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🧵 /npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #35

Anonymous No. 794066

Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Take a bow edition

Previous thread:

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Anonymous No. 794067

Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator ( and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:

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Dannyanon No. 794069

Anonymous No. 794070

Who are the happiest North Park families?
I'd say the Yangs and Asimov's family.

Anonymous No. 794078

Ded thread, lol

Dannyanon No. 794079

we just like to take things slow the first 300 posts

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Leslieanon No. 794080

A new fact to get this thread rolling!

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Dannyanon No. 794081


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Dannyanon No. 794082


Anonymous No. 794083

You mentioned them

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Anonymous No. 794084

I think the Sheffields are pretty happy

Dannyanon No. 794085

post dr Cates abandonment cat ninjas are pretty happy with Bobby, Chariot, ck and Atticus

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Dannyanon No. 794088

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Dannyanon No. 794090

Episode where Leslie thought she found someone who liked her back Danny and Dani keeps trying to tell her there’s something wrong with that guy She just thinks they’re just jealous.

But Leslie was right. He did love her…. For dinner

Dannyanon No. 794095

Episode where the art Club submit furry porn as a joke to a local televised art gallery and their pieces actually starts making a ton of money but they get mad because all they got paid was $50 for their pieces while the TV station is about to make tens of thousands off them

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Dannyanon No. 794097

They met at the château he said his name is David

Leslieanon No. 794098

She's enjoying her time with him, but she's also screaming on the inside, cause it's a stranger and he's kinda invading her bubble.

Dannyanon No. 794099

He keeps trying to show her the best view of the mountains its just in a very isolated spot not a lot of people over there

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Dannyanon No. 794108


Anonymous No. 794122

She gets saved by Nightmare Guy (He was in the woods looking for deer to pet) but traumatized in the process because Nightmare Guy just eats David with his chest mouth right in front of her

Leslieanon No. 794124

Wow, this is just like my Japanese TV family dramas!

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Dannyanon No. 794125


Anonymous No. 794128

He's about to get mimed, lol

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Dannyanon No. 794130


season 8 episode 5

the boyfriend from another town

Leslie meets a mysterious boy named David at the North Park Chateau, who quickly takes an interest in her. However, Danny and Dani sense something strange about him and try to warn her before it's too late. Meanwhile, in the B-plot, Nightmare Guy escapes from Slappy's basement with one goal in mind: to pet a deer in the forest.

also fun fact David came from me stuffing one of my pictures into an AI and seeing what it would spit out and I guess this is how it interpreted Danny I liked the enough to use it

Dannyanon No. 794133

I imagine David Carpenter was a person before the mimic ate or assimilated him he's went missing around a few miles away from the Chateau about 15 years before the events of the episode Danny and Dani knew they recognize them from somewhere but they didn't know where until they saw his old missing poster on the very crowded bulletin board.

Anonymous No. 794136

>And it was at that point the mimic knew. It fucked up.

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Anonymous No. 794138

among us

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Dannyanon No. 794146

the aftermath

Dannyanon No. 794150

He's a one-off antagonist but there's a Background sight gag of David head spider scurrying around like a rat

Anonymous No. 794151

Cheap rip off of Rayne Parade with cheap rip off of Danny. They belong together.

Danny is lamer and has no abilities beyond seeing ghosts.
David is actually charming, taller and has an ability.

Red is acting pretty sus.

Dannyanon No. 794153

That would have been true at first but somebody decided all magic creatures can see ghosts so in order to keep Danny being unique I had made him an all around psychic he has the usual psychic abilities mind reading telepathy Etc along with knowing Magic

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Dannyanon No. 794157

Blackcat’s Arkham death quote

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Dannyanon No. 794162

he tried to give her a hug

Anonymous No. 794163

At least he didn't short circuit

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Anonymous No. 794166

What masks of cringe franchises would CK give every character?

Dannyanon No. 794168

Danny spooky's jumpscare mansion

Amanda: Amanda the adventurer

Jonesy: ddlc

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Leslieanon No. 794169

>"Huh, why do have the sudden urge to hyperfixate on a mobile game about gingerbread men and space nazi mechs?"

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Dannyanon No. 794170


Dannyanon No. 794171

she love her dumb mask since she doesn't get gifts often

Anonymous No. 794177

I forgot that CK's apparently really good at arts and crafts.
did we put that on his Wiki page?
Him giving everyone masks is so cute!

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Anonymous No. 794185

I'm liking the episode list, there's a comfortable sense of cohesion here. Feel free to discuss them here if we want to expand on them.


Dannyanon No. 794187

Episode where they find out les is a Respected member Of The NorthPark Inner City underground rap community and her friends honky ways is going to get her shot

Anonymous No. 794190

>CK does the most Cringe Rap known to man
>It's inexplicably insanely popular

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Anonymous No. 794192

south park fanon did it

Dannyanon No. 794193

You know I was insecure about what I did here until I saw this now I know I'm not this cringe thanks anon

Dannyanon No. 794194

Looking at the CK Wiki huh ck took Danny's first kiss okay you shot first.... so fuck it I'm launching a tactical nuke Danny takes ck's virginity after ck took dr toades gender fluid in high school this is unchanging Canon.

Leslieanon No. 794195

The difference between our cringe and their cringe is our canon that runs parallel to South Park canon and tends not to crossover, their cringe is inserting themselves into South Park canon and acting like they're Cartman's long lost sister that wants to fuck him.

Dannyanon No. 794197

You managed to put into words what I was thinking about this place for a while also I'll like to add that we can easily just cut the umbilical cord off and become our own thing while most of these characters won't be able to stand on their own if you take away South Park

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Anonymous No. 794198

>their cringe is inserting themselves into North Park canon and acting like they're Hansel's long lost sister that wants to fuck him.

Anonymous No. 794199

Gretel does NOT want to fuck Hansel don't believe the lies

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Dannyanon No. 794205

Vera: how did you get into my lair?

Cb: that’s a funny story proceed to talk uninterrupted for two hours

Yeah sure whatever you tell yourself

Anonymous No. 794206

We need more cute art of CK
I need more art of CK
Great, now can you get this thing off of me, I have hentai to jerk it to
Anime to jerk it to
... AI slop
I don't deserve to be treated like this!

Anonymous No. 794232


God those designs are so boring they had to put clip-ons, flowers, unique hats or unique hair on and they still fail at looking like main characters. They look like Max's ex gfs or some shit. They look like overly designed background characters. They look like those one-shot episode characters that don't appear for more than 1 episode or more than a few minutes. They look like ex-Raisins girls... and half of them look like they got rejected from working at that place.

I'm grateful for characters like Hansel, Lisa Stanky, Cripplefucker, Crippler. We honestly need more ironic fucked up characters like Crippler, we need more Cartmans and more gimmicky Kenny's to make this feel more South Park and less Disney, less Angelo Rules. And on the other spectrum we don't really have any Stan/Kyle straightman inserts to keep things grounded when weird satanic christmas creatures come to town. Everyone has an issue, a gimmick or ironically more of a personality than Kyle+Stan (Jerry,Mandy,Chaz). Only straightman we have is Trisha but that girl has issues just from the way she dresses. Do we have a single normal character that's simply wet a blanket and obviously a mouthpiece and self insert for the owner without being an exaggeration of the owner? Honestly feels like Kyle&Stan really should just self insert themselves into this world since that's what we're missing.

Dannyanon No. 794237

b plot to an episode where pre-internet ghost Jonesy (so before s13) seand pre vamp kid Ingrid think principal Kiddy is hiding something that why he wears the mask so they try to get a picture of him without his mask they end up breaking into his house and hiding wait till he takes of the mask

Dannyanon No. 794238

Curtis: dad I think someone's in my closet

pk: "don't be silly" *he goes up to the closet* "is there anyone in here?"

Jonesy and Ingrid No!

pk: see nobody's there

Anonymous No. 794240

it's a CK's totally not smiling critters plushies get possessed episode but by the end the ghosts willing leave the plushies because god this kid is annoying.

Anonymous No. 794241

Ah, someone else with cookie brainrot, huh?

Anonymous No. 794242

I don't think there are enough for the whole cast without doubling up

Leslieanon No. 794244

But of course, those fuckers got me by the balls around the time Captain Ice Cookie was released...

Dannyanon No. 794245

there's chaplain and Ernest

Dannyanon No. 794246

episode where it discovered that Jerry can't tie his shoes and les agrees to teach him before someone finds out

Dannyanon No. 794248

the b plot is Lydia's leading a velcro hunt for the here that doesn't know how to Tie their shoes because the class heard the distinct sound of Velcro

Dannyanon No. 794252

episode where Dr cates, ck and Bobby Norman goes on vacation which quickly Becomes a vacation from hell after they pick up a deranged hitchhiker

b-plot since Dr cates lied to the cat ninjas that Danny and wendy was going to the same place and told them to follow them there so they may ambush them they follow Danny and wendy to their vacation in their family's old stomping grounds a small town in upstate New York that may be more strange than North Park

c plot since Bobby Norman is gone the town spirals into chaos since 90% of the workforce is gone.

Dannyanon No. 794261

they stole my idea

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Dannyanon No. 794265

Anonymous No. 794267

How about an episodes where the kids has an rival which is the better superheroes for the annual Comic Con. I wanna see how you guys can tackle the Comic Con

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Anonymous No. 794268

Crisis on Infinite earths situation where the heroes and villains are shown up by their multiverse counterparts. (west park) Glitterbug declares all out war in the Comic con and for once, his contemporaries are happy to listen to him.


Dannyanon No. 794270

Vera: see! you piss off zues one time now you have to hide during thunderstorms

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794271

btw, I was thinking, why North Park a british tv show?

Dannyanon No. 794272

What do you mean?

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794273

I mean, Quimbly said it'll premiere on Channel 4, which is a britsh channel

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Anonymous No. 794274

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Not_Cr1nge-K1D No. 794275

>1% Italian
I found a theory

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794276

Should we make an discord server for North Park?

Dannyanon No. 794277

eh people don’t like that idea we got a off site chat already too

Dannyanon No. 794278

Local channel 4 it only premieres on local TV stations all throughout the world in the dead of night when almost no one watches. their has been several investigations into seeing who actually produces this unauthorized spin off show but there has been no leads all they have is a series of threads about cataloging the show on some obscure website

Anonymous No. 794279

it's better if you join this
it has some regulars you can talk more personally with

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794283

I'm drawing the untitled cosplay episodes for season 3. The characters will dress up as Justice League Superheroes

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Dannyanon No. 794285

Jonesy sometimes hangs out with chatterbox if Ingrid is busy and she doesn’t feel like causing trouble that day.

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ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794287

Mineral as Zatanna, in the comic-con episode

Anonymous No. 794292

I'm thinking we should do series like the comet shower episodes.
One central theme, but each episode dedicated to each specific story instead of secondary B plots. Kinda like how Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
That way if say we have both a Valentines episode that's suppose to be about the girls' kissing the boys and a murder mystery story then the two won't drag each other down and create some A & B plots that everybody will say it was lackluster and too short because there wasn't enough focus on either one. Otherwise you end up with Pulp Fiction, except PF was more like Simpsons' A,B,C,D plots or 20 stories of Springfield or Futurama's version of it.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794299

How about an save the town-half hour special, Kinda like with The Simpsons movies or Ice Age 2: The Meltdown kind of story. The plots will be involved the kids of North Park travel to Las Vegas to stop the greedy owner from destorying North Park

Dannyanon No. 794310

OK sounds good do you have more to this idea?

Dannyanon No. 794312

episode where Jonesy gets trapped in an anime wifu gotcha game in fylnn's phone and it's treated like a prison so she makes friends with the inhabitants there and plan a jail break with them.

Dannyanon No. 794313

I imagine the end is Jonesy stealing fylnn's mom credit card info and maxing it to to release her and her friends and when gets into a realistic argument with his mom because he didn't steal her credit card information but she thinks he did

Dannyanon No. 794314

I'm swapping out with Flynn with yashu and it's a maid themed gotcha and have the obviously loli bait character be the jailhouse bully that everyone fears. The reason she can't escape because of Japanese knows and are superstitious about Yokai so they put some sort of spirit protection to keep them from tampering with their game you can get any but the only way out is if someone purchase you. have a sub plot where Yashu wants a particular maid that's just wendy with purple hair and eyes it just can't get it he is tempted to steal honoka credit card but doesn't but Jonesy saw the cc info

Anonymous No. 794320

Honoka: I'm not mad
Yashu: Please don't say you're dis-
Honoka: I am incredibly disappointed in you Yashu.
Yashu: *Doubles over in physical pain.*

He's lucky that Li makes a killing at his Sushi restaurant.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794331

How about an episodes where there's an group of pirate birds-human hybrids raiding North Park?

Anonymous No. 794340

>The cat girls eat them

Anonymous No. 794347

Mineral is always so aesthetic together with Robert.

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Dannyanon No. 794348

When that weird fake cat girl keep shot up give you, your mom and your sister a tongue bath

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Dannyanon No. 794351

Dannyanon No. 794352

the last Neil in the coffin

Neil fakes his death as a prank, but when no one shows up to his funeral, he becomes depressed. However, he quickly comes up with another prank to get attention: he tricks Dorothy into believing he's a vengeful spirit that will destroy the town unless she does what he says, convincing her to perform a series of ridiculous and dangerous tasks. Meanwhile, in the B-plot, it's the dreaded lease renewal day in North Park ( the kids treat this like a holiday since all the adults are at the DMV). Not only does everyone have to deal with the hassle of the DMV, but Vera, disguised as a DMV worker, takes pleasure in dragging out the process and wasting everyone's time.

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ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794353

Max from the episode, Comic Corn

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Anonymous No. 794354

neato. you have a talent for this.

Dannyanon No. 794355

If that's you Deli you owe me a drawing

Anonymous No. 794356

It's not, that's an old repost
I wonder what happened to her, I hope the anon last thread didn't scare her off

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794361

Thank you

Dannyanon No. 794363

the gay bomb or north park is gay

While Maria was showing her new interns around in order to liven up the mood she shows them the rumored gay bomb the government made in order to turn their enemies gay so that they would be too focused on having sex with each other than fighting when showing how sturdy the thing is she accidentally detonates it.

now all of North Park is here and queer so get used to it also they plan a big orgy in the middle of town

Maria has to get Dr cates help in order to fix this because she's the better geneticist between them

c plot of drew still denying that she's gay despite everyone in town now being gay

then a d plot of les and Vera finally admitting their feelings to each other both of them thinking that the bomb turn the other gay so that they have an excuse to confess and once everything goes back to normal they will pretend it was the bomb doing it because they're afraid that the other didn't really feel it

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Dannyanon No. 794375

She stole Robert’s sun glasses

Anonymous No. 794376

Yashu: Whatever Jessie, your parents didn't even go to your funeral

Dannyanon No. 794377

Jonesy: it's Jonesy, Joshu. also my parents attended my funeral they cried like babies.... right? I couldn't really see my own funeral since I was in the internet but I'm sure they were there.

Dannyanon No. 794380

episode where Danny is seemingly killed in front of his classmates but comes back to school the next day like nothing happened everyone asks him what happened and he tells them he takes a magic pill that gives him nine lives like a cat he took about 11 of them so he had at least 99 live but when they start counting how many times he died they realize he's on his last one and he tries to take another pill to get nine more but Dorothy Leslie and Ashley took his last three mainly because Dorothy was mad that this Reckless dickhead get to 99 lives while she has one fragile one. now Danny is overly cautious about every little thing until lon can get more ingredients to make more pills but doctor cates has concocted her deadlest scheme yet while Dorothy Leslie and Ashley start doing extremely dangerous shit knowing that they're going to walk it off at least eight times

Anonymous No. 794381

Yashu: Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jenny

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Leslieanon No. 794395

Leslie uses the extra lives to eat food she can't eat.

Anonymous No. 794396


ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794401

an episode feature the students of North Park Elementary are competeing in the annual North Park Rally Race. But Ruff and his dimwitted partner, Dizzy are here to savage it.

Leslieanon No. 794410

>"Ah Fuck Folks, We Gotta Phone this One in..."
>Due to what happened the day before the episode aired, the episode that was going to air had to be scrapped and a back up episode was quickly made, one that was actually previously scrapped about Asimov getting lost in a corn maze.
>It's obvious that it was rushed, poor art, animation, mic quality, and acting plagued the episode.
>Despite the glaring issues, it actually got an Emmy nomination.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794411

> "Something You Shouldn't Do With Your Butthole
- This is the only episode where the Cat Ninjas and the main trio are the main stars in this episodes
- The episode unfortunately cause some controversy

Anonymous No. 794414

Season 16 should be the one with the AP arc in it I think

Dannyanon No. 794415

During breakfast, Lydia, Myrtle, and Linus notice Vera casually sitting with them, reading a newspaper. Curious, they finally ask how Ernest knows her, leading to a Halloween flashback when the adults were around ten years old.

In the flashback, Vera was pretending to be a runaway on the outskirts of town. When a creep picked her up, she let him take her to a secluded cabin in the woods, confirming his bad intentions. After feeding on him, she heard cries from the basement and found a young Ernest tied up and about to be sacrificed by a cult. Vera kills the cultists and frees Ernest, who eerily reminds her of Lydia.Before leaving, Ernest explains that the cult drugged and kidnapped most of the town's children after throwing a Halloween party. Since it’s the late '70s or early '80s, none of the parents would notice for a while. Ernest, too cool to attend the party, was planning to steal candy from younger kids when he witnessed the host kidnapping the drugged children. He was knocked out before he could warn anyone.The rest of the episode follows Ernest and Vera as they navigate the cult’s underground lair to save the children. The cult had been trying to grant ultimate power to a self-proclaimed demon king in hell, but botched the ritual. As a result, the demon king was cursed never to kill anyone—no matter what, his victims would always come back to life.At the end, Vera also reveals to Ernest that the one true path to heaven is Mormonism.

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Anonymous No. 794416

is it one full serialized season, or multiple episodes spread out through multiple seasons?

Dannyanon No. 794417

episode called the Halloween of 19 somtehing something

Dannyanon No. 794419

also it's revealed that Fredrich and Joseph were apart of Ernest's old crew and they lived in a nearby town they just went to north park so no one would know who they were when they stole their candy

Anonymous No. 794420

I think the lead up would start soon after Jonesy as a ghost pops up, with hints of it until season 16 where BAM we hittem with the serialized arc

Dannyanon No. 794421

ghost Jonesy appears at season 12

Dannyanon No. 794422

she dies season 10

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Dannyanon No. 794427

you wouldn’t believe it, but these two took down a cult together.

I imagine while they’re telling the stories they are arguing over little details like who said the cool line and small embarrassing moments

The next day he rode his bike back to North park to get her to join his gang and her being absolutely fucking lonely at the time joined

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Anonymous No. 794428

oh FUCK YOU VERA and you too Ernest

Dannyanon No. 794429

Danny aren't you afraid of what he's going to do to you when he finds out

vera: what is he going to do? kill me?

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Dannyanon No. 794430

He’s able to keep her in check

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Dannyanon No. 794436

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Anonymous No. 794437

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Anonymous No. 794442

y'know, i actually liked season 20

Dannyanon No. 794470

episode where the vampire Society finds out that there's another group of vampires on their turf after people are found dead drained of their blood with a bite marks on them and Ernest blames them but since they are literally cursed by Lon to feed on people if they do not get their permission first this can't be them they eventually track the feeding to a nursing home where a group of vampires that Were turned when they were old are hiding out.

Dannyanon No. 794492

Leslie uses one of her lives to roast Mr smiles for trying to kill her over a rabbit

Leslieanon No. 794493

She hits too close to home, instead of killing her, Mr. Smiles actually starts breaking down crying. Leslie then decides to get purposefully get mauled by Bobland.

Anonymous No. 794499

>It's a Leslie tries to get kill but ends up making all her would be killers cry subplot

Dannyanon No. 794508

After Danny finds out Lon isn't going to be able to make more pills until the end of the week. so the next day he shows up in a bubble wrapped in bubble wrap so he won't get hurt

Mandy Chaz And Jerry tries to tell him he's being ridiculous

Danny: Yeah sure you guys only have one life but you guys don't get suplexed by a Sasquatch every other day and maybe if you actually pulled your weight in handling the supernatural maybe I wouldn't have to worry

They look at each other cut to them up a big hill with Danny still in the bubble about to to roll him down hill

I imagine the end of the episode Danny dies again saving everyone and finds out they miscounted he had seven lives left but learned he should be less Reckless and is about to to give a speech but everyone that was crowded around him starts running because Sasquatch comes to suplex him

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Dannyanon No. 794514

if one more dumb thing happens I’m gonna… I’m gonna

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Dannyanon No. 794523

The old gang with Vera, Ernest, Freddy and Joey

Lydia: so why did dad choose not to become a vampire

Vera: he met a girl

Lydia: you mean mom?

Vera: lol no I think her name was Betty

Dannyanon No. 794525

Vera: ironically Betty chose to become a werewolf. last I heard she started her own pack in Arizona

Dannyanon No. 794530

Episode yashu is cringe

yashu get swept up in amazing digital circus hype ( it's surprisingly popular with the Japanese kids) and tries to hide it from everyone but cringe kid can sniff it out and they two bond over it. b plot fishboy , Linus and Danny have a little brother off

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Dannyanon No. 794537

After Vera saved them from the cult

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Dannyanon No. 794543

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Dannyanon No. 794544

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794549

what about an prehistoric episode where the citizen of North Park were cave peoples

Anonymous No. 794550

we've done some cave people art before iirc

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Dannyanon No. 794553

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Dannyanon No. 794554

Her arrogance shot way up after taking those pills

Dorothy before the pills: How dare Danny be reckless with his lives?
Dorothy after those pills: I’m Dorothy McDougall and this is jackass!

Now I have another idea for an episode or a bunch of the students take the nine lives pills and start doing jackass stunts that eventually evolved into making
snuff films ( because they find out those make a lot more money) in order to get rich quick then they get raided by the feds so they have to prove that they faked those films

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794555

will it be in South Park-style or an different style because I'm confuse rn

Anonymous No. 794557

Do whatever you want, my guy. We aren't restricted to any one artstyle
Confident Dorothy is hot

Dannyanon No. 794559

we don't conform to one style here

Anonymous No. 794560

>One of the first things she does is grab Yashu by his jacket and french kisses him in front of everyone

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794562

if North Park is an animated series, it'll will probably premiere on Fox

Dannyanon No. 794563

it feels more like an HBO or adult swim show

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Dannyanon No. 794565

Paladin Vera her fantasy larp persona and her character in the spin off live play d&d podcast teacup, Rosalind, Vera, and Danny did during covid

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Dannyanon No. 794566

Speaking of a different style I think about time I experiment with mines

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Dannyanon No. 794576

Leslieanon No. 794580

Who'd win? One of our Anons, or the lesbian with the Randy Room?

Anonymous No. 794581

I fucking wish I had enough resources to fill my entire room all with Mute and claim to be her wife(I'm a boy) I'd be sooooooo happy
but alas, I'm a poorfag

Dannyanon No. 794584

I’d do a Vera ( meta park) room

Dannyanon No. 794586

Lydia versus the spirit of Christmas

Lydia is upset that her dad, Fredrich
Joseph, and Vera take spreading Christmas cheer throughout North Park very seriously every year It embarrasses her. so this time she's going to ruin it and when the town Christmas cheer is depleted it causes a local apocalypse that happen in the town. apparently 20 years ago Ernest and his gang made a deal with the spirit of Christmas not to be confused with (North Park Santa though that is his ex-wife) after it Massacred the town because they didn't have enough Christmas spirit that particular year. they agreed to spread Christmas cheer every year or everyone will die again now in order to appease it Lydia linus and her gang are roped into the same deal and they wake up back at the beginning of the episode remembering everything that happened now they have to help spread Christmas cheer or else

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Dannyanon No. 794590


ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794594

who's Dani?

Dannyanon No. 794595

Danny genderbent clone she was made because 1 anon wanted ck to and up with Danny but have it not be gay

Leslieanon No. 794596

Female clone of Danny, was originally a full on clone he made to do tasks for him, but after shenanigans involving the clone wanting to be the real Danny, negotiations, and taking Toades' Gender Fluid™, became her own person.

Dannyanon No. 794597

Danny was supposed to dismiss it within 3 days but got too lazy so it got its own soul and became permanent and didn't want to be the original chore boy. Ironically enough she had to become a bunch of other people's chore girl just to make a living.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794600
> added Jerry and Teeny Steve

Dannyanon No. 794612

Honestly this story is how I would imagine living in North Park would be

Just unbelievably weird shit day after day and everyone just kind of used to it

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794614

What do you guys think?

Dannyanon No. 794615

it good the quality of the picture taken could be a little bit better so we can see the full image

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Anonymous No. 794618

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Dannyanon No. 794619

Betcha you can’t guess which one is the real one Bobby

Lucky for Bobby. This is a slow night.

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Dannyanon No. 794633

Earlier that night

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794634

the NP Society Members can shapeshift?

Dannyanon No. 794635


Shapeshifting is a standard vampire superpower the Vera because she was turned at a young age her brain doesn't really handle it very well so when she shapeshifts it looks like a 4-year-old's drawing of what she wanted to be

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Dannyanon No. 794640


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Anonymous No. 794645

Just this guy didn't get any costume so he will have his first

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Dannyanon No. 794646


ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794647

Jonesy and that kid are goofballs :)

Anonymous No. 794655

Since I have discovered how cringe the Lego Monkie Kid fandom is CK is a huge fan of it.
The Six Ear Macaque is his favorite character

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Dannyanon No. 794662

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794663

Vera's vampire friends are teasing her, LOL

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Dannyanon No. 794664

a river Fishman king gives Les ultimatum give her hand in marriage or He’ll destroy the town so Ula will pretend to be les until they figure out something

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Dannyanon No. 794667

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Leslieanon No. 794668

>"Hi there, would you like to buy some cookies?"

Dannyanon No. 794669

>inb4 no Danny would

no he won't he did specific wards for most of Asimovs family but Crush, A2, and Ada because fuck em they're evil

Dannyanon No. 794670

danny:Depends what kind?

Leslieanon No. 794671

"Uhhhhhh, all we got at the moment are 2 boxes of Do-si-dos and a metric fuckton of Trefoils, like, no one in this town likes Trefoils."

Dannyanon No. 794672

no thin mints slams the door

Anonymous No. 794675

Asimov: How many times do we need to teach you this lesson!?
Then he squirts her with a super soaker

Dannyanon No. 794676

Before the water hits her she instinctively goes into Ada taking control of his little sister and she escapes Into the Night

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Dannyanon No. 794679


Anonymous No. 794680

Ada is constantly running calculations in her head thanks to the program that is letting her develop her sapience.
Jonesy hears it the entire time she's possessing Ada, and it's loud

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Dannyanon No. 794681

she eventually lets her go problem. Is that far away from home and neither one of them knows how to get back they cross into somewhere supernatural also Timothy dull ( I rolled him randomly) is with them. so they have to homeward bound this bitch. rare Ada, Timothy dull and Jonesy team up episode

Dannyanon No. 794682

this Jonesy is looking a little chunky in the face

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Dannyanon No. 794684

Oddly enough this place is preventing Jonesy from controlling her its also preventing Jonesy from dying or even connecting to the Internet so without Ada her chances of leaving you zero but she’s not gonna let her know that

Dannyanon No. 794685

The entire episode she's playing the difficult game of having to act like herself to disregard Ada's autonomy but also not reveal she totally lost her powers.

Leslieanon No. 794688

Never trust Leslie with movie suggestions, she unironically enjoys Master of Disguise.

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Anonymous No. 794689


Dannyanon No. 794693

The brain damage makes ula laughs at it unironically

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794695

> Colorado Fuckers vs. the Society
> The Colorado Fucker Society's decided to take over the goverment society ala Pinky and the Brain, and Wil E. Coyote style. But they didn't turned out so where. In the B-Plot, Chaz decided to buy an R-rated movie without his parents knowing

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Dannyanon No. 794696

She use a piece of herself and that line of code that makes asimov sapient to create her sidekick Alex Alexander, her little robot bro. The problem is he’s way too nice.

he shows up for one episode then He is forgotten for like two seasons when Jonesy finally remembers him. It turns out the government kidnapped him kind of but not really since he technically sort of belongs to them since she used Asimov’s code to create him. Jonesy had to fight for custody over her little brother. It was determined that she owns 33.33% of Alex, the government owns another third and Lisa the third third so Jonesy gets him every other weekend Lisa gets the other weekend. Maria has him throughout the week and Jonesy and Lisa alternates between getting him on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

at first Maria was very suspicious of him since Jonesy made him but after she found out, he was a really good kid and especially after he called her mama she won’t let jonesy, corrupt her baby which isn’t a really problem because she couldn’t corrupt him no matter how hard she tried if anything he’s making her a better person she even agreed that robots can have feelings and she shouldn’t be messing with them

How Alex sees his family

Maria mom

Jonesy big sister/ eldest sibling/ creator

Helper/ crush 2nd big sister second and 3rd eldest sibling

Asimovi: cousin

Lisa: ??? Why must I go come here every other weekend The place stinks

You can tell. I’ve been cooking this on the back of my mind for like a few days now.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794697

what do you guys think?

Dannyanon No. 794698

it's cool put it on the wiki

Piece of advice you going to have to learn to take that a lot of people aren't going to give feedback or prises we're really just throwing our ideas out to the ether and hoping that people like it you got to learn to take sometimes no comment is a good sign here

Anonymous No. 794700

How do they do it? I can't imagine anyone else outside Robin having the arsenal(Crush) to do anything substantial
He looks like he gets punched in the face a lot, you draw him getting his shit kicked in

Dannyanon No. 794701

yeah I imagine it happens a lot but the consequences to whomever gets caught is biblical man imagine getting your ass beat by Crush and then have it your entire internet history leaked to the public by Jonesy which ironically brings up the bounty of messing with Alex because some bullies do it for the thrill and bragging rights.

Anonymous No. 794703

Get a job son

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794704

Who's Crush?

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Dannyanon No. 794705

Basically evil robot Wendy that works for Asimov two

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Dannyanon No. 794726

Asimov: he turned himself into Jackie ( Jonesy in the distance : it’s Jonesy you son of a bitch) it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

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Anonymous No. 794727

Thanks for the reaction image

Anonymous No. 794728

who's that mimicking jenny?

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794729


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Dannyanon No. 794730

Fredrich >>794537 this is what he look like in the'70s-90s before vera turned
and I guess what it looks like after the vampire crazed died and they can pretend to be normal kids who just pretend to be vampires.

Dannyanon No. 794732

lore drop in the off-site chat Jonesy was made by Magic and to stop Asimov Prime Though she fails this duty because she just trapped on the moon thanks Maria

Dannyanon No. 794733

*magic and fate

Dannyanon No. 794734


I think she just died too early when she was supposed to if she was like 16 17 she would accept her responsibilities but since she's 1 around 11 or 12 she doesn't give a fuck about her responsibilities

Anonymous No. 794736


Dannyanon No. 794738

here >>794279

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Dannyanon No. 794746

as requested by Asimovanon

Dannyanon No. 794753

Episode where Danny and the main Trio accidentally kill a man they tried to hide the body but soon find out that he just keeps coming back and he's actually super easy to kill almost everyone in town killed this man by complete accident at least a couple dozen times

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Anonymous No. 794754

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Anonymous No. 794756

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Dannyanon No. 794760

Episode where Vera was the last person seen next to a soon to be murdered guy with her publicly violently threatening them, and when the guy gets murdered Vera thinks she’s a prime suspect and goes on the lamb with Asimov and Ingrid meanwhile she was immediately proven innocent because of the security camera catching the murderer but the other vamps aren’t gonna tell her that till tomorrow so they can get a small break from her

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794761

Hi, are you Maxanon?

Dannyanon No. 794763

I don't think that is I don't think he's ever drawn before

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794766

I don't think so

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Dannyanon No. 794770

I put my previous picture into the AI and it’s spit out a good looking not Vera so I decided to mimic it

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Dannyanon No. 794772

the Ula beyond

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794773

Bat-Ula Beyond!

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Leslieanon No. 794774

Took Dannyanon's not Vera and made this kid, their name is Alex Tamers, 6th grader, former Vamp kid, and the only enbie in town.
Was kicked out of the vamp kids because of their fear of bats and blood.

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Dannyanon No. 794775

The not Vera design in question

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Anonymous No. 794776

would have mistaken them for goth because of the skull motif

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Dannyanon No. 794780

Those poor bastards being stuck in the midst of puberty while being Shapeshifter and not wanting to be with people who appears to be your own age or adults ( because the ones that I want them are creeps). on the bright side if your friendship can survive this on nearly week basis you guys are best friends forever

Dannyanon No. 794798

episode where some of the kids ( Yashu and Asimov is among them) somehow get inside the internet and they find out that Jonesy is what many people would describe as a magical girl but she protects the internet and she fucking hates her responsibilities.

Anonymous No. 794799

Yashu hates this

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Dannyanon No. 794850

Couldn’t think of anything else to draw and my eyes are being really sensitive to light right now so here’s a low effort vera

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Leslieanon No. 794894

More lore
>Related to Beansy
>Biological gender has been scrubbed from the public record (basically, go with whatever you feel is "correct" if you draw lewds of them.)
>Second place in the meta aware category, ate a weird mushroom from the forest.

Anonymous No. 794896

does this mean Beansy and Alex will also have an incest baby?

Leslieanon No. 794897

Maybe, depends if they have a dick.

Dannyanon No. 794898

since their conception was due to a Vera clone very distant relative to vera via her brother whom she thought the Houbens killed. though Vera is not related to beansy

Leslieanon No. 794899

Family Tree? Nah, this is a Family Ouroboros, Family Pretzel, and Family Tree combined.

Dannyanon No. 794901

Vera knows it because she likes to keep track of his lineage ( she knows what they really are) Alex doesn't know it and kind of wonders why she's so nice to them

also isn't Devan technically a enbie their gender is never stated

Dannyanon No. 794902

Okay I know that was worded weirdly but I meant since the reason she was created was because of a Vera clone. also it's like she's a great great great probably a few more grades grand what is the gender neutral term for a nephew and niece?

Leslieanon No. 794903

Devan is Non-binary on the sense of "No gender specified, but that can be changed", Alex is "doesn't identify as male or female, and that's who they are" Non-binary.

>what is the gender neutral term for a nephew and niece?

Leslieanon No. 794906

Quick addition to S4E6:
>Asimov, after a week of being stuck in the corn maze, makes it home, sits, turns on the news, shocked look, and yells out
>Roll credits

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Dannyanon No. 794907

Vera Doesn’t understand how this is her niblin

Anonymous No. 794908

How does Alex feel about Beansy dating Asimov and Drew?

Anonymous No. 794909

how does Alex feel about Beansy in general?

Leslieanon No. 794911

They're a tad surprised.
Feels bad for her, but tries not to be patronizing.

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Anonymous No. 794912

I kind of miss seeing them, my creepy conjoined compatriots.

Dannyanon No. 794913

Yeah I remember you drawing them with brown hair and then change it to blonde don't think we didn't see that

Anonymous No. 794915

they are back

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I got to hand it ....png

Anonymous No. 794916

I wonder if I should make them conjoined by the arms, so it's easier for me to pose them. Doesn't seem as fun though.
they look creepier blonde to me, like failed Max babies.

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Anonymous No. 794917

Anonymous No. 794920


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Anonymous No. 794921

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Anonymous No. 794922

>Lisa met her fate, her destiny after discovery the rhobhert conspiracy in the no brainer time line
> as Dorothy gained the ability to float object, Lisa gain the ability of an even higher genius level iq, infinite hacks and super human logistic
>imagine Microsoft excel as a super power
>still smell like shit

Anonymous No. 794923

Kinda of want to add one or two more character for this faction. Any suggestions

Anonymous No. 794925

Lunaris Twins?

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Anonymous No. 794927

who's Krazy for Korn Kobs?
The North Park Husketeers! (ignore the stupid looking shellfish)

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ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794928

>Here's the Channel 4 logo

Dannyanon No. 794935

They're wearing basketball jerseys but they're playing football why is this town so bass awkwards

Anonymous No. 794936

hmm, perhaps a 4 leaf clover would better fit over the star?

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Dannyanon No. 794939

Rhobhert tried to get the jump on the doctor cates paranormal investigation squad because Vera was talking mad shit about him online and they end up banishing him to the gay cat boy dimension (where everyone is a gay cat boy) for a whole week

I think RobHart and Vera somehow has the same hatred for each other in a normal timeline as in the no-brainer timeline

Dannyanon No. 794940

Instead of the normal universe where Robert just Snipes Vera temporarily killing her in the nb universe Vera keeps sending Rhobhert to different Dimensions each more wacky than the last.

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794941

I couldn't see the clover symbol

Dannyanon No. 794942

He saying it will be better to replace the the star with the Clover symbol since that's 4chan sort of logo

Dannyanon No. 794943

The banishment sticks for different durations of time sometime it could be a day sometimes it could be a week sometimes a month

Anonymous No. 794944

Why is Asimov crossdressing for this one?

Dannyanon No. 794945

no brainer Jonesy was a reporter pushing anti supernatural material until she was going to expose Rhobhert and Rhobhert seeing into the future saw that if he let her expose him that would have led to him being captured for Good by the government so he baited Vera into trying to banish him with the most unstable banishment the scroll she had but he got out the way so it would hit Jonesy instead a few months later she came back but as something else I haven't quite figured out

Dannyanon No. 794949

She becomes a reality glitch she can just hop between the dimensions and other universes but not time for some reason all the higher Dimensions know that her Homeworld is doomed so she always trying to find information is trying to save. some beings from higher dimensions are trying to kill ( kind of more erase her from existence she won't even have an afterlife) her because her existence as a glitch is dangerous and the corruption could spread.

she actually has a good relationship with Asimov 2

Anonymous No. 794951

I forgot he's a cheerleader until it was too late, just pretend I put him in a frilly skimpy skirt

Anonymous No. 794953

How would that work

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794958

My Chatango isn't working

Dannyanon No. 794959

I thought that was only me because the connection at work sucks

Dannyanon No. 794961

got a lot of episode ideas

season 12ish
Cindy and amber likes BBC ( black bear cubs)

Cindy brings home her new friend a black bear cub who happens to be the son of a black bear amber dated and Bobland racism towards other bear species comes out b plot of dog man taking advantage of the bad spot Bobland and amber are in and tries to make a move on amber

season 9ish

cat ninjas dog days

the catgirls keep getting thwarted by a group of wannabe crime fighters know as the dogboy Samurai dogman's and the dog boys first appearance.

season 9ish

you laugh you die

dr dogman spikes the kids pizza during Pizza party day so they will laugh at Neil's joke to cheer him up but soon it becomes lethal when Neil doesn't let up and when the kids try to escape they find out that Neil rig the entire school full of his prank booby traps. Dogman has to race to make an antidote before the kids die

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 794966

it's still not working

Leslieanon No. 794969

Every time Leslie gets involved in a LARP, something prevents her from joining immediately.

Like for fantasy, she needs help with her bear companion (Mike in a bear kigurumi), and he's lost in the woods and needs help cleaning (bathroom door is stuck and he needs TP), and the great forest spirit is silent (her mom is out of town at a teacher's convention), so you must help her bear companion so she has permission to leave and sell magic gear.

Anonymous No. 794970

>It's another fucking 5 mission fetch Quest
Why does North Park hate speed runners?

Leslieanon No. 794971

We like foreplay, so the climax comes out better and stronger.

Anonymous No. 794975

North Park Horror Detective game when?

Dannyanon No. 794976

Danny Thompson simulator

Anonymous No. 794978

i wish I could trap various characters and force them to kill each other
I'd be soooo happy

Dannyanon No. 794984

I'll guess I'll make another one of its still down or perhaps a Discord server if we want something more stable

Dannyanon No. 794985

*still down tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 795011

I'll never forget you, baby...

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Anonymous No. 795019

Maybe Max is onto something.

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Anonymous No. 795020

Goddamn Harriet & Max would get along so good. Or have autism wars worse than DannyMax.

Dannyanon No. 795029

The chatTango group is back up

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Leslieanon No. 795042

Leslie's Halloween costume this year

Dannyanon No. 795044

Vera I always knew you was a dick head

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Dannyanon No. 795048

Why is that guy looking at her funny

Nb Jonesy has some boss she’s working for he’s kind of a jerk but looks like a cute baby but since everyone from his dimension ages backwards, he’s kind of an old man jonesy doesn’t like thinking about how that universe works like what do slightly younger old people give birth to old people that then ages slowly into embryos

AnyWho Jonesy get the things from other universes, and dimensions so he could sell it at a Multiversel pawnshop an exchange. He gives her information on possible ways to save her universe and a place to sleep where she isn’t going to be haunted down by bounty hunters also lots of weapons to defend herself

Surprisingly she’s not actually a bad person. She’s not even out for revenge.

Anonymous No. 795055

Yes, I will pay you 200$ for one box, and stay the weekend with me.

Leslieanon No. 795056

>"Deal, but don't do anything too weird."

Dannyanon No. 795057

Of course Leslie's the kid that runs headfirst into the free candy windowless van

Anonymous No. 795058

God I wish, what would the mystery be?


Why is that always the deal? She knows I, LeslieLover2000 will only be an absolute weirdo.

Leslieanon No. 795059

She has back up tools in case of danger, like a lighter and hair spray.

Figured it was you.

Anonymous No. 795061

I'm always gonna be back, the lure of Leslie is too much for me.

Leslieanon No. 795062

Well, afaik, you're always welcome here.

Anonymous No. 795085

Kinda of a bit of a confident that the two internet based character had both of their NB counter part revealed

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Dannyanon No. 795086

Episode Wendy versus Curtis

Curtis gets jealous of principal kiddy attention to Wendy and how she’s probably the kid he wanted so in a spur of the moment decision, he challenges her to fight

Dannyanon No. 795087

after hearing Curtis' sob story wendy takes a dive in their fight and Curtis lets it get to his head also the entire School thinks she's fair game now and tries to bully her. Which leads to a rematch that goes about as good for Curtis as you'd expect

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Anonymous No. 795091


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Anonymous No. 795093

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Dannyanon No. 795096


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Anonymous No. 795098

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Leslieanon No. 795102

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Dannyanon No. 795105

Almost no one can tell how he feels about things except for the fact that he really doesn’t like vera

Dannyanon No. 795106

He hates how resilient she is and how no matter what happens in there and battles if you can call her back he'll always end up in another ridiculous Dimension waiting for the magic to wear off so he can go back home

Also we hit the auto sag

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Anonymous No. 795109

was I not good enough for you...

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Anonymous No. 795114

Consider it done
Now meet the “Lunaris Traitors”
>Betrayed their old empire to serve Rhobhert under mysterious reasons
>Physically superior in every way than before and gifted with technology that are leagues above their home world
>Even more sadistic and psychopaths
>Do the most dirty deeds as a role but answer to Dorothy who is second in command
There is something I want to tease with this that might be related to this since I’m adding one more character but willing to take suggestions
>A train conductor looked at his watch
> not just to check time but
>Wild West style

Anonymous No. 795115

this looks tight. Nice one.

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Anonymous No. 795118

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Dannyanon No. 795133

Anonymous No. 795134

cyberpark 2077

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Anonymous No. 795140

sparkle sparkle, nigga
you like guys and shit

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Anonymous No. 795141

Beansy, don't come to the north pole tomorrow

Dannyanon No. 795142

The gay fairy would say nigga but he wouldn't say shit in front of children he likes his job and takes it very seriously he don't want those little gay white boys and girls to be saying shit and shit

Leslieanon No. 795143

A fairy god nigga...

Dannyanon No. 795144

It's the gay fairy he's from an episode I made a while back dew got him fired after he tells him he's gay it was a misunderstanding the higher-ups mistaken dew for Drew

He's the north Park magical negro character

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Anonymous No. 795146


Dannyanon No. 795147

*No matter what happens in their battles if you can even call it that

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Dannyanon No. 795148

She got a job to retrieve something from the sunken universe.

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Anonymous No. 795155

her mom and dad when to the parent teacher's conference

Dannyanon No. 795157

Episode when Danny plays a prank on her by giving her 9 lives

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Anonymous No. 795159

he doesn't even reach the planet, he just orbits around it like a satellite

Leslieanon No. 795160

>It's actually tied around chest, she's faking it.

Anonymous No. 795163

We wuz tooth fairy n shiet
If I put a tooth under my pillow, may I get the N word pass

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Anonymous No. 795166

This might be the last one, I swear. Last one
>no longer trapped by the past. Atticus can now learn everything about the modern era
>his unrestrained genius can now map out the proper path between time and dimension travel
>owns a train that can carry everyone part of Rhobhert’s gang to other dimensions and time
>actually sympathies with jonesy and wonders if he can help her.

Anonymous No. 795168

How do you think miss chariot and TT would react

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Dannyanon No. 795169

Her jacket is actually a suit that help her survive in environments not suitable for humans for a couple days

Jonesy you can travel to time that’s so cool

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Anonymous No. 795170

>You stand corrected miss, I can indeed time travel. Time and space are interconnected. It is just arithmetic and the path to a nearby multiverse and era are mapped down.
>Dont mind a question up in person but Miss Jonsey, do you ever. Want to go somewhere and escape from something

Dannyanon No. 795171

jonesy: Going places and escaping things is all I ever do Mr Atticus

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Anonymous No. 795175

Miss jonsey, could I perhaps offer a solution to your problem. Please consider and if you insist on traveling, I must stand, do not travel in my Master’s or even Dorothy’s eyes.

Anonymous No. 795177

starting to believe that NBN came before the original with all this time traveling bullshit

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🗑️ Dannyanon No. 795179

Jonesy found the baby spin off universe, but she soon discovered this used to be like her universe, but some invention by one of the scientist went horribly wrong or horribly right ( if Maria did it), and everyone turned into babies or toddlers ( they’re stuck like this they are fully aware of the predicament) Maria is the sole adult left on the planet making her the de facto ruler/mom of the planet her and her army of helper drones take care of things

Jonesy‘s job here was to steal the device to be sold to some authoritarian government in another universe. so they can squash. any rebellion on their planet

Timelines are weird their universe split off from the original in the 70s (or the 80s or the 90s or the 2000 depending on whatever the current floating timeline near) despite being made by time traveler who was born in the future of the main timeline

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Dannyanon No. 795180

God dammit I didn’t mean to delete the text I guess I’ll rewrite it the best I can

Jonesy found the baby show spin off universe but it turned out that it weren’t always like this it used to be a lot like her universe but in this universe Some experiment from one of the scientists of North park either went horribly wrong or horribly right (if it was Maria). Whatever it did. It turned the entire word population save for Maria and babies or toddlers who seem to be stuck like this and are fully aware. Maria being the sole adult is the de facto leader or mother of the world her and her army of helper drones control this world with no pushback since no one can now take care of themselves.

Jonesy’s mission here was to retrieve the device to sell to a world government that wants to squash all chances of rebellion.

Anonymous No. 795181

So Atticus help Jonesy reach a daycare in a nutshell

Dannyanon No. 795182

No she did this one on her own

she can travel to different dimensions on her own he helps her get through time though

Dannyanon No. 795185

She likes Atticus but doesn't want Rhobhert or Dorothy or the lunaris twins in her business so she only really takes rides from him when she absolutely needs it

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Dannyanon No. 795191


Dannyanon No. 795194

After someone pointed out that this is just the bad future but different this should have been TT

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Dannyanon No. 795207

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Dannyanon No. 795213

Inktober day one backpack

a Universe where Danny managed to escape after Wendy’s death and released one of the château gods while it stopped ap it then enslave all humanity though Danny got a comfrey proposition as their high priest

jonesy Mission here was to retrieve some of as off prime circuits to sale to a gamer as cheap, but advanced pieces who wants to perfect his gaming PC this may have started Skynet in some other universe

Dannyanon No. 795214

don't touch the red water it'll change you to an abomination

drew and beansy lives in the dead ap head heading out

Anonymous No. 795215

Exploring Prime's carcass like the remains of the death star

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Anonymous No. 795222

Hello, Wendy. Need some help? cause if you don't I can just take your job.


Anonymous No. 795224


Dannyanon No. 795225


it's a Wendy goes on vacation while max deals with the cosmic horrors of the Chateau and he can't bring Naggerman with him since there's a no pets policy at the Chateau

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Dannyanon No. 795226

They managed to get inside the head but they had to do a mad dash to escape some abomination
*no pets policy at the château episode

Anonymous No. 795227

It's a Max is being his usual niceself before the whiplash of the fact he's a schemer and at the end he will metaphorically fuck your ass.
>They think he only took that job to get closer to Wendy and Wendy uno reverses it.
>They're both chill cause they think Max won't last a day.
>Something is wrong... he's doing a good job... as a wagecuck... when he loves giving orders.. something is terribly amiss here.

>Danny think he's there to mess with him and turn him incest-gay because he copies Wendy's voice.
>Don accidentally says he's doing a better job than both.
>Danny pulls a prank out of jealousy and gets Max's hair all white from a paint bucket and sends a photo to everyone
>Wendy is wondering wtf is Zack doing there.
>Wendy stops relaxing when she's under the impression he's going to rape his brother, marry him forcefully and steal their inheritance, CAUSE THIS IS CALIFORNIA THE LAND OF THE "FREE".
>Max is feeling weird; a little too happy, random meows when Danny isn't looking.
>It feels like Max is everywhere and he's 20 people and some of them can see ghosts.
>Max sometimes can't see ghosts, sometimes can.
>Wendy & Danny corner Max, Max grows ears and dies.
>Only for another Max to pop out.

>Max is playing 4D Chess.

>Turns out Max is working for both Frog Scientist and crazy Cat Lady scientist.
>Cat Lady wants to kill Danny.
>Frog ginger scientist just wants his tech tested.
>No pets allowed is rescinded and Cates and her stupid cat gurls are free to roam the chateau and take it for themselves.
>Dr Toades barges in pissed off that somebody stole his tech; He agreed to Max to test the cloning, not to Cates to give her the improved gene splicing code.
>Turns out the catgirls barged in and stole it for Max cause Cates tech was so shit he couldn't use it.

Well I took my own advice and ran my text through a schizo to normie translator.

Anonymous No. 795228


Max starts off being his usual charming self, only to reveal his scheming nature that will ultimately leave you metaphorically reeling.

They think he took the job just to be near Wendy, but she flips the script on him.
Both are laid-back, convinced Max won’t last a day.
Something feels off... he’s excelling as a wage slave, yet he thrives on giving orders—this isn’t right.

Danny suspects Max is there to mess with him and turn him into an incestuous version of himself by mimicking Wendy’s voice.
Don inadvertently admits Max is outshining both of them.
Fueled by jealousy, Danny pulls a prank that turns Max’s hair white with paint and shares the photo with everyone.
Wendy is baffled by Zack's presence.
She panics, thinking Max might forcibly marry his brother and steal their inheritance—THIS IS CALIFORNIA, AFTER ALL.
Max feels unusually euphoric, throwing out random meows when Danny isn't watching.
It’s as if Max has multiplied into twenty different personas, some of whom can see ghosts.
Sometimes he can see them; other times, he can’t.
Wendy and Danny corner him, prompting Max to sprout ears and "die"—only for another version of him to emerge.

Max is playing 4D chess with everyone’s sanity.

It turns out he’s working for both the Frog Scientist and the eccentric Cat Lady scientist.
The Cat Lady wants Danny out of the picture.
The Frog Scientist just wants his technology tested.
The “No Pets Allowed” rule is revoked, allowing Cates and her ridiculous cat girls to roam the chateau freely.
Dr. Toades storms in, furious that his tech has been misappropriated; he agreed with Max for cloning tests, not with Cates for her shoddy gene splicing code.
The cat girls pilfered it for Max, as Cates’ tech was too inadequate for use.

Anonymous No. 795230

Max would wear the frilliest of white bloomers under his maid's outfit

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Dannyanon No. 795234

They gave this version of Vera her own suit.

Anonymous No. 795235

someone kill this fucking baby right now
I'm sick of seeing it

Dannyanon No. 795236

Rhobhert seething

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Anonymous No. 795237

I'd rather kill Leslie instead

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Leslieanon No. 795239


Anonymous No. 795240

The magical “No Pets Allowed” sign is bypassed because, despite the ban on anthros, Max's DNA fusion with his cat is so seamless that it evades magical constraints.
In the end, Max turns out to be a collection of clones—successful ones using Toades' tech and failures from Cates' experiments.
Cates sent him on a mission to eliminate Danny, while Toades is determined to keep his technology away from her.
Max discovers how to deactivate the anti-pet sign, allowing the minority cats to slip in unnoticed.

Cates takes charge, imprisoning Toades, Wendy, Don, and Danny as the Max clones and cat girls obey her whims.
Toades scrambles to devise a plan.
Among the clones, the one with dyed white hair yearns to be a genuinely nice version with no hidden agenda—he’s also fond of Wendy. He helps them break free to confront the other Maxes and challenge Cates and her cat girls.
They reactivate the “No Pets Allowed” sign, halting the cat girls, and Wendy unleashes her fury on the Maxes.
After defeating Cates and the clones, they await the police to take her away that night.
Danny and Wendy eye the white-haired Max with confusion, astonished that a benevolent version of Max exists. Wendy playfully dresses him up, pretending he's Zack, as optimistic music plays.

But later that night, something unsettling begins to unfold.
Cue the clock striking midnight:
"Hello, Danny."
"Hello, Don."
"Hello, Cates."
"Hello, Toades."
"Wendy, be right back in 2 minutes."
The white-haired Max rises to get a glass of water.
During the bathroom scene...
"Hello, me..."
10 minutes later...
Melody starts playing
Danny thinking in his head: "Wait... what’s with that ominous music? OH GOD, THAT'S BOSS MUSIC!"

Anonymous No. 795241


A slow, haunting melody plays... completely uninterrupted by vocalized dialogue.

Cates freezes in fear as a massive shadow looms over her.
Everyone jolts awake to an inaudible scream, the audience left in suspense.

10 minutes before the scream.
The scene cuts to sleek black shoes, a tailored suit, slicked-back hair, and spiky blonde strands in the back, topped off with sunglasses.
The real Max emerges, commanding the other clones, who obey him due to their implanted Niggerman’s slave DNA and other weird shit.
He makes them put on robes and do an ancient chant from a book. Seemingly nothing happens after they finish.
Cates freezes in fear as a massive shadow looms over her before she smiles. She has subtitles "It's you!. Get me out of here!"
Max is seen talking to Cates but no voice comes out of him.
"The hell do you mean?
Max takes his role sitting on a throne made out of his own clones who are merciless to resist him, hypnotized by him.
Cates angrily yells at him "Get me out of here!"
He gets off his throne...
he looks at the trapped catgirls like a bunch of kittens trapped in a corner... the shadows show him grabbing them and snapping their necks one by one.
"Heh see if I care."
Cates yells and cries angrily "WHAT KIND OF SICK FUCK ARE YOU?" "NO, NO STAY AWAY"
Max goes back to her
The same looming shadow, but this time Cates' smile is nowhere to be seen.
[Multiple scenes with the person's face being reflected in the sunglasses.]
The music stops...

Minutes later, Cates’ terrified scream echoes, rousing everyone from their sleep.

Anonymous No. 795242

Damn, I really stumbled while piecing together this plot—even as an outline, writing is tough!
God I fucking hate ordering scenes correctly. (this content violates our usage policies) screw you.

"The scream came from this room!"
They burst through the door and are met with a grisly sight—Cates, her arms savagely torn off, lies limp while Max clings to her neck like a predator.
"Who is that?"
Without a word, Max lets her fall to the ground, her body collapsing like a sack of stones. He stands tall, his sunglasses reflecting the stunned group in fractured light, his gaze cold and unfathomable, like some eldritch entity. A low, otherworldly growl rumbles through the room, accompanied by the distant sound of a beating heart.

"Well, it's about time..."
"Oh, it's just a fancier version of Max. Grab him!"

But when they attempt to move, they find themselves rooted to the spot, frozen in place. An unseen weight presses down on them, rendering them powerless, their bodies locked in place, stunned and helpless.

"Ooh, little maid, oh little maid... come to me, little maid," Max murmurs, his voice dripping with menace, an eerie lullaby that chills them to their core.

The painted white haired clone who helped them previously escape is coming to the black suited Max absent-mindedly.
"Him, right?"
The sunglasses reflect Wendy's expression of horror
"Well my dear, you can't have just one side, you must accept all of them or none"
he looks like he's moving away from him before he crushes him to a bloody pulp, all the blood splattering over the group.
The scene reverses a few times.
"What, are we reliving the same scene?

Anonymous No. 795243

"Oh you wanted the nice Max, you sick fuck. You can't have nice Max, nice Max isn't here."
"I really do love your suit, bellboy. It's my second favourite color" he looks like he's moving away from him before he slices his head off and it rolls in front of the group before it explodes in a puddle of blood".
Max looks at Don as his face is uncomfortable, but then eyes Danny.
"What the hell man!!" yells Danny.
Licks the blood off his face.
"Ew god Jesus fucking gross dude!"
"I really do love your suit, bellboy. It's my second favourite color" he looks like he's moving away from him before he slices his head off and it rolls in front of the group before it explodes in a puddle of blood". Bellboy's head.
"I really do love your suit, bellboy. It's my second favourite color" he looks like he's moving away from him before he slices his head off and it rolls in front of the group before it explodes in a puddle of blood" Bellboy's head.
"I really do love your suit, baby Vera. It's my second favourite color" he looks like he's moving away from her before he slices her head off with a katana named Yamato and it rolls in front of the group before it explodes in a puddle of blood" baby Vera's head.
He stares at Wendy's bloody face opens his mouth with his tongue out breathing heavily on her before he leans away and flicks her nose "I don't kiss woodpeckers"
The camera moves to a grown-up Vera "How did I get here?" as Max kisses, makes out and licks the blood off of her face and then also flicks her out of existence.
I wrote something but it isn't funny... I got into the spirit of Halloween kinda early with this one.
You guys and girls still want to read it?
Haha too late you read all of it or if you hate any sense you stopped reading at the half of it.
Truth be told this is why I don't have patience even with writing outlines.

Anonymous No. 795244

There's maybe a decent story in there somewhere, but who's going to have the patience to write it correctly?
Then he takes off his sunglasses revealing his creepy cat eyes.
"You're free to go, I already got what I wanted... if you can survive this"
"Hey Max come here, yes come closer...good"
He snaps his fingers and a bunch of xenomorphs come and kill all the clones, these ones bleeding white stuff out, don't question it.
Danny, Don, Wendy, Toades, are all captured by xenos, stapled to the wall, the entirety of North Park is captured...
Then a xenomorph with the typical woodpecker nose is seen.
Then more and more... the entire town is nothing but xenomorphs with big noses!!
Max's clone in bed wakes up from the nightmare.
"What's the matter sweetie? come back to bed"
"Oh it was nothing... nothing at all..."
9 months later...
A baby is born and and ... it has the Thompson's nose
Wendy wakes up from her nightmare then stares in the bathroom wall sees Max and---
Max wakes up from his nightmare.
A grown adult Max with his wife and his 3 kids
"What's the matter, dad?"
Nothing, nothing. Thank God...

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Anonymous No. 795245

I'm NOT reading that

Anonymous No. 795246

You're GONNA READ THAT! (and you'll regret it)

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Dannyanon No. 795247

Baby park Vera is no-brainer Jonesy roommate/coworker/ possibly ward

Bp Vera: discovered the Multiverse equivalent of a China knock off of Bluey known as Mazey that staring is Mazie (“Mazieby who that guy sounds like a jerk”) she’s hook like any toddler with bluey

Bp Vera: Bitch.

Dannyanon No. 795249

She knows it's stupid and totally hates the fact that she's hooked on it

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Dannyanon No. 795256

It been a while since the ap event kicked off in this universe but ap head is off limits to all but the high priest. these two will be taken before the supreme God

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Dannyanon No. 795263

it been 30 years since Wendy died perhaps he feeling sentimental for her or perhaps his master wants her vessel.

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Dannyanon No. 795266


Anonymous No. 795267

shit I forgot to add the glitch okay she's so scared that it stopped it for a moment

Anonymous No. 795283

Does anyone here remember that one shock video with the tied up rat and a pair of scissors? Imagine that but with Teeny Steve

Anonymous No. 795285

there are ALOT of rat torture videos out there
I'd say be more specific, but I don't feel like reading about Rat cartel videos

Anonymous No. 795300

Everytime I open this thread I yell in my mind North PARKERRUUUUUUUUU in some bad Japanese accent.

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Dannyanon No. 795303

Yeah Danny was too far gone in this timeline the God got the vessel she wanted but they did honor their agreement

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Anonymous No. 795309

Who in North Park?

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Dannyanon No. 795312

Inktober day two discover

After getting a completely different Wendy possessed by an Eldridge God so they may rule over a universe for countless generations they needed to go somewhere lighthearted why not back to baby park

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 795320

Are they goo?

Dannyanon No. 795321

Kind of They've been Twisted into Slimer like ghosts with a remnants of their personalities by the god to serve the high priest

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Leslieanon No. 795323

>"Leslie dear, please go easy on me..."
>"As long as you go easy on the fangs."
>"I'll try."

Dannyanon No. 795324

ula: is that it?

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🗑️ Dannyanon No. 795325

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Dannyanon No. 795326

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Anonymous No. 795329


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Dannyanon No. 795334

Dannyanon No. 795335

nbn Jonesy and BP Vera gets job to go into the universe where's zach became a sports stars and came back to town to be the mayor and is definitely controls the criminal underworld in town to steal a rare first edition Zachary card that he keeps as a price possession

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Anonymous No. 795336

Anonymous No. 795339

The one where it gets its penis cut off

Anonymous No. 795340

a rat circumcision? Now I've heard everything

Anonymous No. 795341

There's also a video of someone allowing a mantis to eat his dick off.

Anonymous No. 795342

self fellatio?!?

Anonymous No. 795344

wait, i just re-read your post.
Fuck, that's disgusting.

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Dannyanon No. 795349

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Dannyanon No. 795353

Dannyanon No. 795354

Danny and wendy made it to her lair way too late and they found her like this

Leslieanon No. 795355

I can see Wendy dragging Danny by the collar as he stammers and blushes up a storm.

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Dannyanon No. 795358


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Dannyanon No. 795365

Mistress Fantasma the queen of the drowned in this au after the ap apocalypse kicked off and all her friends died she kind of snapped and found a magical trident that in her hands would make her god of the 7 Seas
that Danny told her about when he was alive well she found it and killed ap also flooded the planet.

Nb Jonesy and Bp Vera came to steal one of her cassette tapes that is very rare even in the Multiverse their escape wasn’t as quiet as they hoped

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Dannyanon No. 795366

it’s been a while Vera…. you’re much younger than I remember.

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Dannyanon No. 795367


Dannyanon No. 795381

I think Jonesy gonna have to leave BP Vera there not that Vera is complaining

nbn Jonesy's adventures have a revolving door type cast who knows who'll join her next

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Leslieanon No. 795395

Part of Halloween event in a server I'm in, "Turn your OCs into monsters". Had to put Leslie in.

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Dannyanon No. 795447

inktober day three Jonesy found herself in a universe where North Park and the surrounding towns near shrunk to where everyone is around 1 inch tall after an event that no one but teacup and Danny know about. to keep them safe from natural predators and make a quick tourist trap Buck. Danny and teacup made a very tiny city in a building next to the château

Well that was in 1997 and it’s been 27 years since then they’re still tiny Posie became a dictator/pope ( dedicated to a trinity of goddesses that is Jonesy less and Ula) in the city. While Vera and Hansel are sort of in control of criminal underground/the total legitimate transportation business control, the hidden underground catacombs that Hansel rats transport things throughout the city. Vera’s vampire Society and Hansel’s rat pack are at each other’s throats but Posey has been keeping them civil until Lydia decides to start a rebellion and all of Posey’s attention is on squashing it which means it’s time for a gang war

Jonesy only needs to get a six pack of koola kola which is in Hansel fridge has been there for 27 years which he is not willing to part with. Also, she’s not that big in the story she’s their size her suit let her shrink down so she can get it.

Dannyanon No. 795448

Danny and teacup made them a model City because it'll be interesting (for the paying customers) for them to be there and live in I imagine doctor toades and Maria cyberpunked it up

I imagine Hansel after gaining power just became Kingpin

Les gained goddess status because she brings them fish daily not their size fish but like normal size fish so she's feeding like thousands of people

Jonesy gained goddess status because she fixes their Electronics that they need to survive like their heat lamps and keeps it running in case of blackouts and such

ula gained goddess status because a lot of people chose to become vampires and whenever small animals which are massive to them break into their enclosure the vampire populous act like fire ants and just swarm the creature and she's seen as their head vampire so might as well just make her a goddess since they need her and she isn't challenging Posey status also a trinity is better than just two so why not

The government at one point thought they could turn this into a Escape From New York type situation so they just transferred a bunch of prisoners from all over the country and had Danny shrink them down and put them into the enclosure the ones that didn't shape up were eaten almost immediately eaten by the vampires and the ones that survived either became Posey followers joined Lydia/ rulf rebellion or just act like normal citizens

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Dannyanon No. 795451

Leslie became a nun to the three divine she’s under Ula branch since they have a connection. Calico ( Danny and teacup eldest daughter at 18 ish year old in this timeline) or cali for short who is Nb Jonesy‘s travel companion for this adventure she is constantly hitting on nun Leslie every time they happen to pass her

Dannyanon No. 795454

calico was very sheltered by Danny and teacup because they didn't want her making the same mistakes they did especially shrinking the entire fucking County. she found their life of Hotel servicing and Tiny City Maintenance super boring so when nb Jonesy came in looking to go into the tiny city to grab some soda she was intrigued when Danny refused to let that happen she may made a deal to sneak her in if she promised to take her with her

Anonymous No. 795466

Slappy's rising suspicion in the fact that more and more people want him specifically to watch Joker 2.

Dannyanon No. 795468

I imagine beansie died in teeny Park by being crushed by her own Lego statues in an earthquake

Leslieanon No. 795498

Nice open slits on the side

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Anonymous No. 795503

>It's October and no one's mentioned her yet

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Dannyanon No. 795505

And so their teeny adventure begins. Teacup found a way to reverse the spade job dr. Cates did on her

Leslieanon No. 795506

You dare invoke her name?

Is that gm_flatgrass?

Dannyanon No. 795507

She's the reason Vera doesn't leave the catacombs on Halloween because that bitch got a score to settle between them (long story don't ask) and she only got Halloween to do it

It's the house of the tiny City number one tourist destination right next to the second Grand Canyon not as big as the first one it just appeared one day an entire County shrunken down small enough to fit in an entire room

Danny and teacup story is they were fighting a little outside of town and then a green flash happen shrinking the entire County they were lucky they weren't in the Blast Zone.

What really happened was that Danny had an amulet that could shrink things. Danny was using it to shrink everyone and everything in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep so he would be tall and teacup wanted to do it too and they were fighting over it and they made something really little so they were like we can even it out and they kept the trying to even things out until the entire County was shrunken they haven't told anyone this

but the government figured it out and blackmails them into taking prisoners and keeping them in the tiny City free of charge but that program ended for reasons

Anonymous No. 795509

Who is she gonna seduce into her Halloween town orgy this year?

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Dannyanon No. 795511

She’s very awkward and bad at flirting

Leslieanon No. 795512

>"Dude, why do you have less rizz than AN AUTISTIC NUN!?!"

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Anonymous No. 795516

Dannyanon No. 795517

she was very sheltered and have dr Cates DNA ( teacups a half clone so she's kinda her daughter)

Dannyanon No. 795530

a certain honey badger themed vigilante pops up in the slums of teeny Park (outside the wall where those who refuse to submit to posie rule lives ) to take down the waterfall sharks whose been stealing food from the residents recently after a change in management she gets the help of Jonesy and calico after seeing them take out a army of ants with their sci-fi guns in exchange she'll get them in the wall

Anonymous No. 795560

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Dannyanon No. 795565

Was drawing a blank on what to draw today so here’s my Inktober day 5

Leslieanon No. 795569

>Halloween Specials, 3 parts, each standard episode in length
>"If Simpsons can do it, so can we!"
>Anthology episode, similar to Treehouse of Horror.
>More or less retelling horror stories, but with North Park.
>The framing device is Teeny Steeve reading books out loud to the audience.
>The Cask of Amontillado, with Danny as Montresor and Chaz as Fortunato
>Metamorphosis, with Jerry as Gregor Samsa
>Frankenstein, With Maria as Victor and Mac Tonight as the monster

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Dannyanon No. 795571

Yes her tail is a extendable, and retractable third arm she inherit her freaky mutant nature from her mom though noticeable different ways

Dannyanon No. 795573

She's really self-conscious about the tail

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Dannyanon No. 795600

I’m going do a big project with no brain Jonesy calico and a few others

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Dannyanon No. 795607

Something something pulp fiction reference Inktober day 6

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Leslieanon No. 795624

>"What, can't handle my rizz?"
>(They have ZERO RIZZ, worse than Calico) >(absolute bottom slut, worse than Bennett)

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Dannyanon No. 795625

Dannyanon No. 795626

>Worse rizz than calico
that’s impossible

Leslieanon No. 795628

They fold the moment you hit on them, and they can't dish it back.

Dannyanon No. 795629

Calico the kind of person that won’t realize you’re hitting on her until hours if not days later

Dannyanon No. 795630

You have to be as subtle as a nuclear bomb for her to know if you like her and the pick up game is absolute horrible you wouldn’t know if she’s hitting her on you or trying to sell you a used car

Anonymous No. 795637

I can still hear his voice, will he ever come back?

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Dannyanon No. 795650

Anonymous No. 795657

We need to create a thriving environment to support artists. What do artists want? attention (and also their own room or their own apartment to record in.)
Also we don't really attract artists despite often being on the first page on /i/.

Anonymous No. 795662

Nice catch Danny anon. Many musician have a unique design for their instruments so it nice to see Robert having a unique guitar. It will be cool if we get to see the other music lover instrument design like rosliland, Dorothy, posie, Asimov and Hansel

Dannyanon No. 795663

I think South Park OC scares away a lot of people

I want to include posing on the drums but I ran out of space

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Dannyanon No. 795673

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Dannyanon No. 795674

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Dannyanon No. 795689

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Dannyanon No. 795690


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Leslieanon No. 795726

>"Thanks for the help Ula, we needed it."
>"No problem, my dears... We still playing Minecraft after this?"
>"Yeah, no duh."

Anonymous No. 795727

who's the futa?

Leslieanon No. 795728

Left is Leslie, right is Alex

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Dannyanon No. 795729

She tried to invite one more

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 795733

Dannyanon No. 795750

episode where ck gets addicted to galaxy gas

Anonymous No. 795753

Hey Danny when are you getting a hot blonde to fuck your brains out?

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 795760

What do you guys think?

Anonymous No. 795761

More google docs for what we have on the wikipedia? I like it. We need to eventually go to another wiki that isn't so leftist that it doesn't even allow us to say nigger.

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Leslieanon No. 795763

I think I found Lisa's Dad? Mom?

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Dannyanon No. 795785

What spooked them

Dannyanon No. 795786

Someone swapped out all their junk food with healthy food

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Anonymous No. 795794

Max giving his love to the less fortunate. In reality they'd be happy for a pretty prep boy to give them the D, let alone the full XPerience.

So not sure who he'd be apologizing to here. Who'd be insane enough to not want to be fucked by Max? straight men pretending to be girls on Second Life most likely.

Leslieanon No. 795815

Max, I saw you insult them to their faces, no one likes that.

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Anonymous No. 795824

I’m not into race mixing you filthy mixed breed mutt

Leslieanon No. 795825


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Dannyanon No. 795844

Sometimes two flavors are better than one

Anonymous No. 795850

>no one likes that.
Speak for yourself you non faggot. If Stacy insulted you and that meant hot sex afterwards you'd accept it ten fold.

Leslieanon No. 795862

Oh please, I hate Stacys with a passion.

Dannyanon No. 795955

oh shit it's Vera's birthday

Dannyanon No. 795984

episode where mac tonight's would be assassin breaks out a third but get stopped by Elmer

Dannyanon No. 795985

*breaks out to try a third time

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Dannyanon No. 795997

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Dannyanon No. 796020

Leslieanon No. 796027

She looks squishy

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Anonymous No. 796033

>no more /GD/ anons

Anonymous No. 796040

We should relocate the wiki to something that allows us to say nigger till we don't wake up with the fanwiki 404'd because North Park is too risque.

Dannyanon No. 796045

you know any place we could look into?

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 796064

What about Googles Docs?

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Leslieanon No. 796069

>"Hey, not to bother anyone, but can someone help me?"

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Anonymous No. 796080

>Hey there little Leslie.
>Im here to help since I decided by be a surgeon today
>Let me just pull it right off and your all be good
>(does not wash hands, wear gloves or use pain killer or clothes)

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 796082

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Dannyanon No. 796234

Leslieanon No. 796245

>"No thanks, I'd rather get a tetanus shot from Max..."

Anonymous No. 796258

Isn't Google even more anal about politically incorrect stuff?

Anonymous No. 796276

If the thread dies today it might be a bit longer before I can make the next one so don’t worry about it being missing in the meantime

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 796287

idk Why?

Leslieanon No. 796295

Who's the largest anal slut here?

ObjectOverblast2017 No. 796296

Why you ask me?

Leslieanon No. 796297

I'm not just asking you, I'm asking anyone here, which of the characters is the largest anal slut.

Anonymous No. 796300

I mean... Bennett is RIGHT there...

Dannyanon No. 796304

Bennett, calamari(? does he have a butt) and Missy

Leslieanon No. 796305

Oh, yeah, the town Gay, forgot about him.

He'd have to have a butt, he's a living creature, he has an anus.