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🧵 2+2=4

Anonymous No. 16060008

We have finally conclusively proven that 2+2=4. Why do some people still claim 2+2 can sometimes equal 5?

Anonymous No. 16060077

Isn't it kind of redundant proving something that only contains constant values?

Anonymous No. 16060158


Anonymous No. 16060166


Anonymous No. 16060438

I don't think .999... is a constant though

Anonymous No. 16060623

You think it's a variable?

Anonymous No. 16060650

It's not a variable, but it's not a constant. For example, infinity + 1 = infinity. If it were a constant it would be infinity + 1 = infinity + 1

Anonymous No. 16060653

...for 0.999... that would be 0.999... + 0.0...9 = 0.999...

Anonymous No. 16060671

Infinity+1 doesn't equal infinity. It's undefined. If you're treating infinities as numbers with hyperreals, then infinity+1 does not equal infinity.

0.0...9 isn't anything. You can't do lead zeroes like that If you meant 9ε, then .999...+9ε also does not equal .999...

Anonymous No. 16060709


.999...+ε =/= 1 retard

.999... = 1

Anonymous No. 16060776

Not in all non-standard analysis.

Anonymous No. 16060985

>0.0...9 isn't anything. You can't do lead zeroes like that
says whom?

Anonymous No. 16061007

Says the math gods. I dunno, Aristotle or somebody.

Anonymous No. 16061039

undergrad retard confirmed

Anonymous No. 16061060

>Infinity+1 doesn't equal infinity. It's undefined
I'm pretty sure it is correct. You can't do infinity - infinity though. Just look up "add number to infinity" and you'll find a lot of people saying infinity + 1 = infinity

Anonymous No. 16061081

prove that [math]\pi^{\pi^{\pi^{\pi}}}[/math] isnt an integer.

Anonymous No. 16061979


Anonymous No. 16062504

no, .999...+28ε=1

Anonymous No. 16062508

actually it does .999...=1 in non-standard analysis, for everything that is true in the reals is true in the hyperreals