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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16059814

Why does this board seem to hate classical music so much if the average IQ is so high here? You'd think a math prodigy could recognize fairly quickly that the emotional depth of such music is simply sublime.

Anonymous No. 16059841

>classical music... popularized to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky etc. are like Kanye West and Taylor Swift. The less popular music from many centuries ago like medieval dance music is more creative and less machine-like than orchestral music.

Anonymous No. 16059846

>Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky
Anon, if you can't find the transcendent beauty in Symphony no. 6, I don't know what to tell you.

Anonymous No. 16059850

sir, this is a science board

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Anonymous No. 16059866

Metal > classic

Anonymous No. 16059869

I'd listen to classical music if the violins didn't sound so fucking tedious and boring to listen.

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Anonymous No. 16059875

>The less popular music from many centuries ago like medieval dance music
>orchestral music is machine like
What the fuck am i reading?

Anonymous No. 16059887

>transcendent beauty
A beautiful goddess is so admirable that she doesn't arouse libido. Likewise plain clothes and plain instruments are more fun to work with and a working class meal is more satiating than fine dining.

Anonymous No. 16059888

It's not bad, as a violinist myself.

However, the existence of electronic music allows us to produce non-sinusoidal sounds without the use of e.g. bowing techniques so classical music is technologically obsolete.

The modern Bach is writing music software today.

Anonymous No. 16059892

You're reading that Eine Kleine Nachtmusik sounds like practicing scales while Doen Daphne sounds otherworldly.

Anonymous No. 16059901

Do you like cello? I guess violins are quite feminine but I think of cello music like my forefathers calling out to me from the heavens.