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n1k0 No. 803233

W3ll, 1'm g01ng t0 p0st th1s 4g41n, b3c4us3 1 g0t b4nn3d 0n3 d4y f0r my 2nd 03k4k1 T__T(but th1s t1m3, 1t's censured 1 th1nk) (4nd n0t, 1 d0n't w4nn4 h34r/s33 y0u 1nsult1ng m3, 4nd y34h, 1 kn0w wh4t t0 d0, 1 just w4nt3d p0st th1ngs (눈‸눈).)

Anonymous No. 803242

you must be 18+ to post on 4chan + your art is awful

Anonymous No. 803263

get off 4chan you fucking child

Anonymous No. 803267

Stay on 4chan king.
Keep improving, never give up

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Anonymous No. 803273

please, write like a normal people.
i'm not asking for much, am i?