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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 798335

I really like my OC Patricia :3 That's why I made a softcore [and weird] gif starring her.

I will update this thread as I make more gifs.

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Anonymous No. 798336

Another autistic gif.

Anonymous No. 798343

I laughed, keep going (insert thumbs up emoji here).

Anonymous No. 798348

Thanks dear anon! I'll try to make an animation like this every day.

Anonymous No. 798354


Anonymous No. 798356

There isn’t enough consistency in the emotions
These need more in between emotions

Anonymous No. 798362

Yes, I think I understand what you mean. What you're pointing out can especially be seen in the second gif [the one with the girl being undressed by the 'balloon-thief']. This is because that gif wasn’t originally planned as a mini-animation; it started as a small loop, and I added scenes to it on the fly. That’s why it lacks overall consistency.

In the next gifs I'll aim for better planning.

Anonymous No. 798402

Looking forward to them!

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Anonymous No. 799860

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Anonymous No. 799862

Anonymous No. 800047


Anonymous No. 803109

i like your oc too and i want it to stick around

Anonymous No. 803114

Why do you prolong inevitable death? Sometimes you have to let things go... :c

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Anonymous No. 803609

sorry i like to hold on to things i like. there isn't a lot of funny sexies out there and even less exhibitionism stuff so i felt pretty blessed with this one. if you're the artist and want me to let it die, i'll let it die.

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 804226

She's got charm to her. I like how intensely embarrassed she gets once she crosses past her comfort zone. The faces are great. The one criticism I have, from a writing perspective: don't have her care so much if she's got bush. It awkwardly takes things from cheeky to crude.

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Anonymous No. 804339

But what is wrong with crude? i say this as one who likes what OP has presented and would like to see more of the same

Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 804342


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Anonymous No. 804366

Love your stuff anon. It gave me an idea for a little story with "Patricia". I hope you don't mind that I add these few comic pages to your thread.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 804442


I've always felt that fanart is one of the purest and most genuine ways to show appreciation for someone… like smiling with fondness at improbable metaphysical children... So it honestly makes me really happy to know that you all see my silly drawings with kindness.

I'm just a small artist, so every bit of love you show me becomes a core memory – And yes, I’ve saved all your drawings!

I don’t want to see you just as spectators – which is the usual thing in mainstream creative spaces – but more like friends. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything—I’ll help however I can!

I’m really flattered that my character inspired such a detailed comic. You have a pretty unique style, and I think it fits Patricia’s design really well :P. I’m super curious to see how the story unfolds—I just hope the ending is more 'sensual' than 'painful' for Patricia [?] I care about her so much!

> I hope you don't mind that I add these few comic pages to your thread.

And no worries at all! In a way, you’re helping bring some life back to this somewhat abandoned thread... @_@

>if you're the artist and want me to let it die, i'll let it die.
It's just that... I don't like to artificially prolong threads... and I thought no one was interested in these animations.

>don't have her care so much if she's got bush. It awkwardly takes things from cheeky to crude.

Oh, do you really think pubic hair is that vulgar? x_x Since my intention is to create softcore content, I take that factor very seriously! Any extra thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Picrel: An old animation I hadn’t shared in this thread.

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Anonymous No. 804443


I've always felt that fanart is one of the purest and most genuine ways to show appreciation for someone… like smiling with fondness at improbable metaphysical children... So it honestly makes me really happy to know that you all see my silly drawings with kindness.

I'm just a small artist, so every bit of love you show me becomes a core memory – And yes, I’ve saved all your drawings!

I don’t want to see you just as spectators – which is the usual thing in mainstream creative spaces – but more like friends. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything—I’ll help however I can!

I’m really flattered that my character inspired such a detailed comic. You have a pretty unique style, and I think it fits Patricia’s design really well :P. I’m super curious to see how the story unfolds—I just hope the ending is more 'sensual' than 'painful' for Patricia [?] I care about her so much!

> I hope you don't mind that I add these few comic pages to your thread.

And no worries at all! In a way, you’re helping bring some life back to this somewhat abandoned thread... @_@

>if you're the artist and want me to let it die, i'll let it die.
It's just that... I don't like to artificially prolong threads... and I thought no one was interested in these animations.

>don't have her care so much if she's got bush. It awkwardly takes things from cheeky to crude.

Oh, do you really think pubic hair is that vulgar? x_x Since my intention is to create softcore content, I take that factor very seriously! Any extra thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Picrel: An old animation I hadn’t shared in this thread.

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Anonymous No. 804454

Page 2 done. I'm glad you liked it! Don't worry the ending will be sensual, but it will take two more pages I think. Three if I go for the "extra sensual" ending lol.
About that other bushy pubic hair discussion, I have an idea for that. I'll have to do another comic for that one. It's gonna be weird tho heh heh...

Anonymous No. 804565

Thank you so much for this, you're really quick at drawing. I wish I could draw this fast.

It's interesting that you say you like my drawings, especially since they're so vanilla.Compared to your drawings, mine are so innocent :P

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Anonymous No. 804590

Thank you anon! Yeah, I could be way faster if I wasn't occupied and distracted by the usual daily routine shit. That's why I developed this simple style. I just want to draw stories. Any kind of sexy story that crosses my mind, just for fun. This is the only doable way.

You did a little gif animation about a sexy spy, who was caught and tortured by making her horny. That's the thing that called my attention. I really liked that concept. That "edging" mind play. It seems like you have a lot of things you want to explore with your art. That inspire me to trow some fuel into that fire lol. This little comic will take at least two pages more I think, maybe three.

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Anonymous No. 804608

why would someone who didn't care about your animations bump your thread?

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)

Anonymous No. 804628

LMAO this is great

Anonymous No. 804664


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Patricial launch.gif

Anonymous No. 804687

I love her reactions so much

Anonymous No. 804792

Made me laugh!

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Anonymous No. 804816

Nice drawings, thank you very much. Sorry for not replying earlier, but... I'm quite introverted.

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Anonymous No. 804845

you are appreciated, you are loved

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Anonymous No. 804847

Page 4, I'm calculating that it would take three more pages to end this story.
Are you OP? Don't feel forced to engage in feedback or anything, on my case I'm just having a lot of fun doing this little project/thing, and I just want to finish this short comic. It won't take much longer.

Anonymous No. 805402

Great stuff!
Dialogue needs a bit of work though.