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🧵 Blimbo dump

Anonymous No. 804691

anyone from /co/ remember her and his friend?

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Anonymous No. 804692

an abrupt juxtaposition

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Anonymous No. 804693

here's doodle and his hot girlfriend (and blimbo)

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doodles unwashed ....png

Anonymous No. 804696

in a comic made by an anon glimbo once said "Doodle's dick smells like smoked ham."

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bimbo and his frenn.png

Anonymous No. 804697

my initial sketch of blimbo & his friend, or "indie animation" blimbo as one anon called it

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ive seen alot of ....png

Anonymous No. 804698

two friends engaging in friendly activities

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Anonymous No. 804707


Anonymous No. 804719

Yeah, I remember. /co/ was trying to make a full collaborative project with it, like a short animation or comic but no one could agree on a single vision so the concept just spun its wheels for a few threads before interest died down.

Anonymous No. 804727

I should still have the 2 cartoons they did for it. I'll post them if I can find them.

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DPsad blim.png

Anonymous No. 804752

it's really unfortunately to me how it sorta never went anywhere, plus that one drawfag who did the comics definitely carried most of the theads

i'm in posession of the flas and assets thank to blimbo's va owning an archive i'm already doing a bunch of shit for people but one day I might make my own contribution

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mr senior and co.png

Anonymous No. 804753

really low effort doodle of Mr. senior, brick and skyger waving hello and not doing any sort of salute

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Anonymous No. 804819

age of blimboltron

Anonymous No. 804849

Who drew that ref pic? I wanna see that yellow thing gooning more

Anonymous No. 804866

Warppig drew that in one of the threads

Anonymous No. 804877

can anyone tell me what this is about?

Anonymous No. 804882

Blimbo and His Friend are characters created by an anon on /co/ during the summer of 2024 as the main characters of a cartoon that /co/ would create in the same vein as /v/‘s original game I Wanni Hug That Gator. These characters would be worked on for a couple of weeks creating new characters to go along with them including their roommate Doodle, doppelgängers of the main cast, random one offs for episodes, and a lot of concepts for episodes with at least 2 shorts made based on the ideas. Most of the threads were filled with art of the characters and ideas for new ones alongside comics made by multiple anon to help develop the concepts and give examples of what they could look like.

Anonymous No. 804887

thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 805030

making a blimbo toon is still in the backburner of my mind but if i ever come around to doing one should they be one of the following
A) something original
B) short animations based on the comics
C) extensions of the first 2

Anonymous No. 805045


Anonymous No. 805046

my bad for empty message
I would love to see animation

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Anonymous No. 805108

other blimbs from drawpile