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🧵 Draw this oc made 4 years ago!

Anonymous No. 791226

Draw Chen!

Chen is a nekomimi with a devotion towards fashion. he designs womens' dresses and other apparel, and with his spare time he will make clothes for himself. as a side-job, he enters himself in mens' fashion competitions with other nekomimi across the planet. while many adore him, chen has never won a competition hes signed up for.

Anonymous No. 791228

God beggar children are so fucking annoying this is not a request and free drawing board
No one gives a shit about your sparkledog OC I can't believe threads keep dying for constant "uwu draw my oc" garbage
You'd literally have more luck getting this hideous character drawn in the /trash/ drawthread because it's furshit

Anonymous No. 791229

They probably don’t even know what /trash/ is
Go to >>>/r/catalog or any REQUEST thread dumbass. This board is for DRAWING.

Anonymous No. 791233

Somebody never heard of having fun, I’m drawing ops oc later because of you

Anonymous No. 791236

no surprise there

Anonymous No. 791237

requestnigger enablers are literally what's wrong with /i/ these days like the tard who keeps feeding the nawtyq fag who begs for more SECONDS after getting a delivery
what happened to ignoring retarded children and greedy insatiable fags who have no place here

Anonymous No. 791238

I’m pretty sure the poor girl who posted this would be beyond thankful if you drew her oc

Anonymous No. 791239

we understand that. the problem is they are just requesting, not drawing anything at all. for all we know this probably isn’t even their character. when you make a thread you draw it’s that simple. if someone thinks the character is interesting enough they’ll draw it. more and more are starting to think /i/ is a request board when it isn’t and it is bumping off other threads. op could have easily posted this in the oc thread or fur thread and ask for the same shit.

Anonymous No. 791241

The catalog is your friend. Learn to use it please.

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Anonymous No. 791242


Anonymous No. 791243

>what happened to ignoring retarded children and greedy insatiable fags who have no place here
There are just genuinely kind anons here who don’t know better or those who are just bored and don’t care. I doubt either mean any harm, but yeah, the nawtyq situation is a perfect example of the request issue: Greed and no thanks. He should just go commission at this point.

Anonymous No. 792589

not even a thank you or a draw back. ungrateful.