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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16059509

How do we cure *general* 4chan-retardation?

Cite sources and provide evidence.

Anonymous No. 16059511

You can't, it's tied to how the forum operates.

Anonymous No. 16059516

Some 4chan-retardation can be regarded insolent silliness, but full-blown stupidity is often the culprit of thread derailment, in the form of depressed sounding insults and confusion. 4chan-retardation is a lot of the time confused with actual, severe brain retardation.

Evidence: sci
Source: it came to me on sci.

Anonymous No. 16059519


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Anonymous No. 16059526

4chan used to be the bottom tier of intelligence but it's actually solidly in the middle now that other sites started monetizing retardation

Cult of Fashion No. 16059528


Anonymous No. 16059540

>I hate 4chan
go somewhere else
then you won't have to be so upset all the time, its that easy

Anonymous No. 16059621

by perma banning you OP

source: (you)

Anonymous No. 16059678

faulty generalisation is something a lot of people seem to do
A /sci/ related example would be those people who keep posting things to try and make science look bad. For example they'll post a professor who was caught plagiarising, then maybe a few weeks later they'll post a new professor that is caught plagiarising. They seem to think they're totally owning science and making it look totally discredited, but they're ignoring the fact there's over 100,000 professors in the US alone. It's like a complete lack of understanding of appropriate sample sizes

On /pol/ people constantly post pictures of trannys, a lot of the time the same ones over and over. Then they seem to think they're completely surrounded by trannys in the real world because they're seeing them so much on /pol/ when in reality most people on the board have probably never even seen one before in real life. Same faulty generalisation problem

I don't know how you fix that. I've tried explaining to some people and some of them were even claiming faulty generalisation is a feminist conspiracy and doesn't even exist.

It's like the backfire effect
If you tell someone they're wrong about something they believe they will often reject what you're saying and believe the wrong thing even more, even if you provide proof of what you're saying. The cause of it is unknown

Anonymous No. 16059684

It appeared to me in a dream.

Anonymous No. 16059902

Sterilization or gas chambers. Call it.

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Anonymous No. 16059904

total tranny death

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trannycrat regime.jpg

Anonymous No. 16059906

You are wrong and also a tranny.

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El Arcón No. 16059907

>how do we stop dancing around this fucking cow that we absolutely won't stop dancing around?

Anonymous No. 16059915

Kek. This has to be high effort trolling or I can't even.

Anonymous No. 16059943

This is a great example of faulty generalisation. Your picture has like 8 trannys in it or something. There's 350 million people in the US. That picture is meaningless and only serves to show that Joe Biden loves trannys

Anonymous No. 16059945

Can you elaborate?

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biden trannies.png

Anonymous No. 16059946

that makes is an accurate generalization thoughever

Anonymous No. 16060035

Internet has been flooded with slave masses. If you want to "fix", what does that even mean in the first place? 1990's internet? 2000's internet? More common sense general public? Higher biological iq for collective? If you want to FIX internet and 4chan dysgenic material, you must cull invalid material, conditioned or genetic. Issue surpasses normal circumstances, crux relies upon shifting collective consciousness to manifest higher provocation than slavery. Slave response.

Anonymous No. 16060087

>It's like a complete lack of understanding of appropriate sample sizes
The proportion of corruption in science might be higher than you want to believe and your evidence-based approach is a cope.

>in reality most people on the board have probably never even seen one
On the contrary: (woke) left intellectuals are rich kids who are sheltered from the reality / consequences of the policy they support that the working class / so-called right-wing extremists are confronted with every day.

>faulty generalisation is a feminist conspiracy
If you ever tried to have a serious, calm, rational discussion with women then you would know that women's favorite tactic is to pretend that universals don't exist especially the (woke) left women. For such women apples don't exist; only this particular apple and that particular apple with unique qualities that are experienced in unique context-dependent and entirely subjective ways. Outside of math exams normal distributions / bell curves don't exist for a woman in debate.

>It's like the backfire effect
That applies to you too like the entirety of your post. Maybe people have valid reasons / life-experience that created their worldview in a way that seems alien and unscientific to you but helps them navigate their lives better than ivory tower intellectualism.

Finally consider that effort posting is discouraged so all complicated worldviews are reduced to one-sentence memes. I'm a fool for even posting this wall of text.

Anonymous No. 16060097

>universals don't exist
But they don't exist beyond abstractions in our heads to group things with similar enough properties

Anonymous No. 16060101


Anonymous No. 16060149

That's reddit tier ontology, logic and reason. Lurk more. Read /lit/ or stanford encyclopedia of philosophy once in a while.

Anonymous No. 16060249

A mass permaban campaign starting with (you).

Anonymous No. 16060424

I take it you're saying faulty generalisations don't exist. Does exaggerating exist ?

Anonymous No. 16060426

I don't understand what your point is with that picture

Anonymous No. 16060428

>On the contrary: (woke) left intellectuals are rich kids who are sheltered from the reality / consequences of the policy they support that the working class / so-called right-wing extremists are confronted with every day.
this reads like sarcasm but I can't tell

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Anonymous No. 16060432

this, if you don't like 4chan then just go away and it won't be able to bother you anymore

Anonymous No. 16060440

i stopped getting angry at retards and started joking around when i'm in their company

Anonymous No. 16060462

Ban jews, those pieces of shit are retarded AF.