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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 803000

/i/ General Drawthread

>Keep your request(s) and reference images to one post
>Since /i/s not a themed board, we aren't restricted by subject or theme -- Anything goes!
>Get creative with you requests
>Drawfriends, don't hold back
>No AI deliveries
>Have Fun!

Anonymous No. 803001

>Board full of artists
>Board not restricted to characters/images with any particular art style
>Board's drawthreads aren't restricted by theme/subject matter

Why wouldn't /i/ have the best general drawthreads on 4chan? Is it just the low traffic?

Anonymous No. 803002

Everyone just kind of does their own thing and slow board.

Anonymous No. 803003

It's a fragile ecosystem. Artists with fringe and conflicting interest may feel yucky posting along side one another. Users on /i/ recognize each other based on style and technique, sometimes this causes rivalries, conflicts, and grievances.

Time will only tell how it all turns out. I hope everything goes well.

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baby (1).png

Anonymous No. 803004

everyone in the universe should draw samantha chewbone

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Anonymous No. 803005

requesting hot and cute hippie girl(s), doin hippie girl shit like playing in some mud, or putting flowers in each other's hair, or changing shirts at a hippie festival behind a hippie van, or being chased by 60's riot police.

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Lois einhorn ray ....png

Anonymous No. 803006

Lois einhorn getting spanked with a old school paddle

Anonymous No. 803008

I'll draw something for the thread tomorrow to keep things poppin

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SSR 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 803013

Would like to request Chocolat Meilleure from Sugar Sugar Rune, more references:

For the global idea: she's sitting on a flying broom, fully nude (so no witch hat) the point of view will be slightly under her, so we can see her feet and one of her sole, the global idea would be something like this Gura picture

And to give more details about my idea:.

I would like her looking at the viewer, and do the V sign in front of one of her eyes while winking, something like this , I did a stickman "sketch" to give you a global idea (don't judge me, I don't know how to draw) .

For the boobs size, small but not totally flat, something like these


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Anonymous No. 803030

Draw a bimbo getting a bikini ticket. Or just looking sort of weepy as she's ticketed for public indecency.

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Anonymous No. 803031

Requesting a puritan woman giving dutiful felatio.

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Anonymous No. 803039

requesting some wild hyneeners fighting over a piece of meat.

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HGS request.png

Anonymous No. 803089

Requesting High Guardian Spice from /i/ holding the Yami Yami no Mi.

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Anonymous No. 803091

board for people of any skill level to draw things. there's no need to ask other people to draw it for you, and definitely no need for this

Anonymous No. 803092

>there's no need to ask other people to draw it for you
I'm a drawfag of sorts, and there's few things I enjoy more than looking at other people's art. Isn't that pretty much the point of this board - draw and look at drawings?

Anonymous No. 803101

diy drawing board, this is more or less what the board is and a chain of replies with no actual organic newly created pieces are nothing but glorified bump threads.

Anonymous No. 803103

>a chain of replies with no actual organic newly created pieces are nothing but glorified bump threads

That's a valid complaint, but considering this board barely moves it's not exactly like a bunch of hot happening threads are getting bumped out of the way. Most current threads still have posts from late 2023 to early 2024 in them and there's like a week between replies.

Anonymous No. 803104

How does it even get this fat?

Anonymous No. 803117

>draw and look at drawings
okay, but they're not drawing, and they're not looking at the drawings. It's a potluck and hobos are showing up empty handed and complaining they want different food.

Anonymous No. 803120

I enjoy other people's art here and I have myself drawn very crappy art in some threads here, if an anon does a request thread I'll use it as a chance to potentially get something done. Ironically enough no other draw threads will accept it and in fact always causes extreme drama which honestly I don't really don't understand considering comparing to other requests which are always more explicit shall we say? Idk I simply don't get why that happens, if it doesn't get done I'll take the L and see if another thread on down the line pops up, a lot of times a thread will be full of replies utterly seething about it and I genuinely don't get why there's such a volatile response considering other requests will be like hard-core stuff and that's not even including /d/ cause we'll that speaks for itself. I'll say it's not so much the character itself its really just simply the pose and I guess concept of the scene of being exposed that does it for me. /blog

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Hyena fight over ....png

Anonymous No. 803218

They may be wild... but they're highly trained in the ring.

Anonymous No. 803219

Not OR, It looks great. Nice work.

Anonymous No. 803220

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 803448

lol tysm! love it

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Anonymous No. 803531

requesting jimmy urine morbidly obese, covered in mystery stains, stuffing his face full of chimichangas.

Anonymous No. 805022

bro she looks like a kid

Anonymous No. 805024

Requesting more of OPs pic but wider

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yeah and GB.jpg

Anonymous No. 805047
