robin agenda train.

Dannyanon No. 789686

he being hard carried by crush

Anonymous No. 789691

Who's being hard carried by being one of A2's Minions

Anonymous No. 789693

Who in turn is being hard carried by Cripplefucker's existence

Anonymous No. 789694

I'd say that he's being equally carried by both Asimov and Cripplefucker.

Dannyanon No. 789695

and Wendy

Anonymous No. 789697

Honestly I feel like Wendy is carried more by her rivals than the other way around.

Dannyanon No. 789699

nah Wendy carries Yashu I don't remember any Yashu story pre Wendy

Dannyanon No. 789700

episode where time traveler, Danny fishboy and Vera goes back in time to retake all of the pictures in les' scrapbook because she gotten very depressed and she always helped them when they were down

Dannyanon No. 789701

Halfway through the episode they realize they left the lens cap on and have to redo all of it

Dannyanon No. 789705

episode where Yashu finds out Wendy has a Wendy in one of her hobbies ( his name should be josh wang) and kinda get jealous that she spends more time trying to beat him then focusing on their rivalry he is also obvious to the fact he's some girls Wendy we it comes to cooking competitions ( her name should be Mindy)

Dannyanon No. 789711

episode where Vera is grumpy after her 191st birthday so Danny and les gets her to be Slappy’s clown assistant for the day to cheer her up but she mops through it getting on slappy nerves.

Anonymous No. 789712

>Yashu casually winning cooking competitions (When that cheating bastard Asimov isn't competing).
>Mindy is malding to the max and he doesn't even notice.
>Mindy hates him even more because she works at the maid cafe and is one of his favorites, with him not noticing that she's the girl he's constantly trouncing in cooking competitions.

Dannyanon No. 789715

she trains and practice new and better recipes everyday for hours to beat him and he just wings it every time

Anonymous No. 789716

Yashu is a cooking demon. because both of his parents are SSS tier cooks.

Anonymous No. 789717

holy shit good job anon. everyone is making me feel things for this stupid dork it's so unfair. why do i have to be a fleshie bros..

Dannyanon No. 789719

Mindy Simpson is a new kid to town she's actually normal doesn't like the weirdness at all every day she faces it with kindness and optimism which makes the town want to fuck with her even harder she has a temper though

Anonymous No. 789721

Damn this pic goes hard

Anonymous No. 789725

Her having to dote on Yashu while doing her job makes her so angry, lol.
She ends up tutoring CK and having to put up with his cringe.

Dannyanon No. 789726

she starts every day as let's say SpongeBob and ends it as pomni

The only reason she took the job because vera tricked her into gaining a lot of debt she is unsure how the maid Cafe is legal

When she first saw Asimov during the competition she pointed out that he's a robot thus is unfair for him to join the judges didn't believe her but even if you was there's no rule against a robot joining a cooking competition.

Anonymous No. 789727

>When she first saw Asimov during the competition she pointed out that he's a robot thus is unfair for him to join the judges didn't believe her but even if you was there's no rule against a robot joining a cooking competition.
Asimov has gained another person that dislikes him it seems.
North Park is rapidly developing a robophobia problem.

Anonymous No. 789728

>The only time someone has beaten Yashu in cooking it was the robot who can cook like a five star chef.
That must really burn her ass
Would Asimov's food taste soulless? He's literally just following the recipe exactly like an AI would, right?

Anonymous No. 789729

Asimov genuinely loves to cook, it's one of his favorite things to do and he loves seeing people enjoy what he makes.
Whenever Li's Sushi Shop is Shown Asimov is working there as a secondary chef.
Everybody loves his food, even if they hate him.

Anonymous No. 789730

Asimov: I have made scones, today's flavors are chocolate, macadamia nut, and strawberry!
Everyone in class:

Dannyanon No. 789731

She doesn't hate Asimov he just shouldn't be entering cooking competitions because he not human though she didn't reject his invitation to Friendship

Anonymous No. 789733

>Chef Sheffield
Woman your taste is all over the place what the hell
Don't even know if I've missed any

Dannyanon No. 789737

*she did reject

Dannyanon No. 789739


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Dannyanon No. 789740

Forgot the pic

Dannyanon No. 789741

Wait a minute I forgot I gave Jonesy a green sweater… oh well

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Dannyanon No. 789742

Hmmm I gave her the same color palette as teacup. Oh well.

This time she’s gonna win the cooking competition for sure

Anonymous No. 789743

>Her reaction when she sees Yashu filleting a whole ass swordfish and making it into a five-star sashimi plate.

Dannyanon No. 789745


It's the judging portion of the competition Yashu didn't show up Asimov isn't there they taste hers the judges are saying they think they have a winner all of a sudden yashu bust through the door with a finished meal he woke up late today

mindy: no no noooo

after tasting the food the judges give him the ribbon

mindy: ahhhhhhhhhhh

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Dannyanon No. 789746

Her face when Yashu got his ass beaten, particularly badly by Wendy and asked Mindy to dote on him the whole day mind you this is after her getting her ass beat by him in a cooking competition

Anonymous No. 789747

Yashu is completely oblivious to how much She wants to smother him with a pillow.
Now that I think about it, how does Wendy feel about Mindy being Yashu's favorite maid?

Anonymous No. 789748

this image gives off strong Moral Orel energy

Dannyanon No. 789749

Wendy: lol Yashu got a Yashu. is he going to give her a delinquent fetish?

Wendy isn't part of his maid thing except probably being the origin point of his maid fetish so she doesn't really care and mindy clearly doesn't like him... but why would that matter to her ha ha ha ( ゚ー゚)

Anonymous No. 789753

>Wendy isn't part of his maid thing except probably being the origin point of his maid fetish so she doesn't really care and mindy clearly doesn't like him... but why would that matter to her ha ha ha ( ゚ー゚)
down girl goddamn

Dannyanon No. 789769

episode where Chuck donors force him to sit out this election and they bring in a younger politician who gets this generation Gonzalez its Gonzalez vs Mac tonight and what's worse for Mac tonight the donors leak moon man to the toemwn and it torpedoes Mac tonight's assassination momentum. also chuck jumps ship to help Mac tonight as his official co mayor this election

Dannyanon No. 789770

imma be honest with you if I do decide to continue with npd she going to be the main character her dealing with this crazy ass town and refusing to be its butt monkey which puts a target on her back

Dannyanon No. 789779

at the debate at first Gonzalez is saying really childish solutions for hard questions that Chuck rigged Gonzalez to have which the crowd eats up (Gonzalez is weirdly really charismatic) then Gonzalez starts pointing out chuck and Mac tonight failures as mayor such as giving Jonesy power that one time or the Delly incident and then things about their private lives such as chubby chasing and what did happen between mac tonight and his ex wife. turns out Vera was prepping Gonzalez with info she has on them to get favors once he becomes mayor

Anonymous No. 789781

>Mac Tonight reveals his plans for a new financial district that will bring a ton of money into the town and give the citizens a ton more to do.
>Vera had convinced him to drop it in the past because it'd hurt her bottom line but he found out she was pulling this stunt and managed to get it started without her finding out.
Vera, facepalming: Note to self, remember that Mac Tonight is as smart as Asimov, but without the naivety

Anonymous No. 789782

>No one is ever as excited when Mindy brings in things she's cooked because they're all spoiled by Asimov's cooking.
>She isn't allowed to cook at the Maid Cafe.
>Yashu makes absolutely no reaction when eating anything she's cooked, while she always ends up moaning in pleasure after eating something he's made.
>Wendy tries to act like him viewing Mindy's maid persona as a better maid then her doesn't get under her skin, but if Mindy ever showed actual interest in Yashu she'd be salty as fuck.
>Mindy cannot tell Yashu is himself when he's in non-yakuza mode, and starts catching feelings until she sees him switching into his Yakuza outfit for a cooking competition.

Anonymous No. 789783

Wendy is not the source of Yashu's love of maids, and part of the reason that he dislikes her starting off is that she doesn't act like a "proper" maid, his first insult for her is "Fake maid" before she kicks his ass, after which he starts calling her "Gorilla Maid"

Dannyanon No. 789784

no this is a yashu cope he did not ever bring up his love of maids to anyone before wendy started kicking his

Anonymous No. 789785

Nah, before he found out she was wild wendy he was excited to be pampered by a maid, only for her to earn her "Fake Maid" moniker.
Yashu starts up the maid cafe to show people what real maids are supposed to act like (And to also have an establishment full of maids to pamper him and help him forget the image of Wendy's non-maid behavior)

Dannyanon No. 789786

vera calls McDonald's to get him taking back since he is their property she wasn't counting on them actually trying to destroy him to cover up the whole Moon Man incident she just thought they were going to stuff him in a warehouse somewhere so she has to help them avoid the McDonald's Mafia

Dannyanon No. 789787

it's the actual Macdonald cast trying to kill him

Dannyanon No. 789788

the bottom to I reject as Canon

she will never fall for Yashu and Wendy see Yashu fetish for maids as a perversion of what maids should be him liking her as a maid would be an insult

Dannyanon No. 789789

Wendy: you don't want to maid you want a mommy that will make you think she'll touch your dick

Anonymous No. 789797

Yashu: The tender kindness of a maid is lost upon a gorilla maid like you! Their dainty gentleness, demure demeanor, boundless kindness! Don't pervert the idea of Maids by associating them with sex, you vulgar girl!

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Dannyanon No. 789800

Wendy: of course you say that despite the fact that you have them dressed skimpy

wendy: if you don't have a problem with them dressing more modesty I could pick their attire?

Anonymous No. 789802

>Yashu: I'm not in charge of how they dress, you can blame that more on the other owners and Vera. I prefer when their skirts at least go down to their knees but I got outvoted.

>Wendy looks inside and sees Vera laughing with a glass of wine while surrounded by the skimpier dressed maids: oh right, you aren't the sole owner.

Dannyanon No. 789804

What a cop out Asimovanon but I applaud you

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Leslieanon No. 789808

>"Get you Autism cured they said, you'll be normal they said. Look what that got me, 3 months in this shit and 5 months of community service."

Dannyanon No. 789809


I'll ask again was is she evil just her autism holds her back or other than curing her autism did the pill change her?

Leslieanon No. 789810

Both honestly, the Autism constantly has her second guess a lot, and the pill just boosted her evil thoughts.

Dannyanon No. 789812

Hey at least you finally cripple Army now

Dannyanon No. 789813

*can finally join

Leslieanon No. 789814

Yea, just so Rulf can't indoctrinate her sister.

Dannyanon No. 789817

>Asimov always brings in food the days mindy brings in food so she knows she the 2nd choice or everyone is too full to eat her food. he is totally doing his on purpose probably because she called him out as being a robot and refused his friendship and her green sweater reminds him of Jonesy.

>except for Hansel who likes her food the most after it accidentally hit his tongue while gorging himself and he realized "food can taste good?" Now he's always there whenever she brings food and everyone is clamoring for Asimov's.

>Danny is salty as fuck that hansel actually taking his time and savoring the food

> whenever Mindy practices cooking she invites him and Gretel to her backyard to eat

Anonymous No. 789820

Asimov is really learning to use the hate he learned from Jonesy fucking with him, didn't he.
we're lucky it's just in the form of pettyness.

Also, lol at her Stealing Hansel and Gretel from Asimov as people to feed.

Anonymous No. 789821

>Mindy is both the only one will and able to make Dr. Toades favorite dish, Honey Cricket pie.
>Unfortunately, she can't use this to win competitions, because everyone else finds the idea of eating the pie disgusting, but it does earn her cooking lessions from him, and the man is an insanely talented cook thanks to being such a Gourmand

Dannyanon No. 789823

she likes making exotic and unique cuisine

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Dannyanon No. 789825

Apparently if you buy your own outfit they’ll let you wear it save them money

Wendy: “I’m not afraid of anything” *sees this* “I’m afraid of one thing.”

Anonymous No. 789826

>Yashu likes her more because she's not dressed slutty

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Dannyanon No. 789828

He’s prepared to seal up the catacombs if she don’t stop fucking around with their elections

Vera: this has to be illegal

Dannyanon No. 789829

vera:You can't just threaten me and my family with homelessness because I'm not supporting you and Chuck in the next election surely this is illegal

* looks at Elmer he just shrugs*

Dannyanon No. 789845

The maid that canonically likes is jealous of her

Dannyanon No. 789847

comic strip story line where after mindy reject drinking dr toades gender fluid he becomes obsessed with getting her to drink it and mindy finds out no one in town finds this behavior strange, are on Dr toades side or they tell her it's better to just drink it and get it over with

it's a mixture between a loony tunes comedy and a junji Ito Horror Story

Anonymous No. 789849

I thought you said that Wendy wasn't jealous of her?

Dannyanon No. 789850

no one of the maids form the cafe wasn't there one that actually liked him I sort of remember it but I don't remember which one

Dannyanon No. 789853

another comic strip arc idea is mindy wants to avoid working at the maid Cafe so she takes up babysitting jobs and one of them is to babysit drew while slappy is on a date with Hui-Feng Peng but he warns her not to open the basement door while everything is going smoothly she starts to hear strange noises coming from the basement and she starts to suspect slappy is a kidnapper or murderer.

Dannyanon No. 789861

good news everybody (if anyone is even here)

yeah imma thinking I'm going to do some more npd but I'll try to do a month worth of backlog ( so except it around September 1st) and try not to go overly ambitious simple backgrounds simple stories.

also my and the catgirls birthday is on Tuesday so if you want to draw some of the characters I created it would be much appreciated.

anyways episode where all the towns electricity is cut off and they quickly devolve into post apocalypse medieval society.

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Dannyanon No. 789874

"This should be an easy job all you really have to do is put on some sitcoms and and watch it with her till bedtime but I can't stress this enough do not open that basement door you may hear things coming from the other side like banging or ungodly noises but trust me that's just the water heater"

Also this is what I imagined a Clown house would look like not to be confused with the clown house which is a movie the director of Jeepers Creepers made where he molested a boy on the set

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Anonymous No. 789875

why is he not wearing pants...

Dannyanon No. 789877

Well have you ever seen Clown house? nah I just forgot to paint that bit

Anonymous No. 789878

>(((forgot))) to paint it
>when the eye of drewthulu at the perfect height
you sicken me, expect something very fitting for your birthday, creep

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Leslieanon No. 789880

>"Does the special boy want a special snack? Huh? Huh?"

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Dannyanon No. 789882

Because of you everyone calls me loose sphincter Leslie

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Anonymous No. 789883

>"Wow, we have so much in common. Do you want to come over to my house and play together? I can bring pet lizard if you bring yours."

Dannyanon No. 789885

You forgot she's in a wheelchair right now he'd be on that thing

Dannyanon No. 789889

dani wheeling Leslie around Dani has to get something from there top floor the fastest way is to take the stairs so she leaves Leslie for a moment she'll be back in a second. Crip comes creeping from the corner Leslie spots him

Leslie: dani! dani! dannnnnnnni!

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Anonymous No. 789890

Waiter! Waiter! More loli-bots!!

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Anonymous No. 789894

Dannyanon No. 789906

I like Vera and Leslie being very catty to each other I don't think they quite hate each other but they definitely don't get along for some reason Vera has a better relationship with Leslie's brother then she has with Leslie

Dannyanon No. 789907

Leslie claims it started because Vera sold her faulty lighters

Vera says the lighters worked find she specified the lighter fluid were sold separately

Dannyanon No. 789909

It was a nice lighter personalized to Leslie it just required some maintenance that was just a little beyond Leslie. though to Leslie it is faulty

Vera never sells bad products because if you sell bad products people will only buy from you once

Anonymous No. 789910

She's crippled, now's my chance!

Dannyanon No. 789920

episode where Leslie is in court for her crimes and Vera is her lawyer Leslie doesn't know if she trying to help or get her in more trouble (Vera claims she trying to help her)

Dannyanon No. 789926

halfway through the episode Leslie kicks out Vera as her new lawyer after trying to get the judge to dismiss the charges by claiming to shit her pants and she tried to put Leslie on stand to admit it to the whole town. Vera then becomes the prosecuting attorney and just start bringing up things to try to embarrass and incriminate her somehow this ends with the lighter being the final piece of her interrogation and the whole thing just spirals into a realistic argument about whether the lighter was faulty or Leslie just doesn't know what she's talking about it's very autistic and Petty for both sides

Anonymous No. 789927

>Episode ends with Leslie getting some very embarrassing dirt on Vera from Teeny Steeve and using it to blackmail Vera into admitting the lighter was faulty.
Vera: WHY!?
Steeve: Because you keep helping the catgirls to blow up my lady's house!
>Vera had genuinely forgotten that Gouupa lives in Toades lab

Dannyanon No. 789929

teeny Stevie knows better than that he wouldn't want his real name getting out there knowing someone's real name in the magic world is very dangerous

Leslieanon No. 789930

Maybe a joke where the evidence is tiny and Vera hands Leslie a magnifying glass to read it.

Dannyanon No. 789931



Knowing someone's true or Magic name ( it's not their literal name) can open them up to people cast and spells on them without any range

episode where Vera publicly advertises an auction on teeny steeve true name to all his enemies after using his true name to cut him off from wall magic.

Inb4 teeny Stevie knows her true name no he doesn't

Leslieanon No. 789932

The dirt against Vera is tiny, so they need a magnifying glass to read it, the only person in the courtroom with one is Vera.

Dannyanon No. 789933


ok that was too high concept for me Leslie good joke

Dannyanon No. 789935

Some sort of magic Warden from a magic prison with a huge grudge against teeny steeve win the auction and teleports him to the prison nightmare guy Hansel and Gouupa have to do a prison break to get him out

Dannyanon No. 789938

Just because I thought this was clever Tina Stevie is in a wall magic user the warden is a law magic user he's the ultimate stiff necked bureaucrat

Anonymous No. 789941

>The Prison is in the Magic Woods
>All the Giants try to break in to enact Teeny Steeve's death sentence since he's returned, unaware that he was brought there against his will, meaning the people trying to break him out have to deal with getting to him and not being killed by the giants.
>When the giants find out that he was forced to break his banishment thanks to his true name being used they're pissed at the Warden and they let Steeve and friends go after warning steeve that next time he comes back he's fucking dead.
>Steeve meets up with Vera after the credits, and since she sold the knowledge to his name she can no longer use it.
>He says he'll have revenge on her at his leisure, and that she won't see it coming.
>A mini arc of her becoming a paranoid wreck ensues.

Dannyanon No. 789944

The warden gets his Revenge by making a deal with the musical hivemind virus and infecting all the Giants of the Woods they're going to get that little bastard and mute

Dannyanon No. 789945

now teeny steeve lives in fear since the warden still has his name and now all the Giants in the woods are considered outlaws so people can magicly legally steal their land

Anonymous No. 789948

>Implying the Warden gets to live
>The Giants smashed him into chunky salsa to keep him from pulling his shit again.
All the criminals he was keeping trapped that didn't die from the giants rampaging did escape though, so there's that plotline.
Danny, looking at Vera and Steeve: So, since this is both of your faults. You're going to help fix this, right?
>The two start to refuse, only to swiftly agree when Wendy starts cracking her knuckles

Dannyanon No. 789949


He has law Magic (it's a rare and very dangerous) he can control any law such as the laws of physics they try to get to him he turns off gravity he lives through this and probably kills a lot of those giants

Dannyanon No. 789950

They wouldn't put a slouch who couldn't handle an Army of giants to essentially guard all the most dangerous prisoners

Dannyanon No. 789959

once t Stevie gets his connection back to wall Magic he has given a new true name which ironically because Vera was so paranoid she hid herself off in an isolated room that they had to use to get his connection back she was able to overhear it putting them back at Square One

Dannyanon No. 789972


Vera taunts Stevie with how pointless this all was and steeve attacks her

The judge interrupted Vera ask her how is this relevant to why she missed her contempt of court date (because she was arguing with Leslie over the lighter they both were put into contempt of court).

Very flustered and annoyed she says because Stevie attacked her she got spooked and pooped her pants the court erupts and laughter this whole Arc led to his one punch line

Leslieanon No. 789976

List of things Leslie has to do for community service.
>Help out at the local Humane Society
>Help out at the Retirement Home
>Litter clean-up
>Help each of the households she's affected, which ranges from general housework, to having to be a lab assistant.

Dannyanon No. 789977

Leslie having to the deal with the cheatu shit in a wheelchair for a night

Danny: "I'd love to see it"

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Dannyanon No. 789982

Dannyanon No. 789984

Holy fuck I found out that restaurants are using dating apps to catfish women to get them to their restaurant I predicted this with that story that Vera catfishes dr Cates to get her to the bar am I Simpson now

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Dannyanon No. 789997

Vera…. Sigh I couldn’t make it to court that day because when teeny Stevie attacked my I got scared and ummm….. shat my pants and I was away from home and didn’t have a change

Judge calming down the courtroom after erupts in laughter I see I suppose this is punishment enough your free to go

Leslie: is shitting you pants really just a get out of jail free card.

Anonymous No. 789998

Oh great one, bless us with another premonition

Dannyanon No. 790000


Anonymous No. 790002

*Where is my mind sadly plays in the background*

Anonymous No. 790003

What Postal 2 mod is this reality?

Dannyanon No. 790005

episode where linus poetry starts to predict the future he then becomes popular and it's somewhere goes to his head and Lydia and tt wants to debunk this but soon finds out that not only is it real is leading up to an apocalyptic event.

Dannyanon No. 790006

Lydia and TT try to prevent this apocalypse they ask Lon for help and he tells them they'll need to break in to the prison tower in the magic woods and free a specific prisoner who has the power to stop this apocalypse dream child ( him and his god Squad was captured a long time ago that's why we don't see him anymore) he sends Danny and wendy to help them get in but they know getting out is a lot harder so they are not going in but they do give them teeny Steevie ( danny and wendy he would have just left them in there) who can easily Escape with wall Magic law Magic's natural enemy.

It's a two-part episode the first is Linus poetry prediction and the second is the jailbreak.

Dannyanon No. 790008


Danny and Wendy are causing a distraction outside to get the warden attention so he wouldn't capture tt and Lydia while they free dream

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 790009


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 790010


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Dannyanon No. 790011

His ego didn’t need the boost

Anonymous No. 790012

Careful, I remember what Delly did to Georgina

Leslieanon No. 790016

>"Delly, please keep your man away from me, I have no interest in him, not just because he's a creep, but because you kinda scare me."

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Dannyanon No. 790019

How will Hansel and friends escape

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Dannyanon No. 790020

Finally caught that doll again

Anonymous No. 790021

Wait, I just realized something Steeve was legally banished from the Magical Woods, so wouldn't the warden be breaking the law by forcing him to come back?

Dannyanon No. 790022

The prison has its own location it technically not part of the magical forest

Dannyanon No. 790023

since he was teleported into the prison he didn't even cross into the woods

Dannyanon No. 790024

It's kind of like the Vatican City it's considered its own Sovereign territory fun fact the warden cannot leave that area that's why he can't just go to North Park and get him or any other magical criminals they usually have to be brought to him

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Dannyanon No. 790029


Anonymous No. 790030

Yo, that Gouupa looking kinda...

Dannyanon No. 790052

They had to wait until teeny Stevie got his wall magic back to go back to normal

Also all the Giants that survived that wasn't fortunate enough to escape the prison, the Warden shrank down to teeny steeve size just because he thought it was funny they banished him for his size and was going to execute him for it now they're just like him now. they can keep his cell warm till he gets back

Also the reason he didn't immediately poof teeny steeve back is because he very autistically obsessed with order and doing things in a specific order. once he made that to do list you can't change his mind about the order of it. First he he has to stop the riot the Giants caused then book and sentence the Giants, then fix the prison outside and then the inside buff up security so this won't happen again and then by the time he tried to use the spell again he found out Teeny steeve true name was changed. He tried to get a refund from Vera but she has a no refunds policy and he has to respect that rule.

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Dannyanon No. 790054


Anonymous No. 790058

those giants kind of fucked themselves for no reason.

Anonymous No. 790061

Giants don't recognize Law Mages' laws, and a ton of issues come on that from both sides.
Half the reason Teeny Steeve has so many crimes under his belt is that he was raised to ignore all law outside of Giant Law (The other half could be argued as self-defense because the things he committed crimes on were trying to kill and/or eat him at the time)
Most people let giants get away with it because they're insanely strong, both physically and magically.

Dannyanon No. 790063

It was about time someone cut them down to size they thought they could survive 10,000 times gravity smashing them

Dannyanon No. 790064

they were crushed by the weight of their own hair and skin

Dannyanon No. 790068

they talk to him about transferring the gods in the cheatu to the prison and demand a tour to see if it handle them

Dannyanon No. 790072

hey what happened to that anon who said they had something planned?

Anonymous No. 790073

i ate him

Dannyanon No. 790079

Mandy is that you?

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Leslieanon No. 790081

This took WAY TOO LONG to make, all I'm really doing is waiting for a client to pay...

Dannyanon No. 790083

lol this reminds me of regular show I love it thanks Leslieanon

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Dannyanon No. 790084

Vera: well let me tell you a few things about this place its always night we’re being chased by a faceless man and we have to collect a few pages

Dannyanon No. 790112

they keep trying to summon Danny back form the woods only to be getting different Danny's that aren't their's until they get some sort of Eldridge Abomination Danny

meanwhile Danny and Vera collet pages and avoid a slender man knock off But Once they run into him They kind of realize he has a stupid voice And make fun of him and actually hurt his feelings so he opens a portal and tells him to get the fuck out of his realm

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I would have done....png

Anonymous No. 790113

Dannyanon No. 790114

thanks anon

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Dannyanon No. 790115

Dannyanon No. 790116

they don't even know it's their birthday party danny and wendy just told them to show up and they did they feel bad but they didn't get a gift so they going to try to steal someone else's gift and pass it off as their own

this gives me an idea

episode where they try to ruin a party Danny and wendy are setting up only for it to be their birthday party

Dannyanon No. 790122

tt's watch overloads sending her to North Park 1900 where she has to team up with a post vampire clan but pre the Vera we know to protect her and steal a part to fix her watch from a robot sent from the future by Vanessa when she took over time cop hq to kill Vera and prevent the death of her monster hunting clan.

tt hates this version of Vera she's, too loud, crude, needlessly cruel ( you would be too if you were 70 to 80ish in a 9 year old body) and immature they have a real Deadpool and Wolverine vibe going on.

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Dannyanon No. 790127

TT: oh come on You said all you needed was a quick bite

Vera: yeah the bite was quick It’s the sucking that’s takes taking so long

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Dannyanon No. 790128

Dannyanon No. 790132

This made me realize I made like three different purple and orange characters

Dannyanon No. 790133

Actually four if I'm counting Moore

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Dannyanon No. 790134

in this hero rp side story There is a new villain in their game Who’s catching all the headlines around town by being an actual villain and terrorizing the town. a bunch of hungry movie studio producers are in town looking to put them in their cinematic universes ( at first we are allowed to believe that they are the feds trying to catches this terrorist)

their name, Dr. October and their four octobots it’s up to the new kid and the villains ( who are mad they’re being outshined by dr. October) to find out who this person is blackmail them and steal the thunder so that they may be in a cinematic universe

Its Ula and the rest of the vamps (except Vera) she just wanted to play with them but got really into character and became a genuine villain doing real crimes and is actually kind of scary

Dannyanon No. 790138

The entire DLC takes place during the week of Halloween

the final boss is candy corn lady possessed or empowered ( I can't decide which I'm leaning towards empowered) dr October since she caused so much fear during Halloween time she's either giving a Boon or possessed by CCL

it sort of a detective story with lord tyranny, clockwork and Leslie's Bounty Hunter persona (I forget her name) as your team

beating the dlc gives you dr October as a playable character

Leslieanon No. 790139

Her name's Pinpoint, she'd show up in fights in the DLC area, but as a CPU on your side rather than randomly showing up and attacking you/enemies/both.

Dannyanon No. 790145

ok then dew is playable and pinpoint is a non-playable bonus character who joins the team because she wants to hunt down doctor October and knows her chances doing it alone is very slim and because the DLC is too hard

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Dannyanon No. 790149

Ula got so into character It’s a separate personality. She doesn’t remember her actions as Dr. October.

Dannyanon No. 790151

thanks for making my birthday special this year.

Anonymous No. 790155

Alright let's figure out how to make this kiss murder mystery story work.
None of the characters are particularly law abiding citizens so it's hard to have genuine kid cops.
Jerry+Cassandra or Jerry+Trisha as detectives.
How many red herrings, undercover, double agent missions do we add?
Crime of passion or crime out of money?
Who's the chief in charge and the big boss breathing down one's neck?
Any extra events going on like valentines, halloween, a wedding, a concert, etc?
This is how you start conceptualizing a story before you get to the details like how much paperwork actual cops do.

Dannyanon No. 790171


lord tyranny and pinpoint

lt: pinpoint you should give up the Bounty Hunter life and join the tyranny empire we give out competitive pay, 401k options, and benefits and if you join I'll make you the 6th General in my Empire

pp: negative I prefer a open contract (also cat allergies)

pp: lord tyranny there's a big bounty on your head but lucky for you there's a bigger one on Dr October

lt: oh gee thanks ( Sarcastic) ...well at least you're not attacking us this time.

lt: *snickers* so pinpoint so you're a space knight right? how did you get here? are you a robot or cyborg?

pp: (breaking character) dammit danny I've told you my backstory 100 times!!!

lt: pinpoint can I call you pp for short?

pp: no!

lt: *breaking character* hey Leslie I didn't get a chance to say this but thanks for the get well soon card and visiting me in the hospital.

pp: show you're gratefulness by helping me capture Dr October... * breaking character* no problem dude.

pp: with the help of the tyranny empire I'll surely be able to capture dr October

lt: ha ha ha pinpoint we're an unstoppable team.... it's a shame we are never on the same team in these games

Dannyanon No. 790172

any August birthdays if so state your request?

Dannyanon No. 790173

lord tyranny and clockwork

cw: ... so are we going to talk about the last time we met you beat the shit out of me turned me into a 5-year-old and then continued to beat the shit out of me.

lt: and are we going to talk about the time before that where you knowingly had me fucking shot!

lt: so your villain persona is a time traveler?

cw: no I'm clocked themed you idiot

cw: I don't know why we're going after dr October when we already have a spotlight hog over here.

lt: oh don't get mad at me because you don't know how to steal a scene

cw: hey Danny why don't you use the orb of Truth to figure out who Dr October is?

lt: where's the fun of that Clockwork psst *whisper* kid it because I didn't think of it and don't want to give her the credit for thinking of it.

cw : you know I can hear you?

lt: ah!

lt: hey clockwo-

cw you finally inviting me to join the villains guild high table but you shov-

lt actually I was just going to say nice takedown were you waiting for an invitation?

cw.... if any of you tell anyone about this I'm going to erase you from the timeline

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Anonymous No. 790175

wtf is this thread image you child loving raised by fnaf ass freaks

Oekaki Post (Time: 55s, Replay: View)

Dannyanon No. 790176

I would argue with you but ummm this thread image was definitely a choice

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Dannyanon No. 790177


Leslieanon No. 790179

I have no idea why that's the thread image.

Anonymous No. 790181

Seems pretty self explanatory, a robot hooker.

Dannyanon No. 790186

I just finished inking the first npd in a couple months we're so fucking back

Anonymous No. 790189


Dannyanon No. 790190

Danny made the villain Guild high table comprised of villains who didn't conspire to fucking shoot him. the villains part of the conspiracy who are clearly more important then cringe kid, Charles and bille villain personas are Very salty about it but pretend not to be so he doesn't get the satisfaction of it knowing it's working

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mildly inconvenie....png

Anonymous No. 790193

I miscalculated and missed the window of opportunity, and I don't know when I'll get my PC back yet

Anonymous No. 790196

*CLANG**CLANG**CLANG** am I talking to the walls here?
Who do we pick as detectives and other cop staff members?
Who do we pick as victims?
Who do we pick as suspects?
What is the crime?
What are the motives?
Who is the commissioner/chief police?
Who is the mayor or boss?

Alright let's figure out how to make this kiss murder mystery story work.
None of the characters are particularly law abiding citizens so it's hard to have genuine kid cops.
Jerry+Cassandra or Jerry+Trisha as detectives.
How many red herrings, undercover, double agent missions do we add?
Crime of passion or crime out of money?
Who's the chief in charge and the big boss breathing down one's neck?
Any extra events going on like valentines, halloween, a wedding, a concert, etc?
This is how you start conceptualizing a story before you get to the details like how much paperwork actual cops do.

Leslieanon No. 790197

Leslie is both a cop and victim, kissed in her own home while taking a bath, the strange part is she was kissed with her own lipstick.

Dannyanon No. 790198

Damn it Leslie I was hoping we can get to three repost

it obviously takes place during Valentines The Twist there are more than one serial kissers

Dannyanon No. 790199

One of them is Posey she's trying to boost confidence for losing the kissing competition but she only started doing it after the first one begin

Anonymous No. 790200

>None of the characters are particularly law abiding citizens so it's hard to have genuine kid cops.
Robert, Charles and Trisha are upstanding citizens. Charles is the newbie officer, he doesn't want to believe that one of his friends is going around harassing innocent people. Trisha is the hardened and grizzled vet who's seen the worst of humanity(her family during the Superbowl) despite it all, she still will seek justice for the victims of the serial kisser(s)?) Robert is the mediator between them, he grounds the Canadian's good cop nature so he doesn't go believing everyone at their word like the naive idiot he is. Robert doesn't let the lumberjack go full bad cop and is willing to give even the most suspicious of suspects the chance to explain themselves.
based "Posie lost the competition" truther, I find it hilarious that the event she started, hoping to pull everyone together, makes rifts between the genders

Anonymous No. 790201

>Jerry+Cassandra or Jerry+Trisha as detectives.
initially Jerry joined under the promise he'd be first to go under witness protection to keep him away from any serial kissers, now he regrets everything since he's taking orders from Cassie and she refuses to budge. Jerry and Cassie are also kind of weirdly in sync when the evidence lines up, unfortunately they only really see what they WANT to see during investigations, feeding Trisha wildly conflicting information

Dannyanon No. 790202

Danny slept through the entire event he was awake for the first part he figured it out then fell asleep immediately

Anonymous No. 790203

>How many red herrings, undercover, double agent missions do we add?
Cripplefucker red herring obviously, but his suspicion begins to dry up once more abled-bodied kids become victims. That doesn't stop Rulf from focusing on him and using his cripple army to plant fake evidence to convict him out of spite.
Dizzy becomes a double agent of chaos as he also wants to kiss people to throw off the investigation. His motives are sick and twisted: *he wants prove how gay the boys are so he can be even more homophobic*

Dannyanon No. 790204

he wakes up when Cassandra was going to give the wrong hypothesis and info dumps the entire case

Anonymous No. 790205

>Who's the chief in charge and the big boss breathing down one's neck?
Cringe Kid, is the police chief who's constantly calling Trisha a loose canon and asking for Robert's badge and his other badge(his chinpokomon cards/).
Cringe Kid has his big boss(Melville) breathing down his neck as the pineapple boy thinks he himself is at the biggest risk of the cereal kisser uses his position to hide behind everyone to save himself. Cringe Kid actually believes this and thus always assigns someone to bodyguard Melville for no reason.

Dannyanon No. 790206

danny: Guys I know who the serial kisser is its.... zzzzzzzz

Cassandra and Jerry goes on their adventure and find Posey as the copycat kisser who thought she could hide her crime when they catch the real guy

they then follow a bad lead and catch mute who just happened to be in the area and when they started chasing she ran so they assumed she was the culprit

And when Cassandra is about to give her hypothesis on how she did it Danny then wakes up

danny: "its ____ and this is how they did it"

Anonymous No. 790207

>CK ends up getting smooched by the serial kisser.

Dannyanon No. 790208

Suspects ula, Fishboy, Georgina, dew, Dorothy, max, bundle, and the catgirls

Anonymous No. 790209

Why him?

Dannyanon No. 790210

Because fish are known for like kissing because the way they move their mouths

Anonymous No. 790212

>CK, dying in Melville's arms, grips his boss by the collar and recites his dying wishes before he succumbs to cooties
>it's as long, dramatic and unnecessary as you'd think
>after he keels over, Melville unceremoniously lets him drop to the floor, taking a sigh of relief that it wasn't him

Anonymous No. 790213

>Melville, drops ck
>CK, on the floor: ow
>Melville: Shut up! You are dead!
>CK before properly acting dead: ok.

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Dannyanon No. 790214

Teacup: Outta my way shrimp!

Dannyanon No. 790236

episode where chaz finds a woman that seems to be into him he thinking he gonna score and Danny finds out that "she" is a trap looking to pay the troll toll and is following chaz around to see his reaction when he finds out. somehow they both get chased around by this predator

Dannyanon No. 790237

Danny: I just thought of something he only needs to catch one of us

danny uses all those years of running away from Monsters and bullies to run really fast in an attempt to leave him behind But chaz jumps on his back

chaz: fuck you I'm not going to be the one that getting my back blown out you hear me.

Dannyanon No. 790238

it ends with principal Kiddy saving the boys' holes

Dannyanon No. 790247

set this up with a sub plot of principle Kiddy getting a court order therapy sessions after assaulting slappy and the judge is not happy that the therapist he sends people to ( obviously this is vera) hasn't been effective so he's gonna to Strip her of her license if she can't fix him of confusing regular people with pedophiles problem.

and since he saved children from a Predator by the end the judge considers this progress

Anonymous No. 790251

Remember that episode where North Park became a nudist colony?

Leslieanon No. 790252

I 'member, honestly, it was kinda mid, it was mostly just penis jokes, and penis pain.

Anonymous No. 790253

I liked how boners were banned and made illegal.

Leslieanon No. 790254

That was the only good joke, I'm not calling the episode bad or anything, I'm just saying that the episode and most of the season, was mid, the only good episode that season was the Halloween episode where most of the "animal" cast somehow gets hyper parvo and super rabies.

Anonymous No. 790255

>Mentions "Pet Shop Of Horrors" episode
Dude, I legit locked that shit away, yeah the season was mid, but what do you expect? Half the writing team was playing Postal 2 the whole goddamn time and the other half was too busy making out.

Leslieanon No. 790256

That fact that they managed to get Rick Hunter next season still shocks me... Too bad he only voiced a character who dies in the episode.

Anonymous No. 790257

>He doesn't know Postal Dude appeared in early-season episodes of NP regularly
Ironic that he played a normal regular Postal Worker in this, must've been a legal nightmare.

Leslieanon No. 790258

Oh, yeah, right, he was a background character.

Dannyanon No. 790260

danny and wendy coming back from vacation to see everyone is naked now: good bye

they turn around and takes another week off.

Anonymous No. 790261

....Damn, now I want a North Park mod for P4.
Kinda wish we had a game or something.
>inb4 some autist makes a S&box South Park game

>Every way out of town is taking forever due to nude complications

Dannyanon No. 790262

Wendy: if you guys don't hurry there's gonna be nude complications!!!

meanwhile principal Kiddy is having an aneurysm

Vera would be against it not because she embarrassed by it she been in this body for 191 years so she conformable with herself but because she can't use her disguises which would destroy her financially

Ingrid somehow missed the whole thing she was working on a gaint plush project

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Ricky the Mailman.png

Leslieanon No. 790263

Richard Haroldson, local mailman and on sundays, crack dealer.

Anonymous No. 790267

LMAO this is gold.

Anonymous No. 790270

this episode is called chaz molester

Dannyanon No. 790277

update in the mayoral election Carlo Gonzalez started a meme with the young folks calling Mac tonight and Chuck mean. half the town thinks it's brilliant the other half of the town is seething about the meme its dumb, childish, and we're aren't mean. To retaliate Chuck call attention to the fact that Gonzalez is biracial

Mac tonight is mad at chuck for that fucking retarded come back and yells at him for it. this gets leaked by Lisa and people generally starting to believe Mac Tonight is mean this is actually starting to hurt his morale a little.

Asimov starts to take notice of this and goes to Vera to get her to tell her to tell Carlo to give the meme a rest it's hurting his Papa's feelings when Vera refuses to because she mad at Mac Tonight for hurting her business and sealing up her home. During their confrontation he gets so angry that he punches her in the face which everyone saw and all his friends are starting to avoid Asimov he's mean just like his father. Vera is actually hurt by this emotionally speaking Asimov was her friend and he just hit her.

the Asimov slowing being corrupted by Zach Arc begins

Vera actually goes to Carlo to tell him that it's time to give this meme a rest but he refuses her and when she tries to pull out her support for him it is revealed that he has signed a pact with psychic vampires ( they were Chuck mysterious donors) who plan on using this election to bring North Park to its knees and Harvest their emotions till their drained completely and kind of mind controls her to continue to work with him

The election is a Season long arc

Anonymous No. 790280

what a strangely elaborate advertisement for McDonalds

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Dannyanon No. 790282

there was a reason I said he’s strangely charismatic
They just give us the check. We don’t ask why.

Anonymous No. 790283

what's with Asimov punching people lately, is the stress really getting to him?

Dannyanon No. 790285

It happened twice for somewhat understandable reasons

One was because Jerry brought something into this world that fucks with his family in ways he can't prevent

And the other happened after heated argument between friends and Asimov feeling somewhat betrayed by Vera

either way tt is freaking out

Anonymous No. 790292


Dannyanon No. 790294

post Jonesy Asimov is 20% more aggro

episode where tt realizes that Jonesy's death is one of the key events to the Asimov Prime future so she goes back to stop Robert from shooting her.

While she does prevent Asimov Prime from existing there's another bad future in its place where Jonesy is basically just evil Biff from Back to the Future 2 after she blackmailed Vera into giving her control over all her business she quickly took control of North Park and eventually spread her influence throughout all of Park County possibly throughout all of Colorado.

Dannyanon No. 790295

It's not letting me view it I'll check back tomorrow morning if it's viewable

Anonymous No. 790296

sorry, pastebin is ran by a bunch of cucks and wont let me share. try this.

Dannyanon No. 790306

Oh I wasn't talking about characters I was talking about anons I kind of do a thing where I take requests for birthdays

Dannyanon No. 790308

I can already envision the ending to this arc Carlo Gonzalez goes mask off during the vote Counting while the entire town is very weak and tired after having their mental energy drained all election season after Vera and Jonesy ( I'll explain later why she's there) expose him either Carlo is about to win and Mac tonight who is immune since he a robot punches a hole through his chest or if he loses he slinks off into the shadows vowing revenge.

also Jonesy is there is because Carlo mind controlled her to get Mac tonight to kill Posey live on tv to insure his victory after she refused to do it (she doesn't like hurting people who isn't on her list). Jonesy was freed from this before that could happen so she has a bone to pick with that guy she was even willing to put aside her grudge with Vera to stop him

Anonymous No. 790309

Obviously, but somebody who isn't yet acquainted with our characters would think he's obviously the perpetator. So that's why we got to make it less obvious when he's discovered and more spiced up.

Dannyanon No. 790310


Anonymous No. 790311

What motive would he have for kissing girls his own age

Dannyanon No. 790312

I thought you was asking who would be the red harring

Anonymous No. 790313

Carlo Gonzalez turned out to be a real prick eh? Nice to see he has the beginnings of becoming a reoccurring antagonist
>Jonsey being the lesser of two evils
Hmm...a lot to think about

Anonymous No. 790314

I guess I mean what reason would there be to incriminate hi

Dannyanon No. 790316

Cassandra and Jerry are just bad detectives

Anonymous No. 790317

Bad-ass detectives you mean

Dannyanon No. 790318

no their bad or you can say they are ass detectives

Jerry clearly doesn't care about the case and Cassandra is foaming at the mouth blaming anyone with little amount of evidence meanwhile Trisha is doing somewhat of a decent job for a fourth grader

Anonymous No. 790320

Have any of you artists even SEEN south park? the tone is completely off here, like it's some Disney show iCarly shit.

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Anonymous No. 790321

what are we missing?
we have the rudness(every kid is kind of an asshole), we have the crudeness(everyone both in universe and out is easily horny) and we even have the political commentary(Rulf is a nazi)!!

Dannyanon No. 790322

eh we do are own thing mostly

Anonymous No. 790323

Shit changes over two years, honestly. There's definitely still the roots there but as new people join and take stuff in their own direction it just becomes an anything goes situation. You could change it from North Park to North City or whatever and it'd pretty much be its own thing outside of quirks like Blenny being a Kenny parody.
Only a few of the original artists remain, and most of the contributors are new guys doing whatever, and I don't really see the point in telling the new guys to stick to the original way of doing things. I'm just here to see where this project I helped start goes at this point.

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Anonymous No. 790325

>Blenny being a Kenny parody.
How many overt references/parodies do we have of South Park, I feel so divorced from our original concept

Dannyanon No. 790326

I do think for the most part we somehow found a balance between the earlier seasons wacky antics and the serialization seasons character focus and then we usually windows with our particular styles of writing and what do we want to see out of the project

Anonymous No. 790327

Fuck New-Park
Back in my day, we had like 10 characters and they'd sit at the unpopular lunch room table in South Park and Cartman would call them faggots while he passed by

Anonymous No. 790328

oh. this is that type of fandom.
peace out.

Dannyanon No. 790329

Yeah I would have never join if you were still doing this

In Universal OCS are okay but doing a MCU Agents of Shield you can see Hulk out the window but we're not going to show you is a little too cringe for me dawg

Leslieanon No. 790330

We may be slightly divorced, but at least we're not cringe 14 year olds who've only seen Tiktok clips, ship Cartman and Kyle because Fujo reasons, and would get immediately offended the moment they see an actual episode.

Dannyanon No. 790332

episode where fylnn finds out ck made self insert fan fiction but he is still the cringe kid that almost no one like in it he finds this so pathetic that he can't laugh at it.

Dannyanon No. 790334

b plot of Jerry being fucking pissed that some asshole changed their password to the Netflix account he was using and he was in the middle of a show so he mandy and chaz take a bus to New York to kick this guy's ass

Anonymous No. 790335

>Calling people faggot is your limit
I guess you weren't here for the niggering of '22.

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Anonymous No. 790337

not so innocent is she

Anonymous No. 790338

Also Slappy/DrewAnon has dropped the hard R in a few of his sketches.

Anonymous No. 790339

>the lost tapes
i must find them

Dannyanon No. 790340

Danny: that definitely made the catgirls birthday party memorable

Anonymous No. 790341

There's also Slappy being canonically racist against robots

Anonymous No. 790342

It was him meeting Mac Tonight.

Anonymous No. 790343

god why do i keep finding stupid retarded losers so attractive i need to molest him so bad
very good image
leavw me ALONE i am not ok mentally
pretty much this
i am genuinely so lost on the new stuff and new characters that i cant even follow it. dannyanon is a fucking machine though i cant believe how much art, characters and plots the dude has made in such a short time
id drawfag again but ever since i got recognized and some things changed about me i got shy and just hornypost every now and then

Anonymous No. 790344

drewanon is black i know him irl he has the n pass

Anonymous No. 790345

>i need to molest him so bad

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Anonymous No. 790347

before you drown in your own juices from overstimulation, tell me more about Charles' sister

Leslieanon No. 790348

If any of you guys found me out in the wild, I wouldn't mind much, just keep my general online persona and my Leslieanon persona separate. This is despite me posting any Leslie art out there.

Anonymous No. 790350

that wont stop me from amazon mating pressing him and making him seethe about getting raped by a fleshie (maybe even make him cry a little
i dont really have that much actual info on her, there was a prototype design i really need to redraw
her name is yvette, she loves arcade games and wants to work in an arcade. as a role shes basically shelly but not that aggressive. cynical and swears a lot though, upsets her mother with her wishes for a career and her pottymouth. shes much taller than charles because shes 3? 4? years older. shes hates fags and wants him to be normal so she keeps trying to set him up with girls like posie but usually has no luck with it. wants to get a boyfriend and move out because she hates her mom (who hasnt done anything shes a very nice lady) and barely tolerates her brother. typical teen woman moment. she also knows a lot more french than charles and sometimes rants to herself in french when shes alone

Anonymous No. 790351

not that aggressive towards her brother*
don't know how i missed that lol. shes *definitely* aggressive

Anonymous No. 790353

>amazon mating pressing him
Jesus. Kinda hot, but Jesus
>(maybe even make him cry a little
Alright young lady, you've been spending way too much time with Zachary

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Anonymous No. 790354

oh yeah i was wondering who you were missing and its tt lol shes my fav girl
i also forgot to add shes obsessed with trying to find a boyfriend on dating sites/apps then always gets disappointed because no one fits her oddly specific boyfriend criteria (up to interpretation what it is but it mostly has to do with her interest in arcade gaming and she keeps matching with people who either havent played the games she likes, only play games on pcs or newer consoles or havent ever even touched an arcade machine)
this pic is technically really old but i drew over the sketch and colored it just now. design may be subject to change, like i might remove the headband or something or give her a less retarded and lame shirt at one point
>you've been spending way too much time with Zachary
not enough....

Anonymous No. 790355


Leslieanon No. 790356

I don't blame ya, she cute.

Anonymous No. 790357

damn, she could queef in my face if you get what I'm saying

Anonymous No. 790358

ll2000.. how could you do this to leslie...
bitches with dyed hair make this poor man explode
oh yeah i almost forgot about that lmao
her luck is so fucked she would probably have to explain that to a potential boyfriend and he finds it so weird that he backs the fuck out

Anonymous No. 790360

Damn she is such a bad bitch wtf

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Anonymous No. 790362

I can fix her
thank me later, Charles

Anonymous No. 790364

But Chaz, she's his sister not his mom
Though I'm sure the mom actually had a design too somewhere I saw Dellyfag post her before

Anonymous No. 790366

>Dellyfag's seen my scandalous artwork
Good heavens!

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Anonymous No. 790367

i did, i was thinking of adding something to the design since it seemed bland and very boring, may give her a better dress
also may give yvettes headband to the mom instead. shes not that important compared to yvette and charles but shes a nice lady who wants to raise her children. she packs charles' lunch for school daily and she has a rocky relationship with yvette because of her daughters constant whining, but she does care for her and wants the best for her. moved to north park with her children after her divorce because her ex-husband was heavily addicted to gambling and kept using the familys money to support his addiction without thinking about the actual family and their needs
probably some deep ass lore for some minor characters but i havent written anything for here that hasnt been a hornypost in 4 trillion years, anything is subject to change
my brother in christ i drew myself having sex with chef sheffield a billion times when i was at my most active here
good art style btw

Anonymous No. 790368

>this drawing is almost a year old already
fucking hell man where did the time go
theres no way its been that long

Dannyanon No. 790369

episode where someone tricks all of the kids into spending their last few weeks of summer at a dilapidated old summer camp by overpromising and outright lying in the brochures.
The brochures were tailored for each of the kids so it has to be one of them who did this and they have to be at camp with them so they won't be singled out.

They spend each night while at camp eliminating potential culprits until they get to who done did it

it's not Vera this time or is it?

Dannyanon No. 790370

oh shit were passed 300 the fall begins now

Anonymous No. 790371

>We're finally getting lore for older characters again
No fucking way

Anonymous No. 790372

This is better than sex!!
Who else needs lore?!?
>only 50 images so far
Damn, I miss being able to draw

Anonymous No. 790374

She looks like she'd hit on Maria and make Asimov feel very uncomfortable.

Anonymous No. 790375

I want to see her hitting on Bobby Norman and pissing both Chariot and Barbara off

Anonymous No. 790376

>A Dream Demon is going around making the NP Kids Nightmares real and having all the NP kids fighting their nightmares.
>Danny realizes that with all the horror media CK watches he probably has really intense nightmares.
>Danny gets there just in time for the Nightmare to Manifest, a monster that has random bodyparts glitch between the various monsters CK have been obsessed with.
>The Dream Demon commands CK's Nightmare to kill Danny, only for it to get ripped apart.
>Danny is left staring in shock and the Nightmare makes a shushing motion at him and fades away.
>CK bolts up in bed, before sighing and muttering about it just being a nightmare before going back to sleep.

Anonymous No. 790379

That was the joke!
>two people like my artstyle

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Leslieanon No. 790384

>"So, your sis still available, pal?"
>"Please stop asking me to be your wing man for my sister, buddy..."

Dannyanon No. 790385

it's a Charles sister tries to seduce Danny to get extra tokens a neon necko sub plots

Anonymous No. 790386

She looks like that one chick from life is strange, but Canadian

Anonymous No. 790387

Leslie bullies CK because she likes him.
This girl bullies him because she likes making him cry.

Dannyanon No. 790388

Everyone immediately assumed it was Vera and they tie her to the tetherball Pole to ready her for the beat down and get their money back but she made a pretty convincing case that this isn't her

one this isn't her usual style she provides an actual decent product (Leslie is about to talk about the lighter she tells her to shut the fuck up) two she would have asked for a lot more money each of the camps only cost $150 which is chump change she would have least charged for $250 per week and three there's no clever pun in the name if she would have started the camp it would have been named Camp ripoffa or shscama or something like that.

Since the only thing they do know now is that she's not the con artist behind this she is put in charge of the Inquisition

ck is visibly and uncharacteristically upset that someone lied to him about this being fnaf, undertake and sonic camp and more importantly that his dad actually spent a lot of money to get him here so he really wants to punch whoever lied to him so he is Vera 2nd in command and attack dog

After all that is established with flashback Colombo style to see that Chaz Curtis, Jerry, Mandy, and Max is behind this scam and now they're kind of scared that they might be figured out and what people will do to him they Vera was supposed to take the fall for them.

Dannyanon No. 790389

After all that is established we flashback Colombo style to see that Chaz, Curtis, Jerry, Mandy, and Max are behind this scam and now they're kind of scared that they might be figured out and what people will do to them once they are found out. Vera was supposed to take the fall for them so now they plan to sabotage the Inquisition.

Anonymous No. 790391

She's like 4 years older does this count as /ss/

Dannyanon No. 790392

Technically wouldn't any dynamic with a shota and a girl be /ss/

But yes this would be /SS/ older girl younger boy

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Dannyanon No. 790397


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Anonymous No. 790404

shes straight as a board so i doubt thatd happen unless its a joke of some kind
lol this is great thank you leslieanon
oh definitely. she probably cant stand him for his taste in zoomer slop games

Anonymous No. 790405

Holy shit

Anonymous No. 790413

>Dellyfag drawing again
The land is healing. Now we just need Cripfag and Mandyfag to come back from their eternal slumber

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Anonymous No. 790414

depends on how many still lurk the threads even if they don't draw

Anonymous No. 790415

sadly mandyanon left ages ago, but he might still be in the /co/mfy threads

Anonymous No. 790417

how does danny keep getting so much bitches

Anonymous No. 790418

He's the main character

Dannyanon No. 790419

danny: you said it not me.


with money and not being entirely insufferable the women just come naturally

Anonymous No. 790420

>inb4 "Danny fucks and impregnates all the female characters AU"

Dannyanon No. 790421

adult Danny reflecting on this memory: that whore only loved me for my tokens and free summer passes.

Dannyanon No. 790422

You I have no idea how God damn lucky you are by saying this because I had a story idea that I never posted because I am self aware enough not to where Danny chugs a bottle of giga Chad energy because he challenged Yashu to a fight and couldn't make any progress actually training. And one of the giga chad powers he would have gained from that was if women got close to him they just instantly getting 9 months pregnant with his child and that was just going to be a thing that happened in the main timeline that every woman in North Park minus Wendy (Lon told her to stay away) had his child and it would have been explained away that they all put them up for adoption and everyone agreed to never talk about that.

Anonymous No. 790423

why this ck looks so angry

Dannyanon No. 790424

is there really that many people into Danny?

let's see there's Vera the end game, Leslie, les, Addison, Yvette though this is only for arcade tokens apparently, cringe kid, ula though she's just a very flirty person, teacup, Fiona though that's mostly because he's the first guy she interacted with in almost 50 years.

is there any one I'm forgetting?

Anonymous No. 790425

That's 9 more than most characters get

Anonymous No. 790426

there's also the trillion non-canon drawings you did of him finding dr. cates attractive
a lot on the wiki too from what i seen in the images section

Dannyanon No. 790427

Oh no those are not actually noncanon he's genuinely attracted to her but she doesn't like him in fact she genuinely hates him

you guys tend to make the first ship the characters has the end game though so that's more of a on you guys

Dannyanon No. 790428

explore character ship dynamics a little bit you'll find some interesting things

Anonymous No. 790429

gimme an example

Anonymous No. 790430

>CK hunts them down and it turns into a parody of a slasher flick, but instead of getting killed he just punches them really hard.

Anonymous No. 790431

>Danny and CK are two of the most-shipped characters
>they're even shipped with each other

Anonymous No. 790432

Camp was fake and his dad who is struggling with debt paid for him to go

Anonymous No. 790433

I know it that this is a meme going around on Twitter it's why (ninja) look so angry

Dannyanon No. 790434

not Canon but Rayne x Danny both are magic enthusiasts who want to turn the other to their side

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Anonymous No. 790435

When this originally happened it reminded me of this comic so I had to make a quick shitty edit

Leslieanon No. 790436

>"We ain't straight, but $500 is $500."
No prob Dells!

Anonymous No. 790437

Does Les really count when she ends up with Fish Boy?

Dannyanon No. 790438

she has feelings for him in the current era and he does get in her swamp if you catch my drift

Anonymous No. 790439

>Spend all this time drawing lesbian art of these two characters setting them up together
>End up revealing that they actually don't get together and instead your self insert impregnates both of them
Sasuga, Dannyanon.

Dannyanon No. 790440

I dunno just kinda happened that way the smut was too compelling also Danny not a self insert you'd be surprised how little we have in common

Dannyanon No. 790441

also Vera x les was one sided as fuck if things didn't happen the way it did 20 years in the future their relationship wouldn't have move a single inch from how is now

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Anonymous No. 790442

Is it Danny slander hours? Because I've come prepared

(Don't take this too seriously Dannyanon it's just a bit of banter just takin the piss)

Anonymous No. 790443

I one time saw Danny and he was smoking a blunt the size of a babby.

Anonymous No. 790444

of fuck, character discourse...
that one fucks me up the most

Anonymous No. 790445

I too request this, but I am not opposed to you saying "Hello" but if TRULY want to talk about North Park, mention it and I will say the secret phrase "Way up north?"

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Anonymous No. 790446


Dannyanon No. 790448

this feels like something someone who's been seething for months would make.

episode where after Danny pissed off les so She made a similar image on the north park equivalent of social media and it quickly goes viral around town

> Danny calls most of his friends to help him come up with a good come back

>Danny and friends stay in the chateau meeting room for 3 days coming up with a comeback and les believes she hurt his feelings so much that he is depressed and can't leave his room.

> les tries to take her post off the website but it been copied so many times that it's almost impossible to take them all down so she Vera and Fishboy ( who are both maldding over Les caring so much about Danny) goes to the site office but soon uncover that there is a conspiracy around that social media website

Anonymous No. 790449

Heather is the one running it, isn't she.

Anonymous No. 790450

I find it funny that Danny shares two of his ship-companions with CK.
Who is also one of his ship companions.

Anonymous No. 790451

Hey Asimovanon, can you post CK's relationship Chart again?

Dannyanon No. 790452

I like how canonically everyone in that last panel is bisexual

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Anonymous No. 790453

We need more relationship charts

Anonymous No. 790454

Huh, CK really has a thing for red heads, doesn't he?

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Anonymous No. 790455

And here is Asimov's

Dannyanon No. 790456

episode where she finds out Danny has those emulators that's inside a high quality arcade stick and she tries to get in his room to specifically play with it the arcade stick get your mind out of the gutter boy. she may touch his penis if it comes to that

Anonymous No. 790458

>It's a flash forward episode and Danny has to watch CK's army of beloved bastard children.
>Danni wasn't able to because she's on her honeymoon with CK after the two got back together upon him finding out what really happened on Prom Night.

Dannyanon No. 790463

Leslie once again loses a ship whomp whomp

Dannyanon No. 790464

also Sabrina getting shafted poor girl maybe fylnn will take you

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Leslieanon No. 790468


Dannyanon No. 790469

she should've put a ring on it considering that ck and dani were broken up for 10+ years at that point

Anonymous No. 790481

To be fair to her CK was actively avoiding that

Dannyanon No. 790482

well Leslie like dani too

Leslieanon No. 790483

Honestly, the list was to figure out a good dynamic, I'm still trying to figure out who'd go well with her.

Anonymous No. 790489

the shipping will come naturally, just pick a character with a potentially fun dynamic with the half-breed and things will develop

Anonymous No. 790491

They can always share him, I mean it's not like that isn't what's going on with his Dad, Chariot, and Barbara or their friend Asimov alongside Drew and Beansy.
Then Leslie gets the best of both worlds

Leslieanon No. 790492

I kinda now want to make it ambiguous with who she ends up with, could be another cast member, could be a new character, could be someone off screen, it can even be no one.

Dannyanon No. 790493

forever alone Leslie

Leslieanon No. 790495

See >>790468

Leslieanon No. 790496

Also forgot to mention, Leslie has dummy THICC eyebrows.

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Anonymous No. 790498

>"I'm the old norm(an), and I want my son to have norm(an)al restricted access to the internet!"

Leslieanon No. 790499

Norm would be shot on sight if he tried to interact with anything connected to a real adult animated sitcom.

Anonymous No. 790501

Please don't insult Bobby Norman like that

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Anonymous No. 790506

Leslieanon No. 790507

Looks like he's gonna be like his favorite things: Dying in a horrible explosion.

Anonymous No. 790508

The one time Nolan would say the N word because he thinks it is inclusive and relatable.

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Dannyanon No. 790521


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Anonymous No. 790527

Man, I'm reminded of how much I like Mineral's aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 790530

hippie bitch

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Leslieanon No. 790531

>Episode where there's a school wide roasting session
>There's one rule, no "my thing better" (basedjacks, V vs. C, etc.) memes, otherwise they're out.
>Flynn (purposefully) didn't get the memo, so he post this.
>One of the points on the Virgin side is "His mom doesn't love him." while the Chad side says "His mom still loves him, even from beyond the grave."

Anonymous No. 790532

why did Bobby Jr and Lisa Stanky have such viscerally different reactions to being called the "cringe kid?"

Dannyanon No. 790533

Danny channels the god of hatred Kendrick Lamar and writes three rap songs dissing fylnn entire existence his final his one based on a rumor about him he heard that Flynn has desperately been trying to keep hidden, how no one actually likes him, he has no friends, the girl he likes is into cringe kid and cringe kid streams get more views than his. that little rap catches on even outside the competition and becomes a genuine Nationwide hit

Anonymous No. 790534

LesliexLL2000 is the end all be all ship, bro.

Anonymous No. 790535

i come here to get away from woke....
*opens beer*

Dannyanon No. 790536

Also it starts to reach international waters

everyone outside the competition who listens to the song reaction is just this

Anonymous No. 790537

>Danny has to target fodder like Flynn because he knows he'd get no diff'ed by an actual competent opponent
Lanny on fraudwatch

Dannyanon No. 790538

> his first rap predicts everything Flint is going to do to as a comeback

> his 2nd rap follows fylnn fucked up family life his dad and mom are cheating on each other, his dad's an alcoholic that tried to grab the babysitter Chelsea's ass when he was taking her home that's why she doesn't work there anymore, he also blew all their money at neon necko which Danny makes clear his family owns his debt, her mom threatened suicide when she found out and was taken to a facility for a few weeks which puts them deeper in the hole, his older sister is quickly becoming a drug obsessed whore, and his little sister will likely follow her steps.

> at least the third song is more upbeat something you could dance to

Dannyanon No. 790539


Danny: "who's next?"

everyone looks at each other no one wants to go

Dannyanon No. 790540

>Danny: no wonder you like to watch other people and their families because yours is so fucked up at you can at least stand these

Anonymous No. 790542

Cute slut

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Anonymous No. 790544

Dannyanon No. 790545

Leslie becomes all her crushes' kids "aunt"

Leslieanon No. 790546

>"Y'know, despite may or may not having a kid of my own, this is nice."

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Leslieanon No. 790547

>"Call me Leslie Mooben again and I'll gore you with these horns."

Anonymous No. 790550

>Big ol' melons
Ah yes, she's very ready for bellybutton loving.

Leslieanon No. 790551

Navel enjoyer, huh?

Anonymous No. 790552

I'm gross, man, I'm gross, I'd do (ALMOST) anything to Leslie--But you knew this.
But I'm not gonna get into that.

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Dannyanon No. 790560

he was minding his own business Following and recording his favorite lolcows when some of his classmates started singing that song about his family ruined his whole day.

Anonymous No. 790561

Who are some North Park lolcows?
Hard Mode: No Slappy
>Modern Smartphone

Dannyanon No. 790564

>Modern Smartphone

Its on his character line up picture

>Who are some North Park lolcows?
Hard Mode: No Slappy

Vera whenever her schemes blows up in her face
Vanessa when dealing with anyone who should theoretically be easy to kill but somehow she's now on Wilie Coyote mode

dr Cates


🗑️ Dannyanon No. 790572


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Dannyanon No. 790574

it would be nice to add the picture

Dannyanon No. 790593

season long arc where due to an economic crash the bank that had all of Melville's money goes under so he loses his fortune and now he poor and moves in with ck ( meville is slowly starting to piss him off) and Sebastian realizes he's free now and goes off to Hollywood.

Dannyanon No. 790601


Melville just ungratefully throws away the food Bobby made for them with the little he had CK doesn't know how to voice his annoyance towards meville

Anonymous No. 790603

Sebastian keeps getting roles a the servant/butler/maid and his desperation begins to show as he sees where this is all leading torwards

Anonymous No. 790604

That might actually get CK to punch him, Wasting food infuriates him like nothing else, especially because it's also a waste of money.

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Leslieanon No. 790605

>Live Leslie Reaction

Anonymous No. 790607

>Leslie sees it happen
>Leslie awkwardly shuffles off screen with her face bright red

Dannyanon No. 790610

That brief moment after he was kicked out his mansion but before cringe kid took him in Hansel finally gets his pay back for barring him from getting lunch

The cat girls force feed him the food he threw on the floor

Dannyanon No. 790611

meville: this pizza has to last me the whole week.

A swarm of rats steal the pizza

Hansel peering from the corner: take that you son of a bitch

Leslieanon No. 790612

So, what's CK's thoughts on the new FNaF announcements?

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Dannyanon No. 790614

Melville really brings the worst out of people

Anonymous No. 790618

I missed them, what were they?

Anonymous No. 790619

it wasn't a Fortnite collab, but a Dead by Daylight one instead
unfortunately, Bobland won't be doing the dab/floss/griddy/Kamehameha any time soon

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Leslieanon No. 790620

From the official FNaF twitter, they already announced the collab, it's Dead by Daylight, coming summer 2025.

Anonymous No. 790621

he's now scared that Bobland will sneak into his room and kill him unless he finds random generators to power on

Anonymous No. 790622

CK loves DBD but he's a Killer Main so a FNAF rep would only make him more hype
CK: Now I can become FNAF!

Dannyanon No. 790625

Today's been a real CK Centric day (makes sense since his birthday is in 3 days) what other plot lines we got for the little fella?

Anonymous No. 790626

Kill him

Dannyanon No. 790627

He goes to hell and annoys everyone about hasbeen Hotel so they resurrect him he's North Park's problem again

Anonymous No. 790628

We could do a mini-arc of Zachary trying to finally break CK, growing more and more frustrated as the kid bounces back from everything horrible the bully does to him

Anonymous No. 790629

>CK is a killer-main
wow, he really is cringe, I bet he RPs as the killer to while he's playing.
Who's his favorite killer?

Anonymous No. 790630

Bubba and Legion, while occasionally playing Michael or Ghostface

Dannyanon No. 790631

the thing that gets ck is Zach getting a burger eating half of it and then throwing it away

Dannyanon No. 790632

It was unintentional he didn't know the little guy would freak out over it

Anonymous No. 790633

Thinking about Axel

Anonymous No. 790634

>It's an MTG episode
>CK Can't play because he's too poor and after Punching Melville he no longer wants CK as his minion, meaning no more getting things he likes by being Melville's minion.
>He and Hansel team up to get cards when a tournament comes to town offering three nights in a five star motel (With tree food) to the top three players with an optional plus one, making janky decks of the cards the other kids throw away.
>Melville is out for revenge against CK and Hansel, trying to dash their chances as having a good time.

Anonymous No. 790635

So you've got it memorized?

Dannyanon No. 790636

Danny was going to help ck but after seeing him with Hansel he feels left out so he goes to Leslie to enter her into the tournament (whether she knows how to play or not)

Anonymous No. 790637

kissing Drew nonconsensually

Anonymous No. 790638

Drunk Slappy...

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Leslieanon No. 790639

>"Ugh, dammit Melville, even when I'm turning you into mush, you're still a pain in my ass... At least you'll be said ass soon..."

Dannyanon No. 790643

Lotta vore huh

Dannyanon No. 790644

ck stays up all night gets a little loopy and ends up in an abandoned mall he thinks he's lost in the back rooms.

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Anonymous No. 790645

That isn't fair, why do YOU get have him?

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Anonymous No. 790650

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Anonymous No. 790656

>CK teaming up with a filthy card thief

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Dannyanon No. 790659

Stick with me, Leslie and will win this tournament for sure

Anonymous No. 790661

>Danny gets BTFO'd in the first round, while Leslie makes it to the final three with CK and Asimov (Asimov plans to give Hansel his winnings because he owes the Rat-Boy a favor)

Anonymous No. 790662

Poors gotta stick together.
Asimov is one lucky bastard.

Dannyanon No. 790663

You Gravely underestimate Danny's ability to Minimax his deck Asimov systems can't even formulate the plan to stop that

Dannyanon No. 790664

He trapped Asimov in a corner any moves he make he'll get defeated Asimov does a quick Google search yeah those cards were banned in tournament play in 02 Danny is disqualified

Anonymous No. 790667

Been thinking I might make some more lewd content in the near future, like the Jonesy comic I did a few threads back if people like that sort of thing. Post ideas for lewd comics you'd be interested in seeing and if one of the ideas inspires me I might base the comic off it.

Dannyanon No. 790669

all these ideas the characters are aged up cuz I know that's how you like it

> the girl scouts Sabrina Leslie Ashley and Dorothy play strip poker

> Gretel gets captured and corrected by the ninja clan she used to be part of

> ula sneaks into chaz's room and to "drian him" in his sleep he wakes up at the end and turns out this is just a weird thing they do

>Ingrid, mineral, and Momo gets captured by a cult to be used as a sacrifice after the ritual train being ran on the sacrifices a tentacle monster is summoned and goes to town on the sacrifices Ingrid has a blindfold on and doesn't know about the technical monster before the tentacle Monster blows a load in the three girls they are saved by Danny, Lon, and Wendy

Dannyanon No. 790671

> danny has one of his pychic snap episodes which makes the whole town super horny and and orgy breaks out just roll random character combinations

> the catgirls gets captured by dr toades and placed in a machine made it to "occupy" them if you catch my drift while that's going on they're constantly gender bending because this is Dr toads so how they are being "occupied" changes in the end they managed to break out and lock doctor toades in his machine.

Anonymous No. 790672

ooh, i like that one(not that anon)

Dannyanon No. 790673

which one?

Anonymous No. 790674

cat-ering with a side of froglegs

Anonymous No. 790675

CK and Danni going at it like rabbits in heat

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Dannyanon No. 790677

Leslieanon No. 790678

>"Cause he was easy prey."

Bad Future Leslie impreg

Dannyanon No. 790679

episode where after Melville got his money back but before he made up with ck he uses Vera Pachinko parlor like child temp service ( you don't pay kids because that will violent child labor laws directly you buy Vera fun bucks and give it to the kids in which they exchange it for a prize then they exchange the price for money) to get new sidekicks he works with Mindy Savannah and even Drew pretty much poor kids or in Mindy's case severely in debt to Vera

Dannyanon No. 790680

*You don't pay the kids directly

Dannyanon No. 790681

also how can I forget the cat girls each of them deal with meville shit in different ways mindy is just it's better than the maids Cafe so she puts up with his Melville isms the most

Dannyanon No. 790682

sub plot of Yashu trying to get mindy back to the maid Cafe after she vary clearly tells him that she's done with it.

Dannyanon No. 790690

Yashu gives a heartfelt speech about having subordinates mindy doesn't buy it but this makes meville want ck back but he's totally going to apologize in a way to make it seem like it was all ck's fault. while Mindy is very unhappy that she has to go back to the maid Cafe Yashu totally thinks that speech work not knowing she's only doing this cuz she has no other option.

Dannyanon No. 790695

Somehow mute agrees to a bet where two boys try to get her to make any sound and the way they both decide to try to do it is by fucking her

Dannyanon No. 790696

Melville can't be one of the boys he must be seething or unaware of the entire time

Anonymous No. 790697

Btw the rest of the board thinks we’re pedophiles :(

Anonymous No. 790698

Who cares?
we're all anons here.

Anonymous No. 790699

well, I think THEY'RE pedophiles

Leslieanon No. 790700

Who and where? What is your source?

Dannyanon No. 790701

So most people outside the website expects anyone who goes on 4chan as being a pedophile or Nazi and I'll be damned if I'm being judged by a bunch of perverted Nazis

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Anonymous No. 790702

whatever gave them that impression?

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Dannyanon No. 790704

I have no idea why would they think this?

That ticket guy is little too good for how little they pay him

Dannyanon No. 790705

epispde in the next-generation era where Vera uses a magic amulet to turn Danny back into a kid and it can only be broken if they go to free kids Night at the North park science and history Museum but the museum wasn't open that day (it was a holiday) so they have to wait a full week to break the curse.

Dannyanon No. 790706

Vera: sorry... but in my defense there was no way me to know...

Danny: there was no way you couldn't look at a calendar!

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Dannyanon No. 790712


Leslieanon No. 790713

Or, option 2: Leslie gangbang with your choice of people from the list.

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Dannyanon No. 790714


Anonymous No. 790724

Well.. Okay, I would feed her, food not people.

Dannyanon No. 790754

This happens at the same time that Chaz goes into the future there's just a scene in both episodes where both boys are mopping about the situation but they notice each other and chaz gets mad at Danny

chaz : "you need to take this away from me too!"

Danny: come on this is a completely different situations

(not)Dannyanon No. 790756

Leslie vore asmr blu-ray bonus feature

(not)Dannyanon No. 790757

if you click on it it's 20 Straight minutes of Leslie roasting you for clicking on it

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Anonymous No. 790761

Art dump
Prototype Robert

Anonymous No. 790762

goes hard. I miss the beanie.

Dannyanon No. 790765

episode where a boy character ( it was going to be danny but I'll give another charater a shot though it can't be Danny, Chaz ,Hansel, ck or Asimov) is at the yangs sushi place and is giving the fortune cookie of you will fuck someone in this restaurant's wife. half the town was there that night at first the men laughed it off but after a series of final destination like events where that boy almost penetrated their wives they now know this Fortune cookie is serious

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Anonymous No. 790766

A boy can dream

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Anonymous No. 790767

Rick and Morty did it.

Dannyanon No. 790768

the boy is Robert since he's blind he can't really see how he almost about screw someone's wife and he can be a non believer of the fortune cookie

Dannyanon No. 790769

It's completely different mines it's more about the baby day out trope but almost screwing someone's wife and the others a conspiracy about fortune cookies with real fortunes

Dannyanon No. 790770

the towns men want to cut Robert's dick off to prevent him from fulfilling the prophecy

Leslieanon No. 790772

Hey, that's your preference, and that's fine!
If you are going to feed her, a large stuffed crust meat lovers will do fine.

>"Hello, my name is Leslie, and you just got JAPED! THE VORE IS NONCANON!"

Anonymous No. 790773

good thing Jeremy is an expert on that. bring the child to him

Anonymous No. 790775

Imagine having an entire town getting cucked by a crippple. Either the town is paranoid of the disable or the Robert have that much rizz. Either way, it only proves rulf’s point

Dannyanon No. 790776

It's only one person's wife and no one wants to be cucked by a blind man. Also it seemingly going to happen accidently

Anonymous No. 790777

zach looks hot in the bg there
this is a really nice art style btw, always feels strangely cool to see np chars outside of the series' regular style

Anonymous No. 790778

>Non-Penetrative Fat Sex with Leslie
It's like you've read my Lesliary.

Leslieanon No. 790779

Nah, just that good at predicting.

Dannyanon No. 790786

Danny laughing at them over how dumb they are acting les reminds him he is married to Vera and was at the restaurant too so he is game as well. he takes Vera to a big dinosaur museum outside of town till Robert fucks someone's wife they're not together like that but he'd be damn if Robert cucks him

Dannyanon No. 790802

Elmer jails Robert for his own safety and to keep him from fucking somebody's wife. a protest forms outside of the jailhouse so the men and women of the town can castrate him. through a series of events where Dr cates clothes disintegration ray goes off hitting the women of the crowd and Robert's pants an earthquake happens destroying half of the jailhouse and putting all the women on the floor in prime position to get penetrated Robert is hanging on a pole for dear life but he is definitely going to fall and hit one of those women all the husbands of the crowd are yelling different directions for Robert to move to so they definitely miss their wife and hit someone else's

Anonymous No. 790810

This just seems like divine intervention. At least good to have a mom who can fly. Imagine if cripple fucker saves the day by taking the hit instead. Also Chaz would be jealous as fuck

Dannyanon No. 790811

It's fortune cookie Magic it's bending fate to allow it to happen someone has to take one for the team or they have to give him a counter Fortune to cancel it out

so subplot where Nancy and Curtis travel to the fortune cookie factory to make a counter Fortune so no one cuts off Robert's penis

Dannyanon No. 790812

Curtis and Nancy find out that fortune cookies are made to contain the world misfortune bring everyone relative good luck but one cookie per every 100 million must be made to dish out all that misfortune to the person who opened it in everyone around them which was Robert's cookie.

they simply can't just give them a counter Fortune.... but if they pass certain Asian food based trials then they would give it to them but they must know that someone else will get that misfortune

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Dannyanon No. 790813


Dannyanon No. 790824

they get a positive fortune cookie for Robert and a negative one to give to someone else at the end of the episode they give the negative one to meville which starts the broke meville arc

Anonymous No. 790826

Hey, if the Asimoms were there, would they both be vulnerable because both of them are each other's wives?

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Anonymous No. 790833

happy birthday Hiroshima

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Anonymous No. 790834

. . .
. . . . .oh too

Dannyanon No. 790836

yeah they would

Dannyanon No. 790837

episode where Diana Digby found herself a good man whose very rich and loves her for her. turns out he's an exotic big game hunter who wants to hunt her for sport to mount her head on his wall Vera and Devan tries to warn her before ue takes her on his private island and the two have to sneak on his private boat to save their teacher

Anonymous No. 790839

>In the Background of one of the scenes of the Kids freaking out about the situation Maria is there, and follows them with her eyes as they run offscreen.
>At the end of the episode where the hunter is about to kill them all he gets sniped out of nowhere
>When they get back to North Park Maria is there and asks Diana if she wants to join her for girls night, a sniper drone remote being shown in her back pocket as the two walk off.

Dannyanon No. 790840

Let's throw in fish boy and Cindy to pad the cast they were captured by the Hunter to be game as well

Dannyanon No. 790841

sub plot of Bobland and li tracking down there children and somehow getting on that island

Anonymous No. 790842

CK is the most Adorable NP kid, You CANNOT change my mind.
If this was a show Girls would write so much self insert stuff where he was their little woobie

Dannyanon No. 790854

in terms of how adorable

1 Cindy

2 Devan

3 Dorothy

4 Ashley

5 linus

6 ck

7 bille

8 the catgirls collectively

9 ada

10 Bundle

episode where linus is pissed he made it to number 5 in the most adorable kid in North Park and tries to crank up the edginess not realizing that what makes him so adorable also posie having a fucking melt down she not in the top ten and younger kids are acting like she's a hag.

Dannyanon No. 790855

posie bumps into some first grader

first grader: sorry ma'am

posie: ma'am

Leslieanon No. 790857

Who'd be on a bottom 10 list? I'm jokingly thinking Leslie's 10th on the bottom list, mostly because of her personality, if she wasn't sorta a bitch, she'd make at least 7th on the top list.

Dannyanon No. 790863

least adorable

10 Wendy ( people who know about her past are afraid of her)

9 yashu

8 Lydia

7 Timothy

6 Georgia

5 tt

4 penny

3 Lisa

2 Hansel and Gretel

1 fishboy he looks like a fish and sounds like doflamingo there's nothing adorable about him the polls had to remain anonymous to ensure Hanoka wouldn't go after anyone

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Dannyanon No. 790869


Dannyanon No. 790870

Fish boy only got four votes three was from his family one was from les but to be fair les voted for everyone ( except for Vanessa and Jonesy) it was one of those polls where you can select all options

Dannyanon No. 790871

I'd imagine Leslie would be dead in the middle she doesn't leave that much of an impression either way to most people in Town.

Dannyanon No. 790883

episode where the lunaris twins are abducted by a different set of aliens whose never been to earth so the think the whole human mask thing is just what humans do

Dannyanon No. 790884

the other alien's are lazy college students who wasted their very wealthy parents money partying instead of actually learning something and they have to do this project or they're going to flunk out

Dannyanon No. 790885

The project is if they can teach an inferior species such as humans Universal something that lunaris twins already speak. so the very easily get an A on their project and they sell the lunaris twins to a space circus they pretty much treated like talking monkeys throughout the episode
there's that space animals rights activist group trying to free them

Dannyanon No. 790889

the whole thing comes together when the animal rights activist tries to break out the lunaris twins but start a fire fight with the circus people and when both sides are badly wounded and gonna die the leader of the animal rights activists takes off one of the lunaris twins mask and everyone releases they are frauds and next thing we see is them being dumped off back at earth by the pissed off aliens.

Dannyanon No. 790891


posie goes to Dr toades to make her look younger. no takes her seriously now they thinks she a 2nd grader

Dannyanon No. 790903

episode where chaz tells Ula a joke but she doesn't laugh at it but when Neil tells her a joke she busts up this sends chaz to a downward spiral of jealousy

sub plot of Ingrid, Sabrina and Addison having a secret club of something they are all into but can't tell their friends because vera would see that as time they could've been working on a scheme or Lydia getting too possessive over Addison and Sabrina doesn't have any friends bit penny would no doubt ruin the club maybe Nancy discovers it and they try to stop her from spilling the beans

Anonymous No. 790904

Cassie pleasuring old men for money

Anonymous No. 790909

Asimom lewds

Dannyanon No. 790910

episode in the next-generation era where ck bastard army have a tism fit when their shared autistic Obsession gets canceled like not social backlash actually canceled and they Riot in the streets it's up to the cat cops and the cates boys to stop their rampaging cousins

Dannyanon No. 790911

the town has to make a series finale episode for them and ck has to direct them through the lore of the series because if they get a single thing wrong the kids will go back to rioting

Dannyanon No. 790913

Addison is writing the script but keeps adding (son) self inserts by force of habit

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Dannyanon No. 790921

Dannyanon No. 790922

I imagine this is when Slappy visited her like in class right when the lunch bell rang and they almost immediately got the right into it despite the fact that the kids were still there

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Anonymous No. 790923

Dannyanon No. 790929

The Thompsons are proud DreamWorks family

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Dannyanon No. 790931

Thanks anon I've Been meaning to jump back into character relationship charts.

I wanted to update Vera because I think she changed the most since the last one

Dannyanon No. 790936

Vera history with some of these go way back characters

tt: she just kind of showed up one day knowing a lot about her or who she was going to become. in like 1900 she helped her fight an automaton trying to kill her and then just kept kind of showing up every other decade till the present

Hansel I imagine they had a very friendly relationship that has now soured after ula ate a lot of the Rat population in north park and Vera under the guise of being a normal girl and helping him stop ula helped him track her down before revealing that she is a vampire and is her "sister" but managed to broker a kind of bad deal for Hansel and exchange for ula to stop eating the rats in town Hansel has to give her a lot of his blood every week which since Hansel is Hansel he manages to survive.

Ernest: I imagine he was either like Lydia and they fucked shit up together when he was a kid or he was like the precourse to Trisha just another stick in the mud that deduced she was a vampire

mazeby: ula former personality Countess Charlotte made out with Mazie ( she definitely liked it) in the 1800s in front of him now he has a eternal beef with Ula and Vera chaz is getting a throuple ending

Mazie: " hey so when is your sister coming back?" "did you tell your sister I said hi" " does your sister remember me?"

Cathy cates: Vera has been systematically scamming her her entire life it's only fitting that in her future a lot of her household income goes to subsidizing Dr cates lifestyle.

Leslieanon No. 790938

Leslie knows Vera hates her, and knows she can't hurt her because Ula would kill her.

Dannyanon No. 790941

vera: stupid girl I don't have to hurt you to get back at you

Leslie: what are you going to-....

Leslie's mom: Leslie Houben come here you're in big trouble!!!

Leslie: what did you do!?

Vera maniacally laughing as she holds Leslie phone with on her text logs with her mom

Dannyanon No. 790947

episode mazeby hires a team of mercenaries to capture the vampire Society and keep them at an abandoned warehouse a little outside of town till he gets there. at first the NVS act like innocent scared little kids (except for ula s who's kinda annoyed at doing that but the others get her to not blow their cover and Ingrid who isnt acting) and they pick the kidnappers off one by one. they ambush mazeby once they get there.

also mazie was waiting in the car for mazeby to finish whatever business he was doing in the warehouse and is surprising and willing to give the kids a ride back to town once she was told he's going to be there for a while. so ula and Mazie meets again and there is some sparks between the two despite both of them not recognizing the other.

Anonymous No. 790952


Dannyanon No. 790954

also wild Wendy was Vera mussel for a while

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Anonymous No. 790955

>Wendy was Vera mussel for a while

Anonymous No. 790956

molesting ***** and watching him cry and struggle as he pushes me off and calls me disgusting because im not his type

Anonymous No. 790957

Hmm.... Robin?

Dannyanon No. 790958


insert vagina joke

Anonymous No. 790961

Sea Park AU where everyone is a sea creature

Dannyanon No. 790963

what's max been up to? I like to think he goes catatonic when his puppet master is away maybe the catgirls have him tied up in a closet somewhere

Dannyanon No. 790964

Sabrina Ingrid and Addison decides that the only way to silence Nancy is to kidnapp her and they do so now Robert is after them but Ingrid nothing ever happens aura keeps fucking with Robert keeping him form sniping them

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Leslieanon No. 790966


Anonymous No. 790967

Max shutting off during lunch and slumping over like a sack of potatoes. Everyone(who gives a shit) either thinks it's a bit he's playing or is too scared to wake him up

Dannyanon No. 790971

He thinks he's the most free but really he's the least

Leslieanon No. 790973

The angels have to Weekend at Bernie's him, problem is only one angel is available, the others are on vacation, even then, the available one is supposed on vacation, so you see her in casual wear.

Dannyanon No. 790978

the moment she goes to use the bat the catgirls steal him and take him around town doing thing they know he hates they leave him at dr toades who see this as an opportunity to see if his gender fluid can make boys.... breedable.

but before then it becomes a keep away game with the three factions each trying to get max for their own purposes

Dannyanon No. 790979

*goes to the bathroom

Dannyanon No. 790982

episode where les finds her lake is being trashed by rowdy college students on break. Rosland vera danny and Fishboy has to help her has to drive them away. the more it trashed the more she loses her physical form and slowly starts to disappear from the living world

Dannyanon No. 790984

Wendy is there too but she doesn't notice whats happening to les because she getting seduced by a scumbag college student

Anonymous No. 790987

KILLING MYSELF was it that obvious
i wanna make him cry and seethe so bad

Anonymous No. 790990

hmmm, interesting
she IS the lake, or the lake is her

Anonymous No. 790992

What is wrong with women

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Anonymous No. 790994

what isn't wrong with them. The female mind is one[retarded dribble]

Anonymous No. 790996

Man Cripfag's art was insanely good for this place
Hope the guy's doing alright out there somewhere

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Anonymous No. 790997

he loved his tards

Dannyanon No. 791003

they have agree to a series of lake based competitions for who gets the lake for the rest of the summer and sine it children going up against adults the kids are gonna get destroyed

les knows that they can just wait until college starts up again and then clean the lake to get her back buuuut it's kinda nice seeing you friends/ people you have a crush on and family fighting tooth and nail for you so she gonna keep that to herself she gets one selfish act a year jeez

Dannyanon No. 791006

maybe I'll add tt and the kids doesn't get destroyed

> they managed to even the score with fish boy being half fish, Since Danny, Rosalind and Vera are white and well-off they're natural at a lot of water based sports, and TT is surprisingly good a water noodle boxing (she visualizes using Asimov arms to hit him).

>the final competition rock paper scissor water noodle slapping you play Rock Paper Scissors the winner slaps the loser with a water noodle hoping that they fall into the water if they don't they play again until someone falls in the water

but every kid is tired they can't compete but Wendy just so happened to notice what was going on with les and she joins in .

Wendy doesn't win a single game or rock paper scissors but her competition can't make her budge and eventually tires himself out until he falls in the lake.

Dannyanon No. 791010

Danny: I knocked up a lake

Leslieanon No. 791013

You guys think Beansy knows the intricate lore of Bionicle?

Dannyanon No. 791014

do you think she can read?

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Anonymous No. 791017

The beanie belongs to a different person entirely. They ain’t even the same character

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Dannyanon No. 791018

Leslie outwitted her

Leslieanon No. 791019

She leaked parts of her diary, specifically the parts about Les, but kept it vague to who she has a crush on.

Dannyanon No. 791020

Leslie read part of her diary learned that one of her ancestors ( the one before the shop owner) shot and killed her final remaining sibling and she vows Eternal Vengeance against the Houbens

She didn't read the part where she came back 20 years later to the farm to kill that man only to realize that he didn't kill her brother but when they found out you were just a kid they took them in gave him a place to work he married one of the daughters

and she definitely didn't read what vera knows about her father's "disappearance"

Dannyanon No. 791021

*he was just a kid

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Anonymous No. 791022

[Mission Complete]
Target: Robert Iris
Reward: 70,000$ USD
Bonus: 15,000& USD

[Bounty list]
Melville: 65,000,000$ USD
Max: 40,000,000$ USD
Gretel: 350,000$ USD
Time traveler: 300,000$ USD
Cassandra:200,000$ USD
Asimov: 150,000$ USS
Slappy: 100,000$ USD
Poise: 80,000$ USD
Wendy: 80,000$USD
Hansel: 70,000$ USD
Danny: 70,000$USD
Rulf: 60,000$ USD
Nancy: 60,000$ USD
Leslie: 50,000$USD
Lydia:40,000$ USD
Charles:40,00$ CAD
Drew: 20,000$ USD
Dew: 2$ USD

Leslieanon No. 791023

>and she definitely didn't read what vera knows about her father's "disappearance"
I should probably elaborate on that...
Chester Houben was part of the recording industry, and was pretty good at his job... Until one day, when an up and coming music star was not happy with the deal he was given by Chester and the music star's manager (Vera), so the rapper, along with some of his buddies and Vera, wrecked his studio, kidnapped him, and took him to a glue factory.
A few weeks later and the glue across the country was a weird reddish color...

Dannyanon No. 791024

Wendy: whoever's paying you is either getting a really good deal or you're just really stupid

Dannyanon No. 791025

Vera: I personally think they went a little far killing a guy over a crummy deal and I drink people's blood to continue my existence one in this mortal plane.

Anonymous No. 791026

I’m afraid your statement is valid. Now, there is there anyone you would say. Let just say remind them that the their free trail of life would be ending soon. I can go as low as 25$ USD if you really want miss Wendy
>totally not hiding some super natural relic

Also I am currently in auction for one of these three. Who ever have the highest bounty will be first on my kill list
Chaz: 20,000$ USD
Jerry: 20,000$ USD
Mandy: 20,000$ USD
No kill on the main trio: 25,000$ USD

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Anonymous No. 791027

>pic related
Sorry I forgot to add the artwork

Leslieanon No. 791028

She was still involved.
If the Houbens ever found out about this, they'd make Helstad look even more like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Dannyanon No. 791029

vera: do I need another set of joke villains?

Jonesy and Vanessa: fuck you!!!

Leslieanon No. 791030

Ok, let me put it into better terms:
They'd make the Belmonts look like jokes.

Dannyanon No. 791031

vera:No you're not getting my point

put on a disguise and convince the Houbens that she is their previously never mentioned ever before great Uncle Louie from Timbuktu and stays with them for like a week

vera : everyone in this town is a joke and I'm the only one laughing

Leslieanon No. 791032

>"Ok, Joker. What? We live in a society as well?"

Dannyanon No. 791033

Vera: you know what yeah I am da Joker baby. But seriously if they try anything I am just going to disguise myself as Uncle Louie and leak carbon monoxide in their house while they sleep.

Leslieanon No. 791035

That's IF they find out... Besides, there's a much deadlier force than your usually vampire slaying kit.
The USPS and the IRS.

Dannyanon No. 791036

>The USPS and the IRS.

vera: hissssss

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Leslieanon No. 791037

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Anonymous No. 791047

It wasn't too hard to work out, there's only a handful of characters with the gimmick of having a very specific "type" that also have 5 letters in their name. Plus I remember Dellyanon lusting for him earlier so it's probably just her again. Am I right or does Robin have two admirers now?

I do find it kinda funny that Dellyanon has a thing for both of the 5th grader boys I created, especially as they are polar opposites in a way.

Anonymous No. 791052

nothing theyre fine
its just me im mentally ill
yes youre correct it was just me.. both times lol
i have a really fucked up taste in men so my tastes with np are really varied lol i feel hornier for some characters than others at certain times and the characters can be complete opposites of each other. was it you who made zach too? because holy shit dude
UOOOHH..... hes so cute hes built for bullying thank you i want to print this out and eat it i am saving it forever
now i just HAVE to draw the thing dont i

Anonymous No. 791054

Dellyfag you scare me sometimes

Dannyanon No. 791059

had a dream where I found out there was another board similar to /I/ call Notepad I believe it was for like physical sketchy drawings and there was a South Park board on there but they also discussed our threads like if it was actual show and I believe none of us knew about it. Ironically I think I clicked an ad to find it

All I really remember was there was some dude with a daily counter from the last time they bitched about Dannyanon and I believe it was at like 90 days

Dannyanon No. 791060

south park general thread

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Anonymous No. 791069

god i dont care if anyone recognizes me anymore i had to get this out of my system or i wouldve exploded and died
i may draw something worse eventually because he makes me so horny i need him to whimper and squirm beneath me
i will stare at your drawing for 8 trillion years btw thanks again i owe you my life hanselanon(?)

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Anonymous No. 791070

sentenced to 100 years of fleshie punishment

Anonymous No. 791073

Holy shit that's kinda hot actually

Dannyanon No. 791075

well if it helps you sleep at night I don't recognize you

episode where the kids Discord server was hacked by lisa and that shit was vile most of the kids are in trouble by their parents, the school, and/or their peers that wasn't on the server.

to prevent that from happening again the school starts a tattle tell hotline which most the kids and adults immediately use it to shitpost

Dannyanon No. 791076

yes we're attacking the Uk's hate speech saga this week

also a scene where Danny's love interests are chewing him out for making ranking all the girls based on their butts

Anonymous No. 791077

>yes we're attacking the Uk's hate speech saga this week
someone fill me in

Dannyanon No. 791079

Because of protest and riots caused by tention between Muslims and the natives the UK is arresting people because of tweets for inciting riots and they started the tip line for help find people posting hate speech on social media so /Pol/ has been trolling the tip line

Anonymous No. 791082

Good stuff, I'm glad you're drawfagging again Delly anon. Will you take requests one day? It's fine if not.

Leslieanon No. 791084


Anonymous No. 791086

there's few times where you can confidently say /pol/ is doing a civil service

Leslieanon No. 791088

While I'm against hate speech, arresting people because they said mean things online is a bit dystopian.

Anonymous No. 791090

thank you i am so normal i love being a normal and sane and functional individual of human society
probably not sorry anon im just drawing shit that gets me waterfalling
maybe one day but im just gonna do my thing for a bit

Dannyanon No. 791094

forgot to mention the best part they're threatening to extradite foreigners from different countries over it too

maybe there's a British super intendent who forces the school to use the natc chat Bot

Jonesy brings the narc chat Bot to life and unleashes it to the towns internet to pester the town by narccing on them until it annoys her

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Dellyfag joins th....png

Anonymous No. 791103

>"I knew inviting her was a bad idea."

Dannyanon No. 791109

episode where the rapper that murdered Leslie's father comes back to town for a charity event but he really there to Intimidate Vera into still keeping her mouth shut about the murder he does this every year. it doesn't help that she feels very guilty about it especially after seeing Leslie sing along to the same song he was thought of when he killed her dad. her guilt starts to manifest itself physically by having Vera blurt out her secrets at random.

Dannyanon No. 791110

Danny and les after once again enter her mind to fix shit

Like throughout the beginning of the episode we don't know why she's feeling particularly guilty this is the reveal of what happened to Leslie's father

I just imagine at the end of the episode Vera ask the two should she tell someone and they just say are you out of your fucking mind you got to take that to your grave

Anonymous No. 791111

oof, that's rough

Dannyanon No. 791117

It's even worse because of the 100% her fault the deal he gave them wasn't that bad but she modified it so it benefited her more and then lied about to the rapper who then murder him over it

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Dannyanon No. 791131

How she feels every time she sees the Houbens

Vera: I shouldn’t feel this way. I drink human blood for Christ (ouch) sakes. Why does thinking about that blood bag make me feel so bad?

Dannyanon No. 791132

Scene where Vera goes to nurse Maggie so she can explain to her that she's feeling guilty she's never felt this way before

Anonymous No. 791136

>Vera: "The pressure is too much. I basically see his face everywhere now, I practically murdered him!"
>Maggie: *sip* "Hmm, can't say I don't understand your plight. The unbearable feeling of the crushing weight of guilt and all that."
>Vera: "How could you possibly understand, I'm the reason he's DEAD. Now I have to watch as his daughter grow up without him, even worse mingling with HIS KILLER!"
>Maggie: "yeah, I can't POSSIBLY imagine being in your shoes. At least you were just the accomplice."
>Vera: "Would she hate me if I just told her now. Work up the courage and have that conversation? She's my friend and this would ruin our relationship, or worse. What would you do in my situation?"
>Maggie: "You're mocking me aren't you."

Leslieanon No. 791137

If Leslie did find out, she'd let Vera live, just so she can live her immortal life, knowing she was involved in snuffing out an innocent life.

The rapper, while I intended him to be already dead, would be killed, just lock him in the room with autism cured Leslie, he'd wouldn't have to worry about a cremation service.

Dannyanon No. 791138

Vera has a weird sense of justice if she's going to feed on a human to the point where they die it's going to be a creep who was willing to follow a small girl into a catacombs Under Town and she knows he had no good intentions with her.

But this dude did everything right and she fucking him over and he died because of it this messes with her something fierce because this is something her dad would have done and she hates that guy

Dannyanon No. 791139

Vera just cool with nurse Maggie knowing she's a vampire because what the fuck is she going to do about it

I mean she was kind of already doing that except she didn't actually get to see how their families reacting to losing them
I like that Vera actually had Jonesy killed and doesn't feel the least bit bad about it

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Leslieanon No. 791141

Lets forget the doom and gloom, and focus on something greater...

Tits and trend chasing.

Anonymous No. 791142

nice pepperonis
cute panties

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🗑️ Dannyanon No. 791144


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Dannyanon No. 791146

Anonymous No. 791147

lol i love this so much thank you anon
i kinda like the hood i may keep it for some future drawings of the mystery woman thats totally not me. also my knee is literally on his dick will he be ok...
>what's shota?
i really like how you draw momo btw
very good stuff
great expressions, im glad people made and fleshed out dellys mom in my absence i really like what you guys did with the character

Anonymous No. 791149

Even if it's non-canon I find Dellyfag being an in-universe character really funny. I picture her being just a normal woman wearing a gray full-body suit with a poorly drawn question mark on it all the time and no one ever asks anything about it or thinks it's weird because after all, it's North Park. There's weirder shit going on

Anonymous No. 791153

Have you seen the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel fandom? they openly talk about torturing the character, putting them in their rape dungeon with a leash on and mindbreaking them so they can take them out ... all while they talk in that cutesy 7 year old vocabulary & behaviour which makes it extra creepy cause they're unaware of how fucked up it is.

and then he hides the fact he's almost 30, but he looks 16-18 and with a thick long dick.
Pedo women would love me cause I'm legal.
In real life you wouldn't have the guts to tell it straight to my face that you "love" me and want to fuck my brains out. How do you handle your crushes, Dellyfag? The last one who crushed over me kept trying to act nice & friendly to me, but the way she behaved to her mother revealed her personality immediately as bossy, angry, naive, annoying. I would have asked her what her love fantasies of walking in the park included and what her erotic fantasies over me were about. I would have enjoyed the theory much much more, because the moment I looked at her face and her body my brain immediately convulsed and said "don't give her an inch or else you won't get away from her anymore. I don't care that she lives in another city, I'm too paranoid to make this horny female son of a bitch think nonstop about sex over me"

Make no mistake Dellyfag if you're phat - faaaat , you are getting on the conveyor belt to lose 40 pounds.
If you're just tall and big for a woman then things will sit differently, but that's why I enjoy the theory more than the reality.
Feel free to write all the fucked up, sick, disgusting fetishes and all the cutesy wootsie dates you can imagine. Since we'll never meet, or do you want me to tell you we'll meet so you feel more VergilMOTIVATED?

I'm usually more busy thinking about the practical stuff such as how to get alone time, where to get 6+ condoms, is this a virgin?
And also how to threaten you to not tell anyone, not even your dog.

Anonymous No. 791154

Kek wtf is this post is this Max?
Genuinely incomprehensible

Dannyanon No. 791163

Nurse Maggie is one of the few people that can actually threaten the vampires and they take it seriously because she gives them blood around the nurse's office for lunch which there's always a surprising amount of it.

After finding out that vera turned Dorothy into a vampire that one time she threatened her if you ever do it again she'll stop feeding her since pervert season wasn't there yet she would have starved

Anonymous No. 791173

Yo, it's good to see yah again Maxie Pad!
Picking fights with Dellyfag are we? That may be a battle you're in over your head.

Dannyanon No. 791174

to be honest I was afraid we bullied him away

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Robin Eltingville....png

Anonymous No. 791175

As Robin's creator I honestly find this more funny if anything. I designed him to be an inherently gross and unattractive creep, so it's amusing when people get this way for him. It reminds me a lot of when a bunch of femanons on /co/ were lusting over Bill Dickey from The Eltingville Club, a similar instance of them fantasising about forcing themselves on a gross sweaty nerd who hates them but he's too weak and pathetic to do anything about it.

I think it'd be cool to use Robin and his other club members as general nerds outside of their perverted habits. I like that one drawing I did of Robin and Xeno arguing over the rules of a card game, or Momo starting an anime club.

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Dannyanon No. 791176

Between this guilt episode, her almost getting the town’s mental energy drained by a bunch of psychic vampires and actually seeing Chester‘s vengeful spirit at the old glue factory she just might quit the whole scheming business and just focus on the bar (her only honest business) and since she can age again move on to the 4th grade and actually actually attend class.

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Anonymous No. 791177

uooohh i wanna huff the sweat off of him and sniff his boxers while he struggles to push me off.... full;
the ever so elusive ms. nonny moose..
brother im gonna be real i only understood like 5% of what you said maybe im just retarded but idk
im so terribly sorry for what im doing to your character i have no idea what kind of switch flipped within me but he gets me going so good. my taste in men is so fucked i keep getting made fun of on other boards for it and its hilarious to me
>I designed him to be an inherently gross and unattractive creep
that is one of THE archetypes of all time to me those are literally the best
>fantasising about forcing themselves on a gross sweaty nerd who hates them but he's too weak and pathetic to do anything about it.
MEEEE LITERALLY ME they get me shout out to fellow mentally ill women
i love the nerd concept you should do that, i liked the card pic too lol i love xeno saying "You're unbalanced, fuck you"
still absolutely would

Leslieanon No. 791178


But also jeez.

Anonymous No. 791179

I don't know if I should feel Glad or offended that no one is after any of my characters like this

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Dannyanon No. 791182

4th grader and post grind set Vera

I’m sorry anon there’s only so much crazy to go around

Anonymous No. 791187

>brother im gonna be real i only understood like 5% of what you said maybe im just retarded but idk
translation: what are your non-erotica and erotic fantasies about a guy be it fictional or real? I feel like I can beat you at it if it were a competition.

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Dannyanon No. 791188

she tried to ask the orb of knowledge how to alleviate her guilt and she found a Multiverse truth about the situation.

this is a follow up to that one Leslie anon picture where Leslie Father is dead in every single timeline

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Dannyanon No. 791189


Anonymous No. 791194

That's Maxie Pack for you.
Don't make me replace Neil with an actual funny character (Slappy & Danny duo).

>a battle you're in over your head.
You children are way in over your heads to sleep with me.

I would think so too except that isn't the truth. I've been busy trying to find a writer to make a proper fiction story for North Park, might still take around 3 months. Among other things I've been busy with such as making it big.
Truth is there isn't a lot happening around here to keep me coming back. We need more members to contribute and something like a story-driven video game to work on.

Anonymous No. 791196

That's true, keep up the search then.
We'll keep these threads alive and kicking until we get that full fledged story

Dannyanon No. 791197

Welp time to carry this community for another year I think my one year anniversary is on September 12th

Dannyanon No. 791198

It's actually September 6th

Anonymous No. 791200

you better be keeping a lore journal/guide to organize your thoughts and posts
y'know, if you want to. Your choice....

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Dannyanon No. 791201

I just realize top three characters that are in the most images wears gray pants

Dannyanon No. 791202

sounds like a good idea

Dannyanon No. 791203

I just kind of been winging it with my memories up until now

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Dannyanon No. 791205

an average day at the Toades lab

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Dannyanon No. 791206


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Dannyanon No. 791207

She just wanted a girls night out on the town. Oh look all the other girls aren’t coming well could just be two of us. It’s not like a date or anything… though it could if you wanted to be…. Joking I’m just joking.

she also does this to Wendy too ya know Tricking you frienemy into gay dates

I honestly forgot I did set up this maybe keep an eye lore journal won’t be such a bad thing

Welcome back to the world Ves or lera though canonically your relationship is not endgame we can still have fun between now and then after the CK break up but before the reuniting

Dannyanon No. 791208

God I hate typing on the iPad

She just wanted a girls night out on the town. Oh look all the other girls aren’t coming well it could just be two of us. It’s not like a date or anything… though it could if you wanted to be…. Joking I’m just joking you're so tense learn to lighten up.

she also does this to Wendy too ya know Tricking her into gay dates.

I honestly forgot I did set up this maybe keeping a lore journal won’t be such a bad thing.

Welcome back to the world Ves or lera though canonically your relationship is still not the endgame we can have fun between now and then after the CK break up but before the reuniting that has to be like 20ish years worth of a relationship

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Dannyanon No. 791209

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Anonymous No. 791214

guys im losing my fucking mind
sorry for being deranged on main and youre welcome leslie is cute
the illness is mental within me
sometimes a character just makes me explode and die so hard that i have to draw them 8 million times
ohhh lol thank you
well it heavily varies depending on the character. sometimes i can go really horny over a certain character, other times i dont even want to think about lewding another
>I feel like I can beat you at it if it were a competition
you probably can, yeah. the power to draw what i want is a great one though. like so with picrel/linkrel

Anonymous No. 791215

>grabbing him from behind and sitting to the sides.
Mmm nice, but you should put yourself and him under a shower, it would look more erotic. I'd also say lick his neck, but he has no neck, kek. Oh you can instead lick his tears. Haha.
And he can agree to pump his cockhead into your nipple, his foreskin covering your nipple and then cumming on it as it leaks out and slides down your boob. Heh it's a kink I don't think women would appreciate unless they were busy staring at the guy's face or kissing him with closed eyes. Would be the equivalent of a woman rubbing her pussy on your manly nipples. Just like him rubbing and thrusting his cockhead exactly on your clit and cumming on it. You got to be really horny to enjoy that.
Just like sitting together rubbing the back of my foot into your pussy while I'm sitting behind you grabbing your boobs and licking your earlobe whispering that you're cute and that I like your boobs.

As for non erotica fantasies. You clit/feminine dick, you didn't even take him out in the park for gumdrops and icecream and didn't even play Magic the Gathering with him, play with Transformers and play robot video games with him and then kiss his forehead and lick his ear before fucking him, you clit/feminine dick.

Guess I gotta carry the horny side, Danny.

>Anon not so loud with your erotic fantasies
Oh relax in France nobody knows even 1% of English cause they're just that anti-anglo, let alone if you went to a shit country like Spain or Greece for your vacation.
You can literally talk about intercourse in plain daylight among hundreds of people in a goddamn museum no less and nobody will bat an eye. Just uhh don't use the monst common words like sex, orgasm, etc. use intercourse and climax, they don't know what that is.

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Anonymous No. 791218

It should've been me! Not him!

Anonymous No. 791219

Oh wait damn, Max is back? Almost thought the dude was dead or moved on like some of our old members
>I've been busy trying to find a writer to make a proper fiction story for North Park, might still take around 3 months.
Good luck man

Dannyanon No. 791224

You know I just realized I gave her regular ears when she has cat ears

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Dannyanon No. 791232

Progressively more more girls keep joining

Anonymous No. 791235

>Asimov puts a sign on the computer that says "Gay Baby Jail" and leaves as Jonesy demands he come back and let her out

Dannyanon No. 791240

episode where Jonesy repays Asimov for this by rerouting his next body transfer into a technologically sophisticated baby doll that was gifted to the orphanage. he's a hit among all the orphans so they won't let him escape.

meanwhile Maria is worried because she thanks Asimov is dead well at least his sentience self because without his consciousness and memories the new body factory reseted itself back to his pre Lisa tampering self. Since asimov is back to being cold and distant drew and beansy thinks he being a jerk.

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Dannyanon No. 791245

Jonesey did it again

Anonymous No. 791246

>Teeny Steeve manages to convince Drew and Beansy that Asimov have been replaced by a changeling
>They go to Danny for help, and he recognizes this has Jonsey's stink all over it, sending them off on a mission to keep them distracted while he tries to find out what Jonsey did to Asimov
>He has to team up with A2 to get her to spill the beans by getting her to brag about it to Asimov's evil twin.
>This is the last thing she does to Asimov before Danny figures out a way to keep her from messing with him.
>Episode ends with her getting punched so hard by Asimov that she ends up flying into and possessing the baby doll

Dannyanon No. 791247

why would teeny Stevie help them what's he get out of it

Anonymous No. 791249

He was lying to them as a joke.
Also Asimov feeds his friend Hansel, so he owes him a solid

Anonymous No. 791250

thinking of applying for a baraag account to store my art from here since twitter is garbage and i cant upload sholi there (i used to have one but i silently got rid of it a while back)

Dannyanon No. 791251

I got one of those been thinking of putting some of mine up there but since I do heavily reference other people's work I really don't want the Heat

Anonymous No. 791252

i honestly doubt youll get shit for that, your style is unique and referencing stuff is never a bad thing unless youre straight up tracing something and claiming it as your work lol
id love to be able to follow more people from here since id technically be posting into the void (not going to tag my work when i post so we dont attract unwanted attention or something like that)
plus your stuff is really toony itd be hard to compare to most stuff (this is not a bad thing i love your style we should do a trade sometime maybe)

Dannyanon No. 791254

Thanks It's nice to hear that someone likes my art

No I don't trace just reference

Yeah I'm down to do whatever just say when

Anonymous No. 791255

makes me smile seeing someone so eager to make content for the general, even though i dont understand some of the stuff and aus of new-age np its great to see all the art that comes from it
yeah referencing is fine, i had to use refs for a lot of my art here too especially because i try to draw stuff a bit more on-model and the sp style is really hard to draw certain poses in
ill go first, what would you like me to draw?

Dannyanon No. 791256

this but with Danny and Dr Cates

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Dannyanon No. 791257


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Leslieanon No. 791258

>"Fucking bitch, doing that to my man... And not inviting ME?!?!"
Also it's fine being deranged here.

Dannyanon No. 791259

Asimov: don't laugh

Danny: I'm sorry I can't help it

Asimov: try

Anonymous No. 791260

lol ill see what i can do
any specific frame from it you want drawn as them?
im gonna be real i dont know whats funnier the fact i completely forgot crush even existed or that i technically cucked 2 women in north park, first missy now her

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fuck my husband .png

Anonymous No. 791262


Dannyanon No. 791263

Hope it's not too late but this one

just to be safe I put it on catbox

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Dannyanon No. 791267


Anonymous No. 791268

How long does she stay stuck in it?

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Bad End Timeline ....png

Anonymous No. 791269

>We're getting closer and Closer to AP appearing
Oh boy!
We need to make a more proper Bad End Timeline Fates list

Anonymous No. 791271

until after I hot glue her

Anonymous No. 791272

aww man, now I'm reminded of bad end anon...
oh well, let's try again

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Dannyanon No. 791273

She conveniently left out the part where she can’t access the internet from the doll

Until someone destroys the doll

She may weirdly get a kick out of that

Dannyanon No. 791274

Wait a minute I just realized something she's technically a robot now. This might be the thing To make Robin lower than Bret in the fuckers society pecking order

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Anonymous No. 791275

btw, today is the SP pilot anniversary

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Anonymous No. 791277

how so? Cause he'd seriously consider getting his rocks off to a sentient baby dooooooohh my god, it even sounds worse saying it out loud.

Dannyanon No. 791278

how I imagine a typical Danny and Dr Cates conversation

Dannyanon No. 791279

He didn't even seriously make any effort towards it he just thought about it for like a second and all the rest of them immediately knew about it

Leslieanon No. 791287

27 years... That's 2 years older than me...

Dannyanon No. 791288

For some reason I assumed you'd be older than me I'm 27 I need to feel young we got any 30 year olds here

Anonymous No. 791289

Please don't tell me I'm the youngest here at 23

Dannyanon No. 791290

episode where Jonesy in the baby doll body keeps tempting Robin because he knows this makes him look bad and ruin his standing with the others. she's trying to get it him to just destroy her.... like physically destroyed her doll body not the other thing get your mind out of the gutter. Robin gets so pent up it just ends like

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🗑️ Dannyanon No. 791295

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Dannyanon No. 791296

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North Park refere....jpg

Anonymous No. 791297

cupid ye is loose again

Dannyanon No. 791298

I always find it interesting how you translate the characters I made into your style

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Dannyanon No. 791303

Anonymous No. 791311

I can't believe that Matt and Trey killed him.

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Dannyanon No. 791313

Welp the prey has become the predator

Anonymous No. 791314

Welp, now we know that Robin deserves to be raped by Dellyfag

Anonymous No. 791315

as Robin's creator I personally think he'd just try to modify it into an older looking robot. Keep the brain that contains Jonesy but make the body bigger. However since he doesn't have access to a high tech lab like Maria it'd mostly be made out of random stuff he finds around town.

Dannyanon No. 791316

the fucker society:

Dannyanon No. 791317

with Vera no longer collecting Asimov pieces to sell back to Maria there's a lot more of it to go around and since Jonesy can modify machinery with her electronic ghost powers they're able to make a new older body but as soon as they finish constructing it she chokes Robin and tells him If he tries that shit again she'll rip him in half before going to get her revenge on Asimov

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Leslieanon No. 791318

More shirts for Leslie

Anonymous No. 791323

>Jonesy and Asimov are fighting
>Asimov keeps pulling random weapons to her increasing exasperation that become more and more wacky as the fight continues.
>Something like

Anonymous No. 791329

hahaha poor mandy. the swinger stuff embarrassing the shit out of her was always hilarious to me
dont worry its not late at all, thanks for the ref. i have to go to the store and help out my grandma but ill draw it once im home then ill tell you what i want
fucking hell lol
dont worry guys that can be arranged. ill fuck the shit out of him for this one dont you worry

Dannyanon No. 791330

They could only built on top of the baby doll since it's indestructible. apparently the reason it was sent to the orphanage was for testing purposes to test its supposed indestructibility you know cuz poor kids destroy shit easily. even Wendy and Honoka full powers combined only dented its left ass cheek it popped back out minutes later

So whenever jonesy terrorizes the towns people they just have to destroy the robotic shell and she's back to being a dumb baby doll.

Though she does later find out she could just leave the doll at will but since being in the doll prevents her from being killed again and she doesn't need to be connected to the internet inside of it she uses it as a sort of home.

This is funny to me because my original idea for her was she speak like Sampton it always have a stupid smile on her face

Anonymous No. 791333

what about the invisible shirt?

Anonymous No. 791334

Was scrolling through thread and was gonna say it's too early for hornyposting since we're only on page 7 but that's some good shit so I'm not even mad.
Keep up the drawing, guys.

Anonymous No. 791340

>"Picture of Jonesy's mom."
>The picture is of her mom in a very skimpy bikini, blowing a kiss at the viewer,

Dannyanon No. 791341

its funny that Jonesy has people who actually murdered her yet she has the biggest beefs with someone they call her a gay baby and someone who called her mid

we can post again! maybe we should explore some off site options

Dannyanon No. 791342

maybe a Twitter page just to tell us where to go if 4 chan ever goes down for good

Anonymous No. 791343

People were suggesting a Discord ages ago but way too many were against the idea so it never became a thing
I'd recommend either something like a Chatango room or Chatzy (i used to do sp rps as a kid on that shit ironically)
Chatango doesn't need registration so you can be anon on it, not sure about Chatzy since I haven't used it for years

Anonymous No. 791344

If 4chan ever goes down for good for some reason, Just go to the wiki. There's a discussion section where that sort of thing can be sorted out. But don't go and start flooding it yet unless there actually is an emergency. The site dying for a few hours isn't entirely out of the ordinary.

Dannyanon No. 791347

dr toades does not want her to mention she got her autism cured by him he wants everyone to forget his involvement less he gets sued to hell and back

that's how she gets trapped on the moon in the bad timeline Maria puts the baby doll in a rocket to the Moon. on the moon there's a whale Tom cruse and a baby doll roaming around

Anonymous No. 791348

Well, here goes nothing
npg and northpark were taken as urls so I had to write the whole thing. We don't have to use this regularly or as a full-time thing, just if something goes wrong someday
I'd normally agree but the Wiki won't let us have much free speech or discuss certain scenarios, we'd get whipped even as anons. Remember how much images and stuff we've had to censor? I'm surprised some info about certain characters on the Wiki is even allowed to stay up

Dannyanon No. 791366


Neil I guess we know where to shop to get Robin's birthday gift.... the baby(doll's) gap

I imagine a comic where Robin and crush are sitting watching TV then a commercial for the same model of doll Jonesy's in and crush just says while laughing hysterically does this get you off you sicko? Robin salty thinking to himself note to self remove her snark code when you have the chance

Leslieanon No. 791369

She had one, but she lost it.
Plus it wasn't transparent, so it also turned her torso invisible.

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chocolate cake, g....png

Anonymous No. 791374

here you go, was fun to draw
for me you can draw robin being a stupid fucking dork and rambling about stupid nerd shit literally no one cares about or in some kind of suggestive pose since i have brain damage, thanks
no thats me lol im 21
sorry i cant help it. i have like 4 more ideas man, i have to draw them or ill shit and die

Anonymous No. 791375

Think you could do something lewd with the Asimoms?

Anonymous No. 791376

i might do a robin /ss/ lewd with them eventually but i can try doing something with just the 2 of them when i finish my current queue of mental illness
also kinda want to do a trade with hanselanon if hes up for it. i enjoyed drawing my part for dannyanon, trades are super fun

Dannyanon No. 791377

thanks will get to it after work

Dannyanon No. 791379

I love the picture dellyfag

God am I the oldest here?

episode where Danny gets this dream rudely interrupted so he learns to lucid dream to have it again but his pychic powers pulls the actual dr Cates, ck, Addison, Fiona, les and Vera into his dreams and he has to hide his hornyness from them and try to make them think this isn't his dream it's theirs.

Dannyanon No. 791380

Vera immediately figures out what's going on because she doesn't sleep because candy corn lady and her had a beef long ago so ccl hired a dream demon to terrorize vera dreams whenever she sleeps which speaking of the devil it comes into Danny's dream

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the budddyyyy.png

Leslieanon No. 791381

without context

Anonymous No. 791382

got a baraag now and ill slowly dump stuff onto it as i draw it, including stuff ive never posted to thread before like 2 ancient gothboy lewds only crip anon has ever seen. its @dellyNP if anyone wants to take a look. nothing you guys havent really seen yet though except those 2 gothboy images
take your time and good luck with work! glad you liked it i had a lot of fun with it. cates has really tricky hair but i think i did it right

Anonymous No. 791383

LOL i forgot to reply in my last post but this is amazing thank you
im torturing my (not?)son.. giving him brain damage

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Dannyanon No. 791399


I hate that I think it may be one of the best pictures I ever drawn so far but this was a fun trade

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Dannyanon No. 791400

at the Northport Château. You’ll always get service with a smile.

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Dannyanon No. 791401

woah found Max's possible canonical parents and sister's

Leslieanon No. 791402

I can feel the burning contempt and tiredness behind those eyes.

Dannyanon No. 791403

Really takes the wind out of Max's sails when you know she really a Christian girl who likes the Jonas Brothers

Anonymous No. 791406

Max is related to Jenny Simmons?
Also Jenny looks like Leslie and they both crapped their pants

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Dannyanon No. 791407

They tried to go to candy corn lady to convince her to pull the contract on Vera. it didn’t go well

Anonymous No. 791409

uooohh.. built for getting bullied by a girl and whimpering... i was gonna say id give him a wedgie but thats too evil. man, the person who said "youre spending too much time with zach" was right lol
its a really good image i will cherish it, thanks dannyanon had a lot of fun trading. you draw him really cute i love this dumbass nerd

Dannyanon No. 791410

you're welcome dellyfag good doing business with you

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Dannyanon No. 791411

reminder max has ginger genes (it's the same dad)

Anonymous No. 791415

Damn Danny keep that up and soon you'll teach the AI how to draw human paws.

Related, I am having a very hard time finding characters who are morally right, self-righteous, badass, for the story I plan on making, I might just write them out of character so they can give moral speeches or make them naturally intelligent & good at their role in the story.
But it sucks that Danny isn't a fighter and would yell for his sister to do his fights, she'd have to magically pop in and out of his pocket while 90% of the time she's silent cause she's a non character, she's the muscle like Pikachu and nothing else.

Anonymous No. 791418

We should make a tier list of the best cooks in North Park.
Mostly so we can laugh at all the characters who are the worst Cooks

Anonymous No. 791419

>Max Foley
Finally, a full name

Anonymous No. 791420

This made me think of Wendy dressed up in a Pikachu outfit.
It was a very nice mental image

Anonymous No. 791421

He already has a full name, he even has a middle name.

I read that as best cocks and worst cocks.

Anonymous No. 791422

You have cock on the brain, lol

Anonymous No. 791424

There's a cock in the machine, kek.
There's a spooky scary skeleton cock inside everyone's pants.

Dannyanon No. 791425

>I am having a very hard time finding characters who are morally right, self-righteous, badass,

It sounds like you want to have Wendy as the main character and just Danny as the brains

Anonymous No. 791426

>Wendy in a sexy Pikachu outfit

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too many cooks.png

Anonymous No. 791438

alright, here you go

Dannyanon No. 791439

its been established Danny a good cook and wendy isn't we talked about this a few threads ago

Anonymous No. 791440

Oop, well I wasn't there then

Leslieanon No. 791444

Leslie's food comes out fine, it's just the entire kitchen and herself is a fucking mess covered in scorch marks.

Dannyanon No. 791445

from what I remember

Danny, ula, Ragdoll (minus the cat hair), Asimov, and les are good cooks

while vera and wendy were horrible and their food inedible

Anonymous No. 791448

Toades is actually a great cook, as are Asimov and his moms

Dannyanon No. 791456

I also remember

Fiona likes weird 50's food

blackcat doesn't have the patience to cook

teacup food always comes out bland

Dr cates lives off delivery

Bobby Norman can only cook fast food

Hansel doesn't bother cooking

Gretel is a decent cook but she always slips poison in it as a force of habit

I don't think I said anything about Vanessa but since she has lived 100+ years on his and sometimes her own yeah he does she probably pretty good at it

Jonesy she eats jpgs of food on the internet no cooking required. fun fact she really likes spaghetti but she always makes a huge mess eating it no matter how careful she tries to be.

Anonymous No. 791461

Li is only good at making fish.
But he is REALLY good at it, his sushi is to die for.

Anonymous No. 791462

Yashu is apparently a great cook too

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Anonymous No. 791463


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robin crop 3.png

Anonymous No. 791466

i dont know what this nerdy fuck did to my brain but my productivity hasnt been so high in so long lol. i genuinely forgot how fun it was to just scribble in the general. also holy shit i cant believe i didnt notice he has a tooth gap until now thats so fucking cute.. my brain damage has increased tenfold hanselanon im sending you my sincerest of apologies
nothing is showing but ill catbox just in case;

Dannyanon No. 791468

i remember ck only can cook like Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and other poor lach key kids food

Anonymous No. 791475

Pretty much.
He drives Danny up the wall with his basic bitch palette

Anonymous No. 791486

Anyone have the boob chart?

Anonymous No. 791487

How Salty is Bobland that Li is such a good cook?

Anonymous No. 791488

Reminds me of the episode Idea of Bobland getting banned from Li's Sushi Shop

Anonymous No. 791489

how salty is Li that Bobland doesn't need a fucking stick to catch his food?

Anonymous No. 791491

Stupid bear can't even use tool, lol.
He's probably too busy getting pegged by his wife to learn!
Can't even make sashimi and eats the fish bowels too!

Dannyanon No. 791492

episode where the Thompsons buys li and Bobland's favorite fishing spot to build lake side rental cabins. they have to work together to stop the construction project

First attempt Bobland and li tries to Intimidate the construction crew but wendy puts Bobland into a headlock until he says uncle and when li smugly say if she tries anything honoka would kick her ass and then he gets immediately arrested for trespassing on private property.

Anonymous No. 791493

I'm honestly afraid of your power level at this point

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Dannyanon No. 791496

Your soul is mine

Anonymous No. 791498

Now draw him wearing programmer socks
Not OR but hell yeah. You even gave her the female Pikachu heart tail

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Dannyanon No. 791499

Was a little late for Black History Month

Dannyanon No. 791502

I'm archiving some nfsw and works I'm not to embarrassed to show @[email protected]

Anonymous No. 791506

dont worry me too i dont know how i managed to get to this point
hnn.. maybe
i have 2 other ideas i wanna draw and i might try that after

Anonymous No. 791513

>The thompsons end up waking up a kraken which destroys the property

>Wendy won't stop it because it's endangered and she's not dealing with the legal shitstorm it would bring again

>Afterwards Bobland pays Teeny Steeve for calling the kracken

Max No. 791517

Do I have good taste or do I have great taste?

Never question me Posie when I dress you up correctly. (black pencil skirt, straightened hair and in a low-hanging ponytail, white boots, white unbuttoned blouse, makeup to mask the freckles, use a red or black hairband, maybe dye your hair pure red, put on some glossy fuchsia lipstick Maybe try some 60s Mod fashion if you want to try cute and stylish and voila. Or hell try stealing Mineral's slut clothing, even her kilt looks fancier than you pansy ass skirt. I know Mineral just loooves flashing people whenever she can even when she denies it. Kilts were made for flashing people same for that unbuttoned jacket like she's some exquisite prostitute that can't be bothered to dress and undress so just put a chicken jacket on it and make it extra gay.).

Dannyanon No. 791518

the wiki has been closed

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Dannyanon No. 791521

Did we have any contingency plans for this?

Anonymous No. 791522

oh shit what the fuck
did we make some pages too inappropriate? they usually close wikis for either inactivity or inappropriate content
id suggest trying to move to wikidot or something, but that thing is a bit harder to use than fandom

Dannyanon No. 791523

could be the troll or Paramount hitting us with a copyright strike of some kind

Anonymous No. 791524

How odd. I guess that's the end of that then. I still have a lot of images saved on my pc but I deleted a lot of the older ones I already uploaded to clear space. So I guess go back through the archives and make sure you've saved everything you want to save.

Maybe we can create a different site or document with all the basic character info that we can replace the wiki link with at the start of each thread.

Dannyanon No. 791525

do we put wiki only characters on the list now? dogboys, the vamps, Max's angels candy corn lady, crush, Vanassa, and calamari is is there anyone else I'm forgetting.

Max No. 791526

Please for the love of God do not tell me it was a Hannah Barbera bot scraping for images.
Can we retrieve the images+info ? first controlC and now fandom wiki.

Dannyanon No. 791527

Hannah Barbara bot?

Dannyanon No. 791528

no brainer Nolan timeline is just lost media now

Dannyanon No. 791529

oh and Jonesy

Anonymous No. 791533

>You can retrieve your content if you like
>if your wiki was recently closed, it may take a short period of time for the files to be generated.
At least we can get our ball back?

Anonymous No. 791535

Yeah, we can just start over somewhere less gay.
May be a little harder, but at least we'll still have it

Dannyanon No. 791536

but where a shared word document, some wiki knock off, build our own website or some other option?

Anonymous No. 791537

Well, as that other anon suggested there's Wikidot, or we can try Mediawiki (self-hosted), NeoSeeker or Miraheze
I've heard really good things about Miraheze personally and another art community I'm in has a Miraheze wiki to store game mods and character info

Anonymous No. 791538

I'll look into them in a bit. I created the fandom wiki but honestly never really liked fandom itself between the excessive ads and annoying content restrictions. Maybe this'll be a blessing in disguise.

Anonymous No. 791539

Good luck man, hope we can get stuff up and running again. I'm not sure how bad these alternatives are with the censorship but hopefully it's not as bad as Fandom's

Anonymous No. 791540

I’ll make sure to check their terms of service. If all else fails we can make a janky shared text document.

Dannyanon No. 791541

the EPA seizes the land due to the preservation of a rare species of giant freshwater cephalopons now no one gets the area

wendy oh well I guess we can just build the cabins on this other lake

Bobland and li: oh fuck that's a good spot too

Dannyanon No. 791542

this is Wendy first project where she's an assistant supervisor in the family business so she wants this to go smoothly and won't tolerate anyone fucking it up

Dannyanon No. 791543

there's is no expectation for her other than watch and learn because you'll be doing this in a year or two and she doesn't really have no responsibility on the project. she just taking her position way too seriously

Dannyanon No. 791544

ummm the wiki back for some reason

Anonymous No. 791545

>They discovered that the spot is a legal fishing reservoir
>They have to deal with the constant fisherman arguments, especially when Li manages to catch something Bobland wanted to eat.

Dannyanon No. 791546

li never got a fishing and hunting license he didn't know that was a thing and since there's no registered Fisherman in town Wendy seeks to get the spot to be private property

Dannyanon No. 791547

*permit not license

Dannyanon No. 791548

You know what scratch this I didn't fully read what you posted I actually like your ending better

Wendy doesn't care that's the customer's problem

Anonymous No. 791549

Hey, since Danny is a survivalist according to the wiki does he ever bump into Li while on one of his wilderness survival binges

Anonymous No. 791552

i need to draw maggie ive actually been thinking about making missing lore for her especially since its not known that shes divorced. her husband didnt like that she never had time for him because of her job and he was terrified of dellys injuries every time they happened. he didnt like how unphased and 'used to it' his wife was so he left and filed a divorce, mostly in fear of his own sanity. he wanted to take delly with him, but maggie didnt want to give her up. she honestly still misses her husband sometimes, but him leaving was probably for the best. she cant help but feel a constant itch of loneliness, especially since shes hated by so much people in town and people she really wants to befriend like maria pretend she doesnt exist
i didnt realize how rough she really has it lol. as for a nicer and more minor tidbit, the earrings adult delly wears are the same ones maggie used in her high school years since she passed them down to her daughter shortly before dellys marriage in the future

Anonymous No. 791553

Maria only ignores her because of how hard she beefed her first meeting with her.
Maria would probably let the woman join her "Girls Nights" she has with Diana if she saw her out and looking miserable.

Dannyanon No. 791554

I meant survivalist in the since he survives dangerous shit constantly I should uses a better word for it

but he does frequent the magic woods and regular woods just to camp for fun or doing magic based chores since that where the cheatu is located by so yeah I think they bump into each other a lot

Anonymous No. 791555

>Danny sees Li in full samurai armor, dragging a dead kappa and kelpie behind him
>Li nods at Danny and continues on his way.
>Danny realizes those were the Youkai he was supposed to hunt.
Does he appreciate the day off?

Dannyanon No. 791556

he always appreciate not working he gets to fuck with Leslie in her Minecraft server

captcha daggy

Dannyanon No. 791557

since Maggie knows the vamp kids are well actul vampires due to her providing them blood and since Maggie knows vera is the town bartender so they kinda talks to each other about stuff mainly out of not really having many people to talk to some might call this a friendship.

Dannyanon No. 791565

Maggie recognizes that Vera might be 100+ she is still 9 mentally and physically (and is pretending to be mature) so there's only so much she can get out of that friendship

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Leslieanon No. 791573

The Houben's summer wear/at the State Fair
Not pictured: Their mom, who is currently dealing with the 4H kids.

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Dannyanon No. 791576

Drew heard rumors about a lost sitcom that was shot in the North park local TV Studio in the 80s it was pretty popular and its Star was no doubt going to be big one day, but all of a sudden the cast and crew vanished without a trace. You can imagine her surprise when she found the only remnant of that TV show on a old VHS in the north Park Chateau old lounge area.

Dannyanon No. 791577

Amanda Alexander ( Jonesy's presumed dead aunt) starred as Jessica in the Colorado local hit '80s television show Just Jessie. Amanda and her show quickly overtaken Maziby and friends too bad the corn husk asshole couldn't have any competition and personally got rid of everyone who worked on the show. Amanda's spirit remained strong and bind the spirits of her cast and crew to Forever perform their show inside a vhs which now Drew, Asimov, Danny, Vera, Beansy, and Wendy are now in.

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Dannyanon No. 791583


Dannyanon No. 791584

they don't even defeat Amanda or free the Trapped cast and crew they find their first ticket home and just get the fuck out of because this it's fucked in that VHS

Dannyanon No. 791590

Dr toades note August 17th my experiments on making a strand of enhanced catnip to subdue the cat menace that's been plaguing my lab and productivity proved to be a failure. While it's effects worked as intended it made them less hostile and friendly it had the unexpected side effect of putting them in an early and extreme intense Heat . while they weren't destroying my lab they did however waste my and my part time assistant's entire day.

my part-time assistant did raise a good point that this could get me into a bit of legal trouble so I Must Destroy any and all evidence it's a good thing that the catnip also had a side effect of given the cat girls memory loss of the events so I don't have to worry about that.

Anonymous No. 791594

Fuck yeah, real smut hours
Good catgirl trio

Dannyanon No. 791596

the sitcom wasn't so much lost but more
just abruptly ended without warning despite being popular (it was even being talked about going national) and quickly forgotten so few remnants of it remains

Dannyanon No. 791598

thans anon

Anonymous No. 791643

>Stan the weed man find a baggie of it before it gets destroyed and takes it thinking it's weed.
>As he's smoking it a few days later he walks past Teacup and CK out on a walk.
>Teacup drags CK into the bushes and obliterates his V-Card.
And thus, CK discovered what it was to be a man, while Teacup has no memory of it but now having weird feelings for CK she can't explain, forming their weird dichotomy.

Anonymous No. 791644

god damn

Anonymous No. 791645

Lucky little bastard.

Anonymous No. 791646

the 4 terrible and self-indulgent horny ideas in my head viciously battling each other for which one gets drawn first

Anonymous No. 791650


Anonymous No. 791651

Need more Yvette

Anonymous No. 791652

oh, what do you want with her?
shes actually in one of the 4 ideas i have but the subject is not particularly pleasant so ill let you pick something you like. ive been meaning to draw her more anyway so this will be a good excuse lol

Anonymous No. 791656

Oh was just going to ask for general things like normal drawins or perhaps some smut since we're page 8. I wonder what you're cooking though
I really like her design

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Dannyanon No. 791657

Jonesy (still stuck in the doll) needed their help at first they didn’t want to help her, but when she promised to not mess with anyone for a month if they help her, which is a long time to not deal with Jonesy nonsense so they agree

Anonymous No. 791659

Not the same anon but I wanna see her in bikini.

Dannyanon No. 791660

Vera been doing good deed to try to get rid of that guilt that's been bugging her so she helps out Danny Jonesy wasn't expecting her to tag along

Leslieanon No. 791661

Some hints?

Anonymous No. 791662

Knowing Dellyfag she's either gonna molest Robin again or draw Chef sex
Maybe even something with Zach if I remember her hornyposts correctly

Dannyanon No. 791668

not sure if this is cat box worthy but just to be safe

ps gotta figure out how Vera twin tails work

Dannyanon No. 791669


Anonymous No. 791670

is it weird that this is more cute than anything?

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Dannyanon No. 791673


Dannyanon No. 791674

they were a have a drunk ( Vera drunk some of Maggie's blood when she was drunk) loneliness rant / doom spiral session then one of them suggest they can fill each other's needs they immediately realize this was a mistake

Dannyanon No. 791675

their slight narcissistic tendencies made think the other is clearly head over heels for them because they're the complete package

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stupid fucking lo....png

Anonymous No. 791677

say something nice about these absolute embarrassing excuses for women

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Dannyanon No. 791678

I’m surprised it took him this long to team up

They give Danny an erection just thinking about the failures

Dannyanon No. 791679

*took them

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Gleep glop.png

Leslieanon No. 791680

(This dialog has been translated from an alien language, this also my half of an art trade.)
>"Hello sister, what are you doing?"
>"I am researching a fictional species the humans have invented, it is called a "Xenomorph"."
>"It is interesting how the humans managed to turn what we would find a common household pest into a terrifying creature, they even got the morphology the same."
>"Oh? Is it like the E.T. guy they made?"
>"Kinda, still surprising they turned a ruthless yet bipartisan dictator into a lost child who enjoys hard shelled peanut butter candy."

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small innocent sh....png

Anonymous No. 791681

>POV: you're going to get rizzed

Dannyanon No. 791682

Three artists in one hour what is this a crossover episode?

Dannyanon No. 791683

So many artists that this>>791682
became outdated within the minute it was posted are we back anons

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nice ass.png

Anonymous No. 791684

we're so black, bros!!

Anonymous No. 791685

>humanity was right about what aliens were in space, but not what they do
scary stuff

Anonymous No. 791687

lol, now I'm watching an alien movie in a voicecall

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Dannyanon No. 791689

Anonymous No. 791690

I mean, at least two of them have shoulders to cry on (Maria for Diana and Earnest for Myrtle). Meanwhile worst Nurse has nobody but Danny getting boners for her because she's such a failure.

Anonymous No. 791691

>All of Danny's enemies are watching this and eating popcorn.

Dannyanon No. 791694

wait So did doctor toades just canonically sleep with the cat girls?

Anonymous No. 791695

yep. Dr. Toades CANONICALLY had SEX with the Catgirls and it led to the catgirls RAPING Cringe Kid CANONICALLY in a random berry bush

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Dannyanon No. 791696


I think you being Sarcastic

Dannyanon No. 791719

xeno and Robin gets arrested for masterbaiting in public while watching alien Romulus

Anonymous No. 791720

ill try to draw her a little more, im glad you like her. im always down to draw smut its the only thing im relatively good for lol
>I wonder what you're cooking though
youll find out a few drawings later dont worry
noted down
ive been discovered..
good shit, love me some girlfailures. those are cute maggies im drawing something with her too
total /ss/chad victory
uooohh imagine the smell.. the sweat...

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Anonymous No. 791721

Dannyanon No. 791729

after the escape there's been reporting across park county that from 3 am to 6 am episodes of Just Jessie plays on the local TV stations. watchers of the program have noted that there are an impossible amount of episodes and there are references to modern things despite the show being made in and set in the 80s also some extras look like people who have reported to have seen the show but have recently gone missing. Danny and wendy has refused to deal with this problem

Anonymous No. 791742

So, turns out our wiki wasn't the only one hit. Saw them talking about it in the /coc/ thread on /co/. Fandom is deleting all wikis associated with 4chan. As for why? I don't know, but probably them not wanting to associate with 4chan due to what they perceive the site to be like.

Dannyanon No. 791744

ours came back did theirs? I'm thinking it was probably a giltch or something

Dannyanon No. 791745

I looked it up and it seems 2 days ago a some other small wikis experienced the same thing

Anonymous No. 791746

It may be because our wiki isn't as clearly linked to 4chan. They may have reverted the deletion because of that. There's even a sentence on the home page about how the 4chan ad wasn't made by us, so maybe they could have initially seen "4chan" and deleted it automatically, but then when they checked it again and saw it was saying that we weren't connected to the 4chan ad (not knowing that we are still connected to 4chan itself) they reverted the removal. But I still think we should look into a potential replacement as it could only be a matter of time before they work it out.

Anonymous No. 791747

since fandom is unreliable, i suggest saving all your stuff posted there. (mostly important wiki entries first, since images can also be found in the arch/i/ves)

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Dannyanon No. 791752

My trade with Leslie anon

Don't tell yashu Wendy found an equal

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Dannyanon No. 791753


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Leslieanon No. 791754

And likewise, my side.
>""Addison, you have a nice ass, son. Show me your great tits.""
>"Normally I'd mock you for this shit... But I'll give you some credit for the lame pun."

Dannyanon No. 791756

They knock each other out both dreaming that they won the fight

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Dannyanon No. 791765

another art trade

they needed a reference photo for their next comic

Anonymous No. 791767

>Yashu chooses this exact moment to walk in.
Yashu: Cousin, if you need money you could simply ask

Dannyanon No. 791772

Vera sees that the Houben boy is equally as strong as Wendy and strengthen her resolve to never tell them what happened to their father

Dannyanon No. 791777


Dannyanon No. 791787

since I'm away from my house and can't draw how about some Jonesy lore

>the Alexander family has a curse where their girls die at a tragic young age but before that they are really lucky giving them the sense that the curse won't effect them.

> Jonesy's next door neighbor was Ingrid and the two were inseparable besties. things changed after Ingrid joined the north park vampire Society most of her free time was being taken up by them and Jonesy got a little jealous and possessive of her so she followed her new friends only to discover that they are really vampires.

> despite working with tt numerous times she doesn't know she actually a time traveler she just thinks she just hates Asimov too.

Anonymous No. 791789

Prior to his revenge on her, did she still hate him?

Dannyanon No. 791790

he was just a fun toy to be played with to her till he started punching back

Anonymous No. 791791

>Tormenting the Nicest kid in North Park and teaching him how to hate because of it.
dick move.

Dannyanon No. 791792

Jonesy: you try dying and finding out that no one tried to get justice for you and immediately forgot about you maybe you'll learn making a robot boy kill your murderers isn't as fuck up as it sounds plus he has no soul so it's not like he feels it

Anonymous No. 791795

Fun fact, him learning to hate was the last thing he needed to develop a soul.
it's the reason that A2 has one, he's the first Asimov to learn to hate.
Which means that to get the rest of his family to truly develop a soul he needs to traumatize them into developing hatred.
Mac Tonight already has one too.

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Dannyanon No. 791833

Here’s my trade with Dellyfag.

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Dannyanon No. 791840

A younger Jonesy and Ingrid

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Dannyanon No. 791847

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Leslieanon No. 791852

Evelene Noe, somewhere between late 1970s to late 2000s (depending on float point), waiting for a coffee date with guy she met at the fencing club at her college.

AKA Leslie's mom if not completely restrained by the art style.

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Just Jessie.png

Anonymous No. 791866

someone change the channel

Dannyanon No. 791867


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Dannyanon No. 791870

They were a thing a couple lifetimes ago or just a few years ago depending on where we in the time loop

Leslieanon No. 791872

They're stuck talking in era accurate slang.

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Dannyanon No. 791873


I think it’s more if they don’t during filming then she’ll send them to the static till they’re ready to participate again

Dannyanon No. 791875

All of them have PTSD triggered by hearing TV static

Anonymous No. 791876

Asimov is getting a lot of mileage out of having learned how to hate, isn't he?

Anonymous No. 791877

Asimov spends most of the episode in the static because he refuses to engage, only getting involved after the implication that Drew will start being punished instead of him is brought into play

Anonymous No. 791879


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Dannyanon No. 791881

Dannyanon No. 791882

Asimov tries to say anything on set and Amanda / Jessie keeps telling him he doesn't speak he goes bleep boop bop blert

Asimov tells her to go fuck herself much to everyones horror and a tiny bit catharsis ( that they must hide less they be sent to the static as well). she snaps his finger sending him into them static

Dannyanon No. 791884

Vera is conflicted this episode she's is incredibly turned on by Amanda right now but she doesn't want her friends to be tormented by her and she wants to leave as well

Dannyanon No. 791885

Wendy is feisty as ever trying to punch her way out and constantly being sent to the static for it clearly its affecting her but she believed that she got a punch on her they'll be free so she'll keep trying. At one point she actually does manage to get a punch on her but she realizes she kind of a ghost and her punches are ineffective towards her and that kinda breaks her to being compliant to her

Dannyanon No. 791887

after Wendy punch goes right through her and she realized all those days being in the static was pointless and they may never Escape she just shuts down.

Amanda looks like she was about to sens wendy back into the static again but just looking at her she looks like she's been punished enough

Amanda: are you done with your little tantrum?

wendy grumbling: yes

Amanda: are you ready to act?

Wendy: yes

Amanda: good girl now march to makeup and put on your acting face

Dannyanon No. 791888

They made beansy the boom mic girl Amanda doesn't hold back on calling her retarded she's from the '80s after all

Leslieanon No. 791889

The ass does get wider.

Yeah, you and most of her students... Only one student of hers doesn't want to tap that, and is tired of hearing here others lusting over her, that one student is her son.

Anonymous No. 791890

>Asimov slaps Jessica the first time he hears her call Beansy a Retard and she kills him in response, unaware that she just let him free.
Who does he get to help him save the day?

Dannyanon No. 791891

imagine they escape by stealing a plan some of the cast thought of but since they did it Amanda knows that way exists and seals it up afterwards they all feel super guilty about screwing everyone in that pocket dimension

Dannyanon No. 791892

that wouldn't work his soul would be trapped there

Dannyanon No. 791893

reminder almost everyone in the tape is a sprit so it traps souls

Anonymous No. 791894

But his body would be free, since his body doesn't technically need a soul

Anonymous No. 791895

Episode where Asimov confesses being a robot to Drew and Beansy when?

Anonymous No. 791896

Asimov leaves a voice call in his new head for help and his, now soulless body, wanders around like a letter in a bottle.
After jilling to some nasty Just Jessie rule 34, Lisa decides to fuck with Asimov only to realize he's basically been reset to factory storage

Anonymous No. 791897

Only during the North Park movie

Dannyanon No. 791898

I think the new body would've been deployed the moment he left the real world since it thinks he dead since it couldn't sense his current body

Anonymous No. 791899

Beansy hugs him and Drew and says she loves them when the two find out

Anonymous No. 791900

Is the plan for the movie still the same?

Anonymous No. 791903

I mean, it kinda feels outdated nowadays, but it still has a special place in my heart.
I guess we'll just go the sequel route

Dannyanon No. 791904

The other students after Michael yells at them about it: what are you gay?

Anonymous No. 791905

What grade she teaches?
pls say 6

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Dannyanon No. 791906

He’s deeper in the static than anyone has ever gone if he had a normal human brain he would’ve gone mad

Dannyanon No. 791907

I think she’s a high school teacher if I remember correctly

Anonymous No. 791908

Dang, alright

Anonymous No. 791910

Asshole-imov [TRAPPED] and [BETRAYED] in the static for 1000 years

Leslieanon No. 791911

HS Biology teacher to exact.

Dannyanon No. 791913

ay that means she'd be teaching about the birds and the bees do you need a volunteer Mrs Houben

Dannyanon No. 791914

after leaving the tape Vera keeps the jacket and hair style

Leslieanon No. 791916

>"No I don't, woodpecker."

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Dannyanon No. 791917


Anonymous No. 791918

Shoot, I kinda didn't like it before, but now I'm digging the fit

Anonymous No. 791919

This is where AP drew his ideas for fates worse than death from.
It was all the shit he wanted to do to Jessica

Anonymous No. 791920

Just Jessie is already a better Jonsey than Jonsey and she's (supposedly) a one-off antagonist

Dannyanon No. 791921

It's fucked up since she's the only person he can't touch because she doesn't leave her world and if he goes into her world he's powerless even as Prime she's basically God there. some of the characters who no one knows what happened to them slipped into her world

inb4 he destroys or tries to get rid of the tape it's cursed it just keeps coming back

Anonymous No. 791922

Asimov is not happy about this development, because it reminds him of the whole situation and he'd really rather suppress this as deeply in his mental vault as possible, so he starts avoiding her and the Vamp Kids.

Anonymous No. 791923

AP just puts her tape in a box and tries not to think about her

Anonymous No. 791924

The more I think about it, the more bad I feel for AP.
Guy's got subscriptions rather than just issues

Dannyanon No. 791925

It's because she's one off Jonesy has to lose because she's a recurring character connected to the world Jesse doesn't because the characters only have to escape her Realm one time so she can remain a threat not connected to their world

Anonymous No. 791926

Don't fall for his lies, he's a weapon of mass destruction and that's all he ever was and is going to be. Robots can't feel emotions, they can't love and they certainly can't be trusted or felt for

Anonymous No. 791927

Yeah, it's just a me problem

Anonymous No. 791928

Stfu TT

Anonymous No. 791929

Wonder how she'd feel about anyone to watch her being genocide?

Dannyanon No. 791930

Can you run that by me one more time?

Anonymous No. 791931

How would she feel about humanity being genocided by Asimov Prime?

Dannyanon No. 791932

Not her problem though she would be saddened by the loss of her dear viewers that's why she grabbed as many as she could to be in her eternal live studio audience so they may forever watch Just Jessie

Anonymous No. 791933

Why do I feel worse for her victims?

Dannyanon No. 791934

Not even in death you can escape her

Dannyanon No. 791935

To be fair it's an afterlife in itself though the ruler is a bossy 13 or 14 year old who but if you just do what she says you just working on and watching a sitcom for well forever

Anonymous No. 791936

You figure any of the main cast ended up there when AP kicked off his counterattack?

Dannyanon No. 791937

Leslie, Linus, Addison, Max ( he is now breaking 8 walls) Drew, teacup, and les ( grabbed by Vera), vera( by choice), Ingrid ( grabbed by Vera) and mazeby ( Jessie gave him a fate far worse than death)

Dannyanon No. 791938

also Demon Hansel this is how he gets rid of him he's Jesse's problem now and when she figured he wasn't going to corroborate she just left him in the static for all eternity

Dannyanon No. 791939

I meant Lydia not Leslie

Anonymous No. 791940

>Drew abandoned Asimov and Beansy
Oh boy that must have burned his ass

Dannyanon No. 791941

Asimov turned beansy into fucking Legos what the hell you think she was going to do in this situation?

though Jesse has somewhat ulterior motives of getting Drew she knows she's destined to rebirth the universe one day

Anonymous No. 791942

Beansy wanted to be Lego and AP would have given her the world
He'd genuinely not understand why she left him and spends the next fifty years raging out about it

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Dannyanon No. 791943

Alternate timeline where they couldn’t escape

no matter the timeline Danny always has a way with the ladies

Anonymous No. 791945

this is kind of like the amazing digital circus

Dannyanon No. 791946

I guess characters being stuck in a different colorful world with them slowly sinking into despair is somewhat similar but I was inspired by that Twilight Zone episode were the kid had Godlike powers and that one American Dad episode where Stan went into the TV

I Imagine by the first year they all just gave up and just decided to fully commit to the show in the real world the bad future was prevented due to Asimov Soul being stuck in the VHS tape.

Dannyanon No. 791947

dani and Helper replaced Danny and Wendy after they realized that they were gone

Leslieanon No. 791948

Question, if the tape gets damaged, spliced, taped over, or gets broadcasted to a large audience, what would happen?

Dannyanon No. 791949

If damaged / spliced it comes back fully repaired

taped over it warps whatever was taped on it into being a just Jonesy episode but after that you want to go back to being normal

If broadcast to a larger audience it just plays normal though there is a infinite amount of episodes on that tape

The tape is only a conduit to her Realm in the Underworld the tape doesn't affect the realm at all

also after the initial encounter with Jesse she realized she missed having a large audience and the tape started broadcasting episodes from 12:00 to 3:00 a.m. on local TV stations around Park County Colorado

Dannyanon No. 791950

* But after you watch it delete whatever was taped on it

Leslieanon No. 791951

So would taping this over the tape wouldn't do anything?

Dannyanon No. 791952

It would at first it will start normally but gradually 1-2 minutes become a on topic of whatever was taped on it episode of just Jesse

Anonymous No. 791953

>SVU is spliced
Who gets the struggle snuggle?

Leslieanon No. 791954

Or after commercial break, Jesse is just sort of dumbfounded, like how the fuck do you continue on from "Fuck Philip Banks. Banks wants to empty the banks, fill our streets with banks, and run a bank making operation out of his banks."?

Dannyanon No. 791955

In a very special episode Wendy gets attacked by a creep it's just this

Dannyanon No. 791956

The writers be struggling man

Dannyanon No. 791957

writer: what if we say this was a dream sequence

Amanda/ Jessie: no no no we did that last time

Anonymous No. 791958

AP just keeps splicing in weirder and weirder shit to see if there's a breaking point

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pour one out for ....png

Anonymous No. 791959

how does the world move on without them?

Dannyanon No. 791960

Well besides the economic crash that happens in North Park because 50% of their business just disappeared overnight because Vera isn't there I'd imagine they move on just fine

Anonymous No. 791961

Bobby takes them over and is suddenly rich.

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Dannyanon No. 791963

This causes bobby to spend even less time with CK. between that and losing his best friend ck starts to go down the dark path.

Anonymous No. 791964

Yashu's Waterfall Sharks take over the town but it feels empty without him having defeated Wendy, leading him to go into the mountains and train.

Anonymous No. 791965

Dani is there to keep him on the good path.

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Leslieanon No. 791967

>"Go ahead, anon, take a pic..."
>"After all, no one will believe you got to see Houbies..."

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Dannyanon No. 791968

he stayed up late one night and caught an episode of just Jesse no one believes that he saw Danny on tv

Dannyanon No. 791969

he becomes obsessed with the show trying to figure out how his friends got into the TV

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Dannyanon No. 791971

I imagine this is how it will go

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Anonymous No. 791973

she gonna milk yah like a cow, Robo!

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Anonymous No. 791974

it's back...IT'S BACK

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Dannyanon No. 791975

Once Vera disappeared. She had to take over the bar. Every once in a while she gets a little melancholy thinking about what could’ve happened to her.

Dannyanon No. 791976

You know what they say misery and despair and comedy are basically the same thing

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Dannyanon No. 791977

I want to cover the whole cast but I'm going to start with the people who actually went there and Diana because I accidentally tapped her and I don't know how to undo it

Dannyanon No. 791979

oh wow Diana didn't show up cool

Anonymous No. 791980

Dellyfag is going to cum and die
Very nice, you're improving a lot with poses

Dannyanon No. 791990


For this I'm assuming if everyone in town was in the tape.

I can see Bobby in the top right if ck is with him they get to spend time together he's no longer in tons of debt and there's not really a difference between this and his usual thing but he probably close to dispare because I imagine ck would be at the top left due to never being able to engage with his obsessions but too scared of being sent to the static to piss off Jessie but I'd imagine he wouldn't be too far happiness since he is with his father, family and Friends.

I think Sebastian would be at the most top right

I can see Yashu being close to where wendy is

Dannyanon No. 791991

also I assuming this is a no escape timeline

I think Danny would found a life for himself here it not what he wanted out of life but it not all bad

after Wendy got broken I imagine she just adjusted and is in a bit of a bad spot mentally but she does what's asked of her on production

I imagine this is Drew's dream but she can't help feeling bad for Asimov and beansy but the longer someone stays in the static the more people outside of it memories of the person in it becomes fuzzy until they get pulled out so she doesn't know why she feel a little sad here

Dannyanon No. 792002

I imagine that this is kinda what vera wants to be with people whom she loves and cares for and them to never die or out grow her though she does want to do other things than work on a TV show almost no watches

Anonymous No. 792006

>A2 takes over the world in the no escape timeline, trapping TT in the show

Leslieanon No. 792014


Dannyanon No. 792019

I'm changing almost no one watches to the shows a hit in the after life and lovecraftian realms

Dannyanon No. 792020

even they need a safe family friendly easily merchandisable cornball sitcom that will never die. it's the Garfield of those places

Dannyanon No. 792021

he learned about it from fylnn's blog who became obsessed with Just Jessie after ck flipped out one day trying to tell everyone that their friends are in Just Jessie but no one believed him. fylnn trying to dunk on Ck by recording and show everyone they weren't in it in a live stream only to find out he was telling the truth now him and ck are both obsessed with it and are working together trying to figure out how they get in their and how to get them out both of them will eventually vanish and appear in Just Jessie.

Anonymous No. 792026

episode where the town is invaded by unusually aggressive birds Addison is using her bird knowledge to try to figure out and get rid them while Leslie is freaking out because she afraid of birds

Dannyanon No. 792028

maybe this could be an Addison, amber and li team up episode

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Anonymous No. 792031

make this the next OP

Dannyanon No. 792034

the local Legend says Bobby killed the initial 6 kids as a satanic sacrifice to get his wealth and when his son and his friend caught on to him he murder them too. but in reality Bobby is absolutely distraught over his son's disappearance.

Dannyanon No. 792036

I have spun this idea off into a 300+ page graphic novel in my head where the cursed tape / Jessie is ruining realistic versions of our characters ( in a realistic world) lives to basically give them no choice but to join them and the more people she takes the more powerful she becomes till we end with a bombastic kaiju battle with Asimov with both being gun downed by the military. and ending with the implications that our north park was made by this

Anonymous No. 792039

I would, but people didn't react well to the recent semi-lewd OP so I'm probably gonna go with something tame next time

Dannyanon No. 792041

if I can make a suggestion >>791866

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Dannyanon No. 792044

Anonymous No. 792045

Rosalind vs A.I. art
Agatha sells out because she gets too addicted to churning out boy love quick and easy and must be reminded of her roots
make it happen

Dannyanon No. 792048

Episode in the No Escape timeline where the just Jesse crew has to deal with something that came out of the static its basically an alien parody.

Dannyanon No. 792051

normally Amanda (Jessie) normally deals with them by sending them back but she's busy with a producers meeting and doesn't know what's going on

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Dannyanon No. 792052

80s future boy

Dannyanon No. 792054

A surprisingly natural actress she's the only one who hasn't given up looking for a way out.

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Dannyanon No. 792059

She’s mad at her relaxed Everyone seems to be about the whole situation.

Dannyanon No. 792060

*how relaxed

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Anonymous No. 792061

1000 posts
Been awhile since such an occasion

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Dannyanon No. 792063

Anonymous No. 792066

Get some better taste, Lesliefag. Those tits are already expired. I'd rather fuck the bra at that point, at least it's not sagging.
I want to bully girls & women for their sagging cow tits. You have no excuse to sag at ages 18-39, not even a little bit. Goddamn shit genes.

Anonymous No. 792068

>The only other one taking things seriously is Asimov
>TT and Asimov team up episode

Anonymous No. 792069

The AI is Ada
>Rosalind: huh, thought it would be Asimov.
>Ada: Big Bro is on a date with Drew and Beansy.
Smash cut to the three at Lego land

Anonymous No. 792070

well can you blame her? she has syrup running through her veins

Dannyanon No. 792071

They go try to escape the same way the characters did in the original episode only to find out right now leads to Amanda's office she laughs at them boops them on the nose and sends them on their way. They try a hundred different ways over the course of years to escape all of them leads to Amanda's office.

Dannyanon No. 792072

Why does Rosalind Asimov and his family are robots?

Dannyanon No. 792073

*Rosalind know

Anonymous No. 792074

It's a rule of funny kinda thing.
They only know when it's funny

Dannyanon No. 792075

they almost escape one time but Amanda grabs them and seals up the exit before they can escape

Dannyanon No. 792076

Asimov slightly more broken than before while tt is more energized by this this means it must be way she doesn't know about

Dannyanon No. 792077

*There must be ways she doesn't know about

tt has to be everyone's morale booster in this timeline

Dannyanon No. 792081

you know what I think I like that a very cynical character is forced to be the optimistic heart of the group in a cast that has long abandoned all hopes of getting out

even ck is like look we been here for 20 years we're never leaving even if we do the earth is fucked and there's no fixing it

Leslieanon No. 792082

First: They're big.
Second: She's leaning over.
Third: The bra sucks.

Anonymous No. 792083

>CK missed this to fuck a bunch of other women and then Marry a female clone of Woodpecker
Leslie/CK is the superior endgame ship.

Dannyanon No. 792085

current Danny under his breath and third she old

Dannyanon No. 792087

Asimov tapes too many cooks on the just Jessie tape

Anonymous No. 792088

Amber vs 1 billion lions

Leslieanon No. 792089

In a fight, right?

Dannyanon No. 792090

#genocide bang

Dannyanon No. 792091

I'm more partial to Leslie x some rando makes since one of the most grounded characters would have to most grounded ending

Dannyanon No. 792104

Stan the weedman somehow has the ability to travel to and from the just Jessie dimension she doesn't know how he's doing it and I don't even think he knows how either

Dannyanon No. 792107

Amanda making sure that the set is ready for filming she a little stressed they are behind schedule

Stan the weedman: hey kids like you shouldn't be stressing so hard they should be smoking weed

Amanda (spooked): ah! ... who are you? how did you get here?

Stan the weedman: I'm your ticket to rest and relaxation *pulls out a joint* first trip is on the house.

Amanda: do you know how many very special episodes we did about people like you?

STWM: about people giving you the best advice of your life? so you gonna light up this joint or what?

Amanda: no I'm not! listen we're a bit behind schedule but I can fit you in this episode as an extra get with the costume and make up guy and we.... * she turns around for a split second and turns back he vanished without a trace* "ah!... maybe I've been staring into the static for a little too long"

Leslieanon No. 792110

Analog Horror, but instead of creepy thing, it's Stan the Weedman occasionally popping into existence and the VHS starts emanating weed smoke, causing you to get high.

Dannyanon No. 792112

the producers force Amanda to keep the bits where stan and weedman interrupts the episodes because their chemistry of Amanda trying to stay in character as Jesse but very clearly hates stan and Stan somehow turning back everything she says back to her as solicitations to get her to smoke a joint is pure comedy gold. if they could keep him in their dimension he would honestly be major character.

Somehow Stan the weedman is a anomalous entity to a anomalous entity

Dannyanon No. 792114

Wait stand the weed man is mentally trapped in the 70s Amanda / Jessie is mentally trapped in the 80s and les is mentally trapped in the'90s maybe we can do something with this

Dannyanon No. 792115

*Stan stupid voice to text

Anonymous No. 792116

do a game show where they compete and yet they all lose cause it's rigged by the host

Dannyanon No. 792119

It's nothing but questions about the modern day Stan the weed man high as a kite somehow guesses all the questions correctly and has a choice to either get the cash prize (which whoever's hosting doesn't really have and is freaking out that they can't actually pay them) or do a double or nothing question he chooses the double or nothing . The question is is marijuana currently legal in the state of Colorado.

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Dannyanon No. 792120

Dannyanon No. 792121

Hansel anon I need your powers I need you to draw Amanda/ Jessie so I can have a good reference photo

Dannyanon No. 792122

if it helps she 13-14 so probably more lizzy size

catchall max08w

Dannyanon No. 792123

*Captcha stupid auto correct

Anonymous No. 792124

preferably with a more visually interesting appearance. She looks like an impostor Ashley

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Leslieanon No. 792126

TT: *Stubs her toe into a chair*
Bobbi "Weeb Kid" Norman

Dannyanon No. 792128

Bro is that fucking black face

Anonymous No. 792129

she cute

Leslieanon No. 792130

Nah, she got her dad's tan.
I also know that is a joke.

Dannyanon No. 792131

Danny smashes her as payback ck smashing his clone

Anonymous No. 792133

Blennuske hits her head on with the truck of peace
what Isekai adventure does she have?

Leslieanon No. 792136

She gets isekai'd into マジカルグリラーズ!?!?!マジカル異世界BBQアカデミーに派遣されます!!!!

Leslieanon No. 792137

Basically think Barbecue Showdown, but as a Fantasy Isekai.
Is it gay to fuck the Genderswapped alternate version of a guy you know?

Dannyanon No. 792138

hey What happens in that universe stays in the universe

Dannyanon No. 792139

I can see ck being mildly upset that he went out of his way to do that

Dannyanon No. 792140

You know I didn't see that you posed it as a question I just thought you was calling Danny gay. imma say no because you're fucking him only because she's a girl

Dannyanon No. 792141

Just in case this got buried we're requesting for your help hanselanon

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Anonymous No. 792146

you need me to make a reference for a character you designed? You mean like the image that'd be in the wiki infobox/in the line up?
Do you want me to add new design elements or keep her as is?

Anonymous No. 792148

hanselanon i wanna do a trade with you when youre free someday i love your work

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Anonymous No. 792149

The wiki is missing a bunch of art.

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Anonymous No. 792150

I will now date Addison cause I'm not embarrased to be seen with her in public. Can't say the same about Savannah.
Oh yeah the iceberg.

Anonymous No. 792151

Have we ever saved those voice recordings?

T.T and Asimov

Dannyanon No. 792152

>you need me to make a reference for a character you designed? You mean like the image that'd be in the wiki infobox/in the line up?

Yeah like that

>Do you want me to add new design elements or keep her as is

New design elements would be good

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Anonymous No. 792153

I trade you two sacks of turnips for your fattest pig

I've explained why that's the case before

sure thing

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Amanda 1.png

Anonymous No. 792163

Is this good or something different?

Dannyanon No. 792168

This is perfect thanks