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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 799672

my thread
a thread died for this shit sorry

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Anonymous No. 799690

Anonymous No. 799700

Did you ever get any results from the hospital? Are you feeling any better?

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Anonymous No. 799714

some visits left

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Anonymous No. 800271

i probably wont make it
soulless shitty drawings nobody cares
no talent lazy drawings too awful it has style of nothing and devoid of any emotion dry and soulless like cement block

Anonymous No. 800272

im making nobody happy

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Anonymous No. 800273

did you make the original picrel was from?
what was the original about?

Anonymous No. 800275

im not im
no t i did not make anything of reusable value

SillyRoachGirl No. 800277


Anonymous No. 800279

always been fond of your style, keep it in mind often in my own art. even if you feel its "lazy" or "soulless", I know a lot of people like your way of drawing characters.

Also shes so cute!

Anonymous No. 800435


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Anonymous No. 800441

So tiny, so cute!

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Anonymous No. 800589


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Anonymous No. 800604


Anonymous No. 800605

Any guides on how to draw dicks?

Anonymous No. 800606

what do you mean

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Anonymous No. 800767


Anonymous No. 800804

Pretty hot looking Dark skinned cuties

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스크린샷 2025-01-01 1....png

Anonymous No. 802175

my health is shit again, all the same places
im more and more scared about it being serious problem that might kill me
made appoinments and hopefully i can figure it out and get it fixed

have this silly drawing alongside

Anonymous No. 802176

i'd do such ungodly things if i had a tight little fail male gf like that

Anonymous No. 802299

would you mind describing the symptoms?

Anonymous No. 802303

Reminds me of minus8's stuff.

Anonymous No. 802337

are you a doctor

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Anonymous No. 802646

i wish i get railed out of nowhere
that would pleasure people right?

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스크린샷 2025-02-06 0....png

Anonymous No. 803650

feeling sick and there are not good signs
i hope i can visit hospital as soon as possible

Anonymous No. 803682

You're sick in more ways than one.
I love your style. Im going to miss you, king.

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Anonymous No. 803688

it's not like im going to die tomorrow
i have time to fix whatever it is

Anonymous No. 803689

drink more water and get more sunlight
vitamin D deficiency can cause a lotta problems
Also excercise

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Anonymous No. 803690

also i am putting some stuff alongside with reply

Anonymous No. 803693

glad to get updates. and more art as always.

wishing the best for you, pal

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Anonymous No. 803804

personal experience

Anonymous No. 803806


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Anonymous No. 803854


Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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Anonymous No. 804348

still sick
bit scared

Anonymous No. 804349

what do you use for animation

Anonymous No. 804351

i use animate

Anonymous No. 804362

Bro ...
Dump the archives somewhere. Don't let the work die with you.

Anonymous No. 804382


Anonymous No. 804391

it hurts

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Anonymous No. 804419


Anonymous No. 804458

you're so cute

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Anonymous No. 804495

i want pizza

Anonymous No. 804496

What kind of pizza?

Anonymous No. 804497

idk, something bit greasy with lots of pepperoni
it's not like i can clear more than 4 pieces anyways

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Anonymous No. 804525


Anonymous No. 804527

Her face is cute! Is she based off of anything?

Anonymous No. 804528

nothing in particular
homeless girl spirit in around 11th century i guess

Anonymous No. 804540

Whats your favorite yaoguai/yokai story? Urban legend? Does Korea have a lot of it?

Anonymous No. 804542

DДДДДYUM, I love the nailgun, and this is generally some solid concept art imo, it's very clear that she's a girly engineer without proper ranged weapons. Do you have other classes in mind?

Anonymous No. 804545

there are many i like, cant really pick one and there are a lot
the style is very poor
every drawings i made lacks the feeling i want them to ahve
maybe something machine shop?

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Anonymous No. 804546


Anonymous No. 804547

A feeling? Like an emotion, or some sort of an overarching aesthetic feeling? I think you are experiencing perfectionism, my friend!

I didn't get what you said about the machine shop :D

Anonymous No. 804548

the two things were separate things
machine shop thing was my answer to the question, not about the feeling
i cant show how much i appreciate this

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Anonymous No. 804576

not feeling good

Anonymous No. 804577

Sorry, you’re not feeling good. What’s wrong? Headaches?

Anonymous No. 804578

this drawing fucks

🗑️ Anonymous No. 804579

and, (You), are a faggot

Anonymous No. 804580

isnt 'fucks' the opposite of 'sucks'

Anonymous No. 804581

i misread, therefore (I) am the faggot.

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Anonymous No. 804583

oh no what i s happening

Дnon No. 804598

My guess about the machine shop is you're probably referring to another anon's question about urban legends. I'm a different anon

Anonymous No. 804614

i thought i quoted wrong for minutes
it is for another girl

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Anonymous No. 804631

do anyone use titanum nib
does it really harm pressure sensitivity?

Anonymous No. 804634

It messes with it a bit, but if you are tired of the plastic nibs wearing down then the titanium ones are worth it. If the new sensitivity messes with you too much, you could try messing with the pen pressure settings.

Anonymous No. 804635

but i heard the harm is irreversible and pens are expensive
i already have a titanium nib but i am refrained from using it because of this

Anonymous No. 804636

Oh, yeah! Thank you for reminding me. They do tend to scratch screens, so you might want to also invest in a screen protector (if they are available for what tablet you use). Otherwise, I have had no issues so far.

Anonymous No. 804637

no no i dont mean tablet surface
i meant the pressure messup
i use screenless and dont care about the surface

Anonymous No. 804639

Oh, sorry my bad. Personally, I have not faced anything irreversible. With the titanium I do have to adjust the default pen pressure settings, but nothing is permanently changed. No need to worry.
I’d say give it a test run of 15 minutes and see how you like it.

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Anonymous No. 804642

it rattles :s

Anonymous No. 804643

Darn :(. Back to plastic then?

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Anonymous No. 804644

before i can figure things out

Anonymous No. 804648

i want to fast forward 6 months worth of time
i just want to skip the sickness
idk :s

Anonymous No. 804653

my drawings suck
they have weird color, almost colorblind
not a single one of them has finished lines
no proper education, no nothing
they look awkward even
makes me mad

Anonymous No. 804654

fucks means your work is awesome. it’s an american saying.

Anonymous No. 804655

i know
and mine doesnt
those sucks

Anonymous No. 804656

nothing wrong with posting doodles from time to time and i like the look of your segmented lines desu. do you have any personal goals for your art?

Anonymous No. 804657

i want to make pretty things but i can't

Anonymous No. 804658

might sound like a stupid question, but what do you consider to be pretty things?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 804659

soft and smooth causing fear

Anonymous No. 804660


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Anonymous No. 804682

havent drawn much recently
hard to draw

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Anonymous No. 804771


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Anonymous No. 804959


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스크린샷 2025-02-26 1....png

Anonymous No. 804988

i visit hospital tomorrow
i wish i can skip tomorrow entirely

Anonymous No. 805010

are you -8 by any chance?

Anonymous No. 805011

Praying it’s good news, OP.

Anonymous No. 805012

No shit dude

Anonymous No. 805040

got rejected because of hr shortage due to protests
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 805041

Wtf? They’re allowed to do that in there? That seems dangerous…

Anonymous No. 805042

it wasnt like this like about year ago but because of some political bullshit residents are in an indefinite strike
i have to get more precise diagnose prior, which was why i was headed to there to start with and even if i had a precise diagnose if it's something trivial they would reject me

Anonymous No. 805043

I’m so sorry, OP. That fucking sucks. I have no idea what exactly is causing the political strikes over there, but please stay safe and i hope they can take you in soon.

Anonymous No. 805044

yes.. politics or whatever i just want this to be fixed as soon as possible

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Anonymous No. 805213


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Anonymous No. 805353

not finishing anything these days
i am too lazy

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Anonymous No. 805566


Anonymous No. 805567

Well then welcome back, take care of yourself and wasn't expecting to see a familiar face around again. Thinking of you friend and happy to see you're still fighting hard to take care of yourself

Anonymous No. 805596

are you "wamu(draws)" ?
if yes, i admire your art!
if no, i admire your art nonetheless :3