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the girl.jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 794012

She needs a little light in her life. :(

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Anonymous No. 794015

sounds like you need gas instead of light, gurl!

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Source: >>794012)

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Anonymous No. 794109

i like her a lot anon, decided to doodle her real quick. mind if you can tell us more about her though?

Anonymous No. 794111

She's really attractive

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the girl night.jpg

Anonymous No. 794158

>>794109 even she doesn't know why she acts the way she does, things weren't ever really hard. what was missing?

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Anonymous No. 794159


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the girl likes br....jpg

Anonymous No. 794172


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Anonymous No. 794186


Anonymous No. 794189

I think she's a big dork

Anonymous No. 794191

>>794189 almost certainly

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Anonymous No. 794201

"Now, listen here madam, I've been holding that sulfuric present for an eon now. DON'T TELL ME YOU DIDN'T JUST REJECT THE GAS THAT I HAVE WORKED HARD FOR JUST FOR YOU AND JUST NOW RELEASED A FEW POSTS AGO."

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Source: >>794158)

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The girl hates that.jpg

Anonymous No. 794209

She's definitely a dork

Anonymous No. 794210

she's off her meds ;3

Anonymous No. 794233

If there is no reply she hates (You)

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the girl feels gu....jpg

Anonymous No. 794250

She may feel bad about ignoring posts now

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Anonymous No. 794256

>Still ignored
Why is she like this?

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the girl got caught.jpg

Anonymous No. 794393

>>794365 We were caught trying to jump threads, sorry gang. We'll behave.

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Anonymous No. 794399

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)

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Lois einhorn ray ....png

Anonymous No. 794432

Draw her punching lois right in the balls for calling her a dork

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The girl isnt a p....jpg

Anonymous No. 794439

She never saw Pet Detective so she is extremely confused why she has to punch the troon football player in the "hemorrhoids". Its hard to explain it to her

Anonymous No. 794528

can she grill a cheese

Anonymous No. 794535


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the girl is very ....jpg

Anonymous No. 794541

While I wasn't surprised she would try and prove she could grill a cheese, I did not tell her to cut the crust.

Anonymous No. 794542

She wouldn't know

Anonymous No. 794547

Oh no her intelligence score on her fallout special Stats must be a 2 then.

Anonymous No. 794548


Anonymous No. 794564

Shed never admit it but she's a total virgin, but you didn't hear it from me.

Anonymous No. 794568

Right on! I can ignore the crust if she used high quality butter

Anonymous No. 794573

Damn, she's fucking sexo.

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The girl is just ....jpg

Anonymous No. 794585

Yeah but I don't think that girl can figure it out, brainrot

Anonymous No. 794599

I want to lick her boots

Anonymous No. 794601

I want to lick her

Anonymous No. 794602

All day and all night until I die of starvation.

Anonymous No. 794604

I want her boots
They look comfy

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The girl didnt kn....jpg

Anonymous No. 794607

She'd honestly just rather you keep it, she wont be wanting it back.

Anonymous No. 794608

>Those bedroom eyes

Anonymous No. 794638

is she iconic enough to have her own lego minifigure

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The girl couldnt ....jpg

Anonymous No. 794644

despite finding an oddly specific body piece, she did not find a head piece she liked.

Anonymous No. 794691

>standard smiley face

Anonymous No. 794694

Have her trying to help a giant squid back out to sea

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The girl shouldve....jpg

Anonymous No. 794713

Kind of her fault for not seeing this coming.

Anonymous No. 794716

Have her eating octopus now

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The girl doesnt k....jpg

Anonymous No. 794719

Squid? Octopus? Who cares anymore? Guess she would eat either.

Anonymous No. 794764

She goes to bed. As soon as she closes her eyes Theseus Gnomes enter her room at lightning speed and replace all her organs. She is no longer her.

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Its not the girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 794771

She is the exact same don't worry guys :)

Anonymous No. 794778

what a pleasant looking lass! i sure hope she isn't some evil creature!

Anonymous No. 794781

No don't sexualize the squid!

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Anonymous No. 794790

Lol, get gnomed

Anonymous No. 794791

Post booba too

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The girl is freak....jpg

Anonymous No. 794826

This is the most i could convince her of, my bad slime.

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Anonymous No. 794827

>nom nom nom nom
Holy shit

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Anonymous No. 794829

my erection shall not be denied
i love you anon btw
thanks for posting this kino for us

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Source: >>794826)

Anonymous No. 794842

Cute design, OP. Would draw a cute butt lewd, but only if you want to ofc

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The girls ego is ....jpg

Anonymous No. 794851

She's definitely digging the attention. Probably going to all go to her head, gang.

Anonymous No. 794853

Cute! Was actually asking if you were fine with me drawing her butte instead

Anonymous No. 794854

Oh! yeah sure, would love to see other people drawing her.

Anonymous No. 794858

Great, I'll draw her this weekend.

Anonymous No. 794860

Would she give me a kiss If I asked nicely?

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The girl hopes he....jpg

Anonymous No. 794877

Blindfold was the only way she would agree to it. Although she spent 10 minutes brushing the cigarette taste out, must want it to be nice.

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Anonymous No. 794879

I-I... I kneel anon...

Anonymous No. 794883

hopefully it doesn't or she'll lose her head

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Anonymous No. 794890

miss the girl, do you wanna go to a Halloween party with me? after we can watch the new knifeman, but I cant stay out too late or my mom will forget I exist and lock me out again.

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The girl is spooked.jpg

Anonymous No. 794918

She should probably stop telling people she likes horror to look cool. but she really wanted to hang out.

Anonymous No. 794919

Also sorry for absence, slimes (was getting sloshed at chilis with coworkers)

Anonymous No. 794926

Does she do her taxes?

Anonymous No. 794946

Awwwww they look so cute <3

Anonymous No. 794948

Is the girl retarded? I'm not trying to be mean about the girl. I'm just getting the vibes that maybe she is retarded.

Anonymous No. 794950

I think it's just you anon

Anonymous No. 794957

*takes boots*
Thank you lady :^)

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Anonymous No. 794964

not intentionally but if you'd like to interpret it that way by all mans that's fine!

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The girl is found....jpg

Anonymous No. 794972

She said she tries to at least. Not sure if that's good enough.

Anonymous No. 794973

give her a sibling
she must have a younger and elder siblings
she strikes me as a middle child

Anonymous No. 794974

Show what happens next

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The girl was saved.jpg

Anonymous No. 794979

She was saved by this awesome reply. Had not thought about this and would love ideas

Anonymous No. 794980

I'll miss you IRS-bot

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Anonymous No. 795002

heres a drawing of her, im a different anon tho

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Anonymous No. 795005

Fucking awesome, like seeing other peoples styles with her. sorry kinda 4 claws deep just wanna say this thread is fun and seeing people enjoy it is fuckinh amazing

Anonymous No. 795007

yea no worries dude, shes a goated character

Anonymous No. 795013

I hate it

Anonymous No. 795014

If she needs to smile why doesn't she call up the Smiling Friends? I hear Glep can turn that frown upside down!

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They made The gir....jpg

Anonymous No. 795095

While smoking buddies wasn't what I had envisioned, it definitely seems like a start!

Anonymous No. 795097

What does she think about the void?

Anonymous No. 795100

Who's she

Anonymous No. 795103

She's just some girl. Nothing particularly special about her. She'd kill me if she heard me say this

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Anonymous No. 795108


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Anonymous No. 795110


Anonymous No. 795111

Thanks! Smoke is never that thick but we do a little bit of artistic liberty.

Anonymous No. 795112

even just trying is what makes it great

Anonymous No. 795117

do you picture her with bush or nah?

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The girls a littl....jpg

Anonymous No. 795122

I imagine she really wants to be hairless but doesn't know how to really manage it.

Anonymous No. 795125


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The girl cant see....jpg

Anonymous No. 795149

risking my life for you, slime.

Anonymous No. 795150

Fucking nice

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Anonymous No. 795152

consider me charmed
i absolutely love this OC

Oekaki Post (Time: 22m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 795154

Seeing such talented people take time to draw my girl makes me so happy. Thank you so much

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Anonymous No. 795161

she's pretty

Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 795165

final for today

Oekaki Post (Time: 13m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 795172

Your dynamic poses are incredible!

Anonymous No. 795174

it comes and goes
sometimes i can do it even w/o reference n some times i cant draw well even with ref

Anonymous No. 795176

even emulating from reference is great!

Anonymous No. 795178

I want to hold them

Anonymous No. 795184

thanks : DDD

Anonymous No. 795202

Can I put my face in your soles too? :D

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The girl might di....jpg

Anonymous No. 795218

Had a hard time convincing her that this is a viable way of making friends. You're welcome, anon.

Anonymous No. 795265

>she's actually smiling

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The girl says thi....jpg

Anonymous No. 795331

Asked her what she'd wear for a first date and she chose this, although she immediately regrets it.

Anonymous No. 795333

Lets fucking go and eat spaghetti

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The girl is new t....jpg

Anonymous No. 795360

I think she wants to smile but the tears wont stop, very nice gesture anon.

Anonymous No. 795373

This date needs to end with romantic sex in anon's perspective. I believe.

Anonymous No. 795399

Honestly no idea what she's thinking at this point. She's not gonna know the first thing of what do do.

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The girl has no i....jpg

Anonymous No. 795400

sorry no image womp womp

Anonymous No. 795401

Super hot

Anonymous No. 795458


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The girl finally ....jpg

Anonymous No. 795490

My god, the dork actually did it. sorry for the delay slimes, works been a bitch.

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Fucking retarded.gif

Anonymous No. 795493

actually screaming, I forgot the goddamn blush.

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The girl finally ....jpg

Anonymous No. 795494

For anyone who gives a shit about blush.

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Anonymous No. 795495


Anonymous No. 795529

She looks like she bites

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Anonymous No. 795548

real and straight

Anonymous No. 795549

rock hard anon

Anonymous No. 795552


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The girl if she w....jpg

Anonymous No. 795553

She may, thought about what she ,may look like if she DEFINATLEY did

Anonymous No. 795555

>bimbo arc

Anonymous No. 795557

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Anonymous No. 795572

I need her

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The girl and the ....jpg

Anonymous No. 795581

She seems a little jealous of the attention the bitch is getting, wish they'd just get along :(

Anonymous No. 795583

they twins?

Anonymous No. 795584

Sisters, cousins, alternate dimensions, its honestly up in the air

Anonymous No. 795602

>inb4 it was all just a dream

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The girl woke up.jpg

Anonymous No. 795623

She seemed more distressed at first but According to her she dreamt she was "replaced". However she did say the dream "wasn't all bad". I think she's getting a little attached here anons.

Anonymous No. 795634

I want to fuck her tits

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The bitch can out....jpg

Anonymous No. 795643

I'm pretty sure anyone would wanna fuck those tits.

Anonymous No. 795645

What's the girls favorite songs?

Anonymous No. 795647

The Eagles and Heart publicly, but in private she listens to too much cringe breakcore music.

Anonymous No. 795659

Thats amazing, thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 795660

Does she play vidya?

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The girl sucks at....jpg

Anonymous No. 795675

After realizing she cant exactly brag about completing every BRATZ game for the ps2, she tried expanding her horizons and realized she's just fucking sucks at video games. Can you help anon?

Anonymous No. 795684

She can play some TF2

Anonymous No. 795686

She's perfect

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The girl is afrai....jpg

Anonymous No. 795715

She thought it looked cute when i opened it up but I think its not exactly what she was expecting.

Anonymous No. 795722

Built for hot anal sex

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The bitch likes d....jpg

Anonymous No. 795730

Despite being obsessed with it, she's never had her ass used before. She gets unbelievably trashed at clubs and hopes someone will just do it for her.

Anonymous No. 795731

anon-sama i kneel

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know how.png

Anonymous No. 795739

Hey, you know how to play? Need someone to play drums.

Anonymous No. 795741

Holy fucking shit, can there be a 2nd part from the point of view of anon? This is amazing.

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The girl has to w....jpg

Anonymous No. 795751

She's too scared to disappoint someone this cool who wants to interact with her. The most she's done is rock band drums. Maybe that's enough practice?

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The bitch may get....jpg

Anonymous No. 795752

She's the kind of girl to buck back without even realizing it. hope this fulfills what you're looking for anon.

Anonymous No. 795779

Had to retcon in a beauty mark slimes, too hot to pass up.

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always up for the....png

Anonymous No. 795792

its chill, you did a great job for your first time on drums, here's a little something, always up to do a gig again.

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Anonymous No. 795796

Absolutely love it! Heading into work but I’ll have something in the morning! Love your style so much anon!

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Anonymous No. 795805

cool oc anon, stopped playing stalker to sketch her, hope she's a fan of the games

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The girl likes ha....jpg

Anonymous No. 795812

don't think I've seen her smile like this before. still a bit of a crybaby though.

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Anonymous No. 795813

Holy shit anon! love they way you do expressions! Still cant believe people are taking the time to draw her.

Anonymous No. 795816

Nice, thanks anon.

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The girl lacks aw....jpg

Anonymous No. 795827

also Ill level with you, her and I both have never played stalker. Have a feeling neither of us would last very long.

Anonymous No. 795836

Tanks! Yea na your styles goated to man

Anonymous No. 795837

YEA swag didnt expect you to follow that up with drawing that awesome art and oc

Anonymous No. 795839

The game aesthetic was too cool to pass up! probably gonna give the game a try soon too, looked really cool.

Anonymous No. 795840

she's about to get hit by a crit sticky isn't she?

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Anonymous No. 795842

cool, if you do, you can get the main trilogy off cdkeys right now for 6 dollars, or just get anomaly which is free and has a million mods

Anonymous No. 795843

also stalker 2 comes out november so if you get hooked you have that to look forward to as well (assuming fucking war doesnt delay it again)

Anonymous No. 795851

Nta but nice gif kek

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The girl is still....jpg

Anonymous No. 795891

On a short, much needed vacation slimes. Still gonna try and make a few posts. Also loving all the stalker talk, looked at the new game coming out and it looks fucking crazy.

Anonymous No. 796034

bring us back some souvenirs

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The girl wanted t....jpg

Anonymous No. 796041

I told her that you guys would want something. But she seemed set on this as a little gift to people still here. I think she just missed the attention. I would've brought something back myself but i was avoiding sobriety on a lawn chair, anon.

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The girl cant tak....jpg

Anonymous No. 796051

While I'm sure the booty pic was appreciated, I made her give at least something else. Does two warm Millers and leftover gumbo work?

Anonymous No. 796052

having a warm miller and eating gumbo with her while her ass being out is a real treat.

Anonymous No. 796056

Kino... I WANT HER

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The girl is a lig....jpg

Anonymous No. 796070

I'm sure you were expecting a longer night but I'm afraid she's usually out after one beer. at least its a nice view anon.

Anonymous No. 796072

She really is built for anal

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The girls horizon....jpg

Anonymous No. 796077

I was surprised to know that she's never even heard that people do that. Now The bitch on the other hand >>795741 She definitely well versed.

Anonymous No. 796078

Wrong reply mention but close enough womp womp >>759752

Anonymous No. 796232


Anonymous No. 796262

Open them legs

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The girl isnt dru....jpg

Anonymous No. 796286

I think she wants to tap out but by now its obvious she hates disappointing. Hope you like disgusted glares while getting flashed, anon.

Anonymous No. 796290

>May I cum in?

Anonymous No. 796329

Does she like Eva? Who's her literally me of the cast?

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The girl didnt re....jpg

Anonymous No. 796333

I had sat her down a while ago and had her watch it as part of her attempts at "enrichment" and she dint really seem to like it that much. However a side affect was an obsession with Kensuke. I think she likes to pretend she's like Asuka but I think we all know that's not true.

Anonymous No. 796340

Based taste

Anonymous No. 796355

This time I'm really gonna do it bros.

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The girl doesnt w....jpg

Anonymous No. 796373

Tried to tell her some people just say that but she insisted on this anyway. Also pretty sure she can only make grilled cheeses.

Anonymous No. 796409

Does she have a job?
Any family at all?
Who the fuck is this woman? she just turned up here, no drivers license, not on any police registries, and we're what, just rolling with it?

Anonymous No. 796410

i want to put my hand behind her head just under her hair line, and hold her for a moment (with eye contact)

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The girl is odd.jpg

Anonymous No. 796426

As much as I wish i could ease your skepticism, even I only know so much. (according to her) She has two sisters and two brothers. She's got parents. As for ID, who needs that stuff? You can see her , right? Maybe you're just asking too many questions. And maybe you should quit while you're ahead. joking.

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The girl was feel....jpg

Anonymous No. 796428

Afterwards, she said that looking that eye contact made her "dizzy". Quite the charmer anon.

Anonymous No. 796431

does she suck dick?

Anonymous No. 796437

Do you?

Anonymous No. 796439

well now that we got her attention... would she be down to play some Burnout on the PS2?

Anonymous No. 796449

This but still nude
(Winner gets one favor from the Loser)

Anonymous No. 796454

Perhaps the Girl and Anonette can both do it... Together!
(POV and handholding with both of them please)
(Btw, thanks to the Artist Anon, this thread has been excellent so far, in terms of both skill and bants)

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Anonette helps Th....jpg

Anonymous No. 796475

Well goddamn, Anonette! I did not expect you to be her gluck mentor. Although now you may have helped give the poor girl an oral fixation, nice going.

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Anonymous No. 796476

Really appreciate the kind words. That goes for anyone here. Love everyone's ideas (even if i take a while to acknowledge them) and they make me smile!

Anonymous No. 796479

That question mark can't fool me!

Anonymous No. 796481

of course, you're a damn legend anon. keep at it!

Anonymous No. 796497


Anonymous No. 796498


Anonymous No. 796499


Anonymous No. 796530

I want to shower with the girl (Boxed shower, cold stormy night)

Anonymous No. 796538

she should learn the art of the patty melt

Anonymous No. 796539

She needs to get real close and inspect lois einhorn's hemmeroids

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The girl liked bu....jpg

Anonymous No. 796542

Thanks for giving her something else to make, she seems proud of it. Also hope you're fine with burnout 3, anon. Its her favorite (probably because its the only one she owns).

Anonymous No. 796544


Anonymous No. 796545

burnout 3? even better.

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Anonymous No. 796552


Anonymous No. 796554

Good to see her favorite bandmate again!

Anonymous No. 796576

Would stay up all night playing beating crash mode challenges

Anonymous No. 796579

Cruisin' the city streets at night, with the windows down and the music up.

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The girl enjoys t....jpg

Anonymous No. 796587

She's never had someone else to drive her around before. She really enjoys the breeze! Haven't seen her this relaxed in a while, anon.

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The girl probably....jpg

Anonymous No. 796637

Her face might not seem happy about this but she did say yes. Probably enjoying this more than shed like to admit. that's a lot of hair, anon! good luck with the conditioner.

Anonymous No. 796638

Thank you dearly, Anon

Anonymous No. 796643

Of course, and thank you for replies that help me try things I never feel comfortable to try like backgrounds. The push has been very fun!

Anonymous No. 796647

I think there should be more Anonette interactions

Anonymous No. 796650

send them to a fancy restaurant

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Anonette teaches ....jpg

Anonymous No. 796659

seems like Anonette has known the meta for a while. Also really love the dress she got Her!

Anonymous No. 796660

I thought anonette had more boobs, cute dress btw

Anonymous No. 796661

Anonette is a Just Women/Himemind

Anonymous No. 796662

Leaning on the railing of a pier/jetty watching the new year fireworks display. Who would she most like to be beside her at this moment?