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Anonymous No. 16057477

Where can I find doctors willing to estimate my fluid intelligence from a brain MRI? I tried in Thailand and he got super angry. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm a narcissist or just a depressed genius. Yes the latter is extremely unlikely by the way I write but I want my brain evaluated.

Anonymous No. 16057523

reeks of insecurity

Anonymous No. 16057573

I want my brain evaluated. I've accomplished nothing in 28 years. Of course I'm insecure. Do you hate me for that, anon? You're completely unwilling to look at my MRIs because I'm insecure?

Anonymous No. 16057577

I just want to be told by an expert that I have average intelligence and all this suffering in academics in my life was trying to swim upstream, not depression. But nobody helps with this shit because God forbid I'm actually intelligent AND narcissistic, can't feed that.

Anonymous No. 16057580

a narcissist wouldnt need a quack to look at his MRI and tell him he's a smart boy
you are just a victim of being called gifted without earning it

Anonymous No. 16057584

K so I'm below average intelligence and I should just work in a warehouse? I'm perfectly fine with that but is it really impossible to just look at my brain and guess if it's worth still trying

I sincerely hope you never get clinical depression. You have zero idea

Anonymous No. 16058049

A simpler solition is to accomplish something worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be some grandiose aspiration.

Anonymous No. 16058064

Why would you try to estimate it from an MRI when a test would be more accurate? Do this and post results. Read the instructions

sage No. 16058737

this board is such an underage kanker its unreadable