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๐Ÿงต Origin of all matter and energy

Anonymous No. 16057310

>Different fields span our entire universe
>Excitations of these fields produce the particles we see, like ripples on a water surface
What if the big bang was our set of fields smacking into another set of fields outside our universe, causing a massive excitation of all the fields creating all the matter and energy in our universe?

Like 2 big sheets of metal having their broad sides smacked against each other, producing a thunderous clang.

Rate my idea.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16057316

>dude i totally know everything about the entire universe!!!!

Anonymous No. 16057328

It was just a thought, basedGOD

Anonymous No. 16057533

""Particles"" are not really a thing, but rather atomistic (materialist reductionist) abstractions of the unified field

The (apt) ocean analogy has been regurgitated a gazillion times

You have not discovered anything new here OP